
1 Zoömusicology bibliography/Hollis Taylor

zoömusicology / la zoömusicologie Armstrong, Edward A. 1973. A Study of . New York: Dover. Baptista, Luis F., and Robin A. Keister. 2005. Why birdsong is sometimes like . Perspectives in and Medicine 48 (3): 426-443. Boswall, Jefferey. 1983. Language of . Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain 55: 249-303. Curtis, H. Sydney, and Hollis Taylor. 2010. "Olivier Messiaen and the Albert's Lyrebird: from Tamborine Mountain to Éclairs sur l'au-delà." In Olivier Messiaen: The Centenary Papers, ed. Judith Crispin. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. 52-79. Demuth, Norman. 1960. Messiaen's early birds. The Musical Times 101 (1412): 627- 629. Dicken, Libby. 2006. Messiaen and birdsong. Wildlife Spring 2006. Doolittle, Emily L. 2006. “Other ’ Counterpoint: An Investigation of the Relationship between Music and .” PhD, Princeton University. Doolittle, Emily. 2008. Crickets in the concert hall: A history of in Western music. Transcultural Music Review 12. Doolittle, Emily L., Bruno Gingras, Dominik M. Endres, and W. Tecumseh Fitch. 2014. Overtone-Based Pitch Selection in Hermit Thrush Song: Unexpected Convergence with Scale Construction in Human Music. PNAS 111, no. 46: 16616-21. Doolittle, Emily, and Bruno Gingras. 2015. . Current Biology 25: R819- R20. Fallon, Robert. 2007. "The Record of Realism in Messiaen’s Bird Style." In Olivier Messiaen: Music, Art, and Literature, eds. C. Dingle and N. Simeone. Aldershot: Ashgate. 115-136. Fitch, W. Tecumseh. 2015. Four Principles of Bio-. Philosophical Transactions B 370 (1664): 1-12. Gardiner, William. 1840. The Music of Nature. London: Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans. Garstang, Walter. 1922/1923. Song of the Birds. Revised and Enlarged, 1923 ed. London: John Lane the Bodley Head. Halafoff, K. C. 1959. Musical analysis of the lyrebird's song. Victorian Naturalist 75: 169-178. Halafoff, K. C. 1968. A survey of birds’ music. Emu 68 (1): 21-40. Hall-Craggs, Joan. 1962. The development of song in the blackbird. Ibis 104 (3): 277- 300. Hall-Craggs, Joan. 1984. "Inter-specific copying by blackbirds," Journal of the Wildlife Sound Recording Society (7). Harley, Maria Ana. 1994. Birds in concert: North American birdsong in Bartok's Piano Concerto No. 3. Tempo 189: 8-16. Hartshorne, Charles. 1953. Musical values in Australian songbirds. Emu 53: 109-128. Hartshorne, Charles. 1958. The relation of bird song to music. Ibis 100: 421-445. 2 Zoömusicology bibliography/Hollis Taylor

Hartshorne, Charles. 1968. The aesthetics of birdsong. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (3): 311-315. Hartshorne, Charles. 1973. Born to Sing: An Interpretation and World Survey of Bird Song. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Hindley, David. 1990. The music of birdsong. Wildlife Sound 6 (4): 25-33. Jellis, Rosemary. 1977. Bird and Their Meaning. Ithaca, New York: Press. Kircher, Athanasius. c. 1650. Musurgia universalis. Mâche, François-Bernard. 1983. La musique au naturel. Interface 12: 199-206. Mâche, François-Bernard. 1983. Musique, mythe, nature, ou les Dauphins d’Arion. Paris: Méridiens Klinksieck. Mâche, François-Bernard. 1986. L’analyse melodique. International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music 17 (2): 259-272. Mâche, François-Bernard. 1992. Music, Myth and Nature. Trans. Susan Delaney. Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers. Mâche, François-Bernard. 1996. "La musique chez les oiseaux." In Comme un oiseau, ed. Catalogue de l'Exposition de la Fondation Cartier. Paris: Gallimard/Electa. 133-152. Mâche, François-Bernard. 1997. Syntagms and paradigms in zoomusicology. Contemporary Music Review 16 (3): 55-78. Mâche, François-Bernard. 1999. "Convergences zoomusicologiques: aperçus sur certains traits musicaux universels chez les êtres vivants." In Méthodes nouvelles, musiques nouvelles : musicologie et création, ed. Márta Grabócz. Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg. 1-10. Mâche, François-Bernard. 2000. "L’homme qui écoute les oiseaux." In Sans les animaux, le monde ne serait pas humain, ed. Karine Lou-Matignon. Paris: Albin Michel. 37-48. Mâche, François-Bernard. 2000. "The necessity of and problems with a universal musicology." In The Origins of Music, eds. N.L. Wallin, B. Merker and S. Brown. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. 473-479. Mâche, François-Bernard. 2000. La musique n'est pas le propre de l'homme. La Recherche Hors-Série No. 4: 76-77. Mâche, François-Bernard. 2001. Musique au Singulier. Paris: Éditions Odile Jacob. Mâche, François-Bernard. 2002. Les oiseaux musiciens. et Avenir 131: 62- 68. Mâche, François-Bernard. 2006. "L’oiseau chez Messiaen et chez moi." In La Cité céleste: Olivier Messiaen zum Gedächtnis, eds. Christine Wassermann Beirão, Thomas Daniel Schlee and Elmar Budde. Berlin: Weidler. 315-330. Martinelli, Dario. 2001. Symptomatology of a semiotic research: methodologies and problems in zoomusicology. Sign Systems Studies 29 (1): 1-12. Martinelli, Dario. 2002. How Musical Is a ?: Towards a Theory of Zoömusicology. Hakapaino: International Institute. Martinelli, Dario. 2008. Introduction (to the issue and to zoomusicology). Transcultural Music Review 12. Martinelli, Dario. 2009. Of Birds, , and Other : An Introduction to Zoomusicology. Scranton: University of Scranton Press. 3 Zoömusicology bibliography/Hollis Taylor

Messiaen, Olivier, and Harriet Watts. 1979. Canyons, colours and birds: an interview with Olivier Messiaen. Tempo 128 (March 1979): 2-8. Messiaen, Olivier. 1994-2002. Traité de Rythme, de Couleur, et d’Ornithologie (1949- 1992). Two vols. Tome V, 1er Volume - Chants d’Oiseaux d’Europe. Paris: Éditions Musicales Alphonse Leduc. Messiaen, Olivier. 1994-2002. Traité de Rythme, de Couleur, et d’Ornithologie (1949- 1992). Two vols. Tome V, 2e Volume - Chants d’Oiseaux Extra-Européens. Paris: Éditions Musicales Alphonse Leduc. Nichols, Roger. 1972. Messiaen's birds. Music & Letters 53 (2): 233-234. Ouellette, Antoine. 2008. Le chant des oyseaulx. Saint-Laurent: Tryptyque. Powers, Alan. 2003. BirdTalk. Berkeley, CA: , Ltd. Rothenberg, David. 2005. Why Birds Sing: A Journey into the Mystery of Bird Song. New York: Basic Books. Rothenberg, David. 2013. Bug Music: How Gave Us and . New York: St. Martin's Press. Rothenberg, David, Tina C. Roeske, Henning U. Voss, Marc Naguib, and Ofer Tchernichovski. 2014. Investigation of Musicality in Birdsong. Research 308: 71-83. Soldier, David. 2002. Eine kleine naughtmusik: how nefarious nonartists cleverly imitate music. Leonardo Music Journal 12: 53-58. Sorce Keller, Marcello. 2012. Zoomusicology and : A Marriage to Celebrate in Heaven. 2012 Yearbook for Traditional Music 44: 166-83. Sotavalta, Olavi. 1956. Analysis of the song patterns of two sprosser nightingales, Luscinia luscinia. Annals of the Finnish Zoological Society "Vanamo" 17 (4): 1- 31. Staal, Frits. 1985. Mantras and bird songs. Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (3): 549-558. Szőke, P., and M. Filip. 1977. The study of intonation structure of bird vocalizations: an inadequate application of sound spectrography. Opuscula Zoologica Budapest XIV (1-2): 127-154. Szőke, Péter. 1963. Ornitomuzikológia. Magyar Tudomany 9: 592-607. Taylor, Hollis, and Dominique Lestel. 2011. The Australian pied butcherbird and the natureculture continuum. Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies 4 (3). Taylor, Hollis. 2008. Decoding the song of the pied butcherbird: An initial survey. Transcultural Music Review (12). Taylor, Hollis. 2008. "Towards a Species Songbook: Illuminating the Vocalisations of the Australian Pied Butcherbird (Cracticus nigrogularis)." PhD. Western Sydney University. Taylor, Hollis. 2009. Olivier Messiaen's transcription of the Albert's lyrebird. AudioWings 12 (1): 2-5. Taylor, Hollis. 2009. Super Tweeter. Art Monthly Australia 225: 16-19. Taylor, Hollis. 2010. Blowin’ in Birdland: Improvisation and the Australian pied butcherbird. Leonardo Music Journal 20: 79-83. Taylor, Hollis. 2011. ’ appropriation of pied butcherbird song: Henry Tate’s ‘undersong of Australia’ comes of age. Journal of Music Research Online. http://www.jmro.org.au/index.php?journal=mca2&page=issue&op=current 4 Zoömusicology bibliography/Hollis Taylor

Taylor, Hollis. 2013. Connecting Interdisciplinary Dots: Songbirds, “White Rats,” and Human Exceptionalism. Social Information 52 (2): 287-306. Wallin, Nils L. 1991. . Stuyvesant NY: Pendragon Press. Wallin, Nils L., Björn Merker, and Steven Brown, eds. 2000. The Origins of Music. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. West, Meredith J., and Andrew P. King. 1990. Mozart's starling. American 78: 106-114.

musicology / la musicologie Blacking, John. 1987. A Commonsense View of All Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cohen, Dalia. 1983. Birdcalls and the rules of Palestrina counterpoint: towards the discovery of universal qualities in vocal expression. Israel Studies in Musicology 3: 96-123. Cook, Nicholas. 1987. A Guide to Musical Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Goehr, Lydia. 1992. The Imaginary Museum of Musical Works: An Essay in the . Oxford: Clarendon Press. Huron, David. 2007. Sweet Anticipation: Music and the Psychology of Expectation. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Lochhead, Judy. 2006. "How does it work?": Challenges to analytic explanation. Spectrum 28 (2): 233-254. McClary, Susan. 2000. Conventional Wisdom: The Content of . Berkeley: University of California Press. Merriam, Alan P. 1964. The Anthropology of Music. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. Meyer, Leonard B. 1973. Explaining Music: Essays and Explorations. Berkeley: University of California Press. Nattiez, Jean-Jacques. 1990. Music and Discourse: Toward a Semiology of Music. Trans. Carolyn Abbate. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Small, Christopher. 1998. Musicking. Hanover: Wesleyan University Press. Snyder, Bob. 2000. Music and . Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

animal , anthropomorphism, and anthropocentrism/ la cognition animale, l’anthropomorphisme, et l’anthropocentrisme Bekoff, M., C. Allen, and G.M. Burghardt, eds. 2002. The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on . Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Carruthers, Peter. 2004. Why the question of might not matter very much. Philosophical Psychology 17: 83-102. Crist, Eileen. 1999. Images of Animals: Anthropomorphism and Animal Mind. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Crist, Eileen. 2006. "Walking on my page": intimacy and insight in Len Howards’ cottage of birds. Social Science Information 45 (2): 179-208. 5 Zoömusicology bibliography/Hollis Taylor de Waal, Frans B. M. 1999. The end of nature versus nurture. Scientific American 281 (6): 94-99. de Waal, Frans B. M. 2009. Darwin’s last laugh. Nature 460: 175. Kaplan, Gisela. 2015. Bird Minds: Cognition and Behaviour of Australian Native Birds. Clayton South: CSIRO Publishing. Skutch, Alexander F. 1996. The Minds of Birds. College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University Press. Steiner, Gary 2005. Anthropocentrism and Its Discontents. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

classic field guides and monographs / des guides ornithologiques classiques et des monographies ornithologiques Andersen, Johannes C. 1926. Bird-song and New Zealand Song Birds. Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs Limited. Bondesen, Poul. 1977. North American Bird Songs - a World of Music. Klampenborg, Denmark: Scandinavian Science Press. Buxton, John. 1950. The Redstart. London: Collins. Cheney, Simeone Pease. 1892. Wood Notes Wild: Notations of Bird Music. Boston: Lee and Shepard. Craig, Wallace. 1943. The Song of the Wood Pewee Myiochanes virens linnaeus: a study of bird music. Vol. 334. Albany, New York: The University of the State of New York. Garstang, Walter. 1922/1923. Song of the Birds. Revised and Enlarged, 1923 ed. London: John Lane the Bodley Head. Howard, Len. 1952. Birds as Individuals. London: Collins. Howard, Len. 1956. Living with Birds. London: Collins. Mathews, F. Schuyler. 1921/1967. Field Book of Wild Birds & Their Music. New York: Dover Publications. Morris, Stanley. 1925. Bird Song: A Manual for Field Naturalists. London: Witherby. Nice, Margaret M. 1964. Studies in the Life History of the Song Sparrow, Vol. 1. New York: Dover Publications. Nice, Margaret M. 1964. Studies in the Life History of the Song Sparrow, Vol. 2. New York: Dover Publications. Saunders, Aretas A. 1951. A Guide to Bird Songs: Descriptions and Diagrams of the Songs and Singing Habits of Land Birds and Selected Species of Shore Birds. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company.

, especially the history and theory of birdsong studies / la zoölogie, en particulier l'histoire et la théorie des études chant d’oiseaux Adret-Hausberger, M. 1989. The species-repertoire of whistled songs in the European starling: species-specific characteristics and variability. 2: 137-162. 6 Zoömusicology bibliography/Hollis Taylor

Ball, Gregory F., and Stewart H. Hulse. 1998. Birdsong. American Psychologist 53 (1): 37-58. Barrington, Dane. 1773-1774. Experiments and observations on the singing of birds. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 63: 249-291. Bibby, Colin J. 2003. Fifty years of Bird Study. Bird Study 50 (3): 194-210. Birkhead, Tim. 2008. The Wisdom of Birds: An Illustrated History of Ornithology. New York: Bloomsbury. Bradbury, Jack W., and Sandra L. Vehrencamp. 1998. Principles of Animal . Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates. Bright, Michael. 1984. . London: British Broadcasting Corporation. Busnel, René-Guy, ed. 1963. Acoustic Behaviour of Animals. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Catchpole, C. K., and P. J. B. Slater. 2008. Bird Song: Biological Themes and Variations. Second ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Collias, Nicholas. 1960. "An Ecological and Functional Classification of Animal Sounds." In Animal Sounds and Communication, eds. W.E. Lanyon and W.N. Tavolga. Washington, D.C.: American Institute of Biological Sciences. 368-391. Craig, Wallace. 1908. The voices of pigeons regarded as a means of social control. The American Journal of Sociology 14 (1): 86-100. Darwin, Charles. 1871. The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. Reprint of the 1871 ed. published by J. Murray, London; 1981 ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Darwin, Charles. 1872/1998. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Paul Ekman, ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Despret, Vinciane. 1996. Naissance d'une théorie éthologique. Le Plessis-Robinson: Les Empêcheurs de Penser en Rond. Dowsett-Lemaire, Françoise. 1979. The imitative range of the song of the marsh warbler Acrocephalus palustris, with special reference to imitations of African birds. Ibis 121: 453-468. Garstang, Walter. 1922/1923. Song of the Birds. 1923 ed. London: John Lane the Bodley Head. Gray, Patricia M., Bernie Krause, Jelle Atema, , Carol Krumhansl, and Luis F. Baptista. 2001. The music of nature and the nature of music. Science 291 (5501): 52-54. Greenewalt, Crawford H. 1968. Bird Song: and Physiology. Book/LP. City of Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press. Griffin, Donald R. 1992. Animal Minds. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Hartshorne, Charles. 1956. The monotony-threshold in singing birds. The Auk 73: 176- 192. Hinde, Robert A., ed. 1969. Bird Vocalizations: Their Relations to Current Problems in Biology and Psychology. Essays Presented to W. H. Thorpe. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge at the University Press. Johnson, Gayle. 2003. “Vocalizations in the grey butcherbird Cracticus torquatus with emphasis on structure in male breeding song: implications for the function and of song from a study of a Southern Hemisphere species.” PhD, Griffith University. 7 Zoömusicology bibliography/Hollis Taylor

Kaplan, Gisela, and Lesley J. Rogers. 2001. Birds: Their Habits and Skills. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin. Kaplan, Gisela. 1999. Song structure and function of mimicry in the Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen): compared to the lyrebird (Menura ssp.). International Journal of 12 (4): 219-241. Kaplan, Gisela. 2004. Australian Magpie: Biology and Behaviour of an Unusual Songbird. Collingwood VIC, Australia. Kaplan, Gisela. 2008. "The Australian magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen): an alternative model for the study of songbird neurobiology." In Neuroscience of Birdsong, eds. H. Philip Zeigler and Peter Marler. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 50-57. Kaplan, Gisela. 2009. Animals and music: Between cultural definitions and sensory evidence. Sign Systems Studies 37 (3/4): 75-101. Krebs, John R. 1977. The significance of song repertoires: the Beau Geste hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 25: 475-478. Kroodsma, Donald E. 2005. The Singing Life of Birds: The Art and Science of Listening to Birdsong. Book and CD ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kroodsma, Donald E., and Bruce E. Byers. 1991. The function(s) of bird song. American Zoologist 31: 318-328. Kroodsma, Donald E., and Edward H. Miller, eds. 1996. Ecology and Evolution of Acoustic Communication in Birds. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Kroodsma, Donald E., Edward H. Miller, and Henri Ouellet, eds. 1982. Acoustic Communication in Birds: Production, Perception, and Design Features of Sounds. Edited by D.M. Rumbaugh. 2 vols. Vol. 1, Communication and Behavior. New York: Academic Press. Kroodsma, Donald E., Edward H. Miller, and Henri Ouellet, eds. 1982. Acoustic Communication in Birds: Song and Its Consequences. Edited by D.M. Rumbaugh. 2 vols. Vol. 2, Communication and Behavior. New York: Academic Press. Lemaire, Françoise. 1974. Le chant de la rousserolle verderolle (Acrocephalus palustris): étendue du répertoire imitatif, construction rythmique et musicalité. Le Gerfaut 64: 3-28. Lemaire, Françoise. 1975. Dialectal variations in the imitative song of the marsh warbler (Acrocephalus palustris) in western and eastern Belgium. Le Gerfaut 65: 95-106. Lemaire, Françoise. 1975. Le chant de la rousserolle verderolle (Acrocephalus palustris): fidélité des imitations et relations avec les espèces imitées et avec les congénères. Le Gerfaut 65: 3-28. Marler, Peter, and Christopher Evans. 1996. Bird calls: just emotional displays or something more? Ibis 138: 26-33. Marler, Peter, and Hans Slabbekoorn, eds. 2004. Nature's Music: The Science of Birdsong. San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press. Marler, Peter, and Roberta Pickert. 1984. Species-universal microstructure in the learned song of the swamp sparrow (Lemospiza georgiana). Animal Behaviour 32 (3): 673-689. Marler, Peter. 1955. Characteristics of some animal calls. Nature 176 (4470): 6-8. 8 Zoömusicology bibliography/Hollis Taylor

Marler, Peter. 1970. A comparative approach to : song development in white-crowned sparrows. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 71 (No. 2, Part 2): 1-25. Marler, Peter. 1981. Birdsong: the acquisition of a learned motor skill. Trends in Neurosciences 4: 88-94. Marler, Peter. 1997. Three models of song learning: evidence from behavior. Journal of Neurobiology 33: 501-516. Peretz, Isabelle. 2006. The nature of music from a biological perspective. Cognition 100 (1): 1-32. Podos, Jeffrey, Susan K. Huber, and Benjamin Taft. 2004. Bird song: the interface of evolution and mechanism. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 35: 55-87. Rogers, Lesley J. 1997. Minds of Their Own: Thinking and Awareness in Animals. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. Rogers, Lesley J., and Gisela Kaplan. 2000. Songs, Roars, and Rituals: Communication in Birds, , and Other Animals. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Rothenberg, David. 2014. Interview with Peter Marler: Bird Song at the Edge of Music and Science: A Conversation between David Rothenberg and Peter Marler. Terrain. Scharff, Constance, and Jana Petri. 2011. Evo-Devo, Deep Homology and Foxp2: Implications for the Evolution of Speech and Language. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366: 2124-40. Slater, P.J.B. 2002. Fifty years of bird song research: a case study in animal behaviour. Animal Behaviour 65: 633-639. Stap, Don. 2005. Birdsong. New York: Scribner. Thorpe, W.H. 1954. The process of song-learning in the chaffinch as studied by means of the sound spectrograph. Nature 173: 465-9. Thorpe, W.H. 1958. Further studies on the process of song learning in the chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs gengleri). Nature 182: 554-557. Thorpe, W.H. 1958. The learning of song patterns by birds, with especial reference to the song of the chaffinch Fringilla coelebs. Ibis 100: 535-570. Thorpe, W.H. 1961. Bird-song: The Biology of Vocal Communication and Expression in Birds. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge at the University Press. Thorpe, W.H., and B.I. Lade. 1961. The songs of some families of the passeriformes. I. Introduction: The analysis of bird songs and their expression in graphic notation. Ibis 103a: 231-245. Todt, Dietmar, and Henrike Hultsch. 1998. How songbirds deal with large amounts of serial information: retrieval rules suggest a hierarchical song memory. Biological Cybernetics 79: 487-500. Wilson, Edward O. 1984. Biophilia. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Witchell, Charles A. 1896. The Evolution of Bird-Song with Observations on the Influence of Heredity and Imitation. London: Adam and Charles Black. Zeigler, H. Philip, and Peter Marler, eds. 2004. Behavioral Neurobiology of Birdsong. Vol. 1016. : Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 9 Zoömusicology bibliography/Hollis Taylor

Zeigler, H. Philip, and Peter Marler, eds. 2008. Neuroscience of Birdsong. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

whale song/des chants de baleines Eriksen, Nina, Lee A. Miller, Jakob Tougaard, and David A. Helweg. 2005. Cultural change in the songs of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) from Tonga. Behaviour 142 (3): 305-328. Fields, R. Douglas. 2010. "Are whales smarter than we are?". http://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/post.cfm?id=are-whales-smarter-than- we-are (12 March 2010 2010). Noad, Michael J., Douglas H. Cato, M.M. Bryden, Micheline-N. Jenner, and K. Curt S. Jenner. 2000. Cultural revolution in whale songs. Nature 408: 537. Nollman, Jim. 1999. The Charged Border: Where Whales and Meet. New York: Henry Holt and Company. Payne, Roger S., and Scott McVay. 1971. Songs of humpback whales. Science 173 (3997): 585-597. Payne, Roger. 1995. Among Whales. New York: Scribner. Rendell, Luke, and Hal Whitehead. 2001. Culture in whales and dolphins. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2): 309-382. Rothenberg, David. 2008. Thousand Mile Song: Whale Music in a Sea of Sound. New York: Basic Books.

ethnomusicology / l’ethnomusicologie Becker, Judith. 1986. Is Western art music superior? The Musical Quarterly 72 (3): 341-359. Blacking, John. 1977. Can musical universals be heard? The World of Music: Quarterly Journal of the International Institute for Comparative Music Studies and Documentation 19 (1/2): 14-22. Blacking, John. 1987. A Commonsense View of All Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Blacking, John. 1995. How Musical Is Man? Seattle: University of Washington Press. Blacking, John. 1995. Music, Culture, & Experience. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Gourlay, K. A. 1978. Towards a reassessment of the ethnomusicologist's role in research. Ethnomusicology 22 (1): 1-35. List, George. 1963. The musical significance of transcription (comments on Hood, "Musical significance"). Ethnomusicology 7 (3, Tenth Anniversary Issue): 193- 197. List, George. 1971. On the non-universality of musical perspectives. Ethnomusicology 15 (3): 399-402. List, George. 1974. The reliability of transcription. Ethnomusicology 18 (3): 353-377. List, George. 1979. Ethnomusicology: a discipline defined. Ethnomusicology 23 (1): 1- 4. 10 Zoömusicology bibliography/Hollis Taylor

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