<I> Elaphomyces</I>
The genus Elaphomyces (Ascomycota, Eurotiales) a ribosomal DNA-based phylogeny and revised systematics of European 'deer truffles' Paz, A.; Bellanger, J. -M.; Lavoise, C.; Molia, A.; awrynowicz, M.; Larsson, E.; Ibarguren, I. O.; Jeppson, M.; Læssøe, Thomas; Sauve, M.; Richard, F.; Moreau, P. -A. Published in: Persoonia DOI: 10.3767/003158517X697309 Publication date: 2017 Document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Document license: CC BY-NC-ND Citation for published version (APA): Paz, A., Bellanger, J. -M., Lavoise, C., Molia, A., awrynowicz, M., Larsson, E., Ibarguren, I. O., Jeppson, M., Læssøe, T., Sauve, M., Richard, F., & Moreau, P. -A. (2017). The genus Elaphomyces (Ascomycota, Eurotiales): a ribosomal DNA-based phylogeny and revised systematics of European 'deer truffles'. Persoonia, 38, 197-239. https://doi.org/10.3767/003158517X697309 Download date: 02. okt.. 2021 Persoonia 38, 2017: 197–239 ISSN (Online) 1878-9080 www.ingentaconnect.com/content/nhn/pimj RESEARCH ARTICLE https://doi.org/10.3767/003158517X697309 The genus Elaphomyces (Ascomycota, Eurotiales): a ribosomal DNA-based phylogeny and revised systematics of European ‘deer truffles’ A. Paz1, J.-M. Bellanger2, C. Lavoise1, A. Molia3, M. Ławrynowicz4, E. Larsson5, I.O. Ibarguren6, M. Jeppson7, T. Læssøe8, M. Sauve2, F. Richard2, P.-A. Moreau9,* Key words Abstract Elaphomyces (‘deer truffles’) is one of the most important ectomycorrhizal fungal genera in temperate and subarctic forest ecosystems, but also one of the least documented in public databases. The current systemat- Astraeus ics are mainly based on macromorphology, and is not significantly different from that proposed by Vittadini (1831). Eurotiaceae Within the 49 species recognised worldwide, 23 were originally described from Europe and 17 of these were Eurotiomycetes described before the 20th century.
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