Food and Medicine Lacking in Poland
Monday No help seen IRA account Hoagy Carmichael Specials for SS, page 2 series, page 8 dead at 82, page 4 fRAIN Register The Daily Register Monmouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL. 104 NO. 156 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1981 25 CENTS Food and medicine lacking in Poland By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pregnant women and the elderly and the sick The radio, monitored in Western Europe, will be receive 8.8 pounds of each commodity quoted a Home Trade Ministry announcement Poland's martial law regime began its third per month, it said, and manual workers will be as saying extra imports — "especially from the week in power by cutting monthly meat and exempt from the cutbacks. Soviet Union" — helped the government meet butter rations for most Poles and predicting Meat and butter rations were cut off com- December rations but failed to secure enough worse food shortages in the new year. pletely for farmers with more than 1.2 acres of meat to cover ration arrears. Western reporters in Warsaw said anti- land, the state-run radio said, presumably be- Last August, rations were cut for a month biotics and medical supplies also were in from 7.7 pounds per person to 6.6 pounds, but drastically short supply. even then supplies were still so scarce that It was food shortages that provoked the Poles had difficulty buying the meat and butter nationwide strikes in Poland 16 months ago that Poles learning to adapt to which they were entitled. spawned Solidarity, the first union in the Soviet A London Times report from Warsaw pub- bloc independent of government control, and to martial law, page 5 lished yesterday said recent visits to Warsaw ration cuts last summer spurred a string of hospitals revealed a tragic shortage of medical Solidarity strikes.
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