Minutes, Full Council, 20070619

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Minutes, Full Council, 20070619 Old Bolsover Town Council Minutes of the Meeting of Old Bolsover Town Council Held at 6.45pm on Tuesday 19th June 2007 at the Town Hall, Cotton Street, Bolsover, Chesterfield Present: Coun. T. Bennett - Chair Councillors L. Anderson, R.J. Bowler, M. Bowler, D. Bratt C.P. Cooper, M. Reed, R. Reed, T. Rodda, J. Woodhead In attendance: D Kee – Town Clerk No members of the press present. Open Forum There were no members of the public present. 14. Apologies for absence Councillor J Dixon 15. Members’ Interests Members were reminded by the Chair of the need to complete and keep up to date the Register in-keeping with the Town Clerk's letter and verbal instructions. 16. Confirmation of Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 15th May 2007 were presented as circulated. Resolved That the above minutes be accepted as a true record. 17. Matters Arising 13. Page 8 Reference was made to the establishment of a Management Committee and the Henton Hall Open Day arrangements. Resolved The Town Clerk, in liaison with the Council’s Henton Hall Management Committee representative, make arrangements to hold a Community Open Day and an initial Management Committee Meeting, as soon as possible. 18. Police Matters The Chair advised that a Police Consultative Meeting was scheduled to be held tomorrow, 20th June. The Clerk referred to various events and concerns. Resolved (1) The Council’s representatives enquire if a traffic officer could be present at future Consultative Meetings to discuss traffic management in the Town. 34 (2) The Town Clerk write to the Chief Constable outlining the events described, requesting an opinion as to how these events might be addressed in future. 19. Presentation by the Manager of C.V.P. Lorna Wallace detailed the strategic objectives of the organisation, its development, funding and the future developments planned. Various questions were asked and reassurances sought regarding future partnership working arrangements. Particular reference was made to how community involvement and expectations would be addressed. Resolved (1) The Council thank Lorna for her attendance and interesting presentation. (2) The Council distribute the information provided to members of the community via the usual channels. (3) The Council liaise with the C.V.P. and promote community engagement in funding bids and volunteer programmes where possible. (4) The Town Clerk monitor C.V.P. activities and update the Council as developments take place. 20. Town Clerk’s Report (1) Assembly Hall The Town Clerk referred to the progress of the joint funding application to bring the play area to D.D. Act standards. Resolved The report be received and the Council updated accordingly. (2) Bainbridge Hall The Clerk referred to a letter received from Councillor Murray-Carr requesting the use of the Hall for diversionary youth activities. The Clerk confirmed that plans to develop use of the I.T. facility, in conjunction with a Business Advisor, were progressing. The Clerk also observed that the Management Committee Secretary had resigned. Resolved The report be received and the various matters referred to be noted. (3) CCTV – Request for camera adoption and a contribution from the Council The Clerk referred to a letter received from Councillor Murray-Carr requesting a sponsorship adoption of a camera and the Clerk’s letter requesting further information, but advised no reply had been received to date. The Clerk commented that subsequently an e-mail had been received withdrawing the request, making reference to a “changed approach” Section 17 responsibilities and training responsibilities. Resolved The Clerk write to the District Council’s Chief Executive seeking clarification concerning direct non officer involvement approaches and the use of District Council letterhead stationery. (4) Surface Mining Oxcroft Disposal Site, Stanfree – Community Ideas 35 The Clerk outlined the outcome of a meeting with North West Ward representatives, members of the community and U.K. Coal. The Clerk confirmed U.K. Coal’s offer of £5,000, subject to the commencement of the proposed works, facilitating the provision of seating, tables and litter collection. Resolved (1) The Clerk, in liaison with the community, organise and oversee the agreed works, subject to 2 below. (2) The Council bank and hold in trust the sum of £5,000, when released by U.K. Coal and account for expenditure on the agreed works. (3) The Council take account of these works in respect of the intended play area capital investment scheme. (5) Section 137 request – further details – Derbyshire Scribes The Clerk detailed the information provided. Resolved A Section 137 request be refused and the group advised accordingly. (6) Cemetery Risk Assessment The Clerk referred to the risks identified in re-opening graves and outlined a possible specialist trench/grave shoring equipment solution. Resolved Specialist equipment be provided at an estimated capital cost of £1,500. Provision be made from the Council’s contingency budget. (7) Cotton Street – Traffic Regulations The Clerk outlined the identified abuse by vehicles of the pedestrian zone; various difficulties were also referred to. Resolved The Clerk write to the Police seeking their opinion on the overall situation, concerns and the enforcement of traffic regulations. (8) Orchard View Play Area The Clerk referred to serious damage to the multi activity equipment and the action taken to remove the equipment now made dangerous by vandal attack. Reference was made to the Carr Vale resident’s support of the Council’s actions. Resolved (1) The action taken be approved and further damage to the remaining equipment be monitored. (2) All equipment be removed in-keeping with previous resolutions, if further damage is sustained. (3) Future use of the site be evaluated if all equipment has to be removed. (9) Charity Day Arrangements The Clerk advised on the arrangements and prize draw date. 36 Resolved The report be received and the prize draw date, Saturday August 4th 2007, be noted. (10) Derbyshire Youth Service The Clerk outlined the publicity received from the service and an appointment made with the Head of the Service. Resolved The report be received and the Council advised as matters progress. (11) Incidents The Clerk referred to the statistics in respect of incidents for May 2007, drawing particular attention to recent cemetery concerns. Resolved The cemetery situation be monitored and the police advised accordingly. 21. Bolsover Local Strategic Partnership The Clerk referred to a draft Communication Protocol and observed on the lack of reference to funding, priorities and other issues. Various other shortcomings were also referred to and in particular the negative approach of the document to Parish and Town Councils. The Clerk also advised that the Council’s Board nomination had been deselected. Resolved (1) The Clerk formally respond with a set of proposals, comments and suggestions addressing the Communication draft’s perceived shortcomings by the deadline date. (2) Councillor Mick Reed be nominated to the position of Board representative. 22. Town Centre Development Group The Clerk referred to the Beacon Market funding bid made via the Chief Executive, Bolsover District Council, in response to the Market Towns Alliance Officer’s presentation and supportive bid comments. It was explained that the LSP had responded by advising that the wrong requesting procedure had been followed in that requests must be made direct to the LSP Officer responsible. The responsible LSP Officer had subsequently advised on the correct procedure, provided a formal application document and a response indicating that the 2007/2008 expenditure plans had already been decided and that “our bid” would be put into a “reserve list”. Resolved The report and specific procedure be noted. The request be subsequently followed up in 3 months time if no acknowledgement or update of a correctly presented bid is received. 23. Correspondence Received The Clerk referred to the items of correspondence and drew attention to:- (2) A letter from Wilkins Vardy regarding land at Carr Vale. Resolved The Council be formally advised should a formal purchase offer be received. (3) Minutes of N.Gage.com Steering Group concerning Bainbridge Hall, the Management committee, the Council and FOCUS Cyber Café responsibilities. 37 Resolved The Clerk attend if possible and allowed by work priorities, a meeting arranged to be held on Thursday 28th June and outline various matters in respect of Bainbridge Hall and the Cyber Café facility etc. (4) Letter from Bolsover District Council requesting a Section 137 donation to the 2007/2008 Sport Development Outreach Programme of £840. Resolved A £840 Section 137 donation be agreed and acknowledged. (7) Leaflet from the Association of Burial Authorities advising on measures to reuse existing grave spaces. One suggested measure being the lease not the sale of grave spaces. Resolved The situation be monitored as matters progress in respect of leased grave spaces. (9) Letter from Derbyshire Coalition for Inclusive Living requesting a Section 137 donation. Their letter identified 12 active Bolsover Parish members and referred to information and advice to 28 persons in total. A sum of £100 was requested. Resolved A £100 Section 137 donation be made. (10) Letter and plan from Derbyshire County Council regarding a proposed capital scheme 41808-B6418 – Highway works Shuttlewood and Stanfree. Request to remove and resite village, northern approach, name plate, together with any other scheme comments. An initial letter supporting the scheme had previously been sent by the Council. Resolved The County Council be advised that the Council supports the proposals made and in addition advise that a recent community meeting had referred to highway speeding concerns. 12. Letter sent to the Chair by Derbyshire Asbestos support Team (See Appendix IV), requesting the support of Local Councils in respect of funding bids for a project worker. Resolved The Council send a letter of support.
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