Minutes of the Meeting of Old Town Council Held on Tuesday 10th December 2019 at the Town Hall, Cotton Street, Bolsover, Chesterfield


P Cllr. D. Adams P Cllr. P. Goodwin P Cllr. T. Bagguley P Cllr. B. Haigh P Cllr. A. Clarke P Cllr. C. Jeffery P Cllr. C.P. Cooper P Cllr. M. Longden P Cllr. P.A. Cooper P Cllr. J.M. Rushby P Cllr. G. Davis P Cllr. P. Stothard

In attendance: Andrew Tristram -Town Clerk 2 Members of the Public

1. Apologies for Absence

Councillor Joan Dixon ( County Council).

2. Variation to Order of Business


3. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Non Disclosable Pecuniary/other Interests.

Councillor Derek Adams and Councillor Paul Cooper declared a non pecuniary interest in item 13 – Planning Matters – as members of Council Planning Committee.

4. Presentation – Best Shop Window Display This item was deferred to the January Council meeting as the winner was unable to attend the meeting.

5. Public Speaking (a) Public

Matters raised:

 Taxi drivers accessing pedestrianised area and ignoring no entry sign claiming Bolsover District Council had given them permission.  Taxi waiting on double yellow line outside Cavendish.  Council congratulated on Lantern Parade.  Problem with children riding cycles on pavements and generally causing trouble in the Town Centre.  Problems at new traffic lights on Town End.  Shops parking on pavement or on double yellow lines when making deliveries on Town End.

Councillor Adams informed members that he had been appointed as the District Council representative on the Coalite Liaison Group.

It was suggested that the Salvation Army are booked for the Christmas Festival next year.

36 Councillor Rushby was congratulated on the Christmas Dinner that was organised at Bainbridge Hall.

6. Confirmation of Minutes

135/19-20 RESOLVED that, the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 12th November are duly accepted as a true and accurate record.

7. To determine which items, if any, from part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded


8. Chair’s Announcements

The Chair thanked the Town Clerk for organising the Christmas Festival. Letters of thanks had been sent to all the volunteers who helped with the Event. Councillors were also thanked for supporting the Event.

Members were informed that January Finance Meeting would take place at 6pm to give more members the opportunity to attend the meeting to discuss the budget.

9. Payments for Approval

136/19-20 RESOLVED that expenditure of £29,958.58 for October 2019 is approved.

10. Town Centre Traffic Issues

Notes from a meeting with two Officers from Derbyshire County Council were circulated to all members at the meeting.

The Town Clerk will progress discussions regarding the legal agreement with Derbyshire County Council and obtain specifications and quotes from suitable suppliers.

137/19-20 RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting with Derbyshire County Council are noted.

11. Committee Reports

(a) Allotment Working Group Meeting – 4th December 2019

Members received minutes from the meeting which included site visits to the Sutton Hall Road and New Bolsover Sites.

The visit to the Sutton Hall Road Allotment site was to look at the usage and current condition of the allotments.

A number of sites were identified which were in breach of allotment rules and not primarily used for cultivation of fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Members discussed how the site could be regenerated, which could include reducing the number of plots available on the site and the reconfiguration to provide small plots for cultivation.

37 138/19-20 RESOLVED that in respect of Sutton Hall Road Allotment Site, that

(i) Notice of Termination is given to a number of allotment holders that are in breach of the rules and not using their allotment plot for the purpose intended. (ii) Non cultivation letters are sent to a further group of allotment tenants who are breaching the same conditions, with a request to provide an action plan to remedy the breaches. (iii) Vacant plots and plots where Notice of Termination has been given are not re-let to allow the sites to be cleared by external contractors, funded by the earmarked reserve for allotment improvements. (iv) That no animals of any kind, including chickens and rabbits are allowed on the Sutton Hall Road Site, without the express consent in writing of the Council.

Members visited the New Bolsover Allotment Site to view a group of six vacant allotment plots which require major clearance. During the visit members also viewed surrounding plots that were not compliant with their agreement.

139/19-20 RESOLVED that in respect of the New Bolsover Allotment Site, that

(i) Non cultivation letters are sent to a group of allotment tenants who are breaching conditions with a request to provide an action plan to remedy the breaches. (ii) Vacant plots and plots where Notice of Termination has been given are not re-let to allow the sites to be cleared by external contractors funded by the earmarked reserve for allotment improvements.

Consideration was given to the current rule that allows allotment holders to keep up to two rabbits or ten hens as an addition to their plot being used for gardening purposes.

140/19-20 RESOLVED that

(i) Keeping of pigeons and all other poultry (ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl etc.) and cultivated life forms (e.g. bees) can only be kept with the express consent in writing of the Council. (ii) No cockerels will be allowed to be kept at any time. Any plot holder found to be keeping cockerels may have their tenancy terminated immediately. (iii) Permission will not be given for large livestock (horses, pigs, cattle, goats etc.) under any circumstances.

The group also discussed acceptable use of allotment plots.

141/19-20 RESOLVED that all allotment plot holders must cultivate a minimum of one third of their plot for growing fruit or vegetables and that use of the whole plot for animals is prohibited.

Members also considered whether there were any circumstances when we may allow burning on allotments.

142/19-20 RESOLVED that burning of garden waste only is allowed on allotments in a controlled way. Bonfires should only be lit when absolutely necessary and then in such a way as not to cause annoyance, nuisance or danger to other plot holders, nearby residents or their properties. Only dry, garden material should be burned. Bonfires should never be left unattended. Materials cannot be brought onto the allotments for burning.

Members discussed changing the start date of the Agreement to 30th September.

38 143/19-20 RESOLVED that Allotment Agreements issued in January cover the period from 1st January to 30th September at a pro rata rate of £22.50. Future Agreements will then run from 1st October to 30th September each year.

The Clerk informed members of a rough sleeper on Vale Park and a request received to allow the person to move onto an allotment site.

144/19-20 RESOLVED that permission for a rough sleeper to relocate to an allotment plot is not given.

145/19-20 RESOLVED that the minutes are approved and noted.

(b) Finance and General Purposes Committee – 6th December 2019

Members received the minutes from the meeting.

146/19-20 that the minimum level of reserves should be no less than fifty percent of the precept and that any excess is added to earmarked reserves for the depot, skate park, Town Square, retractable bollards and public toilets.

147/19-20 RESOLVED that the minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee are approved and noted.

Members were reminded that the meeting on 9th January would take place at the later time of 6pm. Members received a copy of the latest draft budget, together with calculations showing the effect of the precept on the different Council Tax Bands.

12. Town Clerk’s Report

Items for decision

(1) Coalite Community Liaison Group Representatives

148/19-20 RESOLVED that Councillor A. Clarke, Councillor C. Jeffery and Councillor P. Goodwin offered to substitute.

Items for Information

(1) Response from Derbyshire Constabulary to our enquiry regarding use of CCTV for moving traffic offences and parking. (2) Correspondence received from Bolsover District Council regarding Local Development Orders for Bentinck Road, Shuttlewood and Church Road . (3) Updates on regeneration of former Coalite Site.

Correspondence received

(1) DALC Circular 12/2019.

(2) Notice of temporary road closure for Bolsover 10k Road Race on December 15th 2019 and diversions to facilitate BT apparatus installation work. (3) Draft notes and copy of Bolsover Partnership Presentation.

149/19-20 RESOLVED that the report of the Town Clerk is noted.

39 13. Planning Matters

Members considered the following planning applications.

(1) 19/00523/FUL Replacement garage and alterations to access at Lodge Farm, 126 Shuttlewood Road, Bolsover by Mr Whiteman.

Resolved No objections.

(2) 19/00651/FUL Flat to pitched roof conversion at Territorial Army Building, Moor Lane, Bolsover by Capewell.

Resolved No objections.

(3) 19/00654/FUL Proposed change of use creating a mixed-use development comprising a restaurant/bistro, holistic treatment facility, a self-contained flat and guest suites at Anchor Inn, Market Place, Bolsover by Mr and Mrs. Gratton.

Resolved No objections.

(4) 19/00660/DETA2R Notification for prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling house at Lodge Farm, 126 Shuttlewood Road, Bolsover by Mr. Whiteman.

Resolved No objections.

(5) 19/0061/FUL Erection of fence to front, side and rear with gate and decking to the rear of 1 Manor Court Road, Bolsover, by Mr. Richard Porter.

Resolved No objections.

(6) 19/00676/FUL Conversion of office above double garage to self-contained apartment at Beech Lodge, Welbeck Road, Bolsover by Mr. Anthony Burpee.

Resolved No objections.

150/19-20 RESOLVED to note the planning applications.

14. To receive any other items for information only and items to be included on the next Agenda

A request was received from Councillor Rushby for Bolsover Carr Vale Self Help Group to be discussed on the next Agenda. Councillor Haigh requested that analysis of staffing needs is discussed.

15. To note the date of the next meeting

151/19-20 RESOLVED that the next Meeting was confirmed for Tuesday 14th January 2020 at 6.45pm.

16. Confidential Items

152/19-20 RESOLVED that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.


Meeting Closed 8.20pm

Signed ……………………………….. Dated ……………………………………..