LOIS HENRY: The Kern Grand Jury swings--and misses badly ... http://www.bakersfieldcalifornian.com/politics/local/x693... Saturday, Jul 13 2013 10:30 PM By LOIS HENRY, Californian columnist
[email protected] I was absolutely floored by two recent Kern County grand jury reports. Not because the content was shocking or illuminating in any way. RELATED INFO What floored me was how utterly lame they were. Grand jury reports One report was so bad, that it may be legally actionable, in my view. Go to this website: http://www.co.kern.ca.us/grandjury/early_releases/ First, was a report issued May 15 on the death of logger Bill Bennett in Tehachapi back in 2011. (See Under "Ad-hoc Committee:" North of the River Municipal Water District & Oildale accompanying article.) Mutual Water Co., release date: June 17, 2013. Under "Health, Education and Social Services Second, and even worse was a report issued June 17 delving into the decades long water fight Committee:" Kern County Emergency Medical Services, KCSO between North of the River Municipal Water District, known as NOR, and Oildale Mutual Water and KCFD, release date: May 15, 2013. Company. Logger death Both reports contain misleading information, outright errors and are one-sided in the extreme. But I mentioned the grand jury's "effort" at investigating the rescue attempt of logger Bill Bennett in a June 2 the Oildale water report may actually have crossed the line into libel. column. That story chonicled how Bennett's brother-in-law, The new grand jury, seated last month, needs to revoke the reports and either redo them properly retired Kern County Fire Department Batallion Chief John Hayes, has been stonewalled in his efforts to or just can 'em entirely.