Greenspace Enhancement in Agro-Manitoba Communities

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Greenspace Enhancement in Agro-Manitoba Communities Greenspace Enhancement in Agro-Manitoba Communities by Ute Elisabeth Holweger A practicum submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Lanckape Architecture Department of Landscape Architectnre University of Manitoba Wdpeg, Manitoba {O August, 1998 National Library Bibiiithèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Çawices seMces bibliographiques 395 Wellinglon Street 395. tue Wellingtori Ottawt ON K1A ON4 OttawaON K1A ON4 canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant a la National Libmy of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distn'bute or sell reproduire, prêter, distriibuer ou copies of this thesis in rnicroform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/nlm. de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Ne* the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be pmited or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. TmUNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDfES ***** COPYRIGHT PERMISSION PAGE A Thesis/Practicum submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Stndies of The University of Manitoba in partial fulfdment of the requirements of the degree of MASTEK OF LAmSCBPg ARCE1TE- Ute Elisabeth Eolweger 01998 Permission has been granted to the Library of The University of Manitoba to [end or seU copies of this thesis/practicurn, to the National Library of Canada to microfdm this thesis and to lend or sel1 copies of the film, and to Dissertations Abstracts International to publish an abstract of this thesis/practicum. The author reserves other publication righb, and neither this thesis/practicurn nor extensive estracts from it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's written permission. Abstract Canadian Prairie towns have played a key role in developing Westem Canada. Most of these towns developed along the railroad which not only provided the key Iinkages across the prairies but also influence& to a large extent. town fom and function. Many changes have taken place across Westem Canada since the initial establishment of railroads and towns. Economic trends continue to evolve while transportation methods are changing. As a result, many toms need to find ways to adapt to the changes taking place if they wish to remain a part of the prairie landscape. This study looks at how agro-Manitoba communities are adapting to these changes in order to accommodate some of the current social, environmental and econornic trends. Some of the recent initiatives w-thinthese communities include rails-to-trails, urban walkways, and habitat conservation and restoration. Agro-Manitoba communities are finding that thae initiatives tend to be more cost effective and ecologically functioning than traditional landscapes. They also require less maintenance, provide pater means for environmental rducation and allow for more community involvement The intent of the demonstration project is to establish a connected network of habitat and public open space by developing a greenspace enhancement plan for the Town of Birtle. Manitoba This plan will assist the town in developing a cornmunity walkway systrrn that links the historical, social, and natural amenities of Bide through a continuous network of greenspace. This initiative will provide a means for habitat conservation. recreational activities. histonc preservation, and environmental education. The project draws largely on a public participation process with most of the work being carried out at the gms-roots level through local vol unteers. The need for project guidance, including goveming bodies. interest groupsior~anizahons, and professional assistance, is evident in the Bide study. Recommendations, basrd on Birtle, are provided as a reference for other agro-Manitoba cornmunities who may wish to start similar initiatives. Ac knowledgements To the Town of Birtle for providing me with the opportunity to carry out this study, and to its residents, especially Karen Jopling, Joan Taylor, Bob Marshall, Stacey Otter, Margi Howard, Inger Reid, Judie & Hardo Bewer, Trudy Parnetta, Beryl & Jim Farquhar. Steve MacBeth and others who I have met - your eagerness, thoughtfulness, and hospitality wi Il nerer be forgotten. To the University of Manitoba for awarding me a Graduate Fellowship in support of this project. To my mentors - Professor Charles Thomsen, Cynthia Cohlmeyer, and Dr. Richard Rounds - for your patience and guidance. To mmy fnends - Blake, lac, Jim, Léo, and my partner Mark - for your encouragement and support. Also, to Dr. Campbell Davidson, Ron Lewis, Carrie Macpherson, Shei la McKinley, Beveri y Sandalack, Jirn Tokarchuk, and everyone elsr who has helped me through this process. And finally,to my parents - thank-you for choosing Manitoba as ounew home. Expenencing the Canadian Prairies is the greatest gifl - and inspiration - in rny li fe. Contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................I The Opportunity ............................... .. ..................................................... 1 Objectives .................................................................................................. 2 Process ....................................................................................................... 2 2. Rural Commonity Development ..,............................................................... 4 Town Establishment ................................................................................... 4 Town Transformation ................................................................................. 5 Current Trends .......................................................................................... 10 Econornic Divrrsific~ionund AApi~ion......................................... 10 Population Changes ........................................................................... 11 Tourism ................*............................. ...................*.....12 Lncul Erprrrsiim ................................................................................ 13 Environrneniul Awurenrss ................................................................... 13 Truils uncl Purh~uvs....................................................................... 15 3. Rural Pianning .............................................................................................. 17 Responsi bilities ........................................................................................ 17 Resources ............................... .... ......................................................... 17 Public Participation .................................................................................. 18 4. Greenways and Pathways ...........................................................................21 Overview .................................................................................................. 2I Environmental Benefits ....................................................................... 21 Economic Benefits ................................................................................... 23 Social Values ........................................................................................... 23 Educational Opportunities ....................................................................... 24 Related Works .......................................................................................... 25 Cudiun Initiatives ........................................................................... 26 Rirra 1 itfunitoba Cue Srudies .............................. ......................... 28 5. Design GaideLines ......................................................................................... 34 Contents 6. Demonstration: Bide. MB .................. .................................................. 38 Site Analysis ........................................ ..................................................... 39 A . Contcrrr .......................................................................................... 39 B . Crrlturul Dura ..... ............,...... ........................................................ 39 D . Historie Dutu ................................. ., ............................................ 41 C . Phyicul Dutu ................................................................................ 13 Development Plan .................................................................................... 17 Demonstration Sites .................................................................................. 49 A . Wi k.eEdrrcution Fucility ...................................... .. ................... 49 8. Lime Kilo Site ................................................................................ 50 C . Ofl~horeWulkways ........................................................................ 52 D . Rathg A/eu ut Popiur Grove ..................................... ................. 53 - - E . Sidrwulk cllong Chund Sevrnrh Siwr ....................................... 33 Irnplementaiion Phases ............................................................................
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