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THE MEDAL OF HO~OR, ARMI•NAVY RJ_ '-/~5 J.tYl3~ c~py J J .. ..• ., .. , ~- ~ ' ' . .,. .. ~ 1:· , , • This Copy of THE' MEDAL OF HONOR BROCHURE ..... is presented .. .... To .. I I .. \ , ,,. ~·' THE MEDAL OF HONOR ... - .. · ~ I . ~~~Army -~ NI)YJ • i . , Soldiers, Sailors and AfatiJJes South Carolina 'I. Reference-Official Publications of The Deparbnent of the Army and Navy, 1948 .. Compiled from the records of the Adjutant Gencrars Office by Major Gen. ]ames C. Dozier, The Adjutant General , , . --- .• ... ,,. ~·• •J l .,., PROLOGUE ~, ... I • .. i -- Incarnate in the Stars and Stripes are the ideals, aspirations and prin- ciples of a free-minded people. When the Star Spangled Banner was first flown at the head of the Continental Army, General George Washington I said: "We take "the stars from Heaven, the red from our mother country_. separating it by white stripes. thus showing that we have separated from_ her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing libe.~:ty " As with a precious gem, the facets of liberty cannot be brought to their greatest brilliance without friction. Neither can the character of a man 'or•2r nation be rounded to usefulness and charity without the tempering process of trial. Our iH:riiage from the Wars ior Independence is not a stat1c treeaom. That heritage is the privilege to work for freedom-the daily opportunity to deserve it. The struggle to create and pass on this birthright is symbolized in the Medal of Honor. Inherent in this honored medal or the wonder of America, the assurance of her proper destiny and the promise of her mag nanimity to the weak or the conquered.
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