J ·Yout~ Rally Begins Today The Spectator· Vol. 49 McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, March. 12, 1966 • The second youth rnlly to be eraUon lo Generation." h•kl on Mocollege cnmpus wllh­ From 9:30 to 11:00 an Inform. in two weeks begins todny. The Large Turnout Expected al dancc will be hcld la the rally, for high 'scliool llrcthren 1 Student Union • •ltb a musical youth from Missouri, l o w a, gniup from Konsu Clly pro,-Jd­ At Mac Boo~ter B~nquet Minnesota. and North Dnkota, lag the music. has the themc/"Thith Really Friday, March 26 is the dato will be carried on by mail: tho.e Works." On Sunday morning from 8:30 set for McPherson O>llege's nn­ who do not respond by mall will Rcglstralloa begins al 4: 00 to 9:30 the closing worship ser­ nunl Booster Banquet. 'i\n c!­ receive a courtesy coll after this alttrnooa. Al 6:45 lhe ln­ vices will be held wilh Prof­ fort ls being made to invite April 15," Mr. Yingst said. troducUoa and welcome '1'111 be fcssor ·lrvcn Stem In charge. the lotol supporting constituen­ ''TradiUonn!Jy lhc Booster Ban­ gh•cn. Following al 7:00 lhc Ma­ A youth group will 1>rcscnt the se.r\lice. cy or the McPherson commun­ quet Is the college's wny or say­ colicgc Sludenl Couacll ls •PG•· ity," said Mr. Kenneth Ylnst ing lhank you to the many so coUrre ring a tattnt program. director or dc\'elopmenL friends who keep McPherson From 8:45 lo 10:00 Dr. Doris Guests wllt ha\'e their choice College a Jivinl: presence in the Coppock, "ith !he assistMcc ol Coming. of belllf ierTed bdweea the city of McPherson." scl'cral college student., w i 11 houn 5:301:30 or 7: IS-3:00. In Fridoy, Mareh 12 - You th The first booster bonqucl was le:id recreation in the college order lo accommodate the Jug. raUy begins on campus. Movie held in the McPherson Com­ gym. At 10:00 closing devotions csl possible number 'If people "War and Peace'', 8 p.m., Brown munity Building In J.931. The will be given by J erry Persons !he bonqcl will be serl'ed bullet AudJtorlum. speaker for the occJslon wns !\Ir. mKI Wendel Kuhlmnn, members style. "The Cllleleria wlll be • Saturday, March 13 - Youth Hnrry Woodring, governor of • of the Fellowship of Christion open at 4:30." said Ross Wood· the state or Kansns. Dae lo Faculty recelvl~I' service plaa IHm left lo rt.1111: Mr. Athletes. rally coaUaucs. Skating Party, ard, Slat.c.r Food Diredor. uwc mttt in front or Dob.our at blizzard conditions, he was forc­ Guy H•1c1, Dr. Doril Coppeck, and Mr. P•Ul Waroner. ~lurday's acilvlties: begin at uri:e students lo eal early la 6:15 p.m. ed to commute to McPherson with mOl'Dln.c del'ollonr. Al order lo accommodate all the ''00 Tuesday, Mareh 16 - Lab­ In a caboose - the only trans­ 9: IS Dr. WIU'De Miller wlll sp<0k conununUy ~le. Tbe same portation availnblc thnt dll)'. oratory Theater, "8 a Icon y on ''Theology of Faith." Al 10:00 bullet mcot -will be served lo Other banqncts I Scene 7 BroM'll AudJ. n Jhe past a 1pc«b conlesl will be held ", p.ru., the slud,nts.0 torium. have been Jess eventful, but Three Receive on lhc loPlo "Faflh la A Chang, have included such speakers as Friday, March 19 - Sludeal The menu will Include bnr­ Ing CrcaUoa" "Mith severAI or ecued shish knbobs, lobst l ru.-pcctor L. Pennington, Recital, Brown Auditorium, er New­ n. the college faculty as Judges. 7:30 p.m. burg, hnm, hot banana bread, F .B.I., Washington, D. C. in f'rom 11:00 lo J.!:00 llJ)Otl group and dc"il's rood layer cake. J!H2; John P . Price, British con­ Safurday, March ZO - Ger· dlscuuloas will be held lo dis­ Prestdcnl BIU!ager a.nd Cham· sul at Kansas City Jn 1.944: and Service Pins man Costume Carnlnl, ba,se.. cuss lhe ~es la lhe con~st. Dr. F. L. Schlagle, Kansas City meat of Arnold ball. her of Commerce Presldeal Guy Hays, director admis- Clare ~Wier will• preseal ro­ Superintendent ol Schools Md Three members of the Mc. during the course of lhc pro­ sions, "ill be coordinator or the ports ln Brown Auditorium at President or NaUonnl Education Pherson College F aculty were gram by Ptolessor S. Milton afternoon's program starting al Association in J!>IG. awnrded service pins nt the Jirn Will Intcrvi w &:•s p.m. As aa added altrac. Dell and President D. W. Bit· 2:00 p.m. Gymnastic dcmonslra· tloa, tho Tumau Opua Playt.n annual foculty-trustec dinner, linger. lions will bC gh1cn by several Students l\fnrclt is wUI present the fourth Cullurat Convocations Calender March 4. college students. There will then A rcprcscntotivc of the Food Recoplzed were Dr. D o r I 1 Serie. program for th.ls year. Tuesday , Morch tG- Bethany be presentations gil'en by the Coppock, auociale proleuor and Drug Administration, Ray· Those not holding Uckels ma7 CollCllC Exchange Chapel. a.ad Church Events foculty on various acndemlc as­ cllreclor ot pbnlcal educatloD mond J . J ira, wm be inten·fow­ purchase lbcm at tbe ·door. Friday, March 19 - il•omen's pccts or McPherson College. for womai, aad Mr. c..,. U.,es, iog interested students ~lllrch ''This year's booster CMVas Council Assembly. MOl'1liat Wonblp f'otto.-Jag lhls program, the 15 a l 10:00 n.m. " He will be Dlreclor of ~. b o I b (10:05 LDl.) students may \•lsU vorious pro. speaking la classes who core with !~year plllll.. Mr. P a u I March 14: "llow lo Become rcsson and "1.belr dcp:1rtmcnt1, to use him," Dr. Dayton Roth­ W1goaer, Dlttclor of Publlc Ro. n chrlstian" • or enjoy recreation in the gym, rock, professor of cducnUon nnd 34 Positions Open When Jalloa5, received a 10.year pbo. Pnstqr Bo m · berger A bnnquct will be held 'at psychology snld. Dr. Coppoclr;, l\'00 WU Oii Nb­ 7:00 p.m. Dr. D. W. Bittinger Mr. Jim is quaUfled to give Studeni Elections Begin baticnl tenve Inst year lo ac· March 21: "Solid or Veneer?" will Introduce and present the an informative talk on the Food quire o Ph.D. nt the SU.to Uni·' c.cll L. Hayoock, Mlnlstcr of · rommentary versity of Iowa, look her A.B. Education on the mm shown Md Drug Administration Md March 24 has been the date members. The first Jwo arc stu­ al McPherson College. She went at this time CDtiUed " From Gen- how it protects !he consumer. set ror the student elections. dent commitlces or the Student March 28: "How to Bocome on lo the University of Iowa There ore 16 student Council Council. n Belter Christlan" • Pastor and r~ved her M.A. degree, olficcs, 13 Student Court of­ Campaigning will begin at Bomberger Macotleie alumnus Gill' Hay· fices, and five openings ror sunrise, Thursday, March 18, Evening Wonblp cheerleaders up for election. and will end nt 5:00 p.m, Wed­ es conllaued his educlllon 1t Brass Quartet Will Colorado Agricultural and Me. (7:30 p.m.) When elected, next year's Stu­ nesday, March 24. dent Council will be in charge The polls will be open from chanlcal Colle(e, Tbere lie ...,. March 14: Program by those or making sclccUons for lhc 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m . on the cch·ed a Muter of Arts de.,..,., who allended Youth Seminar \'Orious committees for n c x t 24th. Voting will lake place in Poul Wngoner was the rcclp. In Washington, D. C., and New Tour .March 14-21 icnt· of an A.B. degree from York City: Donald Olson, Flor· year: Sociiil Commiltee, Foods lhc Student Conference room in Committee. Student Un I o n the Student Union. McPherson College and went on nlyn Groff, ' and Ced! Haycock. Beroc;t leaving on t our March omorc, Garlic d, who ploys the llonrd. Chapel Committee, ond II a run-off election is needed, to Bethany Theological Scml­ March 21: Program,by A Cap. nary, where he look his D.D. H the Macollege brass quartet trumpet The tour will perform • lhc Cultural Series Program it will be held on Thursday, • ~eUa Choir, Donald R. Fred· will make appearances in the in' churches in Kansns, Ncbias· Committee. These Jasl three nro March 25. However, there will The awards were presented crick, Director. McPherson nren. The qunrlet ka, and Colorado. nctunlly fnculty commillccs be no rormnl cnm1ml~ning niter hos olrcndy nppenrcd during the Performances wlU be gi\fcn .which just have a few student 5:00 p.m., Morch 24. I Marollcge Chapel program and in the Buckeye CJ1urch, Na\'ar· has been requested to appear re; Maple Grove Church, Nor­ for other functions. catur; Quinter Church, Quint­ De Coursey Accepts ~faking the tour \\i ll be Larry er; South Beatrice Church, Blair, senior. Kans:is City, Mo., Helmsl'ille, Neb.: Bethel Church, Mac Trustees 11ho plays the trumpet: Larry Charleton, Neb.: Enders Church, ~ i tiel. senior, Omaha, Neb .. on EndcrS, Neb.: Haxtun Church. .---Grant To Pakistan the trombone· Da\!id Weimer. Haxtun, Colo.; nnd the Bethel j unior, Hn."< tub, Colo., on Ute Church. Arriba. Colo. The tour Dr. Wesley DcCoursey, p rores. to rclum by ship and visit num• lrench horn; and llob Fox, soph· will end Morch 21 . Hold Meetings sor of chemistry nt McPherson c;rous countries in tho process. Collci;c, wlll spend ncxl ycarlOn Karadll ls Ille capilol ot Wes& sabbatical lcn.-e teaching and Paldllaa aacl II localeD4eted lo' meet widertakea b7 the leleded com· · tench thD chcmJstry counts and lo ~ and lo vlsll her. This expanding Deeds at the COUete. mlttee of lbe lcusleOI for lhe ass>Jme the duties or head or the wish ls at least JlllrtlnUy being This lneludtd particularly ad· aecuring 1 presldeullal ot suc­ Chemistry Department. fullilled, since he will be close dltloaal faculty la · 11ie field 'of eeuor lo Dr. BIJUafer, to India and will have an op­ athletics, . phy1lcs, ladullrl•t The exploration of a variety Dr. DeCouney and his family portunity lo teach In a foreign Arlt. ecc>f!Omlcs apd buslnes, •d· of avenues for further cooper· will leave McPberloa la Au· country. Take two tnampet., one trench born, and~ ba.11 trombone; ml.a.lstratjoa, and ot.ber poulblc nUon among the collc8es or the gust for Paklst.u. Before be Dr. OCCourscy_ will lecture In ad,d wceki: Of ..pracUce aftd ont: week of becUo tl'avellaC" and art••· area were authorized and en­ lenes. Dr. DeCoalR7 will speed EngliJh, since this ls Jho Rllli· p1a,.1n,., a.Del die total comes out one~au Quartet depataUon It was provided lhal steps lie couraged. a week la Waalafloa, D. C., olfidal laJiguaie med In Pakl· tour. Addfac the m ost u enUal iD&'l'edleat of pracUce ls taken lo secure addlUona! dor­ Further ~lmcntaUon In al aa orlallailGD lraiaJDf ltl­ lt4n's schools. I.I Is alto 1-1 Bob Fox. 1opbomore, Garfield; Larl'J' f!l•lr: senior, A-le· mitory spocc when enrollments the dlrecllon of currlcul:lr chang­ sloa. that !he DeCowsey dilldtto will Pherson: Dave Weimer, JunJor, ua·xtu.n, Colorado: and require such space. · es and strengthening were lik.,. The DeCourseys will probably be able lo allend an EnalJsb Laf1'7 Kltsel, 1enJor, Omaha, Neb, Fw1.ber 1leP1 were autborlle4 wiic, discussed and authorized. fly_ to Karacbl, but arc hoplnJI speaking achoo! la KarlChl, • The Spectator, Paire 2

The letter to the edJtor •P arlnr In 'lu:l week's Speahtor bearinc- the nlft!t, Lee Miller, was not .WrtUe.n by Lee. 'bul ,...., sub'mU~ by 1ornc•e faldfylns hl1 nam~ Civil Rights J>rojeet Uefended • - 1· ' J k Senral Macollege atudenb have exp~essed in-· sing the ~pinion that the project was both ~nneces- e ,terest in participating in a ci~il righ~ pr~~ecl:, pro- sary and harnlful. This editorial is beirig wri ten as P ...actlca 0 bably ,voter registralion, over Easter vacation. Last a defense of the civil rights project: • · week a letter was written to. the Spectator ex pres- · . ·, · · · F ' · The writer of the letter atated that the Southern ·No' t. .· . .unny The Commentator • I • situation- would change on i\B own because of three basic reasons.

The Spec~too:...exteada an apolon to Lee for ' "If The ·Shoe Fits ..•" Th~ first reaaon WU time: .. ... the Negro has t he embarrl)8S~ent caused him. The paper is at · more freedom now tJ1an in the reconstruction." Un. fault for not checking with him prior to print ing By, c. 1.. Dlldlsman one ,who . ·~ ,in Uiis. type of doubtedly he has more freedom no~-giv e him t he letter. ' • ;Vere you able to see the theater. · . a bout four more centuries, and · he might even be • L. L-- • d h Id pin>· which wns presented last .Y•I t~ me 111ttt. ·~~ anls · able to eat in a decent restaurant- without a riot. However, checlnnr ..... not ...... n, an 8 OU w.eek on the stnae in Brown lnterfllla(' 1111emma ww•n 0 not be necessary. On 'a campus of supposedly intel- Audiwrium _"Visit ID ·a Small not tta«llJ' appattDt. Eve People, unfortunately, do die,.an9 the example ligeiit college students{ one would not expect some- Pl t" • ni· ti was uioalb Ibis IJPt at adlllf de- one . IS presen1 a on njaodJ ~ most ,,...,, ,th• P,el'- of the small progres.~ made over the last centuri is one to pull· such an "un-funny" practical joke. ' received by over GOO poop.le who oon Portraying a . c:ertaln char- hardlv comforting 'to the Negro V.•ho would like to Thia· Joke wai. 10 ''un-funny0 that it not only rnn . lhe gamut of human cmcr ~cler. and even though It taktt ~ave ~ome rights ip his lifetime. . . 1 lions from hysterlcnl lalightcr •' lalealed .,.rsoa lo w able to brought personal injury and embarraS11ment to t 1e to n slight mist Jn the eye{!. do '°• there .,. a large nomber The 'second factor mentioned was the Negro's victim, but it could have brought a libel suit against' One 01 the most Interesting or slndtats on oar cuitpus who awareness of, and dissatisfaction with, his pos ition. the paper and ag!linst .the pranksters. ' 1ac1on or this proda,dto.: waa act tbtlr ealtre Hves. or at least Sucli dra•tic a'ction, f~rtunately, will not come Ille use of Ille tbealer la Ille ~ public llYes, "In the """"' This is one of the main purpose• of the voter 1111 in this case, but it would lie well for the joker, or iumd, Ille ....,... 11tea1er. "' ll>ealet". registration civil rights project--that of informing • ·such a slage as IJ med In Ille They are 1>0rtraying n chnr- the Negro just what his rights are and helping him jokers, to stop a nd consider the consequences before arena !healer, u... aclor 1s laced nctcr or a certain front tllat tliey RU!l anQtber jo.ke· . wlll> Ille situation of octlng lo ttey think Is the type of person see what his position is, as compared to what ii -le, $]lould bl!. • P_erhap• the~ .lihould atop and consider just h ow four dlsllnc~ and :vet· who is everything to everybody. unlled ·aucllenccs whk:b llUm>IUld Granted, there are tllosc who they would feel if'they were in Lee's shoes. hJm. on Ille roar aides. work hnrd for others. sometimes The third point was concerned with the min­ Pr&ctical joke•, which may seem hilariously Because the action Is so close to a point where they are trying ority of southern whites dedicated to raising the funny wh·en played on someone else, take on· an lo the audisatire on medcnl life, de­ Since the ploy's orat.ory was studcntS, nnd perhaps foculty southern whites how wrong they a re, things could the years, but never one as en­ picting in nctunlity the thoughts. as modern as its plot, some 0nal No one expects to go to the South over Easter from outer space. Tbia was Menlo Penatr'1 ftrsl confidcoce If we insist upon vacation and solve all the problems, or even make a appearance in a_ major MCPber­ wcorlng n Krelon smile nnd try­ A refreshing. modern ap. Ills style wu of lnnoctnt om- son College producUon, and also Jng to make people bellcvo thnt dent; but, a few contacts can be made and this is proach to the space lljle which lahwty and happiness\ In his Arthur Ulbricht'• (General Tom we nrc something tllat we really a start. replaced supersonic fcnr with bobb1, which was people. earth Powers). ' aren't. Jf this campus were de­ captivating comCdy was the pro- Krrtoo'• laaoceat, inferior au· leted of all such people there The federal government ha• tried en inaue fessional type presentation of perlorlly led him lo a crlllc•I Another of the new performers in the producUon was the father wouldn't be enough people to action, which has certainly not solved the problems. :·Visit To A Small PinnCl'SODnel was delightful. que5Uon1• ln the manner. com· fc.w minutes or hours trying lo education gained by the students going. General Powers was convlncing lDOD to inten•ltWtrl aGd: e&• detcrll/lne just who we nre. Per­ as he tried lo deal witll the maniacs. haps we should spend a few Maybe this sound• like a one-•ided motive, yet years, trying t~ determine Just age 3 . . ~ ,;, :_·::Spectlito~. ... '.; _;i _;( l' .. .T~ack : Squ~d Sport News . . By Wend•D Ku¥mai:i G9 per ceni, Ill~ 1n· the ..... lndlvldual KCAC sllllil>11cs for lcrcnce. . 1 · ork 1964~ show McPherson College • C ol E grabbed o,llllOlt 60 - Be~ns \V with three men• hi the' top ten Clelll 'el 'lhe lai ~ llMilr In individual scoring. II a .rl on •-es lh!s ..,._, I -~ ~ '!11c rclum o! wann wcallw>r McPherson. Three moots arc Enke finished fLfth with an av. bdter lhu the SwedH tram haS brought the ri?t11rn•ol spring scheduled for lhc )fcPhcrson crage of 18.7 .PQlnta pc• game, Bellwl1 wbo lllllshed .....U. £POrls.' especially track a n d oval. Gc0rge Czl\pUn~ ' sevepll) with Bethany led In field 11oail ;"°' field. 1'hc schl'<;, !or a.-erage ol DUtly ts pohlla - Bethel Ccllcgc topped Ille ~ tbt coming season. . . April I - Triangular CSlcr. game, bul ,he llla¥ed oDl,J '!"riDI lenae by giving only 80.6 polnb ling, llclhcl, nnd McPherson I 1 Al the present. lime five lei· the second ~ so tllb av. per game to tholr owane.nta, 1ermen have checked ouf equip· April G - Dual mcct al !Jeth· erage b lor oa)¥ nble fames. , McPherson finished third In team any Leader for the entire season defense, holding their JTK'nl ond started · practicing. opplm. The returning Jetter winners arc · April 8-Dodgc Cily Relays · was John Darrow '!f Bethan7 cnts to 67.1 points. ,\ pril S-Emporia Relays College with a 22 poi!),! &\'eragC. led by Gary Coleman. who holds April 19-0tlawa Rela ys Next .came Harvey Dani~. of lhc school record Cor the pole .~pril 23-Soulhweslern Relays Three returnmr MacoUcre lettermen ret ready to pace llctbany with 19.8 and T o,n y Women's Council Will rnult nl 13'6 .., and John Chance, April 29-Dual meet wilh 1'n· this Year, track squad durlnr an aUeruoon pracUce session. Verdi ol Ottawa with. Ip., Sponsor Talent Show · who last year set the school 1 bor Lert to rliht: L1nn W1rfter, Junior, Unloo, Ohio: Tom Worth· r«"Ord or 50.t seconds In lhe lllgb In Itek! ~ ~c.· The Women's Council Is spon­ May I-Dual meet al llclhany 1.nl', sophomore, Wamero: and John Treadwell, scnJor, ~ yord run. was Levin hom C ol E wllb soring a talent show in assem· May 5 - Quadrangular meet Younptown, Ohio. .538. Nut came Spata f r ci m bly, Friday, M~h 19. Olbt:r men who bave earned at Sterling _ Frlallll with .w. r.brtJa b..m Any students wishing to l•ll•n are Lyuo Warotr, John Kaosas Wtlleyaa wtlb '.m, and par­ Trtodwcll, and Tom Worthing. n :i':;~ 1 - Doan College Night- Social tlclpale in the show should slsn Comm. Sponsors Peebler lnlm C of E wilb .SIC. lhc list provided on the Student The first track moot will be Moy 10 - Triangula r tKWU, Gary Gibb, C ol E, !Od the Union Bulletin board. 3 qundrnnguJar meet nt Newlon C. o( E .. and McPherson> free ,throwers with 85.4 per cenl on March 25. Bethel College May 14-15 - Conference Meel Table Tennis Tom·nament accuracy. He waa followed by •ill host Bethany, Fric-nds, and al Baker Daaicls with M:2 per cent and Approximately 45 athletic Iii March U, lhe open ehallengo Don Sbarbutt with 82.5 per cent. minded Macollege s~udents are system wlll prevail. This means ' Georug Store ' On the Communl1t ·side, sounds that can be hunt from wilh 652 and the Hawaiians with stretch, stretch, bend. Surely Ccmmittce. there is little lreedom. the th!NI noor loua(e at 10:10 642. There i• Im truth. p.m. t \'ClY week night. there's nn easier way." In Tuesdll)l's bowling acUon, And yet the truth d4a a downed the Apostles 3-0, Big "Joy 'House" · hind the Imo Curtain. ' Red nosed J>811 the Big <>nu Radio Fr­ str

, 'McPHERSON!S . McPm;RSON BUSINESS ' ·" •.. Finest ·MAGIDNES ·~air Stylisti:, YolJI' ):\eadqu'a'rtera For~ Royal 'fYpewriters UeanMart . ·.smith ·Corona Portables - Yp, ,Th~t's The Plice To · Victor Addiiig Machines (fet :rrh• New M1dr11 : Be~u!y Salon · "Ever,yUilna Foi 'l'he !;)Wee , '· . But 'lbe SecJ:ejal'l'" . 1 A"30 Sport Shirts & J~"tl 207'5.Main CHt~ 109 E. Kanau... CH ....., . " Jjie Spectator, ;pa~e I ;if te ·:wnvention·­ Cars Located In Kansas .~::/~. Rivera Knows Eife To Be· Held March 26-27 Must Have Assessment The Kansai Stile Property part of the school tenn. they The KSTA convention in Pitts­ Teacher EducaUon Prolesslonal Valuation Department bas made should be .assessed there burs, Kansas, will be bcld Fri· Standards CammlssloD wl1I be Jn· Castro~ the lealured the following statement concern­ Tbe - nle womd •PPl1 .. Cuba day and Saturday, March 26-27, speaker at the con­ ing assessment of aulom-~ the all Uie commerce, 111cla u 1u· · The purpose of the Joint mcel· present pcnonatl are campua Spcelator, a full year la SCn'td mission price !or this movie will Castro realme seized othe Car· pr, beck lo Ruula." ing Is to excbanie ldens and cdllor ud uslllaol buslnesll as anlsWt bul!Deu monagtr, rlbbean Island: be 50c and .It will start nt 7 p.m. become acquainted 'with followed , It Is not uncommon fur other muager of the Spectator, and by aaotbtt, 11111 yur homes Thia movie takes pince during local SNEA chapters. WlllT ud bis older -.r to be conllscaled !or no reason. Approxi· associate editor and assislaol as ...._ •ID&IUICtt· Durini the 19th century, and Is mately 25 Mac lbe MCODCI year ,.....,... lo Ille U.lllled Staleo "Alter we Jell," said WIJJ.y, con­ SNEA members basloess maoager ol the Quad· II II pomible to ' cerned with Napoleno's dealings are to attmd the program. eani llrS; llio fomill' came a :rur "e\'al-thina: we owned was coo. rang!•. $300 lo salary and !Joo. wltlt Russia. Personal stories. McPherson SNEA wilt pay lalor. Wlll1 relaled Ille dner flscated." U a person wana to Applications uses. love affairs and philosophical one-bait the cost ol the dinner should be made *tr1 of - Ida fallltt, a mecl­ leave CUba, be must tell the to the Bon.rd The associate quests are woven throughout and lransportaUon: It will cost or Publications, editor or tho lall Mtor; maaaied lo lea•• authorities three months lo nd· and thla epic story or Russian life. each particlpating member should Include the appli· Quodrnnglc also hos a full year Cllba. vancc: Jt depends on their whim Tac. cant's bnckground in publi· job, followed by 'another year Tiiey reported to Cuban au· at the mommt whether one wUI cations work, and any expc.r· as edltor-ln-chlcl. The editor­ thoritlea tlull WIUy was serious­ be allowed to leave. Upon lcav· icncc he has hod . which might Ing ~ommunity-Campus lY Ill and wanted his father to the country, they confiscate help in this type of work. Jn-cblcl can make a total or perlorm the needed operation. all the property. $200 in salnry and bonuses. (CooUnued from Pan T'wo) and conversing with the lnmily Appllcallons wlU not be ac­ 111e autborlUes, therefore, re­ WUl,y dlda'I bow the Enclilll in o McPberso~ College produc­ cat, the aoalo&Y being between cepted alter April 9, 196S, and Two years ol work are also ltucd Or. Rl•·era to come to laapage before comtoi lo Ibo can tion, was a typical teena SOX· the thoughts of man and the be lunifd In to either Jerry involved In the position or ... the U.. S. · what the "author!· u.. s. ,_ ,..... a&•>. Be ..,., g• pot with the added chorm or thoughts ol animal, and the sYJ11· Barron, chalrmao ol the Board . lies" dldD't ~DOW was that.Willy "l thlok sistant business manager or the kanalog .Ille brains and personality. bolism polnl$ out the fact 0 U1at of PubUcaU001, or Mrs. Jackie was in perfect health! Dr• . Ri· laqaage the bani wa1 wtlJ leanl Quadrangle, as hll., succeeds to -e was both are meanin&lcsa. Roymoad, · n she saved tostructor lo Journa· vera baa established a practice 11 euler Ud faller llwa •·ho the to a whole allalr. by learning from the 'position or business mon· - ln New Ycirk City. ' .clus sltaalloo." Be HIQl>leted ••v111t To A Small Planet" lilm. KretoG the powers ager his second year. The bus- blch school lo ot conce.n· charmlngl,y layw bare tbc sham "MOit of the -pie ll1'fl IC· New York City. Thc compus editor or t h e traUon thal eaabled her to COD· and pretense the mammal. incss manager can earn $200 in CaMn'1 bellefa; or . - -lo IUl'1 "I think I'll make 'my ruture tael Delloll 4, played by Pa· the hoiDH&pleo Spectator nctually has a three salary and bonuses. wllJ tloo)' follow blln," oo the lllD8ll Wlll1 Jn' the U. S.," said WIJJ.y. "I lrida GtteDW&Y. the W11mAD semester Job, as be will work aal4. ''Tbe people obaarepluet~ ' ' attll'I lalul­ .thlnk everybocly bas the chance la Ktttoo'1 lUt--to come, la one semester mu, Ille)' The n.s campus editor, Jusl doo'I lr:Dow U!I to 1et ahead here. U you wan! 1fOm.anly fashion, and take over. moral or the story might the next semester as man­ For quality -.r. C-U. appealed lo1arm­ to do Jl, you can do iL You've In the opinion ol many who be said to be not to llll's bobble~ aro: toe lns.lgbls loto West' Potol dll­ Bulldogs Fine Cantonese ing to follow motorcycle rac.lng, car racing, clptlne. hlm!" Willy re­ He ,..., born In April Foods, Steaks a1!5ticalty points out. !"Usie Che plays the piano and and was therefore pasalonate, in the belog WlllJ rttallJ IDCh experieoC• \'loiln), and the enjoyment or born undtr the sign ol and Sen Foods Taurus the Bult. ea u food rolJons lo which the talking to girls with "o brain McPherson w(o Krcton could rcbd Ut• thoughts 'OINO llHOI people had lo (el up at 4:00 on their head." ol nll, which made lor in!erest· FtH Jupettot • crohi.motuhlp- ond llam . Lm:, lo llae for Iii boun, "I find the people here arc ing thought rebding. He wns Sentinel •xqviiiro design. nol\O con com· ud come .back with 'a niere \'cry friend!)'," Willy remarked. fond of· reading the ihl!U&hts poto with Altcorle((. , . Ao:Mrico'• mou foeovs wedding ring. Chcnen by 50 :Nllion Lovebinh • ainco 1850. ' Soo our comp{OIO Hamburgers solo;.tion. Prlcod from $!. Green's DAISY'S IMElSON llf 5 for $1.00 Appliance Store B~~tY Shoppe Hl~UO Hw._$29.lO lV D1ls7 Le~rltl 321 N. Elm -Phone Radio · Ahead . . Jud7 Spoon Stereos & Sludeol .Linen Renlal CH 1-3740 Blanche Schnelder Proium Records Jeanie Schulze '!fe'lf hOYt thtwt wotfiat GUeue Nell ~ 1U 8. Malo CB RAJNBOW-CARRYOUT 1-3%84 119 S. Main CH t-2316 It Cert1inly ·Is, But Then, Planning For The The Spota So Is / uture., ls?~eally . I~ Your Est1bli1hlng Your C!othe1 Will 'For .Thie Boias" 1f Student Account Bit c;>ut Like You' Dor;i'~ Open A The March - At A'!Y Other ·Savings Uon Account With -i' . Bank E'xcept •• , :W ith.Us . . . . Custom Care BAD.ER . 'Jhe~& HOME - ~TATE BANK CLEANERS· I Member Barry Haldeman & Colleen Neher CitizensState'BfJnk F.D.J.C, ·-