Afghan Opiate Trade and Africa- A Baseline Assessment (Working title) February 2016

PREFACE TO THE PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT Enhancing the knowledge on patterns and trends of the Afghan opiate trade remains an important area for the Afghan Opiate Trade Project (AOTP) (GLOV20). AOTP has released several project reports such as The Global Afghan Opium Trade (2011), The Afghan opiate trade through the Southern Route (2015) on the flow of Afghan opiates in which the findings identified the need for a further study focusing on opiate trafficking to and through Africa. The objective is to enhance knowledge on trafficking of Afghan opiates from Afghanistan, through the Southern Route, to the African Continent and further trafficking from Africa to Europe.

Afghan Opiate Trade and Africa- a baseline assessment involves the study of opiate trafficking through the Southern Route to Africa. It includes an analysis of the latest available statistical data and trends regarding the illicit trafficking of opiate, the trafficking modus operandi and beneficiaries to Africa.

The majority of data used in the report was obtained from the UNODC’s Drugs-Monitoring Platform (a joint AOTP & Paris Pact Initiative), the Annual Response Questionnaires (ARQ), submitted by Member States on an annual basis, and the Individual Drug Seizure (IDS) database. Unless specified otherwise, data in this document considers only those cases where information for all required parameters (such as departure country / destination country / method of transport) was available.

The present document containsstatistical material that will be used for the preparation of the Afghan Opiate Trade and Africa – A baseline assessment report. Member States are encouraged to review the statistical material contained in this pre-publication document and forward any comments to the UNODC. Only comments received by 26- January- 2016 will be taken into account for the finalisation of the report, which is scheduled to be published in February 2016.

This document is to be used exclusively for review by Member States and is not for quotation or dissemination.

Please send comments to: Statistics and Surveys Section UNODC, Vienna International Centre P.O. Box 500 A-1400 Vienna, Austria E-Mail: [email protected]

1 Explanatory Notes This report has been produced without formal editing.

The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The names of territories and administrative areas are in italics. Countries and areas are referred to by the names that were in official use at the time the relevant data were collected.

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on maps do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Dashed lines represent undetermined boundaries. Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties. The final boundary between the Sudan and South Sudan has not yet been determined.

2 Contents


Explanatory Notes ...... 2

1. Introduction ...... 6

2. Opiate trafficking to and through Africa ...... 9

2.1. Eastern Africa ...... 17 2.2. West and Central Africa ...... 23 2.2.1. Other countries in West and Central Africa ...... 25 2.3. Northern Africa ...... 26

3. Impact and challenges ...... 33

3 Glossary

AA Acetic Anhydride AGE Anti-Government Element AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AND Anti-Narcotic Department, Jordan ANSF Afghanistan’s National Security Force ANF Anti Narcotics Forces, Pakistan AOTP Afghan Opiate Trade Project ARQ Annual Report Questionnaire AFTA Asia Free Trade Area APTA Asia Pacific Trade Agreement ATS Amphetamine-Type Stimulants BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BKA Bundeskriminalamt, CARICC Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre CCP UNODC Global Container Control Programme CEN Enforcement Network CEWG Community Epidemiology Work Group CID Central Investigation Department, Nigeria CMF Combined Maritime Forces CNP Cuerpo Nacional de Policia, Spain CNPA Counter Narcotics Police of Afghanistan COAFG UNODC Country Office for Afghanistan DEA Drug Enforcement Administration, United States of America DELTA Database on Estimates and Long Term Trend Analysis GBP British Pound Sterling GDP Gross Domestic Product DMP Drugs Monitoring Platform GCC Gulf Cooperation Council EMCDDA European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction EU European Union EUROPOL European Police Office FC Frontier Corps, Pakistan gm Grams ha Hectares HDI Human Development Index HIV Human immunodeficiency virus

4 I.R. Islamic Republic IDS Individual Drug Seizures IDU Injecting drug use INCB International Narcotics Control Board INSCR International Narcotics Control Strategy Report INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization ISAF International Security Assistance Force kg Kilograms km Kilometres mt Metric ton MCN Ministry of Counter Narcotics, Afghanistan MAR-INFO An information system executed by the EU Council Customs Working Party MOI Ministry of Interior No. Number NCA National Crime Agency, United Kingdom NCB Narcotics Control Bureau, India NDLEA National Drug , Nigeria PDR People’s Democratic Republic RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police RILO Regional Intelligence Liaison Office ROSA Regional Office for South Asia ROSEN Regional Office for West and Central Africa S.A.R Special Administrative Region SAFTA South Asian Free Trade Area SOCA Serious Organised Crime Agency TTP Tehreek-e-Taliban-e-Pakistan UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNDSS United Nations Department of Safety and Security UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime USD U.S. dollar WCO World Customs Organization ZKA Zollkriminalamt

5 1. Introduction Map 1: Indicative Afghan heroin trafficking routes

Source: UNODC elaboration, based on seizure data from Drug Monitoring Platform (DMP), Individual Drug Seizures (IDS) and Annual Report Questionnaires (ARQ), supplemented by national government reports and other official reports.


Map 2: Member states in Africa that provided annual reports questionnaire drug supply data for 2013

Source: UNODC, based on responses to Annual Report Questionnaire (2013) and supplemented by national government reports and other official reports, World Drug Report 2015

7 Map 3: Opium cultivation in Afghanistan, 2014

Source: Afghanistan Opium Survey 2014, UNODC

Figure 1: Seizures of opium, morphine and heroin in Afghanistan 2004-2013

Source: UNODC Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ) and Database on Estimates and Long-term Trend Analysis (DELTA)

8 2. Opiate trafficking to and through Africa

Map 4: Reported heroin seizures in Africa (2009-2013)

Source: UNODC, based on drug seizure data from Drug Monitoring Platform (DMP), Individual Drug Seizures (IDS) and Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ), supplemented by national government reports and other official reports

9 Figure 2: Overview of opiate users in Africa

1,800 1,600 1,400

1,200 1,000 800

thousands) 600 400 200

Number of opiate users (in hundredusers ofopiate Number 0 East Africa North Africa Southern Africa West and Central United States of Africa America

Source: World Drug Report, UNODC (2015)

Figure 3: Quantity of heroin seized in Africa 2003-2013








100 Quantity of heroin seized (kilograms) seized heroin of Quantity


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

East Africa West and Central Africa Africa (total)

Source: UNODC Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ) and Database on Estimates and Long-term Trend Analysis (DELTA) supplemented by national government reports and other official reports


Image 1: Seizure of 981 kg of heroin off the eastern coast of Africa in June 2015

(Left) One of the dhows boarded by CMF. (Right) Seized drugs prior to being destroyed.

Source: Combined Maritime Forces

Figure 4: Laboratories Seized in South Africa (2005-2010)







Number of Laboratoriesof Number 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Methcathinone Methamphetamine

11 Map 5: Prevalence of opioid use in Africa

Source: World Drug Report 2015

12 Figure 5: Distribution of opiate users in the main markets of the Western and Central Europe, 2013

France 18% 26% Germany

10% Italy

UK 16% 30% Rest of West and Central Europe

Source: ARQs; Government data (United Kingdom); UNODC World Drug Report 2015

Figure 6: Departure regions for heroin seized in Italy 2013





40 Amount of heroin seized (kg) seized heroinof Amount 20


Source: Annual Report 2013, Direzione Centrale per i Servizi Antidroga (Italy)

13 Table 1: Heroin seizures in Belgian airports identified as departing from Africa in 2011-2013

Qty Year Departure Transit Destination arrests Route (kg)

Cameroon Entebbe - Brussels 2011 1.12 Uganda Belgium Spain national

Estonian Kilimanjaro - Addis national Abeba - Brussels 2012 7.26 Tanzania Ethiopia Belgium

2012 2.43 Benin n/a Belgium Nigerian Cotounou - Brussels national 2012 2.36 Kenya Belgium Slovenia Tanzanian Nairobi - Brussels - national Ljubljana 2012 5.115 Burundi Belgium Italy British Bujumbura - Brussels - national Italy Tanzanian Nairobi - Brussels 2012 2.46 Kenya n/a Belgium national

Tanzanian Nairobi - Brussels - national Rome 2012 2.08 Kenya Belgium Italy

Nairobi – Brussels - Budapest 2013 5.44 Kenya Belgium Hungary

Source: Belgian and Kenya national authorities

14 Figure 7: Departure countries for heroin seized in Italy, 2011

Benin Ghana Belgium Cameroon 3% 2% 1% 3% Kenya 4%

Pakistan Greece 8% 29%

Albania 13% Tanzania Uganda 21% 16%

Source: Adapted from DCSA, Annual Report, 2011

Figure 8: Main destination countries for heroin seized at MMIA Airport (Lagos) in 2011-2012


United States Spain 10% South Africa Cameroon 63% 2% 7% Unknown

Source: National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Nigeria

15 Figure 9 Seizures at Murtala Muhammed International Airport (MMIA) in 2014


37.285 Cocaine 120.44 Cannabis sativa 51.01 Ephedrine Methamphetamine Heroin 108.645 Psychotropic substances 107.855 Ephedrine


Source: National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Nigeria1

1 National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Nigeria, 2015 arrest-rises-1622percent-mmia 16 2.1. Eastern Africa

Map 6: Eastern Africa

17 Map 7: Heroin Seizures in Eastern Africa 2009 – 2013

18 Map 8:Indicative Afghan heroin trafficking routes to Eastern Africa

Source: UNODC elaboration, based on drug seizure data from Drug Monitoring Platform (DMP) ,Individual Drug Seizures (IDS) and Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ), supplemented by national government reports and other official reports

19 Figure 10: Quantity of heroin seized in Eastern Africa 1990- 2012

450 Uganda 400 Tanzania (United Republic of) 350 Seychelles 300 Rwanda 250 Mauritius 200 Madagascar 150 100 Kenya 50 Ethiopia 0 Djibouti


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1990

Source: UNODC Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ) and Database on Estimates and Long-term Trend Analysis (DELTA)

20 Map 9: Reported heroin seizures, including seaports and main ferry lines across the Persian Gulf, as reported to UNODC presented in government reports and the media, 2010-2013

Source: UNODC Drugs Monitoring Platform (DMP) and Individual Drug Seizures (IDS)

Figure 11: Quantity of heroin seized by Combined Maritime Forces (2012-2014)








Weight of heroin seized (kg) 500

0 2012 2013 2014

Source: Combined Maritime Forces (CMF)

21 Figure 12: Number of drug seizure made by the CMF in 2014 (by month)

Narcotics Seizures 2014

5 NE Monsoon SW Monsoon NE Monsoon 4


month 2


Number of Narcotics Seizures per per Seizures of Number Narcotics 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Source: Combined Maritime Forces

Image 2: Dhow from which 449kg of heroin was seized by CMF in May 2014.

Source: CMF

22 2.2. West and Central Africa Map 10: Locations of reported heroin seizures in West Africa as reported to UNODC, presented in government reports or in the media, 2009-2013

Source: UNODC, based on seizure data from Drug Monitoring Platform (DMP), Individual Drug Seizures (IDS) and Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ), supplemented by national government reports and other official reports

23 Map 11 : Average size (kg) of heroin seizures per country in West and Central Africa, 2010-2013

Source: UNODC Database on Estimates and Long-term Trend Analysis (DELTA)

24 2.2.1. Other countries in West and Central Africa Figure 13: Average heroin amount seized annually in West and Central Africa by countries, 1990-2011






40 Average amount seized seized amount Average 20


Benin Faso Burkina Cameroon CapeVerde Chad Congo (Dem. Congo Rep. the) of Côted'Ivoire Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Liberia Mali Mauritania Niger Nigeria Senegal Leone Sierra Togo

Source: UNODC Annual Report Questionnaire (ARQ) and Database on Estimates and Long-term Trend Analysis (DELTA)

25 2.3. Northern Africa2

Figure 14: Quantity of heroin seized in Northern Africa (1990-2013)

300 250 200 150 100 50 0

Egypt Rest of North Africa

Source: DELTA

Map 12: Indicative drug trafficking routes from Afghanistan (through Balkan route) through Northern Africa and the Middle East.

Source: Based on the seizure data from ARQ, DMP and Country reports

2 Northern Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Libya, South Sudan, Sudan and Tunisia 26 Figure 15: Quantities of heroin and herbal cannabis seized in Egypt 1990 – 2013 3

250,000.00 300.00

200,000.00 250.00 200.00 150,000.00

150.00 100,000.00 (kg) 100.00

50,000.00 50.00

0.00 0.00 (kg) seized heroinof Quantity

Quantity of herbal cannabis seized cannabisherbal of Quantity

1994 1999 1990 1991 1992 1993 1995 1996 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Herbal Cannabis Heroin

Source: DELTA database

Figure 16: Quantities of heroin and Hashish (resin) seized in Isreal 1990 – 2013





1,500.00 (kg)




Quantities of heroin & hashish seized hashish& heroinof Quantities

1992 1996 2000 1990 1991 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Hashish (resin) Heroin

Source: DELTA

3 Egyptian ANGA Annual Reports 2006 -2013 27 Map 13: Indicative heroin entry, crossing and storage locations in Egypt

Source: ANGA, Egypt

28 Map 14: Heroin seizures in the Indian Ocean by CMF (2010-2014)

Source: Combined Martime Forces (CMF)

29 Figure 16: Heroin seizures in Libya 1990-201145

Source: Libyan ANGA

Table 2: Heroin/cocaine prices in selected countries in Africa, US and Western and Central Europe and average monthly incomes in US $, 2012 or as reported

Reported retail Reported retail Average annual Country/territory price per gram of price per gram of Reported year income (2013 heroin cocaine PPP)

Kenya 1.86* 31.8 2007 2,796.1

Egypt 17.29 82.44 2012 11,086.2 Algeria 130.64 143.70 2012 13,320.0

South Africa 35.01 32.67 2009 12,866.7

Nigeria 6.78 32.45 2009/2007 5,602.3 US 250.0 2.1 2012 52,980.0

Belgium 36.96 75.30 2011 42,725.3 Germany 65.48 83.63 2011 43,887.3 France 46.67 83.76 2012 37,594.7 Netherlands 60 58.67 2010 46,162.1 UK 63.31 63.31 2012 38,255.2 Source: WDR 2015 Note * heroin no. 3 and World Bank

4 Source: Libya Anti Narcotic Department (data on file)

5 Source: Libya Anti Narcotic Department (data on file)

30 Table 3: Reported average retail heroin purity in selected countries in Africa and Western and Central Europe, 2010-2013, or as reported

Country/territory Heroin purity at street level (percentage) Nigeria 50 Côte d'Ivoire 27 Australia 27 Ghana 50 USA 12 Canada 50 Germany 11 Sweden 18 Russia 7 France 11 Source: DELTA

Figure 17: Average wholesale and retail price of heroin in Egypt (EGP) 2008-2014

700 120,000

600 100,000 500 80,000 400 60,000 300 40,000 200

100 20,000

0 - 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Seizures (in Kg) Retail average Wholesale average

Source: ANGA Annual report 2008-2014

31 Table 4: Forensics testing on seizures in the Indian Ocean show adulterated heroin that still manages to keep a high level of purity.

Suspected Narcotic Approx. Date Seized (from initial Results of laboratory testing location test)

Indian Ocean The seized chunky off-white material was found to contain 59.5% (+/-2.7%) & 60.8% 13-Apr- Between: 182kg heroin (+/-2.8%) (2 samples) Heroin 12 10° & 14° Hydrochloride & caffeine & Methorphan. N Heroin classified as SW Asian Type C.

56° & 60°

Indian Ocean The seized chunky off-white material was 29-Mar- found to contain 57.7% (+/-2.7%) Heroin Between: 500kg heroin 13 Hydrochloride & caffeine & Methorphan. 02° & 06° S Heroin classified as SW Asian Type C.

46° & 50° E

Indian Ocean The seized chunky off-white material was 317kg heroin 6-May- Between: found to contain 57.7% (+/-2.7%) Heroin 13 7kg cannabis resin Hydrochloride & caffeine & Methorphan. 05° & 09° S Heroin classified as SW Asian Type C.

39° & 43° E

Indian Ocean The seized chunky off-white material was 14- found to contain 64.0% (+/-2.8%) Heroin Between: 195kg heroin May-13 Hydrochloride & caffeine & Methorphan. 01° & 05° S Heroin classified as SW Asian Type C.

45° & 49° E

32 3. Impact and challenges

Figure 5: Estimated number of opiate users (global) 2015


11% 18% 10%


Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania

Source: World Drug Report , 2015

Figure 6: Estimated number of opiate users by region in Africa, 2015





East Africa North Africa Southern Africa West and Central Africa

Source: World Drug Report , 2015

33 Figure 8: Retail prices of drugs in Nigeria and Tanzania, 2009*

8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00

Retial price per gram per $US dollar$US per gram perprice Retial Heroin Cocaine base Marijuana (herb)

United Republic of Tanzania Nigeria

Source: World Drug Report, 2015 *Marijuana price from Nigeria is reported in 2013

Figure 18: Estimated number of opiate usuers in the main markets of Western Europe compared with West Africa, 2013






Number of opiate users opiateof Number 200,000

0 UK (England Italy France Germany West and and Wales) Central Africa

Source: ARQ data;

34 Table 6: Opiate prevalence in East, West and Central Africa 2013 and prevalence globally

Annual Estimated population of Estimated number of Year of Country prevalence users 15-64 users estimate

Cape Verde 0.18 308,000 554 2004

C.A.R. 0.05 2,448,000 1,224 2004

Chad 0.22 5,802,000 12,764 2004

Congo 0.13 2,253,000 2,928 2004

DRC 0.13 33,678,000 43,781 2004

Ghana 0.14 14,049,000 19,668 N/A

Liberia 0.17 2,145,000 3,646 2004

Niger 0.2 7,575,000 15,154 2004

Nigeria 0.7 85,213,000 596,491 2004

Senegal 0.08 6,707,000 5,365 2006

Sierra Leone 0.17 3,233,000 5,496 2004

Eastern Africa

Kenya 0.22 22,237,980 48,923 2012

Mauritius 0.91 925,000 8,417 2007

Rwanda 0.14 5,811,000 8,135 2004

Seychelles 2.30 61,000 1,403 2011

Somalia 0.16 4,884,000 7,814 2004

Uganda 0.05 16,397,000 8,198 2004

Western and Central 0.36 1,100,000 Europe

Global 0.4

Source : UNODC Word Drug Report 2015

6 UNODC best estimate for opiate users see World Drug Report 2013 35

Figure 19: Comparison of estimated number of opiate users across Africa with United States of America







400 Number of opiate users opiateof Number 200

0 East Africa North Africa Southern West and North Africa Central Africa America

Source: World Drug Report 2015

Map 15: Opiate use prevalence in Northern Africa

Annual Estimated Estimated Year of Country prevalence population of number of estimate users 15-64 users Algeria 0.6 24,246,280 145,475 2010

Egypt 0.44 51,459,570 226,419 2006

Libya 0.14 4,148,360 5,800 2004

Morroco 0.08 21,247,000 16,997 2011

Tunisia 0.12 7,293,000 8,751 2011

Source : UNODC Word Drug Report 2015

36 Map 16 : Prevalence of lifetime drug use in total population

30 26

25 20 12.7 14.8 15 9 Cairo 10 7 3.6 Percentage 5 2.7 2.8 Coastal Cities 0 Hashish Opioids Psychotropics Polydrug use

Source: The Mental Health Secretariat, Ministry of Health; The National Research on Addiction (2009-2011-2013).

Figure 20 Country of citizenship for foreign nationals arrested on heroin trafficking charges in Pakistan in 2013

4% 3% 4%

Oman 18% Nigeria Zambia Afghan 46% UK Netherlands 21% Mozambique


Source: Anti Narcotics Force, Pakistan7

7 Foreigners arrested in Pakistan - 37 Figure 21 Wholesale price of heroin (of unkown purities) as it is smuggled along the southern route

Table 7 140kg heroin seizure in Egypt (2014)

Date Amount Method Route Remarks

A UAE national setup the cargo outside Egypt, 3 Egyptians were involved in receiving the consignment and its Sea Pakistan - promotion in Egypt. 140 kg heroin 03/02/2014 transport Egypt One Greek facilitated the maritime transport of the drugs on board of a floater with the aid of 8 crew member (2 Syrians and 6 Indians)


38 Figure 22Drug related arrests in Egypt 2008 – 2014





20000 Number of arrestof Number 10000

0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total drug related arrests Total heroin related arrests

Source: ANGA Annual report 2008 – 2014

Figure 23Top10 nationalities arrested in Egypt over drug related offences 2008-2014




100 Number of arrestof Number 50


Source: ANGA Annual report 2008 – 2014


Figure 24 Foreign drug related arrests by nationality in Algeria 2005 – 2014

Others CA 9% 3% NA WA 25% WA NA 63% CA Others

Figure xx: Top 10 foreign drug-trafficking related arrests in Algeria by nationality (totals 2005-2014)




100 Number of arrestof Number 50


Source: ARQ 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 & Office National de Lutte Contre la Drogue et la Toxicomanie; Bilan Annuel des Saisies de Stupefiants et de Substances Psychotropes a L’echelle Nationale Par Les Trois Services (G.N, D.G.S.N et Douane) 2005-2009 and 2011