Dioceses of DERRY and RAPHOE


Administrative Assistant ...... 45 Diocesan Trustees ...... 45 Adult Education Council ...... 62 Director of Ordinands ...... 41 Architect ...... 45 Domestic Chaplains ...... 26 Assistants to the Bishop in Diocesan Court ...... 26 Donegal Board of Education ...... 54 Bankers ...... 45 Episcopal Electoral College ...... 55 Bishops’ Appeal ...... 57 Finance Committee ...... 53 Bishops’ Appeal Advisory Committee ...... 61 General Synod Committees ...... 61 Board of Mission and Unity ...... 53 General Synod Representatives ...... 60 Board of Religious Education ...... 53 Girls’ Friendly Society ...... 58 Board of Social Responsibility (Diocesan) ...... 53 Glebes Committee ...... 53 Caretaker ...... 45 Gwyn and Young Endowments ...... 54 Cathedral Chapters ...... 26 Highland Radio ...... 57 Cathedral Maintenance Board ...... 53 Hospital Chaplains ...... 43 Central Church Committees ...... 61 Hospitals ...... 43 Church Girls’ Brigade ...... 58 Incorporated Society for Promoting Protestant Schools ...... 54 Church Lads’ Brigade ...... 58 Information Officer ...... 57 Church of Ireland-Methodist Covenant Facilitator ...... 57 Ministry of Healing Committee ...... 53 Church’s Ministry of Healing ...... 62 Missionary Society Representatives ...... 58 Clergy Directory ...... 28 Mothers’ Union ...... 58 Commission for Unity and Dialogue ...... 62 n:vision Magazine ...... 57 Council for Mission ...... 62 Parishes ...... 63 Dean & Chapter of St. Columb’s Cathedral, Londonderry ...... 26 Prebendary of Howth ...... 27 Dean & Chapter of St. Eunan’s Cathedral, Raphoe ...... 27 Derry Diocesan Board of Education ...... 54 Property Committee of General Synod ...... 61 Diocesan Auditors ...... 45 Raphoe Diocesan Board of Education ...... 54 Diocesan Chancellor ...... 45 Raphoe Diocesan Youth Council ...... 59 Diocesan Council ...... 52 RCB Executive Committee ...... 61 Diocesan Court ...... 26 RCB Property Committee ...... 61 Diocesan Nominators ...... 56 Representative Church Body ...... 61 Diocesan Office ...... 45 Robertson Endowments ...... 54 Diocesan Readers ...... 41 Rural Deans and Deaneries ...... 46 Diocesan Registrar ...... 45 Standing Committee Legal Advisory Committee ...... 61 Diocesan Secretary ...... 45 Stipends Committee ...... 61 Diocesan Synod ...... 48 Tyrone Protestant Board of Education ...... 54 Diocesan Treasurer ...... 45 Youth Work ...... 59

2 Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe 3 Bishop’s Foreword

2013 is a significant year in both political jurisdictions within the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe.

The UK City of Culture designation will raise Londonderry’s international profile as well as increasing the number of visitors who come to experience the city’s many cultural riches and planned events. ‘The Gathering’ in the Republic of Ireland should see a growth in the number of visitors to Co Donegal and will develop further links around the world.

Churches are an important part of life in each jurisdiction, and we wish to continue to make a significant contribution to the health and wellbeing of the communities of which we are a part.

This Diocesan Directory makes information about the diocese and its parishes easily accessible to those in the community as well as in the church who need this information. Useful contact details of clergy and office-holders are available here and I am grateful to everyone listed in the pages which follow for the generous way in which they serve God and their neighbour.

Many thanks to Canon David Crooks for his good work as editor and compiler and to the printers and advertisers who make its publication possible. The contribution each of them has made is very much appreciated.

We look forward to an exciting year in 2013. † Ken Derry and Raphoe

Bishop of Derry and Raphoe The Right Reverend Kenneth Raymond Good, B.A. Hons (Nottm), M.Ed., H.Dip.Ed., D.P.S.

4 Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe 5 Parish Development

2013 – A YEAR OF GROWTH? The booklets will be arriving in parishes in mid-January along with some guidelines Napoleon Bonaparte was undoubtedly one of the greatest military strategists of all time. as to how to help people get the most out Promoted to the rank of General at the age of just 26 he proved himself by winning many of it. battles. The Duke of Wellington, one of the General’s most formidable enemies, said, “I consider Napoleon’s presence in the field to equal forty thousand men in the balance.” GROWING CLOSER Once, he addressed an opponent he had defeated; “I will tell you the mistake you have made; A survey conducted in our diocese in the you draw up your plans the day before battle, when you do not know your adversary’s early part of 2012 revealed that, with movements.” Napoleon recognised in his losing opponent a weakness that he himself did not exceptions, we are not very good at have; lack of adaptability. If we are willing to change and adapt to new circumstances then we engaging with each other in terms of our shall not easily be overcome whatever the circumstances. faith. We are not very comfortable with At the heart of our Transforming Community: Radiating Christ programme there has been this the typical small group culture or with challenge to our parishes to be adaptable and to be ready to change in the light of new the ideas of Bible “study”. So starting in circumstances. It hasn’t been about the kind of change which is merely change for change’s sake Lent 2013 parishes will be encouraged to but rather about the kind of change that goes right to the very heart of the Christian gospel: get people interacting together in a whole new way. It won’t be about “study” ® When God saw a world gone astray and he responded by entering himself into that world but will take into account that people to redeem and restore he was effecting massive change: learn in different ways. It will not be like a lecture from the front but will, ideally, be led jointly by a group of people. Each group that ® When Jesus met a motley crew of 12 fishermen and challenged them to “follow me!” and wishes to use the material will be able to choose from a menu of options to suit individual they did – they were responding in a way that meant radical change: needs. The material will be available at the start of the year and there will be an evening in ® When He issues the same challenge today and we respond, whether in baptism, February to support those who will lead it. confirmation or in any other way, we are saying “Yes!” to change in our lives. Another part of the Growing Closer stream is to offer resources for greater participation in The original Transforming Community was launched about 5 years ago and has enabled worship. Parishes will have access to material that can be used within the existing framework of many of our parishes to think about how God might want them to change in the light of the worship – interactive talks, dramatised reading, creative prayers etc. Sometimes just doing one challenges we all face in today’s world. Like Napoleon many of us have come to see that thing differently can give a whole new angle to worship and help bring liturgy even more alive. adaptability is a key skill for survival and success. It’s probably fair to say that Transforming Community has started to shake things up in most parishes. GROWING WIDER But the thing about this kind of change is this - it never stops! As someone once said, “Change Bishop Ken has challenged all our parishes to risk doing one thing in 2013 that will take us is here to stay!” The call to Christian discipleship is a call to continual change and renewal. to a whole new place in terms of how people in our community see what church is. All sorts That’s why our diocese is about to embark on the next stage of our Transforming Community of exciting initiatives are springing up in various parts of the Church in Ireland - Messy journey. After 2013 will see the launch of three new strands: Church, Café Congregations, Church Plants etc. If you have no idea what these things are you can find out at either of two diocesan meetings on 25 and 26 January. No-one is saying GROWING DEEPER that this is how it should be done in your parish. But you might just get the germ of an idea of something that could make a real difference. Starting in January we will be launching an initiative to encourage people within the diocese to begin a common journey of faith in the form of a daily rhythm of prayer. An 80-page booklet Napoleon Bonaparte was a great military leader because he recognised that what had will have a variety of material for each day of the month. People can use just one little bit of it happened in the past might not work in the present and was adaptable enough to respond to or choose a variety of ways to go that little bit deeper. It recognises that everyone engages with the ever-changing situation. Transforming Community 2013 offers all of us, as individuals as God is a different way. Some find words helpful; others prefer pictures or music. Some feel well as churches, a great opportunity to work out how God wants us respond to the challenges and opportunities that face us in today’s world. closer to God in solitude and quiet; others when involved in a project of social justice. This resource has been produced by a variety of people from within the diocese and so is something that is unique to Derry and Raphoe. Drawing on a rich variety of traditions it aims to be something that leads to action and reflection throughout the day, to real transformation.

12 Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe 13 Youth Work in Derry and Raphoe www.dry-youth.org Were I to write four more paragraphs you would take 2 minutes to read them. Instead I will finish here, but would ask you to scan the prayer points below and use those 2 minutes I have Martin Montgomery saved you to choose a few points listed below to pray for our youth leaders and young people. There is nothing more important than this. The date was the 27th May, a Sunday and my first ever engagement as diocesan youth officer. Convoy was the location and occasion was the Please join us in praying for: Summer RDYC praise service and BBQ. From that date till now it has been all systems go. Diocesan Youth Officer, Board & Council Members For vision and wisdom to lead, equip and support our diocese in youth work I was incredibly fortunate to be able to overlap with Julie Ryan in the For protection of those in leadership from all forms of attack diocesan office for the first couple of weeks in post. She helped to For continued reliance upon the Holy Trinity to lead and direct the work initiate me into all things Derry and Raphoe, point me in the right direction and give me lots of useful tips for the journey. Though I only worked with her for a Existing Youth Leaders very short time, I know how highly regarded she is among the young people and parishioners To know that their work is vital in the Kingdom of God in the dioceses and I add my voice to all others wishing her, Richard and new-baby Ryan all That they would feel encouraged and inspired to continue volunteering the best for the future, while thanking her for her hard work while she covered this post. That they would be blessed by the relationships they build with young people That their faith would deepen and grow through their service to the church The youth department is focussed on three major themes; events, resourcing youth work and That leaders would see the needs of today’s young people, and offer support encouraging youth leaders. To this end we have co-ordinated residential youth weekends, youth leader retreats, fun days out, attending Summer Madness and On The Move – New Youth Leaders including a reunion to distribute Christmas cards around the parish of as our last That new leaders would step forward to reach our young people gathering of 2012. That feelings of inadequacy or attitudes of being ‘too old’ would be seen for what they are – lies of the enemy! 2013 promises to be just as busy with our marquee event being ‘On The Move’ (OTM) in That new leaders would emerge from all demographics of church – that we don’t simply Londonderry for the city of culture. We are working closely with Summer Madness and other expect young people to lead themselves – they need wise heads and experience too! constituent agencies and youth work providers in the city to deliver our biggest ever gathering of ‘Movers’. We hope to target 5 key areas around the city, flood them with young people, and Young people surprise them with random acts of kindness. OTM is as much about discipleship of young That young people would know that they are vital, important, needed, wanted, loved by God, people as it is about doing good works. In doing something for nothing, valuable lessons and that they primarily see this through their churches. about the concept of grace are learned, that is doing something for someone you don’t know, That young people would be proud to call themselves Christians and would be able to live out with no expectation of anything in return. their faith wherever they find themselves That the pressures of school, exams, social media, bullying, other people’s expectations In the first six months of being in post, I have visited the clergy and preached in 17 parishes would not seem like too much to bear. That young people would always seek help in times of (25 different church services), thus gaining an appreciation of the diversity and depth of hardship, and would be able to find this in their churches. churchmanship in our diocese. I have to say I could not have done it without my trusty Sat Thank you for reading this, and thank you for joining us in praying for youth work in our diocese. Nav. However I am slowly beginning to feel like I know my way around the place. Martin One of my priorities in post is to get the message out there. By this I mean ensuring that clergy and parishioners, young and old alike are fully informed of what the youth department is doing, and how they (you) can be supportive. I regularly update the website and social media, alongside producing a monthly clergy email update filled with news, announcements and most importantly prayer points. (This email update is also available for anyone who would like to receive it – simply email [email protected] to be added to the list.) Without a firm undergirding of prayer, our good works with our young people will simply remain as just that. Now more than ever, youth work in our dioceses needs to be supported and upheld in prayer as less and less people feel inclined or able to work with young people – without leaders there is no youth work, without leaders young people have no one to show them what is looks like to be a Christian. Without leaders – youth work in our churches is dead. (James 2. 14-26)

14 Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe 15 The Clergy of Derry and Raphoe The Clergy of Derry and Raphoe

* Clergy with a licence to preach and officiate ** Clergy with permission to preach and officiate D G

Deane, John (2002), Bishop’s C Ardara, Gilmore, Henry (1975), a C Glencolumbkille, Inniskeel, R Tullyaughnish G 2011 , Lettermacaward and Glenties, 2008-12 Canon of Raphoe 2001, The Rectory, Adamson, Anthony Scott (1978), Capper, Lorraine (2010), and R from 2012. Ramelton, Co. Donegal, Tel 074 915 1013 I Stranorlar, Meenglass and Kilteevogue C Drumragh 2010, 12 Crevenagh Way, The Rectory, Ardara, Co. Donegal, (2006), The Rectory, Stranorlar, Co. Donegal , , Co. Tyrone BT79 0JE, Tel 074 954 1124 Given, Harold Richard (1978), Tel 074 913 1081 Tel 028 8224 1527 I Tamlaghtfinlagan 1992, Finlagan Rectory, Email [email protected] Email [email protected] Dinsmore, Ivan (2001), R , 77 Ballykelly Rd., Limavady, Baronscourt, Badoney Lower, Badoney Co. L’Derry BT49 9DS, Tel 028 7776 2743 Allen, Thomas Davidson (1984), ** Carson, Gerald James Alexander (1949), Upper and Greenan, 2011, Email [email protected] In charge Gweedore, Carrickfinn and I Clonallon (Dromore), ret. 1990, 2 Dunderg Road, , Templecrone 2010, The Rectory, Bunbeg, Avonbrook Gdns, Coleraine, Co. Tyrone BT78 4NQ, +Good, Kenneth Raymond (1977), Co. Donegal, Tel 074 953 1043 Co. L’Derry BT52 1SS, Tel 028 7035 6047 Tel 028 8166 1342, Bishop of Derry and Raphoe 2002, Email [email protected] The See House, 112 Culmore Road, Clarke, Robert William (1983), Londonderry BT48 8JF, B I Edenderry & 1987, Canon of Tel 028 7135 1206 (H), Derry 2005, Edenderry Rectory, 91 Crevenagh F 028 7126 2440 (O), Fax 028 7135 2554, ** Bach, John Edward Goulden (1969), Road., Omagh, Co. Tyrone BT79 0EZ, Email [email protected] Chaplain and Lecturer, University of Tel 028 8224 5525 Ferry, Henry David John (1988), Ulster, Coleraine, 70 Hopefield Ave, I Balteagh and Carrick, Tamlaghtard and ** Graham, Frederick Lawrence (1966), Portrush, Co. Antrim BT56 8HE, * Classon, Michael Campbell, Aghanloo 2012, Canon of Derry 2005, I Donagheady 1991, Canon of Derry 1996, Tel 028 7082 3348 (H), 028 7032 4549/7032 Aux. Min. (1989), Summy, Portnoo, The Rectory, 115 Drumsurn Road, ret. 2000, 80 Altnahinch Road, Ballymoney, 4652 (O), Fax 028 7032 4904 (O) Co. Donegal, Tel 074 954 5242 Limavady, Co. Londonderry BT49 0PD, Co. Antrim BT44 9JS, Tel 028 2764 1016 Tel 028 7776 5806 Barton, Samuel David (1984), BC Fahan Collins, Donard Michael (1983), Email [email protected] Greenstreet , Mark George (1997), Upr & Lr 1992, Canon of Raphoe 1998, I Killowen 1998, St. John’s Rectory, Church Street, Buncrana, Co. Donegal R Urney 2012, The Rectory, 112 Melmount 4 Laurel Hill, Coleraine, Ferry, Malcolm Ronald Keith (1996), Road, , Co. Tyrone BT82 9PY, Tel 074 936 1154, Fax 074 936 3726, Co. L’Derry BT51 3AT, Tel 028 7034 2629 Email [email protected] I Clooney Parish, Londonderry 2008, Tel 028 8165 8835 The Rectory, 20 Limavady Road, Crawford-McCafferty, Louise (2002), Blair, John Wallace (1981), Londonderry BT47 1JD, Tel 028 7134 4306 ** Griffin, Victor Gilbert Benjamin (1947), R Kilrea and Aghadowey 2005, Dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin I Faughanvale 1997, Canon of Derry 2009, 40 Brone Road, Garvagh, Coleraine, 21 Main St., Eglinton, Co. L’Derry BT47 3AB, Fox, Raymond (1971), 1969, ret. 1991, 7 Tyler Rd., Limavady, Co. Londonderry BT51 4EQ, I Donegal G 2002, Canon of Raphoe 2009, Co. L’Derry BT49 0DW, Tel 028 7776 2093 Tel 028 7181 3654 Tel 028 7086 9277, Mobile 078 9074 5359 Email [email protected] ret. 2009, 10 Garden Avenue, Portstewart, Email [email protected] Co. Londonderry BT55 7AW Griscome, David (1989), I Convoy, Monellan and Donaghmore Burns, Arthur (2011), Creighton, Frederick David (1988), C in NSM Glendermott, 33 Sevenoaks, ** Freeman, Gordon Bertie (1995), (2006), The Rectory, Convoy, Co. Donegal, I Glendermott, 2000, Canon of Derry 2008, I Ardara G 1998, ret. 2007, Tel 074 910 1898 Crescent Link, Waterside, Londonderry Glendermott Rectory, 11 Church Brae, BT47 6AL, Tel 028 7134 4354, 3 Leyland Meadows, Ballycastle, Londonderry BT47 2LS, Tel 028 7134 3001 Mobile 079 1735 8317, Co. Antrim BT54 6JX, Tel 028 2076 8458 H Email [email protected] Crooks, David William Talbot (1977), I Taughboyne G 1984, Canon of Raphoe Hall, Harry (1991) 1991, Taughboyne Rectory, Churchtown, I Ardstraw, Baronscourt, Badoney Upr and Carrigans, Co. Donegal, Lr with Greenan 2005, ret.2011, 18 King’s Tel 074 914 0135, Road, Metheringham, Lincoln LN4 3HT Email [email protected]

28 Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe 29 Hospitals and Hospital Chaplains Diocesan Administration

Raphoe Diocese Diocesan Secretary Mr Geoffrey Kelly Ballyshannon The Rock Home, Telephone 071 985 1303 Administrative Assistant The Sheil Hospital, Telephone 071 985 1300 Miss Sandra Wallace Rev B. Russell, The Rectory, Lislinton, Ballintra, Co. Donegal, Tel/Fax 074 973 4025 Caretaker Mr Gordon Robinson Carndondagh Carndondagh District Hospital, Telephone 074 937 4164 The Diocesan Office Chaplaincy vacant The Diocesan Centre, London Street, Londonderry BT48 6RQ Telephone 028 7126 2440, Fax 028 7137 2100, Donegal Email offi[email protected] Donegal District Hospital, Telephone 074 972 1019 The Rev David Huss, The Rectory, Donegal, Telephone 074 972 1075 Diocesan Trustees Ven M. S. Harte, S. Gamble, W. McClay

Dungloe Treasurer Dungloe Hospital, Telephone 074 952 1044 The Bank of Ireland, The Rev. T. Allen, The Rectory, Bunbeg, Co. Donegal, Telephone 074 953 1043 Shipquay Street, Londonderry Chancellor Killybegs Mrs Ann Brown Killybegs Community Hospital, Telephone 074 973 2044 The Rev Ruth West, The Rectory, Inver, Co. Donegal, Telephone 074 973 6013 Auditors PriceWaterhouseCooper

Letterkenny Diocesan Registrar Letterkenny General Hospital, Telephone 074 912 5888 Canon D. W. T. Crooks, St. Conall’s Hospital, Telephone 074 912 1022 Taughboyne Rectory, Churchtown, Canon S. Wright, Conwall Rectory, Letterkenny, Telephone 074 912 2573 Carrigans, Co. Donegal Telephone 074 914 0135

Lifford Diocesan Architect Donegal County Hospital, Lifford, Telephone 074 914 1033 Miss Caroline Dickson, Very Rev J. Hay, The Deanery, Raphoe, Telephone 074 914 5226 34 Clarendon Street, Londonderry Telephone 028 7126 5010 Stranorlar Fax 028 7126 9973 St. Joseph’s Hospital, Stranorlar, Telephone 074 913 1038 The Rev Tony Adamson, The Rectory, Stranorlar, Co. Donegal, Telephone 074 913 1081 Diocesan Website www.derry.anglican.org

44 Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe 45 Members of Diocesan Synod Members of Diocesan Synod

Elected in 2011 for three years Derg and Termonamongan The stipendiary clergy are members of Synod. The list below gives the groupings of parishes W. Montgomery, K. Brown, J. Harron, I. Clarke

Desertmartin and Termoneeny Chairman S. Hudson, J. McKee The Bishop Donagheady Secretaries Mrs C. McMichael, I. Kennedy Ven M. S. Harte, Mr S. Gamble, Mr W. Arnold, Dean W. Morton, Ven R. Miller Drumachose S. Hunter, Mrs S. Hunt, I. Grant, G. Stephens DiOCeSe OF DeRRy Aghadowey and Kilrea Drumclamph and Clare, Langfield Upper & Lower J. Wilson, D. Rankin J. Harpur, W. Hamilton

Ardstraw, Baronscourt, Badoney Upper and Lower and Greenan Drumragh with Mountfield J. Dunbar, Mrs A. Murphy, W. McKelvey, W. Fleming S. McFarland, J. Johnston, Mrs. E. Seale, W. Crawford

Ballyscullion Dungiven and Bovevagh J. Junkin, J. Frew W. Ross, D. Wilson

Balteagh and Carrick, Tamlaghtard and Aghanloo Edenderry and Clanabogan N. Cranford, Mrs C. Hunter, Mrs D. Lumley R. Pollock, V. Anderson

Camus-juxta-Bann Errigal and Desertoghill H. Caskey, Miss L. Doherty J. H. D. Livingston, Mrs H. Gibson

Camus-juxta-Mourne Faughanvale I. Armstrong, S. Gamble W. Robb, C. Donnell

Cappagh and Lislimnaghan Glendermott, Londonderry G. Jones, Mrs E. Fitzgerald A. Smallwoods, Mrs J. Miller, R. Edgar, I. Peilow

Castledawson Kilcronaghan and Ballynascreen Mrs J. Campbell, Miss J. Garvin Mrs K. Montgomery, Miss K. McKeown

Castlerock, Dunboe and Fermoyle Killowen H. McLaughlin, N. Bradley J. Nicholl, J. H. Barr, D. Moore, V. G. Carson

Christ Church, Londonderry, Muff, Culmore and St. Peter’s Leckpatrick and Dunnalong Mrs L. Hughes, A. Henderson, C. MacBruithin, D. Harrington Mrs K. Donnell, Mrs K. Nesbitt

Clooney, Londonderry Maghera and Killelagh H. Lindsay, I. Rudd, Miss K. Lindsay, P. Gillen Mrs V. McIlvenna, Miss L. Bradley St. Augustine’s, Londonderry Cumber Upper & Lower, Banagher & Learmount A. Austin, N. Glenn J. Robinson, Mrs J. Magee, Mrs M. Smyth, Mrs H. McSparron

48 Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe 49 Members of Diocesan Synod Members of Diocesan Synod

Tamlaghtfinlagan and Myroe Moville Upper and Lower, Donagh, Cloncha and Culdaff W. Rodgers, D. Parkhill Mrs J. O’Dwyer, Mrs D. Carey, C. McCandless, G. Mills

Tamlaght O’Crilly Upper and Lower Raphoe Cathedral, Raymochy and Clonleigh A. Moore, W. Crockett D. West, Mrs M. Pollock, R. McConnell

Templemore, Derry Cathedral Stranorlar, Kilteevogue and Meenglass Miss M. Boal, Mrs J. Armstrong, Mrs E. Fielding, Miss M. Hamilton W. McClay, J. Kee

Urney with Sion Mills Taughboyne with Craigadooish, All Saints & Killea R. Patton, W. Kee D. Nesbitt, J. N. Devenney, W. Moore

Tullyaughnish, Kilmacrennan, Killygarvan & Glenalla P. Alcorn, Miss H. McCloy, A. Gillespie, Mrs P. Gailey DiOCeSe OF RaPHOe Ardara, Glencolumbkille, Inniskeel, Glenties and Lettermacaward Mrs M. Baskin, W. Fuller, Mrs H. Barrett, E. Miller DiOCeSe aT LaRGe Clondehorkey and Cashel and Mevagh Clergy Mrs B. Campbell, W. S. E. McElhinney Rev M. Classon, Canon J. Merrick, Rev B. Hasson, Rev M. Peoples, Rev A. Quigley, Rev K. McAteer, Rev J. McGaffin, Rev A. Burns Clondevaddock G. Peoples, P. Perry Lay Mrs A. Fletcher, Mrs V. Forbes, S. R. Loughrey, The Duke of Abercorn, Convoy, Monellan and Donaghmore Mrs S. Donnell, R. Wray, Mrs R. Witherow, W. Oliver, Professor G. Robinson, J. V. Kilpatrick, Mrs M. Witherow, Mrs B. Patterson Mrs M. Wright, G. Glenn, Mrs. R. Merrick, K. Witherow, S. Witherow, Miss N. Dudley, W. McElhinney Conwall Union with Gartan Mrs C. Engel, V. Wilkin

Donegal, Killymard, Lough Eske & Laghey A. Thompson, R. Ellis, W. J. Scott, D. Kee

Drumholm, Kilbarron and Rossnowlagh P. Anderson, Mrs I. Hurst, G. Laird

Dunfanaghy, Raymunterdoney and Tullaghobegley W. Arnold, Mrs M. Sayers

Fahan Upper and Lower Mrs D. Wilson, Mrs C. Buchanan

Gweedore, Carrickfinn and Templecrone Mrs K. Stewart, Miss M. Boyd

Inver, Mountcharles, Killaghtee & Killybegs Mrs R. Johnston, Mrs W. Donaghy, H. Maxwell

50 Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe 51 Parish Information Central Church Committees Diocese of Derry

General Synod Board of Education aGHaDOwey anD KiLRea KiLRea Ven M S Harte, D West Secretary Rector Mittle McFadden, Rev Louise Crawford-McCafferty, Board of Education () 30 Bann Road, Kilrea, Co. Londonderry, Mr Ian McCafferty, Rt Rev K. Good, Rev M. Ferry, Mr W. McSparron BT51 5RX 40 Brone Road, Garvagh, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry BT51 5EQ Adult Education Council Treasurer Telephone 028 7086 9277 To be confirmed Mrs Joan Murdoch, Mobile 078 9074 5359 102 Moneygran Road, Kilrea, Email [email protected] Council for Mission Co. Londonderry BT51 5RX Canon D. Creighton Churches and Times of worship Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue St. Guaire’s Church, Aghadowey Canon D. W. T. Crooks 11.30am., Holy Communion (2nd and 4th aRDSTRaw, BaROnSCOURT, Sundays); Morning Prayer (1st and 5th The Church’s Ministry of Healing in Ireland Sundays); Family Service (3rd Sunday); BaDOney LOweR wiTH Rt. Rev’d. K. R. Good (Patron), Rev R. Miller (Diocesan Warden) 7.00pm., Evening Service (1st Sunday) GReenan, BaDOney UPPeR Rector Board for Social Theology in Action St. Patrick’s Church, Kilrea Rev Ivan Dinsmore Mrs A Brown 10.30am., Holy Communion (1st and 5th The Rectory, 2 Dunderg Road, Sundays); Morning Prayer (2nd and 4th Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone BT78 4NQ Sundays); Family Service (3rd Sunday) Telephone/Fax 028 8166 1342 10.30am., Holy Communion 2nd Email [email protected] Wednesday with prayer for healing Churches and Times of worship aGHaDOwey St. Eugene’s Church, Ardstraw, Secretary Newtownstewart Mr John Wilson, 25 Cullyrammer Road, 10.45am., Holy Communion (1st Sunday) Garvagh, Co. Londonderry BT51 5JQ Morning Prayer (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Telephone 028 7086 8717 Family Service (3rd Sunday) Mobile 079 0990 0716 Email [email protected] Baronscourt 9.30am., Holy Communion (1st Sunday) Treasurer Morning Prayer (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Mrs Rozzy Skuce, 6 Cullycapple Road, Sundays) Aghadowey, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry BT51 4AR. Mobile 077 3139 6109 Badoney Lower Church, 12.15pm., Holy Communion (2nd Sunday) Sexton Morning Prayer (1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays) Mrs Iris Knight, 80 Ballygawley Road, Family Service (4th Sunday) Aghadowey, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry BT51 4DT. Telephone 028 7086 8897

62 Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe Dioceses of Derry and Raphoe 63 Parish Information – Diocese of Derry Parish Information – Diocese of Derry

Greenan Treasurer BaLTeaGH anD CaRRiCK Sexton 10.45am., Holy Communion (2nd Sunday) Mrs A. Laughlin, TamLaGHTaRD anD aGHanLOO Mrs Angela Abbott, Morning Prayer (1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays) 27 Lenamore Road, Gortin, 75 Rose Park, Limavady, Co. Londonderry Family Service (4th Sunday) Omagh, Co. Tyrone Rector Telephone 028 8164 8304 The Rev’d Canon Henry David John Ferry, B.Th Badoney Upper Church, The Rectory, 115 Drumsurn Road, TamLaGHTaRD anD aGHanLOO Limavady, Co. Londonderry BT49 0PD. 9.30am., Holy Communion (2nd Sunday) Secretary Morning Prayer (1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays) BaDOney UPPeR Tel 028 7776 5806 Email [email protected] Mrs Elizabeth Scott, Family Service (4th Sunday) Secretary 19 Freehall Road, Aghanloo, Mrs Lorna Warnock, Churches and Times of worship Limavady, Co. Londonderry Newtownstewart Model School 92 Glenelly Road, Plumbridge, Co. Tyrone Telephone 028 7776 4240 Gortin Primary School St. Canice’s Church, Balteagh Treasurer 10.30am., Holy Communion (2nd Sunday) Morning Prayer (1st, 3rd, 4th Sundays) Treasurer Mrs Elizabeth Campbell, Mrs Iris Smyth, aRDSTRaw 28 Castledamph Road, Carrick 14 Windy Hall Road, Secretary Plumbridge, Co. Tyrone 12.00noon, Holy Communion (2nd Sunday) Limavady, Co. Londonderry Mrs F. Wilson, Morning Prayer (1st, 3rd, 4th Sundays) Telephone 028 7776 3694 12 Bunderg Road, Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone BT78 4NQ St. Cadan’s Church, Tamlaghtard Sexton, Tamlaghtard BaLLySCULLiOn 12.00noon, Holy Communion (1st Sunday) Mr Bertie McGrenaghan, Treasurer Morning Prayer (2nd, 3rd, 4th Sundays) 22 Scotchtown Road, Bellarena, Mrs Dawn Pinkerton, Part-time Priest-in-charge Co. Londonderry 3 West Road, Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone Canon Robin Lavery, Dipl Th, BA St. Lugha’s Church, Aghanloo Telephone 028 7775 0389 Mrs Gwen Lavery Telephone 028 8166 1074 10.30am., Holy Communion (1st Sunday) 11 Drumnamallaght Park, Ballymoney, Morning Prayer (2nd, 3rd, 4th Sundays) Sexton, Aghanloo Co. Antrim BT53 7QZ Mr David Moore, Telephone 028 2766 9147 United Service, Holy Communion or Family BaROnSCOURT 69 Aghanloo Road, Service on 5th Sunday by arrangement Limavady, Co. Londonderry Secretary Times of worship Mrs S. Braiden, Telephone 028 7776 6048 St. Tida’s Church, Bellaghy BaLTeaGH Coolaghy Road, Newtownstewart, 11.30am., Holy Communion (1st Sunday) Secretary Co. Tyrone Morning Prayer (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Mr Ivor Hunter, Telephone 028 8166 1763 38 Ballyleagry Road, Limavady, Sundays) CamUS-JUxTa-Bann 6.00pm., Holy Communion (3rd Sunday) Co. Londonderry, Telephone 028 7776 4509 Treasurer Evening Prayer (1st Sunday) Bishop’s Curate-in-charge Mrs L. Crompton, Treasurer The Rev Michael P. Roemmele, MA 69 Drumlegagh Road, Newtownstewart, Mr Samuel Hunter, 38 Ballyleagry Road, Secretary Mrs Adrienne Roemmele, Co. Tyrone Limavady, Co. Londonderry, Mr Jackson Frew, The Rectory, 19 Dunderg Road, Telephone 028 8166 1116 Telephone 028 7776 4509 12 Station Road, Moneymore, Macosquin, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry BT45 7RA Co. Londonderry BT51 4PN CaRRiCK Telephone 028 7034 3918 BaDOney LOweR Treasurer Secretary Email [email protected] Secretary Mrs Anne Davison, Margaret McSparron, Mrs M. Yorke, 58A Moneygran Road, Kilrea, Telephone 028 7772 2907 27 Plumbridge Road, Newtownstewart, Co. Londonderry BT51 5SL Co. Tyrone Treasurer Telephone 028 8166 1320 Miss A Gordon, 55 East Road, Limavady, Co. Londonderry

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Home Times of worship Treasurer 6.00pm., Evening Prayer (1st, 2nd & 3rd 30 Drumrane Road, Limavady, Christ Church, Mrs Martie Lynch, Sundays) with intercession and laying-on Co. Londonderry BT49 9LB, 11.30am., Holy Communion 32 Clanabogan Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone of hands for the sick(last Sunday) Tel 028 7776 3554. Mobile 079 7723 9863 (1st & 5th Sundays); Holy Communion Telephone 028 8224 3428 Saints’ Days, Holy Communion 10.30am (1st & 3rd Sundays); Family Service (4th No evening service during July or August Parish Office Sunday); Services at 11.00am July & August Sexton St. Mary’s Church, 31 Dunderg Road, Mr Robin Johnston, Secretary Macosquin, Coleraine Secretary 74 Gortnagarn Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone Mrs Helen McCulloch, Mr Harry Friar, BT79 7JG 1 Chichester Avenue, Castledawson, Times of worship 3 Daisy Park, Ballyfatton, Sion Mills, Telephone 028 8225 9633 Co. Londonderry BT45 8AU St. Mary’s Church, Macosquin Co. Tyrone BT82 9QD Telephone 028 7946 9926 9.00am., Holy Communion Telephone 028 8165 8237 10.30am., Holy Communion (1st, 3rd Sundays) LiSLimnaGHan Treasurer Morning Prayer (2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays Treasurer Secretary Mr I Winton, with Litany) Mr Philip Smith, Liz Fitzgerald, 24 Gulladuff Road, Castledawson, Wednesdays 10.00am., Holy Communion 71 Derry Road, Strabane, Co. Tyrone 31 Dunmullan Road, Omagh, Co. Tryone Co. L’Derry BT46 5EL St. Mary’s Church is open daily from BT82 8LD. Telephone 028 7188 2690 Telephone 028 8224 9853 10.00am.-5.00pm. Treasurer CaSTLeROCK, DUnBOe Secretary CaPPaGH anD LiSLimnaGHan Sharon McFarland, anD FeRmOyLe Mrs Lilian Davis, 41 Backfarm Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone 101 Strand Road, Coleraine, Rector Telephone 028 822 5 2735 Rector o. Londonderry BT51 3AF, The Rev Canon Derek J. Quinn, B.Th., Rev Diane Matchett Tel 028 7035 5039 Mrs Helen Quinn, Sexton Mr Mark Stuart Email [email protected] Erganagh Rectory, 1 Erganagh Road, Mr Bobbie Gilchrist, 52 Main Street, Castlerock, Co. Cappagh, Omagh, Co. Tyrone BT79 7SX 10 Connaghty Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone Londonderry BT51 4RA Treasurer Telephone 028 8224 2572 Telephone 028 8224 7496 Telephone 028 7084 8242 Mr J Hutchinson, Email [email protected] Email [email protected] 17 Cashel Road, Coleraine, Co. L’derry Churches and Times of worship Curate The Rev Adam Quigley, Auxiliary Ministry Sexton St. Eugene’s Church, Cappagh Mrs Marlyn Quigley, Vacant 8.30am., Holy Communion (3rd Sunday) CaSTLeDawSOn 41 Queen’s Park, Coleraine, Co. L’derry 11.30am., Holy Communion (1st Sunday) Rector Telephone 028 7035 5191 Morning Prayer (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) The Rev’d Colin R J Welsh, CamUS-JUxTa-mOURne Family Service (3rd Sunday) Mrs Anne Welsh Churches and Times of worship The Rectory, 12 Station Road, Bishop’s Curate-in-charge Holy Trinity Church, Lislimnaghan Christ Church, Castlerock Castledawson, Co. Londonderry BT45 8AZ The Rev’d Mark Lennox, 10.00am. Holy Communion (1st Sunday) 8.30am., Holy Communion Tel 028 7946 8235 The Rectory, Newtown Street, Strabane, Morning Prayer (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays) (Every Sunday in Advent and Lent) Co. Tyrone BT82 8DW Family Service (3rd Sunday) 10.00am., Holy Communion Times of worship Telephone 028 7188 2314 (1st, 3rd Sunday) Mobile 077 5215 2991 CaPPaGH Christ Church, Castledawson Morning Prayer (2nd, 5th Sunday) Email [email protected] 8.30am., Holy Communion (every Sunday) Secretary Family Service (4th Sunday) 11.30am., Holy Communion (2nd Sunday, Mr George Jones, except November, 1st Sunday) 108 Castletown Road, Omagh, Co. Tyrone Morning Prayer (1st, 3rd Sundays) Telephone 028 8224 5502 Family Service (last Sunday)

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