Arabs Threaten to Blow up Where
V" A > A O E FORTY WEDNESDAY, JU N E 10/ 1970 ilanrljpatifr Ettaninn il|fralii Most Manchester Stores Open Until 9 O ’clock About Town Average Daily Net Preee Ron On Sunday 14 people becanje Weiss To Pursue mamben of Omter Oon8:re- Q1 For The Week Ended gntlonal CSnirch. They are Mrs. K V ^ June 6, 1070 The Weather NelUe F, Allinaon, 114 Orcep Case Mt. Purchase Moatly fair, mild tosUght with ^I'ectors last night instructed Town 1 5 ,9 0 3 lows 60 to 60. Tomorrow partly Albert J. IMachene HI. 87 Sum- Kobeii; Weiss to meet with owners of Case sunny, humid; ohande o< thun- /} V-»V\ A mar St.; Peter Raymond Mo- ^loimtain and other interested agencies to decide wheth- lUancheoter— A City of Village Charm ■WnrtMwons fate In the day. High quln, 87 Foater St.; Mr. and er the town should apply for'a new federal oiien-spaces about 90. Mra. Kenneth R. Mnness, 262 grant to acquii"e the land. ------ — ------------ --- - VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 214 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—^TWO SECinONS) Kue Ridge Dr.; Mrs. Sara K. Last nights’ vote on a motion priority, the town’s share of the MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1970 Robinson. 181A Downey Dr.; by Director William FitzGerald r„st was estimated at $128,000. h (ClMstfled Adverttslng on Boge St) PRICE TEN CENTS Mrs. Alice Scagel, 170 Charter who strongly supported the ac- The federal government also Oak St.; Mrs. Harriet C. Sliney, qulsition. came after the direc- requires that there be an ” lndl- 851 Summit St.; Mr.
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