The Ninety-Seventh Commencement Asbury Theological Seminary
The Ninety-Seventh Commencement asbury theological seminary Saturday, November 14, 2020 THE NINETY-SEVENTH COMMEncEMENT NOVEMBER 14, 2020 ASBURY THEOLOGIcaL SEMInaRY THE PRESIDENT’S CABINET President TIMOTHY C. TENNENT, PH.D. Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs DOUGLAS K. MattHEWS, PH.D. Associate Provost and Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Services KEVIN BISH, M.ED. Vice President of Advancement JAY E. MANSUR, C.F.S. Vice President of Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer BRYAN P. BLANKENSHIP, M.B.A. Vice President of Formation DOnna COVINGTON, M.A.C.L. Vice President of Seedbed JOHN DAVID WALT, J.D. Associate Vice President of the Florida Dunnam Campus R. STEPHEN GOBER, D.MIN. Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management and Operations of the Florida Dunnam Campus ERIC CURRIE, M.DIV. AcaDEMIC OFFICERS Associate Provost Dean of Advanced Research Programs CHRIstINE L. JOHNSON, PH.D. LALsanGKIMA PacHUAU, PH.D. Dean of the Beeson School of Practical Theology Dean of the School of Theology and Formation THOMAS F. TUMBLIN, PH.D. JAMES R. THOBABEN, PH.D. Associate Provost and Dean of the Assistant Provost of Institutional Evaluation, Orlando School of Ministry Assessment and Academic Administration BRIAN D. RUSSELL, PH.D. S. BRIAN YEICH, PH.D. Dean of the School of Biblical Interpretation Dean of Library, Information, DAVID R. BAUER, PH.D. and Technology Services PAUL A. TIPPEY, PH.D. Dean of the E. Stanley Jones School of World Mission and Evangelism GREGG A. OKESSON, PH.D. THE NINETY-SEVENTH COMMEncEMENT Saturday, The Fourteenth of November Two Thousand Twenty Eleven o’clock in the morning PRESIDENT TIMOTHY C.
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