Global Mobile Technologies Guide for Zenprise Enrollment for IOS devices (ipad, )

As part of Sony Pictures commitment to enabling our workforce with the best technology and related tools available, SPE will begin a rollout of “Zenprise” , a new “Mobile Device Management” platform to all mobile device users who receive SPE email on their smartphone and tablet devices. This includes all Apple IOS (iPhone & iPad) devices and all Android-based units such as the Sony tablets and Experia phones; Motorola, HTC and Samsung devices. 2


What is a mobile device management platform?

A mobile device management solution, often called an “MDM” secures, monitors, manages and helps support mobile devices across all service providers (such as ATT, Verizon, Sprint, etc..). The MDM software allows SPE to offer company email and other services in a secure and optimized way regardless of device type, service provider or application requirement. Zenprise also allows us to disable a lost or stolen device- either in total or selectively by removing only the Sony designated services and applications.

When will I need to enroll my mobile smartphone and/or tablet?, How will this change my mobile device? AND what if I don’t enroll?

SPE policy requires that you secure your mobile device with a 4 (four) digit pin code. Prior to or during the enrollment, you will be prompted to enter and confirm entry of your 4-digit pin code. The pin code cannot be consecutive numbers i.e. 1111, 2222 , 1234, 1212 the word Sony or 7669.

It is important to enroll your mobile device within (30) days of your email notification. North American smartphones and tablets not enrolled in Zenprise will no longer be able to access SPE corporate email. 3

Please read and understand the Terms and Conditions on page 5 before you enroll.

The Zenprise MobileManager application system is an important upgrade that will provide major steps forward in proactive support for your smartphone or tablet. Some of the benefits of Zenprise MobileManager include:

Easy, remote repair of smart device problems to minimize user downtime and improve productivity, automated alerts to protect smart device users from availability and/or performance problems, improved security, enabling administrators to add/remove accounts and restrictions and/or remotely wipe SPE data from your device

As part of your enrollment in the Zenprise MobileManager system, an administrator from the Mobile Technologies’ team will collect information about your device, including a list of applications, serial number, IMEI/MEID, device user name, model ID, OS version and device state.

Zenprise does not collect any geolocation data so tracking of the device is not available.

What should I do now?

The following instructions will guide your through the enrollment process for your IOS device. Should you require assistance or have a technical questions with the enrolment process please email [email protected] You may also leave a message for a call back on 310-244-2355.

If you have a Android or Device your enrollment document is addressed with different set up instructions that will be mailed to you. 4

Notes and Perquisites:

• Uninstalling Zenprise from your IOS device will result in the disconnection from your SPE email. You will be notified via email and given a window of time to re-enroll.

• Customers that have Personally Owned devices:

– To reduce additional data charges you should logout of the Zenprise application after the initial enrollment and log in at least once a week to ensure you are receiving the latest software updates. See the instructions for how to logout/login – page 11

– Updates will come from the iTunes store (Zenprise update)

– System updates (from the Mobility and Exchange server

– Customers that travel are responsible for any plans associated with International Roaming, Voice or Data Overages.

– Logging out does not impact receiving SPE email however you will not get software pushes or other required system updates

• Devices that are inactive for a period of 90 days will be disconnected from SPE email

• All Lost or Stolen devices – Must be reported to the Global Service Desk (GSD) – 310-244-2188 or Corporate Security - 310-244-4400 5

Terms and Conditions


SPE MobileManagement – Terms and Conditions


Installing this profile will allow “Sony Pictures Entertainment” Exchange and Mobility administrators to remotely manage your Active Sync enabled smart device(s) and agree to the following:

•You understand and intend that this Agreement is a legally binding agreement and the equivalent of a signed, written contract;

•You will use the Application in a manner consistent with applicable laws and regulations and in accordance with the terms and conditions in this Agreement as it may be amended by Sony Pictures Entertainment from time to time; and •You understand, accept, and have received this Agreement and its terms and conditions, and acknowledge and demonstrate that you can access this Agreement. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions in this Agreement, please discontinue all further use of the Application.


To assist with the management of these devices, the administrator may collect a list of applications, serial number, IMEI/MEID, device user name, connection time, model ID, OS version and device status. Please note that this Zenprise software does not collect any geolocation data.


Sony Pictures Entertainment grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited personal license to access and use the Application. This license is conditioned on your continued compliance with the terms and conditions in this Agreement. This license does not include: any downloading or copying of account information for the benefit of another merchant: or any use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools.

By accepting or downloading software/application purchased by “Sony Pictures Entertainment” the intended end- user becomes the owner of this software/application and agrees to all terms & conditions supplied by software\smart devices usage.


The following requirements apply to your use of the Application\Service:

•You will not use the Application\Service to upload, post, reproduce, or distribute any information, software, or other material protected by copyright or any other intellectual property right (as well as rights of publicity and privacy) without first obtaining the permission of the owner of such rights.

•You will not upload, post, email, or otherwise transmit any material that contains viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs which might interrupt, limit, or interfere with the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. YOUR MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNT

If you use this service to access SPE corporate data, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your device, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. Sony Pictures Entertainment reserves the right to revoke service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content. The administrator may also add/remove accounts and restrictions, as well as remotely erase data (SPE) from your device. 6

Enrollment Instructions

Step 1: Backing up Your Device (s)

• Launch iTunes

• Plug in your device

• Select your device

• Go the Summary page

• Select Back up

• Choose back-up to computer

• When back up is completed unplug your device.

Step 2: Delete existing SPE Exchange Account

If you currently have SPE Corporate Email on your device – you must delete this account prior to the Zenprise installation. This account is normally labeled “Exchange Account”

• Go to Settings

• Go to Mail, Contact, Calendar

• Select Exchange Account

• Select Delete Account

• Acknowledge Delete Account

• If you are connected to a SPE Wi-Fi Network – disconnect (turn off) be for continuing 7

Step 3: Download Zenprise from iTunes

• Launch the Apple App Store application on your I-device

• Search for “Zenprise” ZP MDM agent and select icon

• Select Free & Install – you will be prompted to enter your iTunes password

• Installation completion takes you back to the home page 8

Step 4: Enrolling

• Select the “ZP MDM” application after it has been installed

• Click “Enroll Iphone/Ipad”

• Provide the following details to register your I-device

• Select Register your Iphone/Ipad:

– \\ Enter zmobile.spe.sony.com

Enter your Corporate Credentials: (Network AD login)


Click Done on keypad to Authenticate

• Click Enroll Iphone (also works with Ipad)

• Verify Server Identity

• Select continue and Accept the Terms and Conditions 9

Step 5: Install Corporate Certificate

• Click “1: Install Corporate Certificate”

• Click “install” Sony Pictures Certificate

• Click Verify

• Enter Device Pin Code and Select “Done” 10

Step 6: Install Personal Profile

• Click “2” to Install Personal Profile”

• Click “install” Sony Pictures Entertainment

• Select install Now

• Enter Device Pin Code and Select “Done”

• You will be prompted for your domain/network password shortly after you finish the above steps (Approx. 1-2min). Please provide your password, which is used to finalize your email setup on your I-device.

• Exit back to the home page and launch your email. You will start receiving email. Account name will appear as SPE Exchange.

You can log out of Zenprise at anytime and

login to download any new software that

Sony Pictures would like you to have.

• Your device is now set up to be monitored via Zenprise Mobile Manager. 11

Frequently Used Numbers and Email Addresses

Global Mobile Technologies Group 310-244-2355 email: [email protected]

Global Service Desk 310-244-2188 email: [email protected]

ATT International Global Support 916-843-4685

Verizon International Global Support 800-711-8300

Sony Pictures Entertainment Security 310-244-4444