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Minnesotan 1968 1969.Pdf Realigne~ Strengthened by the creation of two new Vice-Presidential posJtwns, the central administration of the University of Minnesota is prepared to deal with the growing complexity of University problems in 1968-1969 and in the years ahead. Appointment of Dr. Donald K. Smith as Vice President for Administration and Dr. Paul Cashman as Vice President for Student Affairs was recommended by President Malcolm Moos and approved by the Board of Regents on April 19. At the same time Vice President Stanley J. Wenberg, Educational Relationships and Development, was assigned the central administrative responsibility for co­ ordinating and developing the University's outstate campuses. To fill the positions vacated by Vice President Smith and Vice President Cashman when they assumed their new offices on July 1, the Board of Regents on July 12 appointed Dr. James F. Hogg as Assistant Vice President for Aca· demic Administration and Dr. Stanley B. Kegler as Assistant Vice President for Educational Relationships and Development. Vice President Donald K. Smith In another July 12 action of the Board of Regents, Dr. Rodney A. Briggs was named Provost of the University of Minnesota, Morris. He had been Dean of the Morris Campus since 1960. Vice President Smith described his new duties as the handling of day·to.day problems- including queries and complaints- in order to free President Moos for larger concerns. He expressed special interest in the organization of a data base to be used in decision-making. When he recommended the appointment of Vice President Smith, President Moos told the Regents, "It is impossible for the President alone to coordinate the myriad responsibilities of the University's central administration while at­ tempting at the same time to encourage the educational innovations demanded of the modern university. I shall look to Vice President Smith especially for coordinating administrative response to the instructional developments required if the University is to respond more fully to the educational needs of its students, and of the state." Vice President Smith previously held the position of Associate Vice Presi­ dent for Academic Administration and was chairman of the All-University Council on Liberal Education, a committee of the Faculty Senate especially concerned with the improvement of undergraduate education throughout the Universi,ty. "A more visible and more involved administrator who devotes more of his time centrally to student concerns" is what Vice President Cashman hopes to be in his new position. Observing that President Moos' openness about meeting students shows "the direction we need to go," Vice President Cashman said that he plans to be accessible to the students and will work to open more channels of communication with them. Designation of a Vice President for Student Affairs came at this time, he said, because of the "growing relationships between students and the l:niversity administration and faculty." He believes that students should work in an alliance with faculty members and administrators to develop new and innovative learning Vice President Paul H. Cashman experiences and identify areas where change is needed. Maureen Smith, Editor Joan Friedman, Associate Editor ADVISOR!' GROUP William L. Nu.nn, Director / William T. Harris, )r., AHi.stant Dirutor / Advisory Committu · Members of minnesotan the Umvnsity Public Information Council. Th~ MINNESOTA!'J is puf,fl,hed monthly Octobtr through May bv the Department of Univer.~il)· Relat1.ons, 220 Morrill Hall, Univt!r.H.ty of Minnesota, Minneapoli.t, Mi11.nesota 55455. Subscription-free copies mailed to full-tim~ Jta/J memb~rs. Non-Jta!J m~mber .•ubscription raU: ~~~.00 per y~a~, $.30 p~r copy. Copi~J u/ each iJ~ue on sule at Coffman Memorial l!nwn BookJtur~. Second das.s pO!lage pa'd at Minnt'apolis, Minnesota. Vol. 18 No. 1 O:i THE COVER is a model showing proposed construction for the Knoll Area north of the Mall. t t I ·~ ~dministration Ready for 1968-1969 r Vice President Cashman, who had previously been position. He will be working to "coordinate centrally all i Assistant Vice President for Educational Relationships requests that go to the federal government for funding ~ and Development, returned .in August from a trip to for facilities." He will work with the Duluth and Morris I Western Europe. Although students on both continents Campuses, through Vice President Wenberg, in order to ~ are concerned about the "quality of their own classroom "develop a system of relationships between those two and experience and the relevance of that experience to the the Twin Cities Campus." And he will work with other l world in which they live," Dr. Cashman commented that state schools- state colleges, junior colleges- to formu­ relationships between students and administrators in late cooperative programs of curriculum development Europe are marked more by confrontation and rig.id and innovation. response. "My impression is that we're somewhat better Dr. Kegler came to his new office from the College of off in our relationships," he said, "but we'll have to work Education, where he was Associate Dean. He has served f hard to respond to changing student needs. To fail to do as interim director of the Upper Midwest Regional Edu­ this is to invite chaos." cational Laboratory and was executive secretary to the I The assignment of a central administrative officer with advisory and steering committee which developed the 1 specific responsibility for the development of the Univer­ proposal for the February merger of Marshall and Uni­ sity's outstate campuses reflects the growing recognition versity High Schools. J of the University as a multicampus institution. President Moos stressed that the new assignment for Vice Presi· The change of title for Provost Briggs does not bring dent Wenberg was in no sense a move to lessen the auto· a change of duties, but it .is a better representation of nomy of the campuses at Duluth and Morris, but was the duties he has already been performing. Vice Presi­ I dent Wenberg commented, "This new title more accurate­ rather intended to facilitate the development of these collegiate units by assuring them a strong, direct, and ly reflects the wide range of Dr. Briggs' Morris Campus continuous liaison with ,the University's central admin· responsibilities and brings the leadership title for the istration. Morris Campus into conformity with the title at the I Assistant Vice President Hogg, whose new position is Duluth Campus." in the office of Vice President William Shepherd, Aca­ In discussing the administrative realignment with the demic Administration, will assume some of the duties Board .of Regents in April, President Moos observed that formerly performed by Vice President Smith. A profes· "most universities of our size have a much more elab­ sor of law, Dr. Hogg joined the Minnesota faculty in orate staff of central administrative officers directly re­ 1956. His area of special interest in law .is international sponsible to the President than will be provided by our law, and he was recently in Indonesia participating in a arrangements even after these changes become effective. preliminary study of the Indonesian judicial system, a I hope to keep our central staff at a minimum level needed study sponsored by the Ford Foundation. to provide effective administration, but I want to be Three areas of responsibility were outlined by Assist· certain that the creativity and imagination of our faculty ant Vice President Kegler ·in a discussion of his new are effectively supported." LEFT TO RIGHT, Assistant Vice President Stanley B. Kegler, Educational Relationships and Development; Assistant Vice President James F. Hogg, Academic Administration; Vice President Stanley J. Wenberg, Educational Relation­ ships and Development; Provost Rodney A. Briggs, Morris Campus. October, 1968 3 I Journalism School Marks In Murphy Hall, home of the School of Journalism worked to integrate journalism with the social sciences, and Mass Communication, an anniversary celebration and he put new emphasis on courses in journalism his­ has been going on for more than a year. Commemorating tory, press law, public opinion, and international journal­ the fifty years of journalism education at the University Ism. of Minnesota, the School joined the Minneapolis Tribune In 1944 the Journalism School, with help from the in sponsoring a Symposium on World Journalism on Minneapolis Star and Tribune, established the first May 24, 1967, held a variety of special seminars and formal Research Division in any school or department programs throughout the 1967-1968 academic year, and in the nation. The Division worked with the founding continues its anniversary observance in the fall of 1968. director of the Minnesota Poll to establish a state-wide "The Function of Journalism in a Dynamic Society" sampling plan and to organize a continuing opinion was the theme of the one-day Symposium, a shared survey system. Later studies for the Star and Tribune birthday observance with the Tribune in its centennial have included periodic analyses of reading patterns and year. University Regent Otto A. Silha, Vice President and audience attitudes. Among other research projects have General Manager of the Star and Tribune, presided at been studies conducted for the Office of Naval Research the morning session, and Professor Mitchell V. Charn­ on media use and audience information level, studies of ley, first member of the School's faculty to hold the the uses of educational television, and a study cf public William J. Murphy Professorship of Journalism and response to President Kennedy's death. Mr. F. Gerald Mass Communication, gave a "Foreword" address. Kline, the current director, is now conducting a study Speakers included Mrs. Katherine Graham, President of of mass media influence on jurists. the Washington Post; Mr. James Reston, Editor of the Professor Robert L. Jones, who had been Director of New York Times; Mr.
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