Vol. 160 , FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2014 No. 123 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was come forward and lead the House in the House Resolution 700 and ask for its called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Pledge of Allegiance. immediate consideration. pore (Mr. WOMACK). Mr. GARCIA led the Pledge of Alle- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- f giance as follows: lows: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the H. RES. 700 DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER United States of America, and to the Repub- Resolved, That the requirement of clause PRO TEMPORE lic for which it stands, one nation under God, 6(a) of rule XIII for a two-thirds vote to con- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. sider a report from the Committee on Rules fore the House the following commu- f on the same day it is presented to the House nication from the Speaker: is waived with respect to any resolution re- COMMUNICATION FROM THE ported through the legislative day of Sep- WASHINGTON, DC, CLERK OF THE HOUSE tember 5, 2014, providing for consideration or August 1, 2014. disposition of measures relating to the ongo- I hereby appoint the Honorable STEVE The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ing humanitarian crisis on the U.S. southern WOMACK to act as Speaker pro tempore on fore the House the following commu- this day. nication from the Clerk of the House of border, border security, and related immi- gration law. JOHN A. BOEHNER, Representatives: SEC. 2. It shall be in order at any time Speaker of the House of Representatives. OFFICE OF THE CLERK, through the legislative day of September 5, f HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, 2014, for the Speaker to entertain motions PRAYER Washington, DC, August 1, 2014. that the House suspend the rules as though Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, under clause 1 of rule XV, relating to meas- The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick Speaker, House of Representatives, ures addressing the ongoing humanitarian J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: Washington, DC. crisis on the U.S. southern border, border se- Dear God, we give You thanks for DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- curity, and related immigration law. giving us another day. mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- On this day, in the midst of great and the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- tives, the Clerk received the following mes- tleman from Oklahoma is recognized urgent debate, we ask again that You for 1 hour. give all Members peace and patience, sage from the Secretary of the Senate on Au- gust 1, 2014 at 9:08 a.m.: Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, for the pur- with wisdom and courage to do what is That the Senate agreed to the conference pose of debate only, I yield the cus- best for our Nation. report H.R. 3230. tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman Perplexing and competing questions That the Senate agreed without amend- from Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN), and answers challenge us all to remem- ment H. Con. Res. 111. pending which I yield myself such time ber that our Nation is a people de- That the Senate recedes in its amendment as I may consume. During consider- scended from immigrants, most in his- to the bill H.R. 5021. ation of this resolution, all time yield- tory, and many in faith. May all Amer- Appointments: State and Local Law Enforcement Con- ed is for the purpose of debate only. icans, and those Members who rep- gressional Badge of Bravery Board. Public resent them here, rise to the challenge GENERAL LEAVE Safety Medal of Valor Review Board. Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- of these days and prove to be the best State and Local Law Enforcement Congres- mous consent that all Members have 5 of ourselves. sional Badge of Bravery Board. As always, may all that is done be for With best wishes, I am legislative days to revise and extend Your greater honor and glory. Sincerely, their remarks. Amen. KAREN L. HAAS. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gen- f f tleman from Oklahoma? THE JOURNAL WAIVING REQUIREMENT OF There was no objection. CLAUSE 6(a) OF RULE XIII WITH The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, yesterday RESPECT TO CONSIDERATION OF ant to section 3(a) of House Resolution the Rules Committee met to report a CERTAIN RESOLUTIONS RE- 694, the Journal of the last day’s pro- rule that would provide for same-day PORTED FROM THE COMMITTEE ceedings is approved. authority for any resolution reported ON RULES, AND PROVIDING FOR f from the Committee on Rules related CONSIDERATION OF MOTIONS TO to the ongoing humanitarian crisis on PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SUSPEND THE RULES the southern border, border security, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, by direction and related immigration law through gentleman from Florida (Mr. GARCIA) of the Committee on Rules, I call up September 5, 2014. Additionally, the

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:14 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.000 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 rule provides suspension authority so if the Republicans can somehow There is no question criminal ele- through September 5, 2014, on the same come up with even more mean-spirited ments have picked that impression up, topics. bills, if they can figure out a way to broadcast it. Thousands of people have Mr. Speaker, this rule is very act even more cruelly, they can bring sent them tens of thousands—millions, straightforward. It allows the House us back again and again and again to really—of dollars and put children on a the maximum flexibility to deal with vote. perilous journey of over 1,000 miles to the crisis on the southern border dur- Now, in case any Americans are still this country. ing the district work period by pro- watching, they could be forgiven for Now we are trying to act on that, and viding both same-day and suspension being a little confused about what hap- we think, number one, if we don’t do authority through September 5. pened this week. On Wednesday, House that, the societies from which they are Any legislation considered during Republicans voted to waste millions of coming are going to be disrupted. And this time period would still need to go taxpayer dollars to sue the President we have been told very clearly by the through the regular process, by either for what they claim is excessive execu- leaders of those countries: We would a rule for consideration by the Rules tive action. But on Thursday, this is like our children back. Committee or under the standard sus- what Speaker BOEHNER said about the Number two, if we don’t stop this pension process. This resolution just border crisis: process, we are going to continue to en- allows for expedited consideration of There are numerous steps the President rich cartels to an extraordinary degree. those matters while preserving as can and should be taking right now, without Frankly, as one border agent told me, much of the district work period as the need for congressional action, to secure he said, from a cartel standpoint, this our borders. possible. is actually easier than drugs, because Mr. Speaker, I urge support for the So which is it, Mr. Speaker? Is Presi- with drugs we try to interdict you rule, and I reserve the balance of my dent Obama doing too much or not every step along the way, and if you time. enough? I have got whiplash. It would get to the border to cross, we continue Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I want be easier to take the Republicans seri- to try and interdict you. In this case, to thank the gentleman from Okla- ously if they would just settle on one we actually, once they bring an illegal homa for yielding me the customary 30 set of partisan talking points. unaccompanied minor here, complete Finally, Mr. Speaker, let me say a minutes, and I yield myself such time the transaction. So it is encouraging few words about the crisis at our bor- as I may consume. the flow, and that is dangerous for the Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposi- der. There are nearly 50 million refugees young people involved. tion to this martial law rule. We all know that in the course of around the world, 50 million people The martial law authority created that journey there is a risk that sex fleeing violence, brutality, oppression, under this rule would last through Sep- trafficking will take place. There is a famine, disease—50 million. But when tember 5. In other words, the House Re- risk that people will be lured or forced 50,000 minors, one-tenth of 1 percent of publicans can call us back on a whim, into drug dealing. There is a terrific the total number, arrive at our border, just to consider any kind of bill they my Republican friends have a collec- physical risk. We know a lot of those call a border or immigration bill. So tive hissy fit. folks are abused in the course of this much for their 3-day rule. I wonder how Is this really the face of America process or sexually assaulted, so we much notice they have to give Speaker that we want the rest of the world to need to stop this flow. We need to do it CRUZ before they call us back? see? The United States of America, a in a humane and appropriate way. Let’s just take a moment to remem- nation of immigrants, do we really The President, by the way, has sug- ber how we got here. want the rest of the world to see us gested that this is due to the 2008 law The Republican leadership put to- like this, petty and mean and small? I which we all passed, in good faith, to gether a partisan, inadequate, and un- hope not. deal with sex trafficking. I personally acceptable emergency supplemental Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of don’t think that is the case, but if that bill that allegedly dealt with the hu- my time. is true, then we ought to make some manitarian crisis at the southern bor- Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- tweak to that law. We don’t need to re- der. That bill was mean-spirited and self such time as I may consume. peal it, but we need to make sure that cruel, but it wasn’t mean-spirited and Mr. Speaker, obviously, my friend we do something so that we don’t have cruel enough to satisfy the far-right and I are going to have a disagreement an enormous backlog here and we can wing of the Republican Conference. So about the nature of the bill that I actually handle the flow appropriately. the leadership tried to add another think will, in rather short order, be be- We have waited in vain for the Presi- mean-spirited, cruel bill to block any fore us. Let’s go back and look at a lit- dent to tell us what that tweak is. I further help for young immigrants tle bit of history here. mean, it was his Secretary of Home- under the DACA program, a program The administration was warned in land Security that actually raised this that has helped thousands of young 2012 and 2013 that we were going to issue and said we need to be able—he people who have grown up in America have a crisis on our hands if we didn’t said this in testimony in front of the come out of the shadows so they can go do something, that we were going to —we need to be to school or hold a job without fear of get a flow of unaccompanied minors. able to treat people coming from the being deported. But that wasn’t mean- They did absolutely nothing. As a mat- three Central American countries es- spirited and cruel enough for their ter of fact, the President of the United sentially the same way we treat Cana- base, so they pulled the whole package States submitted a budget to us which dian and Mexican minors that arrive at from the floor yesterday. cut money for enforcement and deten- our border. That was the position, but So last night, we had yet another tion at the border, which cut money for we have not seen any more requests. meeting in the Rules Committee, and support of people that were here while So if you look at our bill, frankly, that is when they came up with this they were being processed, and that cut number one, it is going to take care of rule, but not a solution. That is right, money for aid to the countries where that problem with a tweak. Number 2, Mr. Speaker. They still don’t know most of these folks are coming from. we are going to provide additional what they are going to do. But I have That is real foresight. moneys to handle this process through an idea. They are going to make their So we have been confronted with a the end of the fiscal year and the end of cruel, mean-spirited immigration bill crisis, and a crisis that, in our view, the calendar year. Number 3, then we even worse, and that may not be the President contributed to by unilat- can work, because there will probably enough to placate the far right who erally changing whole sections of the be additional resources needed next simply don’t like immigrants. immigration law and leaving the im- year, under the caps in the Ryan-Mur- Mr. Speaker, let’s be honest. The far- pression, probably unwittingly, I would ray budget agreement and redirect that right wing of the Republican base will say, but leaving the impression to flow of money from less urgent to more never, ever be satisfied. And the mar- many people that, if we get to the urgent problems. tial-law authority created under this United States, we are going to be able So we think it is a responsible way to rule would last through September 5, to stay. proceed. I think, essentially, that is

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:14 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.004 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7193 what we are going to try and put before I want to disagree with my good think it is particularly appropriate to the House. Regardless, once we pass friend, the minority whip, on a point. be done in this bill. something, then the Senate can pass I don’t think the Senate left yester- This bill is about dealing with the something. day because of anything the House did. crisis on the southern border. It I am sad to say, Mr. Speaker, that It failed to act, and it left. It went shouldn’t be a Christmas tree or a grab the other body was unable to do any- home because it couldn’t pass a bill. bag. If we need additional resources, we thing yesterday and it has adjourned That is something we are not going to should come back to do that. Again, we and gone home. Frankly, we were un- allow to happen here. We are going to have sufficient resources on hand. Con- able to get things done yesterday in a pass legislation. We are going to get gress will be back in session in Sep- way that I think I certainly would our part of the job done. tember, back in session after the elec- have liked, but we stayed here, and we The Senate, then, will be free to tions. So I think we are going to have are going to continue to work through come back and pass something, and we multiple opportunities to deal with the problem, present a product. Hope- can go into a conference and do exactly this. fully, the Senate will come back and do what my friend suggests, work out a I look forward to working with my the same, and then we can proceed leg- compromise. So hopefully that is where friends on this particular issue when islatively and provide the resources we will end up in this process. those opportunities occur. and legislative corrections that are With that, I reserve the balance of With that, I reserve the balance of needed to deal with the situation. my time. my time. I am pleased that we are in session. I Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield am pleased that we are working toward 1 minute to the gentleman from Oregon 10 seconds to the gentleman from a solution. (Mr. DEFAZIO). Maryland (Mr. HOYER), the minority Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Mr. DEFAZIO. Well, there are two whip. my time. real crises before us, and the Repub- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, we would like to work on that. As I said, no op- b 1015 lican response was the misbegotten leg- islation, withdrawn yesterday, as it tion has been given to us for that. Sec- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, it is should have been, but the other wasn’t ondly, you are not following regular my privilege to yield 2 minutes to the even on the table in any form. order on the legislation. What is need- gentleman from Maryland (Mr. HOYER), There were 236 new fires started in ed now are resources. And the reason the democratic whip. the Western United States last night. the Senate didn’t act is because no Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman Member of your party would support for yielding. There are 31 large fires that are uncon- tained. And the Forest Service and the action. Mr. Speaker, in today’s paper, there I thank the gentleman for yielding. BLM are running out of money. In the is an op-ed. It is written by the gen- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Senate bill—which, granted, it didn’t tleman from California (Mr. MCCAR- 1 minute to the gentleman from Flor- pass—but in the President’s proposal THY), the new majority leader. And in ida (Mr. GARCIA). that op-ed he said: ‘‘I have always be- was emergency firefighting money. But Mr. GARCIA. Mr. Speaker, I am a lieved that you must win the argument somehow, the Republicans here don’t fortunate man. I am a fortunate man before you can win the vote. In Con- think those fires are an emergency and because half a century ago, my father, gress, committees act as idea factories they don’t care about the loss of re- at 17 years old, arrived at this country for policies from both sides, and as ma- sources, the potential loss of life, and with my mother. And this country gave jority leader, I will commit to the com- the loss of property that is going to re- them refuge. Later, the rest of our fam- mittee process and regular order.’’ sult. ily came. This country has been tre- Apparently, he didn’t start yesterday When those agencies run out of mendously generous, as we were bru- doing that. And we don’t start today money, they can’t stop fighting the talized by a leftwing dictatorship, the doing that. This legislation has not fires, but they have will have to cut Castro dictatorship. been considered by committee, sub- back on programs of preparedness and And to think, Mr. Speaker, that a fel- committee, and none of us have seen it things that would mitigate the disaster low Cuban American sits in the other at this point in time. of future fires, deal with forest health, House, dictating to this House that we I heard the gentleman from Okla- fuel reduction, and all those things. should strip away rights, strip away homa say that the legislation is going But they couldn’t care less. They are rights from children, is unacceptable. to do this, that, and the other. taking no action. They didn’t even put It is un-American. We haven’t seen it. It is 10:15. We forward a lame proposal on that, un- I am a fortunate man. And we are a haven’t seen it. No regular order. No like their very lame proposal on the rich and plentiful country, a country of exercising of responsibility. We saw ir- border. laws. responsibility rampant yesterday in Mr. COLE. I yield myself such time We have an opportunity to do the the House of Representatives. We saw a as I may consume. right thing, to pass the bipartisan, few months ago, shutting down govern- The gentleman may be surprised to comprehensive bill that the other ment if you don’t do it my way. find that, actually, we are not too far House passed. It has now been 1 year I will tell the American people, Mr. apart on the issue. and 1 month since that happened. The Speaker, none of the leaders of the Re- Now, currently, we have over $700 time has come. Let us pass comprehen- publican Party have reached across to million still on hand to deal with sive immigration reform. say, how can we do this in a bipartisan wildfires. The gentleman and I actually Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- way. And so, because of their unwill- cosponsored legislation that our friend self such time as I may consume. ingness to do that, Mr. Speaker, the from Idaho (Mr. SIMPSON) has offered I want to disagree with my friend on Senate is gone. What we do today will so that we can actually deal with this the root of this issue. I don’t think be useless, a show, a form without sub- and change the structure of how we whether or not we passed immigration stance, a pretense, a political message fund wildfire fighting. I suspect that reform has anything to do with the to their base of how hard they can be issue will come back again. As a mat- border crisis. I really don’t. Frankly, because they are moving in exactly the ter of fact, I was willing to work during what is occurring there would be ille- opposite direction of trying to create the budget process with some of my gal had we passed what the Senate bipartisanship. friends on the other side of the Rules passed. So it just simply doesn’t ad- So I urge my colleagues, stand up for Committee to actually write the dress the problem. doing the right thing and giving the re- change into the budget. We had the What the problem here is, by our own sources necessary to meet the chal- votes on our side, working with our actions in this country, we have sent a lenge that America has and America friends, to do that. For some reason, message that if you get here, you can ought to be meeting today and yester- the Democratic amendment was with- stay, whether you are legally entitled day and the day before. drawn. I don’t know why, and I cast no to or not. And it is going to take so Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- aspersions. But that is an area where long to process you, you will essen- self such time as I may consume. we would like to work with you. I don’t tially never be sent back.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:20 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.005 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7194 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 And we have allowed criminal cartels bipartisan effort to solve our border Nobody would have fewer rights than to distort our position and to make problems and to bring about com- the people that are currently here from tens of millions of dollars off of this. prehensive immigration reform for all Mexico or Canada. We would still have That needs to be stopped. That needs the people of this country. That is the ability to adjudicate issues. The to be reversed. It is not helpful to any- what we ought to be doing. process would be a lot faster and, we body. Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the think in that sense, more humane and Now, again, we may differ on the balance of my time. more efficient and more expeditious. ideas. Although, I would point out for Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield And with that, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the record once more, the administra- 1 minute to the gentleman from Cali- the balance of my time. ´ tion did ask: Please do something fornia (Mr. CARDENAS). b 1030 about the 2008 law. They asked that a Mr. CA´ RDENAS. Mr. Speaker, I am Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield 1 minute to month ago. And then they have sort of here as a Member of this body who was the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. GRI- gotten quiet since then. We don’t hear sent here to work—quite frankly, which is the main reason why most im- JALVA). anything else about that. Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I and migrants come to this country—to They have asked for resources. We my colleagues on this side of the aisle work, to contribute to our economy, have looked at what they need. We said don’t have the intuitive gift to know we will be willing to do that. We are and to do the jobs that most of us are that every child or the majority of going to take them from existing mon- unwilling to do. every child that is there doesn’t have a But the point that I want to make at eys. We are not going to spend new right to refuge and doesn’t have a right this moment is that what the Repub- money. This is an urgent priority. We to asylum. think you are right. We are going to re- lican proposal tried to do yesterday— That is why we have been so tena- direct that. And by the way, if you are and it failed—and what they are trying cious about protecting a law that pro- going to need additional resources next to do today is to strip away the rights vides due process, adjudication, and year, we will work with you again of a child to live. The Republicans representation for these children, so there. We are going to do it under the want to indiscriminately return chil- that they have a fair opportunity to Ryan-Murray budget cap. We are not dren to their death. get refuge and to get asylum as the law going to go outside the process. And we And I challenge any American to prescribes. are using that. look into yourself and realize and find The previous bill that failed disman- I think my friend from Maryland, the out that many of these children will be tled that. TED CRUZ did not give it his minority whip, is correct. We are using returned with or without a change of seal of the approval, so it didn’t get out exceptional procedures—but they are the law today. They will be returned. of the Republican Caucus. Now, before procedures within the traditions of this But the ones that deserve to live us, we have a rule that is fraudulent, House—to react to a crisis situation, should be able to stay. And the law was we have a forthcoming law that will be and we are trying to stay here to get passed unanimously in 2008 to give that fraudulent, and it will be worse than our work done and hopefully challenge opportunity to those children, to these the previous one. the Senate to come back and do the children, the children that are breath- Now, we are going to codify getting same thing. So we are working the ing today, the children who came to rid of DREAMers and DACA into this process and the crisis as best we can. the most giving, loving, caring land law. What is the purpose? To turn out With that, we will continue to work. ever created on Earth. And that is now a base? Is this a political strategy? Is And I will reserve the balance of my about to change if they are successful. this a political expediency on the time. Mr. COLE. I yield myself such time shoulders of children, on the shoulders Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield as I may consume, Mr. Speaker. of the American values, and on the 1 minute to the gentleman from Cali- I think we need to step back from the shoulders of our history? fornia (Mr. COSTA). emotion a moment and look at the re- How shameful, how cynical—vote Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, earlier this alities of the situation. Number one, ‘‘no’’ on the rule. week, I spoke on the connection be- anybody that seeks refugee status in Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- tween comprehensive immigration re- the United States can go to any of the self such time as I may consume. form and the crisis that we have at our embassies in the country and request Mr. Speaker, again, I just want to border. And I said then—and I will say it. You don’t have to travel 1,000 miles. make the point to my friend. Nobody is it again—that it is the height of hypoc- You can go request it, and we will look trying to strip away the rights from risy to be talking about trying to do to see whether or not you qualify. anyone. The 2008 law has been abused. something about our border security Number two, the President of the Those people have found a loophole in when we can’t even bring comprehen- United States has said that the vast it, and they have clogged the legal sys- sive immigration reform to this floor majority of these children will be re- tem. We have offered not a repeal, but that would have provided the funding turned. That is not us. That is the a relatively minor fix. for increased border security. You President. He has said that. We are try- The President of the United States can’t have it both ways. ing to do it and work with him in an and his administration have also said But the Republican leadership said expeditious way because we think this law is at fault. As a matter of fact, earlier this week and yesterday that, sooner is better. they are actually the ones who put in fact, maybe the President should use Number three, we are not returning that suggestion out there. The Presi- his executive authority to deal with them to criminals. We are returning dent of the United States is the person the issue at the border. But on Tues- them to the custody of their govern- who said the vast majority of these day, they provided funding—some $2 ments, their own officials, who are people need to go home and will even- million—to sue the President for exces- probably better situated to make these tually go home. So if he has a better sive use of executive authority. Which decisions than we are 1,000-plus miles way to do this, we would love to see is it? You can’t have it both ways. But away. the proposal. it seems like some of our colleagues So let’s be real. Nobody is stripping What he sent us was a funding pro- want to do that. any rights away from anyone. We actu- posal with no fix at all. It is a proposal And then finally, a colleague from ally have a situation—a 2008 law— aimed at better managing the flow of the Valley just said this morning: The where a loophole has been exploited by people, but not reversing that. It is a problem we have is that some of our criminals. That is what is happening. proposal, frankly, that goes well be- people just don’t want to govern. That And we are trying to stop the loophole yond this fiscal year, well beyond this is correct. They don’t. Once again, we and keep people from embarking on a calendar year, and allows him basically are seeing politics trump good public dangerous journey and discourage peo- to operate outside the budget agree- policy for the people of our country. ple from giving thousands of dollars of ment limits—the caps—that we have What we ought to be doing is return- their hard-earned money to criminal all agreed to. We don’t think that is ing back to regular order. What we cartels to participate in that. That is appropriate. We think you reprioritize ought to be doing is putting together a the effort that is underway here. money toward the more urgent issue.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:20 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.007 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7195 We agree with the President. This is they can, before they can present their them there, there is a good chance they an urgent issue. We are willing to find claims that they were trafficked, or will stay. the savings in other parts of the budg- that they suffer a return to violence, That false promise, that dangerous et. We are not willing to break the murder, and rape at home. promise offered by criminals victim- budget, and we are not willing to break The second thing they do, instead of izing innocent people is frankly what the budget caps that both sides agreed unclogging our broken immigration we ought to be focused on and what we to. That is really, I think, the essence system, is to say we need more semi- are trying to focus on. of the difference. We are trying to offer automatic weapons and military uni- Again, we will continue to work to- a solution. It may not be the final solu- forms on our borders to greet these lit- ward that end. I hope, Mr. Speaker, tion. tle children. that we have a good product. I think I hope the Senate will offer their so- Finally, they say to another group of that we will. The House will consider lution. We can go to conference, and we students, those who have told us ‘‘I it, and then we hope the Senate actu- can work with the President, but so have a dream,’’ our DREAMers, that ally comes back from its district work far, the only ideas that have been put they want to turn that dream into a period and deals with it as well, and we forward to actually fix the problem, I nightmare and send them away also. will go from there. That is the reason for the rule. That think, have largely come from our side I think that is the wrong approach. It is the reason, so we can act during this of the aisle. is time for them to get off Cruz Control multiweek district work period, should I am sure that won’t last indefi- and join us for comprehensive immi- the opportunity actually occur to do nitely. I think my friends will do the gration reform. Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- that. same thing, but certainly, they domi- With that, Mr. Speaker, I will reserve self such time as I may consume. nate the Senate. The Senate can do the the balance of my time. Mr. Speaker, I couldn’t disagree with same thing. Sooner or later, they will Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield get it done. my good friend from Texas more. I 1 minute to the gentleman from Texas We will continue to work on this, but think everybody on both sides of the (Mr. HINOJOSA), the chair of the Con- for right now, again, nobody’s aim is to aisle cares about these children. Now, gressional Hispanic Caucus. strip anybody’s rights away, but we are we care about them enough to restore Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, as going to try to confront an urgent cri- the cuts that the President made in the chairman of the Congressional His- sis, and we are going to try and do it in aids to the country of origin. panic Caucus, I rise again in opposition an expeditious way, in a responsible We care about them enough to re- to this rule and against the martial way, and in a limited way. store the cuts that he made in his law bill which has not been given to us We can come back here and look at budget to our own border security. Yes, to read, and I believe that that is the the larger issues in September and our border security does need to be wrong thing to do to solve this prob- after the election. With that, Mr. armed, not to deal with children, but lem. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my to deal with the criminals that brought Instead of working with Democrats time. them here and abused them in the to come up with a viable and bipartisan PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRIES process. That is what we are talking solution to deal with the vulnerable Mr. MCGOVERN. Parliamentary in- about here. Central American children who are quiry, Mr. Speaker. Now, there is nothing to be gained by fleeing from violence and death, my The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- continuing this flow. Even if some of Republican colleagues are apparently tleman will state his parliamentary in- you would like every particular person drafting a bill that is even worse than quiry. that got here to stay—and, again, I the one they proposed yesterday, on Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I am a quote the President, the ‘‘vast major- Thursday. little confused. The gentleman said ity’’ will not be allowed to, will be sent This new bill presumably continues that they have offered a solution. Is back—stopping the flow is what we the failed policy of enforcement only H.R. 15 contained in this rule or is any ought to be focusing on and stopping and will send thousands of these chil- legislation to deal with our border con- people from giving thousands of dollars dren back to certain death. If the fund- tained in this rule? to criminal cartels to bring these chil- ing levels remain the same as yester- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The dren to the borders and abuse them in day, the bill will not provide adequate Chair will not interpret the resolution. the process. The quicker that stops, funding to care for them while they are That is a matter for debate. the better off we are. here. Mr. MCGOVERN. Further parliamen- We are willing to work with the We should instead be spending our tary inquiry, Mr. Speaker. countries of origin, I think, on both time debating and voting on the bipar- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- sides of the aisle. We had the President tisan Senate comprehensive immigra- tleman will state his parliamentary in- up here saying, pretty emphatically, tion bill that the Speaker has refused quiry. that they needed some assistance in to bring up for over a year. Mr. MCGOVERN. Can the Chair at dealing with that. We think that is ap- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to least inform us whether or not there is propriate. We try to do that in legisla- oppose the rule and the martial law. anything of substance in this rule tion, and frankly, we have done it in Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time. other than a martial law rule that al- the foreign operations bill, where we Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield lows them to call us back at any point are more generous to the countries of to the gentlewoman from New York from now until September 5? origin than the administration has sug- (Ms. SLAUGHTER), the ranking member The SPEAKER pro tempore. As stat- gested we should be in its own budget. of the Rules Committee, for the pur- ed, the Chair will not interpret the Mr. Speaker, we are interested in pose of a unanimous consent request. pending resolution. dealing with the problem, but we are Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield also interested in helping countries unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, 1 minute to the gentleman from Texas keep their children in their country, a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- (Mr. DOGGETT). which they tell us they want to do. tion reform bill to properly address the Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, a sign: We are also interested in making humanitarian crisis at the border. ‘‘Not our kids, not our problems,’’ held sure those children are never subjected The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the angrily by a mob, shaken with ‘‘go to this journey, which I think all would gentleman from Oklahoma yield for home,’’ to a group of little children agree is difficult and dangerous, and we that request? who have made a perilous journey to are also extraordinarily interested in Mr. COLE. No, Mr. Speaker. this country. That really epitomizes making sure that the criminal cartels The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- what the Republican approach to this who are making profit off this are dis- tleman does not yield. Therefore, the problem is. couraged from doing this, that they request cannot be entertained. They care about these children so can’t go and tell their potential cus- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, let me much that their proposal is to tell tomers: Give us the money and put make clear to the House that if we de- them to get out of here just as quick as your kid at risk, but if we actually get feat the previous question, I will offer

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:20 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.008 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 an amendment to the rule to bring up Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I ask As the Chair advised on January 15, H.R. 15, our immigration reform bill. unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, 2014, and March 26, 2014, even though a At this point, I would like to yield to a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- unanimous consent request to consider the gentleman from Texas (Mr. DOG- tion reform bill to properly address the a measure is not entertained, embel- GETT) for the purpose of a unanimous humanitarian crisis at the border. lishments accompanying such requests consent request. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Once constitute debate and may become an Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I ask again, the Chair understands that the imposition on the time of the Member unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, gentleman from Oklahoma has not who yielded for that purpose. which we have been promised consider- yielded for that purpose. b 1045 ation on for so long, to address this cri- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield sis. to the gentlewoman from Massachu- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- setts (Ms. TSONGAS) for the purpose of to the gentlewoman from California tleman from Oklahoma would need to a unanimous consent request. (Mrs. NAPOLITANO) for the purpose of a yield for the purpose of that request. Ms. TSONGAS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent request. Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I would unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Mr. Speaker, I ask him to yield to the unanimous con- a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- ask unanimous consent to bring up sent request so we can deal with this tion reform bill to properly address the H.R. 15, a bipartisan, comprehensive immigration problem in a comprehen- humanitarian crisis at the border. immigration reform bill to properly ad- sive manner. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Once dress the humanitarian crisis at the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the again, the Chair understands that the border. gentleman from Oklahoma yield? gentleman from Oklahoma has not The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I will not yielded for that purpose. Chair understands that the gentleman yield, and I do want to reiterate my Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield from Oklahoma has not yielded for previous announcement that all time to the gentlewoman from Massachu- that purpose. yielded is for the purpose of debate setts (Ms. CLARK) for the purpose of a Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield only. I am not yielding for other pur- unanimous consent request. to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. poses. Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. Mr. O’ROURKE) for the purpose of a unani- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to mous consent request. tleman from Oklahoma does not yield. bring up H.R. 15, a bipartisan, com- Mr. O’ROURKE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield prehensive immigration reform bill to unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, to the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. properly address the humanitarian cri- a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- KILDEE) for the purpose of a unanimous sis at the border. tion reform bill to properly address consent request. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The these humanitarian issues. Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Chair understands that the gentleman The SPEAKER pro tempore. The unanimous consent and would ask my from Oklahoma has not yielded for Chair understands that the gentleman friend to allow the bipartisan, com- that purpose. from Oklahoma has not yielded for Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield prehensive immigration reform bill, that purpose. to the gentleman from Massachusetts H.R. 15, to be considered. It is a bill Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield (Mr. KENNEDY) for the purpose of a that I proudly cosponsor, and it would to the gentlewoman from Hawaii (Ms. unanimous consent request. GABBARD) for the purpose of a unani- more than adequately address this hu- Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. Speaker, I ask mous consent request. manitarian crisis at the border. unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ms. GABBARD. Mr. Speaker, I ask a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- Chair understands that the gentleman unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, tion reform bill to properly address the from Oklahoma has not yielded for a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- humanitarian crisis at the border. tion reform bill to bring real solutions that purpose. Therefore, the unani- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to the problems at the border. mous consent request cannot be enter- Chair understands that the gentleman The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tained. from Oklahoma has not yielded for Chair understands that the gentleman Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield that purpose. from Oklahoma has not yielded for to the gentlewoman from New Hamp- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield shire (Ms. KUSTER) for the purpose of a to the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. that purpose. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield unanimous consent request. NOLAN) for the purpose of a unanimous Ms. KUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask consent request. to the gentleman from Florida (Mr. unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask GARCIA) for the purpose of a unanimous a bipartisan comprehensive immigra- unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15 consent request. tion reform bill, to the floor. It was today, a bipartisan, comprehensive im- Mr. GARCIA. Mr. Speaker, I ask passed by the Senate over 1 year ago. migration reform measure to deal with unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Once the immigration problems we have and a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- again, the Chair understands that the to properly address the humanitarian tion reform bill to properly address the gentleman from Oklahoma has not crisis at the border that is taking place humanitarian crisis at the border. yielded for that purpose. today. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield The SPEAKER pro tempore. Again, Chair understands that the gentleman to the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. the Chair understands that the gen- from Oklahoma has not yielded for CASTOR) for the purpose of a unani- tleman from Oklahoma has not yielded that purpose. mous consent request. for that purpose. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Mr. Speaker, Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman from California (Mr. I ask unanimous consent to bring up to the gentleman from California (Mr. CA´ RDENAS) for the purpose of a unani- H.R. 15, a bipartisan comprehensive im- HONDA) for the purpose of a unanimous mous consent request. migration reform bill to properly ad- consent request. Mr. CA´ RDENAS. Mr. Speaker, I ask dress the humanitarian crisis at the Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I, as chair unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, border. emeritus of the Congressional Asian a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Once Pacific American Caucus, ask unani- tion reform bill to properly address the again, the Chair understands that the mous consent to bring up H.R. 15, a bi- humanitarian crisis at the border. gentleman from Oklahoma has not partisan, comprehensive immigration The SPEAKER pro tempore. The yielded for that purpose. reform bill to properly address the hu- Chair understands that the gentleman Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield manitarian crisis at the border. from Oklahoma has not yielded for to the gentlewoman from California The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- that purpose. (Ms. MATSUI) for the purpose of a unan- tleman from Oklahoma has not yielded Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield imous consent request. for that purpose. to the gentlewoman from Ohio (Ms.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:20 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.011 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7197 KAPTUR) for the purpose of a unani- that purpose. The gentleman from Mas- partisan, comprehensive immigration mous consent request. sachusetts will be charged for the time reform bill to properly address the hu- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I ask accordingly. manitarian crisis at the border. unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield The SPEAKER pro tempore. The a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- to the gentleman from New York (Mr. Chair understands that the gentleman tion reform bill to properly address the SERRANO) for the purpose of a unani- from Oklahoma has not yielded for humanitarian crisis at our border. mous consent request. that purpose. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I ask Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Chair understands that the gentleman unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, to the gentleman from California (Mr. from Oklahoma has not yielded for a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- HUFFMAN) for the purpose of a unani- that purpose. tion reform bill to properly address the mous consent request. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield humanitarian crisis at the border. Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask to the gentlewoman from Minnesota The SPEAKER pro tempore. The unanimous consent to simply allow a (Ms. MCCOLLUM) for the purpose of a Chair understands that the gentleman vote on H.R. 15, a bill that has the bi- unanimous consent request. from Oklahoma has not yielded for partisan votes to pass today that we Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I ask that purpose. can have on the President’s desk today unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield to properly address this crisis. a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- to the gentlewoman from California The SPEAKER pro tempore. Once tion reform bill to properly address the (Ms. BROWNLEY) for the purpose of a again, the gentleman from Oklahoma humanitarian crisis at our border. unanimous consent request. has not yielded for that purpose. Time The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. will be deducted from the gentleman Chair understands that the gentleman Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to from Massachusetts. from Oklahoma has not yielded for bring up H.R. 15, a bipartisan, com- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, may I that purpose. prehensive immigration reform bill to inquire how much time we have re- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield properly address the humanitarian cri- maining? to the gentleman from New Mexico sis at the border. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- (Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N) for the purpose of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tleman from Massachusetts has 163⁄4 a unanimous consent request. Chair understands that the gentleman minutes remaining. The gentleman Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mexico. from Oklahoma has not yielded for from Oklahoma has 13 minutes remain- Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that purpose. ing. to bring up H.R. 15, a bipartisan, com- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I ask prehensive immigration reform bill to to the gentlewoman from California unanimous consent to insert the text properly address the humanitarian cri- (Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD) for the purpose of the amendment that I will offer in sis at the border. of a unanimous consent request. the RECORD, along with extraneous ma- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, terial, immediately prior to the vote Chair understands that the gentleman I ask unanimous consent to bring up on the previous question. from Oklahoma has not yielded for H.R. 15 to the floor, a bipartisan, com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there that purpose. prehensive immigration reform bill to objection to the request of the gen- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield properly address the humanitarian cri- tleman from Massachusetts? to the gentlewoman from Ohio (Mrs. sis at our border. There was no objection. BEATTY) for the purpose of a unani- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. COLE. I continue to reserve the mous consent request. Chair understands that the gentleman balance of my time. Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, I ask from Oklahoma has not yielded for Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, that purpose. 1 minute to the gentleman from Texas a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield (Mr. O’ROURKE). tion reform bill to properly address the to the gentleman from Texas (Mr. AL Mr. O’ROURKE. Mr. Speaker, look- humanitarian crises at the border. GREEN) for the purpose of a unanimous ing at the underlying bill, I have to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The consent request. wonder what my colleagues are afraid Chair understands that the gentleman Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- of. Are they afraid of these kids, chil- from Oklahoma has not yielded for er, I ask unanimous consent to bring dren who are fleeing brutal violence in that purpose. up H.R. 15, a bipartisan, comprehensive their home countries to come to our Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield immigration reform bill to properly ad- country to seek asylum? Are we so to the gentleman from New York (Mr. dress the humanitarian crisis at the afraid of them that we would shortcut TONKO) for the purpose of a unanimous border. due process and send them right back consent request. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The into this violence? Mr. TONKO. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- Chair understands that the gentleman Mr. Speaker, are they afraid of the imous consent to bring up H.R. 15, a bi- from Oklahoma has not yielded for border, that they would send the Na- partisan, comprehensive immigration that purpose. tional Guard when we are already reform bill to properly address the hu- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield spending $18 billion a year; more than manitarian crisis at the border. to the gentleman from California (Mr. on all Federal law enforcement com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The TAKANO) for the purpose of a unani- bined; at a time when El Paso, Texas, Chair understands that the gentleman mous consent request. the largest Texas city on the Mexican from Oklahoma has not yielded for Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I ask border, is also the safest city in this that purpose. unanimous consent to bring up H.R. 15, country; at a time when we are 70 per- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield a bipartisan, comprehensive immigra- cent lower in apprehensions at our to the gentleman from California (Mr. tion reform bill to properly address the southern border; and at a time when FARR) for the purpose of a unanimous humanitarian crisis at the border to these apprehensions of children have consent request. the floor. fallen by almost 60 percent? Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, I ask us not to be moti- mous consent to bring up H.R. 15, Chair understands that the gentleman vated by fear or anxiety, but instead which is a bipartisan, comprehensive from Oklahoma has not yielded for the best traditions of this country: immigration reform bill first brought that purpose. courage, compassion, and strength to to us by President Bush, a bill to prop- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield do the right thing. erly address the humanitarian crisis at to the gentlewoman from Nevada (Ms. Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the the border. TITUS) for the purpose of a unanimous balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The consent request. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Chair understands that the gentleman Ms. TITUS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- 1 minute to the gentlewoman from from Oklahoma has not yielded for mous consent to bring up H.R. 15, a bi- California (Ms. LOFGREN), the ranking

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:20 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.012 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 member of the Judiciary Sub- considering reprogramming funding from become a Member of the House of Rep- committee on Immigration and Border other refugee programs. Funds must not sim- resentatives. But that 14-year-old boy Security. ply be transferred from one vulnerable popu- contributed mightily to the United Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, we keep lation to another. More funding is needed. States of America in so many ways. He There should also be increased funding for hearing that the antislavery law has immigration courts and judges to more was a scared boy being brought to some loophole that is being exploited. quickly screen the children and counsel for America in much the same way that That is not the truth. It is not what children going through legal proceedings so children along our border today are the Evangelical Immigration Table they know their rights and can understand coming to seek a better way. says. Here is what they write: the process. More robust investment in effec- Don’t turn our backs on these young By making the legal process clearer and tively addressing root causes of migration in children, these boys and girls, many of Central America and Mexico is also impera- more efficient for children, the U.S. Con- whom are suffering. Show the compas- ference of Catholic Bishops found that the tive. As we pray for these children and also our sion and beauty of the United States. law is working. It should not be changed to Welcome the best, the brightest, and address the current temporary situation. nation, we are reminded of Matthew 19:13–14 The law allows for responses to exceptional in which Jesus said, ‘‘Let the little children the bravest. circumstances. come to me, and do not hinder them.’ Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I continue to Churches and faith-based organizations have reserve the balance of my time. That is not some open borders crowd. long partnered with the federal government That is the National Association of in serving immigrant children and families Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, it is Evangelicals. That is the Southern in the United States. Many churches and my privilege to yield 1 minute to the Baptists. That is the Council for Chris- faith-based organizations are ready and com- gentleman from Texas (Mr. CASTRO). tian Colleges and Universities. mitted to provide the same type of assist- Mr. CASTRO of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I would note, also, that over a year ance and pastoral care in the case of these the arrival of tens of thousands of chil- unaccompanied children. ago we saw the Senate come together We offer our prayers and service as you dren from Central America seeking ref- to pass bipartisan immigration reform. make important decisions about our nation’s uge in our country has tugged at the Republicans in this House have blocked response to migrant children. We hope that conscience of the American people. It a vote. We should vote on it today and any response you make will strengthen our has demonstrated both our best and get it to the President. country’s tradition of providing safety and our worst instincts. The best are all of EVANGELICAL IMMIGRATION TABLE, refuge to the vulnerable. the people who are so generous in offer- July 22, 2014. Sincerely, ing food and clothing and shelter to DEAR MEMBER OF CONGRESS, In a matter of Leith Anderson, President, National As- these kids who have come from so far. months, more than 50,000 unaccompanied sociation of Evangelicals; Stephan Bauman, President and CEO, World Re- But we have also seen some bad in- children have arrived in the United States. stincts, like the armed militiamen in Millions of Americans have been moved by lief; David Beckmann, President, Bread the plight of these children who are cur- for the World; Noel Castellanos, CEO, ski masks who have shown up at our rently awaiting processing, with many ask- Christian Community Development As- southern border, whose leader has said ing how they can help. sociation; Russell D. Moore, President, that the way you keep people from Children are vulnerable even in the best of Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious coming to this country is that you circumstances and warrant special protec- Liberty Commission; William Robin- point a gun at them and threaten to tion beyond that offered to adults. This vul- son, Interim President, Council for shoot them in the head. That is not Christian Colleges and Universities; nerability is compounded among children America. who flee situations of criminal gangs, sexual Samuel Rodriguez, President, National violence, trauma and extreme poverty, with- Hispanic Christian Leadership Con- The question that we must answer out their parents to accompany them. ference; Gabriel Salguero, President, now is: What does it mean to be a ref- Evangelicals are guided by Jesus’ admoni- National Latino Evangelical Coalition; ugee in the 21st century? Just as we of- tions to welcome and protect children (Mat- Richard Stearns, President, World Vi- fered that status to Cubans fleeing Cas- thew 18:6, Mark 9:37, Luke 18:15–17). As our sion U.S.; Jim Wallis, President and tro, to those from the Soviet Union, to Founder, Sojourners. nation responds to this humanitarian crisis, the Vietnamese, just as our adversaries we are thankful for laws that protect chil- Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- have changed, they are not always dren and provide for their needs. While our self such time as I may consume. state actors—they are al Qaeda; they systems are currently stretched, our laws I want to point out that if the 2008 are ISIS—I would argue that so, too, uphold basic child protection principles. law is not the reason, then my good Accordingly, we are concerned about po- have our refugees changed, and we tential weakening of protections afforded by friend’s remarks need to be directed to must recognize that. the administration because they have the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims This bill is not good for our country, told us it is the reason. The President Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) and it doesn’t reflect who we are as a has cited this as the reason. But if it is which was enacted in 2008 and reauthorized people. in 2013. The TVPRA ensures that victims of because we have sent a signal down trafficking are not only identified and there by unilaterally changing some- Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I continue to screened properly but that traffickers are pe- thing, there is some explanation for a reserve the balance of my time. nalized and brought to justice. It also appro- tenfold increase in the flow of individ- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield priately assigns responsibility for the care of 1 minute to the gentlewoman from unaccompanied children to the Department uals across our border. Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE), the ranking of Health and Human Services (HHS) and en- With that, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the sures that children are placed with their balance of my time. member of the Homeland Security Sub- families when possible. By making the legal Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield committee on Border and Maritime Se- process clearer and more efficient for chil- 1 minute to the gentleman from New curity. dren, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops York (Mr. CROWLEY). Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I found that since the passage and implemen- Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank wonder what my grandmother coming tation of TVPRA 23% more children were as- my friend from Massachusetts for from Jamaica, West Indies, with two sisted. The TVPRA is working according to yielding me this time. babies thought about this great coun- its design. It should not be changed to ad- dress the current temporary situation. The Mr. Speaker, 102 years ago, I assume try called America. I wondered as I law allows for responses to exceptional cir- a very frightened 14-year-old boy made went to the border and I looked into cumstances. his way on a boat called the RMS the eyes of a little 7-year-old who had Additionally, we urge you to provide the Caronia from Cork, Ireland, with his just gotten off a bus by himself from necessary resources and policy guidance to mother on his way to the United someplace in Central America, or the address the current crisis, and then hold the States, a very frightened 14-year-old toddler in a diaper who came here be- Administration accountable for fulfilling its boy who left behind his community, his cause there was true and actual vio- responsibilities under the law. Robust fund- friends and neighbors, and made his lence, the beheading of their neighbors, ing is needed for the Office of Refugee Reset- tlement (ORR) in HHS which has extensive way to the United States. He later the cutting of the throats of their experience with vulnerable immigrants, in- served in and became a young boys, the fear of the cartels, and cluding UACs, refugees, and victims of traf- New York City police officer but didn’t to think of the words ‘‘no room at the ficking. To respond to this crisis, ORR is live long enough to see his grandson inn.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:14 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.013 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7199 b 1100 We are confronted with a humanitarian cri- we act will be our fault if we don’t act Our Republicans are confused. They sis resulting from the alarming scale of vio- properly. How we act will be our leg- are prosecuting the children, not pros- lence and economic desperation in three Cen- acy. ecuting the drug dealers, the criminals, tral American countries: El Salvador, Hon- This is not who we are as a country— and others. Why? Because they are tak- duras, and Guatemala. Politicizing the issue I repeat. We are much better than that. ing away basic due process rights for will not solve the problem. We have to understand that these are humble children who have come just In the short term, we need to allocate the children, these are our children. Just for opportunity. Not only that, they resources needed to deal with the increase in because a border separates us, this don’t even want to give resources to all unaccompanied children seeking refuge in the doesn’t stop them from being our chil- the cities in America who are helping, United States. dren. the Good Samaritans. And then they Yet this Congress has failed to provide any Let’s turn down and reject all of this want legislation that literally under- resources needed to fund the courts and nonsense that we are doing, and let’s mines due process for these children. judges needed to send these children through try to help them and help them in the I will tell you this is a bad bill. Do the legal system; therefore, we should fund proper way. not pass it. Pass comprehensive immi- the number of immigration judges needed. Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I continue to gration reform. Pass it now. Without them, the result is a current average reserve the balance of my time. Mr. Speaker, I rise in fervid opposition to delay of 578 days to hear over 366,000 pend- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield this Martial Law Resolution and ask that you ing cases. 1 minute to the gentleman from Texas consider doing comprehensive immigration re- Because this situation is untenable for ev- (Mr. GREEN). form—a vote you would not even need to eryone—law enforcement, taxpayers, and indi- Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speak- whip. viduals petitioning for relief, the first thing that er, Dr. King reminds us that the truest Yet we insist on wasting valuable House we can and should do to reduce the backlog measure of the person is not where you Floor time while we could be doing com- is pass the emergency supplemental and pro- stand in times of comfort and conven- prehensive immigration reform, comprehensive vide the funding needed to appoint 70 new im- ience, but where do you stand in times tax reform, the Export-Import Bank Reauthor- migration judges, as provided under legislation of challenge and controversy. ization, or the Voting Rights Act. I recently introduced, H.R. 4990, the Justice In these times of challenge and con- As the GOP Majority reaches further to the For All Children Act. troversy, I stand with those children at anti-immigrant right to scrounge up the votes I remain committed to working with my col- the border and I stand for due process. for what was already an inadequate and heart- leagues, on a bipartisan basis, on this very im- I don’t stand for a fast-track adjudica- less proposal, we Democrats have a better portant issue, and would hope for a spill-over tion that mimics due process and idea: comprehensive immigration reform. effect into the realm of comprehensive immi- makes a mockery of justice. The bipartisan immigration legislation that gration reform. I stand with the DREAMers. They passed the Senate over a year ago offers I remain committed to advocating for com- have been given hope by our President. comprehensive answers to the problems with mon sense enforcement measures as part of I will not vote for a bill that will de- our immigration system—but for more than a a broader immigration reform package that will stroy hope for those DREAMers. We year House Republicans have refused to give further secure our borders, ensure agricultural must keep their hope alive. the American people a vote. interests have an ample labor supply, univer- I stand for due process, I stand with The humanitarian crisis at the border is a sities and businesses are not short workers, the DREAMers, and I stand for hope. I powerful reminder of the importance of an im- and proper workplace compliance is achieved, stand with the President. migration system that honors our values as a but also uphold our values as a Nation of im- Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I continue to nation. The time is now. While House Repub- migrants. reserve the balance of my time. licans search for the compassion to help des- Mr. Speaker, No Room at the inn! The Re- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, may I perate children, Democrats are demanding a publicans are confused. Let us as Americans inquire of the gentleman from Okla- vote on the comprehensive immigration reform give relief to these innocent children. I ask my homa how many speakers he has? our nation needs. colleagues to reject this resolution and call for Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I am pre- The United States is a country made up of a vote on comprehensive immigration reform pared to close whenever my friend is. immigrants, and it is part of what makes us so and the full funding of the emergency supple- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I want strong and vibrant. And while immigration re- mental by hiring 70 new immigration judges, to ask for a unanimous consent re- form remains an unsolved challenge for our provide more resources for the border, to pro- quest, because the interest on this nation, House Democrats are leading the way tect vulnerable children, and help communities issue and the passion on this issue on towards comprehensive reform. that are helping these children. our side is so great that we don’t have Indeed, the decision made by President Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I continue to enough time. Obama two years ago to defer deportation ac- reserve the balance of my time. So I would ask unanimous consent to tion against young people who were brought Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield extend the debate by 1 hour, equally di- here by undocumented parents but have been 1 minute to the gentleman from New vided. Like I said, we have a lot of raised here in our country was an important York (Mr. SERRANO). speakers, and there is no pending busi- step in the right direction. (Mr. SERRANO asked and was given ness after this debate ends. At the very This decision has helped ensure that over permission to revise and extend his re- least, I think we can extend the debate. half-a-million hard-working, eager, and tal- marks.) We were not allowed any amend- ented individuals who came here not of their Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, at the ments when the previous incarnation own choice, and who are contributing to our end of the day, the question may not of this border bill was brought before economy and our defense, can remain here be: Who are the children at the border, the House. I think the least we can do, and continue to be part of building a strong fu- and why they are here? The question in the spirit of collegiality, is to ex- ture for America. may be: Who are we as a Nation, and pand debate, and I would like to make Now we are faced, Mr. Speaker, with the why are we here as a Congress? that unanimous consent request. surge of unaccompanied children on our Our reputation has been never to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the southern border. They do not pose a threat to turn people away, our reputation gentleman from Oklahoma yield for our national security; nevertheless the Emer- should never be to turn children away that request? gency Supplemental Appropriations Act must to what could be a certain death or a Mr. COLE. I do not, Mr. Speaker. be passed before Congress leaves town for its very difficult situation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- district work-recess. This is not a crisis. This is a situa- tleman does not yield for that purpose. Contrary to the shrill rhetoric used by some tion that we have had before and we The gentleman from Massachusetts commentators, the nation is not being invaded have known how to deal with. This is a is recognized. by an army of children dispatched to do us moment for our country to show who Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I will harm. In fact the chairman of the House Judi- we are. The world is looking. These are try again. ciary Committee and I witnessed one month children. It is not their fault that they At this time, I would like to yield 1 ago the deplorable conditions with your own are here. There are many conditions minute to the gentlewoman from eyes—babies as young as three years old. that have brought them here. But how Maryland (Ms. EDWARDS).

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:20 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.015 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 Ms. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, it is a Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. Speaker, I, too, ing this from my home in Guatemala sad day for the United States when Re- rise in strong opposition to this bill. or Honduras or El Salvador, I would be publicans in this Congress see a prob- I have been deeply saddened and dis- led to believe there is. lem and then choose not to work with tressed to see the images and hear the We are better than that, and we have Democrats to solve the problem. That stories of so many unaccompanied mi- to be better than that because this is, is exactly what has happened here nors at our border. in fact, a crisis. It is not an imagined today: their draconian way or the high- But from Massachusetts, I have also crisis. It is a real crisis. way. read other stories. I have read the sto- Folks thought this House was going Let’s be clear about what the prob- ries of the over 150 overdoses from her- to go home yesterday, they thought lem is: unaccompanied minor children, oin that we experienced in Taunton, this House was going to go home yes- frightened, some fleeing violence, need- with over ten deaths. terday, just like the Senate did, with- ing due process, and deserving due I recently met with the DEA officials out providing a response. That is not process. in Massachusetts, who indicated that the House I ran to be a part of. This is as much about who these chil- the heroin drug trade alone with Mex- We are still here, we are still here dren are as it is about who we are. As ico is over $40 billion a year; that the working, and, by golly, I believe we are a mother and a legislator, I know that cartels have moved up into owning going to have a solution on the floor. I we should be compelled to act as a trafficking corridors throughout Mex- believe we are going to have a solution matter of humanity, but also as a mat- ico; that despite many of my other col- on the floor before the Sun goes down ter of law. leagues who are calling for the destruc- today, and I am so proud, I am so proud We know we have problems on the tion of aid and reduction of aid to Hon- that we are here to do that. But I tell border that are in need of solutions. duras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, the you this, we cannot do it if this bill Republicans have rejected one solu- United States bilateral aid is less than does not pass. This rule today gives us tion—comprehensive immigration re- $200 million a year. Gang violence in a pathway to success. In its absence, form—to address the problem. They Los Angeles alone costs over $1 billion that pathway will be delayed. have rejected another solution—the re- a year. PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY quest of the President for a supple- If we are truly going to address this Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I have mental appropriation that includes re- problem, we have to get to its core. We a parliamentary inquiry. sources for judges, representation, and have to take a good, hard look at what The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- services for minor children, and assist- is driving an economic instability that tleman will state his parliamentary in- ance to the countries of origin. is pushing young kids to figure that quiry. Now today, in the eleventh hour, my they have a better life by getting on a Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, the colleagues on the other side of the aisle bus by themselves to our border. gentleman referred to a bill that the demonstrate once again their lack of This is what our country is supposed Republicans are working on. We humanity and failure to solve yet an- to be all about: a better future for haven’t seen such a bill. Does this rule other problem for the American people. young children trying to make a life give us any indication of what bill they Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I continue to for themselves. I hope that we come to are talking about? reserve the balance of my time. that conclusion. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Once Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 again, the Chair will not interpret the 1 minute to the gentlewoman from minutes to the distinguished gen- pending resolution. California (Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD). tleman from (Mr. WOODALL), The gentleman from Massachusetts Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, my good friend, my colleague on the is recognized. I rise in strong opposition to this bill. Rules Committee. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Sadly, the Republican leadership is Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, I thank 1 minute to the gentleman from New continuing to play politics with the my colleague on the Rules Committee, Mexico (Mr. LUJA´ N). lives of innocent children at our border my friend from Oklahoma, for yielding. Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mexico. by failing to bring forward a bipartisan I am not sure what it is that is hap- Mr. Speaker, I will answer my friend’s supplemental spending bill that can pening here on this floor right now be- question that was just asked as he was pass the House and be signed into law. cause the bill that is before us that ev- speaking. It is unbelievable that the failure to eryone is rising to object to is the bill What is happening on the floor is Re- pass their own bill yesterday was not that allows us to bring up the same publicans are trying to weaken human because of its completely inadequate day, just as soon as we find a solution trafficking laws. That is what is hap- funding level or the fact that it would that can bring this House together, pening. undercut critical humanitarian protec- bring a bill immediately to the floor to Over the last few days, my colleagues tions in current law, but because it was solve a crisis. I just want to make that on the other side of the aisle have not mean enough or punitive enough clear. The bill that is before us today is jumped through linguistic and logical for their own Members to vote on. the only piece of legislation in this hoops to say that the most humane Working together, as Leader PELOSI town that allows us to move imme- way to deal with these children is to offered Speaker BOEHNER but was re- diately to solve a crisis. I am not talk- deport them quickly without due proc- fused, we could have come to a reason- ing about a crisis that is imagined by ess to discourage other children from able compromise. Republicans or imagined by Demo- making the dangerous journey. Instead, Republicans have resorted to crats. There is no question that the journey martial law, not because it is in the I have in my hand here a letter from is dangerous. Children are killed, best interest of our country or these Jeh Johnson, the Secretary of the De- robbed, raped, and maimed along the children, but so they can have the time partment of Homeland Security. Mr. way, but the children know the risks. to write a bill that will appease the ex- Speaker. In an open letter to families They are not ignorant to those risks. tremists in their party. all across the world he says: Why? Because back in Honduras, El Let’s reject this rule and come to- So, let me be clear: there is no path to de- Salvador, and Guatemala, children are gether in the best tradition of this ferred action or citizenship, or one being being raped, killed, and robbed every House to pass a clean supplemental bill contemplated by Congress, for a child who day. It is a fact. Read the news. that will address the humanitarian cri- crosses our border illegally today. Deporting children without process sis at our border in a way that meets I have heard the hearts of my friends to these conditions or locking them our government’s urgent needs and up- on the other side of the aisle, I have into their home countries and pre- holds our most basic American values. heard the hearts. But we are a Nation venting them from fleeing to find safe- Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I continue to of laws, as well as hearts, and you ty is not humane. It would be, as the reserve the balance of my time. know that the law of the land does not U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield allow for that, as the Secretary of said, like sending them back into a 1 minute to the gentleman from Massa- Homeland Security said. Yet, down burning building. We can do better chusetts (Mr. KENNEDY). here on the floor today, if I was watch- than this.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:20 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.017 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7201 PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY dren. Deport a young person who has shock, however, your old bill was not Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I have a pledged allegiance only to one flag, and punitive enough for these children, so parliamentary inquiry. that is our flag. you went back and made it worse. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Mr. Speaker, it looks like the bill the Mr. Speaker, when did we lose our tleman from New York will state his Republicans will want to bring is a se- way? Let me be crystal clear. The parliamentary inquiry. curity only, no to DREAMers supple- change that has been added to the sup- Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, this rule, mental. It does not address our broken plemental will make the lives of the exactly what bill is it that we are immigration system. Have we lost the children worse. going to vote for or against as relates core message of our country? What How we respond to a crisis of chil- to the rule? Because depending on the happened to, ‘‘Give me your tired, your dren in need of safe haven speaks to substance of the bill, it is going to de- poor, your huddled masses yearning to the character of our Nation, to who we termine whether I vote for or against breathe free’’? What happened to that are. How could we go around the world the rule. If they are not prepared to America? and provide resources and bring democ- tell us exactly what the bill is going to I am sure Ronald Reagan knows, but racy, yet treat our neighbors this way? We should not gut children’s protec- be in it, how could we possibly make a his party does not. tions, just to appease the most radical judgment as to whether we support the Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I continue to elements of a particular political rule? reserve the balance of my time. party. That is not the American way. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Once Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, may I Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I continue to again, as the Chair has said repeatedly, inquire of the time remaining? reserve the balance of my time. the Chair will not interpret the pend- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY tleman from Massachusetts has 51⁄4 ing resolution. That is a matter for de- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, bate among the Members. minutes remaining. The gentleman 1 parliamentary inquiry. Mr. RANGEL. May I further inquire, from Oklahoma has 10 ⁄2 minutes re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- we are not asking you to opine any- maining. tlewoman will state her parliamentary thing, Mr. Speaker. We are asking you Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield inquiry. to tell us exactly what we will be de- 1 minute to the gentleman from Cali- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, the bating. If we don’t know what we are fornia (Mr. TAKANO). course of the debate is about to end. going to be debating—I am not asking Mr. TAKANO. I thank the gentleman There is representation that there is an the Speaker to tell us what is in the from Massachusetts. underlying bill to this martial law. The bill. I am asking the Speaker to find Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak Democrats have already made a com- out from the majority exactly what out against the legislation being put mitment to stay and finish the job. this rule is going to be allowed for forward by the House Republicans, My inquiry is, the underlying bill’s them to bring up so that I would know which is an insincere attempt to ad- principles are based upon protecting whether to stay here or not to stay dress the humanitarian crisis at our children and fully funding the Presi- here. border. dent’s mark on the emergency supple- The SPEAKER pro tempore. To the This bill is misguided, unreasonable, mental to deal with this crisis and gentleman, the Chair would say that and wrong. It does very little to ad- emergency. that matter is for debate among the dress the actual root of this problem Those are simple parliamentary in- Members. and cuts important funding from the quiries as the underlying premise of Mr. RANGEL. Debate on what, Mr. Department of Defense, FEMA, and the the bill—two points: protecting the Speaker? Just tell me what will we be State Department’s Economic Support children and providing the full re- debating on? That is my question. You Fund. sources for helping the children. That tell me what the Members will be de- I oppose this legislation and urge my is not giving us the contents of the bill. bating on, and I am satisfied. I don’t colleagues to return to the drawing It is the premise of the bill for Mem- want you to opine. I want you to tell board, so we can help these children bers to be able to intelligently come to me what is going to be in the bill. and fix this issue. floor to assess the need to vote for the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The (English translation of the statement martial law. Chair has been patient with the gen- made in Spanish is as follows:) I, again, state the parliamentary in- tleman from New York. The gentleman The proposed legislation is ill-con- quiry. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- has not stated a parliamentary in- ceived, and does not solve the main tlewoman has not stated a proper par- quiry. problem. I am opposed to this legislation and liamentary inquiry. The gentleman from Massachusetts The gentleman from Massachusetts is recognized. ask my colleagues to propose a solu- tion that really helps these children. is recognized. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Thank you. 1 minute to the gentlewoman from 1 minute to the gentleman from New California, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ. La legislacio´ n propuesta esta´ mal ´ York (Mr. RANGEL). Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- planteada, y no resolvera el problema Mr. RANGEL. I thank the gentleman fornia. Mr. Speaker, a man once said: principal. from Massachusetts. ´ I believe in the idea of amnesty for those Estoy opuesto a esta legislacion y Mr. Speaker, I don’t know how we who have put down roots and who have lived pido que mis colegas propongan una can possibly frame a parliamentary in- here, even though sometime back they may solucio´ n que realmente ayudara a estos quiry to find out exactly what is in the have entered illegally. nin˜ os. underlying bill that we are asked to Mr. Speaker, those words were from Gracias. pass or vote against this rule. the great bastion of Republican think- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The In any event, I know one thing. We as ing: President Ronald Reagan. Chair reminds the gentleman that he Americans, especially those of us in will need to provide the Clerk a trans- b 1115 the Congress, have a particular respon- lation for the RECORD. sibility to pass on a legacy to those Oh, how his party has changed. In Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I continue to that follow us in terms of what this fact, Mr. Speaker, if Ronald Reagan reserve the balance of my time. country really stands for. were in office today, he would probably Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Besides the Star-Spangled Banner have a primary challenge for being too 1 minute to the gentlewoman from New and the Stars and Stripes, we also have ‘‘liberal’’ thinking. York (Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ). the Statue of Liberty close to my Mr. Speaker, the House today is Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, yes- hometown. People come from all over bringing up their only immigration-re- terday, when the Republican leadership the world because it is symbolic of lated bill, and it has just one message: pulled this legislation from the floor, I what this great country believes in. deport, deport, deport. Deport children assumed that they had come to their Not that many years ago, a group of seeking refuge from extreme violence. senses and realized that they couldn’t Jewish people attempted to flee Ger- Deport a mother away from her chil- treat children so poorly. Much to my many because they feared that Hitler

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:20 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.018 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 would be looking for them in order to many of the speakers, my friends on What has been our response? I would arrest, kill, and to eliminate them as a the other side. I have no doubt about be the first to acknowledge this is a people. We refused that ship that came their passion. Frankly, I have no doubt difficult problem to deal with. That is into our harbor, called the St. Louis. about their compassion. I know they why the administration, I presume, has We denied them the opportunity to want to do the right thing. not offered us a solution. come to this country, and they re- I also want to point out, Mr. Speak- That is why the Senate, which tried turned to Germany. er, that this bill actually is, as my to pass one yesterday, gave up and I don’t know what is on our con- friend from Massachusetts suggested, a went home. It is not an easy problem. science, but we should take a look at mechanism to keep us in session and Indeed, yesterday, we weren’t able to our history and what we are leaving as working on the problem, so that we bring legislation to the floor that a legacy. have the ability between now and Sep- would actually address the problem. Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I continue to tember 5 to actually act and act quick- The difference between this body and reserve the balance of my time. ly. I think that is a very important the other body is this body decided to Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield thing. stay here and continue to work on it 30 seconds to the gentlewoman from It is important, too, to think back and try to come up with a legislative California (Ms. LOFGREN). about the nature of the problem that response. That response, undoubtedly, Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I would we are dealing with. In the last 3 years, will include a fix, a tweak, an amend- just point out that the legal experts in the number of unaccompanied juve- ment to the 2008 law. the country have urged that we not niles arriving at our borders has gone If my friends have a better solution, change the antislavery law. from about 6,000 to—the estimates I then I would hope the administration We do recognize the need for re- hear this year will be somewhere like or the Senate or somebody offers that. sources to make that law work. I can’t 90,000 and may well reach 150,000 within So far, it has been as if we blame the help but notice that the Republican the next year or two. problem on the 2008 law, but we are majority is denying the resources to The administration, according to told you can’t change the 2008 law. actually adjudicate these cases in the news reports and testimony, was actu- That position is both intellectually bill that was before us yesterday. I ally warned about this in 2012 and 2013. and politically, I think, indefensible. If think it is ironic to say it doesn’t work Frankly, they didn’t prepare for it. I this is the problem, tell us how to fix and then say we won’t give you the re- am quite certain they didn’t anticipate the problem. If you won’t tell us, we sources to allow you to enforce the it. will suggest one, and that is exactly law. It is hypocrisy at its worst. They actually submitted a budget what we are going to do. Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I continue to this year that called for cuts in many We have also decided to look at the reserve the balance of my time. of the areas that we are clearly going financial issue, and there is no ques- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, may I to need to deal with this huge—and un- tion additional resources are needed to inquire from the gentleman from Okla- anticipated, I guess, on their part—in- handle this influx, secure the border, homa whether he has any additional flux of unaccompanied juveniles. add additional judges, and add addi- speakers or if he would like to give us Worth noting for the record, we actu- tional courtroom facilities to handle some of his time? ally restored a lot of those cuts in the an enormous backlog. Mr. COLE. I am prepared to close foreign operations bill that has now So we say, well, we are not going to whenever my friend is prepared to cleared the full Appropriations Com- give you a 13-month blank check, but close. mittee. I am glad we did. we will redirect resources from within Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I urge The administration then, when con- the existing budget toward what we all of my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on fronted with this crisis which it did not agree is a more urgent problem, and we this terrible martial law rule. We have anticipate, told us this was due to the will help you get through this fiscal no idea what the hell we are going to 2008 sex trafficking law. Frankly, I am year and this calendar year, and then be voting on. somewhat skeptical about that because let’s sit down and talk about what is This is just a rule that allows them this influx didn’t happen in 2009, 2010, necessary for fiscal year 2015 and try to to bring up anything at any time be- or 2011. It only begun to be remotely do that within the Ryan-Murray budg- tween now and September 5. I want to visible in 2012. That coincides, by the et agreement. I think that is what we urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on the way, with some of the President’s uni- are going to do. previous question, and if we defeat the lateral abrogation of immigration law. So we are willing to work with the previous question, I will bring up H.R. I think that is probably more likely administration in these areas. 15, which is the bipartisan Senate to be the cause, but regardless, the ad- 1130 passed comprehensive immigration re- ministration has pointed to the 2008 b form bill. law. The President has done that. The I would also suggest, at the end of Mr. Speaker, we are talking about Secretary of Homeland Security has the day, the worst thing we could do poor kids, most of them fleeing terrible done that. would be to go home and not do any- violence. I am ashamed at the insen- So far, they have offered no formal thing. My friends have suggested—and sitivity and the lack of compassion solution, although in testimony before I think appropriately so—that you from the other side. America is a bet- the Senate, the Secretary of Homeland can’t tell the President he is over- ter country. Let’s not lose our human- Security said he would like the law reaching in one area and then is pull- ity in this process. changed, so that people arriving at our ing back in another without providing If the United States of America borders are treated the same way as legislative authority and legislative stands for anything, it stands out loud Canadian and Mexican juveniles. That guidance. I think they are absolutely and foursquare for human rights. We was his request, not a repeal of the law, correct in that position. I have made are better than the angry mobs yelling but that was—at least in testimony— that point myself both privately and at children. The anger and the nas- his suggestion. publicly, but that is what we are going tiness and the insensitivity is not the The President has said that, regard- to try and accomplish. Hopefully, we face of America we want to show the less, the great majority of these chil- can accomplish it today. If we do that rest of the world. We are better. I urge dren will eventually be returned home. today or this weekend, we will have my colleagues on the other side of the He sent us a request recently to deal done our part of the job. The Senate aisle to act like it. with the crisis in terms of the financial then, by the way, could reconvene and With that, I yield back the balance of resources that he needs. do its part of the job. Then we could go my time. He did not send us a fix, he did not to conference, in working with the ad- Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- send us a proffered legislative solution, ministration, and come up with some- self the balance of my time. just simply a mechanism for money thing, but it does begin with somebody We have had a very passionate and— that would go around or go outside of at least doing his job. That is what this in many cases, compassionate—debate. the Ryan-Murray budget agreement House and that is what this majority is I want to recognize that quality in that we had agreed upon. absolutely determined to do.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:20 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.020 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7203 Mr. Speaker, there is not much more vote on whether to proceed to an immediate Cotton Jones Rigell that can be said on a resolution that is vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] Cramer Jordan Roby Crawford Joyce Roe (TN) only 10 lines long. This resolution is has no substantive legislative or policy im- plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what Crenshaw Kelly (PA) Rogers (AL) important so that we can consider pos- Culberson King (IA) Rogers (KY) they have always said. Listen to the Repub- Daines King (NY) Rogers (MI) sible legislation in a timely fashion re- lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative lated to the border crisis. I would urge Davis, Rodney Kingston Rohrabacher Process in the United States House of Rep- Denham Kinzinger (IL) Rokita my colleagues to support the rule. resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s Dent Kline Rooney The material previously referred to how the Republicans describe the previous DeSantis Labrador Ros-Lehtinen by Mr. MCGOVERN is as follows: question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- Diaz-Balart LaMalfa Roskam Duffy Lamborn AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 700 OFFERED BY though it is generally not possible to amend Ross Duncan (SC) Lance Rothfus MR. MCGOVERN OF MASSACHUSETTS the rule because the majority Member con- Duncan (TN) Lankford trolling the time will not yield for the pur- Royce Strike all after the resolved clause and in- Ellmers Latham Runyan sert: pose of offering an amendment, the same re- Farenthold Latta Ryan (WI) That immediately upon adoption of this sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- Fincher LoBiondo Salmon resolution the Speaker shall, pursuant to vious question on the rule . . . When the mo- Fitzpatrick Long Sanford clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House tion for the previous question is defeated, Fleischmann Lucas Scalise Fleming Luetkemeyer resolved into the Committee of the Whole control of the time passes to the Member Schweikert Flores Lummis Scott, Austin House on the state of the Union for consider- who led the opposition to ordering the pre- Forbes Marchant Sensenbrenner ation of the bill (H.R. 15) to provide for com- vious question. That Member, because he Fortenberry Marino Sessions prehensive immigration reform and for other then controls the time, may offer an amend- Foxx Massie Shimkus Franks (AZ) McAllister purposes. The first reading of the bill shall ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of Shuster Frelinghuysen McCarthy (CA) be dispensed with. All points of order against amendment.’’ Simpson Gardner McCaul consideration of the bill are waived. General In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House Smith (MO) Garrett McClintock debate shall be confined to the bill and shall Smith (NE) of Representatives, the subchapter titled Gerlach McHenry Smith (NJ) not exceed one hour equally divided among ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal Gibbs McKeon Smith (TX) and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- to order the previous question on such a rule Gibson McKinley Southerland nority member of the Committee on the Ju- [a special rule reported from the Committee Gingrey (GA) McMorris Stewart diciary. After general debate the bill shall be on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- Gohmert Rodgers Goodlatte Meadows Stivers considered for amendment under the five- ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- Stockman minute rule. All points of order against pro- tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- Gosar Meehan Granger Messer Stutzman visions in the bill are waived. At the conclu- jection of the motion for the previous ques- Terry sion of consideration of the bill for amend- Graves (GA) Mica tion on a resolution reported from the Com- Graves (MO) Miller (FL) Thompson (PA) ment the Committee shall rise and report mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- Griffin (AR) Miller (MI) Thornberry the bill to the House with such amendments ber leading the opposition to the previous Griffith (VA) Mullin Tiberi as may have been adopted. The previous question, who may offer a proper amendment Grimm Mulvaney Tipton question shall be considered as ordered on Guthrie Murphy (PA) Turner or motion and who controls the time for de- Upton the bill and amendments thereto to final bate thereon.’’ Hall Neugebauer Hanna Noem Valadao passage without intervening motion except Clearly, the vote on the previous question Wagner one motion to recommit with or without in- Harper Nugent on a rule does have substantive policy impli- Harris Nunes Walberg structions. If the Committee of the Whole cations. It is one of the only available tools Hartzler Olson Walden rises and reports that it has come to no reso- for those who oppose the Republican major- Hastings (WA) Palazzo Walorski lution on the bill, then on the next legisla- ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- Heck (NV) Paulsen Weber (TX) Webster (FL) tive day the House shall, immediately after native views the opportunity to offer an al- Hensarling Pearce Wenstrup the third daily order of business under clause ternative plan. Herrera Beutler Perry 1 of rule XIV, resolve into the Committee of Holding Petri Westmoreland the Whole for further consideration of the Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield back Hudson Pittenger Whitfield Williams bill. the balance of my time, and I move the Huelskamp Pitts Huizenga (MI) Poe (TX) Wilson (SC) SEC. 2. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not previous question on the resolution. Hultgren Pompeo Wittman apply to the consideration of H.R. 15. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Hunter Posey Wolf question is on ordering the previous Hurt Price (GA) Womack THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT Issa Reed Woodall IT REALLY MEANS question. Jenkins Reichert Yoder This vote, the vote on whether to order the The question was taken; and the Johnson (OH) Renacci Yoho previous question on a special rule, is not Speaker pro tempore announced that Johnson, Sam Ribble Young (AK) merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- the noes appeared to have it. Jolly Rice (SC) Young (IN) dering the previous question is a vote Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I object to NAYS—184 against the Republican majority agenda and the vote on the ground that a quorum a vote to allow the Democratic minority to Barber Costa Heck (WA) offer an alternative plan. It is a vote about is not present and make the point of Barrow (GA) Courtney Higgins what the House should be debating. order that a quorum is not present. Bass Crowley Himes Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- Beatty Cuellar Hinojosa Becerra Cummings Holt House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- dently a quorum is not present. Bera (CA) Davis (CA) scribes the vote on the previous question on Honda The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Bishop (GA) Davis, Danny Horsford the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the sent Members. Bishop (NY) DeFazio Hoyer consideration of the subject before the House Blumenauer DeGette Pursuant to clause 9 of rule XX, the Huffman being made by the Member in charge.’’ To Bonamici Delaney Israel defeat the previous question is to give the Chair will reduce to 5 minutes the min- Brady (PA) DeLauro Jackson Lee opposition a chance to decide the subject be- imum time for any electronic vote on Braley (IA) DelBene Jeffries Brown (FL) Deutch fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s Johnson (GA) the question of adoption. Brownley (CA) Doggett Johnson, E. B. ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that The vote was taken by electronic de- Bustos Doyle Kaptur ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- Butterfield Duckworth vice, and there were—yeas 226, nays Keating mand for the previous question passes the Capps Edwards 184, not voting 22, as follows: Kelly (IL) control of the resolution to the opposition’’ Capuano Ellison Kennedy in order to offer an amendment. On March [Roll No. 474] Ca´ rdenas Engel Carney Enyart Kildee 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- YEAS—226 Kilmer fered a rule resolution. The House defeated Carson (IN) Eshoo Aderholt Blackburn Capito Cartwright Esty Kind the previous question and a member of the Amash Boustany Carter Castor (FL) Farr Kuster opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, Amodei Brady (TX) Cassidy Castro (TX) Foster Langevin asking who was entitled to recognition. Bachmann Bridenstine Chabot Chu Frankel (FL) Larsen (WA) Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R–Illinois) said: Bachus Brooks (AL) Chaffetz Cicilline Fudge Larson (CT) ‘‘The previous question having been refused, Barletta Brooks (IN) Clawson (FL) Clark (MA) Gabbard Lee (CA) Levin the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- Barr Broun (GA) Coble Clarke (NY) Gallego Lewis gerald, who had asked the gentleman to Barton Buchanan Coffman Cleaver Garcia Benishek Bucshon Cole Clyburn Green, Al Lipinski yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to Bentivolio Burgess Collins (GA) Cohen Grijalva Loebsack the first recognition.’’ Bilirakis Byrne Collins (NY) Connolly Gutie´rrez Lofgren The Republican majority may say ‘‘the Bishop (UT) Calvert Conaway Conyers Hahn Lowenthal vote on the previous question is simply a Black Camp Cook Cooper Hastings (FL) Lowey

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:20 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.022 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 Lujan Grisham Payne Shea-Porter Frelinghuysen Long Ros-Lehtinen Neal Ruppersberger Swalwell (CA) (NM) Pelosi Sherman Gardner Lucas Roskam Negrete McLeod Ryan (OH) Takano Luja´ n, Ben Ray Perlmutter Sinema Garrett Luetkemeyer Ross Nolan Sa´ nchez, Linda Thompson (CA) (NM) Peters (CA) Sires Gerlach Lummis Rothfus Owens T. Thompson (MS) Lynch Peters (MI) Slaughter Gibbs Marchant Royce Pallone Sanchez, Loretta Tierney Maffei Peterson Smith (WA) Gibson Marino Runyan Pascrell Sarbanes Titus Maloney, Pingree (ME) Swalwell (CA) Gingrey (GA) McAllister Ryan (WI) Pastor (AZ) Schakowsky Tonko Carolyn Pocan Takano Gohmert McCarthy (CA) Salmon Payne Schiff Tsongas Maloney, Sean Polis Pelosi Schneider Van Hollen Thompson (CA) Goodlatte McCaul Sanford Matheson Price (NC) Gosar McClintock Perlmutter Schrader Vargas Thompson (MS) Scalise Matsui Quigley Granger McHenry Peters (CA) Schwartz Veasey Tierney Schweikert McCarthy (NY) Rahall Graves (GA) McKeon Peters (MI) Scott (VA) Vela Titus Scott, Austin McCollum Rangel Graves (MO) McKinley Peterson Scott, David Vela´ zquez Sensenbrenner McGovern Richmond Tonko Griffin (AR) McMorris Pingree (ME) Serrano Visclosky Sessions McIntyre Roybal-Allard Tsongas Griffith (VA) Rodgers Pocan Sewell (AL) Walz Shimkus McNerney Ruppersberger Van Hollen Grimm Meadows Polis Shea-Porter Wasserman Meeks Ryan (OH) Vargas Guthrie Meehan Shuster Price (NC) Sherman Schultz Meng Sa´ nchez, Linda Veasey Hall Messer Simpson Quigley Sinema Waters Michaud T. Vela Hanna Mica Smith (MO) Rahall Sires Waxman Miller, George Sanchez, Loretta Vela´ zquez Harper Miller (FL) Smith (NE) Rangel Slaughter Welch Moore Sarbanes Visclosky Harris Miller (MI) Smith (NJ) Richmond Smith (WA) Wilson (FL) Napolitano Schakowsky Walz Hartzler Mullin Smith (TX) Roybal-Allard Stockman Yarmuth Neal Schiff Hastings (WA) Mulvaney Southerland Wasserman NOT VOTING—23 Negrete McLeod Schneider Schultz Heck (NV) Murphy (PA) Stewart Nolan Schrader Waters Hensarling Neugebauer Stivers Bilirakis Gowdy Nadler O’Rourke Schwartz Waxman Herrera Beutler Noem Stutzman Campbell Grayson Nunnelee Owens Scott (VA) Welch Holding Nugent Terry Cantor Green, Gene O’Rourke Pallone Scott, David Wilson (FL) Hudson Nunes Thompson (PA) Clay Hanabusa Ruiz Pascrell Serrano Huelskamp Olson Yarmuth Thornberry DesJarlais Kirkpatrick Rush Pastor (AZ) Sewell (AL) Huizenga (MI) Palazzo Tiberi Dingell McDermott Schock Hultgren Paulsen Fattah Miller, Gary NOT VOTING—22 Tipton Speier Hunter Pearce Turner Garamendi Moran Campbell Grayson Nadler Hurt Perry Upton ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Cantor Green, Gene Nunnelee Issa Petri Valadao Clay Hanabusa Ruiz Jenkins Pittenger Wagner The SPEAKER pro tempore (during DesJarlais Kirkpatrick Rush Johnson (OH) Pitts Walberg the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Johnson, Sam Poe (TX) Dingell McDermott Schock Walden Jolly Pompeo ing. Fattah Miller, Gary Speier Walorski Garamendi Moran Jordan Posey Weber (TX) b 1202 Gowdy Murphy (FL) Joyce Price (GA) Kelly (PA) Reed Webster (FL) Wenstrup So the resolution was agreed to. b 1154 King (IA) Reichert The result of the vote was announced King (NY) Renacci Westmoreland Messrs. VELA, SCHNEIDER, DAVID Kingston Ribble Whitfield as above recorded. SCOTT of Georgia, and MCINTYRE Kinzinger (IL) Rice (SC) Williams A motion to reconsider was laid on Wilson (SC) changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to Kline Rigell the table. Labrador Roby Wittman ‘‘nay.’’ LaMalfa Roe (TN) Wolf Stated against: So the previous question was ordered. Lamborn Rogers (AL) Womack Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall The result of the vote was announced Lance Rogers (KY) Woodall vote No. 475 (On Agreeing to the Resolution Lankford Rogers (MI) Yoder related to H. Res. 700), had I been present, I as above recorded. Latham Rohrabacher Yoho Stated against: Latta Rokita Young (AK) would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall LoBiondo Rooney Young (IN) Mr. O’ROURKE. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 474 (On Ordering the Previous Question re- 475, had I been present, I would have voted NOES—190 lated to H. Res. 700), had I been present, I ‘‘no.’’ would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ Barber Davis, Danny Kaptur PERSONAL EXPLANATION Barrow (GA) DeFazio Keating The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bass DeGette Kelly (IL) Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, question is on the resolution. Beatty Delaney Kennedy on rollcall No. 474 & 475, had I been present, The question was taken; and the Becerra DeLauro Kildee I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ Bentivolio DelBene Kilmer Speaker pro tempore announced that Bera (CA) Deutch Kind f the ayes appeared to have it. Bishop (GA) Doggett Kuster MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE RECORDED VOTE Bishop (NY) Doyle Langevin Blumenauer Duckworth Larsen (WA) A message from the Senate by Ms. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I de- Bonamici Edwards Larson (CT) mand a recorded vote. Brady (PA) Ellison Lee (CA) Curtis, one of its clerks, announced A recorded vote was ordered. Braley (IA) Engel Levin that the Senate has passed without The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Brooks (AL) Enyart Lewis amendment bills of the House of the Broun (GA) Eshoo Lipinski following titles: 5-minute vote. Brown (FL) Esty Loebsack The vote was taken by electronic de- Brownley (CA) Farr Lofgren H.R. 3548. An act to amend title XII of the vice, and there were—ayes 219, noes 190, Bustos Foster Lowenthal Public Health Service Act to expand the def- Butterfield Frankel (FL) Lowey not voting 23, as follows: inition of trauma to include thermal, elec- Capps Fudge Lujan Grisham trical, chemical, radioactive, and other ex- [Roll No. 475] Capuano Gabbard (NM) trinsic agents. Ca´ rdenas Gallego Luja´ n, Ben Ray AYES—219 Carney Garcia (NM) H.R. 4360. An act to designate the facility Aderholt Calvert Daines Carson (IN) Green, Al Lynch of the United States Forest Service for the Amash Camp Davis, Rodney Cartwright Grijalva Maffei Grandfather Ranger District located at 109 Amodei Capito Denham Castor (FL) Gutie´rrez Maloney, Lawing Drive in Nebo, North Carolina, as the Bachmann Carter Dent Castro (TX) Hahn Carolyn ‘‘Jason Crisp Forest Service Building’’. Bachus Cassidy DeSantis Chu Hastings (FL) Maloney, Sean H.R. 4631. An act to reauthorize certain Barletta Chabot Diaz-Balart Cicilline Heck (WA) Massie provisions of the Public Health Service Act Barr Chaffetz Duffy Clark (MA) Higgins Matheson Barton Clawson (FL) Duncan (SC) Clarke (NY) Himes Matsui relating to autism, and for other purposes. Benishek Coble Duncan (TN) Cleaver Hinojosa McCarthy (NY) H.R. 4838. An act to redesignate the rail- Bishop (UT) Coffman Ellmers Clyburn Holt McCollum road station located at 2955 Market Street in Black Cole Farenthold Cohen Honda McGovern Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, commonly Blackburn Collins (GA) Fincher Connolly Horsford McIntyre known as ‘‘30th Street Station’’, as the ‘‘Wil- Boustany Collins (NY) Fitzpatrick Conyers Hoyer McNerney liam H. Gray III 30th Street Station’’. Brady (TX) Conaway Fleischmann Cooper Huffman Meeks Bridenstine Cook Fleming Costa Israel Meng The message also announced that the Brooks (IN) Cotton Flores Courtney Jackson Lee Michaud Senate has passed a bill and a joint res- Buchanan Cramer Forbes Crowley Jeffries Miller, George olution of the following title in which Bucshon Crawford Fortenberry Cuellar Johnson (GA) Moore Burgess Crenshaw Foxx Cummings Johnson, E. B. Murphy (FL) the concurrence of the House is re- Byrne Culberson Franks (AZ) Davis (CA) Jones Napolitano quested:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:14 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.007 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7205 S. 231. An act to reauthorize the Multi- That the Senate passed without amend- rocket threats: Provided, That such funds shall national Species Conservation Funds ment H.R. 3765. be transferred immediately only through an ex- Semipostal Stamp. With best wishes, I am change of letters to address emergent operations S.J. Res. 36. Joint resolution relating to Sincerely, in support of Operation Protective Edge, not- the approval and implementation of the pro- KAREN L. HAAS. withstanding section of the U.S.-Israel posed agreement for nuclear cooperation be- f Iron Dome Procurement Agreement: Provided tween the United States and the Socialist further, That nothing in this paragraph shall be Republic of Vietnam. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER construed to apply to previously appropriated f PRO TEMPORE funds for the procurement of Iron Dome: Pro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- vided further, That such amount is designated RECESS by the Congress as an emergency requirement ant to clause 4 of rule I, the following The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Bal- enrolled bills were signed by the anced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Speaker on Friday, August 1, 2014: Act of 1985. declares the House in recess subject to H.R. 3230, to improve the access of This joint resolution may be cited as the the call of the Chair. veterans to medical services from the ‘‘Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Reso- Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 3 min- Department of Veterans Affairs, and lution, 2014’’. utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. for other purposes; Amend the title so as to read: ‘‘A bill mak- f H.R. 5021, to provide an extension of ing an emergency supplemental appropria- Federal-aid highway, highway safety, tion for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1735 b motor carrier safety, transit, and other 2014, to provide funding to Israel for the Iron Dome defense system to counter short-range AFTER RECESS programs funded out of the Highway rocket threats.’’. Trust Fund, and for other purposes. The recess having expired, the House MOTION OFFERED BY MR. ROGERS OF KENTUCKY f was called to order by the Speaker pro Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. tempore (Mr. WOMACK) at 5 o’clock and NUCLEAR SECURITY ADMINISTRA- Speaker, I have a motion at the desk. 35 minutes p.m. TION CONTINUING APPROPRIA- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The f TIONS RESOLUTION, 2014 Clerk will designate the motion. COMMUNICATION FROM THE Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I ask The text of the motion is as follows: CLERK OF THE HOUSE unanimous consent that it be in order Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky moves that the at any time to take from the Speaker’s The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- House concur in the Senate amendments to table the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 76) House Joint Resolution 76. fore the House the following commu- making continuing appropriations for nication from the Clerk of the House of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the National Nuclear Security Admin- Representatives: ant to the order of the House of today, istration for fiscal year 2014, and for the previous question is ordered. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, other purposes, with the Senate OFFICE OF THE CLERK, The question is on the motion offered amendments thereto, and to consider Washington, DC, August 1, 2014. by the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. in the House, without intervention of Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, ROGERS). any point of order, a single motion of- The Speaker, House of Representatives, Wash- The question was taken; and the fered by the chair of the Committee on ington, DC. Speaker pro tempore announced that DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- Appropriations or his designee that the the ayes appeared to have it. mission granted in Clause 2(h) of rule II of House concur in the Senate amend- Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- ments; the Senate amendments be con- Speaker, on that I demand the yeas tives, the Clerk received the following mes- sidered as read; the previous question sage from the Secretary of the Senate on Au- and nays. gust 1, 2014 at 12:13 p.m.: be considered as ordered on the motion to adoption without intervening mo- The yeas and nays were ordered. That the Senate passed with amendments The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- H.J. Res. 76. tion or demand for division of the ques- With best wishes, I am. tion; and the Chair may postpone the ant to the order of the House of today, Sincerely, question of adoption of the motion as proceedings on this question will be KAREN L. HAAS. though under clause 8 of rule XX. postponed. f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gen- f COMMUNICATION FROM THE tleman from Texas? CLERK OF THE HOUSE There was no objection. REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF fore the House the following commu- Speaker, pursuant to the order of the H.R. 5230, SECURE THE SOUTH- nication from the Clerk of the House of House of today, I call up H.J. Res. 76, WEST BORDER ACT OF 2014; PRO- Representatives: with the Senate amendments thereto. VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF OFFICE OF THE CLERK, The Clerk read the title of the bill. H.R. 5272, PROHIBITIONS RELAT- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ING TO DEFERRED ACTION FOR Washington, DC, August 1, 2014. Clerk will designate the Senate amend- ALIENS; AND PROVIDING FOR Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, ments. CONSIDERATION OF MOTIONS TO The Speaker, House of Representatives, Wash- The text of the Senate amendments SUSPEND THE RULES ington, DC. is as follows: DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- Mr. SESSIONS, from the Committee mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of Senate amendments: on Rules, submitted a privileged report the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- Strike all after the first word, and insert: (Rept. No. 113–571) on the resolution (H. tives, the Clerk received the following mes- the following sum is appropriated, out of Res. 710) providing for consideration of sage from the Secretary of the Senate on Au- any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap- gust 1, 2014 at 4:17 p.m.: propriated, for the fiscal year ending Sep- the bill (H.R. 5230) making supple- That the Senate passed without amend- tember 30, 2014, and for other purposes, mental appropriations for the fiscal ment H.R. 4386. namely: year ending September 30, 2014, and for That the Senate passed without amend- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE other purposes; providing for consider- ment H.R. 5195. PROCUREMENT ation of the bill (H.R. 5272) to prohibit That the Senate passed without amend- certain actions with respect to deferred PROCUREMENT, DEFENSE-WIDE ment H.R. 606. action for aliens not lawfully present That the Senate passed without amend- For an additional amount for ‘‘Procurement, in the United States, and for other pur- ment H.R. 1671. Defense-Wide’’, $225,000,000, to remain available That the Senate passed without amend- until September 30, 2015, which shall be for the poses; and providing for consideration ment H.R. 2291. Secretary of Defense to provide to the Govern- of motions to suspend the rules, which That the Senate passed without amend- ment of Israel for the procurement of the Iron was referred to the House Calendar and ment H.R. 3472. Dome defense system to counter short-range ordered to be printed.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:14 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.013 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7206 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- policy changes to address the under- OF H.R. 5230, THE SECURE THE tend their remarks. lying problems that are fueling this SOUTHWEST BORDER ACT OF The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there crisis. Specifically, it prevents the ad- 2014; PROVIDING FOR CONSIDER- objection to the request of the gen- ministration from spending taxpayer ATION OF H.R. 5272, PROHIBI- tleman from Texas? dollars to adjudicate any new applica- TIONS RELATING TO DEFERRED There was no objection. tions under DACA or any other similar ACTION FOR ALIENS; AND PRO- Mr. SESSIONS. The rule provides for policy. The package also amends the VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF expedited consideration of H.R. 5230 2008 trafficking law so that all unac- MOTIONS TO SUSPEND THE and H.R. 5272. companied alien children are treated RULES Mr. Speaker, I rise today because we the same as, under the law today, Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, by di- are facing an unprecedented crisis on Mexicans and Canadians, and this is for rection of the Committee on Rules, I America’s southern border. Nearly the purpose of removals. call up House Resolution 710 and ask 60,000 unaccompanied alien children It also provides additional temporary for its immediate consideration. have entered the United States ille- judges to help guarantee that these The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- gally this fiscal year, most of whom children get their day in court within lows: have come through the Texas-Mexico 14 days from their initial screening. It H. RES 710 border, and today, our country faces a also strengthens laws against criminals Resolved, That during further consideration threat to our sovereignty and to our and those with serious drug-related of the bill (H.R. 5230) making supplemental rule of law. convictions and those who have them appropriations for the fiscal year ending The time to act is now. It would be from applying for asylum. It allows for September 30, 2014, and for other purposes, irresponsible for this body to go home customs and border protection activi- pursuant to House Resolution 696: for a month without doing our part to ties on Federal land. Similarly, it au- (a) the amendments printed in part A of thorizes the deployment of the Na- the report of the Committee on Rules accom- help work and solve this problem. I am glad that Members of the House recog- tional Guard to our southern border. panying this resolution shall be considered Finally, it prohibits the housing of as adopted; nize their duty to finish the job. I be- (b) all points of order against provisions in lieve the House has put specific, con- unauthorized immigrants on military the bill, as amended, are waived; and crete proposals to act in the best inter- bases if housing them would displace (c) the previous question shall be consid- est of the United States. members of the Armed Forces or any ered as ordered on the bill, as amended, and Active Duty or it interferes with mili- on any further amendment thereto to final Let’s take a look at what this crisis on our border is doing. First, the Presi- tary activity. passage without intervening motion except These steps come after a series of dent’s catch-and-release program is a (1) one additional hour of debate equally di- conversations with members of the ma- vided and controlled by the chair and rank- big part of the problem. Under this pro- jority. We have an obligation to get ing minority member of the Committee on gram, nearly 90 percent of unaccom- this bill done. As a Texan, I have Appropriations and (2) one motion to recom- panied alien children have been placed pushed and pushed and pushed for us to mit with or without instructions. with their families in the United SEC. 2. After passage of H.R. 5230, and on make sure that we had a bill that could States, many of whom are here ille- the legislative day of August 1, 2014, the be supported by our Members. It is gally themselves. House shall consider in the House the bill Texas and those living on the border Second, there is the President’s (H.R. 5272) to prohibit certain actions with that are seeing tremendous conditions respect to deferred action for aliens not law- DACA program. DACA is a major rea- that are placing our States and local fully present in the United States, and for son for the influx of illegal immigrants other purposes. All points of order against people at a disadvantage. to the United States. The Director on Thus, I want to thank the Members consideration of the bill are waived. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Serv- amendment printed in part B of the report of for continuing to work together on a the Committee on Rules accompanying this ices recently testified to the Judiciary bill to get 218 votes. I applaud those resolution shall be considered as adopted. Committee that 700,000 undocumented who spent the time, including today, The bill, as amended, shall be considered as immigrants have taken advantage of dedicating themselves to putting the read. All points of order against provisions DACA. package together. I thank the staff. in the bill, as amended, are waived. The pre- Third, there is the 2008 trafficking And as always, I expect and want this vious question shall be considered as ordered law, which has allowed so many to ef- body to support this good piece of leg- on the bill, as amended, and on any further fectively skip out on the judicial proc- amendment thereto to final passage without islation. intervening motion except: (1) one hour of ess and live in our country illegally. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of debate equally divided and controlled by the Catch and release under the President’s my time. chair and ranking minority member of the proposal is wrong and bad for our coun- Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I ap- Committee on the Judiciary; and (2) one mo- try, and only encourages many, many preciate my colleague for yielding, and tion to recommit with or without instruc- more to continue the trek here. I yield myself such time as I may con- tions. b 1745 sume. SEC. 3. Section 2 of House Resolution 700 is You would think after 4 years that amended to read as follows: ‘‘Sec. 2. It shall Combined, these policies, plus signals the majority would know how to run be in order at any time on the legislative day from the administration, encouraged of August 1, 2014, for the Speaker to enter- the House, but this week makes us tain motions that the House suspend the more illegal immigration and have led wonder. All we have accomplished this rules, as though under clause 1 of rule XV, to the border crisis that we face today. week is to sue the President and de- relating to a measure addressing missile de- To stop this crisis, our border must be regulate pesticides into the environ- fense of Israel.’’. secured and the tide of illegal immigra- ment. And in a real embarrassment, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- tion should be stemmed. I believe that canceling a vote because Tea Party tleman from Texas is recognized for 1 this rule provides for legislation to ac- Members refused to support a border hour. complish that goal. bill that was tailormade for them. Ac- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, for the H.R. 5230 would provide $659 million tually, I understand it was in their in- purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- for border security, the enforcement of terest to pass it yesterday. tomary 30 minutes to the gentlewoman existing laws, illegal immigration pre- Now, my colleague, of whom I am in- from New York (Ms. SLAUGHTER), my vention, and humanitarian assistance. ordinately fond, said that the time to friend, the ranking member from the Additionally, $70 million would be pro- act is now. But the time really to act Rules Committee, pending which I vided for National Guard border ef- was yesterday when the Senate was in yield myself such time as I may con- forts. This proposal is paid for, which town, because there is no way now sume. During consideration of this res- means that it does not result in any what we are doing today could ever be- olution, all time yielded is for the pur- new or additional Federal spending this come legislation because the Senate pose of debate only. fiscal year. would have to pass something, and GENERAL LEAVE However, the House will not simply then it would go to the President who Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I ask throw money at the problem. This said already he would veto it. So we unanimous consent that all Members package also makes specific, stay an extra day here to make a point.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:34 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.033 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7207 Instead of going home to our con- getting the equipment to do it and the States continuously from June 15, 2007 to stituents, we are under siege in a choke teachers who helped them do it. And June 15, 2012, a requirement that excludes hold by some Members of the House. they really felt that they had been out- the unaccompanied children coming now. Third, if DACA was such an incentive for This much is true: it costs the tax- matched and outgunned when they UAC to come from Central America, why are payers $24 million a week to run the were going to compete as high school so few Nicaraguan children coming? They House of Representatives, and I am students against engineering students would benefit in the same way as unaccom- afraid the American people aren’t get- at MIT, a premier engineering school panied children from El Salvdaor, Honduras, ting their money’s worth. in the United States. What happened, and Guatemala. The lack of Nicaraguans President Truman, it is worth not- those four young men won. They beat points to other causes of the surge. ing, campaigned for President using a MIT. Now, they were part of the The timing, legal exclusion of the UAC quote ‘‘do-nothing Congress,’’ which DREAM Act. We hope they will not be from DACA, and lack of Nicaraguans indi- had passed nearly 1,000 bills. And under cate that DACA was not a primary cause of deported because, more than anything the surge. Of the 404 UAC interviewed by the Mr. Speaker, this Congress has passed I can think of, the United States needs United Nations High Commissioner for Refu- just around 120. Mr. Truman was mad that kind of thinkers and innovators in gees since 2011, only 9 mentioned that U.S. because they had not done a health what they had to do. laws influenced their decision to come to the care bill. Fortunately, we got that So the Cato Institute agrees. They United States. Other American laws could done 4 years ago. wrote on July 29, 3 days ago, that have influenced the unaccompanied children But this recalcitrant Congress is why DACA, the DREAM Act, was not a pri- to come but DACA is not the main culprit. President Obama had to act on his mary cause of the surge, and I insert DETAILS ON DACA own. Nothing is working here, but he this report from CATO, entitled, The DACA beneficiaries, at the time of the was responsible for keeping the coun- ‘‘DACA Did Not Cause the Surge in Un- memo, would have to fulfill all of these re- try moving. I think we need to describe accompanied Children,’’ into the quirements to have their deportations de- ferred: under the age of 31; arrived to the for the RECORD and for the public ex- RECORD. I will also submit some statis- United States before reaching their 16th actly what has been done today. tical findings from Professor Tim birthday; entered the United States without This morning, the majority adopted a Wong, from the University of Cali- inspection or overstayed a visa prior to June martial law rule until September 5, fornia, San Diego, into the RECORD, en- 15, 2012; continuously resided in the United which is most unusual. Martial law titled, ‘‘DACA Did Not Cause the Influx States from June 15, 2007 to the time of the usually lasts 1, 2, maybe 3 days at the of Unaccompanied Minors’’ into the memo; physically present in the United outside. But we have 5 weeks, which RECORD. States on June 15, 2012, as well as at the time means the Speaker can call us back at [From the CATO Institute, July 29, 2014] of requesting deferred action from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services any time. We would hope that he would DACA DID NOT CAUSE THE SURGE IN (USCIS); been in school at the time of appli- not do that without telling us what we UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN cation, or have already graduated or ob- are going to do. But today, we do not (By Alex Nowrasteh) tained a certificate of completion from high even know what is in this bill. We don’t In June, 2012 the Obama Administration school, or have obtained a general education understand this legislation because the announced that it had authored a memo de- development (GED) certificate, or are an 40 pages of it we have not had time to ferring the deportation of unauthorized im- honorably discharged veteran of the U.S. look at. So here we are. We do think it migrant childhood arrivals in the United Coast Guard or the U.S. Armed Forces; not is pretty toxic. States, a program known as deferred action been convicted of a felony, significant mis- But not only was the bill drafted by for childhood arrivals (DACA). The memo di- demeanor, or three or more other mis- rected then Secretary of the Department of Republicans only, in a basement room, demeanors, and do not otherwise pose a Homeland Security to practice prosecutorial threat to national security or public safety. there are absolutely no Democrat fin- discretion toward a small number of unau- Beneficiaries of DACA were also allowed to gerprints or ideas or amendments or thorized immigrants who fulfilled a specific apply for employment authorization accord- thoughts or suggestions or hopes or set of characteristics. In essence, some unau- ing to the Code of Federal Regulations. anything else in this bill. There have thorized immigrants who had come to the There is a debate amongst legal scholars been no hearings, no markups, no United States as children were able to le- over whether the administration’s grant of amendments, nothing of which we are gally stay and work—at least temporarily. deferred action was legal. Those who argue entitled to as Members of the House DID DACA CAUSE THE UAC SURGE? that DACA was illegal contend that the and sent here by 750,000 Americans. Some politicians contend that DACA is President overstepped his constitutional au- This bill, we know, does give $35 mil- primarily responsible for the surge in unac- thority to defer the deportation of some un- authorized immigrants. Those who argue lion to reimburse the National Guard companied child (UAC) migrants across the border in recent years. A recent House Ap- that DACA was legal point to the general for activities related to ‘‘border secu- propriations Committee one-pager stated power of the Secretary of the Department of rity and the current influx of illegal that, ‘‘The dire situation on our Southern Homeland Security to defer enforcement ac- immigrants.’’ Now it turns out that border has been exacerbated by the Presi- tion. They argue that the Supreme Court has only Texas has spent any money on dent’s current immigration policies.’’ Pro- ruled that decisions to initiate or terminate that, and one wonders if that piqued ponents of this theory argue that DACA sent enforcement proceedings fall within the au- Senator CRUZ’s interest in this bill and a message to Central Americans that if they thority of the Executive—an enforcement what we are doing over here because it came as children then the U.S. government power used since the early 1970s. Here is more of their argument. This disagreement looks like that is where the money will would legalize them, thus giving a large in- centive for them to come in the first place. has not been settled. be going. Few facts of the unaccompanied children By the end of September, 2013, 580,000 re- The bill tragically cuts all funding (UAC) surge are consistent with the theory quests for DACA were accepted by the U.S. for the DREAM Act, the Deferred Ac- that DACA caused the surge. government and 514,800, or 89 percent, were tion for Childhood Arrivals program. First, the surge in UAC began long before approved. Seventy-six percent of the re- We were told there were something like the June 15, 2012 announcement of DACA. It quests came from Mexicans. Twenty-nine 700,000 children who were involved in is true that DACA had been discussed in late percent of the requests were filed from Cali- that, who came forward on a promise May 2012 but the surge was underway by that fornia, 16 percent from Texas, and 6 percent from Illinois. by this government that they would time. From October 2011 through March 2012, there was a 93 percent increase in UAC ap- Read the Full Article: DACA Did Not have an opportunity to go to school prehensions over the same period in Fiscal Cause the Surge in Unaccompanied Children and they would not be deported. Now Year 2011. Texas Governor Rick Perry the country has their names, their ad- warned President Obama about the rapid in- DACA DID NOT CAUSE THE INFLUX OF dresses, and they would be easy to de- crease in UAC at the border in early May UNACCOMPANIED MINORS port because this bill puts an end to 2012—more than a full month before DACA Statistical analysis from a political the DREAM Act. was announced. In early June 2012, Mexico science professor, Tom Wong, from the Uni- I related today in the Rules Com- was detaining twice as many Central Amer- versity of California, San Diego shows that mittee a story about four undocu- ican children as in 2011. The surge in unac- violence is causing the surge of unaccom- panied children crossing the border. mented young men in high school in companied children (UAC) began before DACA was announced. Central American countries that are expe- the United States that decided to enter Second, the children coming now are not riencing high levels of violence (Guatemala, into a contest to build an underwater legally able to apply for DACA. A recipient Honduras, El Salvador) have seen thousands robot, the trouble that they had simply of DACA has to have resided in the United of children flee, other countries with lower

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:34 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.035 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 levels of violence (Nicaragua, Belize) are not forthrightly participate. We had hours that the foundation of American gen- facing same outflow. This takes into consid- and hours of discussion about not only erosity and freedom is the rule of law. eration poverty levels as well, given that the legislation and what we were doing, Today, through a constitutionally Nicaragua is the poorest country in the Cen- but we actually shared ideas among prescribed process, we have the oppor- tral American region. Professor Wong analyzed data from the Members on a bipartisan basis today, tunity to pass a bill that will give the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime and I felt like it was a pretty good ex- President the tools to address this cri- (UNODC) and the CBP apprehension rate of change. sis. unaccompanied children and found a direct I am delighted, at this time, to yield Today, we can provide resources to correlation between the homicide rate in 15 minutes to the gentlewoman from secure the border and ensure that those Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and North Carolina (Ms. FOXX). who have already undertaken this jour- the entry of UACs. Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I thank my ney can be speedily reunited with their The United States is not the only country colleague for yielding me this time. in the region experiencing an increase in pro- families. Mr. Speaker, young children are Today, we can send a clear, compas- tection claims from people from El Salvador, being sent off alone or put in the hands Guatemala, and Honduras. sionate message that undertaking this According to UNHCR, the United Nations of criminal cartels to cross vast, inhos- border crossing journey is a mistake. Refugee Agency, other countries in the re- pitable spaces in the hopes of eventu- Today, I ask my colleagues to join gion have experienced a sharp increase in the ally reaching our border. This is a hu- me in supporting this rule and the un- number of asylum applications filed by Sal- manitarian crisis. Today we seek to ad- derlying legislation so that we can vadorans, Guatemalans, and Hondurans since dress the plight of these children in a begin to solve this problem. 2008. From 2008 to 2013, the number of such responsible fashion. applications filed in Mexico, Panama, Nica- Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I There has been much discussion in yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman ragua, Costa Rica, and Belize increased by the House this week about constitu- 712%. from California (Ms. LOFGREN), the The initial increase in unaccompanied tional role. The President has acknowl- ranking member of the Judiciary Sub- minor entries occurred well before the imple- edged his constitutional role in immi- committee on Immigration and Border mentation of the DACA program in June gration policy. In 2011, speaking to a Security and an expert on immigra- 2012. meeting of La Raza, he said: tion. If DACA was the cause for the increase in I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the unaccompanied minors, we would see more books . . . Now, I know some people want me b 1800 entries from countries around the world—in- to bypass Congress and change the laws on Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, some stead the children are only coming from my own. Believe me, the idea of doing things three countries: Honduras, El Salvador and have been asking whether this bill re- on my own is very tempting, I promise you, peals DACA and puts the DREAMers Guatemala. All of these countries have high not just on immigration reform. But that’s rates of violence. not how our system works. That is not how back in deportation, and the answer is Ms. SLAUGHTER. What is really our democracy functions. That’s not how our yes. Page 1, lines 5 through 17 point out happening here is the most extreme, Constitution is written. that no funds can be used for a new ap- anti-immigrant voices in the Repub- If the President’s actions had re- plication. lican Party using the crisis as a polit- mained consistent with these words, we The DACA applications were a grant- ical cover to repeal a commonsense would not be facing the crisis we are ed deferred action for 2 years. They policy like the DREAM Act, and the today. Unfortunately, though, the must make a new application—and Speaker has caved once again to those President did take it upon himself to there is no guarantee that application voices. Representative STEVE KING de- unilaterally rewrite immigration law, will be approved—at the end of 2 years. scribed the underlying legislation as and he did so in a way that aggravated That is beginning now. So this will re- something that he could have ordered the situation. And he knew the poten- quire that the DREAMers be removed off the menu. tial consequences. In 2010, the Presi- from deferred action and become sub- Furthermore, the rules are of course dent said: ject to deportation. closed, setting the record anew for the There are those in the immigrants’ rights Further, the bill is meant to treat all most closed rules in any Congress. This community who have argued passionately children the way we treat Mexican bill does stop short of catapulting that we should simply provide those who are children, but it does more than that. those children into Mexico and then here illegally with legal status, or at least Right now, the Border Patrol is re- leaving them to walk to their home ignore the law on the books and put an end quired to determine on a case-by-case countries, but it certainly doesn’t do to deportation until we have better laws . . . basis whether a child has the capac- but I believe such an indiscriminate ap- ity—whether they are old enough—to very much since the discussion in the proach would be both unwise and unfair. It House of Representatives for several would suggest to those thinking about com- independently withdraw an applica- years now has been what to do about ing here illegally that there would be no re- tion. That is stricken in this bill. immigration. It really is a sorry path percussions for such a decision. And this The law says now that a Mexican that we have reached the condition we could lead to a surge in more illegal immi- child who raises no persecution or traf- are in right now, a one-House bill, a gration. ficking concerns may be permitted to Senate that is gone, and a President Despite his clear foresight on this withdraw an application and volun- who won’t sign it. issue, the President still unilaterally tarily return home if the child is able If we learned anything this week, we suspended deportation to select illegal to make the decision. This bill changes learned from Speaker BOEHNER’s com- aliens. His predicted surge quickly be- the law to say that a child may be per- ments on his blog that the President came a reality. Now young border mitted to withdraw an application, should do more, not less, contrary to crossers are setting off on harrowing, but, in the event, the child shall be re- the reason why they sued him, and we costly journeys under the belief that, turned. It doesn’t matter whether the do hope that the President will do that upon arrival, they will receive a child has the ability to make a deci- and bring a more humane solution to ‘‘permiso,’’ permission to stay in our sion. No matter what, that kid is going this, as almost all religions in the great country. home. So that is new. United States have asked us to do. The motivation for illegally crossing Current law says that even Mexican I reserve the balance of my time. the border is understandable. I join my children can request to see an immi- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I yield colleagues who have recognized the gration judge, but this bill says that is myself such time as I may consume to uniquely generous and welcoming na- not the case. It makes the CBP person just say one of the things I learned this ture of this great country. As a mother performing the screening the judge, week was that the gentlewoman from and grandmother, I am moved by the juror, and, in some cases, the execu- North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) presented plight of these young children. As a tioner. not only her thoughts and ideas at our granddaughter of immigrants, I am It is worth pointing out that this is conference when we met about how we grateful that this country has wel- not just about kids from Honduras or can make our borders stronger, but she comed generations of tired and poor Mexico. We will be returning the Thai was present the entire time at the and given them the chance to breathe child sex slave back to her traffickers; Rules Committee, had a chance to free. And as a lawmaker, I recognize the Christian child from Syria who has

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:34 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.033 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7209 found asylum here in the United retically save some money that would publicans are threatening to take that States, that child immediately re- have otherwise been spent. These off- away, inconsistent with our values. turned; the Chinese teen fleeing forced sets are for funds that have been appro- That is why I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on the abortion from China, that child imme- priated and have been obligated but rule and on the underlying legislation. diately returned. not used. Some of those funds are in Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, at this This is an outrageously unconscion- the foreign aid accounts of the coun- time, I yield 4 minutes to the gen- able bill. tries that are sending us some of their tleman from Tyler, Texas, Judge Goh- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, at this citizens, and I think that is appro- mert, a former State district judge, time, I yield 10 minutes to the gen- priate. now Member of Congress. tleman from Ennis, Texas (Mr. BAR- We can have a debate at the appro- Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I want TON), the dean of the Texas delegation. priate time on a more comprehensive to thank Chairman SESSIONS. Mr. BARTON. Mr. Speaker, I thank package. That is obviously something This was a different experience the the distinguished chairman of the that at some point I hope this body ad- last few days. I remember the fiscal Rules Committee, Mr. SESSIONS. I hope dresses. I am going to be an active, cliff problem when we were told: Here we will yield back some of that time. positive participant in that, Mr. Speak- is your remedy, take it and like it. And First, I want to thank you, Mr. er. they didn’t have enough votes so it Chairman, for the leadership you have But for today, to solve the current ended up getting pulled, and people exhibited, not just in the Rules Com- situation on the border, this is a tar- were sent home. mittee, but on this issue in general. geted package. It will be better than But this time was different. We had You have been a longtime advocate of current law if it is enacted. It will im- people who said: Do you know what? substantive immigration reform in a prove the situation, I think, within the Wait a minute, why don’t we stay here conservative way. You have been ac- next 2 months. If it were to be enacted and work something out? Kind of a re- tive this week in the Conference and in in its totality, you would basically not freshing change. the Texas delegation as we attempt to have the problem of the unaccom- There were numerous Members last move this legislation. And, of course, panied minor children or minors with night that sat down in a room and you have been very active this after- adults that are flooding our borders. It worked for quite some time—for hours noon in the Rules Committee. is a conservative approach. I will tell actually—and came to a conclusion. We I want to also compliment the leader- my friends on the minority side, I hap- had a verbal agreement, and there was ship of the majority as we have tried to pen to be proud of that. I believe that a misunderstanding on one provision. craft a compassionate conservative the body is going to pass this. I am Anyway, there were so many great path forward. I happen to be an advo- going to vote for both bills, the appro- changes, great compromises, people cate of comprehensive immigration re- priation supplemental and then the from different, diverse positions took form. I have a draft bill that I have DACA bill that Congresswoman BLACK- part. been waiting until the right time to in- BURN has expressed leadership on and But let me just say, the importance troduce, and, hopefully, get bipartisan done such a good job on, and of which of getting something done now before support. I am not one of these ‘‘just say I am a cosponsor. we get even one day further into Au- no’’ Republicans. I want to thank the distinguished gust is this. I have spent many days Having said that, we have a crisis on chairman of the Rules Committee for and many nights on the border. When our southern border because of some giving me some time. I strongly sup- you look at the pitiful, beautiful little actions the President has taken in the port the rule, and I will vote for the faces of people that have come 1,000 or past and some inactions that he is not underlying bills. more miles because there was a shiny taking now. We have got this terrible Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I object being dangled here in the United situation where thousands and thou- yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman States, saying: Come on, you may get sands of young children—some unac- from New York (Mr. JEFFRIES), my amnesty, come on, come on now; and companied, by themselves, others with friend, and a member of the Committee adults paid gang members, paid drug adults—who have been flooding the on the Judiciary. cartels, to bring these people through— southern border, allegedly some of Mr. JEFFRIES. Mr. Speaker, I thank some got pulled off into sexual traf- them paying thousands of dollars to in- the distinguished gentlewoman from ficking we are told, many were raped, dividuals who are allegedly related to New York for yielding. if they were young women, along the the drug cartels. It is an unsustainable ‘‘Give me your tired, your poor, your way, some given birth control pills so, situation, Mr. Speaker. It can’t go on. huddled masses, yearning to breathe gee, if they are raped they are not get- The bill that is going to be before the free.’’ Those words appear on the Stat- ting pregnant—and all because the law body later this evening targets funding ue of Liberty that stands tall in New has been violated in an unconstitu- to add additional judges to review York Harbor. tional action by the President, who these children on a case-by-case basis. Today, we are here in this Chamber said: I don’t like the law that was It reverses current law so that children doing violence to a model that has passed by the House and by the Senate from noncontiguous countries are served this country well. We have a hu- and then the prior President signed treated the same as the children from manitarian crisis in this country: tens into law, so I am passing a new law Canada and Mexico who perhaps at- of thousands of unaccompanied chil- through my lips. And it created this al- tempt to come into the country with- dren have fled violence in Central lure. out proper documentation. I don’t America and migrated to our southern I wish the Senate had stuck around think it is an inhumane thing to do, border. to work with us, as many of us stayed Mr. Speaker. I think it is actually the Our response has not been consistent last night to work. We could be so far right thing to do. with the notion that America is a down the road. The bill before us is going to have country of individuals from all over the I am greatly encouraged by many of funds to reimburse the States that world, and a compassionate one. the things that are here, by the great have decided to deploy their National Lady Liberty is crying right now be- compromises. Guardsmen to the border. One of those cause of the callous response of House I want to thank KEVIN MCCARTHY, States is my State of Texas. This bill Republicans. Some of the children who STEVE SCALISE, PATRICK MCHENRY, would target funding to reimburse the have come here may not have a valid Chairman BOB GOODLATTE, the Judici- State of Texas for the cost of deploying legal basis to remain, but some will. If ary staff, but especially Chairman SES- the National Guard. I think that is a a child has a credible fear of persecu- SIONS. Thanks for your accorded assist- good thing. tion; if a child was abused, abandoned, ance today. The bill before us is going to be com- or neglected by a parent; if a child was We could get to a finished product pletely offset, taking money that has victimized by a highly violent criminal even with the Senate if it wasn’t already been appropriated but not ex- act and suffered emotional or physical HARRY REID’s way or the highway. pended. The offsets are not fake, they damage, under current law they have a Who suffers? Come some night with are not: in the 10th year we will theo- valid legal basis to remain. House Re- me and sit out at the border 1, 2, 3 in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:34 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.037 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 the morning, dodge tarantulas scor- fication of his remarks, if he would side of this Capitol. What is dysfunc- pions, rattlesnakes, and you may get take me up on that time. tional is the other side of Pennsylvania to see a beautiful face that has gone I would like to advise the gentleman Avenue. This body is working. through hell instead of being accorded that I do not believe it is a correct We are sitting here complaining on the decency of a better way to immi- statement to say combat-ready troops. both sides of the aisle—some in my grate into America. The National Guard that is in Texas is own caucus—about what is not in this We can do a better job, and we not all combat ready. If I could get the bill, but the fact is what is in this bill haven’t done our job. gentleman to correct that, I yield him is the right solution. This is a good I am going to be a ‘‘no’’ because the 15 seconds. bill, and I would say to the folks on my provision was not pulled out that gives Mr. WELCH. I thank the gentleman. side of the aisle, I know a lot of folks the Attorney General the power to ap- I know we are all proud of our Guard. have concerns about this. point the 40 judges that are going to Our Guard in Vermont lost more lives For conservatives, this is the bill we deal with the issues on the border. I per capita in Afghanistan and Iraq, and have been asking for, for years. This is have been assured we are going to work many of our Guard members, as you a responsible, commonsense approach on that in the future to fix it better. I know, played that role. So I do think of that says if you come here illegally, just can’t give a guy in contempt the our Guardsmen and -women across the you will be returned into the respon- ability to appoint the 40 judges to deal country as prepared to do whatever sible and caring hands of your govern- with this issue. But I am so grateful for they are asked to do, including combat. ment, and frankly, let’s put in the the process that we are now starting to Mr. SESSIONS. Reclaiming my time, hands of everybody a packet that says use. Mr. Speaker, I would like to let the how to immigrate here legally. We are a loving and caring Nation, Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I am RECORD note that there is no specifica- 1 and we are better for that, but we are pleased to yield 1 ⁄2 minutes to the gen- tion for these men and women of the also a Nation of laws. This bill says en- tleman from Vermont (Mr. WELCH). National Guard to be combat ready. In Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, there is force the law. It is accountability. fact, I do not believe that that would That is all it is. one really good idea in this bill, and be a true statement. that is the $40 million that is going to Where the President has proposed That is not a part of what we have nearly $4 billion, this body has pro- be used to help repatriate kids with specified in this plan, nor do I believe their families. This is what ideally posed less than $700 million, fully offset that it would be a requirement. So I by cuts to other Federal programs. should happen. Children want to be have asked the gentleman, and he with their parents in their own coun- This is a conservative bill. It pays for chose to answer the way he did, but I itself. It is about enforcement. It is try. I thank KAY GRANGER for her lead- would like to state on the RECORD that about accountability. ership on this. there are no requirements, there is no Regrettably, the rest of the bill is a Lastly, I will say this as a new Mem- precondition for that. In fact, I do not mess. Just think about it: $70 million ber of this body. I admit my naivete. I believe that that is a correct state- am a Pollyanna. I actually believe this to the National Guard. Why are we se- ment. body can work. I believe what is good riously thinking that we have to have Mr. Speaker, at this time, I yield 4 and right about this body. I believe we combat-ready troops at the border to minutes to the gentleman from Florida can work. greet 9- and 10- and 11-year-old kids, (Mr. JOLLY), one of our newest Mem- Let me tell you why we ended up who, if they made the journey success- bers. here today and we didn’t get a bill done fully, are famished, exhausted, and ter- Mr. JOLLY. Thank you, Mr. Chair- yesterday is because we have Rs and Ds rified? man. next to our names. If we drop the Rs b 1815 Mr. Speaker, I am one of the newest and Ds, we had enough votes last night Also, $405 million to the Department Members, and I have to tell you it is to pass this bill. We know it on both of Homeland Security—they have got a amusing to find the paradox on the sides of the aisle. This is a commonsense bill that ad- big budget, and there is not any evi- other side of the aisle that, yesterday, dresses the priorities of the American dence that this will make a dime’s we were being criticized for not consid- people, and if we were here yesterday worth of difference. ering a bill. Today, we are being criti- What this really does is raise the cized for considering a bill. not as Republicans and Democrats, but as Members of Congress that know question: Where did this bill come I sat in my office, just like many oth- what is right for the future of this from? Yesterday, we were all on our ers today, and watched the President of country, we could have passed this bill way home. Some Members were at the the United States attempt to admonish yesterday. . There was no bill yesterday, the House for working. I want to make something very clear to the American So instead of complaining yesterday but then people figured out if the that we didn’t pass a bill and com- House didn’t even act on a bill, we people tonight. The President’s plan for the crisis on the border was re- plaining today that we are here work- wouldn’t be able to blame the do-noth- ing on a Friday night to pass a bill, we jected not just by this body, but by the ing Senate—but, Mr. Speaker, wait. can keep it honest, drop the partisan- Senate. The do-nothing Senate passed com- ship, and pass what the American peo- There is not a majority in the Senate prehensive immigration reform on ple expect, which is responsibility and or in the House willing to consider and June 27, 2013. The do-nothing Senate accountability and commonsense solu- approve the President’s plan for the passed that bill in a bipartisan manner, tions. That is why we are here tonight. 68–32. The get-the-job-done House crisis on the border. That plan is dead I think we need to pass this bill. I hasn’t even taken that bill up, even on arrival, with a majority in the Sen- think every Member of Congress should though it has been here for over 13 ate controlled by his own party and a pass this bill. This is a good bill. months. majority in this House, and so the Sen- Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I This bill has a House designation on ate brought up its bill, and it was re- yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentlewoman it, but bills usually get considered by jected. from Washington (Ms. DELBENE), a committees. We had no committee The Senate, controlled by the Presi- member of the Committee on the Judi- hearing, no consultation with any dent’s party, left town. This House, ciary. Democrats, no consultation with the this body, this Congress, this caucus, is Ms. DELBENE. Mr. Speaker, the in- President—basically, no consultation working. flux of unaccompanied children across with other Republican Members of the I am new to this body, and I find it the southern border is a serious hu- House. fascinating that the media and the manitarian situation that requires im- We should kill this bill. We should pundits and the consultants can take a mediate action. We desperately need put our best folks together, like set of facts and suggest that, because Members of Congress to work together GRANGER, BARTON, GUTIE´ RREZ, and we are working together, somehow we in a bipartisan way to develop an effec- LOFGREN, and do the right thing. are dysfunctional. tive and humane course of action to ad- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I yield That is an absurdity. We are work- dress this problem, and I am dis- the gentleman 15 seconds for a clari- ing. What is dysfunctional is the other appointed that we are playing politics

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:34 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.038 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7211 with this crisis instead of developing Latino. There is no such thing as an il- migration reform, the House leadership solutions. legal human being. has refused to allow a vote on this es- The rule we are considering today History will not be kind to us if we sential legislation, even though we would allow us to consider two bills. fail to do what is right, what is just. know it has the votes to pass. The supplemental appropriations bill is We must pass bipartisan comprehen- b 1830 an irresponsible funding measure that sive immigration reform, and we must fails to address the true needs of this pass it now. Indeed, over the last 13 months, the crisis while also making irresponsible Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I con- majority has not taken one step—not cuts of over $400 million to FEMA’s dis- tinue to reserve the balance of my one—to fix our broken immigration aster relief fund, impacting the Federal time. system. If we defeat the previous ques- response to disasters. Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I tion, I will offer an amendment to the The other bill needlessly punishes in- yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman rule to bring up H.R. 15, our immigra- nocent children, known as DREAMers, from Texas (Mr. DOGGETT). tion reform bill, already passed by the and would do nothing to address the Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, who are Senate. humanitarian situation caused by vio- these young people across America Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- lence in Central America. This depor- that these Republicans would deny a sent to insert the text of the amend- tation-only and enforcement-only ap- dream, whose lives they are so eager to ment in the RECORD, along with extra- proach to changing our Nation’s immi- disrupt tonight? neous material, immediately prior to gration law is misguided and will do Maria Rocha is one of them. She the vote on the previous question. absolutely nothing to prevent our bro- came here as a 3-year-old. I have ral- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ken system from spinning further into lied with this young, articulate woman objection to the request of the gentle- dysfunction. in San Antonio for reform on several woman from New York? In my district, there are businesses, occasions. The first time Maria even There was no objection. farmers, faith leaders, law enforcement knew she was an immigrant was when Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I leaders, and families who have been she was unable to apply for college fi- urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no,’’ de- asking Congress for years to find solu- nancial assistance, so she worked three feat the previous question, and vote tions to our broken immigration sys- jobs. And because of the President’s ‘‘no’’ on the underlying bills. tem. DACA executive order, she was able to I yield back the balance of my time. I helped introduce a comprehensive graduate from UTSA. Now, she is Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I yield immigration reform bill, H.R. 15, to teaching kindergarten. myself such time as I may consume. help these constituents who deserve a Another is Sheridan Aguirre. He was I also appreciate the gentlewoman, functional immigration system that brought here as a 1-year-old. He told her team, and all of our staffs who have they can rely on; instead, House Re- me: worked overtime, including our Appro- publicans have decided to make today’s I was encouraged to go to college, but my priations staff and our staff from En- divisive bill a priority. They want to legal status made it difficult for me to plan. ergy and Commerce who helped us with make sure that absolutely nothing is Two years ago, I graduated as valedictorian this, as well as the Judiciary staff. done to improve overall our immigra- of my high school and entered UT, where I Mr. Speaker, in closing, I have a fun- tion system. have a 3.77 grade point average. Because of damental disagreement with the Presi- the President’s executive order, I work, I After more than a year of refusing to dent on the question of the border, and own a car, I pay my rent, I can travel, I am that is why we are here today. act on comprehensive legislation, this sustainable, and I can live without fear. I is unacceptable, and I urge my col- need DACA so that I can go to graduate You have heard Republican speakers leagues to vote ‘‘no.’’ school and fulfill my career goals. Repealing talking about how we believe that the Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I re- DACA would be a huge step backwards for rule of law is important. We believe serve the balance of my time. our country’s history. that America is a great and awesome Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I Republicans would deny the right to country and that we are very compas- yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman learn, the right to work—and they sionate, but we take in millions of peo- from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS). would deny the dream. They would ple each year through a legal process. Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I want to deny the hope for these young people America is a land of immigrants, but thank my good friend, the gentle- and thousands of others across this the rule of law is important also. We woman from New York, for yielding. country, who pledge allegiance to have problems with our borders. We Mr. Speaker, someplace I read in the America, and have so much to con- have had problems with our borders for Bible, ‘‘Suffer little children, and for- tribute. years, but in particular, after 9/11, the bid them not, to come unto me; for of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The threats that are against this country such is the kingdom of heaven’’—or it time of the gentleman has expired. have placed enormous pressure not could have read the beloved commu- Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I only on our law enforcement but on nity or the beloved Nation. yield the gentleman an additional 30 air, land, sea, rail. We feel that the Mr. Speaker, at this moment, at this seconds. Federal Government should do a better hour, we have a moral obligation, a Mr. DOGGETT. You may call this job of not encouraging people to come mission, and a mandate to do the right amnesty. I call it a hope for our coun- to this country, bypassing the laws and thing, the humane thing. Today, hun- try. You can call it conservative. I call laying down enforcement and making dreds and thousands of our children— it wasteful. It wastes talent that this it easier for our country to be invaded. innocent little children—need our help. Nation needs. That is what is happening right now. They need our support. They are run- We need to reject this mean-spirited Some 70,000 people have come to our ning away from violence, from rape, legislation that would deny rights to border, and Republicans are standing from hunger. They are searching for a these young ,people who are already up and are talking about this in a prop- better life. contributing to our country and can er way. We believe that the people who The time has arrived, Mr. Speaker. give it so much more. We can’t afford have come here should be allowed to go We can wait no longer. We have this wasteful bill. I urge its rejection. back home. We should help them, and reached a tipping point, and now, we Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I would we should facilitate that. We believe have a choice, a choice to do what is notify the gentlewoman from New that the rule of law—the processes that right, what is just, what is fair. Where York that I have no further speakers, we have got to follow to do that—must are our hearts? Where are our souls? and I have been advised that perhaps be followed. We cannot simply turn our backs on she has no further speakers. Yesterday, there was an amendment these little children and do nothing. Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, that before the Rules Committee asking for In the final analysis, we are one peo- is true. We have no further speakers, almost $180 million to help pay for ple, one family, one House. It doesn’t and I am prepared to close. these children who, as the guests of the matter whether you are Black, White, Mr. Speaker, in the more than a year Democratic Party and the President, Asian American, Native American, or since the Senate passed bipartisan im- will stay in this country. We are going

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.039 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 to have to end up paying about—$180 opposition a chance to decide the subject be- [Roll No. 476] fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s million was the request, for 60 days for YEAS—226 ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that our local school districts. Aderholt Graves (MO) Perry There are enormous questions that ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- mand for the previous question passes the Amash Griffin (AR) Petri Amodei Griffith (VA) abound about what will happen, who control of the resolution to the opposition’’ Pittenger will pay, how this is supposed to hap- Bachmann Grimm Pitts in order to offer an amendment. On March Bachus Guthrie Poe (TX) pen when, in fact, America at this time 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- Barletta Hall Pompeo has 25 million people unemployed and fered a rule resolution. The House defeated Barr Hanna Posey underemployed. It is a tremendous def- the previous question and a member of the Barton Harper Price (GA) icit that we face. Our social systems opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, Benishek Harris Reed asking who was entitled to recognition. Bentivolio Hartzler Reichert and networks are burdened already, Bilirakis Hastings (WA) Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R-Illinois) said: Renacci and we have many people whom, our- Bishop (UT) Heck (NV) Ribble ‘‘The previous question having been refused, Black Hensarling Rice (SC) selves, we cannot help—but what do we the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- do? We take on more people. Blackburn Herrera Beutler Rigell gerald, who had asked the gentleman to Boustany Holding Roby Mr. Speaker, I think it is time that yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to Brady (TX) Hudson Roe (TN) we listen to the American people and the first recognition.’’ Bridenstine Huelskamp Rogers (AL) that we listen to what we are trying to The Republican majority may say ‘‘the Brooks (AL) Huizenga (MI) Rogers (KY) Brooks (IN) Hultgren do here, and that is to face up to what vote on the previous question is simply a Rogers (MI) Broun (GA) Hunter Rohrabacher we were sent here to do, which is to vote on whether to proceed to an immediate Buchanan Hurt vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] Rokita make tough choices and tough deci- Bucshon Issa Rooney sions. I believe what we are doing is has no substantive legislative or policy im- Burgess Jenkins Ros-Lehtinen plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what Byrne Johnson (OH) correct. I urge my colleagues to vote Roskam they have always said. Listen to the Repub- Calvert Johnson, Sam Ross ‘‘yes’’ on the resolution and ‘‘yes’’ on lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative Capito Jolly Rothfus the underlying legislation. Process in the United States House of Rep- Carter Jones Royce Cassidy Jordan Runyan The material previously referred to resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s Chabot Joyce by Ms. SLAUGHTER is as follows: how the Republicans describe the previous Ryan (WI) Chaffetz Kelly (PA) Salmon question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- Clawson (FL) King (IA) AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 710 OFFERED BY Sanford Coble King (NY) MS. SLAUGHTER OF NEW YORK though it is generally not possible to amend Scalise Coffman Kingston the rule because the majority Member con- Schweikert At the end of the resolution, add the fol- Cole Kinzinger (IL) trolling the time will not yield for the pur- Scott, Austin lowing new sections: Collins (GA) Kline pose of offering an amendment, the same re- Sensenbrenner Sec. 4. Immediately upon adoption of this Collins (NY) Labrador Sessions resolution the Speaker shall, pursuant to sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- Conaway LaMalfa Shimkus vious question on the rule.. . . When the mo- Cook Lamborn clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House Shuster tion for the previous question is defeated, Cotton Lance resolved into the Committee of the Whole Simpson control of the time passes to the Member Cramer Lankford House on the state of the Union for consider- Smith (MO) Crawford Latham who led the opposition to ordering the pre- Smith (NE) ation of the bill (H.R.15) to provide for com- Crenshaw Latta prehensive immigration reform and for other vious question. That Member, because he Smith (NJ) then controls the time, may offer an amend- Culberson LoBiondo purposes. The first reading of the bill shall Daines Long Smith (TX) be dispensed with. All points of order against ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of Davis, Rodney Lucas Southerland Stewart consideration of the bill are waived. General amendment.’’ Denham Luetkemeyer In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House Dent Lummis Stivers debate shall be confined to the bill and shall Stockman not exceed one hour equally divided among of Representatives, the subchapter titled DeSantis Marchant ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal Diaz-Balart Marino Stutzman and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- Duffy Massie Terry nority member of the Committee on the Ju- to order the previous question on such a rule Thompson (PA) [a special rule reported from the Committee Duncan (SC) McAllister diciary. After general debate the bill shall be Duncan (TN) McCarthy (CA) Thornberry considered for amendment under the five- on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- Ellmers McCaul Tiberi minute rule. All points of order against pro- ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- Farenthold McClintock Tipton tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- Fincher McHenry Turner visions in the bill are waived. At the conclu- Upton sion of consideration of the bill for amend- jection of the motion for the previous ques- Fitzpatrick McKeon Fleischmann McKinley Valadao ment the Committee shall rise and report tion on a resolution reported from the Com- mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- Fleming McMorris Wagner the bill to the House with such amendments Walberg ber leading the opposition to the previous Flores Rodgers as may have been adopted. The previous Forbes Meadows Walden question shall be considered as ordered on question, who may offer a proper amendment Fortenberry Meehan Walorski the bill and amendments thereto to final or motion and who controls the time for de- Foxx Messer Weber (TX) passage without intervening motion except bate thereon.’’ Franks (AZ) Mica Webster (FL) Clearly, the vote on the previous question Wenstrup one motion to recommit with or without in- Frelinghuysen Miller (FL) on a rule does have substantive policy impli- Gardner Miller (MI) Westmoreland structions. If the Committee of the Whole cations. It is one of the only available tools Garrett Mullin Whitfield rises and reports that it has come to no reso- for those who oppose the Republican major- Gerlach Mulvaney Williams lution on the bill, then on the next legisla- Wilson (SC) ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- Gibbs Murphy (PA) tive day the House shall, immediately after Gibson Neugebauer Wittman native views the opportunity to offer an al- the third daily order of business under clause Gingrey (GA) Noem Wolf ternative plan. 1 of rule XIV, resolve into the Committee of Gohmert Nugent Womack the Whole for further consideration of the Mr. SESSIONS. I yield back the bal- Goodlatte Nunes Woodall Gosar Olson Yoder bill. ance of my time, and I move the pre- Gowdy Palazzo Yoho Sec. 5. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not vious question on the resolution. Granger Paulsen Young (AK) apply to the consideration of H.R. 15. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Graves (GA) Pearce Young (IN) question is on ordering the previous THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT NAYS—183 IT REALLY MEANS question. The question was taken; and the Barber Carney Crowley This vote, the vote on whether to order the Barrow (GA) Carson (IN) Cuellar previous question on a special rule, is not Speaker pro tempore announced that Bass Cartwright Cummings merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- the ayes appeared to have it. Beatty Castor (FL) Davis, Danny dering the previous question is a vote Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, on Becerra Castro (TX) DeFazio Bera (CA) Chu DeGette against the Republican majority agenda and that I demand the yeas and nays. Bishop (GA) Cicilline Delaney a vote to allow the Democratic minority to The yeas and nays were ordered. Bishop (NY) Clark (MA) DeLauro offer an alternative plan. It is a vote about The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bonamici Clarke (NY) DelBene what the House should be debating. ant to clause 9 of rule XX, the Chair Brady (PA) Clay Deutch Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the will reduce to 5 minutes the minimum Braley (IA) Cleaver Dingell House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- Brown (FL) Clyburn Doyle scribes the vote on the previous question on time for any electronic vote on the Brownley (CA) Cohen Duckworth Bustos Connolly Edwards the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the question of adoption. The vote was taken by electronic de- Butterfield Conyers Ellison consideration of the subject before the House Capps Cooper Engel being made by the Member in charge.’’ To vice, and there were—yeas 226, nays Capuano Costa Enyart defeat the previous question is to give the 183, not voting 23, as follows: Ca´ rdenas Courtney Eshoo

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.043 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7213 Esty Lujan Grisham Rangel Buchanan Holding Price (GA) Kilmer Miller, George Schneider Farr (NM) Richmond Bucshon Hudson Reed Kind Moore Schrader Foster Luja´ n, Ben Ray Roybal-Allard Burgess Huelskamp Reichert Kirkpatrick Moran Schwartz Fudge (NM) Ruppersberger Byrne Huizenga (MI) Renacci Kuster Murphy (FL) Scott (VA) Gabbard Lynch Ryan (OH) Calvert Hultgren Ribble Langevin Nadler Scott, David Gallego Maffei Sanchez, Loretta Capito Hunter Rice (SC) Larsen (WA) Napolitano Serrano Garcia Maloney, Sarbanes Carter Hurt Rigell Larson (CT) Neal Sewell (AL) Green, Al Carolyn Schakowsky Cassidy Issa Roby Lee (CA) Negrete McLeod Shea-Porter Grijalva Maloney, Sean Levin Nolan Sherman Schiff Chabot Jenkins Roe (TN) Gutie´rrez Matheson Clawson (FL) Johnson (OH) Rogers (AL) Lewis O’Rourke Sinema Schneider Hahn Matsui Coble Johnson, Sam Rogers (KY) Lipinski Owens Sires Schrader Hastings (FL) McCarthy (NY) Coffman Jolly Rogers (MI) Loebsack Pallone Slaughter Schwartz Heck (WA) McCollum Cole Jordan Rohrabacher Lofgren Pascrell Smith (WA) Higgins McGovern Scott (VA) Collins (GA) Joyce Rokita Lowenthal Pastor (AZ) Stockman Himes McIntyre Scott, David Collins (NY) Kelly (PA) Rooney Lowey Payne Swalwell (CA) Hinojosa McNerney Serrano Conaway King (IA) Ros-Lehtinen Lujan Grisham Pelosi Takano Holt Meeks Sewell (AL) Cook King (NY) Roskam (NM) Perlmutter Thompson (CA) Honda Meng Shea-Porter Cotton Kingston Ross Luja´ n, Ben Ray Peters (CA) Thompson (MS) Horsford Michaud Sherman Cramer Kinzinger (IL) Rothfus (NM) Peters (MI) Tierney Hoyer Miller, George Sinema Crawford Kline Royce Lynch Peterson Titus Huffman Moore Sires Crenshaw Labrador Runyan Maffei Pingree (ME) Tonko Israel Moran Slaughter Culberson LaMalfa Ryan (WI) Maloney, Pocan Tsongas Jackson Lee Murphy (FL) Smith (WA) Daines Lamborn Salmon Carolyn Polis Van Hollen Jeffries Nadler Swalwell (CA) Davis, Rodney Lance Sanford Maloney, Sean Price (NC) Vargas Johnson (GA) Napolitano Takano Denham Lankford Scalise Massie Quigley Veasey Johnson, E. B. Neal Thompson (CA) Dent Latham Schweikert Matheson Rahall Vela Kaptur Negrete McLeod Thompson (MS) DeSantis Latta Scott, Austin Matsui Rangel Vela´ zquez Keating Nolan Tierney Diaz-Balart LoBiondo Sensenbrenner McCarthy (NY) Richmond Visclosky Kelly (IL) O’Rourke Titus Duffy Long Sessions McCollum Roybal-Allard Walz Kildee Owens McGovern Ruppersberger Wasserman Tonko Duncan (SC) Lucas Shimkus Kilmer Pallone Duncan (TN) McIntyre Ryan (OH) Schultz Tsongas Luetkemeyer Shuster Kind Pascrell Ellmers Lummis Simpson McNerney Sanchez, Loretta Waters Van Hollen Kirkpatrick Pastor (AZ) Farenthold Marchant Smith (MO) Meeks Sarbanes Welch Vargas Kuster Payne Fincher Marino Smith (NE) Meng Schakowsky Wilson (FL) Veasey Langevin Pelosi Fitzpatrick McAllister Smith (NJ) Michaud Schiff Yarmuth Larsen (WA) Perlmutter Vela Fleischmann McCarthy (CA) Smith (TX) ´ Larson (CT) Peters (CA) Velazquez Fleming McCaul Southerland NOT VOTING—23 Lee (CA) Peters (MI) Visclosky Flores McClintock Stewart Blumenauer Garamendi Nunnelee Levin Peterson Walz Forbes McHenry Stivers Camp Gohmert Ruiz Lewis Pingree (ME) Wasserman Fortenberry McKeon Stutzman Campbell Grayson Rush Lipinski Pocan Schultz Foxx McKinley Terry Cantor Green, Gene Sa´ nchez, Linda Loebsack Polis Waters Franks (AZ) McMorris Thompson (PA) Chaffetz Hanabusa T. Lofgren Price (NC) Welch Frelinghuysen Rodgers Thornberry Davis (CA) Kennedy Schock Lowenthal Quigley Wilson (FL) Gardner Meadows Tiberi DesJarlais McDermott Speier Lowey Rahall Yarmuth Garrett Meehan Tipton Fattah Miller, Gary Waxman Gerlach Messer Turner NOT VOTING—23 Gibbs Mica Upton ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Blumenauer Frankel (FL) Nunnelee Gibson Miller (FL) Valadao The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Camp Garamendi Ruiz Gingrey (GA) Miller (MI) Wagner the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Campbell Grayson Rush Goodlatte Mullin Walberg Cantor Green, Gene Sa´ nchez, Linda Gowdy Mulvaney Walden ing. Davis (CA) Hanabusa T. Granger Murphy (PA) Walorski DesJarlais Kennedy Schock Graves (GA) Neugebauer Weber (TX) b 1907 Doggett McDermott Speier Graves (MO) Noem Webster (FL) Fattah Miller, Gary Waxman Griffin (AR) Nugent Wenstrup So the resolution was agreed to. Griffith (VA) Nunes Westmoreland The result of the vote was announced Grimm Olson Whitfield b 1858 Guthrie Palazzo Williams as above recorded. A motion to reconsider was laid on Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Hall Paulsen Wilson (SC) Hanna Pearce Wittman the table. Texas and Ms. MOORE changed their Harper Perry Wolf PERSONAL EXPLANATION vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Harris Petri Womack Mr. GOSAR changed his vote from Hartzler Pittenger Woodall Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall Hastings (WA) Pitts Yoder vote 476, had I been present, I would have ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ Heck (NV) Poe (TX) Yoho So the previous question was ordered. Hensarling Pompeo Young (AK) voted ‘‘nay.’’ The result of the vote was announced Herrera Beutler Posey Young (IN) On rollcall vote 477, had I been present, I as above recorded. would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ NAYS—191 Stated against: f Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, on Barber Cleaver Frankel (FL) Barrow (GA) Clyburn Fudge rollcall No. 476, had I been present, I would Bass Cohen Gabbard SECURE THE SOUTHWEST BORDER have voted ‘‘no.’’ Beatty Connolly Gallego ACT OF 2014 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Becerra Conyers Garcia question is on the resolution. Bera (CA) Cooper Gosar The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Bishop (GA) Costa Green, Al HULTGREN). Pursuant to clause 1(c) of The question was taken; and the Bishop (NY) Courtney Grijalva Speaker pro tempore announced that Bonamici Crowley Gutie´rrez rule XIX, further consideration of H.R. the ayes appeared to have it. Brady (PA) Cuellar Hahn 5230 will now resume. Braley (IA) Cummings Hastings (FL) The Clerk read the title of the bill. Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, on Brooks (AL) Davis, Danny Heck (WA) that I demand the yeas and nays. Broun (GA) DeFazio Higgins The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The yeas and nays were ordered. Brown (FL) DeGette Himes ant to House Resolution 710, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Brownley (CA) Delaney Hinojosa amendments printed in part A of House Bustos DeLauro Holt Report 113–571 are adopted, and the 5-minute vote. Butterfield DelBene Honda The vote was taken by electronic de- Capps Deutch Horsford bill, as amended, is considered read. vice, and there were—yeas 218, nays Capuano Dingell Hoyer The text of the bill, as amended, is as Ca´ rdenas Doggett Huffman follows: 191, not voting 23, as follows: Carney Doyle Israel [Roll No. 477] Carson (IN) Duckworth Jackson Lee H.R. 5230 Cartwright Edwards Jeffries YEAS—218 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Castor (FL) Ellison Johnson (GA) resentatives of the United States of America in Aderholt Barr Black Castro (TX) Engel Johnson, E. B. Congress assembled, That the following sums Amash Barton Blackburn Chu Enyart Jones Amodei Benishek Boustany Cicilline Eshoo Kaptur are appropriated, out of any money in the Bachmann Bentivolio Brady (TX) Clark (MA) Esty Keating Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the Bachus Bilirakis Bridenstine Clarke (NY) Farr Kelly (IL) fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, and for Barletta Bishop (UT) Brooks (IN) Clay Foster Kildee other purposes, namely:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.030 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 DIVISION A—SUPPLEMENTAL hension; (4) the number of alien adults ac- tember 30, 2015, for necessary expenses re- APPROPRIATIONS AND RESCISSIONS companied by an alien minor in detention fa- lated to the Southwest Border of the United TITLE I cilities, alternatives to detention, and other States. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY non-detention forms of supervision; and (5) GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE the number of removals delineated by unac- (RESCISSION) U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION companied alien children and alien adults SEC. 201. Of the unobligated balances of SALARIES AND EXPENSES accompanied by an alien minor. amounts appropriated in title II of division C For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries SEC. 103. Of the unobligated balance avail- of Public Law 113–76 for ‘‘Operation and and Expenses’’, $71,000,000, to remain avail- able for ‘‘Department of Homeland Secu- Maintenance, Defense-Wide’’, $70,000,000 is able until September 30, 2015, for necessary rity—Federal Emergency Management Agen- hereby rescinded to reflect excess cash bal- expenses to apprehend, transport, and pro- cy—Disaster Relief Fund’’, $405,000,000 is re- ances in Department of Defense Working vide temporary shelter associated with the scinded: Provided, That no amounts may be Capital Funds. significant rise in unaccompanied alien chil- rescinded from amounts that were des- SEC. 202. Notwithstanding any other provi- dren and alien adults accompanied by an ignated by the Congress as an emergency re- sion in this Act, of the amounts made avail- alien minor at the Southwest Border of the quirement pursuant to a concurrent resolu- able by this Act for ‘‘National Guard Per- United States, including related activities to tion on a budget or the Balanced Budget and sonnel, Army’’, the Secretary of Defense secure the border, disrupt transnational Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- shall transfer to the Department of Home- crime, and the necessary acquisition, con- vided further, That no amounts may be re- land Security such funds as may be nec- struction, improvement, repair, and manage- scinded from the amounts that were des- essary, not to exceed $35,000,000, to reimburse ment of facilities: Provided, That not later ignated by the Congress as being for disaster the States for the cost of any units or per- than 30 days after the date of the enactment relief pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(D) of the sonnel of the National Guard, to perform op- of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Secu- Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit erations and missions under State Active rity shall submit to the Committees on Ap- Control Act of 1985. Duty status, deployed in support of a south- SEC. 104. Notwithstanding any other provi- propriations of the House of Representatives ern border mission. and the Senate an obligation and quarterly sion of law, grants awarded under sections TITLE III expenditure plan for these funds: Provided 2003 or 2004 of the Homeland Security Act of further, That the Secretary shall provide to 2002 (6 U.S.C. 604 and 605) using funds pro- DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE such Committees quarterly updates on the vided under the heading ‘‘Federal Emergency GENERAL ADMINISTRATION expenditure of these funds. Management Agency—State and Local Pro- ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW AND APPEALS U.S. IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS grams’’ in division F of Public Law 113–76, di- For an additional amount for ‘‘Administra- ENFORCEMENT vision D of Public Law 113–6, or division D of tive Review and Appeals’’ for necessary ex- Public Law 112–74 may be used by State and SALARIES AND EXPENSES penses to respond to the significant rise in local law enforcement and public safety unaccompanied alien children and alien For an additional amount for ‘‘Salaries agencies within local units of government adults accompanied by an alien minor at the and Expenses’’, $334,000,000, to remain avail- along the Southwest Border of the United Southwest Border of the United States, able until September 30, 2015, for necessary States for costs incurred during the award $22,000,000, to remain available until Sep- expenses to respond to the significant rise in period of performance for personnel, over- tember 30, 2015, of which $12,900,000 shall be unaccompanied alien children and alien time, travel, costs related to combating ille- for additional temporary immigration judges adults accompanied by an alien minor at the gal immigration and drug smuggling, and and related expenses, and $9,100,000 shall be Southwest Border of the United States, in- costs related to providing humanitarian re- for technology for judges to expedite the ad- cluding for enforcement of immigration and lief to unaccompanied alien children and judication of immigration cases. customs law, including detention and re- alien adults accompanied by an alien minor GENERAL PROVISION—THIS TITLE moval operations, of which $262,000,000 shall who have entered the United States. be for Custody Operations and $72,000,000 SEC. 105. Notwithstanding any other provi- (RESCISSION) shall be for Transportation and Removal op- sion in this or any other Act, amounts trans- SEC. 301. Of the unobligated balances avail- erations: Provided, That not later than 30 ferred to the Department of Homeland Secu- able for ‘‘Department of Justice—Legal Ac- days after the date of the enactment of this rity pursuant to section 202 of this Act shall tivities—Assets Forfeiture Fund’’, $22,000,000 Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security be provided by the Secretary of Homeland is hereby permanently rescinded. shall submit to the Committees on Appro- Security under the heading ‘‘Federal Emer- TITLE IV priations of the House of Representatives gency Management Agency—State and Local GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE and the Senate an obligation and quarterly Programs’’ to States along the Southwest REPATRIATION AND REINTEGRATION expenditure plan for these funds: Provided Border of the United States as reimburse- SEC. 401. (a) REPATRIATION AND REINTEGRA- further, That the Secretary shall provide to ment for necessary costs of National Guard TION.—Of the funds appropriated in titles III such Committees quarterly updates on the personnel activated under the operational and IV of division K of Public Law 113–76, expenditure of these funds. control of the Governors of such States and and in prior Acts making appropriations for GENERAL PROVISIONS—THIS TITLE deployed for the purpose of border security. the Department of State, foreign operations, (INCLUDING RESCISSION) TITLE II and related programs, for assistance for the SEC. 101. Notwithstanding any other provi- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE—MILITARY countries in Central America, up to sion of law, none of the funds provided by MILITARY PERSONNEL $40,000,000 shall be made available for such this title shall be available for obligation or NATIONAL GUARD PERSONNEL, ARMY countries for repatriation and reintegration expenditure through a reprogramming or activities: Provided, That funds made avail- For an additional amount for ‘‘National transfer of funds that proposes to use funds able pursuant to this section may be obli- Guard Personnel, Army’’, $47,419,000, to re- directed for a specific activity by either of gated notwithstanding subsections (c) and (e) main available until September 30, 2015, for the Committees on Appropriations of the of section 7045 of division K of Public Law necessary expenses related to the Southwest House of Representatives or the Senate for a 113–76. Border of the United States. different purpose than for which the appro- (b) REPORT.—Prior to the initial obligation priations were provided: Provided, That prior NATIONAL GUARD PERSONNEL, AIR FORCE of funds made available pursuant to this sec- to the obligation of such funds, a request for For an additional amount for ‘‘National tion, but not later than 15 days after the approval shall be submitted to such Commit- Guard Personnel, Air Force’’, $2,258,000, to date of enactment of this Act, and every 90 tees. remain available until September 30, 2015, for days thereafter until September 30, 2015, the SEC. 102. The Secretary of Homeland Secu- necessary expenses related to the Southwest Secretary of State, in consultation with the rity shall provide to the Congress quarterly Border of the United States. Administrator of the United States Agency reports that include: (1) the number of appre- OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE for International Development, shall submit hensions at the border delineated by unac- to the appropriate congressional committees OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY companied alien children and alien adults a report on the obligation of funds made NATIONAL GUARD accompanied by an alien minor; (2) the num- available pursuant to this section by country ber of claims of a credible fear of persecution For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation and the steps taken by the government of delineated by unaccompanied alien children and Maintenance, ’’, each country to— and alien adults accompanied by an alien $15,807,000, to remain available until Sep- (1) improve border security; minor, and the number of determinations of tember 30, 2015, for necessary expenses re- (2) enforce laws and policies to stem the valid claims of a credible fear of persecution lated to the Southwest Border of the United flow of illegal entries into the United States; delineated by unaccompanied alien children States. (3) enact laws and implement new policies and alien adults accompanied by an alien OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, AIR NATIONAL to stem the flow of illegal entries into the minor; (3) the number of unaccompanied GUARD United States, including increasing penalties alien children and alien adults accompanied For an additional amount for ‘‘Operation for human smuggling; by an alien minor granted asylum by an im- and Maintenance, ’’, (4) conduct public outreach campaigns to migration judge, delineated by year of appre- $4,516,000, to remain available until Sep- explain the dangers of the journey to the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.032 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7215 Southwest Border of the United States, em- TITLE III—NATIONAL SECURITY AND southern border (as determined by the Sec- phasize the lack of immigration benefits FEDERAL LANDS PROTECTION retary of Homeland Security, in consultation available; and emphasize that illegal aliens Sec. 301. Prohibition on actions that impede with the Attorney General). will be removed to their country; and border security on certain Fed- SEC. 104. PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM HUMAN (5) cooperate with United States Federal eral land. TRAFFICKERS, SEX OFFENDERS, agencies to facilitate and expedite the re- Sec. 302. Sense of Congress on placement of AND OTHER CRIMINALS. turn, repatriation, and reintegration of ille- unauthorized aliens at military Section 235(c)(3) of the William Wilberforce gal migrants arriving at the Southwest Bor- installations. Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthoriza- der of the United States. Sec. 303. Limitation on placement of unau- tion Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(c)(3)) is amend- (c) SUSPENSION OF ASSISTANCE.—The Sec- thorized aliens at military in- ed— retary of State shall suspend assistance pro- stallations. (1) in subparagraph (A), by inserting ‘‘, in- vided pursuant to this section to the govern- TITLE I—PROTECTING CHILDREN cluding a mandatory biometric criminal his- ment of a country if such government is not tory check’’ before the period at the end; and making significant progress on each item de- SEC. 101. REPATRIATION OF UNACCOMPANIED (2) by adding at the end the following— ALIEN CHILDREN. scribed in paragraphs (1) through (5) of sub- ‘‘(D) PROHIBITION ON PLACEMENT WITH SEX Section 235(a) of the William Wilberforce section (b): Provided, That assistance may OFFENDERS AND HUMAN TRAFFICKERS.— Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthoriza- only be resumed if the Secretary reports to ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Health tion Act of 2008 (8 U.S.C. 1232(a)) is amend- the appropriate congressional committees and Human Services may not place an unac- ed— that subsequent to the suspension of assist- companied alien child in the custody of an (1) in paragraph (2)— ance such government is making significant individual who has been convicted of— (A) by amending the paragraph heading to progress on each of the items enumerated in ‘‘(I) a sex offense (as defined in section 111 read as follows: ‘‘RULES FOR UNACCOMPANIED such subsection. of the Sex Offender Registration and Notifi- ALIEN CHILDREN’’; (d) NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT.—Funds cation Act (42 U.S.C. 16911)); or (B) in subparagraph (A)— made available pursuant to this section shall ‘‘(II) a crime involving a severe form of (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by be subject to the regular notification proce- trafficking in persons (as defined in section striking ‘‘who is a national or habitual resi- dures of the Committees on Appropriations 103 of the Trafficking Victims Protection dent of a country that is contiguous with the of the House of Representatives and the Sen- Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. 7102)). United States’’; ate. ‘‘(ii) REQUIREMENTS OF CRIMINAL BACK- (ii) in clause (i), by inserting ‘‘and’’ at the (RESCISSION) GROUND CHECK.—A biometric criminal his- end; SEC. 402. Of the unexpended balances avail- tory check under subparagraph (A) shall be (iii) in clause (ii), by striking ‘‘; and’’ and able to the President for bilateral economic based on a set of fingerprints or other bio- inserting a period; and assistance under the heading ‘‘Economic metric identifiers and conducted through— (iv) by striking clause (iii); Support Fund’’ from prior Acts making ap- ‘‘(I) the Federal Bureau of Investigation; (C) in subparagraph (B)— propriations for the Department of State, and (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by foreign operations, and related programs, ‘‘(II) criminal history repositories of all striking ‘‘(‘‘8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.) may—’’ and $197,000,000 is rescinded: Provided, That no States that the individual lists as current or inserting ‘‘(8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq)—’’; amounts may be rescinded from amounts former residences.’’. that were designated by the Congress for (ii) in clause (i), by inserting before ‘‘per- mit such child to withdraw’’ the following: SEC. 105. INCLUSION OF ADDITIONAL GROUNDS Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War FOR PER SE INELIGIBILITY FOR ASY- on Terrorism pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) ‘‘may’’; and LUM. of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Def- (iii) in clause (ii), by inserting before ‘‘re- Section 208(b)(2)(A)(iii) of the Immigration icit Control Act of 1985 or as an emergency turn such child’’ the following: ‘‘shall’’; and and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. requirement pursuant to a concurrent reso- (D) in subparagraph (C)— 1158(b)(2)(A)(iii)) is amended by inserting lution on the budget or the Balanced Budget (i) by amending the subparagraph heading after ‘‘a serious nonpolitical crime’’ the fol- and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. to read as follows: ‘‘AGREEMENTS WITH FOR- lowing: ‘‘(including any drug-related offense TITLE V EIGN COUNTRIES.’’; and punishable by a term of imprisonment great- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN (ii) in the matter preceding clause (i), by er than 1 year)’’. SERVICES striking ‘‘The Secretary of State shall nego- TITLE II—USE OF NATIONAL GUARD TO tiate agreements between the United States ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES IMPROVE BORDER SECURITY and countries contiguous to the United REFUGEE AND ENTRANT ASSISTANCE States’’ and inserting ‘‘The Secretary of SEC. 201. NATIONAL GUARD SUPPORT FOR BOR- DER OPERATIONS. For an additional amount for ‘‘Refugee and State may negotiate agreements between the (a) DEPLOYMENT AUTHORITY AND FUNDING.— Entrant Assistance’’, $197,000,000, to be United States and any foreign country that merged with and available for the same time Amounts appropriated for the Department of the Secretary determines appropriate’’; and Defense in this Act shall be expended for any period and for the same purposes as the (2) in paragraph (5)(D)— funds made available under this heading in units or personnel of the National Guard de- (A) in the matter preceding clause (i) by ployed to perform operations and missions division H of Public Law 113–76 ‘‘for carrying striking ‘‘, except for an unaccompanied out such sections 414, 501, 462, and 235’’: Pro- under section 502(f) of title 32, United States alient child from a contiguous subject to the Code, on the southern border of the United vided, That of this amount, $47,000,000 shall exceptions under subsection (a)(2),’’ and in- be for the Social Services and Targeted As- States. serting ‘‘who does not meet the criteria list- (b) ASSIGNMENT OF OPERATIONS AND MIS- sistance programs. ed in paragraph (2)(A)’’; and This division may be cited as the ‘‘Secure SIONS.— (B) in clause (i), by inserting before the the Southwest Border Supplemental Appro- (1) IN GENERAL.—National Guard units and semicolon at the end the following: ‘‘, which priations Act, 2014’’. personnel deployed under subsection (a) may shall include a hearing before an immigra- be assigned such operations as may be nec- DIVISION B—SECURE THE SOUTHWEST tion judge not later than 14 days after being essary to provide assistance for operations BORDER ACT OF 2014 screened under paragraph (4) and the on the southern border, with priority given SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. unaccompanid alien child shall be detained to high traffic areas experiencing the highest (a) SHORT TITLE.—This division may be until such hearing’’;. number of crossings by unaccompanied alien cited as the ‘‘Secure the Southwest Border SEC. 102. LAST IN, FIRST OUT. children. Act of 2014’’. In any removal proceedings under section (2) NATURE OF DUTY.—The duty of National (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- 240 of the Immigration and Nationality Act Guard personnel performing operations and tents for this division is as follows: (8 U.S.C. 1229a) with respect to an unaccom- missions on the southern border shall be full- Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. panied alien child (as defined in section time duty under title 32, United States Code. TITLE I—PROTECTING CHILDREN 462(g)(2) of the Homeland Security Act of (c) MATERIEL AND LOGISTICAL SUPPORT.— Sec. 101. Repatriation of unaccompanied 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(g)(2))), priority shall be ac- The Secretary of Defense shall deploy such alien children. corded to the alien who has most recently materiel and equipment and logistical sup- Sec. 102. Last in, first out. arrived in the United States. port as may be necessary to ensure success Sec. 103. Emergency immigration judge re- SEC. 103. EMERGENCY IMMIGRATION JUDGE RE- of the operations and missions conducted by sources. SOURCES. the National Guard under this section. Sec. 104. Protecting children from human Not later than 14 days after the date of the (d) EXCLUSION FROM NATIONAL GUARD PER- traffickers, sex offenders, and enactment of this Act, the Attorney General SONNEL STRENGTH LIMITATIONS.—National other criminals. shall designate up to 40 immigration judges, Guard personnel deployed under subsection Sec. 105. Inclusion of additional grounds for including through the hiring of retired immi- (a) shall not be included in— per se ineligibility for asylum. gration judges, administrative law judges, or (1) the calculation to determine compli- TITLE II—USE OF NATIONAL GUARD TO magistrate judges, or the reassignment of ance with limits on end strength for Na- IMPROVE BORDER SECURITY current immigration judges. Such designa- tional Guard personnel; or Sec. 201. National Guard support for border tions shall remain in effect solely for the du- (2) limits on the number of National Guard operations. ration of the humanitarian crisis at the personnel that may be placed on active duty

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.032 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 for operational support under section 115 of such international land border of the United guidelines of the Office of Refugee Resettle- title 10, United States Code. States for the activities of U.S. Customs and ment; (e) HIGH TRAFFIC AREAS DEFINED.—In this Border Protection described in subsection (7) the Secretary of Health and Human section: (b). Services should ensure that all individuals (1) The term ‘‘high traffic areas’’ means (2) DESCRIPTION OF LAWS WAIVED.—The laws under the supervision of the Secretary with sectors along the northern and southern bor- referred to in paragraph (1) are limited to access to unauthorized alien children at a ders of the United States that are within the the Wilderness Act (16 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.), military installation are properly cleared ac- responsibility of the Border Patrol that have the National Environmental Policy Act of cording to the procedures set forth in the the most illicit cross-border activity, in- 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the Endangered Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. formed through situational awareness. Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), the 13001 et seq.); (2) The term ‘‘unaccompanied alien child’’ National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. (8) the Secretary of Health and Human means a child who— 470 et seq.), Public Law 86–523 (16 U.S.C. 469 Services should fully comply with the provi- (A) has no lawful immigration status in et seq.), the Act of June 8, 1906 (commonly sions of the Victims of Child Abuse Act of the United States; known as the ‘‘Antiquities Act of 1906’’; 16 1990 (42 U.S.C. 13001 et seq.) with respect to (B) has not attained 18 years of age; and U.S.C. 431 et seq.), the Wild and Scenic Riv- background checks and should retain full (C) with respect to whom— ers Act (16 U.S.C. 1271 et seq.), the Federal legal responsibility for such compliance; and (i) there is no parent or legal guardian in Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 (9) in accordance with section 1535 of title the United States; or U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the National Wildlife 31, United States Code (commonly referred (ii) no parent or legal guardian in the Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 to as the ‘‘Economy Act’’), the Secretary of United States is available to provide care (16 U.S.C. 668dd et seq.), the Fish and Wildlife Health and Human Services should reim- and physical custody. Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742a et seq.), the Fish burse the Secretary of Defense for all ex- TITLE III—NATIONAL SECURITY AND and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661 penses incurred by the Secretary of Defense FEDERAL LANDS PROTECTION et seq.), subchapter II of chapter 5, and chap- in carrying out the placement of unauthor- ter 7, of title 5, United States Code (com- ized aliens at a military installation. SEC. 301. PROHIBITION ON ACTIONS THAT IM- monly known as the ‘‘Administrative Proce- PEDE BORDER SECURITY ON CER- (b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: TAIN FEDERAL LAND. dure Act’’), the National Park Service Or- (1) The term ‘‘congressional defense com- ganic Act (16 U.S.C. 1 et seq.), the General (a) PROHIBITION ON SECRETARIES OF THE IN- mittees’’ has the meaning given that term in Authorities Act of 1970 (Public Law 91–383) TERIOR AND AGRICULTURE.—The Secretary of section 101(a)(16) of title 10, United States the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture (16 U.S.C. 1a–1 et seq.), sections 401(7), 403, Code. shall not impede, prohibit, or restrict activi- and 404 of the National Parks and Recreation (2) The term ‘‘Member of Congress’’ has the ties of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Act of 1978 (Public Law 95–625, 92 Stat. 3467), meaning given that term in section 1591(c)(1) on Federal land located within 100 miles of and the Arizona Desert Wilderness Act of of title 10, United States Code. the United States border with Mexico that is 1990 (16 U.S.C. 1132 note; Public Law 101–628). (3) The term ‘‘military installation’’ has (d) PROTECTION OF LEGAL USES.—This sec- under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the the meaning given that term in section tion shall not be construed to provide— Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture, to 2801(c)(4) of title 10, United States Code, but (1) authority to restrict legal uses, such as execute search and rescue operations, and to does not include an installation located out- grazing, hunting, mining, or public-use rec- prevent all unlawful entries into the United side of the United States. reational and backcountry airstrips on land States, including entries by terrorists, other (4) The term ‘‘placement’’ means the place- under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, ment of an unauthorized alien in either a de- Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture; or narcotics, and other contraband through tention facility or an alternative to such a (2) any additional authority to restrict such international land border of the United facility. legal access to such land. States. These authorities of U.S. Customs (5) The term ‘‘unauthorized alien’’ means (e) EFFECT ON STATE AND PRIVATE LAND.— an alien unlawfully present in the United and Border Protection on such Federal land This Act shall— apply whether or not a state of emergency States, but does not include a dependent of a (1) have no force or effect on State or pri- member of the Armed Forces. exists. vate lands; and (b) AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES OF U.S. CUS- SEC. 303. LIMITATION SENSE OF CONGRESS ON (2) not provide authority on or access to PLACEMENT OF UNAUTHORIZED TOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION.—U.S. Cus- State or private lands. toms and Border Protection shall have im- ALIENS AT MILITARY INSTALLA- (f) TRIBAL SOVEREIGNTY.—Nothing in this TIONS. mediate access to Federal land within 100 section supersedes, replaces, negates, or di- (a) LIMITATION.—The Secretary of Defense miles of the United States border with Mex- minishes treaties or other agreements be- may not allow the placement of unauthor- ico that is under the jurisdiction of the Sec- tween the United States and Indian tribes. ized aliens at a military installation in the retary of the Interior or the Secretary of Ag- SEC. 302. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON PLACEMENT United States if the use of the military insti- riculture for purposes of conducting the fol- OF UNAUTHORIZED ALIENS AT MILI- tution to house or care for unauthorized lowing activities on such land that prevent TARY INSTALLATIONS. aliens would— all unlawful entries into the United States, (a) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of (1) displace members of the Armed Forces including entries by terrorists, other unlaw- Congress that— serving on active duty or in a reserve or ful aliens, instruments of terrorism, nar- (1) the Secretary of Defense should not Guard status; or cotics, and other contraband through such allow the placement of unauthorized aliens (2) interfere with activities of the Armed international land border of the United at a military installation unless— Forces, including reserve components there- States: (A) the Secretary submits written notice of, at the installation. (1) Construction and maintenance of roads. to the congressional defense committees and (b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: (2) Construction and maintenance of bar- each Member of Congress representing any (1) The term ‘‘military installation’’ has riers. jurisdiction in which an affected military in- the meaning given such term in section (3) Use of vehicles to patrol, apprehend, or stallation is situated; and 2801(c)(4) of title 10, United States Code. rescue. (B) the Secretary publishes notice in the (2) The term ‘‘unauthorized alien’’ means (4) Installation, maintenance, and oper- Federal Register; an alien unlawfully present in the United ation of communications and surveillance (2) the placement of unauthorized aliens at States, but does not include a dependent of a equipment and sensors. a military institution should not displace ac- member of the Armed Forces. (5) Deployment of temporary tactical in- tive members of the Armed Forces; frastructure. (3) the placement of unauthorized aliens at The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill (c) CLARIFICATION RELATING TO WAIVER AU- a military institution should not interfere shall be debatable for an additional THORITY.— with any mission of the Department of De- hour, equally divided and controlled by (1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any fense; the chair and ranking minority mem- other provision of law (including any termi- (4) the Secretary of Health and Human ber of the Committee on Appropria- nation date relating to the waiver referred to Services should not use a military installa- in this subsection), the waiver by the Sec- tion for the placement of unauthorized aliens tions. retary of Homeland Security on April 1, 2008, unless all other facilities of the Department The gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. under section 102(c)(1) of the Illegal Immi- of Health and Human Services are unavail- ROGERS) and the gentlewoman from gration Reform and Immigrant Responsi- able; New York (Mrs. LOWEY) each will con- bility Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1103 note; Public (5) the Secretary of Health and Human trol 30 minutes. Law 104–208) of the laws described in para- Services should not use a military installa- The Chair recognizes the gentleman graph (2) with respect to certain sections of tion for the placement of unauthorized aliens from Kentucky. the international border between the United for more than 120 days; GENERAL LEAVE States and Mexico shall be considered to (6) the Secretary of Health and Human apply to all Federal land under the jurisdic- Services should ensure that all unauthorized Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. tion of the Secretary of the Interior or the alien children are vaccinated upon arrival at Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Secretary of Agriculture within 100 miles of a military installation as set forth in the all Members may have 5 legislative

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.032 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7217 days in which to revise and extend the recent surge of illegal immigrants grants. This brings the new total of the their remarks and include extraneous crossing our southern border. bill to $694 million, and, again, it is material on the further consideration In terms of funding, this bill is essen- fully offset. of H.R. 5230, and that I may include tially the same as the legislation the In addition, the bill includes new tabular material on the same. House considered yesterday. It empha- tweaks to various policy provisions The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there sizes securing our borders, providing which will help to further tighten our objection to the request of the gen- humanitarian assistance for unaccom- borders and provide solutions that help tleman from Kentucky? panied children in U.S. custody, and solve our immigration challenges for There was no objection. preventing further influxes of illegal the future. Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. immigration, both by funding vital Speaker, I yield myself such time as I programs and by implementing impor- Mr. Speaker, we have a crisis on our may consume. tant policy provisions. This is also a hands, and we can’t simply get up and Mr. Speaker, I rise today to continue fiscally responsible bill. All funding is walk away. It is our moral responsi- the debate on H.R. 5230, with further offset, so it won’t add a penny to our bility to protect our homeland and to amendments added by the rule the deficit. properly care for and process the thou- House just adopted. The need to pass However, the bill differs from the sands of unaccompanied children who this bill before Congress leaves for the version yesterday by adding an addi- put their lives in the hands of crimi- August break is just as critical today tional $35 million for the National nals to cross our borders. We simply as it was yesterday. Guard to allow States, including Texas, can’t turn our backs on this. We must This bill, Mr. Speaker, provides fund- to be reimbursed for National Guard pass this bill today, and I urge my col- ing to meet immediate border security activities related to border security leagues to support this bill. and humanitarian needs in response to and the current influx of illegal immi- I reserve the balance of my time.

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FY 2014 Recommended Bill vs. Request in the Bill Request


TITLE I DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY U.S. Customs and Border Protection Salaries and Expenses (emergency} .... , ...... 393,549 -393,549 Salaries and Expenses ...... • 71,000 +71,000 Air and Marine Interdiction, Operations, Maintenance, and Procurement (emergency) ...... , .. 39,411 -39,411 ...... -..... -- ... -.. "' ...... "" "" .. ---- ... "' ...... '" .... -...... --- Total, U.S. Customs and Border Protection ... , ... 432,960 71,000 -361,960 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Salaries and Expenses (emergency) ...... 1,103,995 ·1 ,1 03.995 Salaries and Expenses ...... 334,000 +334,000 GENERAL PROVISIONS -- THIS TITLE

FEMA Disaster Relief Fund (Sec. 103) (rescission)..... -405,000 -405,000

Total, title r...... 1,536,955 ·1,536,955 ======:======TITLE II DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE -- MILITARY Military Personnel National Guard Personnel, Army ...... 47,419 +47,419 National Guard Personnel, Air Force ...... 2,258 +2,258 Total, Military Personnel ...... 49,677 +49,677 Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard ...... 15,807 +15,807 Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard ...... 4,516 +4,516 Total, Operation and Maintenance ...... •. 20,323 +20.323 GENERAL PROVISION ·- THIS TITLE

Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide (Sec. 201) (rescission) ...... ·70,000 -70,000 ------======~~======Total, title II ...... ======


Administrative Review and Appeals (emergency} ...... 62,900 -62,900 Administrative Review and Appeals ...... 22,000 +22,000

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FY 2014 Recommended Bill vs. Request in the Bill Request

Legal Activities

Salaries and Expenses, General Legal Activities (emergency) ...... 1,100 -1 '1 00 GENERAL PROVISION -- THIS TITLE

DOJ Assets Forfeiture Fund (Sec. 301) (rescission).... -22,000 -22,000

Total, title III ...... 64,000 -64,000 ======



Administration of Foreign Affairs

Diplomatic and Consular Programs (emergency} ...... 5,000 -5,000 BILATERAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE

Funds Appropriated to the President

Economic Support Fund (emergency) ...... 295,000 -295,000


Repatriation and reintegration (Sec. 401) (non-add) .. . (40,000) (+40,000) Economic Support Fund (Sec. 402) (rescission) ...... -197,000 -197,000 ------==::======::: Total, title IV ...... 300,000 -197 '000 -497,000 ======



Administration for Children and Families

Refugee and Entrant Assistance (emergency} ...... 1,830,000 -1,830,000 Refugee and Entrant Assistance ...... 197,000 +197,000 ======Total, title V...... 1,830,000 197,000 -1,633,000 ======

GENERAL PROVISION -- THIS ACT Transfer authority (emergency) ...... (250,000} (-250,000)

GRAND TOTAL ...... 3,730,955 -3,730,955 Appropriations ...... (694,000} (+694,000) Emergencies ...... (3,730,955) (-3,730,955) Rescissions ...... (-694,000) (-694,000)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.050 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE Insert graphic folio 1040/2 EH01AU14.002 H7220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield the arduous journey from their homes in because the President announced a pol- myself such time as I may consume, Central America to the United States and icy that no one would be deported un- and I rise today to oppose this out- elsewhere in the region. less they were a criminal. That word Our opposition to H.R. 5232 stems from its rageous bill and the ridiculous process elimination of the Deferred Action for Child- spread through our Central American that produced it. hood Arrivals (DACA) program. It is our countries, and families said: hey, the Just yesterday, this House attempted view that this program has helped protect a gates are open; while this President is to consider a bill that went too far on vulnerable group of children who for all ex- in office, if you go there and you get in, policy and not far enough on funding tensive purposes are Americans. It would then you won’t be deported. levels, but apparently even that wasn’t subject them once again to removal to coun- The administration knew this 2 years bad enough for my colleagues on the tries they do not know. We urge its defeat. How our nation responds to this humani- ago. The word came out that we were other side of the aisle. tarian challenge is a moral test of our na- being flooded, increasingly so, from b 1915 tional character. We ask that you oppose Central American countries. So we are H.R. 5230 and H.R. 5232, which we feel fail to here trying to fix the problem that is Mr. Speaker, yesterday’s bill van- live up to that test. ished into thin air, and in its place, we an emergency caused by this adminis- Sincerely, tration, and the administration’s con- now have this haphazard mess. This MOST REVEREND EUSEBIO ELIZONDO, bill is the result of some sort of auc- Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle, WA, trol of the other body, rather than help tion with members of the majority. Chairman, USCCB Committee on Migration. us solve the problem, left town at noon The bill also paves the way for an- Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, this today without doing anything. So we other piece of legislation to be ap- House majority needs to make up its are trying to clean up their mess and proved tonight—a brand-new bill on collective mind. Do they want to pro- the administration’s mess, and this bill the so-called DACA—deferred action on vide emergency funding to enable our will do that. undocumented children program—re- Federal agencies to respond to the hu- Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the lated to young people who were manitarian crisis on the border? Or do gentlewoman from Texas (Mrs. brought here as minors by 2007 and they wish to rewrite current law on im- GRANGER), the chair of the Speaker’s only know the United States of Amer- migration, political asylum, and due task force on border security and the ica as their home. This new bill has not process? We can’t do both in an hour of chairman of the Appropriations Sub- been approved by any committee and floor consideration. committee on Foreign Operations. contains language that would throw The House should have already taken Mrs. GRANGER. Thank you, Mr. thousands of young people into legal up bipartisan comprehensive immigra- Chairman, and thank you for the hard limbo. tion reform the Senate passed more work you have put into this difficult This new supplemental funding bill than 1 year ago, with the support of situation. would add an additional $35 million to Democrats and Republicans, the labor Mr. Speaker, we are here tonight be- reimburse States for deploying the Na- and business communities, cause this Congress has a responsi- tional Guard to the border, which is evangelicals, law enforcement, and bility to immediately stop the humani- pointless. In other words, U.S. tax- many others. tarian crisis on our southern border. We would have been proud to work payers will pick up the tab for Gov- The President has failed to lead. The together with our Republicans on the ernor Perry’s campaign stunt. Senate failed to lead. This Chamber other side of the aisle to give thought- The bill also would change the initial has to lead. screening process used by Customs and ful consideration to this immigration Since October, 58,000 unaccompanied Border Patrol. The U.S. Conference of process. The Senate did it. We had an minors have made the treacherous Catholic Bishops opposes the change, opportunity to do it, and instead, we 1,000-mile journey from Central Amer- noting: are rushing through tonight to put a bill on the floor that has changed many ica, across Mexico, and through our It would make crippling changes to current southern border. Tens of thousands U.S.-trafficking victim protection law that times as it has proceeded through the we fear would send these vulnerable children, process. more unaccompanied minors are ex- and others in the future who have fled trau- That bill, the comprehensive immi- pected to come if we don’t act. Doing ma, exploitation, and violence, back into gration bill, would have helped prevent nothing is not an option. I repeat, harm’s way, likely resulting in continued the crisis on the border today. If we doing nothing is not an option. degradation, injury, and death for many of had passed this 1 year ago, we wouldn’t The members of the working group I them. be in the desperate situation we are in chaired made recommendations for an I insert the letter into the RECORD. now. Now, we are at a point where it immediate short-term response. I want U.S. CONFERENCE OF requires emergency supplemental fund- to recognize the hard work and com- CATHOLIC BISHOPS, ing that we should provide cleanly and mitment of the working group mem- COMMITTEE ON MIGRATION, quickly without the baggage of extra- bers who made targeted policy rec- Washington, DC, August 1, 2014. neous policy that caused so much polit- DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: I write to reaffirm ommendations on how to end this cri- the opposition of the U.S. Conference of ical division. sis. Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to H.R. 5230 and This package crossed the line from Our conclusions included in the bill express our opposition to H.R. 5232. being a supplemental spending bill and are to tweak the 2008 Trafficking Vic- Our opposition to H.R. 5230 stems from four became a controversial revision of im- tims Protection Reauthorization Act troubling aspects of the measure. First, it migration policy with limited funding to make sure that all unaccompanied would make crippling changes to current thrown in as an afterthought. That is a U.S. trafficking victim protection law that minors are treated the same as Mexi- shame. That is really sad because we cans, prioritize last in-first out, expe- we fear would send these vulnerable children, know that the Departments of Home- and others in the future who have fled trau- dite the hearing process within 7 days land Security, Justice, Health and ma, exploitation, and violence, back into after the children are detained, and harm’s way, likely resulting in continued Human Services, and State need this hire additional temporary judges to degradation, injury, and death for many of money to do the job. support the accelerated process. them. Second, it would not provide adequate Mr. Speaker, just last year, this body funding for the Department of Health and allowed a small vocal minority to push To fully support Customs and Border Human Services Office of Refugee Resettle- a government shutdown over con- Protection’s mission, we include a pro- ment (ORR) to enable it to care for vulner- troversial policy ideas. This process vision to allow Border Patrol unfet- able unaccompanied children in U.S. cus- today causes me to wonder whether tered access to Federal lands. Finally, tody. Third, its level of funding for ORR is so many have learned the perils of such Mr. Speaker, the supplemental in- low that it would severely hamper the agen- cludes a sense of Congress that chil- cy’s ability to fulfill its responsibility to recklessness. I urge my colleagues to oppose this dren should not be detained at military care for refugees, asylum seekers, special im- bases. migrants, trafficking victims, and torture package and start over. I reserve the victims. And fourth, the measure contains balance of my time. The Congressional Budget Office has no provisions to address the root causes that Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. given its assessment of the policy have compelled so many children to make Speaker, we are here with this crisis changes in this legislation. They have

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:47 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.051 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7221 said that because the legislation allows crisis, and that is what this bill does, Now, this is not just about our south- for the children to self-deport, it will Mr. Speaker. ern border and children from Central lead to immediate savings. We have got a bill that actually al- America. This new procedure would I want to commend Chairman ROG- lows the Governors along the border to apply to any unaccompanied minor ERS on this smart, targeted bill that call up the National Guard to help se- child who appears at our border seek- helps address the crisis immediately, cure the border. The President ought ing asylum. and I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ to do this job. The President has all b 1930 on the supplemental. the tools to secure the border, but he Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I am won’t. He has failed to do one of his It could mean that the pregnant Chi- pleased to yield 2 minutes to the gen- basic functions in securing the Amer- nese teenager fleeing forced abortion in tleman from Texas (Mr. GALLEGO). ican border. China simply gets turned away. It Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, if you Shouldn’t the Governors along that could mean that Syrian Christian chil- read what reporters are already saying, border be able to call up the National dren fleeing horrific violence and per- they are saying that this isn’t a serious Guard to help secure it if the President secution in Syria simply get turned bill that will ever become law—that op- won’t? Not only do we do that, Mr. away. It would turn aside a child from portunity was lost yesterday when the Speaker, but we put the funds in place Thailand being trafficked for sex. original bill was pulled. They are say- to ensure that it gets done. I don’t know that this was nec- ing this bill does nothing because it Some other things we do is end this essarily the intention of this bill—I isn’t going anywhere once it leaves the catch-and-release program that has would certainly hope not—but that is House. been a magnet for thousands of people the way the bill is written. That is the The perception of the press and the to come across the border and be re- effect it would have, and I think it is American people is that this is all po- leased throughout the country—some simply unconscionable. litical theater. Why don’t we prove never to be seen again. We can stop Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. them wrong? Why don’t we cancel our this, and we do in our bill. Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to the gen- travel plans and commit to staying Mr. Speaker, this is important legis- tleman from Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE), here until we can agree on an actual lation that actually sends a strong the chairman of the House Judiciary solution to this border issue that we message that we are going to take this Committee. can put into a bill that might actually issue seriously, and we are going to ac- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I tually solve this crisis. If the Senate have a shot of becoming law? thank the gentleman from Kentucky, Any single one of us who is married wants to be serious about doing their the chairman of the Appropriations knows the importance of compromise. job and if the President wants to be se- Committee for his leadership on this Imagine what happens if you walk in rious about doing his job, they ought to issue, and I urge my colleagues to sup- come back here and pass something of your house every day and you tell your port H.R. 5230. their own, but they won’t, but that is spouse: I really don’t care what you There is a crisis at our southern bor- no reason to fail to lead. That is why think today, I am not interested in der, and it is a disaster of President the House is leading. your opinion, we are going to do it my Obama’s own making. The Obama ad- We are going to pass this bill, and we ministration’s lax immigration en- way. are going to propose a solution to this Well, that marriage wouldn’t last forcement policies have given con- crisis. I encourage the Senate to come fidence to parents who are in the U.S. very long. Anyone who is in a marriage back and do their job, and I encourage knows the importance of compromise illegally that they can stay, and now the President to start doing his. they are finding ways to bring their and knows what happens when a rela- Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I am children who are still in Central Amer- tionship is one-sided. pleased to yield 2 minutes to the gen- ica and beyond to the United States We can get together on this. We did tlewoman from California (Ms. LOF- unlawfully. Although President Obama it for the VA; we can, and we should do GREN), the ranking member of the Im- it for this. An opportunity to sit down migration Subcommittee of the Judici- has many tools at his disposal to stop around the same table and negotiate ary Committee. this surge at the border, he refuses to our way through in a very serious and Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, we have use them and instead proposes to make in a very real way—without the rhet- heard repeatedly that this bill simply the situation worse by taking more oric, just simple reason, simple com- treats all children the way that Mexi- unilateral actions to stop the enforce- mon sense—that makes a difference can children are treated. It is true that ment of our immigration laws. every day for the people on our border. the bill would subject all children to It is ultimately up to President That is what I would ask, and that is the ineffective border screening that Obama to end this crisis by reversing what I think the American people are Mexican children now undergo, but it his policies that created it. However, asking. actually makes that screening much since he refuses to do so, we have to Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. worse. act to the extent we can to provide Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- Under the antislavery law, Mexican narrow and targeted funding to meet tleman from Louisiana (Mr. SCALISE), children are permitted to withdraw the immediate needs of our law en- the newly elected majority whip of the their applications for admission and re- forcement agencies at the southern U.S. House. turn to Mexico only if the Border Pa- border. We have to enable them to do Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I thank trol screener determines that the child their job to secure our border and en- the gentleman from Kentucky, the has the capacity to understand what is force our immigration laws. chairman of the Appropriations Com- going on and can independently agree And we need to tweak the 2008 law re- mittee, for his leadership, and the gen- to withdraw the application for admis- garding the removal of unaccompanied tlewoman from Texas for her leader- sion. alien minors. We need to treat appre- ship in putting this working group to- This bill strikes that language. hended minors from Central America gether to bring a bill to address this Under this bill, it does not matter in the same expedited but humane crisis. whether the child can comprehend that fashion that we treat apprehended mi- Mr. Speaker, there is a crisis at our she has been given the option to volun- nors from Mexico and Canada. In fact, border. The President has refused and tarily return to her home country be- the administration has called for such failed to do his job to address the cri- cause, in this bill, it does not matter a change. sis. The Senate in fact today failed to what she thinks. On July 14, before the Senate Appro- do their job and left town without pass- This bill now says that while a child priations Committee, DHS Secretary ing anything to address this crisis, but may be permitted to withdraw her ap- Jeh Johnson said that the Trafficking the House is here working. plication for admission, no matter Victims Protection Reauthorization The people’s House is here working, what, she shall be returned—no matter Act of 2008 needed to be amended. He and we are not going to stop working what, once Border Patrol decides, that said: until we get our job done and pass leg- is the end of the discussion, and that In terms of changing the law, we are ask- islation that actually addresses this kid is going home. ing for the ability to treat unaccompanied

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.053 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 kids from a Central American country in the their ‘‘my way or the highway’’ atti- Mr. Speaker, as I have often said, and same way as from a contiguous country. tude, the same attitude that led to last said yesterday, lawlessness breeds law- That is what this bill does, based on year’s shutdown, instead of reaching lessness. The crisis unfolding on our language written by Representative across the aisle and working with border is in very large part a result of CARTER, and it makes the important Democrats on bipartisan legislation the President’s political decision to not clarification that all minors from any that can address this crisis and be en- enforce the immigration laws of this country who do not have a credible fear acted. Nation. The House intends to correct of persecution and have not been traf- We are debating a bill that is not that tonight. ficked shall be expeditiously returned only bad in substance, but that was In many ways this bill is similar to home. brought to the floor in near secrecy in the legislation the House considered Because of the President’s inaction, violation of the Republican majority’s yesterday, but it has some important we are taking the responsible step own 3-day rule. How ironic. How ironic improvements. Once again, the funding today of passing these narrow fixes that Majority Leader MCCARTHY said in this package is fully offset and pro- that will help the American people in an op-ed in the Washington Post vides the resources needed to address avoid billions of dollars in additional today: the immediate crisis. This bill also in- costs due to the President not trying I will commit to the committee process cludes the necessary policy changes to to solve this problem but asking for and regular order. bring parity to the adjudication and re- more money to continue to resettle This is neither the committee proc- patriation of these children. Many of tens of thousands of people into the in- ess nor regular order. these provisions are borrowed from a terior of our country. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill I drafted along with ROBERT ADER- While the bill is not perfect, it does time of the gentleman has expired. HOLT and JACK KINGSTON, H.R. 5143, the give law enforcement many tools they Mrs. LOWEY. I yield an additional 1 Protection of Children Act. have requested. For example, while I minute to the gentleman. This bill expands the tools available was in the Rio Grande Valley earlier Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, unfortu- to our Border Patrol agents and allows this month, Border Patrol agents cited nately, the House action tonight does them to better and more quickly administration-created restrictions not reflect those words from this morn- screen the influx of migrant children. that bar them access to Federal lands ing’s op-ed. It ensures a timely trial so that no as a significant stumbling block to se- Mr. Speaker, we ought to have a re- child will have to wait in limbo for curing the border. One of the more im- sponsible, bipartisan measure to pro- months or years to find out whether or portant provisions of this bill gives vide the needed funds to address the not they will be able to stay in the Border Patrol agents access to Federal border crisis, but we also must see this United States. It includes crucial lan- lands so that they can stop drug traf- as a reminder of why we must pass guage to prevent these children from fickers, human smugglers, and unlaw- comprehensive immigration reform. being placed with criminals, sex offend- ful immigrants from exploiting these Speaker BOEHNER, himself, said the ers, or human traffickers. And finally, gaps along the border. House would act, saying last May: this bill provides additional resources Since the President isn’t taking the The House remains committed to fixing for our border Governors as they work serious action needed to address the our broken immigration system. to assist Federal officials and keep our crisis at the border, the House is doing This is not a fix. But tonight, we citizens safe. so today. Again, I urge my colleagues must address the crisis before us. Our I urge my colleagues to join me and to support this bill. Republican friends should work with others in supporting this strong bill. Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 Democrats on a solution that can pass Lawlessness has bred this lawlessness. minutes to the gentleman from Mary- the House—this probably can—pass the We must stop it and secure our border. land (Mr. HOYER), the distinguished mi- Senate—this cannot—and be signed by Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield nority whip of the House. the President. Nobody here, as Con- myself such time as I may consume to Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank gressman FLEMING indicated, believes remind the distinguished chair of the the gentlelady for yielding. that will be the case. Appropriations Committee that the Mr. Speaker, House Republicans have Tonight will be a loss for rational hu- reason the Senate could not bring a bill taken two bad bills that failed to meet manitarian action and a victory for to the floor was because not one Re- the challenge of the humanitarian cri- partisan, negative policy. How sad. publican will allow the procedural vote sis on the border and made them worse. How wrong. How disappointing to the of cloture to bring it to the floor. They are worse for children. They are American people. Therefore, we are having a very impor- worse for women. And they are worse Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. tant debate, but this bill, as you know, for those who were brought here as Speaker, I yield myself as much time is going nowhere. children, grew up here, and know no as I may consume to say at least the Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the other home than America. These bills House is putting a bill on the floor and gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. do not reflect America’s values and our passing it, which solves the problem. If PRICE), the ranking member of the highest ideals. we had the Senate here to work with Homeland Security Subcommittee on The bills that were put forward yes- us, we might be able to get a bill the Appropriations. terday had no chance of seeing action President could sign. But the Senate is Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Mr. in the Senate. Neither do these. In fact, gone. They have left. So I would hope Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to Representative JOHN FLEMING is re- that the leader of the Senate would this so-called appropriations bill. I say ported to have said that the supple- recognize that his body is getting se- ‘‘so-called’’ because it really is mainly mental bill is ‘‘political cover’’ and verely criticized for leaving town with- about ill-advised and mean-spirited that ‘‘not a single Republican in the out offering a solution to this crisis on policy changes. Rather than providing House believes it’ll be signed into law.’’ our border. the necessary funds to deal with the I believe that statement to be abso- Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the humanitarian crisis at the border, this lutely accurate. gentleman from Texas (Mr. CARTER), bill mainly reduces protections for Chairwoman GRANGER, my friend who chairs the Appropriations Home- young people facing violence that we with whom I served on the Appropria- land Security Subcommittee. can hardly imagine. tions Committee, said, just a few min- Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, as chair- For awhile, it looked like we might utes ago, doing nothing is not an op- man of the Appropriations Sub- do better than this. As the ranking tion. And I very politely suggest to her committee on Homeland Security and member of the Appropriations Home- what we are doing tonight is nothing. as a native Texan, I am uniquely famil- land Security Subcommittee, I was What we do tonight will not pass, iar with our southern border. I am also pleased to take part in a recent delega- will not solve a problem, will not uniquely familiar with the national se- tion to Central America ably led by change policy, and it will not give the curity crisis and law enforcement Chairwoman KAY GRANGER. But as suc- needed resources that are necessary. nightmare erupting on that border, pri- cessive versions of the Republican bill Republicans have once again embraced marily in my State of Texas. have surfaced over the past 2 weeks, in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.055 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7223 a quest for votes only among Repub- the law there can be no liberty, with- tives. Stripping the rights and protec- licans, they reflected less and less of out respect for the law there can be no tions of children is never a good solu- what we learned on that trip. That was peace and quiet, there can be no pros- tion in any legislation, whether it is true when I said it yesterday, and it is perity. the children huddled at the border even more true of the bill before us My good friend HENRY CUELLAR, who alone and afraid or now including the now. represents the city of Laredo, whom I young DREAMers of America who be- By the way, to respond to a claim we served with in the Texas legislature, lieve in this country. They have now have heard tonight: Not a person we understands better than most that, be- become the targets of this legislation. talked to any time, anywhere blamed cause Laredo is the largest inland port They are the ones who are being told, the surge in unaccompanied minors on in the United States, his constituents it is because of you that we must the President’s decision to prioritize need law and order in order to be pros- change the law and treat human beings the deportation of dangerous criminals. perous, to be able to trade with Mexico, so harshly. That is just not a credible proposition. our most important trading partner. Mr. Speaker, if I could speak to those The bill under consideration provides That relationship with Mexico is essen- frightened children and our DREAMers less than $1 billion to the Departments tial to the Texas economy, to the of America and those working for a fair of Homeland Security, Health and United States economy, and for that solution on their behalf, this is what I Human Services, Justice, and State, relationship to thrive there must be would say: far below what is required to deal with law and order, there must be respect (English translation of the statement this crisis. And what of the money that for the law, and there must be peace made in Spanish is as follows:) is in the bill? Most of it reflects a fun- and quiet on the streets of Laredo so Is there any doubt what Republicans’ damental misunderstanding of the children can play in the streets, so peo- intentions are for the migrant children issue before us. This isn’t a border se- ple don’t have to worry about whether at the border? curity crisis; it is a humanitarian cri- or not they can send their kids down to Is there any doubt what Republicans’ sis. We don’t need to deploy the Na- the corner store, whether or not they intentions are for young DREAMers tional Guard or surge our border capac- can thrive in the future. It is a tragedy and their families? ity, because we are not failing to catch what has happened in Nuevo Laredo. Is there any doubt why immigration individuals as they cross. In fact, these One of the most beautiful cities on the reform remains shackled? Is there any doubt what we must do young people are turning themselves border is now essentially a ghost town with our vote, our voice, to defend the in! because there is no respect for the law. rights and dreams of our children? This new, worse bill brought before The bill before us tonight that the ¿Queda duda de las intenciones Republican majority has put together us mere hours ago would entice Texas, republicanas hacia los nin˜ os migrantes reflects our core value as Americans to and potentially other border States, en la frontera? respect the law, to enforce the law, with Federal dollars, to use the Na- ¿Queda duda de las intenciones tional Guard to militarize the southern with a kind heart and commonsense. republicanas hacia los muchachos border. At the same time, it We believe in the good judgment of our son˜ adores y sus familias? underfunds the additional judges that I law enforcement officers and our Na- ¿Queda duda de porque´ la reforma thought we agreed were needed. We all tional Guardsmen to use their good migratoria queda encadenada? know that we need to deal with the hearts and their commonsense as ¿Queda duda de lo que tenemos que claims put forward by these young peo- Americans to distinguish between the hacer con nuestro voto, nuestra voz, ple who present themselves. widow and her child who is escaping a para defender los derechos y los suen˜ os So, Mr. Speaker, let’s pass an appro- terrible situation at home. We are de nuestros hijos? priations bill that reflects our coun- trusting the good hearts and good Mr. BECERRA. Tonight, with this try’s values and actually addresses the sense of our immigration officers to bill, we see what happens when, for problems we face. Let’s also face up to know the difference between a tattooed more than 390 days, our Republican our responsibility to pass comprehen- criminal and a drug dealer and a smug- colleagues refused to allow a vote on sive immigration reform, as the Senate gler, and the child who has come here the Senate’s bipartisan solution to a did a year ago. This bill moves us in ex- innocently, brought up in the trust the broken immigration system. But for actly the wrong direction. I urge its re- President of the United States has the shutdown do-nothing politics in jection. made inviting them all up here. It is a this House, we could have tackled the Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. tragedy for them, it is a tragedy for humanitarian issues we face down on Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- our border communities, it is a tragedy the border a year ago, but we haven’t tleman from Texas (Mr. CULBERSON), for the country to let these folks come been able to get a vote to do this the the distinguished chairman of the Mili- into the country. right way. tary Construction-VA Appropriations This is a law enforcement issue, it is It is time to have that vote to fix the Subcommittee. a law enforcement bill. I encourage broken immigration system, not blame folks to vote ‘‘yes.’’ b 1945 children and punish them by changing Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield the law to strip them of their rights Mr. CULBERSON. Mr. Speaker, I myself such time as I may consume. and of their protections. have heard several of my Democratic I am proud to be a Member of the We can do better. This bill will not colleagues tonight say this bill does Congress of the United States of Amer- become law, and we will have a chance not reflect American values. I am dis- ica because I have respect for the law. to do better for those children, for appointed to hear them say that be- The comprehensive immigration bill those DREAMers, and, quite honestly, cause it really reflects a fundamental, has been sitting out there for over a for America. probably one of the most fundamental year. If we could work in a bipartisan The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- differences between our two parties, as way, if we could show that we have re- tleman from California will provide a we on our side as Republicans believe spect for the law, we would have had a translation of his statement for the in the most important American value serious debate and really passed a law. RECORD. and that is enforcement. The first de- This bill is going nowhere. As you Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. sign on the first coin minted in the Re- know, the Republicans in the Senate Speaker, may I inquire how much time public of Mexico after the Revolution wouldn’t even bring a bill to the floor. is remaining. said: Liberty in the Law. We all under- That is why I am proud to yield 3 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- stand as lawmakers, as Americans, minutes to the gentleman from Cali- tleman from Kentucky has 141⁄2 min- that there can be no liberty without fornia (Mr. BECERRA). utes remaining. The gentlewoman from law enforcement. Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I thank New York has 12 minutes remaining. The bill before us tonight is very the ranking member for yielding. Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. simple, this is not complicated. This is The corrosive effects of shutdown do- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- a law enforcement issue. This is a law nothing politics is on full display here tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. enforcement bill. Without respect for tonight in the House of Representa- ROTHFUS).

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.058 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, this address due process for these children. say that it ‘‘stems from its elimination border crisis is one of the President’s This was a terrible bill yesterday; it is of the Deferred Action for Childhood making. worse tonight. It will not become law, Arrivals program,’’ otherwise known as We are here on a Friday night in Au- thank goodness. Hopefully, all of us DACA. gust because the President has not will vote ‘‘no’’ and come back and In conclusion, the bishops write: done his job. His failure to enforce the begin to look at how we really address How our Nation responds to this humani- law and failure to secure the border the needs of these children. They need tarian challenge is a moral test of our na- have encouraged tens of thousands of our help desperately. tional character. We ask that you oppose children to make a dangerous journey Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. H.R. 5230 and H.R. 5272, which we feel fail to to the United States. On the way, they Speaker, I reserve the balance of my live up to that test. are exposed to traffickers, health risks, time. Others, such as the American Bar As- and other dangers. That is not fair to Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 sociation, write: these children. This is just the latest minute to the gentlewoman from New Due to their age, lack of education, lan- example of the President’s lack of re- Hampshire (Ms. SHEA-PORTER). guage, and cultural barriers, and the com- gard for the rule of law and how it has Ms. SHEA-PORTER. Mr. Speaker, plexity of U.S. immigration law, these vul- very real consequences. how did a $35 million earmark for 2012 nerable children face insurmountable obsta- This legislation before the House ad- and maybe 2016 Republican Presi- cles to proving their claims before an immi- dresses the crisis with solutions that dential candidate Texas Governor Rick gration judge on their own. prioritize resources to expedite the Perry get into this bill and why? If It is the children who are most likely to be processing of cases, provide temporary eligible for some relief under the law who Texas Governor Rick Perry chooses to may be least able to articulate their experi- housing and humanitarian assistance, send the Texas National Guard to the ences under this proposed procedure. return children to their countries of or- Texas border on his own, not as a na- They have been through a lot of trau- igin, and deploy the National Guard. tional decision or response, that is his ma, and we want to add to that. Yet, Importantly, it will prevent future right, but he should pay for it. It is this has not been enough to stem the humanitarian crises by amending cur- wrong to tax New Hampshire taxpayers path that the House Republicans are rent law to allow children to be and taxpayers around the country to going down. To further poison the pie promptly returned to their native pay for a $35 million earmark for a they offer their caucus the chance to home. Texas Governor who acted on his own even be less compassionate in their This legislation is not a blank check and now should pay for his decision. for the President. It is a carefully Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. vote to end DACA and to deport the crafted response to the chaos that the Speaker, I continue to reserve the bal- DREAMers. It is not enough for Republicans to President has allowed to develop on the ance of my time. border and in these children’s lives. Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 send desperate children back to the vi- I urge my colleagues to support this minute to the gentlewoman from Cali- olence of their home countries. They bill. fornia (Ms. PELOSI), the minority lead- must also vote to deport the best Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 11⁄2 er of the House. young immigrants and brightest in our minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I thank schools, vote to send victims of domes- fornia (Ms. LEE), a member of the the gentlewoman for yielding. tic violence back to their abusers, vote Labor, Health and Human Services and The time is late, the cause is great. to hand witnesses back to drug lords, Foreign Operations Subcommittees of We must, we must have clarity in how vote to remove the parents of Amer- Appropriations. we understand what is before us. ican children. Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, Today, we had an opportunity to These pieces of legislation dishonor let me thank our ranking member, work together to address humanitarian America. They are a rejection of our Mrs. LOWEY, for yielding and for her emergency at the border. Instead, it is values. But don’t take it from me, take tremendous leadership. a day of missed opportunity. The Re- it from the bishops, the Evangelical Let me just start by saying that, yes, publican leadership has rejected our Table, and others. They run counter to as an appropriator, I am very troubled hand of friendship to compromise on the respect for the spark of divinity by the shameful, first of all, inadequate this supplemental. Instead of bringing that we believe exists in every person, funding levels and the dangerous policy legislation forward that could solve the respect for the dignity and worth of riders in this bill. this problem really and truly, it has re- every person that we share, but these Let’s be honest: the bill before us in sisted the appeals of humanitarian and pieces of legislation ignore. no way is a genuine effort to address religious leaders across all faiths. b 2000 the humanitarian crisis on our borders. The Evangelical Immigration Table We should be trying to help these chil- calls on us to ensure that our response House Republicans have truly lost dren by making sure that they are safe strengthens our country’s tradition of their way. I certainly hope that you and receiving due process, rather than providing safety and refuge to the vul- will consider rereading the parable of militarizing our southern border. nerable. the Good Samaritan who helped a Instead, this bill strips protections This legislation that we have before stranger. He did not ignore or harm a for children and accelerates deporta- us does not do that. It is wrong. But stranger he saw on the road. Perhaps tions of children back to nations with don’t take my word for it. The U.S. that may be a path back for you. I pray some of the highest rates of deadly vio- Conference of Catholic Bishops urges that it is so. lence on the planet. Members to oppose H.R. 5230 and work Mr. Speaker, I will submit for the According to a report by the United together to craft legislation that is record letters from the bishops, the Nation’s High Commissioner for Refu- more befitting the United States of Evangelical Immigration Table, and gees, nearly 60 percent of affected chil- America and the American people’s the ABA who oppose these pieces of dren would qualify for international history of compassion and generosity legislation. protections and stated that they were to vulnerable children and refugees. I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no.’’ fleeing violence. The Archbishop of Miami, Thomas COMMITTEE ON MIGRATION, This bill is shameful and does not re- Wenski, speaking on their behalf, has Washington, DC, August 1, 2014. flect our country’s proud legacy as a said of this legislation, the two pieces DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: I write to reaffirm Nation of immigrants. We should be de- of legislation before us: the opposition of the U.S. Conference of bating real proposals like comprehen- Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to H.R. 5230 and This is a sad day for our country. A Cham- express our opposition to H.R. 5232. sive immigration reform that could ber of Congress is poised to send vulnerable really improve the lives of people and Our opposition to H.R. 5230 stems from four children back to danger and possible death. troubling aspects of the measure. First, it the American economy. We could pass It violates our commitment to human rights would make crippling changes to current it today. Instead, we are here playing and due process of the law, and lessens us as U.S. trafficking victim protection law that politics with the lives of children. a Nation. we fear would send these vulnerable children, This bill flies in the face of our val- In their letter, the bishops further and others in the future who have fled trau- ues and does nothing, once again, to state their opposition to H.R. 5232 and ma, exploitation, and violence, back into

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:05 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.060 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7225 harm’s way, likely resulting in continued gion. In his message, the Holy Father said of ever, we are disappointed that the measure degradation, injury, and death for many of these children and their plight: ‘‘Such an hu- would designate only $47 million of the sup- them. Second, it would not provide adequate manitarian emergency demands as its first plemental appropriations bill for this pur- funding for the Department of Health and measure the urgent protection and proper pose, leaving the ORR account short of the Human Services Office of Refugee Resettle- taking in of the children.’’ We believe that funds it will need to carry out vital refugee ment (ORR) to enable it to care for vulner- H.R. 5230 fails that test. resettlement activities for refugees and able unaccompanied children in U.S. cus- We fear that the deprivations of basic due other vulnerable populations under ORR tody. Third, its level of funding for ORR is so process contained in Title I of Division B of care. low that it would severely hamper the agen- H.R. 5230 would result in the United States We believe that any supplemental appro- cy’s ability to fulfill its responsibility to sending children who have relief available to priations bill passed by Congress should pro- care for refugees, asylum seekers, special im- them in the United States back to the condi- vide a full reimbursement to ORR for any migrants, trafficking victims, and torture tions that they fled, and that this would re- funds that are reprogrammed so that the victims. And fourth, the measure contains sult in many children being harmed and agency can fulfill its mandate to resettle no provisions to address the root causes that some being killed upon their return. these groups, which includes refugees, have compelled so many children to make As we have stated in congressional testi- asylees, Cuban and Haitian Entrants, Special the arduous journey from their homes in mony and in previous letters to Congress, Immigrants from Iraq and Afghanistan (who Central America to the United States and this vulnerable group of children is fleeing are now endangered after helping the United elsewhere in the region. violence from organized criminal networks. States with its mission in those countries), Our opposition to H.R. 5232 stems from its Many are likely to be eligible for a variety of torture victims, and trafficking victims. elimination of the Deferred Action for Child- forms of immigration relief, including asy- Because ORR ordinarily distributes much hood Arrivals (DACA) program. It is our lum, trafficking visas (‘‘T Visas’’), visas for of its funds in the last quarter of one fiscal view that this program has helped protect a victims of crime (‘‘U Visas’’), Special Immi- year to provide refugee services during the vulnerable group of children who for all ex- grant Juvenile visas (‘‘SUS Visas’’), and first quarter of the following fiscal year, tensive purposes are Americans. It would withholding of removal. As we have stated, ORR program money lost to reprograming in subject them once again to removal to coun- sending these vulnerable children back into fiscal year 2014 could result in critical loss of services to refugees and other vulnerable tries they do not know. We urge its defeat. the hands of their persecutors and exploiters How our nation responds to this humani- without a meaningful immigration hearing populations in fiscal year 2015. The repro- tarian challenge is a moral test of our na- would severely decrease their opportunity grammed fiscal year 2014 money comes from a number of line items, including Refugee tional character. We ask that you oppose for legal protection and possibly lead to Social Services and Targeted Assistance H.R. 5230 and H.R. 5232, which we feel fail to their bodily harm or even death. We oppose Grants. These items provide critical pro- live up to that test. the changes to the Trafficking Victims Pro- gramming to help refugees learn English and Sincerely, tection Reauthorization Act of 2008 and the find jobs so that they can support them- MOST REVEREND EUSEBIO ELIZONDO, Immigration and Nationality Act contained selves and their families. They also fund pro- Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle, WA, in Title I of Division B of H.R. 5230 and be- grams for the elderly, intensive case man- Chairman, USCCB Committee on Migration. lieve that these provisions alone strongly warrant a vote against H.R. 5230. agement for torture survivors and victims of trauma, home child care, and school impact COMMITTEE ON MIGRATION, INADEQUACY OF FUNDING TO CARE FOR grants to help both the children and their Washington, DC, July 30, 2014. UNACCOMPANIED ALIEN CHILDREN schools. Besides harming refugees and ORR’s DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: I write on behalf of As you know, the Administration re- other vulnerable populations, the inadequate the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops quested $1.8 billion in supplemental fiscal level of funding provided in H.R. 5230 could (USCCB) to express the bishops’ opposition year 2014 funds to adequately and appro- also contribute to depleted local refugee pro- to H.R. 5230, a measure making supplemental priately care for unaccompanied alien chil- grams and the loss of local infrastructure appropriations for the fiscal year ending dren in the United States. We are dis- that provides critical ORR support for refu- September 30, 2014 and making a number of appointed that Title V of Division A of H.R. gees, children, and the above mentioned vul- changes to U.S. immigration and human 5230 would provide only $197 million for this nerable populations, and for the commu- trafficking law. We strongly urge Members purpose, a fraction of the funds requested by nities that welcome them. to vote AGAINST H.R. 5230 when it is the Administration. FAILURE TO ADDRESS ROOT CAUSES brought before the full House of Representa- We believe that the Administration’s re- We are disappointed that H.R. 5230 con- tives and that the House, instead, work with quest of $1.8 billion would have better en- tains no funding to address push factors in the Senate to craft legislation that is more sured that these vulnerable children are Central America that are compelling chil- befitting the United States’ and the Amer- placed in the least restrictive and most dren to leave their homes and make the ar- ican people’s history of compassion for and child-friendly setting in an expeditious man- duous journey in search of protection in the generosity to vulnerable children and refu- ner. Among other things, such an amount United States and elsewhere in the region. gees. would have permitted a portion of the funds We believe that funding to address the root Our opposition to H.R. 5230 stems from four to be used for post-release services, including causes in the countries of Guatemala, Hon- troubling aspects of the measure. First, it home studies and case monitoring for chil- would make crippling changes to current duras, and El Salvador is essential if we are dren placed with families. These services to assist those governments in protecting U.S. trafficking victim protection law that would ensure that children are placed in a we fear would send these vulnerable children, their citizens and in providing hope for safe environment and that they are provided young people. We support funding for re-inte- and others in the future who have fled trau- information about their immigration pro- ma, exploitation, and violence, back into gration programs for these children and urge ceedings. The amount also would have pro- that funding be adequate to ensure that fol- harm’s way, likely resulting in continued vided for mental health counseling for chil- low-up services are provided, including em- degradation, injury, and death for many of dren, who are traumatized from their long ployment training and education. Moreover, them. Second, it would not provide adequate journey. we believe that funding should be provided to funding for the Department of Health and In contrast, H.R. 5230 provides $262 million invest in at-risk youth in danger of gang re- Human Services Office of Refugee Resettle- to Interior and Customs Enforcement (ICE) cruitment, including mentoring services, ment (ORR) to enable it to care for vulner- custody operations, which would help fund skills training, and social support services. able unaccompanied children in U.S. cus- an expansion of detention for children and Catholic Relief Services, which is present in tody. Third, its level of funding for ORR is so families arriving at the border. We oppose these countries, operates programs serving low that it would severely hamper the agen- this funding. Unaccompanied children and at-risk youth that have helped to prevent cy’s ability to fulfill its responsibility to families with children should be placed in a children from migrating to the United care for refugees, asylum seekers, special im- least restrictive setting, not be detained in States. Funding also should be provided for migrants, trafficking victims, and torture prison-like settings. We urge that some por- improving youth employment in the region. victims. And fourth, the measure contains tion of these funds be used for community- The United States will need to make a long- no provisions to address the root causes that based alternatives to detention for families. lasting commitment to the region in order to have compelled so many children to make REFUGEES, ASYLUM SEEKERS, SPECIAL IMMI- make it safe for these children to live and the arduous journey from their homes in GRANTS, AND TORTURE AND TRAFFICKING VIC- flourish. Central America to the United States and TIMS If the humanitarian and refugee crisis elsewhere in the region. As you may know, ORR recently an- posed by children fleeing violence in Central RETURN OF VULNERABLE CHILDREN TO THEIR nounced its intention to reprogram $94 mil- America were happening anywhere else in HARM OR DEATH lion of funding that was appropriated in fis- the world, the United States would appro- In a recent message, His Holiness Pope cal year 2014 for refugee services and to use priately implore nations in that region to Francis called on nations to exercise com- that funding, instead, to care for unaccom- protect them from harm. We have done so in passion for and care of the growing number panied alien children. We commend the the case of Syrians, Iraqis, and Afghans flee- of children fleeing violence in Central Amer- drafters of H.R. 5230 for their decision to par- ing persecution in the Near East; Somalis, ica who are seeking shelter and protection in tially reimburse ORR for its planned re- Congolese, and Sudanese in Africa; and Bur- the United States and elsewhere in the re- programming refugee services funding. How- mese, Hmong, and Vietnamese in Southeast

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:05 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.043 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 Asia. In these and many other cases, we have they know their rights and can understand most likely be eligible for some relief under urged the countries to which refugees and the process. More robust investment in effec- the law, such as victims or trafficking or vulnerable migrants have fled to open their tively addressing root causes of migration in persecution, who may be least able to articu- hearts and protect these vulnerable souls. Central America and Mexico is also impera- late their experiences under this proposed We should do no less when the United States tive. procedure. This creates the likelihood that is itself faced with this humanitarian chal- As we pray for these children and also our those children with a valid claim to asylum lenge. nation, we are reminded of Matthew 19:13–14 or other legal protection are the ones most How our nation responds to this challenge in which Jesus said, ‘‘Let the little children likely to be returned to their home countries is a moral test of our national character. We come to me, and do not hinder them.’ to face serious harm or even death. ask that you oppose H.R. 5230, which we feel Churches and faith-based organizations have There is no question that the rapid in- fails to live up to that test. Instead, we urge long partnered with the federal government crease in unaccompanied children entering you to support the appropriation of supple- in serving immigrant children and families our country presents many difficult chal- mental fiscal year 2014 funding to address in the United States. Many churches and lenges that require our nation to respond. the increased number of unaccompanied chil- faith-based organizations are ready and com- However, in the rush to address the current dren fleeing violence in Central America, mitted to provide the same type of assist- crisis, the United States cannot abandon the without provisions that would undermine ance and pastoral care in the case of these principles of fairness and due process. H.R. current legal and humanitarian protections unaccompanied children. 5230 fails in this regard and we strongly urge for them and others. We offer our prayers and service as you you to vote against it. Sincerely, make important decisions about our nation’s Sincerely, MOST REVEREND EUSEBIO ELIZONDO, response to migrant children. We hope that THOMAS M. SUSMAN. Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle, any response you make will strengthen our Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Chairman, USCCB Committee on Migration. country’s tradition of providing safety and Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- refuge to the vulnerable. Sincerely, tleman from Indiana (Mr. STUTZMAN). EVANGELICAL IMMIGRATION TABLE, Mr. STUTZMAN. Mr. Speaker, I July 22, 2014. Leith Anderson, President, National As- DEAR MEMBER OF CONGRESS, In a matter of sociation of Evangelicals; Stephan thank the gentleman from Kentucky months, more than 50,000 unaccompanied Bauman, President and CEO, World Re- for his dedication and hard work in children have arrived in the United States. lief; David Beckmann, President, Bread finding a solution to a problem that Millions of Americans have been moved by for the World; Noel Castellanos, CEO, none of us created here in this Cham- the plight of these children who are cur- Christian Community Development As- ber. rently awaiting processing, with many ask- sociation; Russell D. Moore, President, I rise today in strong support of this ing how they can help. Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious supplemental appropriations bill for Children are vulnerable even in the best of Liberty Commission; William Robin- the crisis that is going on at our bor- circumstances and warrant special protec- son, Interim President, Council for tion beyond that offered to adults. This vul- Christian Colleges and Universities; der. I am very proud of our Conference nerability is compounded among children Samuel Rodriguez, President, National this week, seeking input and solutions who flee situations of criminal gangs, sexual Hispanic Christian Leadership Con- from Members, taking the time to violence, trauma and extreme poverty, with- ference; Gabriel Salguero, President, make sure that this legislation deals out their parents to accompany them. National Latino Evangelical Coalition; with the problem, and crafting this leg- Evangelicals are guided by Jesus’ admoni- Richard Stearns, President, World Vi- islation to make sure that there are no tions to welcome and protect children (Mat- sion U.S.; Jim Wallis, President and loopholes and that we deal with the thew 18:6, Mark 9:37, Luke 18:15–17). As our Founder, Sojourners. specifics and actually put a bill on the nation responds to this humanitarian crisis, we are thankful for laws that protect chil- floor that should be supported. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION, Mr. Speaker, the Obama administra- dren and provide for their needs. While our Washington, DC, July 31, 2014. systems are currently stretched, our laws DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: On behalf of the tion has ignored the law and unilater- uphold basic child protection principles. American Bar Association and its nearly ally established immigration policy Accordingly, we are concerned about po- 400,000 members nationwide, I write to urge without the consent or counsel of Con- tential weakening of protections afforded by you to oppose H.R. 5230, the Secure the gress. Unfortunately, the humanitarian the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Southwest Border Supplemental Appropria- crisis on our Nation’s southern border Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) tions Act of 2014. Additional resources are is the result of a lack of leadership. which was enacted in 2008 and reauthorized surely needed to address the challenges cre- To solve this problem, the legislation in 2013. The TVPRA ensures that victims of ated by the increased number of unaccom- that we are debating provides critical trafficking are not only identified and panied children entering the country. How- screened properly but that traffickers are pe- ever, the funding provided in H.R. 5230 is funding for the National Guard in nalized and brought to justice. It also appro- grossly inadequate to meet many critical those States that are seeing an influx. priately assigns responsibility for the care of needs and the bill contains misguided provi- It also authorizes additional judges to unaccompanied children to the Department sions that would significantly diminish the hear the increasing caseload that they of Health and Human Services (HHS) and en- legal protections provided to these children are seeing grow and grow, more and sures that children are placed with their under current law. more everyday. It also makes impor- families when possible. By making the legal H.R. 5230 would subject these children to tant reforms to current law to ensure process clearer and more efficient for chil- an expedited screening process and require equal and timely due process for all of dren, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops them to present their case before an immi- found that since the passage and implemen- gration judge in just seven days. It further those unaccompanied minors. tation of TVPRA 23 percent more children requires immigration judges to issue an Mr. Speaker, common sense doesn’t were assisted. The TVPRA is working ac- order within 72 hours of the conclusion of often prevail here in Washington, but I cording to its design. It should not be each proceeding. These requirements place can tell you that commonsense Hoo- changed to address the current temporary unfair and unrealistic burdens on both the siers in my district understand that, situation. The law allows for responses to ex- children and the judges. Although the bill first of all, our border needs to be se- ceptional circumstances. provides some additional funding for the im- cure, so that our immigration system Additionally, we urge you to provide the migration courts, it is not sufficient to avoid can then be reformed. necessary resources and policy guidance to severely increasing the strains on this al- We are a Nation of immigrants. We address the current crisis, and then hold the ready overburdened and chronically under— Administration accountable for fulfilling its resourced adjudication system. These provi- all have a history in our families of responsibilities under the law. Robust fund- sions elevate speedy procedure over due those who have made the effort to ing is needed for the Office of Refugee Reset- process—an anathema to our system of jus- come to this great country, and legal tlement (ORR) in HHS which has extensive tice and they are unnecessary. immigrants are looking for those op- experience with vulnerable immigrants, in- In addition, H.R. 5230 provides no addi- portunities that they have dreamed of. cluding UACs, refugees, and victims of traf- tional funding for legal representation. Due I thank Chairman ROGERS for his ficking. To respond to this crisis, ORR is to their age, lack of education, language and work, and I encourage my colleagues to considering reprogramming funding from cultural barriers, and the complexity of U.S. support this legislation. other refugee programs. Funds must not sim- immigration law, these vulnerable children Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I reserve ply be transferred from one vulnerable popu- face insurmountable obstacles to proving lation to another. More funding is needed. their claims for protection before an immi- the balance of my time. There should also be increased funding for gration judge on their own. Many of these Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. immigration courts and judges to more children also have suffered traumatic experi- Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- quickly screen the children and counsel for ences before or during their journey to the tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. children going through legal proceedings so United States; it is the children who are MARINO).

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:05 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.044 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7227 Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, I sat here El Salvador, and Honduras because of Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. quietly listening to the argument from the unimaginable violence there. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gen- my colleagues on the other side of the Instead of dealing with this, we have tleman from Iowa (Mr. KING). aisle, and I find it absolutely amazing a bill that is hopelessly inadequate in Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I that they say because the President terms of funding. We will not provide want to first thank all the people that would not sign this bill and because the enough judges and enough people to worked so hard to put this language to- Senate would not pass this bill—they give these children the due process gether, and it makes me feel good to are right, the Senate wouldn’t pass it. they deserve, and even worse than that, see the team that has done so. But I There are hundreds of bills on HARRY we are stripping them of any rights and also think there is a misunderstanding REID’s desk that he will not bring to any protections by sending them back as to what happened with how we got the floor for a vote, and certainly the as quickly as possible without the due to this OTM language, the Wilberforce President would not encourage that to process that this House voted for in language, that is current law that we be done. 2008, was signed by President Bush, are seeking to amend here. But we are doing our job here in the that gave these children the due proc- There was a bill that was introduced House. We have put a lot of time and ess they deserve. in December of 2007 which was called effort in this. We looked at this law Then we are going one step further to Wilberforce. It had two provisions. One and realized what had to be done. I undermine the ability of children who of them was that if you violated Fed- come from a law-and-order back- were brought into this country through eral law, you were exempt from the ground, and we don’t have law and no fault of their own, the DREAMers provisions that would have been bene- order. We have distrust, we have gangs that we have long supported, and we ficial to an unaccompanied alien child, coming across, we have drugs coming are telling them that now they will not and the other one was if you were a across the southern border, and my col- be allowed to stay in this country. This threat to national security. leagues on the other side don’t want to is a humanitarian crisis, not a border Those provisions were taken out of do anything about it. security issue. it. A new bill was introduced on De- Something that I find quite inter- I urge us to vote down both of these cember 9, 2008. The next day was the esting about the other side, under the pieces of legislation. last day of this session. We all put up Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. leadership of the former Speaker and our last votes, left the Capitol, and Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- under the leadership of their former headed for the airport. There was a tleman from Alabama (Mr. ADERHOLT), leader, in 2009 and 2010, they had the unanimous consent request that called the chairman of the Agriculture Sub- House, the Senate, and the White the bill up. committee on Appropriations. House, and they knew this problem ex- Mr. ADERHOLT. Thank you for They asked unanimous consent to isted. They didn’t have the strength to yielding, Mr. Chairman. discharge it from committee, called go after it back then, but now we are Mr. Speaker, it has been discussed the bill up, passed it by voice in the trying to make a political issue out of throughout this debate this afternoon House, sent it over to the Senate, it now. and this evening that we do face an un- where they took the lateral. They What we need to do is pass this legis- precedented humanitarian emergency passed it by voice to the President of lation, make sure that these children with literally thousands of unaccom- the United States. No Republican voted get back to their families, and we need panied alien children that are crossing for this bill. to line up and protect this border from our southwest border monthly, a num- This is a bill that is the foundational people coming across. ber that has more than doubled since excuse for the President, and this is Yes, it is true. I did the research on the last year. what we are trying to fix here tonight. it. You might want to try it. You It has been said by some that it is Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, as we might want to try it, Madam Leader. due to President Obama’s mixed mes- close this debate, I would like to ad- Do the research on it. Do the research. sages and the administration’s unwill- dress my remarks to our distinguished I did it. That is one thing that you ingness to enforce the law, but regard- chairman with whom I have worked for don’t do. less of what the reason is, we have a quite a while, and just once again, I The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- crisis that is growing. would like to say this bill deserves a tleman will address his remarks to the The bill that is before us this evening ‘‘no’’ vote. Chair. represents a simple, measured ap- I look forward to working with you Mr. MARINO. It works both ways, proach to the crisis at the border. It is in a bipartisan way to pass a real com- Mr. Speaker. not comprehensive immigration re- prehensive immigration reform bill, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The form; rather, its focus is on fixing the and I yield back the balance of my House will be in order. The gentleman issues within the context of the law, time. is recognized. issues that have fueled the influx of Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Mr. MARINO. With that, I urge my these children. Speaker, this is a fair bill. It solves a colleagues to vote for this legislation It also streamlines the process to en- crisis on our border. It does so in a fi- because, apparently, I hit the right sure that those who are not eligible for nancially safe and responsible way. It nerve. asylum are quickly and safely repatri- strengthens the border. It humanely Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 ated to their families while, at the treats those who are in our custody minute to the gentleman from Wash- same time, adding protection to make now and arranges for them to be hu- ington, ADAM SMITH. sure that children who have been traf- manely returned to their home fami- Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. ficked or genuinely in need of asylum lies, where the Presidents of the three Speaker, I rise in opposition to this bill get that protection they need. countries told us, We want these chil- and also to the bill that will follow. We Like many of my colleagues, I appre- dren back; and so this bill will do that. have a humanitarian crisis on our bor- ciate the leadership’s willingness to I urge an ‘‘aye’’ vote, and I yield der in this country, and neither this listen and address these matters in the back the balance of my time. bill and certainly not the next bill on bill that is before us. I think we have Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, as a DACA does anything to address it. all come together and done a great job nation, Americans have always valued chil- These children are fleeing unimagi- to craft this legislation. I believe this dren and families. nable violence and fleeing a life that version now provides the necessary and If we pass this inadequate, irresponsible bill they simply can no longer bear. It is appropriate language needed to move tonight, we will be breaking from that tradition not a problem of border security. These forward and to address the crisis that and turning our backs on America’s enduring children are turning themselves in. we are seeing. commitment to fairness and justice. They are simply fleeing the violence in I urge my colleagues to join me in Two weeks ago, I visited the border with a their home countries, and they are not supporting this legislation. bipartisan group of House and Senate col- just coming to the United States. Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I con- leagues. Belize, Costa Rica, and other countries tinue to reserve the balance of my There we saw small children as young as have seen an uptick from Guatemala, time. seven years old crowded into tiny cells, and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:05 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.063 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 forced to sleep on cold concrete floors and Fitzpatrick Lamborn Rohrabacher Meeks Polis Smith (WA) benches. Fleischmann Lance Rokita Meng Price (NC) Swalwell (CA) Fleming Lankford Rooney Michaud Quigley Takano What I saw shocked me as a mother and Flores Latham Ros-Lehtinen Miller, George Rahall Thompson (CA) disappointed me as an American. Forbes Latta Roskam Moore Rangel Thompson (MS) I left that day determined to do everything I Fortenberry LoBiondo Ross Moran Richmond Tierney Foxx Long Murphy (FL) Roybal-Allard could to ensure that these children, many of Rothfus Titus Franks (AZ) Lucas Royce Nadler Ruppersberger Tonko Napolitano Ryan (OH) whom fled horrific violence, are treated with Frelinghuysen Luetkemeyer Runyan Tsongas Gardner Lummis Neal Sanchez, Loretta care and compassion. Ryan (WI) Van Hollen Garrett Marchant Negrete McLeod Sarbanes Salmon Vargas That’s why I’ll be voting ‘‘no’’ on the bill be- Gerlach Marino Nolan Schakowsky Sanford Veasey fore us. Gibbs McAllister Scalise O’Rourke Schiff Joining me and others who oppose this de- Gibson McCarthy (CA) Owens Schneider Vela Schweikert Vela´ zquez structive legislation are faith leaders, anti-traf- Gingrey (GA) McCaul Scott, Austin Pallone Schrader Pascrell Visclosky Gohmert McClintock Sensenbrenner Schwartz ficking groups, and women’s organizations. Pastor (AZ) Scott (VA) Walz Goodlatte McHenry Sessions Gosar McKeon Payne Scott, David Wasserman This diverse coalition is united in the belief Shimkus Gowdy McKinley Pelosi Serrano Schultz that children escaping violence and persecu- Shuster Granger McMorris Perlmutter Sewell (AL) Waters Simpson tion deserve to be protected and treated with Graves (GA) Rodgers Peters (CA) Shea-Porter Waxman Smith (MO) basic human dignity. Graves (MO) Meadows Peters (MI) Sherman Welch Smith (NE) Griffin (AR) Meehan Peterson Sinema The influx of refugees from Central America Smith (NJ) Wilson (FL) Griffith (VA) Messer Pingree (ME) Sires has put a strain on our border and immigration Smith (TX) Yarmuth Grimm Mica Pocan Slaughter agencies. These agencies need greater re- Southerland Guthrie Miller (FL) NOT VOTING—20 sources to handle the heart-wrenching situa- Hall Miller (MI) Stewart Stivers tion at our border in a way that is consistent Hanna Mullin Blumenauer Fattah Nunnelee Harper Mulvaney Stockman Camp Garamendi Ruiz with our American values. When things get Harris Murphy (PA) Stutzman Campbell Grayson Rush tough, and when our resolve is tested, we Hartzler Neugebauer Terry Cantor Green, Gene Sa´ nchez, Linda must not abandon the ideals that make Amer- Hastings (WA) Noem Thompson (PA) Davis (CA) Hanabusa T. Thornberry ica so special. Heck (NV) Nugent DesJarlais McDermott Schock Hensarling Nunes Tiberi Ellison Miller, Gary Speier Instead, we must live up to our ideals, and Herrera Beutler Olson Tipton back our lofty rhetoric with meaningful action. Holding Palazzo Turner b 2037 Passing a clean supplemental spending bill Hudson Paulsen Upton Mr. GOSAR changed his vote from Huelskamp Pearce Valadao that addresses the causes and consequences Huizenga (MI) Perry Wagner ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ of the humanitarian crisis at our border would Hultgren Petri Walberg So the bill was passed. be meaningful and effective action, because Hunter Pittenger Walden The result of the vote was announced the Senate would pass that bill and the Presi- Hurt Pitts Walorski as above recorded. Issa Poe (TX) Weber (TX) A motion to reconsider was laid on dent would sign it. Jenkins Pompeo Webster (FL) The tired, scared, helpless kids I saw in that Johnson (OH) Posey Wenstrup the table. overcrowded Border Patrol station are count- Johnson, Sam Price (GA) Westmoreland Stated against: Whitfield ing on us. Instead of playing political games Jolly Reed Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. Jordan Reichert Williams 478 I was caught in traffic and couldn’t reach and falsely claiming our borders are at risk, Wilson (SC) Joyce Renacci the floor. Had I been present, I would have we need to act like Americans and stand up Kelly (PA) Ribble Wittman voted ‘‘no.’’ for these vulnerable children. King (IA) Rice (SC) Wolf King (NY) Rigell Womack Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on this ir- Kingston Roby Woodall vote 478 (On Passage of H.R. 5230), had I responsible and shameful Republican supple- Kinzinger (IL) Roe (TN) Yoder been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ mental. Kline Rogers (AL) Yoho The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time Labrador Rogers (KY) Young (AK) f LaMalfa Rogers (MI) Young (IN) for debate has expired. PROHIBITIONS RELATING TO Pursuant to House Resolution 710, NAYS—189 DEFERRED ACTION FOR ALIENS the previous question is ordered on the Barber DeFazio Johnson (GA) Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, pur- bill, as amended. Barrow (GA) DeGette Johnson, E. B. suant to House Resolution 710, I call up The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bass Delaney Jones the bill (H.R. 5272) to prohibit certain Beatty DeLauro Kaptur question is on the engrossment and Becerra DelBene Keating actions with respect to deferred action third reading of the bill. Bera (CA) Deutch Kelly (IL) for aliens not lawfully present in the The bill was ordered to be engrossed Bishop (GA) Dingell Kennedy United States, and for other purposes, and read a third time, and was read the Bishop (NY) Doggett Kildee and ask for its immediate consider- Bonamici Doyle Kilmer third time. Brady (PA) Duckworth Kind ation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Braley (IA) Edwards Kirkpatrick The Clerk read the title of the bill. question is on the passage of the bill. Broun (GA) Engel Kuster The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Brown (FL) Enyart Langevin ant to House Resolution 710, the Pursuant to clause 10 of rule XX, the Brownley (CA) Eshoo Larsen (WA) yeas and nays are ordered. Bustos Esty Larson (CT) amendment printed in part B of House The vote was taken by electronic de- Butterfield Farr Lee (CA) Report 113–571 is adopted, and the bill, vice, and there were—yeas 223, nays Capps Fincher Levin as amended, is considered read. Capuano Foster Lewis The text of the bill, as amended, is as 189, not voting 20, as follows: Ca´ rdenas Frankel (FL) Lipinski [Roll No. 478] Carney Fudge Loebsack follows: Carson (IN) Gabbard Lofgren H.R. 5272 YEAS—223 Cartwright Gallego Lowenthal Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Aderholt Brooks (IN) Cook Castor (FL) Garcia Lowey resentatives of the United States of America in Amash Buchanan Cotton Castro (TX) Green, Al Lujan Grisham Congress assembled, Amodei Bucshon Cramer Chu Grijalva (NM) Bachmann Burgess Crawford Cicilline Gutie´rrez Luja´ n, Ben Ray SECTION 1. LIMITATION ON DEFERRED ACTION Bachus Byrne Crenshaw Clark (MA) Hahn (NM) FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALS; RE- Barletta Calvert Cuellar Clarke (NY) Hastings (FL) Lynch STRICTIONS ON EMPLOYMENT AU- Barr Capito Culberson Clay Heck (WA) Maffei THORIZATION FOR ALIENS NOT IN Barton Carter Daines Cleaver Higgins Maloney, LAWFUL STATUS. Benishek Cassidy Davis, Rodney Clyburn Himes Carolyn No agency or instrumentality of the Fed- Bentivolio Chabot Denham Cohen Hinojosa Maloney, Sean eral Government may use Federal funding or Bilirakis Chaffetz Dent Connolly Holt Massie resources after July 30, 2014— Bishop (UT) Clawson (FL) DeSantis Conyers Honda Matheson (1) to consider or adjudicate any new or Black Coble Diaz-Balart Cooper Horsford Matsui previously denied application of any alien re- Blackburn Coffman Duffy Costa Hoyer McCarthy (NY) Boustany Cole Duncan (SC) Courtney Huffman McCollum questing consideration of deferred action for Brady (TX) Collins (GA) Duncan (TN) Crowley Israel McGovern childhood arrivals, as authorized by Execu- Bridenstine Collins (NY) Ellmers Cummings Jackson Lee McIntyre tive memorandum dated June 15, 2012 and ef- Brooks (AL) Conaway Farenthold Davis, Danny Jeffries McNerney fective on August 15, 2012 (or by any other

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:05 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.037 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7229 succeeding Executive memorandum or policy tive branch’s job is to enforce and im- years. And that is why the United authorizing a similar program); plement those laws. There are enough States Conference of Catholic Bishops, (2) to newly authorize deferred action for laws on the books by Congress that are the AFL–CIO, and the American Civil any class of aliens not lawfully present in very clear in terms of how we have to Liberties Union, ACLU, have already the United States; or (3) to authorize any alien to work in the enforce our immigration system that registered their strong opposition to United States if such alien— for me to simply, through executive the bill. (A) was not lawfully admitted into the order, ignore these congressional man- I am confident that there are many United States in compliance with the Immi- dates would not conform with my ap- more who would oppose this legislation gration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et propriate role as President.’’ because it seeks to roll back protec- seq.); and Despite this admission, just over a tions supported by civil rights organi- (B) is not in lawful status in the United year later, the President implemented zations, religious organizations, col- States on the date of the enactment of this the DACA program. And today it lege and university presidents, labor Act. stands as a beacon for any unlawful im- unions, and national educational orga- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- migrant to simply cross into the nizations. tleman from Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE) United States illegally because word Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of and the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. has gotten out that they will be given my time. CONYERS) each will control 30 minutes. permission to stay. I heard this again Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I will The Chair recognizes the gentleman and again from unlawful immigrants in now yield to both the gentleman from from Virginia. Border Patrol custody when I visited Texas (Mr. GOHMERT) and the gen- GENERAL LEAVE the Rio Grande Valley earlier this tleman from California (Mr. MCCAR- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I ask month. THY), the majority leader, for purposes unanimous consent that all Members So let’s be clear: the President’s ad- of a colloquy. And I will begin by yield- may have 5 legislative days within ministrative policies abandoning immi- ing to the gentleman from Texas. which to revise and extend their re- gration enforcement and his promises Mr. GOHMERT. Thank you very marks and include extraneous mate- about future administrative legaliza- much, Mr. Chairman, for yielding. rials on H.R. 5272. tions continue to encourage unlawful There is a section within the bill, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there immigrant parents to smuggle their which we just passed, that provides objection to the request of the gen- children into the United States. These that the Attorney General—who is cur- tleman from Virginia? policies and promises put money di- rently under contempt of Congress— There was no objection. rectly into the pockets of human smug- will appoint the 40 new immigration Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I gling and drug cartels and put children judges established in the bill. A num- yield myself such time as I may con- at risk of perilous, illicit journeys to ber of us have a problem with that. sume. the United States. And they undermine And I know that concerns you, Chair- Mr. Speaker, H.R. 5272 prohibits Fed- the fundamental constitutional prin- man GOODLATTE. eral funding or resources from being ciples that Congress creates the laws I believe that you, as Judiciary used to adjudicate any application for and the President is bound to enforce chairman, have agreed to work on a so- the President’s Deferred Action for them. lution to deal with that issue going for- Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program; H.R. 5272 sends the vitally important ward and to attempt to craft a solution and it prohibits the President from message that minors tempted to come that would be acceptable to a majority issuing employment authorization doc- here in the future will no longer be re- of the committee. Is that correct, Mr. uments to unlawful immigrants in the warded by a President who chooses to Chairman? United States. use his pen and cell phone to legislate. Mr. GOODLATTE. That is correct. This bill differs from the bill the They will have absolutely no oppor- Mr. MCCARTHY of California. And I House was set to consider yesterday in tunity to receive DACA benefits. can assure you that I will work with that it prohibits funds from being used I thank the gentlewoman from Ten- Chairman GOODLATTE in an effort to for adjudication. The prior version of nessee (Mrs. BLACKBURN) for intro- remedy that problem. this bill was a simple prohibition on ducing the bill and urge my colleagues Mr. GOHMERT. I thank you both so the President’s actions. to support it. much for your commitment. I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. GOODLATTE. I reserve the bal- 2045 b Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield ance of my time. According to U.S. Citizenship and myself 2 minutes. Mr. CONYERS. I am now pleased to Immigration Services Director Leon Ladies and gentlemen of the House, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Rodriguez, the President’s Deferred Ac- strongly oppose H.R. 5272. This, in all Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ). tion for Childhood Arrivals program honesty and candor, is one of the most Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. How did we get has already allowed over 714,000 unlaw- mean-spirited and anti-immigrant here? In the dark of night, Republicans ful immigrants, who claimed to have pieces of legislation I have seen in all are voting to deport DREAMers, take arrived as minors, to remain in the of my years in the Congress. away the DACA program, and make United States and seek employment. Now, the main reason, of course, is every undocumented immigrant de- DACA is a major reason for the unprec- that it would unfairly harm current portable. edented influx of minors and family and future DREAM Act kids. The ma- In November of 2012, the Republicans units along our southern borders. jority have been clear about their in- were shellshocked, and they spoke of This deferred action program was an- tent with this bill: No DREAMers. turning over a new leaf with young nounced by the President and the Sec- This legislation is designed to pre- voters, with Asian voters, with women, retary of the Department of Homeland vent young people who have lived here and Latinos. Security on June 15, 2012. most of their lives and are members of A year ago, I was working with Con- It is a usurpation of the plenary au- our communities from benefiting from gressman SAM JOHNSON and Judge CAR- thority over immigration law that ar- deferred action. It would foreclose the TER of Texas. I did town hall meetings ticle I, section 8, clause 4 of the United administration from focusing resources and public appearances with Judge States Constitution confers on the leg- on identifying and removing individ- CARTER and with Congressman islative branch. uals such as criminals and gang mem- VALADAO. I worked with MIKE COFFMAN And the President knows that it is a bers from our communities. And even of Denver and stood up with AARON usurpation of congressional authority. worse, the legislation would mean that SCHOCK and ADAM KINZINGER in my own In fact, in March of 2011, he stated: the hundreds of thousands of young State of Illinois. ‘‘With respect to the notion that I can people who have already benefited from But now STEVE KING, MICHELE BACH- just suspend deportations through ex- deferred action, who are contributing MANN, and TED CRUZ are literally writ- ecutive order, that’s just not the case, to our economy, participating in our ing the immigration script for the Re- because there are laws on the books communities, and obtaining an edu- publican Party, a script filled with that Congress has passed. The execu- cation could be deported in less than 2 ugly and mean policies that demonize

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:11 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.038 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 children and marginalize immigrants So now, Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 min- the American people, pass this bill, and and destroy families. utes to the gentleman from Kentucky join the House in solving this very im- In January, you were saying that all (Mr. BARR). portant problem. of the DREAMers should get green Mr. BARR. I thank the chairman for Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I re- cards and citizenship. We always un- his excellent work on this important serve the balance of my time. derstood you wanted to deport their legislation. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I re- parents. Mr. Speaker, tonight, the U.S. House serve the balance of my time. But now, late on a Friday night, you of Representatives has passed, with my Mr. CONYERS. How much time re- are going after the DREAMers, who support, a strong border security bill. mains on either side, Mr. Speaker? have known no other country but this And I rise in support of this second re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- one, who risked their identities and form bill that would, if enacted, imme- tleman from Michigan has 251⁄2 minutes their families to come forward and sign diately and effectively address the hu- remaining, and the gentleman from up with the Department of Homeland manitarian and national security crisis Virginia has 221⁄2 minutes remaining. Security and pass FBI background that has developed along the southern Mr. GOODLATTE. At this time, its checks so they could get right with the border of the United States. my pleasure to yield 1 minute to the law. This crisis, which will result in an es- gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. SCA- The United States said, come forward timated 90,000 unaccompanied children LISE), the brand-new majority whip of and get right with the law. And now entering the United States illegally the United States Congress. Republicans are saying they should go through the end of this fiscal year, rep- Mr. SCALISE. I thank my friend, the back in the shadows, back to a life of resenting a 1,381 percent increase since gentleman from Virginia, for bringing fear, where opportunities are few, and 2009, was entirely caused by the Obama this bill to the floor and for his leader- their futures are uncertain. administration’s failure to secure the ship on Mrs. BLACKBURN’s legislation. The voters had a referendum on the border, its unwillingness to enforce ex- Mr. Speaker, if you go back and look program back in 2012, and the winner isting laws, and its disastrous 2012 De- at DACA in 2012, when it was issued as was President Obama, the DREAMers, ferred Action for Childhood Arrivals an executive order, it was an example and the American people. But now you program, which invited this surge in il- of President Obama’s executive over- want to take all of that away. Thank legal immigration. reach. God the Senate is gone. The President The action taken by the House to- Some want to make this a partisan has called this ‘‘veto bait,’’ and this night is a serious, bold, and thoughtful issue, yet, Mr. Speaker, more than a will never become law. legislative response to President dozen times, the United States Su- Is there no one in your conference Obama’s failure to secure the border preme Court has issued 9–0 rulings that who can stand up and talk sensibly and ensure that the laws are faithfully President Obama has overreached his when others in your party want to de- executed. executive authority. That is not a 5–4 monize children at the border and de- But there is a second and very impor- decision. That is 9–0. Ruth Bader Gins- port the DREAMers who live in our tant reason besides a policy reason why burg recognized more than a dozen neighborhoods across America? You every Member of this House should times this President has overreached are so frozen in fear of your own vot- support this legislation, and that is to his executive authority. ers, so frozen in fear of your own col- vindicate the separation of powers. b 2100 leagues, and the Nation needs you to be There was a U.S. Supreme Court case courageous. in 1983 that dealt with an immigration Mr. Speaker, why is this DACA rul- Only cowards scapegoat children. issue, INS v. Chadha. And in that case, ing so dangerous? This has been the And only those who are ashamed of the Supreme Court talked about the magnet that has led to the flood of peo- themselves do it in the night, on a Fri- procedure that the Constitution out- ple coming across our border. This cri- day. You are apparently not strong lines to change the law, how legislation sis at the border is partially respon- enough to stand up and craft real solu- is enacted in accordance with constitu- sible to the DACA ruling. We have got tion to America’s problems. tional command. And the court held to stop having this kind of message go But here is the truth revealed about that there was a single, finely wrought, out that has led not only to a flood of the Republican Party in the last few and exhaustively considered procedure people coming across our border, but weeks, and why all of the talk this for enacting legislation. And unilateral has led to and can be responsible for year about immigration reform was executive memoranda from the White the human trafficking that is going on. just talk. House is not the way to change the There are so many devastating things The SPEAKER pro tempore. The law. that this has done. We have got to stop time of the gentleman has expired. So if you are interested in vindi- this overreach. Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield cating the separation of powers, if you Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 the gentleman an additional 30 sec- believe that the way to change the minute to the gentlewoman from onds. law—even if you believe in the DREAM Texas, SHEILA JACKSON LEE, a distin- Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. In the end, the Re- Act, even if you believe in the Presi- guished member of the judiciary com- publican position on immigration can dent’s policy of deferred action—the mittee. be summed up as ‘‘deport ’em all.’’ way that we do that is through con- Ms. JACKSON LEE. I hope the When push comes to shove, your party stitutional procedure. Speaker says that word from Texas is standing by the simplistic desire to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The very loud because I listened earlier deport ’em all. time of the gentleman has expired. today of all of the relief in the appro- Most of you know that the approach Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I priations bill given to Texans down at of deport ’em all is nonsense, and you yield the gentleman an additional 1 the border, $594 million. know it is suicide as a political strat- minute. Let me tell you that there are people egy. But you continue to say, deport Mr. BARR. So there is not just a pol- in Texas who are ready to serve and ’em all. Shame on those who will not icy issue at stake here, not just a hu- help the unaccompanied children. stand up for the children at the border, manitarian and national security issue There are people in Texas who recog- and shame on all those who will not at stake—the Constitution is at stake. nize that we are the good Samaritans. stand in the neighborhoods of our com- So I appreciate the House leadership Don’t label us with wanting $594 mil- munities for the children who live with for heeding the call that I and many of lion, and don’t label us with standing us. my colleagues made to stay in session against the DACA children, the Say ‘‘no’’ to this bill. and finish the work of the American DREAMers, who have come to this Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I people before the start of the August country and been here for 5 years. yield myself 15 seconds to say that this district work period. Mr. Speaker, these children ran into bill does not deport anyone. This bill I strongly urge the Senate and Presi- the arms of the Border Patrol. There is simply freezes a program that violates dent Obama to do their jobs, stop try- no criminal or legal crisis at the bor- the United States Constitution. ing to score political points, listen to der, but the DACA bill that is here on

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:11 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.070 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7231 the floor of the House is a disgrace to these veterans who came to this country as language that the President has intro- the words of the Star-Spangled Banner. an undocumented immigrant and an alien en- duced 2-plus years ago, and I said then We are the home of the free and the gaged in or suspected of espionage or ter- when we had Hill hearings before the brave. We are free enough to be able to rorism. Judiciary Committee and Janet welcome those in need. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 5272 also wastes the Napolitano—I said that we will take This body knows that DACA has money of hard-working taxpayers and does you to court on this, this will be liti- nothing to do with the unaccompanied nothing to make America safer, and eliminates gated. children, and it is a disgrace that we a fair and just policy legal under the Presi- It will be litigated because the Presi- would undermine the hardworking stu- dent’s executive authority which allows for re- dent does not have legislative author- dents like Juan Jesus in my office this lief for young children who have been in ity. He is only the President of the summer, that we would undermine it America for a certain number of years, follow United States. If the President wants with a disgraceful bill—a disgraceful certain requirements and may be deferred to somehow grant amnesty to one per- bill. It is disgraceful. Pass comprehen- from deportation to serve in the U.S. military, son, he has some prosecutorial discre- sive immigration reform. go to school and contribute to America. tion to do that, but they argued in the Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to And, just as bad, it is inconsistent with Morton Memos, and they argued in the H.R. 5272, a bill brought to the floor at the American values of justice and fair play. DACA memos—seven times in the Mor- eleventh hour by the House Republican lead- We must address our broken immigration ton Memos—on an individual basis ership to placate its extreme right-wing Tea system through comprehensive reform rather only, on an individual basis only, pros- Party faction and one of the most hypocritical, than extinguish Ms. Liberty’s lamp of freedom ecutorial discretion on an individual irresponsible, and mean-spirited legislative or close her Golden Door. basis only. We are better than that and I urge all Mem- proposals brought to the House floor this year. They put it in there seven times be- H.R. 5272 seeks to prohibit the Administra- bers to join me in rejecting this terrible legisla- cause they knew they were wrong, and tion. tion from exercising its administrative discre- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, at they knew it was going to be litigated. tion to focus resources on identifying and ap- this time, I am pleased to yield 3 min- You don’t do 700,000 people on an indi- prehending those aliens who are present in utes to the gentleman from Iowa (Mr. vidual basis only. You don’t suspend country illegally who pose the most serious the law. If the President wants the law KING), a member of the Judiciary Com- danger to our national security and the safety mittee. changed, he knows to come to Con- of our citizens. Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I ap- gress, ask us—and ask us, and when This cynical bill is hypocritical because the preciate the gentleman from Virginia, you take an oath to uphold the Con- vast majority of its proponents have been Chairman GOODLATTE, for yielding. stitution, you had better believe that claiming for years now that the reason they There are a lot of people in this Con- it means what it says. refuse to compromise on budget issues, sup- gress that I appreciate a great deal to- Why would you just throw your au- port for sequestration, and voted to shut down night, but I have listened to the anger thority over the side and say, Mr. the government is because of their belief in and the fury over on the other side, and President, take this from us? That is the importance of setting spending priorities. I have never seen the Sergeant at Arms not what you pledged to your constitu- Yet, H.R. 5272 would deny ICE the ability to have to come and clear the floor like ents. That is not the oath that you use its limited resources in the most efficient we have seen here tonight. take. manner to achieve its highest priorities which I am wondering what is this about? I So what this says is that the DACA is to apprehend, detain, and remove aliens would take this back to the State of language says this: Mr. President, stop who pose a danger to national security or a the Union Address when I watched the violating the Constitution from this risk to public safety. President of the United States here on point forward. As the chairman said, it This bill is irresponsible because it seeks to the rostrum speak, and he said, essen- does not deport anybody. It just re- prevent trained, experienced, and professional tially, the summary of what he has de- stores constitutional article I author- agents and prosecutors from exercising their livered to America a number of times: ity. discretion and acting on the basis of what ev- Congress, I am going to tell you what The SPEAKER pro tempore. The eryone knows to be true: that there is a vast to do, and if you don’t do it, I am going time of the gentleman has expired. difference between a terrorist bent on harming to use either my cell phone or my ink Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I America and a DREAM Act kid studying hard pen, and I am going to do it. Here it yield the gentleman an additional 30 in school so he or she can graduate, join the goes again, Mr. Speaker. seconds. Armed Services and willingly risk his or her life What I saw was this, our Founding Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I to defend the country, or go to work to support Fathers set up this balance in our Con- thank the gentleman from Virginia. his or her family. stitution between the three branches of Mr. Speaker, this just restores the This inefficient use of resources wastes tax- government, articles I, II, and III, the constitutional authority of the United payer dollars and does nothing to keep Amer- legislative, the executive, and the judi- States Congress, and it says: President ica safe. cial branch of government. Obama, don’t continue to violate this This bill is mean-spirited because it would They drew as fine a line as they could Constitution. President Obama, when have ICE target its limited resources on inno- between the three, but they always you waved your ink pen at us a week cent, law abiding, young people who were knew that there would be a gray area, and a half ago and you said you were brought to this country as children and would and they anticipated that each branch going to legalize 5 to 6 million people, have them deported to a foreign land even of government would jealously protect it is unconstitutional. though America is the country they may know the constitutional authority that is He knows it. He has many times as home and the only one to which they may vested within it within the Constitu- given the lecture that he knows it. He have ever pledged allegiance. tion, the supreme law of the land. gave his word, and he needs to keep it. Mr. Speaker, I traveled many times to Iraq When the President said, I am going I want to remind him, it won’t go and Afghanistan and always the highlight of to usurp your legislative authority, I cheap if you try this, Mr. President. I my visit was meeting the young men and am going to take over article I, and I urge the adoption of this bill. women who were willingly risking their lives to am going to legislate if you don’t do The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- defend the country they love more than life. what I tell you, what happened? The bers of the House are reminded to di- More than 5,000 of the soldiers who fought people that are applauding now ap- rect their remarks to the Chair. for us in Afghanistan and Iraq were not yet plauded then, and they said, Mr. Presi- Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I am American citizens but DREAMers who dent, take the power that is in the Con- pleased to yield 1 minute to the gen- dreamed that one day they might become citi- stitution, take it from me, take article tleman from Texas (Mr. HINOJOSA). zens of the nation they gladly risked their lives I, too, take your pen, take your cell Mr. HINOJOSA. Thank you, Con- to defend. phone. You run this country as if you gressman CONYERS. Instead of honoring their service, this heart- were a king, rather than only the Mr. Speaker, as chairman of the Con- less bill before us crushes their dream by forc- President of the United States. gressional Hispanic Caucus, I rise ing ICE agents and prosecutors to pretend Mr. Speaker, that is what this debate today to strongly oppose H.R. 5272, an that there is no difference between one of is about here. This is about the DACA extreme and highly partisan bill that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:11 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.072 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 would prevent the continuation or ex- that the President acted because we HARRY REID, has left town. He has left pansion of President Obama’s Deferred did not act. Well, that is not true. town. Not only did he fail to complete Action for Childhood Arrivals, known The reality is that the President and an immigration bill, but he knows full as DACA. his party had majorities in both Houses well that President Obama may ille- Simply put, this misguided bill lim- of Congress for 2 years, and you failed gally grant amnesty to 5 to 6 million its President Obama’s prosecutorial to act, so don’t point your finger at us. foreign nationals illegally in the discretion and seeks to dismantle the In November of 2012—in November of United States without doing anything. DACA program. I am very concerned 2012—we passed in this House a STEM What HARRY REID has the oppor- that the majority has brought this Jobs Act, which was the beginning of a tunity to do is to come back and join anti-Hispanic amended bill to the floor step-by-step approach to actually deal us. We will be here any time, any day, in order to prevent President Obama with the immigration process. What anywhere, anyhow. We will join him from building upon the successes of the did you do? You didn’t vote for it, and here in August, September, whenever, DACA program and to appease the the Senate refused to take it up. and he needs to put the other handcuff most extreme wing of the Republican In September of 2011, we passed here on this lawless President’s hands, so we Conference. in the House the Fairness for High- constrain this President from granting The underlying bill punishes hard- Skilled Immigrants Act, and the Sen- amnesty. working DREAMers and immigrants ate again refused to act, which would Mr. Speaker, that is what the Amer- who are eager to contribute to Amer- have been the beginning of a step-by- ican people want us to do. We do that ica’s prosperity and have waited long step approach for us to deal with the tonight with this bill. We invite HARRY enough for comprehensive immigration immigration process. You have refused REID to bring the Senate back and put reform. to do small things. the handcuff on the President’s other Since its inception in 2012, the DACA The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- hand, so that we can have sovereignty program has protected DREAMers who tleman will suspend. again on our southern border. meet certain requirements from depor- The gentleman is reminded to direct The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tation, allowing hundreds of thousands his remarks to the Chair. Chair reminds Members to refrain from of young undocumented immigrants Mr. LABRADOR. Stop the hypocrisy. engaging in personalities toward the who were brought to the United States If you truly care about these kids, stop President. as children to remain and work in the encouraging them to come to the b 2115 United States. United States illegally. They are cross- In my view, closing the door on un- ing the border. Most of them are being PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY documented youth is un-American. We harmed, many of them are being Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, par- in the Congress of the United States abused, and a few of them are dying. liamentary inquiry. have a moral responsibility to protect It is time for us to stop this nonsense The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- the welfare and rights of vulnerable and to have the President of the United tleman from Rhode Island will state children and youth, including children States actually follow the law and his parliamentary inquiry. and youth who are undocumented or work with the Congress, so we can ac- Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, my in- are fleeing from violence and despair in tually do immigration reform. quiry is: Is it not a fact that we are their countries of origin. Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I re- here because the Republicans opposed Mr. Speaker, I close by urging my serve the balance of my time. this legislation in the Senate and there colleagues on both sides of the aisle to Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, at were not sufficient votes to move the vote in strong opposition to H.R. 5272, this time, it is my pleasure to yield 1 bill and that is why we are here? extreme and highly partisan legislation minute to the gentlewoman from Min- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- that does nothing to fix our Nation’s nesota (Mrs. BACHMANN). tleman has not stated a proper par- broken immigration system. Mrs. BACHMANN. Mr. Speaker, I liamentary inquiry. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, at thank Mr. GOODLATTE and Mrs. BLACK- Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I re- this time, I am pleased to yield 3 min- BURN who is responsible for this won- serve the balance of my time. utes to the gentleman from Idaho (Mr. derful bill this evening, which I whole- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I LABRADOR), a member of the Judiciary heartedly support. This is why: last yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Committee. weekend, I think the Nation was Texas (Mr. POE), a member of the Judi- Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. Speaker, as I stunned when our President said that ciary Committee. sit here and I listen to the other side he would unilaterally use his power— Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I am talk about this issue, I wonder if they raw power—to effectively grant am- one of those who comes from the State even understand what is happening at nesty to 5 to 6 million foreign nation- of Texas, and like many in this House, the border. als here in the United States illegally. I have been down on the Texas-Mexico In 2011, there were only 6,500 children He said that he would do that with border. I was there last weekend. You coming to the border. In 2012, the his power, and what happened this have to be there to know what is going President acted through DACA, and we week is that this body came together on. I went up and down the Rio Grande started seeing an increase of these chil- and we decided to answer the Presi- River with law enforcement officers dren coming to the border. Today, in dent’s unconstitutional call. from the State of Texas. We see the 2014, we will have 90,000 children rush- So with this DACA bill, effectively, people on the Mexican side—and I ing to the border, and next year, it is we will put forward the strongest pos- think the Mexican Government is estimated that we will have 142,000 sible legislative response that this complicit—just waiting for us to pass, children coming to the border. body could put forward. We say in this and then they start coming across. Almost 2 months ago, Gilberto bill that the President has no power, And the other side talks about it just Ramos, a 15-year-old boy from Guate- no authority administratively to grant being one group of people—children. mala, was found lying in brush, dead permits which would effectively grant Well, that is just not true, because the from the heat. Many of these children amnesty to 5 to 6 million foreign na- people who are being apprehended are that are coming to the border don’t tionals illegally in the United States. not just children. A lot of them are make it across the river. There are re- In other words, Mr. Speaker, we will teenagers. A lot of them are older. The ports of discoveries of small, lifeless put a handcuff on one of the Presi- chief of Border Patrol of the McAllen bodies washed up along the riverbanks. dent’s hands. sector said there are 144 nations that Many of these children are abused, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The came across the border this year rep- they are victimized, and they are time of the gentlewoman has expired. resented. Just a week ago before I got raped. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I there, there were three Ukrainians. We must understand that the Presi- yield the gentlewoman an additional 1 Why, Mr. Speaker? Why is everybody dent is responsible because of his fail- minute. coming to America through south ure to fully comply with the law. We Mrs. BACHMANN. Now, in the United Texas? Because they believe wherever have heard a lot from the other side States Senate, the majority leader, they start out, whether it is kids in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:56 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.073 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7233 Honduras looking for a better life, or border right now—and all categories sible that DACA has been the cause of terrorists, or Ukrainians, or someone are up. Children are up most, but all these children coming from the three else, they believe that this President, categories are up, and 85 percent are war-torn countries, as the report re- this administration, said: You get to not unaccompanied minors. ports. America, we are going to let you stay. So the gentleman makes a very valid [From the Cato Institute, July 29, 2014] We have all kinds of different legal point about the crisis at our border and DACA DID NOT CAUSE THE SURGE IN reasons. Some of it is called DACA, and the cause of that crisis. The President UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN there are other reasons. But the bot- caused it. The President can solve it. (By Alex Nowrasteh) tom line is you are going to get to stay The President should act now, and we In June, 2012 the Obama Administration in America, and Americans will take need to send a strong message that announced that it had authored a memo de- care of your needs. That is what they America is not open to people who vio- ferring the deportation of unauthorized im- believe. And the reason they believe late our laws. migrant childhood arrivals in the United that is because the rule of law is not PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY States, a program known as deferred action being enforced in America. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Parliamentary for childhood arrivals (DACA). The memo di- Third World countries protect their inquiry, Mr. Speaker. rected then Secretary of the Department of borders better than the United States. Homeland Security to practice prosecutorial The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- discretion toward a small number of unau- And who is benefiting from all of tlewoman will state her parliamentary thorized immigrants who fulfilled a specific this? Well, it is not the kids. As point- inquiry. set of characteristics. In essence, some unau- ed out, many of them are dying or get- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, my thorized immigrants who had come to the ting hurt. It is not America. It is not parliamentary inquiry as to the bill United States as children were able to le- legal immigrants. Who is benefiting? It that is on the floor, is this not the bill gally stay and work—at least temporarily. is the drug cartels, the criminal gangs, dealing with deferred action for juve- DID DACA CAUSE THE UAC SURGE? the MS–13 gang. They are making niles or young people who have been in Some politicians contend that DACA is money off the fact that the rule of law this country for 5 years, graduated primarily responsible for the surge in unac- in this country is not being enforced. from high school, going to college or companied child (UAC) migrants across the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The working, and in actuality is not deal- border in recent years. A recent House Ap- time of the gentleman has expired. ing with the unaccompanied children? propriations Committee one-pager stated Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I that, ‘‘The dire situation on our Southern But more importantly, is it not true border has been exacerbated by the Presi- yield an additional 1 minute to the that this bill is destined for a veto, will dent’s current immigration policies.’’ Pro- gentleman. not be passed in the Senate, and in es- ponents of this theory argue that DACA sent Mr. POE of Texas. The rule of law is sence, we are here passing a bill that a message to Central Americans that if they not enforced when it comes to the sov- has no future? came as children then the U.S. government ereignty and security of the Nation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- would legalize them, thus giving a large in- And that is all we are asking. Let’s tlewoman has not stated a proper par- centive for them to come in the first place. have some rules and follow them so liamentary inquiry. Few facts of the unaccompanied children people all over the world who want to Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, we are (UAC) surge are consistent with the theory that DACA caused the surge. come to America, let them know there ready to close on this side. First, the surge in UAC began long before is a right way to come. And the wrong Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I the June 15, 2012 announcement of DACA. It way is they shouldn’t believe that you also only have one speaker remaining is true that DACA had been discussed in late get here, you are going to get to stay and am prepared to close. May 2012 but the surge was underway by that because the administration is not Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I am time. From October 2011 through March 2012, going to enforce the law. That is why pleased to yield the balance of my time there was a 93 percent increase in UAC ap- we have the chaos. That is why we have to the gentlewoman from California prehensions over the same period in Fiscal the 50,000 to 60,000 people crossing in (Ms. LOFGREN), a senior member of the Year 2011. Texas Governor Rick Perry Judiciary Committee, to close. warned President Obama about the rapid in- south Texas. crease in UAC at the border in early May So all we are trying to do with this Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, some 2012—more than a full month before DACA little piece of legislation is get back to Members have asked whether this bill was announced. In early June 2012, Mexico let’s enforce the rule of law. Let’s not terminates deferred action for DREAM- was detaining twice as many Central Amer- grant amnesty and let’s not treat peo- ers with DACA. This question was put ican children as in 2011. The surge in unac- ple from different countries differently. to Chairman GOODLATTE at the Rules companied children (UAC) began before Let’s treat them all the same way. Committee today, and he answered, as DACA was announced. That is why I support this legislation, I saw on TV, that the text speaks for Second, the children coming now are not itself. He is right. The text does speak legally able to apply for DACA. A recipient because it will send the message that of DACA has to have resided in the United even in America the rule of law will be for itself. And on lines 5 through 7 on States continuously from June 15, 2007 to enforced. page 1, the text clearly terminates June 15, 2012, a requirement that excludes And that is just the way it is. DACA by prohibiting DREAMers from the unaccompanied children coming now. Mr. GOODLATTE. Will the gen- applying to renew their deferred ac- Third, if DACA was such an incentive for tleman yield? tion, which they must do after a 2-year UAC to come from Central America, why are Mr. POE of Texas. I yield to the time period. so few Nicaraguan children coming? They chairman. It also prevents future deferred ac- would benefit in the same way as unaccom- Mr. GOODLATTE. I know you said tion to ensure that we continue to de- panied children from El Salvdaor, Honduras, and Guatemala. The lack of Nicaraguans that is just the way it is, and I agree, port the parents of the DREAMers and points to other causes of the surge. but I just want to make an added parents of U.S. citizen children, send- The timing, legal exclusion of the UAC point. ing those children, by the way, into from DACA, and lack of Nicaraguans indi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The foster care, or prevent DREAMers who cate that DACA was not a primary cause of time of the gentleman has again ex- have not yet filed for deferred action the surge. Of the 404 UAC interviewed by the pired. from doing so. United Nations High Commissioner for Refu- Mr. GOODLATTE. I yield an addi- So basically, this bill will have the gees since 2011, only 9 mentioned that U.S. tional 30 seconds to the gentleman if he effect of removing DACA from the laws influenced their decision to come to the will yield to me. DREAMers and making them deport- United States. Other American laws could have influenced the unaccompanied children Mr. POE of Texas. I continue to yield able. to come but DACA is not the main culprit. to the chairman. Now, there has been a lot of discus- DETAILS ON DACA Mr. GOODLATTE. So 50,000 coming sion about the role that DACA has had, The DACA beneficiaries, at the time of the across the border, that is 50,000 unac- and I will put into the RECORD a report memo, would have to fulfill all of these re- companied minors coming to the bor- from the Cato Institute, titled, ‘‘DACA quirements to have their deportations de- der, and they are a small percentage of Did Not Cause the Surge in Unaccom- ferred: under the age of 31; arrived to the the total number of people. Eighty-five panied Children.’’ If you do statistic United States before reaching their 16th percent of the people coming to the analysis, you can see that it is impos- birthday; entered the United States without

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:56 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.075 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 inspection or overstayed a visa prior to June Clinton administration asking for the was not lawfully admitted into the 15, 2012; continuously resided in the United use of prosecutorial discretion. And U.S. in compliance with the Immigra- States from June 15, 2007 to the time of the most recently, the Supreme Court in tion and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 memo; physically present in the United the Arizona case recognized the broad et seq.); and, B, is not in lawful status States on June 15, 2012, as well as at the time of requesting deferred action from United authority of the administration to in the U.S. on the date of the enact- States Citizenship and Immigration Services make decisions about whom to pros- ment of this act. (USCIS); been in school at the time of appli- ecute. The Arizona case reaffirmed the That is it. That is it. That is what is cation, or have already graduated or ob- legality of the deferred action pro- in this piece of legislation. tained a certificate of completion from high gram. What it does, in effect, is to give Cen- school, or have obtained a general education So all this discussion to the contrary tral American children a false hope. It development (GED) certificate, or are an is really nothing more than legal non- says that they are going to be able to honorably discharged veteran of the U.S. sense. obtain amnesty, as those before them Coast Guard or the U.S. Armed Forces; not What does this bill do? been convicted of a felony, significant mis- have done in this program. And the demeanor, or three or more other mis- It deports the DREAMers. It reinvig- reason we are so concerned about this demeanors, and do not otherwise pose a orates the Republican war on women and the reason my colleagues have threat to national security or public safety. by forcing women with VAWA visas come and have talked about their con- Beneficiaries of DACA were also allowed to back to their abusers. This is bad pol- cern, what is happening is you have the apply for employment authorization accord- icy. It is an outrageous bill. It is being traffickers, you have the smugglers, ing to the Code of Federal Regulations. done in the worst possible process, and you have the coyotes who are preying There is a debate amongst legal scholars I wish so much that the Republicans on these innocent people. And they be- over whether the administration’s grant of deferred action was legal. Those who argue had reached out, taken the offer of our lieve if these children can make it that DACA was illegal contend that the leaders to sit down and work together here, they will get amnesty. It is a President overstepped his constitutional au- to come up with a solution that really false hope. Certainly we know and we thority to defer the deportation of some un- works for our country instead of de- care about these families. We know authorized immigrants. Those who argue porting the DREAMers who are so these countries want to get their chil- that DACA was legal point to the general much the hope and future of our great dren back and reunite them with their power of the Secretary of the Department of American Nation. families in their home countries. Homeland Security to defer enforcement ac- Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Now, Mr. Speaker, what we are hear- tion. They argue that the Supreme Court has back the balance of my time. ruled that decisions to initiate or terminate ing is that the administration would enforcement proceedings fall within the au- Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I like to expand DACA. Indeed, we have thority of the Executive—an enforcement yield myself 15 seconds to say that heard that the President has instructed power used since the early 1970s. Here is DACA is more than just abuse of pros- Secretary Johnson and General Holder more of their argument. This disagreement ecutorial discretion. It also creates to come up with a list of executive ac- has not been settled. benefits that are not provided for under tions to address immigration. By the end of September, 2013, 580,000 re- the law. b 2130 quests for DACA were accepted by the U.S. At this time, it is my pleasure to government and 514,800, or 89 percent, were yield 5 minutes to the gentlewoman The increase and the statistics that approved. Seventy-six percent of the re- Mr. LABRADOR gave us on the percent- quests came from Mexicans. Twenty-nine from Tennessee (Mrs. BLACKBURN), the percent of the requests were filed from Cali- chief sponsor of this legislation. ages of increase cannot be denied. fornia, 16 percent from Texas, and 6 percent Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I We see what is happening on this bor- from Illinois. thank the chairman. der. Mr. POE talked about what he has Read the Full Article: DACA Did Not I rise in support of my amendment to seen happening with those families. Cause the Surge in Unaccompanied Children prevent the extension of the Deferred And true to form, just as Governor Ms. LOFGREN. Now, we know that Action for Childhood Arrivals program Perry warned us in 2012 that this was this bill would eliminate DACA for that was indeed unlawfully put in place going to happen, indeed, it is. We are DREAMers and make them deportable, by an executive memo on August 15, seeing this unprecedented increase but few in this body may know that the 2012. What this amendment does is to going back to 2009, looking at where we bill also returns to our bitter 2-year return us to the original language of are with today, with the children, with fight about reauthorization of the Vio- H.R. 5160. Plus, it strengthens that the teens, with the adults that are lence Against Women Act. It took this original language by looking beyond streaming across this border and are House 2 years to reauthorize the Vio- July 30. What it will do is to tie the disrupting life along the southern bor- lence Against Women Act at the begin- President’s hands as to future execu- der for American families. ning of this Congress, and when we did tive actions that he might take to ex- I want to make one other point. it, we did it over the strong opposition pand amnesty for illegal entrants into Chairman GOODLATTE mentioned this of the majority of House Republicans. this country. It would freeze DACA. earlier. We have talked a little bit Today’s bill undermines the basic Now, I want to read the bill because about the Constitution tonight, and, premise of that act, that victims of do- it is not a lengthy bill. Beginning on indeed, we all know that when you mestic violence should be empowered line 1, section 1, Limitation on deferred look at the Constitution, article I, sec- to leave their abusers. It does that by action for childhood arrivals; restric- tion 8, clause 4, that is where those denying the ability of battered immi- tions on employment authorization for enumerated powers are given to Con- grant spouses who have left their abus- aliens not in lawful status. gress. They are given to Congress ‘‘to ers and successfully self-petitioned for No agency or instrumentality of the establish an uniform rule of naturaliza- a VAWA visa the ability to work for Federal Government may use Federal tion.’’ the months it may take for a visa num- funding or resources after July 30, 2014: Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I ber to become available. This one One, to consider or adjudicate any yield back the balance of my time. change will prevent countless battered new or previously denied application of Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise in immigrant spouses from ever leaving any alien requesting consideration of strong opposition to H.R. 5272 In this legisla- their abusers and will drive others Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, tion, Republicans are turning their backs on right back into the hands of their abus- as authorized by the executive memo children, toddlers, and infants who are trying ers. dated June 15, 2012, and effective on to escape violence and abuse. The reality is Now, we have heard a lot of discus- August 15, 2012, or by any other suc- that there is a humanitarian crisis on our door- sion about the law, but I think it is im- ceeding executive memorandum or pol- step. portant to recall that the ability to icy authorizing a similar program. Militarizing these borders and expelling chil- make prosecutorial decisions is well- Number two, to newly authorize de- dren are not long-term solutions. If you read in grounded in the law. In fact, in 1999, I ferred action for any class of aliens not the news about a country taking these actions, recall well the letter sent by then- lawfully present in the United States. you would assume it was a third-world dicta- Chairman Henry Hyde, signed by 28 bi- Number three, to authorize any alien torship—not the U.S. Instead, we should be partisan Members of Congress, to the to work in the U.S. if such alien, A, rising to the occasion—not cowering from it.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:56 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.047 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7235 Republicans say that they are just closing a their ability to strengthen our economy and en- Kingston Olson Sessions loophole. But, they are really slamming the rich our nation. Kline Palazzo Shimkus Labrador Paulsen Shuster door shut. Subjecting 5 year-olds to sham If we end DACA, our country could lose LaMalfa Pearce Simpson legal hearings without counsel is un-American. young people like Paola, a medical student Lamborn Perry Smith (MO) What’s next for the Republicans, sending from Los Angeles, to cure the sick. We would Lance Peterson Smith (NE) these kids to Guantanamo Bay? lose Andree, a brilliant young woman who is Lankford Petri Smith (NJ) The reality is that this is a cowardly ap- Latham Pittenger Smith (TX) also from LA, who is studying at Harvard and Latta Pitts Southerland proach. Time and time again Republicans say dreams of one day curing cancer. LoBiondo Poe (TX) Stewart ‘‘Deport them!’’ But we know that this does not President Clinton once observed that ‘‘we Long Pompeo Stivers work—and we do know this is not right. cannot build our own future without helping Lucas Posey Stockman We like to call ourselves ‘‘the land of others to build theirs.’’ Luetkemeyer Price (GA) Stutzman brave.’’ But the real ‘‘brave ones’’ are those Lummis Rahall Terry That sentiment—the basic awareness that Marchant Reed Thompson (PA) children who travel thousands of miles to we’re all in this together—is at the center of Marino Renacci Thornberry reach a better place. We must reject this un- the American Dream, a Dream which is threat- Massie Ribble Tiberi just and dehumanizing Republican bill. ened by the bill before us. McAllister Rice (SC) Tipton McCarthy (CA) Rigell Turner Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I urge Let’s stand up for Dreamers, for their fami- my colleagues to reject this mean-spirited bill McCaul Roby Wagner lies and for our nation’s future by defeating McClintock Roe (TN) Walberg that will slam the door in the faces of young this mean-spirited and destructive legislation. McHenry Rogers (AL) Walden DREAM Act students who know America as The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time McIntyre Rogers (KY) Walorski their only home, their only country. for debate has expired. McKeon Rogers (MI) Weber (TX) McKinley Rohrabacher Webster (FL) Rarely have I seen fear and hatred turned Pursuant to House Resolution 710, into an actual piece of legislation and debated McMorris Rokita Wenstrup the previous question is ordered on the Rodgers Rooney Westmoreland on the floor of the People’s House. bill, as amended. Meadows Roskam Williams This GOP bill proposes to deport DREAM The question is on the engrossment Meehan Ross Wilson (SC) Act students like Jose Godinez-Samperio from Messer Rothfus Wittman and third reading of the bill. Tampa, Florida, who was only 9 when his par- Mica Royce Wolf ents brought him to the United States. The bill was ordered to be engrossed Miller (FL) Runyan Womack He has done everything right. Jose grad- and read a third time, and was read the Miller (MI) Ryan (WI) Woodall third time. Mullin Salmon Yoder uated as Valedictorian from Armwood High Mulvaney Sanford Yoho School in Hillsborough County. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Murphy (PA) Scalise Young (AK) Jose graduated from the State of Florida’s question is on the passage of the bill. Neugebauer Schweikert Young (IN) Honors College, New College, and then grad- The question was taken; and the Noem Scott, Austin uated from law school with honors from Flor- Speaker pro tempore announced that Nugent Sensenbrenner the ayes appeared to have it. ida State University College of Law. NOES—192 He passed the bar exam, and this year the RECORDED VOTE Amodei Engel Lynch Republican-dominated Florida Legislature said Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I de- Barber Enyart Maffei Jose should receive his license to practice mand a recorded vote. Bass Eshoo Maloney, law. They passed a law to do so. In fact, Re- A recorded vote was ordered. Beatty Esty Carolyn publicans and Democrats gave him a standing The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Becerra Farr Maloney, Sean Bera (CA) Foster Matheson ovation. ant to the order of the House of today, There are hundreds of thousands of stu- Bishop (GA) Frankel (FL) Matsui this 15-minute vote on the passage of Bishop (NY) Fudge McCarthy (NY) dents like Jose across America tonight who the bill will be followed by a 5-minute Bonamici Gabbard McCollum have been living in limbo, waiting for Congress vote on agreeing to the motion to con- Brady (PA) Gallego McGovern to pass comprehensive immigration reform. cur in the Senate amendments to Braley (IA) Garcia McNerney They were given a lifeline by the President Brown (FL) Gardner Meeks House Joint Resolution 76. Brownley (CA) Green, Al Meng through the DREAM Act and America has in- The vote was taken by electronic de- Bustos Grijalva Michaud vested in them. vice, and there were—ayes 216, noes 192, Butterfield Gutie´rrez Miller, George Now, the Republican Congress is moving us answered ‘‘present’’ 1, not voting 23, as Capps Hahn Moore Capuano Hastings (FL) Moran farther away from immigration reform, farther follows: away from justice, farther away from smart Ca´ rdenas Heck (NV) Murphy (FL) [Roll No. 479] Carney Heck (WA) Nadler policy to utilize the talents of young men and AYES—216 Carson (IN) Higgins Napolitano women who love America, and farther away Cartwright Himes Neal from the values America holds dear. Aderholt Collins (NY) Gowdy Castor (FL) Hinojosa Negrete McLeod Vote ‘‘no’’ on this malicious piece of legisla- Amash Conaway Granger Castro (TX) Holt Nolan Bachmann Cook Graves (GA) tion. Chu Honda O’Rourke Bachus Cotton Graves (MO) Cicilline Horsford Owens Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, this Barletta Cramer Griffin (AR) Clark (MA) Hoyer Pallone Barr bill isn’t just an assault on Dreamers who grew Crawford Griffith (VA) Clarke (NY) Huffman Pascrell Barrow (GA) Crenshaw Grimm Clay Israel Pastor (AZ) up in our communities and except on paper, Barton Culberson Guthrie Cleaver Jackson Lee Payne are Americans in every way. Benishek Daines Hall Clyburn Jeffries Pelosi It’s not just an attack on their parents who Bentivolio Davis, Rodney Hanna Coffman Perlmutter Bilirakis Dent Harper Johnson (GA) raised them and taught them their values and Cohen Peters (CA) Bishop (UT) DeSantis Harris Johnson, E. B. love of this great country. Black Duffy Hartzler Connolly Kaptur Peters (MI) What it is, is an affront to everyone who be- Blackburn Duncan (SC) Hastings (WA) Conyers Keating Pingree (ME) lieves in the American Dream and our Amer- Boustany Duncan (TN) Hensarling Cooper Kelly (IL) Pocan ican values. It is an affront to those who up- Brady (TX) Ellmers Herrera Beutler Costa Kildee Polis Bridenstine Farenthold Holding Courtney Kilmer Price (NC) hold and subscribe to the basic notion that Brooks (AL) Fincher Hudson Crowley Kind Quigley America is a fair, compassionate, and wel- Brooks (IN) Fitzpatrick Huelskamp Cuellar Kinzinger (IL) Rangel coming nation. Broun (GA) Fleischmann Huizenga (MI) Cummings Kirkpatrick Reichert It is unconscionable that this bill will con- Buchanan Fleming Hultgren Davis, Danny Kuster Richmond Bucshon Flores Hunter DeFazio Langevin Ros-Lehtinen demn Dreamers and their parents to second- Burgess Forbes Hurt DeGette Larsen (WA) Roybal-Allard class status. Byrne Fortenberry Issa Delaney Larson (CT) Ruppersberger It is unconscionable that this bill will cruelly Calvert Foxx Jenkins DeLauro Lee (CA) Ryan (OH) foreclose any possibility that Dreamers and Capito Franks (AZ) Johnson (OH) DelBene Levin Sanchez, Loretta Carter Frelinghuysen Johnson, Sam their parents could adjust their status, regard- Denham Lewis Sarbanes Cassidy Garrett Jolly Deutch Loebsack Schakowsky less of how hard they work or how much they Chabot Gerlach Jones Diaz-Balart Lofgren Schiff contribute to their communities and our coun- Chaffetz Gibson Jordan Dingell Lowenthal Schneider Clawson (FL) Gingrey (GA) Joyce Doggett Lowey Schrader try. Coble Gohmert Kelly (PA) Doyle Lujan Grisham Schwartz If deported, their loss will be America’s loss Cole Goodlatte King (IA) Duckworth (NM) Scott (VA) as we will lose the benefits of their talents and Collins (GA) Gosar King (NY) Edwards Luja´ n, Ben Ray Scott, David Ellison (NM) Serrano

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:56 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.041 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7236 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 Sewell (AL) Tierney Visclosky Davis, Danny Kaptur Petri Walz Wenstrup Woodall Shea-Porter Titus Walz Davis, Rodney Keating Pingree (ME) Wasserman Westmoreland Yarmuth Sherman Tonko Wasserman DeFazio Kelly (IL) Pittenger Schultz Williams Yoder Sinema Tsongas Schultz DeGette Kelly (PA) Pitts Waters Wilson (FL) Yoho Sires Upton Waters Delaney Kildee Pocan Waxman Wilson (SC) Young (AK) Slaughter Valadao Waxman DeLauro Kilmer Poe (TX) Weber (TX) Wittman Young (IN) Smith (WA) Van Hollen Welch DelBene Kind Polis Webster (FL) Wolf Swalwell (CA) Vargas Wilson (FL) Denham King (IA) Pompeo Welch Womack Takano Veasey Dent King (NY) Posey Yarmuth NAYS—8 Thompson (CA) Vela DeSantis Kingston Price (GA) Thompson (MS) Vela´ zquez Deutch Kinzinger (IL) Price (NC) Amash Lofgren O’Rourke Diaz-Balart Kirkpatrick Quigley Ellison Massie Sanford ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—1 Dingell Kline Rahall Jones Moran Lipinski Doyle Kuster Rangel Duckworth Labrador Reed NOT VOTING—29 Duffy LaMalfa Reichert Blackburn Gibbs Nunes NOT VOTING—23 Duncan (SC) Lamborn Renacci Blumenauer Gingrey (GA) Nunnelee Blumenauer Gibbs Nunnelee Duncan (TN) Lance Ribble Camp Grayson Ruiz Camp Grayson Ruiz Edwards Langevin Rice (SC) Campbell Green, Gene Rush Campbell Green, Gene Rush Ellmers Lankford Richmond Cantor Hanabusa Sa´ nchez, Linda Cantor Hanabusa Sa´ nchez, Linda Engel Larsen (WA) Rigell Davis (CA) Kennedy T. Davis (CA) Kennedy T. Enyart Larson (CT) Roby DesJarlais Marchant Schock DesJarlais McDermott Schock Eshoo Latham Roe (TN) Doggett McDermott Speier Fattah Miller, Gary Speier Esty Latta Rogers (AL) Fattah Miller, Gary Tiberi Garamendi Nunes Whitfield Farenthold Lee (CA) Rogers (KY) Garamendi Murphy (PA) Whitfield Farr Levin Rogers (MI) ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE b 2155 Fincher Lewis Rohrabacher Fitzpatrick Lipinski Rokita The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Mr. PETERS of California changed Fleischmann LoBiondo Rooney the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- his vote from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ Fleming Loebsack Ros-Lehtinen ing. So the bill was passed. Flores Long Roskam The result of the vote was announced Forbes Lowenthal Ross b 2203 Fortenberry Lowey Rothfus as above recorded. Foster Lucas Roybal-Allard So the motion was agreed to. A motion to reconsider was laid on Foxx Luetkemeyer Royce The result of the vote was announced the table. Frankel (FL) Lujan Grisham Runyan as above recorded. Franks (AZ) (NM) Ruppersberger Stated against: Stated against: Frelinghuysen Luja´ n, Ben Ray Ryan (OH) Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall Fudge (NM) Ryan (WI) Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall vote 479 (On Passage of H.R. 5272), had I Gabbard Lummis Salmon vote 480, had I been present, I would have been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ Gallego Lynch Sanchez, Loretta voted ‘‘nay.’’ Garcia Maffei Sarbanes f Gardner Maloney, Scalise f Garrett Carolyn Schakowsky EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE ON Gerlach Maloney, Sean Schiff NUCLEAR SECURITY ADMINISTRA- THE CURRENT SITUATION IN IRAQ TION CONTINUING APPROPRIA- Gibson Marino Schneider Gohmert Matheson Schrader Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- TIONS RESOLUTION, 2014 Goodlatte Matsui Schwartz imous consent that the Committee on The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Gosar McAllister Schweikert Gowdy McCarthy (CA) Scott (VA) Foreign Affairs be discharged from fur- finished business is the vote on the mo- Granger McCarthy (NY) Scott, Austin ther consideration of the resolution (H. tion to concur in the Senate amend- Graves (GA) McCaul Scott, David Res. 683) expressing the sense of the Graves (MO) McClintock Sensenbrenner ments to the bill (H.J. Res. 76) making House of Representatives on the cur- continuing appropriations for the Na- Green, Al McCollum Serrano Griffin (AR) McGovern Sessions rent situation in Iraq and the urgent tional Nuclear Security Administra- Griffith (VA) McHenry Sewell (AL) need to protect religious minorities tion for fiscal year 2014, and for other Grijalva McIntyre Shea-Porter from persecution from the Sunni purposes, on which the yeas and nays Grimm McKeon Sherman Guthrie McKinley Shimkus Islamist insurgent and terrorist group were ordered. Gutie´rrez McMorris Shuster the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant The Clerk read the title of the bill. Hahn Rodgers Simpson (ISIL) as it expands its control over Hall McNerney Sinema The SPEAKER pro tempore. The areas in northwestern Iraq, and ask for question is on the motion. Hanna Meadows Sires Harper Meehan Slaughter its immediate consideration in the This is a 5-minute vote. Harris Meeks Smith (MO) House. The vote was taken by electronic de- Hartzler Meng Smith (NE) The Clerk read the title of the resolu- vice, and there were—yeas 395, nays 8, Hastings (FL) Messer Smith (NJ) Hastings (WA) Mica Smith (TX) tion. not voting 29, as follows: Heck (NV) Michaud Smith (WA) The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. [Roll No. 480] Heck (WA) Miller (FL) Southerland HOLDING). Is there objection to the re- Hensarling Miller (MI) Stewart YEAS—395 Herrera Beutler Miller, George Stivers quest of the gentleman from Cali- Aderholt Brooks (IN) Clarke (NY) Higgins Moore Stockman fornia? Amodei Broun (GA) Clawson (FL) Himes Mullin Stutzman There was no objection. Bachmann Brown (FL) Clay Hinojosa Mulvaney Swalwell (CA) The text of the resolution is as fol- Bachus Brownley (CA) Cleaver Holding Murphy (FL) Takano Barber Buchanan Clyburn Holt Nadler Terry lows: Barletta Bucshon Coble Honda Napolitano Thompson (CA) H. RES. 683 Barr Burgess Coffman Horsford Neal Thompson (MS) Barrow (GA) Bustos Cohen Hoyer Negrete McLeod Thompson (PA) Whereas Iraq is currently embroiled in a Barton Butterfield Cole Hudson Neugebauer Thornberry political and religious insurrection stem- Bass Byrne Collins (GA) Huelskamp Noem Tierney ming from an Islamic State in Iraq and Le- Beatty Calvert Collins (NY) Huffman Nolan Tipton vant (ISIL)-led offensive that began in the Becerra Capito Conaway Huizenga (MI) Nugent Titus Anbar province and has spread to key loca- Benishek Capps Connolly Hultgren Olson Tonko tions such as Mosul, Tikrit, and Samarra Bentivolio Capuano Conyers Hunter Owens Tsongas and continues to engulf the region in vio- Bera (CA) Ca´ rdenas Cook Hurt Palazzo Turner Bilirakis Carney Cooper Israel Pallone Upton lence and instability; Bishop (GA) Carson (IN) Costa Issa Pascrell Valadao Whereas ISIL is a transnational Sunni in- Bishop (NY) Carter Cotton Jackson Lee Pastor (AZ) Van Hollen surgency whose ideological and organiza- Bishop (UT) Cartwright Courtney Jeffries Paulsen Vargas tional roots lie in both al Qaeda in Iraq and Black Cassidy Cramer Jenkins Payne Veasey the Syria-based Jabhat al Nursa and has a Bonamici Castor (FL) Crawford Johnson (GA) Pearce Vela stated mission of establishing an Islamic Boustany Castro (TX) Crenshaw Johnson (OH) Pelosi Vela´ zquez state and a caliphate across the Levant Brady (PA) Chabot Crowley Johnson, E. B. Perlmutter Visclosky Brady (TX) Chaffetz Cuellar Johnson, Sam Perry Wagner through violence against Shiites, non-Mus- Braley (IA) Chu Culberson Jolly Peters (CA) Walberg lims, and unsupportive Sunnis; Bridenstine Cicilline Cummings Jordan Peters (MI) Walden Whereas Iraq’s population is approxi- Brooks (AL) Clark (MA) Daines Joyce Peterson Walorski mately 31,300,000 with 97 percent identifying

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:11 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.042 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7237 themselves as Muslim and the approximately Strike all after the resolving clause and in- with two-thirds being Chaldean, one-fifth As- 3 percent of religious minorities groups com- sert the following: syrian, and the remainder consisting of prising of Christians, Yezidis, Sabean- That the House of Representatives— Syriacs, Protestants, Armenians, and Angli- Mandaeans, Bahais, Shabaks, Kakais, and (1) deplores and condemns the religious cans; Jews; bigotry, vandalism and destruction of prop- Whereas the Iraqi constitution provides for Whereas the Iraqi Christian population is erty, and violent attacks on and intimida- religious freedom by stating— estimated to be between 400,000 and 850,000 tion of innocent Iraqi civilians by armed ex- (1) ‘‘no law may be enacted that con- with two-thirds being Chaldean, one-fifth As- tremists; tradicts the principles of democracy’’; syrian, and the remainder consisting of (2) calls on the United States Department (2) ‘‘no law may be enacted that con- Syriacs, Protestants, Armenians, and Angli- of State to work with the Kurdistan Re- tradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipu- cans; gional Government, the Iraqi central govern- lated in this Constitution’’; and Whereas the Iraqi constitution provides for ment, neighboring countries, the diaspora (3) ‘‘[This Constitution] guarantees the full religious freedom by stating— community in the United States, the United religious rights to freedom of religious belief (1) ‘‘no law may be enacted that con- Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and practice of all individuals such as Chris- tradicts the principles of democracy’’; and other key stakeholders to help secure tians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans’’; (2) ‘‘no law may be enacted that con- safe havens for those claiming amnesty in Whereas over 500,000 people have been dis- tradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipu- Iraq; placed by the current situation in Iraq and lated in this Constitution’’; and (3) calls on the United States Permanent reports have surfaced of targeted harass- (3) ‘‘[This Constitution] guarantees the full Representative to the United Nations to ment, persecution, and killings of Iraqi reli- religious rights to freedom of religious belief work with the United Nations High Commis- gious minorities by ISIL with little to no and practice of all individuals such as Chris- protection from the Iraqi Government and tians, Yazidis, and Mandean Sabeans’’; sioner for Refugees on a sustained basis to document human rights abuses against Iraqi other security forces; Whereas over 500,000 people have been dis- civilians and develop an immediate plan to Whereas the fall of Mosul in particular has placed by the current situation in Iraq and facilitate safe humanitarian access to pota- sparked enough anxiety among the Christian reports have surfaced of targeted harass- ble water, health care, fuel, electricity, and population that for the first time in 1,600 ment, persecution, and killings of Iraqi reli- basic security for the most vulnerable civil- years there was no Mass in the city; gious minorities by ISIL with little to no ian populations; Whereas over 50 percent of Iraq’s Christian protection from the Iraqi Government and (4) calls upon the Government of Iraq to population has fled since the fall of Saddam other security forces; take immediate steps to protect the safety Hussein, 1,100,000 people of diverse religious Whereas the fall of Mosul in particular has and constitutional rights of all Iraqi citi- backgrounds remain internally displaced and sparked enough anxiety among the Christian zens; the government under Prime Minister Nouri population that for the first time in 1,600 (5) respectfully requests the addition of a al-Maliki has not upheld its commitment to years there was no Mass in the city; Special Representative for Religious Minori- protect the rights of religious minorities; Whereas over 50 percent of Iraq’s Christian ties to be included in the newly recon- Whereas the United Nations High Commis- population has fled since the fall of Saddam structed government of Iraq; and sioner for Refugees reports as of January Hussein, 1,100,000 people of diverse religious (6) reaffirms its commitments to pro- 2014 a total population of concern in Iraq backgrounds remain internally displaced and moting and protecting religious freedom numbering 1,522,855 people, including refu- the government under Prime Minister Nouri around the world and providing relief to mi- gees and internally displaced persons, many al-Maliki has not upheld its commitment to nority groups facing persecution. of whom face grave deprivation and immi- protect the rights of religious minorities; nent threats to life, health, and safety; Whereas the United States has provided Mr. ROYCE (during the reading). Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Whereas the United States has provided over $73,000,000 of cumulative assistance to over $73,000,000 of cumulative assistance to Iraq’s minority populations since 2003 dispense with the reading. Iraq’s minority populations since 2003 through economic development, humani- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there through economic development, humani- tarian services, and capacity development; objection to the request of the gen- tarian services, and capacity development; Whereas 84,902 Iraqis have resettled to the tleman from California? Whereas 84,902 Iraqis have resettled to the United States between 2007 and 2013 and over There was no objection. United States between 2007 and 2013 and over 300,000 Chaldean and Assyrians currently re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The 300,000 Chaldean and Assyrians currently re- side throughout the country, particularly in amendment was agreed to. side throughout the country, particularly in Michigan, California, Arizona, Illinois, and The resolution, as amended, was Michigan, California, Arizona, Illinois, and Ohio; and agreed to. Ohio; and Whereas President Barack Obama recently AMENDMENT TO THE PREAMBLE OFFERED BY Whereas President Barack Obama recently declared on Religious Freedom Day, ‘‘Fore- MR. ROYCE declared on Religious Freedom Day, ‘‘Fore- most among the rights Americans hold sa- Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I have an most among the rights Americans hold sa- cred is the freedom to worship as we choose cred is the freedom to worship as we choose . . . we also remember that religious liberty amendment to the preamble at the . . . we also remember that religious liberty is not just an American right; it is a uni- desk. is not just an American right; it is a uni- versal human right to be protected here at The SPEAKER pro tempore. The versal human right to be protected here at home and across the globe. This freedom is Clerk will report the amendment. home and across the globe. This freedom is an essential part of human dignity, and The Clerk read as follows: an essential part of human dignity, and without it our world cannot know lasting Strike the preamble and insert the fol- without it our world cannot know lasting peace’’: Now, therefore, be it lowing: peace’’: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representa- tives— Whereas Iraq is currently embroiled in a Mr. ROYCE (during the reading). Mr. (1) reaffirms its commitments to pro- political and religious insurrection stem- Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to moting and protecting religious freedom ming from an Islamic State in Iraq and Le- dispense with the reading. around the world and providing relief to mi- vant (ISIL)-led offensive that began in the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Anbar province and has spread to key loca- nority groups facing persecution; objection to the request of the gen- (2) calls on the United States Department tions such as Mosul, Tikrit, and Samarra and continues to engulf the region in vio- tleman from California? of State to work with the Kurdistan Re- There was no objection. gional Government, the Iraqi central govern- lence and instability; ment, neighboring countries, the diaspora Whereas ISIL is a transnational Sunni in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The community in the United States, the United surgency whose ideological and organiza- amendment to the preamble was agreed Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, tional roots lie in both al Qaeda in Iraq and to. and other key stakeholders to help secure the Syria-based Jabhat al Nursa and has a A motion to reconsider was laid on safe havens for those claiming amnesty in stated mission of establishing an Islamic the table. Iraq; and state and a caliphate across the Levant (3) respectfully requests the addition of a through violence against Shiites, non-Mus- f Special Representative for Religious Minori- lims, and unsupportive Sunnis; Whereas Iraq’s population is approxi- WELCOMING AFRICAN LEADERS ties to be included in Prime Minister al- TO FIRST UNITED STATES-AFRI- Maliki’s newly reconstructed government. mately 31,300,000 with 97 percent identifying themselves as Muslim and the approximately CA LEADERS’ SUMMIT AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. ROYCE 3 percent of religious minorities groups com- Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I have an prising of Christians, Yezidis, Sabean- amendment to the text at the desk. Mandaeans, Bahais, Shabaks, Kakais, and imous consent that the Committee on The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Jews; Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Clerk will report the amendment. Whereas the Iraqi Christian population is Ways and Means be discharged from The Clerk read as follows: estimated to be between 400,000 and 850,000 further consideration of the resolution

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:11 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.057 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 (H. Res. 699) welcoming African leaders of AGOA preferences, and elimination of bar- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to the first United States-Africa Lead- riers to trade and investment in Africa, such Clerk will report the amendment. ers’ Summit and African trade min- as high tariffs, forced localization require- The Clerk read as follows: ments, restrictions on investment, and cus- isters to the 13th Forum of the African toms barriers, among others, will strengthen Strike all after the resolving clause and in- Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), and improve regional and global integration; sert the following: and ask for its immediate consider- Whereas it remains the goal of United That the House of Representatives— ation in the House. States policy to support the diversification (1) is studying ways to improve the effec- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- of sub-Saharan exports in terms of products tiveness and utilization of the range of tion. and countries that utilize AGOA; United States trade policy tools with respect The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Whereas the members of the World Trade to Africa, including AGOA, and exploring how Africa can address barriers to become objection to the request of the gen- Organization (WTO) adopted several impor- tant Decisions and Declarations in Bali, In- more attractive to trade and investment tleman from California? donesia, in December 2013, including the within Africa as well as globally; and There was no objection. Agreement on Trade Facilitation and spe- (2) looks forward to continuing to work The text of the resolution is as fol- cific results on agriculture and development, with African leaders to improve our eco- lows: with the protocol of amendment for the nomic and bilateral relationships. H. RES. 699 Agreement on Trade Facilitation to be Mr. ROYCE (during the reading). Mr. adopted on July 31, 2014; Whereas the United States Congress en- Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Whereas full implementation of the Agree- acted the African Growth and Opportunity ment on Trade Facilitation will help to ad- dispense with the reading. Act (AGOA) in 2000, with broad bipartisan dress supply-side constraints in Africa, pro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there support and with a view to expanding growth mote regional integration on the continent, objection to the request of the gen- and opportunity in Africa; and facilitate integration into global supply tleman from California? Whereas in the original AGOA legislation, chains; There was no objection. Congress encouraged the establishment of Whereas the House of Representatives in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The more regular high-level dialogues, including troduced on June 27, 2013, and passed on May amendment was agreed to. regular meetings by the President with his 8, 2014, the Electrify Africa Act, to make it African counterparts; The resolution, as amended, was a national policy of the United States to pro- agreed to. Whereas the people of Africa share the mote the electrification of Sub-Saharan Af- hopes and aspirations of the people of the rica to more than double the number of peo- AMENDMENT TO THE PREAMBLE OFFERED BY United States for peace and prosperity, and ple with access to power in order to improve MR. ROYCE are both committed to strengthening eco- health and education outcomes and stimu- Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I have an nomic relations; late economic opportunity; and amendment to the preamble at the Whereas it is in the national interest of Whereas, on June 30, 2013, in Cape Town, desk. the United States to support the reduction of South Africa, President Barack Obama an- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The poverty in the continent of Africa; nounced the Power Africa Initiative, to sig- Whereas greater opportunities for mutu- Clerk will report the amendment. nificantly increase the number of people The Clerk read as follows: ally beneficial trade and investments pro- with access to power in Sub-Saharan Africa: mote economic growth, development, pov- Now, therefore, be it Strike the preamble and insert the fol- erty reduction, democracy, the rule of law, Resolved, That the House of Representa- lowing: and stability; tives— Whereas the people of Africa share the Whereas good governance, including re- (1) welcomes African leaders to the first hopes and aspirations of the people of the specting constitutional term limits, human United States–Africa Leaders’ Summit in United States for peace and prosperity, and rights, and ensuring that civil society orga- Washington, DC; are both committed to strengthening eco- nizations are able to function freely con- (2) welcomes African trade ministers to the nomic relations; tribute to enduring economic and social de- 13th African Growth and Opportunity Act Whereas it is in the national interest of velopment in Africa; (AGOA) Forum; the United States to support the reduction of Whereas the countries in Africa are impor- (3) recognizes the significant progress and poverty in the continent of Africa; tant economic partners of the United States; hope that modern Africa represents today in Whereas greater opportunities for mutu- Whereas Africa has today 6 of the 10 fastest global affairs and economic advancement ally beneficial trade and investments pro- growing economies in the world, over with its booming demographics, increasing mote economic growth, development, pov- 1,000,000,000 people, 60 percent of the world’s modernization, dynamic youth, and vast re- erty reduction, democracy, the rule of law, uncultivated agricultural land, and expand- sources; and stability; ing democracies; (4) acknowledges the vast opportunities to Whereas the countries in Africa are impor- Whereas Africa is rich through the youth boost cultural, trade, and economic relations tant economic partners of the United States; of its population, enjoying a demographic and partnerships between the United States Whereas Africa has today 6 of the 10 fastest advantage over all other regions of the and Africa; growing economies in the world, over 1 bil- world, and is likely to replace China as the (5) recognizes the importance of renewing lion people, 60 percent of the world’s biggest contributor to the global workforce the AGOA program well before its expiration uncultivated agricultural land, and expand- by 2050; in September 2015; ing democracies; Whereas it is in the economic interest of (6) supports studying potential changes to Whereas Africa is rich through the youth the United States to engage and compete in the program to improve its effectiveness and of its population, enjoying a demographic emerging African markets, boost United utilization and exploring how Africa can ad- advantage over all other regions of the States-Africa trade and investment, support dress barriers to become more attractive to world, and is likely to replace the People’s greater capacity building for Africa, and in- trade and investment within Africa as well Republic of China as the biggest contributor vest in Africa’s youth and leadership devel- as globally; to the global workforce by 2050; opment; (7) encourages the prompt and full imple- Whereas it is in the economic interest of Whereas exports from sub-Saharan Africa mentation of the World Trade Organization the United States to engage and compete in to the United States under AGOA have in- (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement as one emerging African markets, boost United creased over three-fold from $7,600,000,000 in important way to address supply-side bar- States-Africa trade and investment, support 2001 to $24,800,000,000 in 2013; riers and encourage greater trade and invest- greater capacity building for Africa, and in- Whereas United States exports to sub-Sa- ment in Africa; and vest in Africa’s youth and leadership devel- haran Africa have increased from (8) welcomes that the African Leaders at opment; $6,900,000,000 to $23,900,000,000 and United the African Union Summit on June 27, 2014, Whereas in 2000 the Congress passed the Af- States investment in sub-Saharan Africa has reaffirmed their commitments to all the de- rican Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), increased six-fold; cisions the Ministers took in Bali, including with broad bipartisan support and with a Whereas per capita income in sub-Saharan emphasizing that assistance and support for view to expanding growth and opportunity in Africa has more than tripled to $1,624 annu- capacity building should be provided as en- Africa; ally since Congress first passed AGOA, yet visaged in the Agreement on Trade Facilita- Whereas in the original AGOA legislation, nearly half the population in sub-Saharan tion, and that the Agreement should be im- Congress encouraged the establishment of Africa lives in poverty; plemented in line with the decision Trade more regular high-level dialogues, including Whereas timely renewal of AGOA, which Ministers took in Bali, which provides that a regular meetings by the President with his expires September 30, 2015, is critical to the protocol be adopted by July 31, 2014, and de- African counterparts; maintenance and promotion of investment finitive entry into force by July 31, 2015. Whereas exports from sub-Saharan Africa opportunities in the region; AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. ROYCE to the United States under AGOA have in- Whereas regional integration should be Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I have an creased over three-fold from $7.6 billion in strengthened to improve the full utilization amendment to the text at the desk. 2001 to $24.8 billion in 2013;

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:04 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU7.086 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7239 Whereas United States exports to sub-Sa- dent’s and a second handcuff on the of the House of the following titles, haran Africa have increased from $6.9 billion second hand of the President’s and which were thereupon signed by the to $23.9 billion and United States investment handcuffing the lawless President of speaker: in sub-Saharan Africa has increased six-fold; the United States. Whereas per capita income in sub-Saharan H.R. 3230. An Act to improve the access of Africa has more than tripled to $1,624 annu- Those are words which are not appro- veterans to medical services from the De- ally since Congress first passed AGOA, yet priate in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. I partment of Veterans Affairs, and for other nearly half the population in sub-Saharan ask unanimous consent that they be purposes. Africa lives in poverty; stricken. Impugning the character and H.R. 3548. An Act to amend title XII of the Whereas regional integration should be integrity of the President of the United Public Health Service Act to expand the def- strengthened to boost economic growth in inition of trauma to include thermal, elec- States is a clear violation of the rules trical, chemical, radioactive, and other ex- Africa, and elimination of barriers to trade of this House. and investment in Africa, such as high tar- trinsic agents. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there H.R. 4360. An Act to designate the facility iffs, forced localization requirements, re- objection to the request of the gen- strictions on investment, and customs bar- of the United States Forest Service for the riers, among others, will strengthen and im- tleman from Rhode Island? Grandfather Ranger District located at 109 prove regional and global integration; Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I do object. Lawing Drive in Nebo, North Carolina, as the Whereas it remains the goal of United The request is not timely. ‘‘Jason Crip Forest Service Building’’. States policy to support the diversification The SPEAKER pro tempore. Objec- H.R. 4631. An Act to reauthorize certain of sub-Saharan exports in terms of products tion is heard. provisions of the Public Health Service Act and countries that utilize AGOA; Mr. CICILLINE. A parliamentary in- relating to autism, and for other purposes. H.R. 4838. An Act to redesignate the rail- Whereas the members of the World Trade quiry, Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman Organization adopted several important De- road station located at 2955 Market Street in will yield for a moment. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, commonly cisions and Declarations in Bali, Indonesia, There is no requirement that a unan- in December 2013, including the Agreement known as ‘‘30th Street Station’’, as the ‘‘Wil- on Trade Facilitation and specific results on imous consent request be timely. The liam H. Gray III 30th Street Station’’. agriculture and development, with the pro- House can consent unanimously to any H.R. 5021. An act to provide an extension of tocol of amendment for the Agreement on course of action. I am asking the House Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor Trade Facilitation to be adopted on July 31, to consent unanimously to striking carrier safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Fund, and 2014; these particular words from the CON- for other purposes. Whereas full implementation by our trad- GRESSIONAL RECORD. There is no re- ing partners of the Agreement on Trade Fa- quirement under the House rules that f cilitation will help to address supply-side it be done contemporaneously, that is, constraints in Africa, promote regional inte- ADJOURNMENT gration on the continent, and facilitate inte- of taking down the words of today. gration into global supply chains; The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Whereas on June 30, 2013, in Cape Town, tleman has stated a unanimous consent ant to section 3(b) of House Resolution South Africa, President Barack Obama an- request, and there has been an objec- 694, the House stands adjourned until 10 nounced the Power Africa Initiative, to dou- tion. a.m. on Monday, August 4, 2014. ble the number of people with access to Mr. CICILLINE. And I have heard no Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 14 power in Sub-Saharan Africa; objection. minutes p.m.), under its previous order, Whereas on May 8, 2014, the House of Rep- Mr. ROYCE. There is an objection to the House adjourned until Monday, Au- resentatives passed the Electrify Africa Act, the unanimous consent request, Mr. to make it a national policy of the United gust 4, 2014, at 10 a.m. Speaker. States to support the electrification of sub- f Saharan Africa, and to direct United States The SPEAKER pro tempore. There is agencies to devote resources to facilitate and an objection. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, support the implementation of this initia- f ETC. tive; and Whereas the first United States-Africa LEAVE OF ABSENCE Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive Leaders’ Summit and the 13th African By unanimous consent, leave of ab- communications were taken from the Growth and Opportunity Act Forum will be sence was granted to: Speaker’s table and referred as follows: held in Washington, DC, this summer: Now, Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas (at the re- 6775. A letter from the Human Resources therefore, be it quest of Ms. PELOSI) for today on ac- Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- Mr. ROYCE (during the reading). Mr. count of personal business. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Mr. FATTAH (at the request of Ms. Oversight and Government Reform. dispense with the reading. PELOSI) for today. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there 6776. A letter from the Human Resources f objection to the request of the gen- Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- SENATE BILL AND JOINT ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- tleman from California? cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on There was no objection. RESOLUTION REFERRED Oversight and Government Reform. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The A bill and a Joint Resolution of the 6777. A letter from the Human Resources amendment to the preamble was agreed Senate of the following titles were Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- to. taken from the Speaker’s table and, ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- A motion to reconsider was laid on under the rule, referred as follows: cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on the table. Oversight and Government Reform. S. 231. An act to reauthorize the Multi- 6778. A letter from the Human Resources f national Species Conservation Funds Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST Semipostal Stamp; the Committee on Over- ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- night and Government Reform: in addition TO DELETE REMARKS IN DEBATE cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on to the Committee on Natural Resources for a Oversight and Government Reform. Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I ask period to be subsequently determined by the 6779. A letter from the Human Resources unanimous consent to strike from the Speaker, in each case for consideration of Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD the words of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- the gentlewoman from Minnesota who tion of the committee concerned. cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on S.J. Res. 36. Joint resolution relating to described placing a handcuff on one Oversight and Government Reform. the approval and implementation of the pro- 6780. A letter from the Human Resources hand of the President’s—— posed agreement for nuclear cooperation be- Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I object as tween the United States and the Socialist ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- the request is not timely. Republic of Vietnam; to the Committee on cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, a point Foreign Affairs. Oversight and Government Reform. of order. f 6781. A letter from the Human Resources Excuse me. May I finish my unani- ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- mous consent request? Thank you. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- She in one moment described putting Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House, cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on one handcuff on one hand of the Presi- reported and found truly enrolled bills Oversight and Government Reform.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:11 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.058 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE August 1, 2014 6782. A letter from the Human Resources cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Mr. SESSIONS: Committee on Rules. Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- Oversight and Government Reform. House Resolution 710. Resolution providing ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- 6800. A letter from the Human Resources for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5320) mak- cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- ing supplemental appropriations for the fis- Oversight and Government Reform. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- cal year ending September 30, 2014, and for 6783. A letter from the Human Resources cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on other purposes; providing for consideration Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- Oversight and Government Reform. of the bill (H.R. 5272) to prohibit certain ac- ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- 6801. A letter from the Human Resources tions with respect to deferred action for cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- aliens not lawfully present in the United Oversight and Government Reform. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- States, and for other purposes; and providing 6784. A letter from the Human Resources cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on for consideration of motions to suspend the Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- Oversight and Government Reform. rules (Rept. 113–571). Referred to the House ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- 6802. A letter from the Human Resources Calendar. cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- f Oversight and Government Reform. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- 6785. A letter from the Human Resources cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- Oversight and Government Reform. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- 6803. A letter from the Human Resources Under clause 2 of rule XII, public cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- bills and resolutions of the following Oversight and Government Reform. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- titles were introduced and severally re- 6786. A letter from the Human Resources cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on ferred, as follows: Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- Oversight and Government Reform. By Ms. JACKSON LEE (for herself, Mr. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- 6804. A letter from the Human Resources LEWIS, and Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALO- cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- NEY of New York): Oversight and Government Reform. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- H.R. 5390. A bill to impose sanctions 6787. A letter from the Human Resources cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on against persons who knowingly provide ma- Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- Oversight and Government Reform. terial support or resources to the Donbass ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- 6805. A letter from the Human Resources People’s Militia or its affiliates, associated cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- groups, or agents, and for other purposes; to Oversight and Government Reform. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addi- 6788. A letter from the Human Resources cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on tion to the Committees on Foreign Affairs, Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- Oversight and Government Reform. and Financial Services, for a period to be ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- 6806. A letter from the Human Resources subsequently determined by the Speaker, in cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- each case for consideration of such provi- Oversight and Government Reform. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- 6789. A letter from the Human Resources sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on committee concerned. Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- Oversight and Government Reform. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- By Mr. LYNCH: 6807. A letter from the Human Resources H.R. 5391. A bill to direct the Architect of cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- Oversight and Government Reform. the Capitol to place a chair on the grounds of ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- the United States Capitol honoring Amer- 6790. A letter from the Human Resources cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- ican Prisoners of War/Missing in Action; to Oversight and Government Reform. the Committee on Transportation and Infra- ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- 6808. A letter from the Human Resources cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on structure. Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- By Mrs. ELLMERS (for herself, Mr. Oversight and Government Reform. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- 6791. A letter from the Human Resources MEADOWS, and Mr. HUDSON): cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- H.R. 5392. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Oversight and Government Reform. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- enue Code of 1986 to provide for the deter- 6809. A letter from the Deputy Director, cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on mination of the employer mandate under the Department of Health and Human Services, Oversight and Government Reform. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act transmitting the Department’s ‘‘Major’’ 6792. A letter from the Human Resources without regard to alien agricultural seasonal final rule — Medicare Program; Inpatient Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- workers; to the Committee on Ways and Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Pay- ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- Means. ment System for Federal Fiscal Year 2015 cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on By Mr. REED (for himself and Mr. [CMS-1608-F] (RIN: 0938-AS09) received July Oversight and Government Reform. THOMPSON of California): 31, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); 6793. A letter from the Human Resources H.R. 5393. A bill to amend title XVIII of the jointly to the Committees on Ways and Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- Social Security Act to provide for required Means and Energy and Commerce. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- Medicare hospice program surveys, and for 6810. A letter from the Deputy Director, cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on other purposes; to the Committee on Ways Department of Health and Human Services, Oversight and Government Reform. and Means, and in addition to the Committee 6794. A letter from the Human Resources transmitting the Department’s ‘‘Major’’ on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- final rule — Medicare Program; Inpatient subsequently determined by the Speaker, in ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- Psychiatric Facilities Prospective Payment each case for consideration of such provi- cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on System — Update for Fiscal Year Beginning sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Oversight and Government Reform. October 1, 2014 (FY 2015) [CMS-1606-F] (RIN: committee concerned. 6795. A letter from the Human Resources 0938-AS08) received July 31, 2014, pursuant to By Mr. BROUN of Georgia: Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); jointly to the Commit- H.R. 5394. A bill to provide for the elimi- ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- tees on Ways and Means and Energy and nation of the Department of Education, and cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Commerce. for other purposes; to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. 6811. A letter from the Deputy Director, Education and the Workforce. 6796. A letter from the Human Resources Department of Health and Human Services, By Mr. KING of New York (for himself, Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- transmitting the Department’s ‘‘Major’’ Mr. TAKANO, Mr. MEEKS, and Mr. ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- final rule — Medicare Program; Prospective CARTWRIGHT): cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Payment System and Consolidated Billing H.R. 5395. A bill to establish a United Oversight and Government Reform. for Skilled Nursing Facilities for FY 2015 States Boxing Commission to administer the 6797. A letter from the Human Resources [CMS-1605-F] (RIN: 0938-AS07) received July Professional Boxing Safety Act, and for Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- 31, 2014, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); other purposes; to the Committee on Edu- ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- jointly to the Committees on Ways and cation and the Workforce, and in addition to cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on Means and Energy and Commerce. the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for Oversight and Government Reform. f a period to be subsequently determined by 6798. A letter from the Human Resources the Speaker, in each case for consideration Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS tion of the committee concerned. cies Reform Act of 1998; to the Committee on By Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM Oversight and Government Reform. Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of of New Mexico: 6799. A letter from the Human Resources committees were delivered to the Clerk H.R. 5396. A bill to require servicers to es- Specialist, Department of Defense, transmit- for printing and reference to the proper tablish a deed-for-lease program under which ting a report pursuant to the Federal Vacan- calendar, as follows: eligible mortgagors may remain in their

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:11 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L01AU7.000 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7241 homes as renters; to the Committee on Fi- necessary and proper for carrying out the By Mr. PETERS of California: nancial Services. foregoing powers.’’ H.R. 5399. By Mr. MCCLINTOCK (for himself and By Ms. JACKSON LEE: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. BISHOP of Utah): H.R. 5390. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5397. A bill to modify the boundary of Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8 of the United States Yosemite National Park, and for other pur- lation pursuant to the following: Constitution poses; to the Committee on Natural Re- This bill is enacted pursuant to the power By Mr. YOHO: sources. granted to Congress under Article I, Sections H.R. 5400. By Mr. PETERS of California (for him- 8, Clauses 1, 10, and 18 of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- self, Mr. GIBSON, and Mr. TAKANO): Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 5398. A bill to amend title 38, United By Mr. LYNCH: Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of States Code, to provide for additional quali- H.R. 5391. the United States, which grants Congress the fication requirements for individuals ap- Congress has the power to enact this legis- ‘‘Power To...provide for the common Defence pointed to marriage and family therapist po- lation pursuant to the following: and general Welfare of the United States.’’ sitions in the Veterans Health Administra- Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 tion of the Department of Veterans Affairs; By Mrs. ELLMERS: f to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. H.R. 5392. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS By Mr. PETERS of California (for him- Congress has the power to enact this legis- self and Mr. VARGAS): lation pursuant to the following: Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 5399. A bill to modify the grace period U.S. Const. art. I, Sec. 8, cl. 1. were added to public bills and resolu- prior to the repayment period for certain The Congress shall have Power To lay and tions, as follows: collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, Federal direct loans and to exclude from H.R. 20: Mrs. NEGRETE MCLEOD. to pay the Debts and provide for the common Federal income taxation certain employer- H.R. 32: Mr. GRIMM and Ms. GRANGER. Defence and general Welfare of the United provided student loan assistance; to the H.R. 292: Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. ENGEL, Ms. States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises Committee on Ways and Means, and in addi- FRANKEL of Florida, Mr. HORSFORD, Mrs. shall be uniform throughout the United tion to the Committee on Education and the MCCARTHY of New York, Mr. PASCRELL, and States; Workforce, for a period to be subsequently Mr. TIERNEY. By Mr. REED: determined by the Speaker, in each case for H.R. 494: Mrs. MILLER of Michigan and Mr. consideration of such provisions as fall with- H.R. 5393. Congress has the power to enact this legis- GARCIA. in the jurisdiction of the committee con- H.R. 533: Mr. KILMER, Ms. NORTON, and Mrs. cerned. lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8 CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. By Mr. YOHO (for himself, Mr. H.R. 543: Mr. NOLAN and Mrs. HARTZLER. LAMALFA, Mr. WEBER of Texas, and By Mr. BROUN of Georgia: H.R. 5394. H.R. 690: Mr. GRIMM, Mr. BARR, and Ms. Mr. MCALLISTER): GRANGER. H.R. 5400. A bill to provide for State en- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 720: Mr. VAN HOLLEN. forcement of border security, and for other H.R. 725: Mr. PERLMUTTER. purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 (the Spending Clause) of the United States Constitution H.R. 728: Ms. BONAMICI. ary, and in addition to the Committee on Ap- H.R. 765: Mr. MCNERNEY. propriations, for a period to be subsequently states that ‘‘The Congress shall have the Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Im- H.R. 808: Ms. WATERS and Mrs. DAVIS of determined by the Speaker, in each case for California. consideration of such provisions as fall with- posts and Excises, to pay the Debts and pro- vide for the common Defence and general H.R. 861: Mrs. CAPITO. in the jurisdiction of the committee con- H.R. 1074: Mr. SERRANO. cerned. Welfare of the United States.’’ This bill re- stores the proper balance of power between H.R. 1136: Mr. DEUTCH. By Mrs. DAVIS of California (for her- H.R. 1318: Mr. NOLAN. self, Mr. KING of New York, and Mr. the federal and state governments as in- tended under the 10th Amendment to the H.R. 1339: Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. JOYCE): H.R. 1427: Mr. TAKANO and Mr. FARR. H. Res. 711. A resolution expressing the Constitution by devolving the responsibil- H.R. 1547: Mrs. BUSTOS. sense of the House of Representatives that ities related to education to the states and H.R. 1563: Mr. SMITH of Washington and Ms. the United States Postal Service should take individuals. VELA´ ZQUEZ. all appropriate measures to ensure the con- By Mr. KING of New York: H.R. 1601: Mr. TAKANO. tinuation of door delivery for all business H.R. 5395. H.R. 1620: Mr. GRIMM. and residential customers; to the Committee Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1666: Ms. EDWARDS. on Oversight and Government Reform. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1812: Mr. HANNA. By Mr. RUSH: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 H.R. 1827: Mr. BARR. H. Res. 712. A resolution expressing the The Congress shall have Power to lay and H.R. 1852: Mr. MAFFEI and Mr. BACHUS. sense of the House of Representatives that collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, H.R. 1907: Mr. BERA of California. the United States should initiate negotia- to pay the Debts and provide for the common H.R. 2027: Mr. FLEMING. tions to enter into a bilateral free trade Defence and general Welfare of the United H.R. 2099: Mr. COTTON. agreement with the Republic of South Afri- States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises H.R. 2322: Mr. CARTWRIGHT. ca; to the Committee on Ways and Means. shall be uniform throughout the United States. H.R. 2366: Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Ms. MICHELLE f By Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM LUJAN GRISHAM of New Mexico, and Ms. CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY of New Mexico: FRANKEL of Florida. H.R. 2504: Ms. MATSUI. STATEMENT H.R. 5396. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2529: Mr. SHERMAN. Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2536: Mr. SCOTT of Virginia and Ms. the Rules of the House of Representa- This bill is enacted pursuant to the power LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. tives, the following statements are sub- granted to Congress under Article I, Section H.R. 2654: Ms. SCHWARTZ. mitted regarding the specific powers 8, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution. H.R. 2780: Mr. TAKANO. H.R. 2825: Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of granted to Congress in the Constitu- By Mr. MCCLINTOCK: H.R. 5397. Texas. tion to enact the accompanying bill or Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2835: Mr. KING of New York. joint resolution. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2847: Mr. CARSON of Indiana and Ms. By Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 3, CLARK of Massachusetts. fornia. Clause 2 (the Property Clause), which confers H.R. 2856: Ms. TSONGAS, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mr. H.R. 5302. on Congress the power to dispose of and SWALWELL of California, Mr. McNerney, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- make all needful Rules and Regulations re- BRALEY of Iowa, and Mr. PASCRELL. lation pursuant to the following: specting the Territory or other Property be- H.R. 2869: Mr. COFFMAN. ‘‘The constitutional authority of Congress longing to the United States, and nothing in H.R. 2870: Ms. BROWNLEY of California, Mr. to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- this Constitution shall be so construed as to KELLY of Pennsylvania, and Mr. SHIMKUS. cle I, section 8 of the United States Constitu- Prejudice any Claims of the United States, H.R. 2902: Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. tion (clauses 12, 13, 14, 16, and 18), which or of any particular State. H.R. 2918: Mr. FITZPATRICK. grants Congress the power to raise and sup- By Mr. PETERS of California: H.R. 2994: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. port an Army; to provide and maintain a H.R. 5398. H.R. 3118: Mr. CAPUANO and Mr. Navy; to make rules for the government and Congress has the power to enact this legis- GARAMENDI. regulation of the land and naval forces; to lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 3199: Mr. HUELSKAMP. provide for organizing, arming, and dis- Article 1, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 3335: Mr. JOLLY. ciplining the militia; and to make all laws Constitution H.R. 3367: Mrs. BUSTOS.

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H.R. 3382: Mrs. CAPPS. H.R. 4971: Mr. HUFFMAN. H.R. 5384: Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. H.R. 3383: Ms. TSONGAS and Ms. TITUS. H.R. 4978: Mr. HIMES. BENISHEK, and Mr. RIGELL. H.R. 3486: Mr. MICA and Mr. WALBERG. H.R. 4998: Mr. BISHOP of New York. H.J. Res. 68: Mr. LEWIS. H.R. 3560: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. H.R. 5015: Mr. SWALWELL of California, Ms. H.J. Res. 118: Mr. ROTHFUS. H.R. 3680: Mr. HONDA, Ms. BORDALLO, and BROWNLEY of California, Ms. LINDA T. H. Con. Res. 27: Mr. CLEAVER. Mr. SARBANES. SA´ NCHEZ of California, Ms. LEE of California, H. Res. 72: Mr. PETERS of California. H.R. 3689: Mr. JOLLY. Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, and Mr. COHEN. H. Res. 440: Ms. PELOSI. H.R. 3722: Ms. SINEMA and Ms. JENKINS. H.R. 5051: Mrs. NEGRETE MCLEOD. H.R. 3833: Mr. LARSEN of Washington. H.R. 5059: Mr. PERLMUTTER and Ms. SCHA- H. Res. 520: Mr. CALVERT. H.R. 4035: Ms. DELAURO. KOWSKY. H. Res. 536: Mr. DAINES. H.R. 4060: Mr. PETERS of California and Ms. H.R. 5071: Mr. ROTHFUS and Mr. SMITH of H. Res. 665: Mr. POMPEO. SINEMA. Missouri. H. Res. 668: Mr. GERLACH and Ms. SCHA- H.R. 4143: Mr. LEWIS. H.R. 5083: Mr. MCINTYRE. KOWSKY. H.R. 4145: Mr. CARTWRIGHT. H.R. 5110: Mr. MILLER of Florida, Mr. ROD- H. Res. 683: Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. YODER, Ms. H.R. 4158: Mr. YOUNG of Indiana and Mr. NEY DAVIS of Illinois, and Mr. HURT. SPEIER, Mr. STIVERS, Mr. SWALWELL of Cali- FITZPATRICK. H.R. 5114: Mr. LIPINSKI. fornia, Mr. THOMPSON of California, Mr. H.R. 4190: Mr. BARR and Mr. DAVID SCOTT H.R. 5138: Mr. SANFORD. TIBERI, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. WALBERG, Mr. of Georgia. H.R. 5159: Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. WENSTRUP, Mr. WOLF, Mr. KELLY of Pennsyl- H.R. 4217: Ms. GRANGER. H.R. 5180: Mr. BARR. vania, Mr. FORTENBERRY, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. H.R. 4219: Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. H.R. 5212: Mrs. ELLMERS. CARTWRIGHT, Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts, H.R. 4223: Mr. STOCKMAN, Mr. PITTENGER, H.R. 5216: Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. ADERHOLT, Mrs. BACHMANN, Mr. BILI- and Mr. KING of New York. H.R. 5219: Mr. LOWENTHAL. H.R. 4260: Ms. CLARKE of New York. RAKIS, Mr. BOUSTANY, Ms. CHU, Mr. CLAWSON H.R. 5226: Mr. PERLMUTTER. H.R. 4306: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. of Florida, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois, Ms. H.R. 5227: Mr. SMITH of Missouri and Mr. H.R. 4319: Mr. FLEMING, Mr. NUNNELEE, Mr. DELAURO, Mr. DENT, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, KELLY of Pennsylvania. ADERHOLT, Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. Mr. GERLACH, Mr. GOSAR, Mrs. HARTZLER, H.R. 5233: Mr. MCHENRY, Mr. DEUTCH, and COBLE, and Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. HONDA, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Mr. JOHNSON of Mr. SMITH of Missouri. H.R. 4336: Mr. HANNA. Ohio, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. LANCE, Mr. LATTA, H.R. 5235: Mr. MEADOWS, Ms. WASSERMAN H.R. 4382: Mr. POMPEO. Ms. LEE of California, Mr. LEVIN, Ms. LOF- SCHULTZ, Mr. ISRAEL, Ms. TITUS, Mr. MURPHY H.R. 4385: Mr. CALVERT and Ms. LOFGREN. GREN, Ms. MATSUI, Ms. MCCOLLUM, Mr. of Florida, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Mrs. H.R. 4388: Mr. PERLMUTTER. MCHENRY, Mr. MEADOWS, Mrs. MILLER of MCCARTHY of New York, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, H.R. 4432: Mr. CALVERT. Michigan, Mr. MORAN, Mr. PITTS, Mr. POLIS, Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. SALMON, Mr. BILIRAKIS, H.R. 4440: Mr. HIMES. Mr. POSEY, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. ROTHFUS, Mr. Mr. CICILLINE, and Mr. WAXMAN. H.R. 4503: Mr. CAPUANO. RUSH, Mr. SCALISE, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, and Mr. H.R. 5239: Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. TAKANO, and H.R. 4510: Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. KING of Iowa. Ms. CLARKE of New York. H.R. 4578: Mr. PETERS of Michigan. H. Res. 688: Mr. DOGGETT, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, H.R. 5245: Mrs. ELLMERS and Mr. PRICE of H.R. 4582: Mr. BISHOP of Georgia and Mrs. Mr. HIMES, and Mr. TERRY. North Carolina. CAPPS. H. Res. 689: Ms. WATERS. H.R. 5252: Mr. DEUTCH. H.R. 4607: Mr. COSTA and Mr. FORBES. H. Res. 698: Mr. TAKANO, Mr. BERA of Cali- H.R. 4623: Mr. PASTOR of Arizona. H.R. 5263: Mr. FITZPATRICK. H.R. 5279: Mr. RUSH. fornia, Mr. WAXMAN, and Mr. AL GREEN of H.R. 4628: Mrs. BEATTY. Texas. H.R. 4682: Mr. SMITH of Missouri and Mr. H.R. 5285: Mr. BARR and Mr. CALVERT. H. Res. 699: Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas, Mr. BARR. H.R. 5306: Mr. DEFAZIO. KELLY of Pennsylvania, Ms. JENKINS, Mr. H.R. 4717: Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. H.R. 5310: Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. REICHERT, and Mr. SCHOCK. H.R. 4755: Mr. PASCRELL. H.R. 5321: Mr. COFFMAN, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS H. Res. 701: Ms. WATERS, Ms. DELBENE, Ms. H.R. 4793: Mr. MCCLINTOCK and Ms. KELLY of Illinois, Mr. RIGELL, Mr. VALADAO, and ´ of Illinois. Mr. WALBERG. LINDA T. SANCHEZ of California, Mr. MCNER- H.R. 4818: Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of H.R. 5325: Ms. DUCKWORTH. NEY, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. ENYART, Ms. FUDGE, New Mexico. H.R. 5328: Mr. RIGELL, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Mrs. BEATTY, Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. CLEAVER, Ms. H.R. 4885: Mr. FITZPATRICK and Mr. CAR- Illinois, Mr. BENISHEK, and Mr. WALBERG. EDWARDS, Ms. SCHWARTZ, Ms. BONAMICI, Ms. NEY. H.R. 5330: Mr. CARTWRIGHT. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. DOGGETT, Mr. H.R. 4886: Mrs. NAPOLITANO. H.R. 5338: Mr. CARTWRIGHT and Ms. MCCOL- VELA, Mr. CARNEY, Mr. DELANEY, Mr. MUR- H.R. 4888: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. LUM. PHY of Florida, Mr. SWALWELL of California, H.R.4906: Mrs. LOWEY. H.R. 5352: Mr. SERRANO and Mr. JOHNSON of Mr. KILMER, Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. HECK of H.R. 4916: Mr. ROONEY and Ms. TITUS. Georgia. Washington, Mr. POCAN, Mr. NOLAN, Mr. H.R. 4920: Ms. GABBARD. H.R. 5354: Mr. COSTA, Mr. BRALEY of Iowa, JEFFRIES, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. BISHOP of New H.R. 4960: Mr. WALBERG, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. and Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. York, Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New LOEBSACK, Mr. VALADAO, Mr. GARAMENDI, H.R. 5363: Ms. NORTON, Mrs. DAVIS of Cali- York, Mr. MATHESON, Mr. KENNEDY, Ms. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Ms. DELAURO, and fornia, Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. BEN TSONGAS, Ms. MATSUI, Mr. YARMUTH, Mr. Mr. TERRY. RAY LUJA´ N of New Mexico, Ms. JACKSON LEE, WELCH, Mr. THOMPSON of California, Mr. H.R. 4964: Mr. MCDERMOTT. and Mrs. CAPPS. TIERNEY, Mr. HUFFMAN, Ms. HAHN, Ms. MENG, H.R. 4966: Mrs. NEGRETE MCLEOD. H.R. 5372: Mr. ELLISON. and Mr. GARCIA. H.R. 4969: Mr. LANCE, Mr. COLLINS of New H.R. 5382: Mr. STIVERS, Mr. RENACCI, and H. Res. 707: Ms. GRANGER and Mr. BILI- York, Mr. JONES, and Mr. REED. Mr. WENSTRUP. RAKIS.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:11 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU7.025 H01AUPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2014 No. 123 Senate The Senate met at 11 a.m. and was U.S. SENATE, Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 471, S.J. called to order by the Honorable TIM PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Res. 19, a joint resolution proposing an KAINE, a Senator from the Common- Washington, DC, August 1, 2014. amendment to the Constitution of the wealth of Virginia. To the Senate: United States relating to contributions and Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, expenditures intended to affect elections. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby PRAYER SCHEDULE appoint the Honorable TIM KAINE, a Senator Mr. REID. Mr. President, following The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- from the Commonwealth of Virginia, to per- my remarks and those of the Repub- fered the following prayer: form the duties of the Chair. lican leader, if any, the Senate will be Let us pray. PATRICK J. LEAHY, in a period of morning business until 2 God of our forebears, whose almighty President pro tempore. p.m. this afternoon. Senators will be hand leads forth in beauty all the star- Mr. KAINE thereupon assumed the permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes ry band, thank You for the opportunity Chair as Acting President pro tempore. each during that period of time. to live in a nation which seeks ‘‘to es- f tablish justice, insure domestic tran- MEASURES PLACED ON THE CALENDAR—S. 2772 RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY quility, provide for the common de- AND S. 2773 LEADER fense, promote the general welfare, and Mr. REID. Mr. President, I under- secure the blessings of liberty to our- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- stand there are two bills at the desk selves and our posterity.’’ May each pore. The majority leader is recog- due for a second reading. day we strive to contribute to the nized. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- strength of this land so that the dream f pore. The clerk will read the bills by title for the second time. of our Framers will become a contin- CHAPLAIN BARRY BLACK uous reality. Use our Senators as they The assistant legislative clerk read seek to make America a beacon of free- Mr. REID. Mr. President, may I say, as follows: dom for our world. while our good chaplain is still in the A bill (S. 2772) making supplemental appro- Lord, so often we pray for our law- Chamber, he has such a way with priations for the fiscal year ending Sep- makers but neglect to intercede for words. I am so impressed with the tember 30, 2014, and for other purposes. those who support them, providing prayer this morning, where he recog- A bill (S. 2773) making supplemental appro- wind beneath their wings. Bless all who nized the way to get things done—as priations for the fiscal year ending Sep- tember 30, 2014, for border security, law en- labor for liberty. Give us traveling little as it is. If we could do more, we would get more, with this good staff. forcement, humanitarian assistance, and for mercies during the August recess. other purposes. We pray in Your merciful Name. So I really appreciate the prayer and Mr. REID. Mr. President, I object to Amen. the Chaplain. I extend my appreciation for the hard any further proceedings with respect to f work of this staff. Everyone in this these bills. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE room works hard, whether they are po- lice officers or enrolling clerks. They pore. Objection having been heard, the The Presiding Officer led the Pledge do everything. I am really grateful for bills will be placed on the calendar. of Allegiance, as follows: what they do to help us all look better. NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the I wish we did more so we would look Mr. REID. Mr. President, I am satis- United States of America, and to the Repub- better, but that is the way it is. fied and pleased that we have a number lic for which it stands, one nation under God, f of Senators on the floor wishing to indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. speak. I am going to say just a few f PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO brief words, and then we are going to THE CONSTITUTION OF THE go into a quorum call until the Repub- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING UNITED STATES—MOTION TO lican leader comes. He has some things PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE PROCEED to do here. So we will wait for him. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. REID. Mr. President, I now move Mr. President, we find ourselves at clerk will please read a communication to proceed to Calendar No. 471. the end of this work period having done to the Senate from the President pro The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- not a lot. There is a lot of blame to go tempore (Mr. LEAHY). pore. The clerk will report the motion. around, and we could spend all day The assistant legislative clerk read The assistant legislative clerk read blaming each other, but the fact is we the following letter: as follows: need to do better.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:34 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU6.000 S01AUPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 1, 2014 I am grateful, though; yesterday we MAKING CONTINUING APPROPRIA- ment and people rightfully put on each were able to pass the veterans con- TIONS FOR THE NATIONAL NU- one of their citizens who serve. ference report. It wasn’t what we CLEAR SECURITY ADMINISTRA- I thank again our majority leader passed out of the Senate, but it was TION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014 and the Republican leader for coming OK. It will help. I admire very much Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- together on this most important sig- the people who were able to get that imous consent that the Senate proceed nal. This isn’t just about money. It is a done. to the consideration of Calendar No. signal from the American people and the American taxpayers that we are BERNIE SANDERS worked extremely 220, H.J. Res. 76; that a Reid-McCon- with the Israelis, because if they do not hard, and I am not sure he could have nell-Mikulski substitute amendment at have Iron Dome, they can’t defend completed that without the work of the desk providing emergency appro- themselves. It is that simple. The Iron the senior Senator from Arizona. priations for the Iron Dome defense Dome is the ability to keep innocent system in Israel be agreed to; that the The bill was dead, the conference was civilians and neighborhoods and fami- joint resolution, as amended, be read a really dead, a week ago. But the senior lies from being destroyed by these bar- third time and passed; that the Reid- Senator from Arizona weighed in, and rages of literally thousands of incom- McConnell-Mikulski title amendment, with his influence with Democrats and ing rockets. Republicans, it was made possible to which is at the desk, be agreed to; and Again, I thank my friend. There has move forward and was brought back on the motions to reconsider be consid- been no one more relentless in this ef- track. ered made and laid on the table, with fort than the Senator from South Caro- no intervening action or debate. lina. I yield for him. I am surprised my friend from Ari- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- zona is here. I acknowledge the work The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Is there objection to the request? pore. The Senator from South Caro- that he did. Others worked on it, of Mr. MCCONNELL. Reserving the course, but without his McCain-like ad- lina. right to object—— Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, the vocacy last Friday and Thursday night, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- time is blurred now. Yesterday, or it wouldn’t have happened. pore. The Republican leader. early this morning, a very bad occur- Mr. President, I am not only grateful Mr. MCCONNELL. Let me say to my rence happened to the people of Israel. for the conference report we got on the friend, the majority leader, this is a During a cease-fire which they agreed veterans matter but also the highway good example of our being able to put to, an Israeli unit apparently was at- bill. Now, I think we need a long-term aside partisan considerations and work tacked by a Hamas suicide bomber. highway bill, and I think we will get together to help our good friend Israel. After that attack there was a charge I particularly want to salute Senator one in the near future. The work done against the unit in question, and ap- GRAHAM and Senator MCCAIN, who have by Senator BOXER and others to have a parently a soldier has been kidnapped been absolutely relentless in their ef- long-term bill because they wanted us and taken to the tunnels. to finish something this year didn’t forts to make sure we send this impor- It is so appropriate that today, of all come to fruition. We passed it here. tant signal to Israel at a very tough days, the Senate speaks in one voice. But we worked together and have a bill time for them. They are being, in my I cannot thank Senator REID enough that will allow construction to con- view, criticized by everyone for pur- for making this happen. Senator tinue. suing a policy that I am absolutely cer- MCCONNELL has worked to make sure it tain we would pursue if somebody In the House, I regret they weren’t got cleared on our side, and it finally across our border were launching mis- has. able to overcome Republican resistance siles at our civilian population. to funding a response to the humani- They are running out of Iron Dome I think it is important for us to send missiles to protect themselves. To tarian crisis at the border. Again, we a signal that the United States stands could stand here for the next couple whom do they turn? To us. behind one of its best friends—if not its Mr. President, $225 million is a lot of hours and affix blame as to whose fault best friend—in the world. money, but it is a rounding error in the it is. The fact is I don’t think it is I think the Prime Minister of Israel budget. going to get done. pretty well summed it up when he said: It is not only the missiles that mat- I watched the House closely. I have There is no moral equivalency here. ter; it is the message that goes with heard commentators. It is surprising Hamas launches missiles on civilians, the missiles: We are with you. Here are but I am told that even Charles and Israel warns civilians when it at- the missiles. Use them to defend your- Krauthammer today said: This is a lit- tempts to attack. And Hamas uses its self. We will stand with you on the bat- tle unusual. They weren’t able to com- own civilians to protect its missiles. tlefield. We will stand with you in the plete their work yesterday and the day There is no moral equivalency whatso- court of public opinion, and we are before. So what they have done is de- ever. going to push back against the United manded that President Obama do So as much of the world levels its Nations, which is becoming more and things on his own, for which they have criticism at Israel, I think it is impor- more anti-Israeli. As dysfunctional as sued him. That is a little inconsistent. tant for the United States to say: What the Congress has been, this is one of One of the Republican senior House nonsense to suggest that the Israelis our finer moments. Members was on ‘‘Morning Joe’’ this are doing anything that almost any We are about to leave here soon with morning. He said the same thing. But country in the world would have done a lot of work undone, but let it be said the House appears to be heading from had its citizens been threatened by a that we did have the foresight and the bad to worse as the House Republican neighbor as Israel has experienced. ability and, quite frankly, the moral majority hunts for votes on border pol- So, obviously, I do not object. decency to end on a positive note. icy. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- You can say a lot about this Con- pore. The Senator from Arizona. So let’s be clear about what is hap- gress—and much criticism is de- Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I wish to served—but here is what you cannot pening today on the other side of the take a moment to thank both leaders Capitol. say: We left Israel in the lurch. In a bi- for their efforts in bringing about this partisan manner we were there when House Republicans will vote to de- much-needed—not only the funding but they needed us the most. port children who have been living in the signal that the Congress will send To our friends in Israel: Stay as long the United States their entire lives, all and the President will sign that we are as you need to stay. Do whatever you in a pathetic attempt to appease the supporting them. need to do. tea party. The worse the bill gets the We all know the latest news is, trag- To our friends in Palestine: We grieve more votes they are getting over there. ically, that a proposed cease-fire has when children are killed. There is no That is the harsh, wrong-headed idea. broken down. Apparently an Israeli sol- more innocent person on the planet If the House does pass a bill, I can’t dier has been captured. And all of us than a child. imagine it could be cleared on either know the ramifications of that in the To the Palestinian people: Reject side over here. future, the value the Israeli Govern- Hamas and seek peace. We are not your

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01AU6.003 S01AUPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5319 enemy. We stand to help you, but you The amendment (No. 3780) was agreed As vice chairman of the Senate Se- have to reject a terrorist organization to, as follows: lect Committee on Intelligence, I have that has the coldest and darkest of Strike all after the first word, and insert: had the opportunity to work very hearts, that would kill every Israeli the following sum is appropriated, out of closely with Matt, as he served in a child and put your children at risk. Re- any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap- number of key positions in the intel- ject this hateful ideology while you propriated, for the fiscal year ending Sep- ligence community. Regardless of his still can. tember 30, 2014, and for other purposes, position, Matt has served with integ- namely: To our friends in Israel: There is rity and has provided sound, honest more to come when it comes to stand- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE counsel, which has benefited not only ing by your side. PROCUREMENT me but numerous other Members of I thank both leaders of the Senate for PROCUREMENT, DEFENSE-WIDE this body. rising to the occasion. For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- At NCTC Matt has overseen several The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ment, Defense-Wide’’, $225,000,000, to remain key initiatives that have enhanced pore. The majority leader. available until September 30, 2015, which NCTC’s ability to discover and prevent Mr. REID. I appreciate the words of shall be for the Secretary of Defense to pro- vide to the Government of Israel for the pro- terrorist attacks, such as the Pursuit my three friends. curement of the Iron Dome defense system Group that was put in place after the Mr. President, there are times when to counter short-range rocket threats: Pro- failed attack on Northwest flight 253. partisanship does not exist. I hope ev- vided, That such funds shall be transferred Matt has been a strong advocate for eryone will note that last night when immediately only through an exchange of NCTC’s mission, striving to make sure we couldn’t get this cleared—I, we— letters to address emergent operations in NCTC has the right people and the there was no finger-pointing. I under- support of Operation Protective Edge, not- right data to get the job done. He has stand the person objected. He is a fine withstanding section of the U.S.- done his part and has kept the Center man. He is a man of principle. But I Israel Iron Dome Procurement Agreement: Provided further, That nothing in this para- acutely focused on terrorist threats to have faith in this institution and our graph shall be construed to apply to pre- the homeland. sticking by our friend. So I am happy viously appropriated funds for the procure- I am certainly glad I supported his to be here today to be a part of this ment of Iron Dome: Provided further, That nomination and can attest that Matt is conclusion. such amount is designated by the Congress a man of his word. Before joining The situation in Israel is grave. We as an emergency requirement pursuant to NCTC, Matt served as the National Se- think this Iron Dome protects Israel. It section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget curity Agency’s general counsel and as protects a lot of Israel. But Israel does and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. an Associate Deputy Attorney General not have enough Iron Domes—plural— This joint resolution may be cited as the ‘‘Emergency Supplemental Appropriations at the Department of Justice. Matt to protect them. They need more. But Resolution, 2014’’. worked on several national security this will certainly be a step in the The joint resolution (H.J. Res. 76), as issues at DOJ but quickly became an right direction. expert on the Foreign Intelligence Sur- Three thousand rockets have been amended, was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, was read the third veillance Act and its implementation. fired in the last 21⁄2, 3 weeks—3,000. But Matt has an excellent perspective of for this technology that was perfected time, and passed. The amendment (No. 3781) was agreed the role of surveillance and keeping by the Israelis, they would be in dire to, as follows: this country safe, and I hope he will straits. There would be a war in the participate in the public debate on this Amend the title so as to read: ‘‘A bill mak- Middle East that we cannot imagine. issue even after his departure from Let’s be realistic. Are we going to ing an emergency supplemental appropria- tion for the fiscal year ending September 30, government service. benefit from what they have done? Of 2014, to provide funding to Israel for the Iron I would like to say a special thanks course we are. They are sharing this Dome defense system to counter short-range to his wife Fern and his three children: technology with us as we speak. rocket threats.’’. Elizabeth, Nate, and Will. Matt has There was a cease-fire that lasted f missed many nights and weekends with about 21⁄2 hours. It is terribly unfortu- MORNING BUSINESS his family as the Director of NCTC and nate what is going on over there, but, throughout his public service career. I as David Brooks said on ‘‘NewsHour’’— The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- am sure these sacrifices have been dif- this conservative columnist said he had pore. Under the previous order, the ficult at times, but our Nation is better never known of a conflict in history leadership time is reserved and the for it. I know Matt has spent every day where one side says: Kill more of us. It Senate will be in a period of morning of his tenure as Director focusing on is hard to comprehend. When the business until 2 p.m., with Senators how best to neutralize the increasing Israelis notify someone ‘‘there is going permitted to speak therein for up to 10 threat posed by Al Qaeda and its affili- to be action taken in this building you minutes each. ates. are in; would you leave,’’ the leader- Mr. REID. I note the absence of a Matt’s family should be very proud of ship in Gaza tells them to stay there, quorum, please. his outstanding achievements and his and unfortunately a lot of them do. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- dedicated efforts to protect our na- This is something that is hard for me pore. The clerk will call the roll. tional security. I understand Matt to comprehend, that something like The assistant legislative clerk pro- plans to return to teaching and spend this goes on. ceeded to call the roll. some well-deserved free time with his That little country, that tiny little Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I family. His presence will be missed at country is the only democracy in that ask unanimous consent that the order NCTC as well as on the Hill. To Matt whole area. That is it. for the quorum call be rescinded. and his family, thanks again and best Netanyahu—if I were in Israel, I may The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. MUR- wishes for whatever the future holds. have voted for someone else, but the PHY). Without objection, it is so or- I yield the floor and suggest the ab- Israeli people determine who leads that dered. sence of a quorum. country. I don’t know of a bond of TRIBUTE TO MATT OLSEN The PRESIDING OFFICER. The friendship that we have or ever had in Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I clerk will call the roll. world history better than this one, and rise to pay tribute to the Director of The assistant legislative clerk pro- so I will stand by Israel. I will stand by the National Counterterrorism Center ceeded to call the roll. Israel for a lot of personal reasons but Matt Olsen. Matt has announced his in- Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, I ask certainly for political reasons, and I tention to leave his position later this unanimous consent that the order for have no hesitation in declaring to the year after serving as Director of NCTC the quorum call be rescinded. world that is how I feel. for over 3 years. Matt is one of the best The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and brightest public servants with objection, it is so ordered. pore. Hearing no objection to the unan- whom I have had the pleasure to work. Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, I in- imous consent request, without objec- I wish to take a couple of minutes to tend to speak on a couple matters in tion, it is so ordered. thank him for a job well done. morning business for 10 minutes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:34 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01AU6.009 S01AUPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 1, 2014 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without So the real root of the problem is The second thing I hope we can do is objection, it is so ordered. Hamas. There is no moral equivalency pass a resolution that was authored by f here. Hamas is trying to kill every myself and Senator MENENDEZ this Israeli possible. They are firing mis- morning. It is cleared on the Repub- ISRAEL siles by the thousands indiscriminately lican side. I think we are about there Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, a cou- into Israel. They could care less where on the Democratic side. ple things. they land. Thank God for the Iron So what have we done? Tactically, This is a very dark day for our Dome. The most heinous of all is they the Senate has acted in a fashion to re- friends in Israel. Apparently, earlier have put their own people in harm’s supply missiles to the Iron Dome Pro- this morning, about an hour and a half way as human shields. As Israel tries gram that is literally under siege. after the agreed-upon cease-fire, an to tell people to withdraw from an area Strategically, we have a partnership Israeli column of soldiers who were because it is coming under attack, agreement pending before the Senate trying to decommission a terrorist tun- Hamas says: Ignore the leaflets. You go that reaffirms our relationship for nel, consistent with the terms of the to that area. years to come as a signal to Israel: cease-fire, were attacked by a suicide There is a video where a hospital was Strategically, we will be your partner bomber that resulted in some Israeli occupied by Hamas fighters. Israel gave as far as the eye can see. casualties. That column also was hit 2 days’ notice to evacuate the hospital. So that is pending before the Senate, by antitank missiles, and a group of When the hospital was destroyed mili- and I hope we can clear it today. Palestinian Hamas fighters engaged tarily because it became a command Today, of all days, would be a great the column, resulting in the capture of center for Hamas, secondary explosions time for us to make decisions that re- one Israeli soldier. went on for quite a while. It was also inforce the military capability of the For lack of a better way of explain- an ammo dump. ing this, there was a cease-fire. Israel So Hamas uses mosques, hospitals, Israelis to defend themselves, recom- was acting consistent with the terms of apartment complexes. We found two in- mit ourselves to a strategic partner- the cease-fire, and this was a planned stances of Hamas rockets being stored ship. military operation to take advantage in U.N. schools. They are violating And the third thing we could do is of the cease-fire. In the law of war this every known tenet of the law of war. lend our moral voices as a nation by would be a great breach. At the end of They are using their own people as condemning the attack of Hamas the day Israel is a victim of a group of human shields in an unprecedented against the Israeli defense forces and people called Hamas that lie, cheat, strategic manner. the capturing of a soldier. have everything in their being that As to the United Nations, you are This resolution thoroughly points most of us should condemn. about to run afoul of the Congress. The out the cease-fire breach by Hamas, the So what has the Senate done? This Human Rights Commission issued a preplanned attack on the Israeli col- could be a very good day for the U.S.- resolution that had one sentence con- umn during the cease-fire, the cap- Israeli relationship. To my Democratic demning the attacks on Israeli civil- turing of a soldier. We are condemning and Republican colleagues in the Sen- ians. It never mentioned the word this activity as a breach of inter- ate, you have risen to the occasion. I ‘‘Hamas.’’ It basically accused Israel of national law, and we are urging that thank the majority leader Senator being a war criminal. Hamas return the IDF soldier. REID and the minority leader Senator It passed 27 to 1. We were the lone This resolution would give the moral MCCONNELL for bringing up Iron Dome vote objecting to the resolution, which voice of our Nation and the Senate to funding. I thank all of my colleagues was so out of sync with reality, and the cause Israel faces. So if we could, for allowing the funding to go forward. several major nations abstained. in a dysfunctional Congress—and we OBURN The United Nations is becoming more Senator C was trying to find an deserve a lot of criticism, both parties anti-Israeli as I speak. Anti-Semitism offset. He is being consistent in trying are to blame—but if we could end the is spreading throughout the world, but to bring our fiscal house in order. He is day speaking as one on something that let it be said that the Senate in a bi- a very principled man, but he under- is very important, the survival of our partisan fashion will have no part of stood the urgency of the matter in friends in Israel—not being anti-Pales- this. The United Nations is a force that Israel and withdrew his objection last tinian but being pro-Israel and pro- could be used for the good or it could night. peace and being anti-Hamas—I just To our friends in Israel, the Senate be a force to make problems worse. wish and hope and pray the Palestinian has acted in a unanimous fashion, bi- I consider myself, as a Republican, an people will reject Hamas and turn in a partisan in nature, to appropriate $225 internationalist. I believe in foreign as- new direction because in that direction million to resupply the missiles that sistance. I believe in helping people. I you will find peace and you will find you need to defend yourself under the believe in leading the world, not having America as a partner. Iron Dome Program. With the missiles the world run us over. Ronald Reagan comes a message. The message is we is a great role model from my point of So let it be said the Senate, in the are with you. Take as long us you need. view. He said: America makes history. most turbulent political times, found Go where you need to go to deal with That is our destiny. We shape history; its way when it came to supporting our this terrorist threat called Hamas. we are not overrun by it. That does not friends in Israel by appropriating To the Palestinian people, we are not mean we have to become the world’s money to help their military which is your enemy. We hope one day you will policeman or act as the Lone Ranger. under siege, by passing a strategic reject Hamas and try to find a peaceful It does mean we have to stay involved partnership agreement that reaffirms solution to your problems with your in the world. That is my point of view. the relationship, and by lending our Israeli neighbors, and we stand ready But it is very hard to maintain that voice to what happened today in con- to help in that regard. point of view when the United Nations, demning, in no uncertain terms, the vi- The Palestinian Authority and Israel I believe, is being hijacked in such a cious attack and the breach of the have a good working relationship when fashion. cease-fire by Hamas. it comes to the West Bank. Hamas has To the United Nations leadership: If we could do those three things been in charge of Gaza for several years You are about to run afoul of the Con- today, it would be the right message, it now, and this cycle of violence repeats gress, who wants to be part of the body would send the right message at the itself. You will have a cease-fire. You that wants to shape the world for the right time, and it would solidify this will have a lull in the violence. One better. By your constant condemning relationship that is so important be- year later you will fight Hamas again. of Israel in a disproportionate manner cause the enemies of Israel are our en- They have fired over 15,000 rockets into to what is going on, on the ground in emies also. Radical Islam has the same Israel. In 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza, beware of where you are taking desire to kill us and destroy our way of Gaza, giving land for peace. The land this. To the Human Rights Commis- life as they do Israel. At the end of the was given, the peace has been unattain- sion: You have become a joke in the day we have to understand our fates able. eyes of Congress. are tied together.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:34 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01AU6.014 S01AUPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5321 CRISIS ON THE BORDER coming from Central America after The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, the President Obama unilaterally gave am- objection, it is so ordered. second issue I would like to talk about nesty to children already here. No mat- f ter how well intentioned, it has created is my colleagues in the House are try- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST— the belief in that part of the world that ing to find their way to pass legislation S. 2673 regarding the crisis on the border. if you make it to America you can They tried yesterday. They failed. stay. Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, we all They are back at it again. We want you to understand there is a know that our ally Israel is in a fight I thank Speaker BOEHNER, from the legal way to get to America. Just do for survival because a terrorist group, Republican point of view, for not leav- not show up on the doorstep and ask to so named by the United States and Eu- ing town until we have a solution in a be taken in. That is not a way for our rope, is at war with Israel right now. Republican-controlled House. It has Nation to have to deal with people We remember how it all started, with been hard to find. It is an emotional wanting to come to this Nation. So I the kidnapping of three Israeli boys issue. It is a difficult issue on many hope we will not be gone for 5 weeks and the torture and the deaths, and levels. The human suffering of the chil- with this problem unaddressed. Hamas praised that. Tragically, there dren—everybody is moved by that, as If the House can get its act together was a revenge killing, and the Israeli we should be. But we cannot and pass a solution to the problem, it Government arrested the Israelis re- incentivize these three countries in would be incumbent, in my view, upon sponsible for that and they are going to question to keep sending their children the Senate to reconvene, deal with the face justice, while Hamas praises— here, putting their children at risk, House proposal, come up with one of praises—what happened. and overrunning our systems. That is our own, and engage the House to solve Today I spoke to the Ambassador, not the way to deal with our neighbor. this problem. Five weeks is a very long and this is what I heard him say—and So the House hopefully will pass leg- time to be away from a problem this I haven’t fact-checked this, but as I un- islation reforming the 2008 law that important. derstand it there was a cease-fire in needs to be reformed to make children As to the August break, contrary to place, all sides agreed everything was from Guatemala, El Salvador, Hon- what a lot of people may believe, we do clear. Israel was going to be allowed to duras, that region subject to the same not all go on vacation. We try to take clear out the tunnels which are being laws as if you came from Mexico, and some time for ourselves and our fami- used to open to Hamas the country of they are putting money aside to deal lies. But it is a chance to go visit other Israel, where they go under the ground with the deportation problem and the parts of the world, to get informed on and they have one objective—to kill humanitarian crisis. problems that can come here in terms Israelis, to torture them, to kidnap If they can pass a solution to this of affecting our national security. Situ- them. No country—no country—could problem, I am urging the majority ations over there are going to come ever live with that, no country—not leader of the Senate to bring us back in here if we do not deal with them re- our country. because we should not be gone for 5 sponsibly. It is a chance to do things in Imagine if we had 100 rockets a day weeks with something this important your State. So people are very busy coming from Mexico or Canada or from left unresolved. You may not agree during August. They try to capture the sea, either side. We would never with the House, but let’s take up their some time for themselves. But at the ever sit back for that. We would never proposal, amend it, vote on it, vote it end of the day, 5 weeks is way too long sit back if under our great cities we up or vote it down, take the prior to be absent from Washington as the had terrorists building tunnels so they Democratic proposal, allow amend- crisis on the border gets worse. If the could sneak in suicide bombers to kill ments to be had on both sides of the House can find a solution to this prob- our people. aisle, and see if we can find common lem, I am urging the Democratic-con- Here we had a cease-fire, and I know ground on dealing with the border. trolled Senate to bring us back, take the Secretary of State worked hard. The President at one time embraced up their solution, vote it up, vote it Yet and still what happened, even changes in the 2008 law. That has to be down, bring back the Senate bill, allow though it was known that Israel was done or we will never solve the prob- it to be amended so we can find con- permitted to continue clearing out lem. sensus. Consensus is there if we want these tunnels, a suicide bomber blew I do not mind spending money in a to find it. himself up, killed Israeli soldiers and humanitarian fashion as long as we are I appreciate the Presiding Officer’s someone else grabbed and kidnapped— spending money to solve the problem, voice on national security. The Pre- we think—we think—an Israeli soldier. not perpetuate it. So if the House can siding Officer has been a stalwart We don’t know all the facts on it. This find its way in offering a solution to friend of Israel in trying to find a way must be condemned. the border crisis, I am urging my forward regarding the problems the We have a bill, Senator BLUNT and I, Democratic colleagues who control Ukrainian people face. I hope we can and it has 81 cosponsors on it. It is the this body to act. Let’s not be gone for find a solution to our border crisis. But Israeli American strategic partnership 5 weeks. Bring us all back. See if we a final thought as to Israel: Today act, and it will send a strong signal can find a solution among ourselves in could be a very good day for the U.S.- today that we stand with Israel. We the Senate, talk to our colleagues in Israel relationship. It started in the want peace. We want justice. We want the House and solve the problem. Senate. I hope my House colleagues a good life for the Israelis and the Pal- It is within our power to do so. I will pass the Iron Dome legislation estinian people. But you cannot do it know we can get there. I know there that we passed by unanimous consent when you have a terrorist organization are at least five or six Democrats who today. The House needs to get this running, in essence, the Gaza Strip. understand throwing money at the done so the President can sign this into In this bill Senator BLUNT and I have problem without changing the 2008 law law. worked on, there is a visa waiver sec- gets you nowhere. There are plenty of To my colleagues in the House: tion, and I want to go over that be- people on our side who understand a Please take up Iron Dome. Let’s get cause I fear we may have objections to humanitarian crisis does exist. Let’s this right. this. I am hoping not, I still hope we marry these forces and see if we can I yield the floor and suggest the ab- won’t, but in this visa waiver section it come up with a bipartisan compromise sence of a quorum. does three things: First, it expresses in the Senate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the sense of the Senate that Israel The only way you can do that is to be clerk will call the roll. should be designated as a program allowed to offer amendments and de- The legislative clerk proceeded to country under the Visa Waiver Pro- bate. I cannot think of a problem more call the roll. gram. dramatic facing the Nation right now The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Second, it urges United States en- in terms of a crisis than what is hap- ator from California. gagement with Israel to help it meet pening on our border: 50,000 unaccom- Mrs. BOXER. I ask that the order for the requirements of the waiver pro- panied children, the spike in people the quorum call be rescinded. gram; i.e., when Israelis come over

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:34 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01AU6.015 S01AUPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 1, 2014 they pay attention to the time on their that is very similar to what Senator out Israel because you don’t like the visas and they go back to their country BOXER and others are supporting but it program? Let this go. when the time is up. does not include this provision. We can have a colloquy. We can work Third, it authorizes but doesn’t re- Based on that, I am not able to sup- together, Senator SESSIONS. We can quire the administration to waive a port this amendment and would object. make sure there is no abuse here. We nonimmigrant visa waiver requirement Mr. President, if the Senator would changed this so we would be sure there only if Israel meets all the other pro- allow me, I would say let’s pass a bill is no abuse. gram requirements. without that provision in it. Let’s get I am very saddened at this, and all I Here is what is important. There are that done today, and I will commit to can say is that Senator BLUNT and I 38 countries in the Visa Waiver Pro- further research and digging into this are coming back with this bill over and gram. These countries represent some to see if there is any legitimate way over and over again, and one way or of America’s closest allies. In fact, 20 of based on law and consistency and the the other we will get it done. the current Visa Waiver Program coun- integrity of the visa waiver system I say to my friends in Israel: Take tries are NATO allies. So I want to say that I could support it. It might be. heart. Eighty-one of our Senators are clearly to my friend Senator SESSIONS Israel is an educated country. We have with you on this bill, and only a hand- and anyone within the sound of my a lot of people who travel back and ful haven’t even gone on, and only voice that the provision I hope he will forth between our countries. It is just one—only one—objected. So take not object to today, the provision gives so far the State Department has not heart, because we are with you and we Israel, the strongest ally of the United approved it. The House does not have it will get this done. States in the Middle East, a chance to in their bill, and I and the Members of Mr. President, that is the end of my join the program. As a member of the the Judiciary Committee who have remarks, and I note the absence of a Visa Waiver Program, Israeli citizens, dealt with these issues for quite a num- quorum. many of whom have families in Amer- ber of years—I have resisted the expan- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ica, would be allowed to visit the sion of this program contrary to the clerk will call the roll. United States for up to 90 days without law and State Department policy. Re- The assistant legislative clerk pro- first obtaining a visa. This deepens the gretfully I have objected. ceeded to call the roll. ties between our nations. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ob- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I ask I want to read some of the countries jection is heard. unanimous that the order for the that have these privileges: Lithuania, The Senator from California. quorum call be rescinded. Latvia, Hungary, Slovakia, Estonia, Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I won’t The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. the Czech Republic. I was proud to sup- be long, but I am so disappointed. I REID). Without objection, it is so or- port them, but I am also proud to say know my friend wants to be helpful, dered. that Israel deserves to be on that list. but I have to say that the visa waiver Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, if it Why shouldn’t they have the same op- section—I am not being stubborn about would be more convenient for you to portunity? this—all it does is it says that Israel come to the desk, I am happy to sit in When we first wrote our visa waiver should have the same privileges as the Chair. provision, there were objections that Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and the Since the Presiding Officer can’t an- we didn’t have enough flexibility. We Czech Republic. swer my question, I will note the ab- changed it and now we have 81 sponsors Of all the days to say no to this bill, sence of a quorum. on this legislation. I would ask, how with what is going on over there. It The PRESIDING OFFICER. The many pieces of legislation have 81 co- hurts my heart. It breaks my heart, be- clerk will call the roll. sponsors? You couldn’t even get it for a cause this bill authorizes $200 million The assistant legislative clerk pro- Mother’s Day resolution. I mean this is in the value of U.S. weapons sales in ceeded to call the roll. strong. And of all the times for us to Israel to a total of $1.8 billion. It is a Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask object to this United States-Israel stockpile that is intended to be used by unanimous consent that the order for Strategic Partnership Act, it should U.S. forces, but in event of emergency, the quorum call be rescinded. not be today. Israel can tap that. And, my God, this The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- is an emergency. It is so critical. In BOXER). Without objection, it is so or- sent that the Senate proceed to the im- fact, just last week the United States dered. mediate consideration of Calendar No. provided Israel with ammunition from f 492, S. 2673; that the bill be read a third the stockpile after Israel requested time and passed; and the motion to re- help to replace its depleted supplies. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU- consider be considered made and laid We shouldn’t be waiting another hour TION OF THE UNITED STATES on the table, with no intervening ac- to pass this, and here we are as the RELATING TO CONTRIBUTIONS tion or debate. clock ticks down and we go off on our AND EXPENDITURES INTENDED The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there break and as my friend knows, this bill TO AFFECT ELECTIONS—MOTION objection? doesn’t cost one slim dime—not one TO PROCEED—Continued The Senator from Alabama. slim dime—not one penny. It is such a Mr. REID. Madam President, is the Mr. SESSIONS. Reserving my right signal to Israel that we stand with her. motion to proceed to S.J. Res. 19 now to object, I appreciate Senator BOXER’s It also has an energy section where pending? leadership on this issue. She is a great we help Israel develop her natural gas The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mo- advocate and a strong supporter of supplies to become energy independent. tion to proceed is pending. Israel, as I am, and have been consist- It is so sad for me today. CLOTURE MOTION ently since I have been in the Senate. Last night Senator CORKER had an Mr. REID. Madam President, I have a I would note for the Senator that the objection. He cleared it. He and I had a cloture motion that I ask be reported. expansion of this program has been real go-to on it. I know we had a bit of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- problematic for some time. I have been a misunderstanding. He backed off. I ture motion having been presented involved with the Visa Waiver Program am so appreciative. Then Senator under rule XXII, the Chair directs the for quite a number of years. So my con- COBURN had a problem, and he backed clerk to read the motion. cern is not based on Israel, it is based off and he said, ‘‘No, I kind of like this The assistant legislative clerk read on trying to maintain consistency and section.’’ Then Senator LEE had a prob- as follows: effectiveness of the program. lem and Senator COBURN talked to Sen- CLOTURE MOTION It is not a program that I think is op- ator LEE and Senator LEE was fine. erating effectively. Congress has de- We have 81 people on this bill, and 1 We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the clared that no more waivers be granted Senator this afternoon is holding it Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move until after this biometric exit system hostage because he doesn’t like the to bring to a close debate on the motion to has been completed. I believe our program. Well, we can all work to- proceed to Calendar No. 471, S.J. Res. 19, a House colleagues are considering a bill gether on the program, but why single joint resolution proposing an amendment to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01AU6.018 S01AUPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5323 the Constitution of the United States relat- personnel to the border to help process Because of Congress’ inaction, the ing to contributions and expenditures in- people. administration will be forced to ask for tended to affect elections. These measures have been working. an emergency reprogramming to get Harry Reid, Patrick J. Leahy, Tom For example, the amount of time peo- the agencies through August. But this Udall, Debbie Stabenow, Christopher ple are detained before they are re- Murphy, Christopher A. Coons, Charles reprogramming will also have severe E. Schumer, John D. Rockefeller IV, moved has decreased from over a consequences—consequences that I do Maria Cantwell, Patty Murray, Dianne month to as little as 4 days in recent not think many of our colleagues seem Feinstein, Bill Nelson, Tom Harkin, weeks. Migrant children who were lan- to understand. Richard J. Durbin, Sheldon White- guishing in crowded border patrol sta- Our border security will be reduced. house, Al Franken, Amy Klobuchar. tions are being screened and relocated Why? Because CBP will have to cut Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent more quickly. But these emergency back on aerial support for Border Pa- the mandatory quorum required under measures are expensive, and none of trol agents on the border. When I was rule XXII be waived. the Federal agencies involved have the in Texas and Arizona last year, I heard The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without money they need to sustain the aggres- frontline agents say again and again objection, it is so ordered. sive steps they are taking to deal with that aerial support was the single most Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent this situation. In fact, many agencies important force multiplier that they that the vote on the motion to invoke have indicated that they will run out had available to help them secure the cloture on the motion to proceed occur of money in a matter of weeks without border. on Monday, September 8, when the action—some even in a few days. People and commerce trying to get Senate resumes legislative session fol- So last week, Senator MIKULSKI in- into this country will be forced to lowing confirmation of the Pryor nomi- troduced a bill that would provide $2.7 longer delays and intrusive screenings nation. billion in order to address the situation at our ports of entry. Why? Because The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and ensure that the agencies charged CBP will have to take money that was objection, it is so ordered. with securing our borders do not run going to be used to fund sophisticated out of money this summer. More im- scanning equipment to pay for caring f portantly, it would also address some for unaccompanied children at the bor- MORNING BUSINESS of the underlying root causes of the der. Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask problem we face. The Coast Guard will have to stop unanimous consent the Senate proceed But here we are, the day before Con- doing maintenance on many of our to a period of morning business, with gress leaves town, and what have we Coast Guard vessels. Why? Because the Senators permitted to speak therein done to address this crisis? The answer Coast Guard’s funds will be shifted. for up to 10 minutes each. is nothing. FEMA will have less money for dis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The consequences of our inaction will aster response just as folks in coastal objection, it is so ordered. be severe. Let me give you some exam- states, like Delaware, are gearing up ples of what will happen if Congress for the height of hurricane season. f continues to do nothing. Why? Because DHS will have to raid its BORDER CRISIS Families apprehended at the border Disaster Relief Fund in order to make Mr. CARPER. Madam President, I will be released. Why? Because Immi- ends meet. wish to express my bitter disappoint- gration and Customs Enforcement does This is no way to respond to a cri- ment in the Senate for refusing to not have the money to add the 3,000 de- sis—a crisis—that we have been talking move forward with the President’s re- tention beds it needs to house families and talking and talking about here in quest for emergency funding to deal until they can be returned to their the Senate for months! countries; Finally—and in my mind, most in- with the humanitarian crisis we are Undocumented migrants scheduled to credibly—we will leave here without facing on our southern border with be deported will stay here. Why? Be- doing anything to address the under- Texas. cause ICE won’t have the money for lying factors that explain why this Ordinary working people do not close transportation. surge is happening in the first place. up shop with urgent work still undone, People currently being detained will The President and Senator MIKULSKI and neither should we. There is plenty have to be released. Why? Because ICE included $300 million in the supple- of blame to go around; as I speak, there will have to reduce its detention popu- mental package to address what I be- is a strong chance the House will leave lation. lieve to be the root causes of this town without taking action on this cri- Undocumented immigrants waiting surge: the lack of economic opportuni- sis either. The administration has for their immigration court cases to be ties, jobs, and hope in Central America, asked for money, but has yet to speak heard will have to wait longer. Why? combined with increasing violence and clearly on what changes it needs in the Because we are not adding the 40 immi- insecurity in the region. Make no mis- law governing how we handle child mi- gration court judges that the adminis- take about it, these funds are an emer- grants at the border. tration requested. gency. As we all know, over the past several We also will not be able to hire the 82 I am not suggesting that any of this months, our Nation has experienced an immigration prosecutors and 100 repa- will be a quick or easy fix. It will re- unprecedented surge in migration from triation personnel that DHS was plan- quire a sustained investment—and three countries: El Salvador, Guate- ning to hire in August. Why? Because focus—on the region by the U.S. and mala, and Honduras. People from these we will not be able to afford them. also by a number of others. But if we countries are fleeing desperate, violent Health and Human Services will have turn our backs on these countries now, conditions and a large number of them to cut back on the number of children I am convinced that we will be back are families, and unaccompanied chil- it can house. This means that children here again 10 years from now dealing dren—some as young as 4 years old. will have to stay at Border Patrol sta- with another expensive humanitarian The President and Department of tions longer and agents will be forced crisis on our border. Homeland Secretary, DHS, Johnson re- to care for children instead of patrol- But today, we are left empty-handed, sponded with an all-hands-on-deck ef- ling the border. Why? Because Health and all by our own doing. Again, we fort. The Federal Emergency Manage- and Human Services will not have the have been seeing this humanitarian ment Administration, FEMA, is coordi- money it needs. crisis play out for months now. We nating the response to the problem. I am frankly stunned that we here in have heard the heartbreaking stories of The Department of Defense is pro- Congress do not have a sense of ur- the Central American children and viding emergency beds for unaccom- gency to pass this bill and make sure families arriving at our borders. panied minors. Immigration and Cus- that this does not happen. I guess my I believe that we have a moral imper- toms Enforcement has greatly ex- colleagues believe that we can just ative here to address this crisis with a panded its ability to detain and remove move money around in order to patch humane response and one that honors families. We have surged Border Patrol the holes in these agencies’ budgets. our obligations under U.S. and interna- agents, immigration judges, and other We are robbing Peter to pay Paul. tional law—and is consistent with the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01AU6.020 S01AUPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5324 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 1, 2014 admonition that we should love our During his 30-year career with Farm- elected to the State senate. As chair of neighbors as we love ourselves while ers’ Rice, Bill promoted one of the the senate committees on education taking care of the least of these in so- Golden State’s most important crops and aging, he championed new invest- ciety. with pride and skill, advocating for im- ments in K–12, higher education and We have not even come close to portant public policy issues on behalf long-term care while winning bipar- meeting the moral imperative and I am of California’s rice industry. Each tisan praise for his careful fiscal stew- deeply disappointed. week, growers could depend upon his ardship. Over the next few weeks and into summary of important local, State, In 2004, term limits ended John’s leg- September, I urge my colleagues in and Federal news impacting the rice islative career, but he did not retire. both Chambers to think about ‘‘the industry in ‘‘Bill Huffman’s News of Joining with a group of friends and least of these’’ that we have left behind the Week’’ blog. In addition to tire- supporters, he established the today and to work harder to come to- lessly representing Northern Califor- Vasconcellos Legacy Project, VLP, an gether and find a compromise to this nia’s rice growers, Bill also helped lead organization ‘‘dedicated to the propo- challenge. I also urge the administra- disaster relief efforts to donate rice sition that positive political change is tion to speak more clearly about what overseas following the tragic 2004 tsu- possible, especially because we human it needs, and to work with us to find a nami in Southeast Asia. In recognition beings are innately inclined toward the path to get it done. of all of his outstanding accomplish- good.’’ Through research and advocacy, f ments, Bill was awarded the California the VLP has sought to overcome polit- ical polarization and cynicism to cre- VOTE EXPLANATION Rice Industry Award by the California Cooperative Rice Research Foundation ate a new ‘‘Politics of Trust.’’ Mrs. HAGAN. Madam President, I in 2009. Throughout his long and distin- was necessarily absent from the Senate I had the pleasure getting to know guished life in politics, John on July 31, 2014. Bill well during his time with Farmers’ Vasconcellos demanded expected the I missed rollcall votes in relation to Rice Cooperative. We worked together best from himself, his colleagues, and the motion to waive the Budget Act to promote California’s high-quality our democracy. He was one of a kind, with respect to S. 2648, the motion to rice, protect important conservation and he will be truly missed. I extend waive the Budget Act with respect to programs, and encourage sustainable my deepest condolences to his loving H.R. 3230, adoption of the Conference rice farming. Bill has been a strong extended family and many friends and Report to accompany H.R. 3230, the voice for our rice growers, and I wish admirers.∑ motion to recede from the Senate my friend the best as he enjoys a well- f amendment to H.R. 5021, and the mo- deserved retirement with his wife Shei- REMEMBERING THEODORE VAN tion to invoke cloture on the nomina- la, their four children, and three grand- KIRK tion of Jill Pryor, of Georgia, to be children. ∑ U.S. Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Thank you.∑ Mr. CASEY. Madam President, Theo- dore ‘Dutch’ Van Kirk died on July 28, Circuit. f Had I been present, I would have 2014, at the age of 93. A native of North- voted against the motion to waive the REMEMBERING JOHN umberland, PA, he served his country Budget Act with respect to S. 2648. I VASCONCELLOS with distinction during a difficult time would have voted in favor of the mo- ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Madam President, I ask for our Nation and the world. I ask tion to waive the Budget Act with re- my colleagues to join me in honoring that the following story from the spect to H.R. 3230, adoption of the Con- the memory of John Vasconcellos, a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette be printed in ference Report to accompany H.R. 3230, giant in California politics and govern- the RECORD. the motion to recede from the Senate ment who died on May 24 at the age of There being no objection, the mate- amendment to H.R. 5021, and the mo- 82. John made the personal political rial was ordered to be printed in the tion to invoke cloture on the nomina- and took politics personally. He was a RECORD, as follows: tion of Jill Pryor, of Georgia, to be compassionate and caring human being [From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 30, U.S. Circuit Judge for the Eleventh who brought all of his humanity to the 2014] Circuit. job of governance. OBITUARY: THEODORE ‘‘DUTCH’’ VANKIRK/ WWII AIRMAN WHOSE CREW DROPPED ATOM- f John Bernard Vasconcellos, Jr., was born in San Jose, CA in 1932. After IC BOMB ON , FEB. 27, 1921–JULY 28, ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS graduating with high honors from 2014 Bellarmine College Preparatory and (By Joe Smydo) Santa Clara University, John spent 2 At first, Theodore ‘‘Dutch’’ VanKirk and TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM V. the other airmen aboard the years in the Army before returning to HUFFMAN feared the atomic bomb they had dropped on Santa Clara for law school, where he ∑ Japan was a dud. Mrs. BOXER. Madam President, I ask again graduated at the top of his class. But after what seemed like an intermi- my colleagues to join me in recog- John became interested in politics nable wait, ‘‘there was a bright flash in the nizing William ‘‘Bill’’ Huffman, the di- while serving on Governor Pat Brown’s air,’’ Mr. VanKirk recounted in a 2012 book. rector of Government Relations for reelection campaign staff during The B–29 rocked from the shock waves, a Farmers’ Rice Cooperative, who is re- Brown’s epic 1962 race against Richard white mushroom cloud shot into the sky, tiring after a distinguished career that Nixon. and the devastation became clear even from has spanned more than five decades. In 1966, John was elected to the Cali- the crew’s vantage point thousands of feet in the air. Bill Huffman’s roots to rice date fornia State Assembly, beginning a ‘‘The ground was covered with thick black back to his childhood. He was raised on record 38 years of uninterrupted service smoke and dust and dirt,’’ he said. ‘‘It looked his family’s rice farm in Gridley, lo- in the Legislature. like a pot of boiling black oil covering prac- cated in the heart of California’s rice In the assembly, John was known for tically the entire city of .’’ country the Sacramento Valley. Bill his visionary idealism, brilliant intel- Mr. VanKirk, 93, a Northumberland, Pa., later attended Humboldt State Univer- lect, and tough pragmatism. His mas- native and the last surviving member of the sity and graduated with a degree in tery of budget issues led to his chair- crew that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiro- shima on Aug. 6, 1945, a secret mission cred- radio/television before going to work manship of the powerful Ways and ited with bringing World War II to an end, for a Sacramento radio station as a Means Committee, where he cham- died Monday in suburban . He had ex- farm broadcaster. pioned State investment in education. perienced vascular difficulties. Following his career in broadcasting, His deep interest in psychology led to Thomas VanKirk of Mt. Lebanon said his Bill worked in the government, agri- the establishment of the California father was handpicked by the Enola Gay’s cultural, and financial sectors and then Task Force to Promote Self-Esteem pilot, , to serve as navigator on joined Farmers’ Rice Cooperative, Cali- the bombing run. The two had met and and Personal and Social Responsi- served together in England years earlier. fornia’s largest rice marketing firm, bility. After the war, Mr. VanKirk received bach- representing more than 700 rice grow- When term limits forced John to elor’s and master’s degrees in chemical engi- ers. leave the assembly in 1996, he was neering from Bucknell University and was

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01AU6.021 S01AUPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5325 posted all over the country during a 35-year H.R. 935. An act to amend the Federal In- eration Fund to promote the establishment career with DuPont. secticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act of not fewer than 10 commercial-scale carbon ‘‘Most importantly, he was an outstanding and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act capture and sequestration units in the father,’’ Thomas VanKirk, Highmark’s chief to clarify Congressional intent regarding the United States during the next 10 years, and legal officer, said. regulation of the use of pesticides in or near for other purposes; to the Committee on En- The decision to use the atomic bomb on navigable waters, and for other purposes. ergy and Natural Resources. Japan—another B–29, the Bockscar, bombed ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED Nagasaki three days after Hiroshima—re- f mains controversial because of the lives lost. At 1:22 p.m., a message from the SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND However, Donald Goldstein, a military his- House of Representatives, delivered by SENATE RESOLUTIONS torian, former Air Force officer and retired Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- University of Pittsburgh professor, said the nounced that the Speaker had signed The following concurrent resolutions bombings hastened the war’s end and spared the following enrolled bills: and Senate resolutions were read, and many other lives that would have been lost referred (or acted upon), as indicated: H.R. 3230. An act to improve the access of during an invasion of Japan. By Ms. STABENOW (for herself, Ms. He said the prevailing sentiment among veterans to medical services from the De- AYOTTE, Mr. WARNER, Mr. MORAN, U.S. military personnel at the time was, partment of Veterans Affairs, and for other Ms. BALDWIN, and Mr. HELLER): ‘‘Thank God for the bomb.’’ Mr. Goldstein purposes. S. Res. 536. A resolution designating Sep- said bringing the war to a rapid close also H.R. 5021. An act to provide an extension of tember 2014 as ‘‘National Ovarian Cancer helped to forestall Soviet geopolitical ambi- Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor Awareness Month’’; considered and agreed tions in Japan. carrier safety, transit, and other programs Thomas VanKirk said he initially learned funded out of the Highway Trust Fund, and to. about his father’s exploits through news- for other purposes. By Mr. GRAHAM (for himself and Mr. paper clippings he found during a childhood MENENDEZ): The enrolled bills were subsequently S. Res. 537. A resolution reaffirming sup- exploration of his grandmother’s attic. In signed by the Acting President pro 1995, father and son stood together during port for Israel’s right to defend its citizens tempore (Mr. REID). the unveiling of an Enola Gay exhibit at the and ensure the survival of the State of Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Mu- f Israel, and for other purposes; to the Com- mittee on Foreign Relations. seum. MEASURES REFERRED ‘‘He had no regrets about dropping the f bomb. He believed it was necessary,’’ said The following bill was read the first Youngstown, N.Y., historian Suzanne Simon and the second times by unanimous ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS Dietz, whose book about Mr. VanKirk, ‘‘My consent, and referred as indicated: S. 654 True Course,’’ relies on his letters and mem- H.R. 935. An act to amend the Federal In- At the request of Ms. LANDRIEU, the oirs. In 2005, Mr. VanKirk told the Pittsburgh secticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act name of the Senator from Post-Gazette, ‘‘I just had a job to do.’’ But and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor others considered him a hero and his death a to clarify Congressional intent regarding the of S. 654, a bill to amend the Internal reminder of the passing of the WWII genera- regulation of the use of pesticides in or near Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for col- tion. navigable waters, and for other purposes; to legiate housing and infrastructure the Committee on Environment and Public ‘‘A son of Pennsylvania, Theodore ‘Dutch’ grants. VanKirk helped to save the world from tyr- Works. S. 727 anny and then returned home to live the f quiet life of a citizen,’’ Gov. Tom Corbett At the request of Mr. MORAN, the said in a statement. Mr. Corbett said he and MEASURES PLACED ON THE name of the Senator from Montana his wife, Susan, ‘‘send our heartfelt sym- CALENDAR (Mr. WALSH) was added as a cosponsor pathies to his family and the thanks of a The following bills were read the sec- of S. 727, a bill to improve the examina- grateful state for his service to the cause of ond time, and placed on the calendar: tion of depository institutions, and for freedom.’’ other purposes. Mr. VanKirk was born Feb. 27, 1921. He S. 2772. A bill making supplemental appro- graduated from Northumberland High priations for the fiscal year ending Sep- S. 1507 School, briefly attended Susquehanna Uni- tember 30, 2014, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. MORAN, the versity and joined the Army Air Forces S. 2773. A bill making supplemental appro- name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. priations for the fiscal year ending Sep- cadet program in fall 1941—before the Japa- ISAKSON) was added as a cosponsor of S. nese , his son said, be- tember 30, 2014, for border security, law en- forcement, humanitarian assistance, and for 1507, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- cause he knew the war was coming and want- enue Code of 1986 to clarify the treat- ed to choose his method of service. other purposes. Posted to Europe, he served aboard a B–17 The following bill was read the first ment of general welfare benefits pro- bomber, the Red Gremlin, with Mr. Tibbets and second times by unanimous con- vided by Indian tribes. and bombardier Thomas Ferebee, who also sent, and placed on the calendar: S. 2100 would be part of the Enola Gay crew for the H.R. 594. An act to amend the Public At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the Hiroshima bombing. After nearly 60 bombing name of the Senator from Washington runs over Europe and a special mission Health Service Act relating to Federal re- (Ms. CANTWELL) was added as a cospon- ferrying Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Mr. search on muscular dystrophy, and for other VanKirk returned to the United States and purposes. sor of S. 2100, a bill to promote the use married his high school sweetheart, Mary f of clean cookstoves and fuels to save lives, improve livelihoods, empower Jane Young, who died in 1975. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND In 1944, at Mr. Tibbets’ request, he joined a women, and protect the environment JOINT RESOLUTIONS special group, stationed in Utah, that was by creating a thriving global market preparing for use of the atomic bomb. Mr. The following bills and joint resolu- for clean and efficient household cook- VanKirk told his story many times over the tions were introduced, read the first ing solutions. years and, Thomas VanKirk said, was still and second times by unanimous con- fit enough early this summer to go on a fam- S. 2194 ily beach vacation. sent, and referred as indicated: At the request of Ms. HIRONO, the Also surviving are another son, Larry By Mr. SCHUMER: name of the Senator from Vermont VanKirk of Charlotte, N.C.; two daughters, S. 2774. A bill to require all recreational (Mr. SANDERS) was added as a cospon- Vicki Triplett of Atlanta and Joanne Gotelli vessels to have and to post passenger capac- sor of S. 2194, a bill to improve the Fed- of Sacramento, Calif; seven grandchildren; ity limits and for other purposes; to the and two great-grandchildren.∑ Committee on Commerce, Science, and eral Pell Grant program, and for other purposes. f Transportation. By Mr. BROWN (for himself and Mr. S. 2483 MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE PORTMAN): At the request of Ms. MIKULSKI, her At 11:41 a.m., a message from the S. 2775. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- name was added as a cosponsor of S. House of Representatives, delivered by enue Code of 1986 to exempt aircraft manage- 2483, a bill to amend title 18, United ment services from the ticket tax; to the Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, Committee on Finance. States Code, to protect more victims of announced that the House has passed By Mr. WALSH: domestic violence by preventing their the following bill, in which it requests S. 2776. A bill to establish a Carbon Cap- abusers from possessing or receiving the concurrence of the Senate: ture and Sequestration Deployment Accel- firearms, and for other purposes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G01AU6.006 S01AUPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5326 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 1, 2014 S. 2593 30, 2014, as ‘‘National Whistleblower Whereas women who know they are at high At the request of Mr. MCCAIN, the Appreciation Day’’. risk of breast and ovarian cancer may under- take prophylactic measures to help reduce name of the Senator from Nevada (Mr. S. RES. 526 the risk of developing these diseases; HELLER) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Mr. REID, the name Whereas the Society of Gynecologic Oncol- 2593, a bill to amend the FLAME Act of of the Senator from New Hampshire ogy now recommends that all women diag- 2009 to provide for additional wildfire (Ms. AYOTTE) was added as a cosponsor nosed with ovarian cancer receive counseling suppression activities, to provide for of S. Res. 526, a resolution supporting and genetic testing; the conduct of certain forest treatment Israel’s right to defend itself against Whereas many people are unaware that the projects, and for other purposes. Hamas, and for other purposes. symptoms of ovarian cancer often include bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty S. 2621 S. RES. 530 eating or feeling full quickly, urinary symp- At the request of Mr. VITTER, the At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. toms, and several other symptoms that are name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. easily confused with other diseases; PORTMAN) was added as a cosponsor of CRUZ) was added as a cosponsor of S. Whereas awareness of the symptoms of S. 2621, a bill to amend the Migratory Res. 530, a resolution expressing the ovarian cancer by women and health care Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp sense of the Senate on the current situ- providers can lead to a quicker diagnosis; Act to increase the price of Migratory ation in Iraq and the urgent need to Whereas, in June 2007, the first national Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps protect religious minorities from per- consensus statement on ovarian cancer to fund the acquisition of conservation secution from the Sunni Islamist insur- symptoms was developed to provide consist- gent and terrorist group the Islamic ency in describing symptoms to make it easements for migratory birds, and for easier for women to learn and remember the other purposes. State, formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), as symptoms; and S. 2649 Whereas each year during the month of it expands its control over areas in September, the Ovarian Cancer National Al- At the request of Mr. GRAHAM, the northwestern Iraq. name of the Senator from Kentucky liance and partner members hold a number f of events to increase public awareness of (Mr. PAUL) was added as a cosponsor of ovarian cancer: Now, therefore, be it S. 2649, a bill to provide certain legal SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Resolved, That the Senate— relief from politically motivated (1) designates September 2014 as ‘‘National charges by the Government of Egypt. Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month’’; and SENATE RESOLUTION 536—DESIG- S. 2685 (2) supports the goals and ideals of Na- NATING SEPTEMBER 2014 AS tional Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the ‘‘NATIONAL OVARIAN CANCER names of the Senator from New Jersey AWARENESS MONTH’’ f (Mr. MENENDEZ) and the Senator from SENATE RESOLUTION 537—RE- Ohio (Mr. BROWN) were added as co- Ms. STABENOW (for herself, Ms. AYOTTE, Mr. WARNER, Mr. MORAN, Ms. AFFIRMING SUPPORT FOR sponsors of S. 2685, a bill to reform the ISRAEL’S RIGHT TO DEFEND ITS authorities of the Federal Government BALDWIN, and Mr. HELLER) submitted the following resolution; which was CITIZENS AND ENSURE THE SUR- to require the production of certain VIVAL OF THE STATE OF business records, conduct electronic considered and agreed to: S. RES. 536 ISRAEL, AND FOR OTHER PUR- surveillance, use pen registers and trap POSES and trace devices, and use other forms Whereas ovarian cancer is the deadliest of of information gathering for foreign in- all gynecologic cancers; Mr. GRAHAM (for himself and Mr. telligence, counterterrorism, and Whereas ovarian cancer is the 5th leading MENENDEZ) submitted the following cause of cancer deaths among women in the criminal purposes, and for other pur- resolution; which was referred to the United States; Committee on Foreign Relations.: poses. Whereas, in 2014, approximately 21,980 new S. 2692 cases of ovarian cancer will be diagnosed, S. RES. 537 At the request of Mrs. MCCASKILL, and 14,270 women will die of ovarian cancer Whereas, on July 17, 2014, the Senate the names of the Senator from Rhode in the United States; unanimously passed a resolution supporting Whereas the mortality rate for ovarian Israel’s right to defend its citizens and en- Island (Mr. REED), the Senator from cancer has not significantly decreased since sure the survival of the State of Israel, con- Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI), the Senator the ‘‘War on Cancer’’ was declared more than demning the actions of Hamas, and calling from Missouri (Mr. BLUNT) and the 40 years ago; for the President of the Palestinian Author- Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. WHITE- Whereas 25 percent of women will die with- ity to dissolve the unity government ar- HOUSE) were added as cosponsors of S. in 1 year of diagnosis with ovarian cancer rangement with Hamas; 2692, a bill to amend the Higher Edu- and over 50 percent will die within 5 years; Whereas, on July 29, 2014, the Senate cation Act of 1965 and the Jeanne Clery Whereas while there is the mammogram to unanimously passed a resolution condemning Disclosure of Campus Security Policy detect breast cancer and the Pap smear to Hamas’s terrorist actions and use of civilians and Campus Crime Statistics Act to detect cervical cancer, there is no reliable as human shields and condemning the United early detection test for ovarian cancer; Nations Human Right Council’s resolution of combat campus sexual violence, and Whereas the lack of an early detection test July 23, 2014; for other purposes. means that approximately 80 percent of Whereas, since June 2014, Hamas has fired S. 2766 cases of ovarian cancer are detected at an over 2,500 rockets at Israel; At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the advanced stage; Whereas Hamas has used a system of tun- name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. Whereas all women are at risk for ovarian nels to smuggle weapons and launch attacks cancer, and approximately 15 percent of on Israel; CRUZ) was added as a cosponsor of S. women diagnosed with ovarian cancer have a Whereas 5,000,000 innocent Israeli civilians 2766, a bill to combat terrorism and family history of ovarian cancer, which are currently living under the threat of promote reform in the Palestinian Au- places them at even higher risk; indiscriminant rocket attacks from Gaza; thority and the United Nations, and for Whereas scientists and physicians have un- Whereas, since ground operations in Gaza other purposes. covered changes in the BRCA genes that began, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have S. 2768 some women inherit from their parents, discovered more than 30 tunnels to only pro- which may make them 30 times more likely vide access to Israeli territory to attack and At the request of Mr. HELLER, the to develop ovarian cancer; kidnap Israelis; name of the Senator from Arizona (Mr. Whereas the family history of a woman has Whereas Israel has accepted and imple- FLAKE) was added as a cosponsor of S. been found to play an important role in ac- mented numerous ceasefire agreements that 2768, a bill to amend the Healthy For- curately assessing that woman’s risk of de- Hamas has rejected; ests Restoration Act of 2003 to expand veloping ovarian cancer and medical experts Whereas, on July 26, 2014, Hamas continued the use of categorical exclusions for believe that family history should be taken to fire rockets into Israel during a 24-hour hazardous fuel reduction projects. into consideration during a woman’s annual truce that Hamas had itself proposed; well woman visit; Whereas Israel embraced the Egyptian-pro- S. RES. 525 Whereas many experts in health preven- posed ceasefire agreement, which Hamas re- At the request of Mr. WYDEN, his tion now recommends genetic testing for soundingly rejected on July 27, 2014; name was added as a cosponsor of S. young women with a family history of breast Whereas, on August 1, 2014, 90 minutes into Res. 525, a resolution designating July and ovarian cancer; a humanitarian ceasefire, Hamas violated a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU6.009 S01AUPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5327 ceasefire to use one of these tunnels to con- TEXT OF AMENDMENTS TITLE XVIII—UNITED STATES–ISRAEL duct a suicide attack, killing two Israeli sol- STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP SA 3780. Mr. REID (for himself, Mr. diers and kidnapping 2nd Lt. Hadar Goldin, SEC. 1801. SHORT TITLE. an IDF soldier; MCCONNELL, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. GRA- This title may be cited as the ‘‘United Whereas Israel has a right to defend itself HAM, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. SCHU- States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of from Hamas’s constant barrage of rockets MER, Mr. HELLER, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mrs. 2014’’. and to destroy the matrix of tunnels Hamas BOXER, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. SEC. 1802. FINDINGS. uses to smuggle weapons and Hamas fighters GILLIBRAND, and Mr. NELSON) proposed Congress makes the following findings: into Israel to carry out terrorist attacks; an amendment to the joint resolution (1) The people and the Governments of the Whereas the Government of Israel has H.J. Res. 76, making an emergency sup- United States and of Israel share a deep and taken significant steps to protect civilians unbreakable bond, forged by over 60 years of in Gaza, including dropping leaflets in Gaza plemental appropriation for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, to pro- shared interests and shared values. neighborhoods in advance of Israeli military (2) Today, the people and Governments of attacks, calling Palestinians on the phone vide funding to Israel for the Iron the United States and of Israel are facing a urging them to evacuate certain areas before Dome defense system to counter short- dynamic and rapidly changing security envi- the military strikes targets, and issuing range rocket threats; as follows: ronment in the Middle East and North Afri- warnings to civilians in advance of firing on ca, necessitating deeper cooperation on a buildings; Strike all after the first word, and insert: the following sum is appropriated, out of range of defense, security, and intelligence Whereas Hamas uses civilians in Gaza as matters. human shields by placing missile launchers any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap- propriated, for the fiscal year ending Sep- (3) From Gaza, Hamas continues to deny next to schools, hospitals, mosques, and pri- Israel’s right to exist and persists in firing vate homes; tember 30, 2014, and for other purposes, namely: rockets indiscriminately at population cen- Whereas Hamas’ interior ministry has ters in Israel. called on residents of Gaza to ignore IDF DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (4) Hezbollah—with support from Iran— warnings to get out of harm’s way; and PROCUREMENT continues to stockpile rockets and may be Whereas any effort to broker a ceasefire seeking to exploit the tragic and volatile se- PROCUREMENT, DEFENSE-WIDE agreement that does not eliminate those curity situation within Syria. threats cannot be sustained in the long run For an additional amount for ‘‘Procure- (5) The Government of Iran continues to and will leave Israel vulnerable to future at- ment, Defense-Wide’’, $225,000,000, to remain pose a grave threat to the region and the tacks: Now, therefore, be it available until September 30, 2015, which world at large with its reckless pursuit of Resolved, That the Senate— shall be for the Secretary of Defense to pro- nuclear weapons. (1) reaffirms its support for Israel’s right vide to the Government of Israel for the pro- (6) Given these challenges, it is imperative to defend its citizens and ensure the survival curement of the Iron Dome defense system that the United States continues to deepen of the State of Israel; to counter short-range rocket threats: Pro- cooperation with allies like Israel in pursuit (2) condemns Hamas’ repeated violation of vided, That such funds shall be transferred of shared policy objectives. humanitarian cease fires and its use of sui- immediately only through an exchange of SEC. 1803. STATEMENT OF POLICY. cide bombings; letters to address emergent operations in (3) demands Hamas return the IDF soldier It is the policy of the United States— support of Operation Protective Edge, not- (1) to reaffirm the unwavering support of kidnapped on August 1, 2014; withstanding section of the U.S.- (4) calls on the United Nations Secretary the people and the Government of the United Israel Iron Dome Procurement Agreement: States for the security of Israel as a Jewish General to immediately condemn all ter- Provided further, That nothing in this para- rorist attacks by Hamas on Israel; state; graph shall be construed to apply to pre- (2) to reaffirm the principles and objectives (5) reiterates its call on Hamas to stop viously appropriated funds for the procure- using residents of Gaza as human shields; enshrined in the United States-Israel En- ment of Iron Dome: Provided further, That hanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012 (6) urges the international community to such amount is designated by the Congress condemn the unprovoked rocket fire at (Public Law 112–150) and ensure its imple- as an emergency requirement pursuant to mentation to the fullest extent; Israel; section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget (7) calls on the Palestinian people to reject (3) to reaffirm the importance of the 2007 and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. United States-Israel Memorandum of Under- Hamas and its hateful ideology and to seek This joint resolution may be cited as the peace; and standing on United States assistance to ‘‘Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Israel and the semi-annual Strategic Dia- (8) recognizes that the Government of Resolution, 2014’’. Israel must be allowed to take actions nec- logue between the United States and Israel; essary to remove the present and future (4) to pursue every opportunity to deepen threats posed by Hamas’ rockets and tunnels SA 3781. Mr. REID (for himself, Mr. cooperation with Israel on a range of critical and supports the Government of Israel’s ef- MCCONNELL, and Ms. MIKULSKI) pro- issues including defense, homeland security, forts to deal with the threats posed by posed an amendment to the joint reso- energy, and cybersecurity; Hamas rockets and tunnels. lution H.J. Res. 76, making an emer- (5) to continue to provide Israel with ro- bust security assistance, including for the gency supplemental appropriation for f procurement of the Iron Dome Missile De- the fiscal year ending September 30, fense System; and AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND 2014, to provide funding to Israel for (6) to support the Government of Israel in PROPOSED the Iron Dome defense system to its ongoing efforts to reach a negotiated po- counter short-range rocket threats; as litical settlement with the Palestinian peo- SA 3780. Mr. REID (for himself, Mr. MCCON- follows: ple that results in two states living side-by- NELL, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. side in peace and security. LEAHY, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. HELLER, Amend the title so as to read: ‘‘A bill mak- SEC. 1804. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON ISRAEL AS A Mr. MENENDEZ, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. ing an emergency supplemental appropria- MAJOR STRATEGIC PARTNER. DURBIN, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, and Mr. NELSON) tion for the fiscal year ending September 30, It is the sense of Congress that Israel is a proposed an amendment to the joint resolu- 2014, to provide funding to Israel for the Iron major strategic partner of the United States. tion H.J. Res. 76, making an emergency sup- Dome defense system to counter short-range SEC. 1805. EXTENSION OF WAR RESERVES STOCK- plemental appropriation for the fiscal year rocket threats.’’. PILE AUTHORITY. ending September 30, 2014, to provide funding (a) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE APPROPRIA- to Israel for the Iron Dome defense system to SA 3782. Mrs. BOXER (for herself and TIONS ACT, 2005.—Section 12001(d) of the De- counter short-range rocket threats. Mr. BLUNT) submitted an amendment partment of Defense Appropriations Act, 2005 SA 3781. Mr. REID (for himself, Mr. MCCON- intended to be proposed by her to the (Public Law 108–287; 118 Stat. 1011) is amend- NELL, and Ms. MIKULSKI) proposed an amend- ed by striking ‘‘more than 10 years after’’ ment to the joint resolution H.J. Res. 76, bill S. 2410, to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2015 for military activi- and inserting ‘‘more than 11 years after’’. supra. (b) FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1961.—Sec- SA 3782. Mrs. BOXER (for herself and Mr. ties of the Department of Defense, for tion 514(b)(2)(A) of the Foreign Assistance BLUNT) submitted an amendment intended to military construction, and for defense Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2321h(b)(2)(A)) is be proposed by her to the bill S. 2410, to au- activities of the Department of Energy, amended by striking ‘‘and 2014’’ and insert- thorize appropriations for fiscal year 2015 for to prescribe military personnel ing ‘‘, 2014, and 2015’’. military activities of the Department of De- strengths for such fiscal year, and for SEC. 1806. ELIGIBILITY OF ISRAEL FOR THE fense, for military construction, and for de- other purposes; which was ordered to STRATEGIC TRADE AUTHORIZATION fense activities of the Department of Energy, lie on the table; as follows: EXCEPTION TO CERTAIN EXPORT to prescribe military personnel strengths for CONTROL LICENSING REQUIRE- such fiscal year, and for other purposes; On page 650, between lines 6 and 7, insert MENTS. which was ordered to lie on the table. the following: (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds that Israel—

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:49 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU6.010 S01AUPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 1, 2014 (1) has adopted high standards in the field curity, in consultation with the Secretary of ‘‘(B) inform and consult with the appro- of export controls; State, should designate the State of Israel as priate congressional committees on the re- (2) has declared its unilateral adherence to a program country under the Visa Waiver sults of the reevaluation conducted pursuant the Missile Technology Control Regime, the Program when the Government of Israel— to subparagraph (A).’’. Australia Group, and the Nuclear Suppliers (1) is in compliance with all the require- (b) CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR Group; and ments of the program specified in section 217 MAJOR DEFENSE EQUIPMENT.—Section 36(h) of (3) is a party to— of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. (A) the Convention on Prohibitions or Re- U.S.C. 1187), except for the low non- 2776(h)) is amended— strictions on the Use of Certain Conven- immigrant visa refusal rate requirement (1) by redesignating paragraph (2) as para- tional Weapons which may be Deemed to be under subsection (c)(2)(A) of such section; graph (3); and Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscrimi- and (2) by inserting after paragraph (1) the fol- nate Effects, signed at Geneva October 10, (2) has met the conditions for a waiver of lowing: 1980; such requirement set forth in subsection (c). ‘‘(2) REQUIREMENTS WITH RESPECT TO DETER- (B) the Protocol for the Prohibition of the (b) CONSULTATION.—The Secretary of MINATION FOR MAJOR DEFENSE EQUIPMENT.—A Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Homeland Security, in consultation with the determination under paragraph (1) relating Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods Secretary of State, should take steps to en- to the sale or export of major defense equip- of Warfare, signed at Geneva June 17, 1925; gage with representatives of the Government ment shall include— and of Israel on— ‘‘(A) a detailed explanation of Israel’s ca- (C) the Convention on the Physical Protec- (1) the extent to which Israel satisfies the pacity to address the improved capabilities tion of Nuclear Material, adopted at Vienna requirements specified in section 217 of such provided by such sale or export; on October 26, 1979. Act for inclusion in the Visa Waiver Pro- ‘‘(B) a detailed evaluation of— (b) ELIGIBILITY FOR STRATEGIC TRADE AU- gram; ‘‘(i) how such sale or export alters the stra- THORIZATION EXCEPTION.—The President, con- (2) additional steps that may be required in tegic and tactical balance in the region, in- sistent with the commitments of the United order for Israel to qualify for consideration cluding relative capabilities; and States under international arrangements, for inclusion in such program. ‘‘(ii) Israel’s capacity to respond to the im- shall take steps so that Israel may be in- (c) WAIVER.—The Secretary of Homeland proved regional capabilities provided by such cluded in the list of countries eligible for the Security, in consultation with the Secretary sale or export; strategic trade authorization exception of State, is authorized to waive the low non- ‘‘(C) an identification of any specific new under section 740.20(c)(1) of title 15, Code of immigrant visa refusal rate requirements capacity, capabilities, or training that Israel Federal Regulations, to the requirement for under paragraphs (2)(A) and (3)(B) of section may require to address the regional or coun- a license for the export, reexport, or in-coun- 217(c) of the Immigration and Nationality try-specific capabilities provided by such try transfer of an item subject to controls Act (8 U.S.C. 1187(c)) for the State of Israel sale or export; and if— under the Export Administration Regula- ‘‘(D) a description of any additional United (1) the Government of Israel has complied tions. States security assurances to Israel made, or with all other requirements of the Visa requested to be made, in connection with, or SEC. 1807. UNITED STATES-ISRAEL COOPERATION as a result of, such sale or export.’’. ON ENERGY, WATER, HOMELAND SE- Waiver Program, including extending the re- CURITY, AGRICULTURE, AND ALTER- ciprocal privileges described in section SEC. 1812. UNITED STATES-ISRAEL ENERGY CO- NATIVE FUEL TECHNOLOGIES. 217(a)(2)(A) of such Act to citizens and na- OPERATION. (a) IN GENERAL.—The President is author- tionals of the United States without regard (a) FINDINGS.—Section 917(a) of the Energy ized, subject to existing law— to the race, religion, national origin, or eth- Independence and Security Act of 2007 (42 (1) to undertake activities in cooperation nicity of any such citizen or national; U.S.C. 17337(a)) is amended— with Israel; and (2) the percentage of nationals of Israel (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘renew- (2) to provide assistance promoting co- who were refused a nonimmigrant visitor able’’ and inserting ‘‘covered’’; operation in the fields of energy, water, agri- visa during the previous fiscal year is not (2) in paragraph (4)— culture, and alternative fuel technologies. more than 10 percent of the total number of (A) by striking ‘‘possible many’’ and in- (b) REQUIREMENTS.—In carrying out sub- nonimmigrant visitor visas for nationals of serting ‘‘possible— section (a), the President is authorized, sub- Israel which were granted or refused during ‘‘(A) many’’; and ject to existing requirements of law and any that fiscal year. (B) by adding at the end the following: applicable agreements or understandings be- (d) SAVINGS PROVISION.—Nothing in this ‘‘and tween the United States and Israel— section may be construed to exempt the ‘‘(B) significant contributions to the devel- (1) to share and exchange with Israel re- State of Israel from all requirements to opment of renewable energy and energy effi- search, technology, intelligence, informa- which other program countries are subject ciency through the established programs of tion, equipment, and personnel, including under section 217 of the Immigration and Na- the United States-Israel Binational Indus- through sales, leases, or exchanges in kind, tionality Act except for requirements relat- trial Research and Development Foundation that the President determines will advance ing to low nonimmigrant visa refusal rates and the United States-Israel Binational the national security interests of the United under paragraphs (2)(A) and (3)(B) of section Science Foundation;’’; States and are consistent with the Strategic 217(c) of such Act. (3) in paragraph (6)— Dialogue and pertinent provisions of law; SEC. 1810. STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF SEC- (A) by striking ‘‘renewable’’ and inserting and TION 4 OF THE UNITED STATES- ‘‘covered’’; and ISRAEL ENHANCED SECURITY CO- (B) by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end; (2) to enhance scientific cooperation be- OPERATION ACT OF 2012. tween Israel and the United States. (4) in paragraph (7)— Not later than 180 days after the date of (A) by striking ‘‘renewable’’ and inserting (c) COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PILOT PRO- the enactment of this Act, the President ‘‘covered’’; and GRAMS.—The Secretary of Homeland Secu- shall, to the extent practicable and in an ap- (B) by striking the period at the end and rity, acting through the Director of the propriate manner, provide an update to the inserting a semicolon; and Homeland Security Advanced Research Committee on Foreign Relations of the Sen- (5) by adding at the end the following: Projects Agency and with the concurrence of ate, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the ‘‘(8) United States-Israel energy coopera- the Secretary of State, is authorized, subject House of Representatives, the Committee on to existing law, to enter into cooperative re- Armed Services of the Senate, and the Com- tion and the development of natural re- search pilot programs with Israel to enhance mittee on Armed Services of the House of sources by Israel are in the strategic interest Israel’s capabilities in— Representatives on current and future ef- of the United States; (1) border, maritime, and aviation security; forts undertaken by the President to fulfill ‘‘(9) Israel is a strategic partner of the (2) explosives detection; and the objectives of section 4 of the United United States in water technology; (3) emergency services. States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation ‘‘(10) the United States can play a role in SEC. 1808. REPORT ON INCREASED UNITED Act (22 U.S.C. 8603). assisting Israel with regional safety and se- curity issues; STATES-ISRAEL COOPERATION ON SEC. 1811. IMPROVED REPORTING ON ENHANC- CYBERSECURITY. ING ISRAEL’S QUALITATIVE MILI- ‘‘(11) the National Science Foundation of Not later than 180 days after the date of TARY EDGE AND SECURITY POS- the United States, to the extent consistent the enactment of this Act, the President TURE. with the National Science Foundation’s mis- shall submit to Congress a report, in a classi- (a) BIENNIAL ASSESSMENT REEVALUA- sion, should collaborate with the Israel fied format or including a classified annex, TIONS.—Section 201(c) of the Naval Vessel Science Foundation and the United States- as appropriate, on the feasibility and advis- Transfer Act of 2008 (22 U.S.C. 2776 note) is Israel Binational Science Foundation; ability of expanding United States-Israeli co- amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(12) the United States and Israel should operation on cyber issues, including sharing ‘‘(3) BIENNIAL UPDATES.—Two years after strive to develop more robust academic co- and advancing technologies related to the the date on which each quadrennial report is operation in— prevention of cybercrimes. transmitted to Congress, the President ‘‘(A) energy innovation technology and en- SEC. 1809. VISA WAIVER PROGRAM. shall— gineering; (a) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the Sense of ‘‘(A) reevaluate the assessment required ‘‘(B) water science; Congress that the Secretary of Homeland Se- under subsection (a); and ‘‘(C) technology transfer; and

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Without plications, crises and threats from foreign refiners.’’; and objection, it is so ordered. natural resource and energy acquisitions, (3) in paragraph (3)(A), by striking ‘‘energy The clerk will report the bill by title. and the development of domestic resources efficiency or renewable’’ and inserting ‘‘cov- The legislative clerk read as follows: as a response; ered’’. ‘‘(13) the United States supports the goals (c) INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS; RE- A bill (H.R. 4386) to allow the Secretary of of the Alternative Fuels Administration of GIONAL ENERGY COOPERATION.— the Treasury to rely on State examinations Israel with respect to expanding the use of (1) INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS.—Section for certain financial institutions, and for alternative fuels; 917 of the Energy Independence and Security other purposes. ‘‘(14) the United States strongly urges open Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 17337) is amended— There being no objection, the Senate dialogue and continued mechanisms for reg- (A) by striking subsection (d); proceeded to consider the bill. ular engagement and encourages further co- (B) by redesignating subsection (c) as sub- Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent section (e); operation between applicable departments, the bill be read a third time and agencies, ministries, institutions of higher (C) by inserting after subsection (b) the fol- education, and the private sector of the lowing: passed, and the motion to reconsider be United States and Israel on energy security ‘‘(c) INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS.— considered made and laid upon the issues, including— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary, subject table, and there be no intervening ac- ‘‘(A) identifying policy priorities associ- to the availability of appropriations, may tion or debate. ated with the development of natural re- enter into cooperative agreements sup- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sources of Israel; porting and enhancing dialogue and planning objection, it is so ordered. ‘‘(B) discussing and sharing best practices involving international partnerships between the Department, including National Labora- The bill (H.R. 4386) was ordered to a to secure cyber energy infrastructure and third reading, was read the third time, other energy security matters; tories of the Department, and the Govern- ‘‘(C) leveraging natural gas to positively ment of Israel and its ministries, offices, and and passed. impact regional stability; institutions. f ‘‘(D) issues relating to the energy-water ‘‘(2) FEDERAL SHARE.—The Secretary may nexus, including improving energy efficiency not pay more than 50 percent of Federal AFGHAN SPECIAL IMMIGRANT and the overall performance of water tech- share of the costs of implementing coopera- VISAS nologies through research and development tive agreements entered into pursuant to paragraph (1). Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask in water desalination, wastewater treatment unanimous consent the Senate proceed and reclamation, water treatment in gas and ‘‘(3) ANNUAL REPORTS.—If the Secretary en- oil production processes, and other water ters into agreements authorized by para- to the consideration of H.R. 5195, which treatment refiners; graph (1), the Secretary shall submit an an- was received from the House and is at ‘‘(E) technical and environmental manage- nual report to the Committee on Energy and the desk. ment of deep-water exploration and produc- Natural Resources of the Senate, the Com- The clerk will report the bill by title. tion; mittee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, The legislative clerk read as follows: the Committee on Appropriations of the Sen- ‘‘(F) emergency response and coastal pro- A bill (H.R. 5195) to provide additional tection and restoration; ate, the Committee on Energy and Com- merce of the House of Representatives, the visas for the Afghan Special Immigrant Visa ‘‘(G) academic outreach and engagement; Program, and for other purposes. ‘‘(H) private sector and business develop- Committee on Science, Space, and Tech- ment engagement; nology of the House of Representatives, the There being no objection, the Senate ‘‘(I) regulatory consultations; Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House proceeded to consider the bill. ‘‘(J) leveraging alternative transportation of Representatives, and the Committee on Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent fuels and technologies; and Appropriations of the House of Representa- the bill be considered read a third time ‘‘(K) any other areas determined appro- tives that describes— and the Senate proceed to vote on pas- priate by the United States and Israel; ‘‘(A) actions taken to implement such agreements; and sage of the bill. ‘‘(15) the United States— The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ‘‘(A) acknowledges the achievements and ‘‘(B) any projects undertaken pursuant to importance of the Binational Industrial Re- such agreements. objection, it is so ordered. The bill hav- search and Development Foundation and the ‘‘(d) UNITED STATES-ISRAEL ENERGY CEN- ing been read the third time, the ques- United States-Israel Binational Science TER.—The Secretary may establish a joint tion is, Shall the bill pass? Foundation; and United States-Israel Energy Center in the The bill (H.R. 5195) was passed. United States leveraging the experience, ‘‘(B) supports continued multiyear funding Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent to ensure the continuity of the programs of knowledge, and expertise of institutions of higher education and entities in the private the motion to reconsider be considered the foundations specified in subparagraph sector, among others, in offshore energy de- made and laid upon the table, with no (A); and velopment to further dialogue and collabora- intervening action or debate. ‘‘(16) the United States and Israel have a tion to develop more robust academic co- shared interest in addressing immediate, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without operation in energy innovation technology near-term, and long-term energy, energy objection, it is so ordered. and engineering, water science, technology poverty, energy independence, and environ- transfer, and analysis of emerging geo- f mental challenges facing the United States political implications, crises and threats and Israel, respectively.’’. THE CALENDAR from foreign natural resource and energy ac- (b) GRANT PROGRAM.—Section 917(b) of the quisitions, and the development of domestic Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask Energy Independence and Security Act of resources as a response.’’; and unanimous consent that the Senate 2007 (42 U.S.C. 17337(b)(1)) is amended— (D) in subsection (e), as redesignated, by proceed to the consideration of Cal- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘renewable striking ‘‘the date that is 7 years after the energy or energy efficiency’’ and inserting endar Nos. 507 to 511, all post office date of enactment of this Act’’ and inserting naming bills. ‘‘covered energy’’; ‘‘September 30, 2024’’. (2) in paragraph (2)— (2) CONSTRUCTIVE REGIONAL ENERGY CO- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (A) in subparagraph (F), by striking ‘‘and’’ OPERATION.—The Secretary of State shall objection, it is so ordered. at the end; continue the ongoing diplomacy efforts of Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent (B) in subparagraph (G), by striking the pe- the Secretary of State in— that the bills be read a third time and riod at the end and inserting a semicolon; (A) engaging and supporting the energy se- passed and the motions to reconsider and curity of Israel; and be considered made and laid upon the (C) by adding at the end the following: (B) promoting constructive regional en- ‘‘(H) natural gas energy, including conven- table en bloc, with no intervening ac- ergy cooperation in the Eastern Mediterra- tion or debate. tional and unconventional natural gas tech- nean. nologies and other associated technologies, The PRESIDING OFFICER. There f and natural gas projects conducted by or in being no objection, the Senate pro- conjunction with the United States-Israel TREASURY RELIANCE ON STATE ceeded to consider the bills. Binational Science Foundation and the EXAMINATIONS United States-Israel Binational Industrial f Research and Development Foundation; and Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask unanimous consent that the Banking SPECIALIST CHRISTOPHER SCOTT ‘‘(I) improvement of energy efficiency and POST OFFICE BUILDING the overall performance of water tech- Committee be discharged from further nologies through research and development action on H.R. 4386 and the Senate pro- The bill (H.R. 606) to designate the in water desalination, wastewater treatment ceed to its consideration. facility of the United States Postal

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:34 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU6.014 S01AUPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE August 1, 2014 Service located at 815 County Road 23 The legislative clerk read as follows: back of that time the Senate proceed in Tyrone, New York, as the ‘‘Spe- A resolution (S. Res. 536) designating Sep- to vote without intervening action or cialist Christopher Scott Post Office tember 2014 as ‘‘National Ovarian Cancer debate on the nominations in the order Building’’ was ordered to a third read- Awareness Month.’’ listed; that any rollcall votes, fol- ing, was read the third time, and There being no objection, the Senate lowing the first in the series, be 10 min- passed. proceeded to consider the resolution. utes in length; that if any nomination f Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent is confirmed, the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the JAMES ‘‘JIM’’ KOHNEN POST that the resolution be agreed to, the table, with no intervening action or de- OFFICE preamble be agreed to, and the motions to reconsider be made and laid upon bate; that no further motions be in The bill (H.R. 1671) to designate the the table. order to the nomination; that any facility of the United States Postal The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without statements related to the nomination Service located at 6937 Village Park- objection, it is so ordered. be printed in the RECORD; that the way in Dublin, California, as the The resolution (S. Res. 536) was President be immediately notified of ‘‘James ‘Jim’ Kohnen Post Office’’ was agreed to. the Senate’s action and the Senate ordered to a third reading, was read the The preamble was agreed to. then resume legislative session. third time, and passed. (The resolution, with its preamble, is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without f printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- objection, it is so ordered. mitted Resolutions.’’) VINCENT R. SOMBROTTO POST f OFFICE f The bill (H.R. 2291) to designate the SIGNING AUTHORITY ORDERS FOR TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014 facility of the United States Postal Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask Service located at 450 Lexington Ave- unanimous consent that during the ad- Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask nue in New York, New York, as the journment or recess of the Senate from unanimous consent that when the Sen- ‘‘Vincent R. Sombrotto Post Office’’ Friday, August 1, through Monday, ate completes its business today, it re- was ordered to a third reading, was September 8, the majority leader and cess until 11 a.m. on Tuesday, August 5, read the third time, and passed. Senators ROCKEFELLER, REED, LEVIN, 2014; that following the prayer and f COONS, and CARDIN be authorized to pledge, the Journal of proceedings be SERGEANT BRETT E. GORNEWICZ sign duly enrolled bills or joint resolu- approved to date and the time for the MEMORIAL POST OFFICE tions. two leaders be reserved for their use later in the day; that following any The bill (H.R. 3472) to designate the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. leader remarks, there be a period of facility of the United States Postal morning business, with Senators per- Service located at 13127 Broadway Mr. REID. I suggest the absence of a quorum. mitted to speak therein for up to 10 Street in Alden, New York, as the minutes each. ‘‘Sergeant Brett E. Gornewicz Memo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without rial Post Office’’ was ordered to a third objection, it is so ordered. reading, was read the third time, and The legislative clerk proceeded to passed. call the roll. f Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask f unanimous consent that the order for PROGRAM SPECIALIST RYAN P. JAYNE POST the quorum call be rescinded. Mr. REID. Madam President, there OFFICE BUILDING The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without will be no rollcall votes on Tuesday. The bill (H.R. 3765) to designate the objection, it is so ordered. The next rollcall vote will occur at 5:30 facility of the United States Postal f p.m. on Monday, September 8. And Service located at 198 Baker Street in UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- when I say Tuesday, that is this Tues- Corning, New York, as the ‘‘Specialist MENT—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR day coming up a few days from now. Ryan P. Jayne Post Office Building’’ was ordered to a third reading, was Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask f read the third time, and passed. unanimous consent that notwith- standing the previous order, following RECESS UNTIL TUESDAY, AUGUST f the vote on confirmation of the Pryor 5, 2014, AT 11 A.M. NATIONAL OVARIAN CANCER nomination, on September 8, 2014, the Mr. REID. Madam President, if there AWARENESS MONTH Senate proceed to executive session is no further business to come before Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent and consider Calendar Nos. 910, 911, 908, the Senate, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to S. Res. 536. and 909; that there be 2 minutes for de- that it recess under the previous order. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bate equally divided between the two There being no objection, the Senate, clerk will report the resolution by leaders or their designees prior to each at 2:39 p.m., recessed until Tuesday, title. vote; that upon the use or yielding August 5, 2014, at 11 a.m.

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IN RECOGNITION OF THE FOR- tions in battle. Unfortunately, this letter was In addition to his contributions made in the TIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE not received by the Army, which resulted in a healthcare industry, Ed was also very active LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION great delay in recognizing his valor. However, throughout the community. For 13 years, he thanks to hard work by his family, friends and served on the State Center Community Col- HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. supporters, Lt. Col Urban was awarded the lege Board. Governor George Deukmejian ap- OF GEORGIA Medal of Honor by President Jimmy Carter on pointed Ed as a delegate to the Electoral Col- July 19, 1980. He passed away on March 4, lege in 1972, making him the first African- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1995. American to be appointed. He also became a Thursday, July 31, 2014 The citation for his Medal of Honor states member of the Blue Ribbon Commission for Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, this that Lt. Col. Urban deserves to be honored the Master Plan for Higher Education. Finally, month marks the fortieth anniversary of the ‘‘for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at he served on the Fresno Mayor’s commission Legal Services Corporation, a private, non- risk of life above and beyond the call of duty.’’ on Bi-Racial relations. profit corporation established by Congress to On August 23, 2014, his family will gather at Ed will be greatly missed by his wife of 48 ensure equal access to justice under law for Arlington National Cemetery for a wreath lay- years, Marian; his children, Cary, Kia, Rennie, all Americans. ing ceremony and celebration of his life. I join Christopher, and Caroline; his grandchildren, Since 1974, LSC has been on the frontlines them in honoring Lt. Col. Matt Urban for his Michael, Drew, Mariah, Kyle, Dominique, Rory, of providing civil legal aid for low-income heroism in battle and many sacrifices he made Maddie, Donovan, and Liam; and his two Americans. By funding legal aid in hundreds of on behalf of our great nation. I urge my col- great-grandchildren, Ben and Jack. offices across the country, LSC has made a leagues to join me in recognizing this great Mr. Speaker, it is with great respect that I critical difference in the lives of countless American. ask my colleagues in the U.S. House of Rep- Americans. f resentatives to honor the life of Dr. Ed Mosley, Whether helping homeowners prevent fore- a community leader and humanitarian. His closures, fighting for veterans and workers’ HONORING THE LIFE OF DR. presence will undoubtedly be missed, but his rights to receive the benefits they have duly EDWARD ‘‘ED’’ MOSLEY impact and legacy in the San Joaquin Valley earned, or helping mothers obtain child sup- will never be forgotten. port or protection from abuse, LSC has pro- HON. JIM COSTA vided funding for legal aid attorneys to protect OF CALIFORNIA f the safety, security, and health of our most IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vulnerable citizens through qualified counsel. Thursday, July 31, 2014 HONORING TOM HOM Alarmingly, more than fifty percent of eligible clients seeking assistance are turned away Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to due to a lack of program resources. pay tribute to the life of Dr. Edward ‘‘Ed’’ HON. SUSAN A. DAVIS Equal justice for all is not just an aspiration; Mosley. His service to our community, and the it is a guarantee to every American regardless contributions he made to our state and nation OF CALIFORNIA of race, gender, socio-economic status, and will always be remembered. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES creed. We can do better, and we must do bet- In 1924, Ed was born in Chicago, Illinois. ter. He grew up during a time when skin color af- Thursday, July 31, 2014 On this anniversary, I salute the Legal Serv- fected a person’s opportunities, but Ed pushed Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speaker, ices Corporation, and I call on my colleagues past the barriers. Ever since he was a young today, I would like to recognize Tom Hom, a to protect its program resources. child, obtaining a higher education was a pri- man who has made it his life’s work to better f mary focus for Ed. In 1944, he graduated from the city of San Diego. As the American-born the University of Illinois and continued onto HONORING LT. COL. MATT URBAN son of Chinese immigrants, Tom saw firsthand medical school at Meharry Medical College. the discrimination that Asian Americans expe- He completed his medical internship at Harlem rienced in the U.S. in the early 20th century as HON. JOHN D. DINGELL Hospital in New York and his residency at his parents worked tirelessly to build a better OF MICHIGAN Tuskegee Veterans Hospital in Alabama. In life for their twelve children. Despite immense IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES addition, Ed also taught English at the obstacles, Tom rose to success, all the while Tuskegee Institute. giving back to his family and his community. Thursday, July 31, 2014 Ed also served in the United States military Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor as a Captain in the Army. He exhibited great In 1963, Tom Hom was elected to the San the life of Lt. Col. Matt Urban and to recognize leadership, determination, and love for his Diego City Council, becoming the city’s first his service to our great nation. As a veteran country. An extended tour in Korea truly high- minority councilmember, and he went on to of World War II, I understand the great sac- lighted his bravery and commitment to the val- serve in the California State Assembly. As a rifices made by the ‘‘greatest generation’’ and ues that he and this country represent. councilman, and later as a businessman, Tom their families. Lt. Col. Urban is a true Amer- Ed established his medical office in Fresno, helped reinvigorate downtown San Diego, ican hero and is worthy of recognition by this California. He served residents from through- transforming our skid row into the vibrant body. out the San Joaquin Valley for 50 years. En- Gaslamp Quarter that now draws businesses Lt. Col. Urban is one of the most decorated suring that individuals had access to adequate and visitors from around the country. He was soldiers of our time. He has received the healthcare was one of Ed’s greatest priorities instrumental in founding the San Diego Chi- Medal of Honor, Silver Star, Legion of Merit which led him to create the West Fresno nese Historical Museum, which documents the and the Purple Heart, among others. After en- Health Care Coalition, now known as the West culture and contributions of our city’s Chinese- listing in the Army on July 2, 1941, Lt. Col. Fresno Family Resource Center. Ed served as American community, and he remains an influ- Urban fought in six campaigns in World War president of the board for 15 years. Due to ential figure in the San Diego business and II in the Mediterranean and European thea- Ed’s dedication and commitment to the West philanthropic communities. ters. On September 3, 1944, after exposing Family Resource Center, the organization has Tom’s vision and hard work have shaped himself to enemy fire while destroying two provided thousands of individuals and families San Diego into the city it is today, and his tanks with a bazooka, he was critically wound- with resources to better their lives. Ed is also generosity and humility in the face of such ed and medically evacuated from battle. The responsible for the collaboration between doc- success are inspiring. Tom Hom’s journey following year, a fellow soldier recommended tors to create the Westview Convalescent from Chinatown to the California statehouse him for the Medal of Honor for his heroic ac- Hospital in Fresno. truly embodies the American Dream.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.015 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 HONORING TOMMY ‘‘MR. NOTTIE’’ is the 3rd), Christine Gunns-Gardner, Torries Berna went on to become a self-employed, GUNNS, JR. Gunns, Maurine ‘‘Morgan’’ Gunns-Gray, Shir- self-made millionaire. She started her own ley Ann ‘‘Shelly’’ Gunns-Juette, and Lonnie company ‘‘Scrubbles Janitorial Service’’ in her HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Lee Gunns. home and grew it to become a multi-million OF MISSISSIPPI As a husband, father, and community mem- dollar company in Washington, DC. She was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ber, Mr. Gunns saw the need to become more able to live that better life because of her fa- involved. You see he wanted to be a role thers’ determination to clear the path. Thursday, July 31, 2014 model for his children; he wanted to make Mr. Gunns didn’t live to see another one of Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- sure they had a good upbringing and edu- his children to go to college, he died in 1954 er, I rise today to honor a man of noble char- cation, so he felt he needed to get involved in but he had already planted the seeds for suc- acter from Shaw, MS in Bolivar County. the community and help make it happen. Mr. cess. Everyone in the family knew their place I believe that when you give honor and rec- Gunns served as a volunteer fireman for the and role. Mrs. Gunns, his wife and eldest ognition to someone they should truly deserve city. He wasn’t trying to be a hero or win a daughter, Berna carried on his mantra for it. I am always happy when I meet someone popularity campaign; he just wanted a better every child of his going to college. Mrs. Gunns or hear their story about overcoming, rising life for his children. Mr. Gunns number one continued to work as the cafeteria manager from obscurity, coming from meager begin- priority was education for all colored children. and cook for the Shaw Colored School. nings but leaving a legacy although unaware; Since he was very vocal about education he Tommy, his eldest son, became the father which doesn’t get the recognition and thanks was asked to become a member of the Board figure for his siblings. Since his father had it really deserves. This is why I want to honor of Trustees for the Shaw Colored School. taught him the carpentry trade, Tommy was Mr. Tommy Gunns, Jr. a man of ‘‘noble’’ char- The Shaw Colored School only educated able to get his father’s job at the Shaw Lum- acter. children to the 8th grade. Beyond 8th grade ber Yard. It was a year later in 1958 that he Childhood: Nottie was originally from Egypt, the colored children had to travel to Greenville got the job because graduating from high MS in Chickasaw County, MS. He was born in or surrounding towns for a high school edu- school was priority in 1957. The family never the year 1900 to Mr. Tommy Gunns, Sr. and cation. Mr. Gunns helped changed that. He missed a check; he knew the money was Mrs. Alberta Gunns. Nottie was raised in a convinced the Board of Trustees to agree to going to help pay for his siblings to finish high home with his mother, his only sister named vote on establishing a curriculum for 9th school and attend college. Tommy eventually Alma, and his stepfather, ‘‘Mr. Brick’’. His par- through 12th grades for Shaw students to be went to college in 1959 by getting a job with ents were sharecroppers and struggled; which able to get their high school education. So, Mississippi Vocational College (now called was the backdrop for an unstable home envi- under his tutelage the first high school grad- Mississippi Valley State University—MVSU) ronment that easily led to abuse. And Nottie uating class from the Shaw Colored High driving the school bus picking up students in was often times the one subjected to the School was in 1949. Bolivar and Sunflower County. That was one abuse (verbal and physical) by his stepfather. How did he do it? Mr. Gunns had an of the ways he was able to pay his way Since his mother could not protect him and unyielding faith. That was the same faith that through college, as well as it served as his because of years of abuse, he developed the brought him as a young teenage runaway with transportation to and from the College. The drive early in life to want ‘‘better,’’ so he his little sister, Alma, safely to Shaw, MS dur- other way was when Dean Isaac offered him planned to run away, someday. In his plan, he ing the early 1900s. His faith in God provided a work study job to help build other buildings always included Alma, his young sister. him with jobs to take care of himself and his on campus (i.e., the auditorium, and campus The day came when he ran away and took sister as a young boy, alone in the Mississippi maintenance) because he had seen his work Alma with him, never returning home. Nottie Delta. His ability to pick up on things and learn as a student. As a requirement for graduation, ran away and arrived in Shaw, MS in 1914. fast paid off because he became that master Tommy had to build something to show he He was just a young teenager when he ran carpenter. His daughter, Maurine said he had mastered his trade. But the requirement away. When Nottie arrived in Shaw, he could build a house from the ground up. He was reconsidered when he drove his instructor worked as many odd jobs as he could find was a devoted member and deacon of the to Shaw and showed him the house he built and raised his sister alone; vowing to never let Strangers Home M.B. Church in Shaw, where along with the blueprint he had drawn. When anyone else abuse him or his little sister. In he was laid to rest for eternity. And those try- asked how, Tommy told him ‘‘My Dad is a fact, he was so protective of her that he never ing times were no match for his common master carpenter and he taught me this stuff eased up until he had approved of the man sense, the old folks called it ‘‘mother wit’’ for a long time ago.’’ That house was for his best she married. He had to be assured the man survival. It was the foundation of his approach friend, Roy Magee and the family still lives was not abusive and was a good provider for on how to survive in life: there. In fact, Tommy still has the blueprints Alma. Financial Policy—never spend all your he drew. Tommy was a part of the team that A Young Man and Family Man: As a young money. Save some for a rainy day. built the first house on campus for the first man working in Shaw he was able to acquire Child Rearing—everybody has a role and president of Mississippi Valley State Univer- many skills and a reputation as a fast learner, place. Only adults are in charge and children sity, Dr. James H. White. The house now hard worker, and a person of good moral are to stay in their place and do as they are serves as the National Alumni House on the character, which equated to a nonsense type told. He called it his no nonsense approach to campus of the University. Tommy did not of reputation. He was still determined to have raising children. He would often paraphrase graduate until 1964 because of split session a better life and wanted to be respected and Proverbs 13:24, by saying ‘‘Spare the rod and with his degree in Industrial Arts. He became treated like a man so he carried himself like a spoil the child.’’ the Industrial Art instructor for the Shaw man. Nottie eventually earned that reputation Preparation—your future depends on your School District, working for 30 years until his and people began calling him Mr. Nottie or Mr. education. ‘‘All my children are going to col- retirement. Gunns. Some of the jobs he worked included lege. I had enough children to work and chip All of Mr. Gunns children went to college driving trucks to haul logs, a loader at the in to help pay for everyone’s college,’’ he and became very successful in their own Shaw lumber yard, and sharecropping as a would say. rights with good jobs, homes, cars, money to small farmer. While working at the Shaw lum- The End: The first of Mr. Gunns children to send their children to college, and blessed to ber yard, he learned the skill of carpentry; and go to college was Berna at the age of 16. This see retirement, etc. But Berna and Tommy became known as a master carpenter around was made possible by two reasons: (1) every- stood out as the oldest daughter and son after Shaw. Everyone wanted him to do their work. one in the family picked and chopped cotton, their father’s death. As for Mr. Gunns master Mr. Gunns eventually met and married, and (2) his financial policy of saving money. carpentry skills, his son, Tommy and grand- Nancy Hunt of Shaw, MS. The couple had ten The children all knew their earnings went to son, Undra Gunns (son of Torries and Dorothy children, 2 died shortly after child birth. Mr. their parents to help provide for the family and Washington-Gunns) acquired that skill. So, he Gunns wanted a big loving family that was full save for college. Berna went to Tuskegee In- lives on in many ways and in many accom- of happy times but serious about life. He di- stitute in 1950 in Tuskegee, AL. Berna grad- plishments without even trying to do so, he left rected his journey and based goals in life on uated before he died. He was able to see the a legacy. his childhood, all that he never had, he was first of his children to get a college education. One more mention on how did he do it? Mr. determined to experience before dying. His His daughter, Berna remembers her father Gunns received only a 2nd grade education. and Nancy’s children are Berna ‘‘BB’’ Gunns- and mother faces as they watched her grad- He never learned to read or write. But, his Williams, Nathaniel ‘‘Baby Sister’’ Gunns- uate with all her sisters and brothers watching stepfather, ‘‘Mr. Brick’’ taught him how to Clark, Tommy ‘‘Win’’ Gunns, Jr. (although he as well. They knew they had to do it too. count. And passed that on to his children by

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.019 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1297 teaching them how to add, subtract, multiply, On rollcall vote No. 383, on consideration of On rollcall vote No. 403, on the motion to and divide. That’s all he could do in terms of an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. recommit to H.R. 4718 I did not vote. It was academics. It was his faith in God, his com- SCHIFF I did not vote. It was my intention to my intention to vote ‘‘yea.’’ mon sense, determination, and ability to count vote ‘‘aye.’’ On rollcall vote No. 404, on final passage of money and perform mathematical operations On rollcall vote No. 384, on consideration of H.R. 4718 I did not vote. It was my intention in his head, and serve on the school board, an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. to vote ‘‘nay.’’ which sparked change in education in Shaw. QUIGLEY I did not vote. It was my intention to On rollcall vote No. 405, on consideration of All those things got him through life and he vote ‘‘aye.’’ H.R. 4195 I did not vote. It was my intention was destined to accomplish the things he did. On rollcall vote No. 385, on consideration of to vote ‘‘yea.’’ ‘‘If you don’t walk in purpose, you won’t walk an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. On rollcall vote No. 406, on consideration of in destiny.’’ Find your purpose in life and walk CHABOT I did not vote. It was my intention to H.R. 5029 I did not vote. It was my intention it out (Quote by: Farrah Gray). Now, that’s vote ‘‘no.’’ to vote ‘‘yea.’’ how he did it. On rollcall vote No. 386, on consideration of On rollcall vote No. 407, on ordering the Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Ms. previous question to H. Res. 669 I did not today in recognizing the legacy of Tommy ‘‘Mr. TITUS I did not vote. It was my intention to vote. It was my intention to vote ‘‘yea.’’ Nottie’’ Gunns, Jr. from the Second Congres- vote ‘‘no.’’ On rollcall vote No. 408, on passage of H. sional District of Mississippi. On rollcall vote No. 387, on consideration of an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Ms. Res. 669 I did not vote. It was my intention to f vote ‘‘yea.’’ DELAURO I did not vote. It was my intention to PERSONAL EXPLANATION vote ‘‘aye.’’ On rollcall vote No. 409, on consideration of On rollcall vote No. 388, on consideration of an amendment offered to H.R. 5016 by Ms. HON. JOHN C. CARNEY, JR. an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. JACKSON LEE I did not vote. It was my inten- tion to vote ‘‘aye.’’ OF DELAWARE KING I did not vote. It was my intention to vote On rollcall vote No. 410, on consideration of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘no.’’ On rollcall vote No. 389, on consideration of an amendment offered to H.R. 5016 by Ms. Thursday, July 31, 2014 an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. MOORE I did not vote. It was my intention to Mr. CARNEY. Mr. Speaker, I wish to clarify LANKFORD I did not vote. It was my intention vote ‘‘aye.’’ my position on rollcall votes cast between July to vote ‘‘no.’’ On rollcall vote No. 412, on consideration of 9, 2014 and July 17, 2014. On rollcall vote No. 390, on consideration of an amendment offered to H.R. 5016 by Ms. On rollcall vote No. 371, on consideration of an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. WATERS I did not vote. It was my intention to an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. CASSIDY I did not vote. It was my intention to vote ‘‘aye.’’ MCALLISTER I did not vote. It was my intention vote ‘‘no.’’ On rollcall vote No. 413, on consideration of to vote ‘‘no.’’ On rollcall vote No. 391, on ordering the the motion to recommit with instructions H.R. On rollcall vote No. 372, on consideration of previous question for H. Res. 661 I did not 5021 I did not vote. It was my intention to vote an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Ms. vote. It was my intention to vote ‘‘nay.’’ ‘‘yea.’’ HAHN I did not vote. It was my intention to On rollcall vote No. 392, on consideration of On rollcall vote No. 414, on passage of H.R. vote ‘‘aye.’’ H. Res. 661 I did not vote. It was my intention 5021 I did not vote. It was my intention to vote On rollcall vote No. 373, on consideration of to vote ‘‘nay.’’ ‘‘yea.’’ an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. On rollcall vote No. 393, on consideration of On rollcall vote No. 428, on ordering the GOSAR I did not vote. It was my intention to an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. previous question to H. Res. 670 I did not vote ‘‘no.’’ BURGESS I did not vote. It was my intention to vote. It was my intention to vote ‘‘nay.’’ On rollcall vote No. 374, on consideration of vote ‘‘no.’’ On rollcall vote No. 429, on passage of H. an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. On rollcall vote No. 394, on consideration of Res. 670 I did not vote. It was my intention to WENSTRUP I did not vote. It was my intention an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. vote ‘‘yea.’’ to vote ‘‘no.’’ LAMALFA I did not vote. It was my intention to On rollcall vote No. 430, on the motion to in- On rollcall vote No. 375, on consideration of vote ‘‘no.’’ struct for H.R. 3230 I did not vote. It was my an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. On rollcall vote No. 395, on consideration of intention to vote ‘‘yea.’’ SWALWELL I did not vote. It was my intention an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. On rollcall vote No. 431, on the motion to to vote ‘‘aye.’’ STOCKMAN I did not vote. It was my intention On rollcall vote No. 376, on consideration of to vote ‘‘no.’’ recommit for H.R. 4719 I did not vote. It was an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. On rollcall vote No. 396, on consideration of my intention to vote ‘‘yea.’’ BYRNE I did not vote. It was my intention to an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. On rollcall vote No. 432, on passage of H.R. vote ‘‘no.’’ STOCKMAN I did not vote. It was my intention 4719 I did not vote. It was my intention to vote On rollcall vote No. 377, on consideration of to vote ‘‘no.’’ ‘‘nay.’’ an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. On rollcall vote No. 397, on consideration of I would also like to take this opportunity to MCCLINTOCK I did not vote. It was my intention an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. clarify my vote on final passage of H.R. 4923 to vote ‘‘no.’’ MCKINLEY I did not vote. It was my intention to and H.R. 5021. On rollcall vote No. 378, on consideration of vote ‘‘no.’’ On H.R. 4923 I would have voted for the bill H.R. 803 I did not vote. It was my intention to On rollcall vote No. 398, on consideration of despite concerns about the increase in funding vote ‘‘yea.’’ an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Ms. for fossil fuel research at the expense of de- On rollcall vote No. 379, on consideration of BLACKBURN I did not vote. It was my intention creases in funding for renewable energy tech- an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. to vote ‘‘no.’’ nologies. Furthermore, I was concerned by a MCCLINTOCK I did not vote. It was my intention On rollcall vote No. 399, on consideration of policy rider that would prevent the EPA and to vote ‘‘no.’’ an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. Army Corps of Engineers from moving forward On rollcall vote No. 380, on consideration of GOSAR I did not vote. It was my intention to with rulemaking to clarify the definition of an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Ms. vote ‘‘no.’’ Waters of the U.S. under the Clean Water Act. BONAMICI I did not vote. It was my intention to On rollcall vote No. 400, on consideration of On H.R. 5021 I voted yes because it is criti- vote ‘‘aye.’’ an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Mr. cally important that we keep our Highway On rollcall vote No. 381, on consideration of HUDSON I did not vote. It was my intention to Trust Fund solvent and transportation projects an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Ms. vote ‘‘no.’’ moving forward. However, I am frustrated that SPEIER I did not vote. It was my intention to On rollcall vote No. 401, on the motion to we have not yet been able to achieve a vote ‘‘aye.’’ recommit for H.R. 4923 I did not vote. It was longer-term fix for the Highway Trust Fund. In On rollcall vote No. 382, on consideration of my intention to vote ‘‘yea.’’ crafting a new highway reauthorization I urge an amendment offered to H.R. 4923 by Ms. On rollcall vote No. 402, on final passage of my colleagues to work on a bipartisan basis to TITUS I did not vote. It was my intention to H.R. 4923 I did not vote. It was my intention ensure a reliable, dedicated funding source for vote ‘‘no.’’ to vote ‘‘nay.’’ our highway projects.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.020 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 THE GROWING CRISIS OF AFRICA’S who do find loving homes and families are PROTECTING THE VULNERABLE ORPHANS truly the lucky ones. One remedy for this crisis is inter-country HON. TED POE HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH adoption, which sometimes brings children OF TEXAS OF NEW JERSEY from Africa to our shores to provide them with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES loving homes. This is, of course, only a partial Thursday, July 31, 2014 Thursday, July 31, 2014 remedy, because for every child who is given Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the Cum- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, a a loving home, there are many more for whom there is never will be such a refuge. At best, mings Foundation, the Domestic Violence hearing that I convened recently in my sub- Legal Empowerment and Appeals Project, committee addressed a very important human- they may end up in an institutional orphanage, which is a topic fraught with controversy. Child Justice, and the Courageous Kids Net- itarian crisis: the more than fifty million chil- work should be commended for their work dren orphaned on the continent of Africa. While the best ones, again often faith based, combatting child abuse and ensuring justice Indeed, to put this in perspective, as one of help address the developmental and edu- for abuse victims. our witnesses, Shimwaayi Muntemba, pointed cational needs of children, the worst may abet Earlier this year they recognized Members out, with such a number, the orphans of Afri- trafficking. In some cases, such institutions do of Congress who work on child abuse issues, ca, if grouped together in a single country, not even shelter orphans per se, but rather would be the fourth largest country in all of Af- children who are placed there by parents who but I think these groups are the ones who rica—after Nigeria, Ethiopia and the Demo- think that their children will get better edu- should really be recognized. cratic Republic of the Congo. cation and nutrition than what they themselves Child abuse is a horrific crime. The factors contributing to this crisis are can provide. Clearly, such institutions can And it’s made even worse when justice is varied, starting with war and civil unrest, which never provide the type of love that a father not served. have displaced millions—wars that have led to and a mother, along with any siblings, can Only a monster would harm a child. the deaths of parents and other adult relatives, give. It is an inexcusable injustice when a child is leaving children to fend for themselves. Or An issue that was addressed in the hearing ordered by our own legal system back into an sometimes children are separated from their was the role of inter-country adoption in help- unsafe situation. As a former judge and prosecutor and as parents in a mad flight for sanctuary, never ing address, at least in part, the crisis of or- co-chair of the Congressional Victims’ Rights learning if their mothers and fathers are alive phans. Some of the testimony was critical of Caucus with my good friend JIM COSTA of or dead. They may never know if they are or- the role of our State Department’s Office of California, I know how important groups like phaned in reality, or if both parents turn out to Children’s Issues in the Bureau of Consular these are in advocating for victims and helping have survived and are alive in a refugee camp Affairs. Such testimony needs to be heard, for them through court proceedings. somewhere else. Such parents, too, agonize we can, and we must, do better. Not only do these organizations serve chil- over what ever happened to their children. We also heard about an adoption issue that Other children are indirect victims of HIV/ dren and their protective parents, who many has received a lot of attention on Capitol Hill times are also victims of abuse, but work to fix AIDS, which has wreaked such devastating and was the topic of a resolution authored by havoc on the continent, or other diseases. the family court system, when justice is not my good friend and colleague COLLIN PETER- They could have lost one or both parents to served. SON of Minnesota, which I am happy to say this or some other dread disease. Often being They counsel protective parents and help was passed by the House, after being marked forced into the role of the primary caretaker of children who have been wrongly placed with up by my subcommittee and then the Foreign younger siblings, their childhood innocence is an abusive parent. Affairs Committee. ended by the burdens of adult responsibility. These groups work with the parent and As with many of the humanitarian crises that Last year, the Democratic Republic of the courts to bring the child back into a safe situa- confront the continent, there is a big picture Congo suspended the issuance of exit permits tion, some providing pro bono legal assist- aspect to this one, one which we as Congress for Congolese children adopted by foreign par- ance. certainly need to address. There are important ents—impacting hundreds of U.S. families. They work to educate the public on these strategic implications of so many children and The suspension means that Congolese chil- issues and fight for a justice system that adolescents left without fathers or mothers. dren adopted by American parents cannot works, striving to bring real change to our so- We have all heard of the scourge of child sol- leave the country to go to their new homes— ciety by ending domestic violence and child diers, how orphaned children are recruited and even though the parents have been officially abuse. brutalized, themselves turning into remorse- declared the legal guardians under Congolese Those that work with children and their fami- less killers. Terrorist groups such as the Lord’s law. lies through some of the hardest situations are Resistance Army, under the rapacious warlord What’s more, despite the exit permit sus- true heroes. Joseph Kony, actively recruit child soldiers. pension, Congolese courts have continued Our country was founded on the principles And if humanitarian reasons are not enough processing new adoptions, leading to a back- of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. to compel Congress to rally behind the efforts log of adopted children who are unable to The Cummings Foundation, the Domestic to address the issue of Africa’s orphans by leave the country. Violence Legal Empowerment and Appeals USAID and countless charitable organizations, More than 900 American families are caught Project, Child Justice, and the Courageous many of them faith-based, then strategic con- up in varying stages of this adoption limbo— Kids Network want to make sure that victims cerns and the effect this has on stability breaking hearts. are able to live that American ideal. throughout the region, should be reason to sit This is a deplorable situation for these chil- Our country cannot tolerate abuse. up and take notice of this tragedy. Justice demands that we fight back. But behind every statistic about orphaned dren, and for their distraught families. Indeed, we will hear about this from one such family Because justice is what we do. children, behind the pie charts and graphs, A society will be judged by how it treats the there is also a portrait in miniature: a lonely that has been impacted, as well as an advo- cate for families that have been impacted. most vulnerable. child who is left without a mother or a father, I hope that because of the work these perhaps dealing each night with the pangs of Finally, I also want to say a word to those groups are doing, our society will be judged hunger, or just seeking a place where one can parents who have endured not only burdens well. lay one’s head down in safety until the morn- that are financial, but ones that are primarily And that’s just the way it is. emotional, separated from the children that ing comes. That child awakes to forage and f fend for another day. Behind every statistic, they have voluntarily welcomed into their lives. there is a young boy or girl who has to deal Your hardship and pain is deeply noted by my THE FTO REFORM ACT OF 2014 with the sense of abandonment, or with the colleagues and I, as well as our staff mem- trauma of having seen parents killed before bers, many of whom have worked not only on HON. PETER T. KING passing Congressman PETERSON’s resolution, his or her eyes. There is a little soul, a young OF NEW YORK but also have pushed our State Department person, whose inherent dignity has been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES scarred in a world itself wounded, where there and the Government of the DRC to resolve Thursday, July 31, 2014 is so much pain, suffering and darkness. this issue. These children are in need of love and com- Please continue to persevere, and do not Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, the passion, of simple needs being met. Those give up hope! We remain in your corner. United States Foreign Terrorist Organization

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K31JY8.016 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1299 List is widely recognized as a powerful tool in utilized as a weapon in the fight against all ter- now graces the halls of the Ambassador Phil- the fight against terrorist networks around the rorist entities, not merely a declaration of the lip V. Sanchez Public Charter School. world. Designating a terrorist group as an obvious and measure of last resort. Mr. Speaker, it is with great respect that I ‘‘FTO’’ makes it clear that organizations that With this in mind, it is important to balance ask my colleagues in the U.S. House of Rep- engage in terrorist activity should not be wel- the diplomatic concerns of the State Depart- resentatives to recognize Phillip V. Sanchez come in any civilized society, while the wide- ment with the law enforcement concerns of on his 85th birthday. He serves as shining ex- ranging effects of designation can hamper a the Departments of Justice and Treasury, and ample of outstanding public service, and I network’s financing and operations. Often, the security concerns of the Department of thank him for both his dedication to the Mexi- when the United States adds an organization Homeland Security. Terrorist groups, and their can American community and to this nation. to the FTO List, they are leading the global members, should be identified as terrorists f community in taking on extremist groups will- and barred from the United States according ing to murder innocent civilians, and therefore, to the threat they pose. Adding the Secretary RECOGNIZING ORGANIZATIONS the value of a credible, potent, and reliable of Homeland Security to the formal designa- LIKE YMCAS THAT PROVIDE designation process is immense. tion processes in statute will help achieve that CHILDREN WITH SAFE SWIM- The Secretary of State’s role in managing goal. MING SKILLS the FTO List in accordance with Section 219 The FTO Reform Act of 2014 will strengthen of the Immigration and Nationality act is com- the FTO process and ensure all relevant con- HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON plemented by consultation with the Attorney siderations are taken into account when con- OF TEXAS General and the Secretary of the Treasury. sidering potential FTO designations. Lastly, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Each of these cabinet level officials plays a the bill enhances Congressional oversight and Thursday, July 31, 2014 role in enforcing an FTO designation, and their creates greater visibility into the impacts of assistance in considering potential additions to these designations and how they are used. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. the list is absolutely vital. However, since the f Mr. Speaker, I rise to remember the three chil- creation of the Department of Homeland Secu- dren who die every day as a result of drown- rity (DHS)—which also has responsibility for RECOGNIZING PHILLIP V. ing—and to recognize organizations, like many of the enforcement tools of FTO Des- SANCHEZ YMCAs across the country, that are working to ignations—the role of the Secretary of Home- give children and youth the skills to prevent land Security in the FTO process has not HON. JIM COSTA these tragic accidents from happening. been codified in statute. OF CALIFORNIA Drowning is the leading cause of death na- As an example, DHS is the only Cabinet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tionally for children aged 1–4, and is the sec- ond leading cause of death for children aged level Department whose first three missions Thursday, July 31, 2014 are the prevention of terrorism and enhance- 5–9. For children between 5 and 9, the drown- ment of security; securing and managing bor- Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ing rate for African American and American In- ders; and enforcing and administering immi- recognize Phillip V. Sanchez as he celebrates dian children is roughly 3 times that of white gration laws. Each of these is a major compo- his 85th birthday. His many years of dedica- children, and African American children aged nent of the FTO List, which is designed to tion to civil service deserve both acknowledge- 11 and 12 are 10 times more likely to drown mitigate the terrorist threat and prevent mem- ment and appreciation. Sanchez was a pio- in pools than their white counterparts. Regard- bers of designated organizations from entering neer for the Mexican American community; he less of race, lower income populations dis- the United States. Further, DHS already plays was the first Latino to serve in a Presidential proportionately bear the burden of drowning in a significant role in assisting the Department administration as the Director of the U.S. Of- their communities. of State in making FTO designations by pro- fice of Economic Opportunity, an impressive During 2013, 7 children drowned in the Dal- viding information gathered by component feat. las metropolitan area. In Texas, 82 children agencies and DHS’ Office of Intelligence and Sanchez was born on July 28, 1929. He is were victims of drowning. During 2012, 66% of Analysis. The Immigration and Nationality Act the son of Mexican migrant workers, who set- child drowning victims in Texas were male. should codify the reality of the responsibility tled in the small town of Pinedale in Califor- Both in Texas and across the country, there DHS has to assist in these designations. nia’s San Joaquin River Valley. A student at is an opportunity and a need to save these Additionally, DHS personnel have a large the nearby Clovis High School, he founded children’s lives—to reach out to communities presence in foreign countries, and DHS em- and edited the school newspaper. Graduating that historically have not had access to swim- ployees interact with individuals attempting to salutatorian in 1946, his accomplishments gar- ming and drowning prevention programs. enter the United States thousands of times nered the superlative ‘‘Most Likely to Suc- Many low-income children live in housing com- each day. DHS personnel contribute to ceed,’’ an obvious indicator of his future suc- plexes with unguarded swimming pools, and in screening FTO members who attempt to enter cesses. Sanchez went on to earn both his hot summer months, these pools may be the the United States. Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in political only way to cool down, as many of the hous- Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), an science at Fresno State, where he chartered ing units lack air conditioning. office within U.S. Immigrations and Customs the school’s chapter of the Sigma Chi Frater- The YMCA is one example of an organiza- Enforcement (ICE), is the second-largest fed- nity and wrote for the school’s paper, The tion that is changing statistics for children eral investigative agency in the country. The Daily Collegian. After graduating from Fresno across the country. The YMCA is bringing National Security Investigation Division of HSI State, he took the position of Fresno County swimming safety and drowning prevention pro- ‘‘enhances national security through criminal Chief Administrative Officer, his first govern- grams to these community sites. YMCAs also investigations; prevents acts of terrorism by ment position. partner with schools to bring kids to the Y for targeting people, money and materials that It was in 1971 that Sanchez was appointed lessons and offer swimming lessons year- support terrorist and criminal activities; and as director of the U.S. Office of Economic Op- round. I am thrilled that the YMCA of Metro- identifies and eliminates vulnerabilities in the portunity under the Nixon administration, mak- politan Dallas is one of the 15 YMCAs across nation’s border, economic, transportation and ing him the first Latino to serve in a Presi- the country piloting a program to reduce youth infrastructure security.’’ This mission is inti- dential administration and thereby cementing incidences of drowning. The YMCA makes an mately linked to the FTO list. himself in history. He served admirably in this effort to go into underserved communities to Many recent FTO designations have been position until 1973, when President Nixon ap- teach drowning prevention and water safety to issued for groups that have already attacked pointed him as the U.S. Ambassador to Hon- children who otherwise would not have access U.S. interests, U.S. citizens, or the U.S. duras. Sanchez also served as Ambassador to to these life-saving skills. Moreover, the YMCA Homeland. At the same time, many of these Colombia under President Ford’s administra- of Metropolitan Dallas is one of 103 Ys pro- organizations engaged in terrorist activity and tion. viding additional scholarships to children in have been viewed as terrorist networks long Phillip V. Sanchez serves as a prime exam- their community that may not otherwise have before their inclusion in the FTO list. Al Qaeda ple of an exemplary citizen. Although not cur- access to swim lessons as part of a nation- in the Arabian Peninsula, Tehrik-e-Taliban rently active in politics, he continues to con- wide data collection project on effectiveness of Pakistan, Boko Haram, the Haqqani Network, tribute to his community, recently reading to skill instruction in all communities. and al Shabaab are some such examples. Yet children at the Mexican Consulate in honor of I would like to congratulate the YMCA of the FTO list was intended to proactively re- Children’s Day. His accomplishments have in- Metropolitan Dallas on its innovative efforts to spond to the threat of terrorism, and should be spired numerous individuals, and his name save the lives of all our children, and to join

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.024 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 them in educating parents and providing chil- MEMBER ONLINE ALL-STAR even after she was arrested and released last dren the skills they need to swim safely and COMPETITION year in charges involving apostasy. avoid harm. A hearing that I recently convened was in- HON. GREGORY W. MEEKS tended to examine the facts as we know them to determine how strictly applied rules almost f OF NEW YORK led to the officially sanctioned beating and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SECRET PROGRAM TO SUPPLY execution of a young woman who has lived as ARMS TO REBELS IN SYRIA Thursday, July 31, 2014 a Christian all her life, but who has now been Mr. MEEKS. Mr. Speaker, I was pleased to told that she has no right to choose her reli- have my office participate in the Democratic gious belief. HON. RICHARD M. NOLAN Whip Office’s fifth annual ‘‘Member Online All- This hearing was originally supposed to take Star Competition.’’ I applaud my colleagues for place in June, but at the urging of both the OF MINNESOTA a friendly and spirited three week competition, U.S. Government and Sudanese officials, we IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and I congratulate the All-stars who led House postponed it to allow for quiet diplomacy to Democrats in collectively acquiring over take place. However, prior to the hearing, Thursday, July 31, 2014 213,000 new followers on social media. Meriam’s legal entanglements seem to be in- I am always delighted to find new ways to creasing rather than diminishing. Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, I am deeply dis- A Sudanese court initially ruled that the appointed with the recent reporting of a new, engage my constituents and all Americans. To that end, my staff did an outstanding job mak- mere fact that her father was Muslim means covert, secret U.S. program—not secret to the that she should have been raised as a Mus- intelligence communities throughout the world, ing many new connections. I especially com- mend Ladan Ahmadi in my office for her tre- lim. She was given three days to convert to but secret to the American people—to supply mendous effort to take us to the final round Islam, but she told authorities she would not military weapons and equipment to arm the with our Vine video. abandon her Christian faith. Her refusal to rebels in Syria. I thank the Democratic Whip for building on leave the faith she had practiced her entire life Mr. Speaker, we’ve spent the last thirteen and fostering comity in the People’s House. I led to her being in mortal fear for her life. Fortunately, a Sudanese appeals court be- years sending arms into the Middle East, and know that we are all better off for it, and our lieved that she considered herself Christian now the region is blowing up. work on the behalf of the American people is and overturned her conviction on apostasy enhanced by it. I commend President Obama and Secretary and adultery charges. However, members of of State John Kerry for their commitment to f her family have appealed the overturning of finding diplomatic solutions in preventing these THE TROUBLING CASE OF MERIAM her conviction. Meanwhile, the Government of wars and challenges—especially for their re- IBRAHIM Sudan rearrested Meriam for using South Su- cent efforts to achieve an immediate ceasefire danese documents in an attempt to leave the and settlement between Israelis and Palestin- country, and while she was released on bail. ians. HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH Fortunately, she was able to leave Sudan last OF NEW JERSEY However, I am deeply disturbed by these re- week. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We cannot be absolutely certain of the peated undercover missions to fan the flames Thursday, July 31, 2014 exact chain of events that led to the situation of foreign wars by inserting more military Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, for that Meriam was in prior to her release. The weapons and equipment into the conflicts. Department of State understandably declined These efforts run contrary to our work of diplo- weeks this spring, the world watched as Meriam Ibrahim Ishag, a pregnant Christian to testify last week because of the sensitive macy and toward lasting peace—and what’s nature of the then ongoing efforts to end the woman in Sudan, faced flogging and the death more, are time and time again executed with- matter satisfactorily. Daniel and Meriam were penalty because her government would not out seeking the Constitutionally-granted au- still in Sudan at that point. Daniel was free to accept that she had lived her life as a Chris- thority of the Congress of the United States. leave with his children, but he chose, of tian and married a Christian man. Meriam has I firmly believe that if the question were course, to stay with his wife, until she too demonstrated both courage and grace under could leave with her family. brought before the Congress, many of these pressure—giving birth in jail in May while programs would never be sanctioned. Since Meriam’s conviction in May, a bipar- chained and caring for her two children, in- tisan, bicameral Congressional coalition The fact is, Mr. Speaker, these are arms cluding her newborn, not only under restraints, worked to undo the harsh penalties for her that all too often end up in the hands of our but also without the normal amenities that any under the apostasy and adultery laws and se- worst enemies. And this apparent determina- pregnant woman and nursing mother should cure her family’s repatriation to the United tion on the part of the Administration to send expect. States. Contact was made with Daniel, as well weapons into so many regional conflicts only The harsh application of Sharia law on non- as the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum and the serves to escalate the violence, prolong the Muslims was the trigger for a two-decade civil Sudan embassy in Washington. Eventually, fighting, and stir feelings of ill will toward war in Sudan and the eventual secession of the headquarters offices of both the State De- America. the South. Sudan is one of 20 countries in the partment and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Mr. Speaker, I’ve said this before—we have world who have laws against apostasy—de- Services got involved. no friends in these fights. fined as the abandonment by an individual of Yet one wonders why this matter had to their original religion. In Sudan, apostasy is ef- come to a crisis stage before a means could We must get over the tired and fallacious fectively considered leaving the Muslim faith, be found to avoid what now seems to have notion that the enemies of our enemies are particularly the interpretation of Islam followed been an inevitable outcome in this case. Dan- our friends. by authorities. In Sudan, to leave the Muslim iel told congressional staff that he sought help I urge the Administration to remember that faith is an automatic death sentence. If you from the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum but was it is the Congress—not the President—that are considered an apostate, you cannot legally told that he should seek an attorney since the has authority over matters of war and peace. marry someone of another faith, and for this, situation was mostly focused on his wife, who Meriam also was charged with adultery and I strongly urge my colleagues to remember was not an American. This was the advice he sentenced to flogging. our constitutional obligation to consider the fu- received even when he was arrested and had However, this story is not just about harshly his passport seized. An American citizen ture untold costs of these so-called wars of applied religious and legal principles in viola- choice and nation-building abroad. should expect more from his government’s tion of national and international law. Daniel representatives in a foreign country when that Those monies and resources are urgently Wani, Meriam’s husband, is a Christian who is country’s government has taken action against needed here at home—in reducing the deficit, a dual American and South Sudanese citizen. them. rebuilding America—creating good-paying jobs He has lived in the United States for more Under the principles of natural law, which restoring our roads and bridges—and rein- than a decade. He married Meriam in late are the basis of our governing documents and vesting in our people and our future by renew- 2011, and they had a son a year later. Some- those of countries around the world, there are ing our support for education, basic research how, the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum could not certain inalienable rights endowed by Our Cre- in science, medicine, technology, and clean find a way to help this American to get his ator. The decision on how to worship Our Cre- energy. family out of Sudan before a crisis developed, ator is one of them.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.026 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1301 Elements in Sudan’s Islamic clergy and in Chief Peacock enlisted in the Air Force in CONGRATULATING JOHN HANCOCK the government interpret the Koran to give 1981 and served eight years of active duty be- COLLEGE PREP HIGH SCHOOL ON them license to tell people how they will live fore joining the Air Force Reserve. He has THEIR AWARD AT THE 2014 MATE out their faith whether they consider them- held various assignments in the security INTERNATIONAL REMOTELY OP- selves Muslim or not. In Meriam’s case, her forces career field. In 2007, he moved to Dob- ERATED VEHICLE COMPETITION father has been absent from her life since she bins Air Reserve Base as a Security Forces was a small child. Her Christian mother raised Manager. Chief Peacock became the Com- HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI her as a Christian. mand Chief Master Sergeant for the 94th Airlift OF ILLINOIS Sadly, Meriam is not the only Sudanese Wing at Dobbins in May 2011. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who chose differently on the matter of faith In this position, Chief Peacock has been the Thursday, July 31, 2014 only to be faced with a death sentence for that principal advisor to the commander and staff. choice. Sudanese civil activist Mahmud He has been responsible for influencing mis- Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Muhammud Taha was arrested and charged sion readiness, utilization, morale, and quality congratulate John Hancock College Prep High with apostasy in 1984 for his efforts to end of life for more than 1,600 enlisted Airmen. He School and their Underwater Robotics team Sharia law in Sudan. He was subsequently ex- has also coordinated with staff agencies and on their award in the 2014 MATE International Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Competi- ecuted. assists with the implementation of wing poli- tion. I appreciate all of the hard work and In some countries, Christian converts have cies. dedication the team members have put in to been forced to renounce their faith and con- I had the privilege of working alongside build their ROV and would like to congratulate form to the version of Islam favored by the Chief Peacock as a chaplain in the 94th Air government of the day. Some of these coun- them on this tremendous accomplishment. Wing and had a close relationship with him. The Marine Advanced Technology Edu- tries have constitutions that ostensibly guar- He exemplifies the very best traits that can be antee religious freedom even as they may cation (MATE) Center created the ROV com- found among the ranks of our Armed Forces. petition in partnership with the Marine Tech- also have laws that actually contradict those I stand with many Airmen at Dobbins who will rights. Except for Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, nology Society ROV Committee to encourage miss the Chief and wish him all the best in his students to excel in mathematics and science Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, retirement. the other 15 countries including Sudan, have and to pursue careers in these fields. The signed the International Covenant on Civil and MATE competition brings together K–12, com- f munity college, and university students from Political Rights guaranteeing freedoms for all over the world to design and build ROVs their citizens. HONORING CELANESE CORPORA- Article 18 of that document enshrines ‘‘the TION AND HABITAT FOR HUMAN- based on scenarios from the ocean workplace. right to freedom of thought, conscience and ITY In addition to engineering their ROVs, stu- dents were required to create technical reports religion.’’ Speaking of the rights of the indi- and presentations to be delivered to competi- vidual, that article also forbids ‘‘coercion which HON. SAM JOHNSON tion judges. would impair his freedom to have or to adopt OF TEXAS In June, John Hancock College Prep High a religion or belief of his choice. Article 18 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES School traveled to Thunder Bay National Ma- also guarantees ‘‘the freedom to have or to Thursday, July 31, 2014 rine Sanctuary in Alpena, MI after advancing adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and from the Midwest regional. In competition with freedom, either individually or in community Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, 29 other teams, they were awarded the ‘‘Big- with others and in public or private, to mani- I rise today to ask my fellow colleagues to join gest Bang for Buck Award’’ in the Ranger cat- fest his religion or belief in worship, observ- me in thanking and congratulating Celanese egory for spending the least amount of money ance, practice and teaching.’’ Corporation as they celebrate their 10 year on a vehicle that performed exceptionally. The current report by the U.S. Commission partnership with the South Collin County Habi- Their underwater ROV, the ‘‘Aquatic Eagle’’, on International Religious Freedom, or tat for Humanity. was designed to be a low-cost option for ship- USCIRF, cites Sudan as a ‘‘country of par- Over the past decade, Celanese and Habi- wreck and science investigations, as well as ticular concern’’ due to its government engag- tat have changed countless lives and have im- for conservation efforts. It was equipped with ing in ‘‘systematic, ongoing and egregious vio- proved the future for families in our commu- a camera, four motors, two hooks, and flota- lations of freedom of religion or belief.’’ Ac- nities. In fact, since 2005, Celanese has do- tion devices. This is the first year that John cording to USCIRF, Sudan is the world’s most nated over $400,000 and over 7,500 volunteer Hancock College Prep High School has com- violent abuser of the right to freedom of reli- hours towards building 10 Habitat for Human- peted in the MATE contest. gion or belief. ity Homes. This year, almost 300 volunteers The team included Hancock seniors Irving USCIRF’s Zudhi Jasser recommended in his devoted 2,500 hours to complete a home for Alamilla, Jesus Caballero, Vincent Calderon, testimony that not only should the U.S. Gov- a family over 14 weekends. They must be and Marisol Ramirez as well as juniors Carlos ernment take appropriate actions against proud of these accomplishments, I sure am. Barrios, Ivan Lopez, and Jennifer Mondragon. Sudan as detailed in the International Reli- When the strength of corporations and the Ms. Jennifer McConnell Stites, a science gious Freedom Act, but that our government hearts of volunteers come together the results teacher at John Hancock College Prep, was a should also make religious freedom and are limitless. The noble work done by these mentor to the team. human rights a centerpiece of U.S.-Sudan bi- two groups is to be commended and emulated John Hancock College Prep High School is lateral relations. by all. a high school focused on college preparation, The troubling case of Meriam Ibrahim Ishag A strong relationship between outstanding community service, and leadership. The should warn of future incidents in which those companies and selfless volunteer organiza- school opened in 1999 and is located in the who do not believe in Islam as defined by a tions is one of the fundamental building blocks Third Congressional District on the Southwest government are persecuted or placed in fear of a safe and prosperous community. I thank Side of Chicago. of death or torture. all of those involved for their hard work, dedi- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me f cation, and promise of a brighter future for in congratulating John Hancock College Prep High School on their remarkable achievement THE RETIREMENT OF CHIEF MAS- North Texans. and I wish them the best in the future. TER SERGEANT WENDELL L. I look at the extraordinary accomplishments PEACOCK over the past 10 years, and can’t help but look f forward to the next 10 years. I’m confident that IN RECOGNITION OF RONALD W. your hard-work, generosity, and compassion WALKER HON. DOUG COLLINS will continue to guide you and lead you to con- OF GEORGIA tinued success. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me HON. STEPHEN LEE FINCHER OF TENNESSEE Thursday, July 31, 2014 in congratulating Celanese for their dedication IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is to enhancing the lives of Collin County fami- my pleasure to recognize Chief Master Ser- lies. It is an honor and a privilege to represent Thursday, July 31, 2014 geant Wendell L. Peacock of the 94th Airlift the Celanese Corporation and its numerous Mr. FINCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- Wing at on the oc- employees in the United States Congress. nize Ronald W. Walker of Piperton, Ten- casion of his retirement. God bless you. I salute you. nessee. Today, Mr. Walker retires from the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K31JY8.017 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 Federal Aviation Administration as a Super- p.m., at the Leevy’s Funeral Home, Taylor HONORING LIEUTENANT GENERAL visory Air Traffic Control Specialist after 32 Street Chapel. Born in Jacksonville, Florida, JOSEPH E. MARTZ years, 7 months, and 2 days of faithful service Mr. Brown graduated from Savannah State College and Benedict College. He completed to the people of the United States of America additional studies at Duke University and HON. JOHN R. CARTER and the Memphis Air Route Traffic Control the University of South Carolina School of OF TEXAS Center. Law, Court Administration Program. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I thank Mr. Walker for his service, and I Throughout his distinguished career, he wish him the best of luck in his future endeav- worked at W. A. Perry Middle School, Che- Thursday, July 31, 2014 ors. ney State University, Vorhees College, the Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to S.C. State Human Affairs Commission, and f honor the distinguished career of Lieutenant retired as the Deputy District Director of General Joseph E. Martz of the U.S. Army. the Second Congressional District of South IN APPRECIATION OF EARL F. With his retirement approaching, he will soon BROWN, JR. Carolina. He served his country in the , was a dedicated mem- close out an incredible thirty-six years of serv- ber of Brookland Baptist Church and Kappa ice to his nation and begin the next chapter of HON. JOE WILSON Alpha Psi, Fraternity, Inc. Surviving are his his life. OF SOUTH CAROLINA former wife of 25 years, Rudyne Davis Brown; LTG Martz currently serves as the Military children, Felton Earl Brown, II and Kim IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Deputy for Budget to the Assistant Secretary Lanette (Marshall) Brown-Jackson; grand- of the Army (Financial Management and Thursday, July 31, 2014 child, TaiLa Sacarian Brown; great-grand- Comptroller) and is responsible for the ac- child, Juelz Domini Brown; his brother, Er- countability and execution of the current fiscal Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- nest Arnell (Beverly) Brown, sister, Doretha er, South Carolina today is giving loving rec- (Lester) Turner, other loving relatives and year Army budget. He shoulders the responsi- ognition and appreciation for Earl F. Brown, Jr. friends. In lieu of flowers donations may be bility of requesting and resourcing the appro- His achievements are recognized with the arti- made to the Brookland Foundation, 1066, priate funds to defend the nation. His profound cle of July 24, 2014, by Jason Old for WIS tel- Sunset Blvd., West Columbia, 29169. knowledge is of immense value to the Army evision, and the obituary of July 30, 2014, in At the services S.C. Attorney General Alan and our national security. The State newspaper. Wilson presented a eulogy on behalf of the A native of New Kensington, Pennsylvania, (WIS)—Earl F. Brown, a longtime commu- appreciative Wilson family. LTG Martz enlisted in 1974 and later grad- nity servant, has died at the age of 82. Brown f uated from both the United States Military was most recently Congressman Joe Wilson’s Academy and the U.S. Army Ranger School. deputy district director. He worked in the THE 2014 MEDICARE TRUSTEES His career of service took him from Germany Second Congressional District Midlands of- REPORT to Korea to Kuwait. Whether commanding fice for 11 years. ‘‘This is a time to recognize prestigious units or serving in key staff posi- an appreciated Patriot of our State,’’ said Wilson. ‘‘From his Army service, his Colum- HON. GENE GREEN tions, he kept the needs of the mission first bia Rotary Club dedication, to rising to OF TEXAS and always took care of his soldiers. being Director of the Human Affairs Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LTG Martz knows that a great warrior is mission to the Congressional Office, Earl was also a great scholar. After earning a Master’s Thursday, July 31, 2014 driven by his love of people.’’ Brown served in Education from the University of South as chairman of the Richland County Airport Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Carolina, he served as a tactical officer and as Commission among other public service posi- this week, the Medicare Trustees’ report pro- the Executive Officer to the Commandant of tions with several groups including the Riv- jected that the Medicare Hospital Trust Fund Cadets at the United States Military Academy. erbanks Park Commission, Central Midlands would remain solvent until 2030, four years Regional Council, SC Human Affairs Com- While at the academy he influenced and mission and others. He was also an active beyond last year’s projection and 13 years groomed the future officers of the Army. member of numerous organizations including longer than was projected in 2009. LTG Martz’s great work has not gone unno- the Columbia Rotary Club, Columbia Urban In the 50 months since the enactment of the ticed. He is a unique officer who excelled in League, NAACP, National Teachers Associa- Affordable Care Act, health care costs have his assignments and earned the Pace tion, and United Way of the Midlands. ‘‘His risen at a slower rate than any comparable Award—a prestigious award that recognizes a ready smile and can do attitude will be sore- period in the last 50 years. single staff officer for his or her extraordinary ly missed by those who knew and served with And per capita spending is projected to con- achievements. him,’’ said Jim Hamilton, former airport tinue to grow slower than the overall economy His devotion to country is matched only by manager of Jim Hamilton—L.B. Owens Air- during the coming years. port. Brown is a graduate of Savannah State his commitment to family. He is married to his College, Benedict College and University of This is in part due to the reforms imple- lovely wife Barb and is the proud father of two South Carolina’s Criminal Justice Masters mented in the Affordable Care Act. sons—Josh and Tim, both of whom are grad- Program. He served in the U.S. Army and We have made progress in reducing hos- uates from the Reserve Officer Training Corps also worked as a public school teacher. His pital readmissions, improving patient safety program at Penn State. daughter Kim says her father was active in and transitioning to new payment models that Retirement is to be celebrated and enjoyed. the community well into his retirement and reward quality and reduce costs. It is not the end of a career, but rather the be- wants people to know Brown believed it’s Thanks to these important steps, the quality ginning of a new adventure. I commend LTG never too late to get involved. ‘‘His loss is of care for Medicare beneficiaries has im- Martz for his selfless service to his nation and personal to the Wilson Family where four proved, along with the long-term solvency of generations have affectionately identified to the United States Army. His leadership has him as ‘Uncle Earl’, a tradition that started Medicare. positively impacted soldiers and families with the births of our four grandchildren at For the second year in a row Medicare Part across the world. I wish him and his family Lexington Medical Center as Earl was al- B premiums will not grow, meaning that sen- only the best in the years ahead. ways the first visitor bringing flowers,’’ said iors will be able to keep more of their annual f Wilson. ‘‘Our sympathy to his daughter Kim, Social Security COLA. son Felton, and his beloved church family at The ACA has also saved America’s seniors HONORING REVEREND THADDEUS Brookland Baptist Church,’’ said Wilson. over $11.5 billion in prescription drug costs by J. WILLIAMS Brown’s funeral will be Thursday, July 31 at improving drug benefits and closing the ‘‘donut 12 noon at Brookland Baptist Church. He will be buried at the National Cemetery at Fort hole.’’ HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Jackson. I am proud to have played a significant role OF MISSISSIPPI in the authorship of ACA and hope my col- Obituary of July 30, 2014, in the State IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leagues on both sides of the aisle will come newspaper. together and look for ways to further improve Thursday, July 31, 2014 (The State) Earl Felton Brown, Jr. COLUM- ACA and Medicare. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- BIA.—Funeral services for Mr. Earl Felton Brown, Jr. will be held Thursday at 12:00 Now is the time to build on these successes er, I rise today to honor Reverend Thaddeus noon, at the Brookland Baptist Church, with and ensure all Americans have access to J. Williams, a native of Yazoo City, Mis- burial and military honors in the Ft. Jack- quality affordable care and that our health sissippi. son National Cemetery. A family visitation care system remains on a path to fiscal sol- Reverend Thaddeus J. Williams is married will be held this evening beginning at 6:30 vency. to the former Teresa L. Buckner and the father

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K31JY8.021 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1303 to four children: Sam, Dante’, Philip, and Alex- also a dedicated member of La Feliz Guild for against the injustices occurring in his country. andria. He is a Licensed and Ordained Min- over 40 years. After Germany invaded, he withdrew from high ister of the Gospel and currently serves as One of Betty Lou’s greatest passions was school due to the war, and then much later at- Minister of Membership Assimilation at Great- music, and she was a very talented musician. tended Architecture school in Tilburg, Nether- er Fairview Baptist Church. Betty Lou could play any string instrument and lands. It was there he met his wife, Anna. Reverend Williams is currently enrolled in especially loved the banjo and ukulele. In ad- As time went on, the harshness of the Nazi Mississippi Baptist Seminary and Bible Col- dition to her appreciation for music, Betty Lou occupation grew. Notice was sent to all Dutch lege pursuing a Master in Christian Education. also enjoyed traveling with Claude. They vis- Jews that they would have shipped to work in He earned a B.S. degree in Business Adminis- ited many different countries together, making Germany—forced labor. tration from Mississippi Valley State University friends from all over the world. Tony was outraged towards the Nazi’s treat- in 1987 and a Master of Public Administration Mr. Speaker, it is with great respect that I ment of Jews, he and fellow Scouts decided to from the University of Mississippi in 1991. He ask my colleagues in the House of Represent- join the Dutch Resistance effort. Although, the is a graduate of the Mississippi Certified Pub- atives to pay tribute to the life of Betty Lou Nazis had immediately disbanded the Boy lic Manager Program, the John C. Stennis In- Laval. Betty Lou will be remembered as some- Scouts, Tony and his friends would always re- stitute of Government, Leadership Yazoo one who always brought joy to others, and her member the Scout promise, to do their best to City’s Inaugural Class in 1992, and the 2008 commitment and dedication to the community do their duty to God and Country; and to other Inaugural Class of FOCUS—DMH’s Succes- she loved dearly will never be forgotten. people. sion Planning/Accelerated Leadership Devel- f Under Nazi control, resistance was forbid- opment Program. den and often quite dangerous. All resistance Reverend Williams organized and has facili- TONY GELDENS happened illegally and occupiers were ruth- tated T and T (Thad and Teresa) Food/Out- less. reach Ministry since 2000 where they have re- HON. TED POE Captured members of The Dutch Under- ceived both national and local recognition for OF TEXAS ground were usually shot, imprisoned, or sent their service to the community including the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to concentration camps. Nonetheless, Tony and his loyal band of 2014 ‘‘WJTV Jefferson Award’’ and the 2013 Thursday, July 31, 2014 Southern Christian Services ‘‘Hands of Provi- Scouts were not deterred from joining the re- dence Award.’’ Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Tony sistance movement. Reverend Williams has served as Chaplain Geldens is known locally in Kingwood, Texas Without an organized leader, Tony began a for the Mississippi Valley State University Na- for being a community and political activist covert four year fight against the Nazis, saving tional Alumni Association, employed with the and strong patriot. There is much more of a Jews from starvation, torture, imprisonment, State of Mississippi since 1992 and currently heroic story to tell. and death. with Mississippi Department of Mental Health’s It gives me great honor to tell you about Like a war time Robin Hood, Tony fed hun- Central Office where he was voted by his Tony Geldens’ courageous account of resist- dreds of Jews by holding up German food peers as the 2012 Employee of the Year. ance under ’s control of the stamp offices to obtaining food ration books. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Netherlands. Throughout World War Two, Drawing from his hobby building radios, he in recognizing Reverend Thaddeus J. Wil- Tony courageously fought Hitler’s Nazis as a also operated a radio transmitter which trans- liams. member of the Dutch Underground. He helped mitted to England information about downed f to feed, hide, and protect Dutch Jews. British pilots and Nazi movements. Born in the 1920s, Tony grew up in He would also help downed allied pilots by HONORING THE LIFE OF BETTY Hertogenbosch, Netherlands where his dad hiding them among different homes of Dutch LOU LAVAL owned a brick factory. Like most of the world citizens until they were able to reach safety in in the 1930s, the Netherlands, suffered from a France. HON. JIM COSTA Depression. As a result of his actions, he was arrested OF CALIFORNIA Tony grew up belonging to the Boy Scouts, and imprisoned numerous times. When impris- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES like most Dutch teenagers, camping with fel- oned, the Nazis beat and tortured him for in- low Scouts, riding bicycles along canals and formation concerning the Dutch resistance Thursday, July 31, 2014 by old brick buildings. Tony remembers a cells, or Dutch Jews. Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to close circle of friends consisting of both Chris- Several times they administered ‘‘truth pay tribute to the life of Betty Lou Laval, who tians and Jews. After school, like most young serum’’—it never worked! Sometimes they let passed away on June 27, 2014, at the age of boys, they all enjoyed hanging out together. him go and sometimes he escaped—just to be 79. Betty Lou’s optimism and appreciation for However, on May 10, 1940, most of Tony’s rearrested again. The last few days before the life will be missed greatly by all who had the world suddenly changed. Sixteen year old war ended were the hardest for Tony. One pleasure of knowing her. Tony was camping in the woods, close to his day, Tony came home and discovered an Betty Lou spent most of her life in Fresno, dad’s factory, when without warning the Ger- empty house. He ran next door to his priest to California. She met her future husband, man Army invaded the Netherlands. His dad find answers. After investigating, the priest in- Claude Laval III, in kindergarten at Heaton El- came and retrieved Tony from his camping formed Tony that the Nazis were holding his ementary School. For a short time, she left site, and the family quickly evacuated to their family and they would give him three days to Fresno and attended the University of South- home ahead of the invading forces. The Dutch turn himself in. ern California on a full scholarship. Betty Lou resistance held out for three days before sur- After the third day, Nazis shot his mother was a very active member of the Delta rendering; marking the beginning of the Nazi first, then his sisters and then his father. Gamma Sorority and recently attended their Germany’s occupation of the Netherlands. Wanted posters with Tony’s picture began 50th reunion. She adored her alma mater and The Nazi occupiers soon imposed anti-Jew- to be circulated on trees around was one of the university’s greatest sup- ish measures on all Dutch Jews. As was Hertogenbosch. In order to save his family, porters. throughout Nazi Germany, Dutch Jews were Tony resolved to turn himself in to the authori- Betty Lou and Claude were married for 57 required to wear a yellow Star of David at all ties. He said his goodbyes to his priest, years. They raised two daughters: Melinda times. Strict curfews were enforced, Jews friends and family. He hid at a bombed out rail and Luann. Family was most important to could not own businesses, and students were road station; sleeping between the railroad Betty Lou. Her children and grandchildren— forced to transfer to segregated Jewish ties. On his way to turn himself in, he saw the Nicholas, Chase, and Ellery—took priority over schools. Canadian Red Cross working the area. everything else in her life. Betty Lou will be In January 1941, Hitler required all Jews to According to Tony the hardest moment greatly missed by Claude, her daughters, register themselves as Jews. A total of nearly throughout everything, was to see liberators grandchildren, and many nieces, nephews, 160,000 Jews in the Netherlands registered. but knew he had to turn himself into the Nazis. and relatives. They were issued ID cards stamped with the Halfway during his trial, shooting broke out Staying involved in the community was al- letter ‘‘J’’ for Jew. between the Canadian soldiers and the Nazi ways very important to Betty Lou. She was an Unlike many, Tony remained in the Nether- police. active member of the Junior League of Fresno lands during World War Two, even after hav- Once again, Tony was able to escape. How- and served on the Board of Trustees for Chil- ing the opportunity to leave. Remaining be- ever, while Tony was at his trial, German dren’s Hospital Central California. She was cause he felt compelled to stay and fight Nazis had evacuated his family along with

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.032 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 hundreds of Dutch Resistance citizens thirty exactly what we want and allow for multiple IN HONOR AND RECOGNITION OF miles away. paths and discretion for achieving set out- VINCE AND PAT FOGLIA With the intentions of murdering the resist- comes. By holding local governments, states, ance fighters, the Nazis put them in five dif- and the private sector accountable, while al- ferent buildings and subsequently blew up the lowing for flexibility, we can reduce unneces- HON. RANDY HULTGREN buildings, including city hall. Miraculously, his sary bureaucracy and make our regulations OF ILLINOIS family was at the end of the line going into the more efficient and effective without undercut- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES building and unbeknownst to the Nazi’s they ting public and environmental protections. hadn’t entered before it was demolished. Un- The ESA has a clear intention of protecting Thursday, July 31, 2014 like so many others, they survived. threatened wildlife species and from 1973 to Mr. HULTGREN. Mr. Speaker, Abraham Soon after, the Netherlands was liberated. 2013, it has prevented extinction for 99% of Lincoln once said, ‘‘Commitment is what trans- At this point however, they thought Tony was species under its protection. H.R. 4315 does forms a promise into a reality.’’ dead. Imagine the Geldens reunion when they not improve the process, and only moves us learned they all had survived. away from achieving further wildlife protection It’s with these words in mind that I rise During World War II, the Nazis deported and recovery goals. today to recognize Vince and Pat Foglia for 107,000 Dutch Jews to concentration camps. their extraordinary spirit of generosity and While framed as a way to roll back red tape, Only 5,200 survived. The Dutch Underground commitment to people with disabilities in their this bill instead creates additional layers of bu- helped hide 25,000 to 30,000 Jews. Two- community as manifested by their years of reaucracy through burdensome and unneces- thirds of Dutch Jews in hiding survived the service and support of the work done by the sary reporting requirements on the details of war. Less than 25 percent of Dutch Jews sur- Pioneer Center for Human Services in all ESA lawsuit expenditures made by the De- vived the Holocaust. McHenry, Illinois. partment of Interior, the Forest Service, the Tony and thousands like him put his life on On June 20, 2014, I was honored to salute the line for freedom. He saw the concentration National Marine Fisheries Service, and the Bonneville, Western Area, Southwestern and them when they received the inaugural ‘‘Make camps and the victims of the Nazis. He saw Change’’ Award presented by the Center. friends murdered. Southeastern Power Administrations. Given He saw incredible numbers of new graves that our federal agencies are already re- For years, Pioneer Center has lived out its throughout Holland. But like so many of his source-constrained, these requirements will mission of ‘‘empowering individuals to achieve generation, he never discusses the details. He only distract from the charge to protect threat- their full potential.’’ It engages people of all does not see himself as a hero; oftentimes the ened and endangered species. abilities throughout the community through in- greatest acts of heroism and courage are the The bill also downgrades the quality of novative, effective, and compassionate serv- ones that go most unnoticed. science used in the ESA determination proc- ices. This includes employing and finding After the liberation of the Netherlands, Tony ess, by defining all data provided by a State, meaningful job opportunities for exceptional became a successful architect. He stayed and Tribal or county government as the ‘‘best people to achieve individual and organizational helped rebuild his hometown and his country. available’’ data without any review of whether excellence. Eventually, in 1967 he found his way to or not it actually is the best data. When Pioneer Center was in search of cli- Texas, and became a United States citizen in This legislation does not further the impor- ent work opportunities, it approached Vince 2000. He and his wife, Anna, raised five chil- tant goals of species recovery efforts. Con- and Pat, and in typical fashion their response dren in their home in Kingwood. He now loves gress should work to reform regulation in a went beyond expectations. this adopted country; and he loves Texas. way that helps agencies, Tribes, local govern- As chairman of the board of Sage Products, Tony is a true patriot. He fought the good fight ment and private industry increases perform- a global leader in the innovation and manufac- up until his death, July 29th, 2014. He was 90 ance measures, not create additional bureauc- ture of disposable heath care products, Vince years old. racies and waste limited public resources. I understands the meaning of work to people It is with great pleasure that I recognize and oppose this legislation, yet another in a long with disabilities. He immediately agreed to honor my friend, Tony Geldens, for his part in series of bills passed this Congress to under- partner with Pioneer Center and provide work saving Dutch Jews in World War Two. He was mine important environmental protections. I for the clients. a person of great courage, dignity and com- was disappointed to see it pass. Vince further ‘‘transformed a promise into a passion and his actions were truly heroic. reality’’ by hiring Pioneer clients as employees The city of Kingwood lost a tremendous f of Sage. Vince and Pat take pride in knowing man. Tony’s selfless service truly made the their employees personally—a reflection of world a better place. He leaves behind an SUNSCREEN INNOVATION ACT their heartfelt compassion for helping others. amazing story, wonderful legacy and a grateful local and national community. I am proud to Vince and Pat also funded the client com- SPEECH OF say I knew Mr. Gelden. He was one of puter lab at Pioneer Center that included spe- Texas’s best. HON. LOIS FRANKEL cialized equipment for people with disabilities. And that’s just the way it is. But their benevolence isn’t limited to pro- OF FLORIDA f viding opportunities and monetary support. In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES keeping with their passion and commitment to H.R. 4315, THE 21ST CENTURY EN- give back, Vince and Pat have made it a point DANGERED SPECIES TRANS- Monday, July 28, 2014 to stay engaged with Pioneer Center seeking PARENCY ACT Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I opportunities where they can meet whatever rise today in support of H.R. 4250, the Sun- challenges confront Pioneer Center so that HON. EARL BLUMENAUER screen Innovation Act. This legislation will sup- they can continue to make a difference in oth- OF OREGON port the important work of the Richard David ers’ lives. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kann Melanoma Foundation of Palm Beach Vince and Pat, how fitting it is for you to be Thursday, July 31, 2014 County, Florida. honored with the ‘‘Make Change’’ Award, for your acts of compassion and dedication to Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I voted Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin can- helping others have surely made an impactful against H.R. 4315, a package of bills that cer, killing one American every fifty minutes. change for those whose lives and cir- would weaken the process by which the Ad- Residents of Florida are especially vulnerable cumstances you touch. ministration makes Endangered Species Act to the cancer-causing ultraviolet radiation from (ESA) determinations. the sun. The Sunscreen Innovation Act will It is with great privilege and heartfelt appre- While H.R. 4315 is nothing more than a par- help Floridians protect themselves with the lat- ciation that I take this opportunity to recognize tisan talking point, it does raise an important est radiation-blocking sunscreen ingredients. you both for your work and charitable spirit. debate about the need to reform our regula- I would like to thank the Richard David Your commitment has indeed transformed tions to make them more performance-based. Kann Melanoma Foundation for their tireless the promise of hope into the reality of a better Instead of establishing specific rules that tell work in preventing and detecting skin cancer, future for so many people. For that I whole- stakeholders how to achieve specific out- and I urge my colleagues to support this legis- heartedly thank you and congratulate you on comes, our regulations should instead identify lation. I yield back my time. your well-deserved award.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.035 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1305 HONORING LATONYA DENISE tunity to congratulate Gary Job Corps on the It is also in our national interest to advocate COTTON occasion of its 50th anniversary, and I wish all good governance, a respect for human rights of its staff and students many more years of and constitutional term limits, and support for HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON success. civil society organizations which contribute to OF MISSISSIPPI f enduring economic and social development. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, this Resolution demonstrates INTRODUCTION OF H. RES. 699 that the United States Congress stands beside Thursday, July 31, 2014 Africa in promoting peace and prosperity on Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- HON. GREGORY W. MEEKS both sides of the Atlantic. I look forward to er, I rise today to honor a determined young OF NEW YORK your timely support of H. Res. 699 on the eve lady, LaTonya Denise Cotton. Ms. Cotton has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the United States-Africa Leaders’ Summit, shown what can be done through hard work, Thursday, July 31, 2014 as we prepare to welcome our African friends dedication and a desire to make a positive dif- and partners to this nation’s great capital for a ference in her community. Mr. MEEKS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in- truly historic occasion. Thank you very much. troduce H. Res. 699, Welcoming African lead- LaTonya Denise Cotton, a resident of An- f guilla, Mississippi, was born on January 29, ers to the first United States-Africa Leaders’ 1976 to Diane Cotton and Tom Davis in Summit and African trade ministers to the 13th INTRODUCTION OF THE STARTUP Hollandale Mississippi. She is a graduate of Forum of the African Growth and Opportunity ACT OF 2014 Anguilla High School. Act (AGOA). LaTonya is the author of a historical novel At the start of the new millennium, the HON. KYRSTEN SINEMA called ‘‘A Small Payton Place in a Town United States Congress enacted the African OF ARIZONA Called Anguilla’’. She has plans to make a Growth and Opportunity Act—AGOA—with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES broad, bipartisan support and with a view to movie based on the novel. LaTonya has Thursday, July 31, 2014 served as a volunteer through the AmeriCorps expanding growth and opportunity in Africa program as a career trainer in Sharkey Coun- like never before. In this legislation, Congress Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Speaker, today I, along ty. called for the establishment of high-level dia- with Mr. VALADAO of California, introduced the LaTonya has been a devout member of logues, including regular meetings by the bipartisan Startup Act of 2014. The Startup Union Chapel Baptist Church in Anguilla, MS President with his African counterparts. Now, Act provides immigrant entrepreneurs and for- for thirty one years. She is the proud parent of fourteen years later, that vision is coming true. eign graduates of U.S. universities with the two girls, Dominique and Sumonia Cotton. Next week, the largest delegation of African opportunity to appeal and extend their visa by She enjoys time with family and friends. heads-of-state in United States history will two years on the condition that they secure fi- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me make its way to the White House. This will nancing from a U.S. investor and demonstrate in recognizing Ms. LaTonya Denise Cotton for truly be a great day for America and a great the ability to create jobs and bolster the U.S. her dedication to serving her community. day for our friends and partners from across economy. f the African continent, and I take immense If they are able to demonstrate success, by pleasure in welcoming this historic delegation securing additional funding, generating rev- TRIBUTE TO GARY JOB CORPS to our nation’s capital. enue and creating jobs, they would be eligible CENTER Africa has six of the ten fastest growing for legal permanent residency, enabling them economies in the world, over one billion peo- to continue to create more American jobs, ex- HON. HENRY CUELLAR ple, sixty percent of the world’s uncultivated pand and improve their business, and reinvig- OF TEXAS agricultural land, and is likely to replace China orate the United States as the land of oppor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as the biggest contributor to the global work- tunity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. force by 2050. The people of Africa share the Our history as a nation has been defined by Thursday, July 31, 2014 hopes and aspirations of all Americans for immigrant innovators, pioneers, and entre- Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to peace and prosperity across both our lands, preneurs. Many of the world’s best and bright- recognize Gary Job Corps Center for 50 years and they are committed to strengthening eco- est minds come to this country seeking the of providing successful service to the people nomic relations through mutually beneficial freedom and resources necessary to turn their of San Marcos, Texas. trade and investment opportunities which pro- ideas into successful businesses. Trans- Located on a campus of 1,000 acres at the mote economic growth, development, poverty formative U.S. companies including Google, former Gary Army Air Field, Gary Job Corps is reduction, democracy, stability, and the rule of Yahoo, Pfizer, Intel and eBay all began as the largest of 125 Job Corps campuses na- law. startups founded by immigrants. tionwide, enrolling a growing number of nearly The African Growth and Opportunity Act is Today, foreign born entrepreneurs come to 2,000 young men and women. The increasing one of those opportunities, and I would like to the United States, graduate from our univer- number of enrollment at Gary Job Corps rep- use this chance to emphasize the importance sities and start businesses on our soil, only to resents the fulfillment of President Johnson’s of renewing AGOA well before its expiration in find that our country’s archaic, complex visa 1964 promise he made while visiting the September 2015. Since the passage of restrictions make it difficult for them to stay in former Southwest Texas State University. AGOA, U.S. exports to sub-Saharan Africa this country and continue to develop their President Johnson’s promise was to develop a have increased from $6.9 billion to $23.9 bil- business, contribute to our economy, and cre- Job Corps camp to train young men and lion, per capita income in sub-Saharan Africa ate American jobs. women in the skills that would allow them to has more than tripled, and U.S. investment in This places us at a competitive disadvan- contribute to their community and become sub-Saharan Africa has increased six-fold. tage at a time when our foreign competitors leaders. Mr. Speaker, this Resolution, which already are catching up. For example, in 2009 foreign For 50 years, Gary Job Corps has continu- has broad, bipartisan support, recognizes the innovators were awarded more patents than ously helped young men and women achieve significant progress and hope that modern Af- U.S. inventors for the first time; whereas a their academic and professional dreams. In rica represents today in global affairs and eco- decade ago the U.S. held 57 percent of all addition to providing vocational training for ca- nomic advancement with its booming demo- patents worldwide. reers in health occupations, business, com- graphics, increasing modernization, dynamic With two Fortune 500 companies puters, cooking, driver’s education, and nu- youth, and vast resources; and it acknowl- headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, it’s easy to merous other industries, their alumni have edges the many paths available for boosting see the benefits of immigrant innovators in my continued their education to the student bod- cultural, trade, and economic relations and home state. Freeport-McMoRan is a leading ies of Texas State University, Alamo Commu- partnerships between the United States and natural resource company which employs nity College, and other institutions of higher Africa. thousands of Arizonans. Avnet Inc. is another education. It is in the economic and national security innovative Phoenix based company and one Gary Job Corps has helped countless young interests of the United States to engage and of the largest distributors of electronic compo- Texans achieve their life goals, has helped compete in emerging African markets, to fos- nents, computer products, and embedded bring economic growth, educational achieve- ter U.S.-Africa trade and investment, to sup- technology. ment, and the promise of a better future to port greater capacity building for Africa, and to We also have a multitude of smaller Central Texas. I am happy to have this oppor- invest in Africa’s youth and emerging leaders. startups founded by foreign entrepreneurs.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.039 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1306 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 Sumiko Glenn emigrated from Japan and after Mr. Speaker, it is with great respect that I is the only person in her family who received graduating from Texas Tech University, found- ask my colleagues in the U.S. House of Rep- an education, according to her son, Mervyn ed her own tax consulting firm, Glenn Con- resentatives to honor the life of Virginia Lee Leon Taylor. sulting LLC, in Mesa, Arizona. Gelie Akhenblit Rose, an individual who dedicated her life to Mrs. Taylor taught 1st grade and adult edu- left Moldova with her family to come to Ari- improving the lives of others. Her presence cation classes. Another achievement of Mrs. zona, where her later studies in Communica- will undoubtedly be missed, but her impact Taylor is that she was one of the original pio- tion at Arizona State University led her to and influence in the community she loved neers who led the effort to bring the Head launch NetworkingPhoenix.com as a way to fill dearly will never be forgotten. Start program to Charleston and across the advertising needs of our state through so- f Tallahatchie County. Her list of fighting for the cial media. In the state of Arizona, immigrants citizens of Tallahatchie County and sur- make up 13.4 percent of population; own 19.6 IN RECOGNITION OF MR. OSCAR JESUS CANTU rounding communities goes on to include road percent of businesses, and start 31.5 percent improvements in the Black community, and of new businesses. bringing electricity and telephone service to If we are going to protect America’s position HON. FILEMON VELA the Black communities. as the global leader in innovation, we must OF TEXAS Her son, Mervyn, said his mother wasn’t just ensure that tomorrow’s entrepreneurs have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES every opportunity to build and develop their active locally but also overseas. She traveled Thursday, July 31, 2014 ideas on American soil. The Startup Act of to poverty stricken areas on mission trips. Mrs. 2014 will create high-wage jobs here in the Mr. VELA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Taylor was also an active member in her United States, spur private investment and ognize Mr. Oscar Jesus Cantu, a champion- church, St. Paul Christian Methodist Episcopal economic growth, and help ensure that Amer- ship boxer from Kingsville, Texas. (C.M.E.) Church. She served as president of ica remains globally competitive. I ask my col- Oscar is a lifelong resident of Kingsville, the local missionary, president of the Northern leagues to join me in support of this important Texas and has been boxing since the age of District Episcopal faith domination, and mis- legislation. eight at Kingsville Boxing Club. In 2009, Oscar sionary president of the northern and southern Mississippi C.M.E. conferences. f graduated from H.M. King High School with honors and continued his education at Texas Mrs. Taylor is the widow of the late Mr. HONORING THE LIFE OF VIRGINIA A&M University—Kingsville. Jimmy M. Taylor. She now lives in the Blue LEE ROSE In 2012, Oscar was an alternate on the U.S. Cane Community, right outside of Charleston. Olympic boxing team. He holds the World Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me HON. JIM COSTA Boxing Council’s USNBC Title won in in recognizing Mrs. Mary Lee Taylor a pioneer OF CALIFORNIA Kingsville, Texas on March 22, 2014 and is in her community who has helped to pave the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES currently ranked within the top one hundred way for others, like you and me, to come boxers in the super-flyweight class by the Thursday, July 31, 2014 along. International Boxing Organization. Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Oscar actively gives back to his Kingsville f pay tribute to the life of Virginia Lee Rose. Vir- community and manages an organization ginia was truly a pillar in the Madera commu- named ‘‘I Am Second,’’ which encourages stu- ‘‘ALL-OF-THE-ABOVE’’ ENERGY nity. Her time and energy spent to better the dents to avoid destructive behaviors and find APPROACH lives of individuals throughout the region will hope, peace, and fulfillment. Additionally, he always be remembered. serves as a role model to children by volun- Virginia was born on September 27, 1934, teering as a boxing coach at the Kingsville HON. TOM REED in Rayville, Louisiana. She attended Merritt Boxing Club. College in Oakland, California where she re- Mr. Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity OF NEW YORK ceived an Associate’s Degree. After grad- to honor Mr. Oscar Jesus Cantu and his con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES uating, Virginia worked as a Probation Aide tributions to the sport of boxing. Further, I ap- with the Alameda County Probation Depart- preciate you joining me in recognizing his con- Thursday, July 31, 2014 ment. tributions to Kingsville, Texas. Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dis- In 1953, Virginia moved to Madera, Cali- f cuss the importance of an ‘‘all-of-the-above’’ fornia. She and her husband, John, built a energy approach for our nation’s future. By very nice life together and raised two beautiful HONORING MRS. MARY LEE TAYLOR taking this fair and reasonable approach to do- daughters, Margaret and Jacklyn. mestic energy exploration and production, we Virginia’s philanthropic efforts and hard work can properly care for the energy needs of fam- were crucial to the development of numerous HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON ilies and businesses in New York, and across public, private, and nonprofit organizations in OF MISSISSIPPI the country, while promoting American jobs, Madera County. Some of these organizations IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES boosting national security and taking care of include the Madera County Chamber of Com- the environment. merce Crime Prevention Commission, the Thursday, July 31, 2014 Madera County Cultural Diversity Committee, Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Last year, 13 percent of electricity in the and the Interagency Child and Youth Services er, I rise today to honor a former educator and United States was produced from renewable Council. Virginia volunteered with over 15 or- longtime community activist from Tallahatchie sources, ranking us second in the world. This ganizations throughout the community, dem- County, MS, Mrs. Mary Lee Taylor. development has improved environmental onstrating her dedication to improve the lives Mrs. Taylor is 101 years old. She was born quality while providing power to our nation’s of residents in Madera. January 17, 1913 in Paynes, MS. Her years homes and businesses. Since I care about our Virginia’s good work and efforts never went have been long and her mind is full of many fellow Americans health, this is the right thing unnoticed. She was honored with numerous stories her eyes have seen. I am talking about to do. Additionally, the growing use of alter- awards from the community, including: the trying times, historical eras, blue skies, and native and renewable fuels lower imports of Martin Luther King Humanitarian Award, the personal achievements. foreign energy, improves our national security Victim Services Volunteer of the Year award, Mrs. Taylor is a 1936 graduate of the by reducing foreign energy consumption, and and the Golden Apple Award from the Tallahatchie County Training School. She creates jobs for families across the country. In Mariposa/Madera Chapter of the Association went on to continue her education at Rust Col- addition, clean natural gas development is of California School Administrations. Addition- lege in Holly Springs, MS and at the Mis- bringing with it job growth and revitalizing ally, Madera Community Hospital recognized sissippi Vocational College (now referred to as manufacturing in towns and cities across Virginia for dedicating 15 years of service to Mississippi Valley State University) in Itta America. the hospital. Bena, MS. There she received her Bachelor of We can create jobs, provide quality energy Virginia will be greatly missed by John, Mar- Science Degree. to American businesses and families, care for garet, Jacklyn, her granddaughters, Shanel, Her age has not had an effect on her mem- the environment and support national security LeeAnn, and Amanda, and many relatives and ory which brings smiles to her face. One of if we, as a nation, focus on an ‘‘all-of-the- friends. her personal achievements is that Mrs. Taylor above’’ energy approach.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.042 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1307 IN RECOGNITION OF THE SERVICE and need to protect our Nation’s foundational Ensuring the viability of our manufac- OF GENERAL WILLIAM SHELTON space capabilities. As a member of the House turing and industrial sectors is critical to TO THE UNITED STATES AND Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic providing jobs that pay good wages, is impor- tant to the recovery of our struggling econ- THE CONSTITUENTS OF COLO- Forces, I am grateful for General Shelton’s omy and is vital to the defense of our Repub- RADO’S FIFTH DISTRICT wise counsel and firm resolve to always do lic. what is best for the Nation and for the Airmen In my opinion, we cannot continue to be a HON. DOUG LAMBORN he has led. global power capable of responding to serious threats to US interests worldwide, without OF COLORADO With nearly four decades of exemplary serv- the support of a strong industrial manufac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ice to our Nation, General William L. Shelton deserves our most heartfelt gratitude and turing base. Thursday, July 31, 2014 According to declassified CIA reports, praise. Thank you, General Shelton—and best China has overtaken Japan and is now sec- Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to wishes to you and your family. ond to the United States in terms of Gross recognize General William L. Shelton, Com- f Domestic Product (GDP). In recent years, led mander of Air Force Space Command, on the by a strong expansion of its Industrial and occasion of his retirement from the United EXPORT-IMPORT BANK Manufacturing Base. China has more than States Air Force. REAUTHORIZATION doubled the USA’s rate of growth in GDP. Over the course of his 38-year career in the According to the CIA’s World Fact Book, SPEECH OF as of 2013, China and the European Union are , General Shelton has ahead of the United States in Exports. More served with great distinction and made count- HON. MAXINE WATERS troubling than the shrinking dollar amount less sacrifices for our country. We commend OF CALIFORNIA of US exports, is a growing trade deficit in his service; the sacrifices of his family in sup- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘manufactured’’ goods. In order for US Exporters to recover from port of his service, including his wife Linda Wednesday 30, 2014 and their two children Sara and Joel; and the recent economic downturn and create Ms. WATERS. Mr. Speaker, I submit the fol- jobs, they must have access to sufficient must express our great appreciation for his working capital and credit support. Since leadership and devotion to our Nation’s secu- lowing letters in support of the Export-Import Bank: the near total collapse of the Global Banking rity. system in 2008, Export Credit Agencies 1. Letter from Steve Wilburn, President and A graduate of the United States Air Force (ECA’s) and Development Finance Institu- Academy, General Shelton’s selection as the CEO, FirmGreen, July 21, 2014 tions (DFI’s) have played an increasingly im- 2. Letter from Greenery Solutions, Inc, June Commander of Air Force Space Command in portant role in financing exports. 23, 2014 While US commercial banks are still re- January 2011 culminates a distinguished ca- 3. Letter from Brek Manufacturing to Rank- covering, sources of capital for US exporters reer that began in 1976 at the Space and Mis- ing Member Maxine Waters have become constrained. On the world sile Test Center at Vandenberg Air Force 4. Letter from Hansen Engineering Com- stage, nations and private clients seeking to Base, California. In a career dedicated to the pany, July 23, 2014 import manufactured goods and technology have increasingly looked to the competi- space enterprise, he commanded units at Fal- 5. Statement from Fritz-Pak, June 17, 2014 con/Schriever, F.E. Warren, Offutt, Vanden- tively priced financial products provided by 6. Letter from Boyle Energy Services & ECA’s and DFI’s. Chinese, Japanese and Ko- berg, and Peterson Air Force Bases. He also Technology, Inc, July 22, 2014 rean competitors to FirmGreen, and other provided valuable leadership and counsel to JULY 21, 2014. US Exporters have easy access to very at- the Secretary of the Air Force, Chief of Staff Hon. MAXINE WATERS, tractive finance terms being offered by the of the Air Force and Joint Staff community Ranking Member, Committee on Financial Serv- Chinese, Japanese and Korean ECA’s. during multiple Headquarters U.S. Air Force ices, House of Representatives, FirmGreen’s export potential has been di- assignments. His positive leadership directly Washington, DC. rectly affected by the uncertainty of reau- DEAR RANKING MEMBER WATERS: I would thorization of Ex-Im Bank US and the ag- influenced countless men and women in our gressive finance terms offered by the Korean Armed Forces, and the enduring effects of his like to take this opportunity to thank the Ranking Member, Chairman Hensarling, all ExIm Bank (KEXIM). (See Attached Letter service to our country will be felt for years to the Committee Members and staff, for the from Greenergy, Solutions, Inc.). come. opportunity of testifying before the House In many of the international markets General Shelton has been a vigilant advo- Committee on Financial Services on June 25, where FirmGreen competes, ECAs are pro- cate for national security space programs. As 2014. viding the only project finance available. In the Commander of Air Force Space Com- It was an extreme honor to appear before the energy infrastructure marketplace, fully nine out of 10 projects that get done on a mand, he was responsible for organizing, the Committee. Only in America can a dis- abled Veteran small business owner like me, true project finance basis have ECA support. training and equipping more than 40,000 mili- ‘‘JBIC remains a global leader for energy hope to share the national stage with a tary and civilian personnel to assure space and infrastructure project finance; KEXIM is multi-billion international conglomerate, and cyberspace capabilities for the Combatant rising in prominence, particularly in energy; and have my voice heard on such a critical Chinese institutions are also very active and Commands and for the Nation. While space issue as the Reauthorization of the Export and cyberspace capabilities clearly contribute increasingly willing to work with other Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im International finance providers as opposed to to making our military unmatched in combat Bank US). going it alone as they have done in the operations, they also have become essential I remain deeply concerned over the con- past.’’ (Source Baker and McKenzie 2013 Re- in humanitarian and disaster relief efforts and tinuing negative comments and name calling port on the Rise of ECA’s and DFI’s). are now vital assets for the global community emanating from many members of Congress The Export-Import Bank of the United concerning the Reauthorization of the Ex- States allows US Manufacturers, such as and world economy. Through his leadership, port Import Bank of the United States. I be- we enjoy unprecedented success in the areas FirmGreen, to compete on an equal basis lieve such public comments are harming US with the project finance terms being offered of space launch and acquisition which have Exporters and helping to embolden our over- by foreign ECA’s and DFI’s. Ex-Im Bank US led to greater mission assurance and cost seas competitors. As stated in my testimony, provides valuable comfort to US commercial savings across the Department of Defense. ‘‘Words have consequences.’’ FirmGreen lost banks, allowing them to provide the longer Further, his vision on future space capabilities an order worth $57 million due to the uncer- tenor loans that are essential for many US will position us to make the changes nec- tainty created by a vocal minority of Con- Exporters, and vital for FirmGreen’s credit- essary to provide resilient, capable and afford- gressional critics opposed to Ex-Bank Reau- worthy energy and infrastructure projects. thorization. able space capabilities for the joint force and In summation, as a combat decorated Vet- I feel that the current economic recovery eran, small business owner, job creator, ex- the Nation well into the future. occurring in the US is fragile. We are experi- porter and concerned citizen, I believe that General Shelton established an unmatched encing mounting trade deficits. I firmly be- we should not unilaterally disarm and aban- and sustained level of success during a time lieve that the decades-long decline and dete- don the very governmental agency that al- of increasing challenges. He has worked rioration of the once formidable United lows US Manufactures and other US Export- closely with the House Armed Services Com- States industrial and manufacturing base is ers to fairly compete on the world’s trading mittee, and it has been my great pleasure to having a negative effect on our economy and stage. work with him in that important capacity. His our national security. I strongly urge members of Congress to In 1970, more than a quarter of U.S. em- support the Reauthorization of Export-Im- frank and informed discussions on our space ployees worked in manufacturing. Today, port Bank of the United States. systems, particularly the Global Positioning the number is only one in 10. Over 76 percent Respectfully Submitted, Satellite system, have helped leaders and citi- of current jobs in the US are in the Service STEVE WILBURN, zens around the world appreciate the value Sector. President, CEO.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.047 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014

JUNE 23, 2014. geles California that is dependent on cient and safe method for selling our prod- Mr. STEVE WILBURN, contracts to support our business. ucts in other countries during the worst re- Chief Executive Officer, FirmGreen, Inc., New- Hansen Engineering is a manufacturer of cession in our lifetime seemed like a pipe port Beach, CA. machined aerospace parts and assemblies dream. How can we sell $50,000 worth of DEAR MR. WILBURN: In view of the uncer- with 90% of our contracts supporting Boeing goods to customers half way around the tainty of the reauthorization of the Exim aircraft either directly or indirectly through world we’ve never even met? How can we in- Bank, and project finance structure you pro- other prime aerospace companies throughout crease our payment cycle from 30 days to 60 posed had become problematic, we have the world. My company staffs approximately days when we are struggling just to make made the decision in May this year not to 60 employees who live in the South Bay and payroll every month? proceed with your project offering. surrounding areas and depend upon the sup- However, after speaking with our bankers Our previous partner-developer has pro- port of Boeing for the wellbeing of their fam- at Comerica, we were put in touch with Ex- vided us assurance of the certainty of obtain- ilies. Without the reauthorization of the Ex- port-Import Bank. With the help of Ex-Im, ing satisfactory finance from the Export Im- Im Bank it would have a big impact on the we were able to insure our international re- port Bank of Korea for our Cavite Biomass- health of our business, its employees and ceivables at minimal cost. With an afford- Waste-to-Energy Project. their families. able safety net, we were able to sell more With previous discussion with you, we had This is a critical time for manufacturing volume with increased terms to compensate the impression that your company, and small businesses in America. Without for international shipping. During the past 5 FirmGreen can provide the best technology the Export-Import Bank, many of Boeing’s years, we’ve grown our international sales for our project, but without terms similar to customers could decide to purchase commer- from 15 percent to over 35 percent of our what being offered by the Exim Bank of cial produced outside of the United business. Partners in over 30 different coun- Korea, it will be impossible for our company States. Hansen Engineering Company is in tries including Brazil, Russia, India, and Tai- to conclude a transaction. strong support of legislation to approve the wan. Most recently, we exhibited our prod- If you can produce a Letter of Interest reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank ucts at the BAUMA International Trade Fair (LOI) from the Exim Bank of the of the of the United States. in Munich, Germany. In addition, our prod- United States by June 30, 2014, our company Thank you for your support of the Export- ucts were used in the construction of the will reconsider using FirmGreen technology Import Banking reauthorization initiative. Sochi Winter Olympics in Russia. for the project and reconsider retaining Sincerely, So what is Fritz-Pak Corporation today? FirmGreen as the project Technical Operator GREG LAY, We’re an American manufacturer of the best for this important project. Vice President, concrete admixtures in the world, and we The roadmap to obtaining the long term Hansen Engineering Company. sell them as far north as Yellowknife, Can- project finance commitment on favorable ada and as far south as Wellington, New Zea- terms is critical in our decision making [June 17th, 2014] land. We may be small, but we think big. In process. HOW EX-IM BANK HELPED SAVE MY BUSINESS an age where everything seems to be made We hope that this all be worked out to the some place else, we’re thriving here in the satisfaction of both our companies. (By Gabriel Ojeda, President of Fritz-Pak USA. And it is in no small part due to the Very truly yours, Corporation) services provided by Ex-Im Bank. RUTH P. BRIONES, In 1998, I began the American Dream. I had President/CEO, Greenergy Solutions Inc. been working for another company for over 14 years when I decided it was time that I BOYLE ENERGY SERVICES & TECHNOLOGY, INC., AUGUST 26, 2014. work for myself. I was managing the con- Manchester, NH, July 22, 2014. Hon. MAXINE WATERS. crete admixtures division there, and when it Hon. MAXINE WATERS, DEAR RANKING MEMBER WATERS: Brek came up for sale, I borrowed money from ev- Manufacturing Company is a small business erywhere I could and purchased it. I incor- House of Representatives, Washington, DC. in California with 170 employees, who have a porated my new business, Fritz-Pak Corpora- DEAR MRS. WATERS, Ma’am, BES&T needs critical interest in foreign sale of Boeing tion, in the state of Texas, where we are every effort you and your team can expend Commercial Aircraft. The Export-Import proud to manufacture all of our products to to help with the Re-Authorization of the Ex- Bank plays an important role as an inter- this day. port Import Bank of the United States. mediary in the sale of these aircraft. This Concrete admixtures are chemicals used in You see we are at a great moment in time. letter is to express our support for the Ex-Im construction to make handling, placing, and Our company, through our exporting, has in- bank, as it is key to securing additional creating high performance concrete easily vented a technology and been awarded US sales of Boeing Commercial Aircraft. and efficiently. The most obvious examples Patents for that technology which dramati- Our company produces approximately 40 are retarders and accelerators. During the cally reduces the cost of commissioning en- percent of our output to Boeing Commercial summer, concrete will start to set faster due ergy facilities being built anywhere in the Aircraft customers, with the other 60 percent to the heat, so you use a retarder to slow world. In fact we have recently been awarded representing military customers. down the setting time. In the winter, con- an Innovation in Energy Award by the Coali- With the decrease of the military business crete will set slower due to the cold, so you tion for Global Leadership for this tech- available, it is critical that the commercial use an accelerator to speed it up. Those are nology. We are about to break through from sales be kept as high as possible to preserve just two examples, and in total, we sell being a small business to a midsize company the industrial infrastructure that this com- about 40 different specialty products. working globally. Our revenues are going up pany and that of other companies in our in- dramatically by our ability to export our dustry represent. Back in 1998, the sales distribution was unique services, engineering and field equip- Our representatives who support the mili- only 15% international. To be honest, I only ment that helps our clients save millions of tary must also be concerned with the Ex-Im maintained the international accounts I in- dollars. Bank because of the role it plays in sup- herited from the original sale of the busi- I have a small line of credit from the Bank porting jobs in companies like this one, large ness. We were fortunate that concrete con- of America. I would not be able to support and small, across the country. struction in the USA started to take off, so bid bonds and other financial work on the Although our company is not a household I didn’t really have a need to expand inter- project without EXIM support. At present name like Boeing, we supply critical aircraft nationally. I grew the business from less BOA does not have a means of securing the structural components which are key to suc- than $1 million in sales to over $3 million by collateral against our credit while it is in cessful, safe air transport and air defense. 2007. However, the recession that began in foreign countries, nor does it support financ- There are many others like us who represent ’07/’08 hit the construction industry hard. ing foreign receivables without EXIM. It is thousands of high skilled and well paid posi- Data from the US Geological Survey shows my experience that most US domestic banks tions with good benefits. that US cement consumption in 2007 was 117 behave the same way. While it might be pos- Please express our support for the Ex-Im million metric tons (MMT), falling to 99 sible to search for a new bank we do not have Bank to your colleagues. We are counting on MMT in 2008 and 72 MMT in 2009. Likewise, the resources, time, nor network to re-qual- them to do the right thing and support our sales fell from over $3 million to under $2 ify a bank with what we do. It would be dis- American manufacturing jobs. million. Concrete construction in the US was astrous to us. BOA has taken 10 years to un- Regards, deteriorating rapidly, along with our profits, derstand our business. WILLIAM A. CONRAD, sales, and our workforce. After a particu- Since undertaking our R&D program in Director of Contracts. larly hard round of layoffs in 2009, we were in 2003–2008 we have gone from 4 million in rev- complete survival mode, and I was beginning enue in 2003 to nearly 30 million now. We JULY 23, 2014. to consider selling the company. have gone from 10 employees to nearly 50. Hon. MAXINE WATERS, With the American construction market But ma’am these are not minimum wage Ranking Member, House Financial Services failing, my son came to me with the idea to jobs. We pay the top salaries in the world for Committee. start promoting our products overseas to what our people do. We pay 100 percent blue DEAR CONGRESSWOMAN WATERS, Hansen compensate for the loss in revenue. Expand- cross blue shield health insurance, 401K, life Engineering Company is one of many small ing internationally had always appealed to insurance etc. I have high school graduates businesses in the South Bay area of Los An- us, but trying to come up with a cost effi- who are considered by the energy industry as

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.048 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1309 the best people in the world at what they do American community, Grayce Uyehara, who tension Services. IFAS is a highly successful making more than $150,000 per year. BES&T passed away recently on June 22nd. federal-state-county partnership that has is poised to triple in size again. Additionally Grayce was a leading force in organizing helped support Florida’s farmers and agricul- we gave over $150,000 to charity this year in celebration of our 20th anniversary as a com- and drawing attention to the Redress cam- tural industry for more than 100 years. pany. We feel it is our civic duty to help paign—with her well-known Action Alerts and IFAS Extension was born from two impor- those in need as we excel around the world. grassroots mobilization efforts—during her ten- tant laws, the Morrill Act of 1862, which cre- We represent what America does best. We ure as the executive director of Japanese ated Land-Grant universities throughout the innovate through entrepreneurialism. We American Citizens League’s Legislative Edu- country including the University of Florida, and take that innovation and we run with it all cation Committee. the Smith-Lever Act of 1914, which estab- over the world and here in the US. We hire lished the Cooperative Extension Service as a our friends and neighbors who buy homes Her commitment to the Japanese American and cars and send their kids to college. We community, as well as this country more partnership between the Department of Agri- promote good will in the countries we work broadly, was a stunning display of courage culture and Land-Grant universities, jointly ad- and make friends around the world. and dedication in seeking justice for injustices ministered with state extension agents, and I grew up on welfare in Massachusetts, throughout. local county officials. In its early history, IFAS needed school lunches to get through the day Her legacy will be one not only of justice Extension was focused on increasing agricul- and chose to go into the Navy as an enlisted and fairness, but of true leadership and perse- tural production and improving the lives of Boiler Technician for 6 years. At every turn rural residents by tapping the latest informa- I have leveraged the support of the United verance. States and the states in which I lived to cre- f tion from the world class research being done ate a positive American life for me and for at the University of Florida and Florida A&M others. Our business is a direct result of the HONORING TAKAYUKI KUBOTA University and converting it into practical training I got during my enlistment. Now we knowledge that Floridians could use to im- rely on the EXIM bank for help while we prove agricultural techniques and home eco- push forward once more. I feel an incredible HON. JULIA BROWNLEY OF CALIFORNIA nomics. These core extension services have sense of pride and patriotism that the Export helped serve millions of Floridians, and today Import Bank of the United States stands IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IFAS operates 1,249 buildings, 3,622,462 with me and my employees. Its one of the Thursday, July 31, 2014 great tools for small business in the country. gross square feet and 27,279 acres with loca- Several years ago I had the privilege to Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. Speaker, tions in all 67 counties. Thanks to these ef- meet Chairman Hochberg at an outreach today I rise to recognize Takayuki Kubota. For forts, the value-added contribution of IFAS Ex- meeting hosted by Senator Shaheen of New seventy-five years Mr. Kubota has been in- tension add more than $100 billion to the state Hampshire. Since then I have been invited by volved in the study and practice of the martial economy. the Chairman to voice my opinion to him In addition to the core agricultural support and the board of directors on a wide variety arts and is one of the most widely known and of subjects relating to the banks support of respected Karate masters in the United programs, IFAS also contributes greatly to the small business. What I can tell you is this, States. development of Florida’s youth through the 4– from the top office of the Chairman to the Born on September 20, 1934 on the Japa- H program. The 4–H youth development pro- people who work for the bank. EXIM bank is nese Island of Kyushu, Mr. Kubota’s commit- grams began in 1909 with ‘‘corn clubs’’ for committed to working and improving serv- ment and study of the martial arts began when young men, which showed Florida’s youth how ices for small businesses. I have been witness he was four years old under the guidance and to prepare and plant their fields with hybrid to countless improvements on behalf of corn seed. Cash prizes were awarded to those small companies and the Chairman listens to direction of his father. His dedication and daily the small business community and so does training led to studying diverse styles of mar- who produced the most corn, with additional the board. They are committed to working tial arts, which include incorporating the study prizes for youth whose crops out-produced with us, and it shows. of meditation and history, as well as the non- their parents. Two years later, in 1911, tomato Mrs. Waters if there were a better, or combative facets of the arts. clubs were established for young women to cheaper way we would have done it. Small This dedication and passion inspired Mr. plant, harvest and can tomatoes. When the businesses always look for that edge. Right IFAS Extension Service was established in now our work with EXIM is highly valuable Kubota to start the International Karate Asso- to our global growth. We work in 17 coun- ciation with affiliated schools throughout the 1915, it took over administration of the clubs, tries tonight. American women, men and globe. Through his association, he teaches his and in 1924, the various clubs were officially equipment. We rely on EXIM for credit in- own unique style of karate, known as Gosoko recognized as 4–H Clubs. As a former 4–H surance and for our line of credit with BOA. Ryu Karate, and is recognized around the participant, I can attest to the incredible lead- We have never defaulted nor had a claim. We world for its effectiveness. ership and educational opportunities that 4–H pay heavy fees and costs for this privilege. provides to Florida’s youth. EXIM is a partner for us in our success. Over the years, Mr. Kubota has had thou- I would ask you to convince the Chairman sands of students from around the world come Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States that this platform will hurt us, badly. I buy to learn and practice his karate style. These Congress, I am privileged to recognize the millions of dollars of equipment year on year students are attracted to his versatility in his 100th Anniversary of the University of Florida’s to help with our exporting. We buy from ven- ways of teaching. In addition, he has trained Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences dors in Texas, and Tennessee, and California. a multitude of federal, state, law enforcement (IFAS) Cooperative Extension Services. Agri- All of these people would be hurt as well. personnel, largely on a volunteer basis. culture is a vital component of Florida’s history This is not a fight we should be under- and economic success, and I join Floridians in taking at this time in our recovery. BES&T It is with sincere appreciation that I recog- will continue to add jobs, and pay our taxes nize Takayuki Kubota for the value he has appreciation of the first-class work and effort on the profits we incur. We will take care of contributed to his community through his dedi- that IFAS provides to support our state. our people and our neighbors. We will honor cation and teachings of the martial arts. f your trust and support. If I may of any assistance to either you or f A TRIBUTE TO THE 40TH ANNIVER- Chairman Hensarling in this matter please RECOGNIZING THE 100TH ANNIVER- SARY OF THE WEST MIDLAND call upon me at once. FAMILY CENTER Please re-authorize the EXIM bank its SARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF good for America, and BES&T. FLORIDA’S INSTITUTE OF FOOD Respectfully, AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES HON. DAVE CAMP MICHAEL P. BOYLE, (IFAS) COOPERATIVE EXTENSION OF MICHIGAN President/CEO. SERVICES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Thursday, July 31, 2014 GRAYCE UYEHARA HON. JEFF MILLER Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay OF FLORIDA tribute to the West Midland Family Center in HON. MARK TAKANO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES commemoration of the organization’s 40th an- niversary. OF CALIFORNIA Thursday, July 31, 2014 The West Midland Family Center (WMFC) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise first opened its doors in 1974. Originally an Thursday, July 31, 2014 today to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of abandoned school, in 1931, WMFC founder Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, today, I want to the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Phyllis Breedlove and several other dedicated remember a stalwart leader in the Japanese Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Cooperative Ex- community members began the transformation

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.049 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 of what was to become a thriving community Mr. Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity fense budgets as operations in Iraq and Af- center. Founders had a vision for the commu- to honor Ms. Linda Escobar and her contribu- ghanistan drew down and sequestration was nity of Midland and its families where local citi- tions to the Conjunto, Tejano and Tex-Mex implemented. In spite of these challenges, zens both young and old could come to learn, genres. Further, I appreciate you joining me in John was instrumental in ensuring that Con- socialize, and participate in recreational activi- recognizing her contributions to South Texas’ gress was informed of the importance of key ties. cultural heritage. programs for the future of the Army. It is this vision that has helped the West f In his many years in the liaison role, John Midland Family Center continued to grow and helped showcase the Army’s great accom- expand throughout the years. By the gen- TRIBUTE TO COLONEL JOHN A. plishments by leading countless high profile erosity of multiple donors and foundations, the LEGGIERI FOR EXCEPTIONAL Congressional delegations to locations around WMFC has added a 20,500 square foot build- SERVICE TO THE UNITED the world, including Afghanistan, Bosnia, ing for classrooms, an outdoor pool, a play- STATES ARMY AND TO OUR NA- Egypt, Iraq, Kosovo, and innumerable other ground, baseball diamonds, and a soccer field. TION places where dedicated Americans serve our These facilities have enriched the lives of nation. These fact finding missions have been thousands of children, adults, and families HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY instrumental in improving the United States’ throughout the area. After the completion of its OF INDIANA foreign and defense policy. most recent expansion project, the WMFC IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Colonel Leggieri’s leadership throughout his now offers licensed childcare, family support, Thursday, July 31, 2014 career positively impacted his Soldiers, peers, and afterschool programs. It is because of the and superiors. His integrity, his exceptional guidance and support of countless volunteers Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay work, and his sense of service are leaving our and generous individuals that the Center con- tribute to Colonel John A. Leggieri for his ex- world improved and they have always served tinues to fulfill its mission today. emplary dedication to duty and his service to as an example for those he has commanded. On behalf of the Fourth Congressional Dis- the United States Army and to the United To quote Charles Dickens, Colonel Leggieri is, trict of Michigan, it is with great honor that I States of America. Colonel Leggieri will retire ‘‘as good a friend, as good a master, and as commemorate this 40th anniversary of the from the Army in December after serving al- good a man, as the good old city knew.’’ West Midland Family Center and congratulate most half of his 30-year career in Congres- Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues the organization for its many years of success sional Liaison. to join me in commending Colonel John within Midland County. I offer my deepest ap- A native of Claverack, New York, Colonel Leggieri for over three decades of service to preciation to the organization for all it has John Leggieri was commissioned as a Second his country. We wish John, his wife Rebecca, done and wish it continued success in the fu- Lieutenant through Sienna College’s ROTC herself a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel and ture. program. Initially branched into Air Defense now Professional Staff Member on the House Artillery, John led Soldiers in demanding situa- f Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, and tions—first with the 2nd Infantry Division in their two children, Olivia and Gabriel, all the IN RECOGNITION OF MS. LINDA Korea and then with the 82nd Airborne Divi- best. ESCOBAR sion at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He then f transitioned to the Quartermaster Corps, HON. FILEMON VELA where he led Soldiers for the next decade as HONORING CHIEF MASTER SERGEANT RICHARD R. ONSGARD OF TEXAS a logistician in New York, Nebraska, Virginia, and Arkansas. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1999, John began the next phase of his Thursday, July 31, 2014 HON. JULIA BROWNLEY career in Congressional Liaison. He initially OF CALIFORNIA Mr. VELA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- served as an Army Congressional Fellow for a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ognize Linda Escobar for her many contribu- year, working in a Member’s office on Capitol tions to Tejano and Conjunto music. Hill. For the next 14 years he served in posi- Thursday, July 31, 2014 Linda Escobar is a native of Alice, Texas. tions of increasing responsibility in the critical, Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. Speaker, She and her father, noted conjunto pioneer fast-paced arena of Congressional Liaison. He today I rise to recognize Chief Master Ser- Eligio Escobar, created an act that toured na- worked as Legislative Liaison Officer for the geant Richard R. Onsgard, Command Chief tionwide with a group of musicians that in- Chief of the Army Reserve and then as Con- Sergeant for the 146th Airlift Wing for the cluded Lucha Villa, Jose Alfredo Jimenez, gressional Budget Liaison Officer for the Office Channel Islands Air National Guard Station, Cantinflas, Los Relampagos and Freddie of Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial on the special occasion of his retirement from Fender. Management and Comptroller), working close- a distinguished and exemplary career. While still a child in the late 1960s, Ms. ly with the House and Senate Appropriations Chief Onsgard has had a remarkable and Escobar composed and recorded the gold Committees. There are few who know more admirable career enlisting in the Air National record ‘‘Frijolitos Pintos.’’ After the death of about the Congressional budget process and Guard in 1972, serving the Los Angeles Fire her father in 1994, Ms. Escobar collaborated none respected more. After his initial work Department for 24 years and rising to the rank with Japanese accordionist Kenji ‘‘El Gato’’ with Congress, John was selected as a Na- of Engineer, and being selected in 1996 as Katsube, to create an electric mix of Asian/ tional Security Fellow and studied for a year at First Sergeant of the 115th Airlift Squadron. Tex-Mex music. Ms. Escobar was awarded Harvard University’s prestigious John F. Ken- Answering his country’s call of duty, Chief Female Vocalist of the Year at the South nedy School of Government in Cambridge, Onsgard was activated for Operation Noble Texas Conjunto Association Music Awards in Massachusetts. Eagle and assigned to a Marine Expeditionary both 2001 and 2003. The Colonel’s next role with Congress was Force. In addition to serving on active duty for To pay tribute to her father and other vet- as Chief of Congressional Plans and Strategy both Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi erans, Ms. Escobar founded ‘‘El Veterano for the Army’s Chief of Legislative Liaison, Freedom, Chief Onsgard has supported mis- Conjunto Festival,’’ now in its 16th year of ex- where he directed the development of long- sions for the National Guard Bureau in many istence, which raises funds for the Eligio range Army wide legislative goals and objec- areas including logistics and planning. Escobar Scholarship Fund for talented young tives to help clearly communicate the Army’s As the senior ranking enlisted member of conjunto musicians. multi-billion dollar annual budget requests. Fi- the 146th Airlift Wing, Chief Onsgard has In recognition of her distinguished musical nally, Colonel Leggieri served as the Chief of served as the Command Chief and the prin- career, she was inducted into the Tejano Congressional Budget Liaison, where for the cipal advisor to the wing commander on areas ROOTS Music Hall of Fame as well as the last three years he ensured the Army’s budget pertaining to the welfare, health, morale, Texas Conjunto Music Hall of Fame. Addition- positions were extremely well represented and progress, and efficient utilization of all the en- ally, she has received numerous other awards articulated to the Congressional Appropriations listed members assigned to the wing. In addi- and accolades, including a key to the City of Committees. John’s tenure as the Chief of tion to his honorable service, Chief Onsgard Alice. Congressional Budget Liaison coincided with a has served as the representative to the wing Known as the First Lady of Conjunto Music, particularly challenging fiscal period for the commander and the enlisted force on commit- Ms. Escobar has been instrumental in pro- Department of the Defense. Under his leader- tees, councils, boards, and has represented moting Conjunto Tejano and Tex-Mex music ship, the Army’s Congressional Budget Liaison the enlisted force at military and civilian func- throughout the world. Office navigated dramatically declining de- tions.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.053 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1311 His work has earned him many accolades Mrs. Green was known as a shrewd legis- 39–34. Many of the exceptional plays leading and awards that mirror his personal vigor and lator, once called a ‘‘bare-knuckle fighter’’ by up to the victory occurred in the final quarter professional work ethic. These honors include one Congressional observer, and those skills of this tightly contested championship game. the Meritorious Service Medal, the Air Force helped her advance this and other issues Senior Emily Murray scored a game-high 20 Commendation Medal, the Air Force Achieve- close to her heart. She spent much of her points on the strength of four 3-pointers, in- ment Medal, and the Air Force Outstanding public life working to eliminate the social and cluding a game-winning 3 pointer with just 38 Unit Award, which are but a few of the decora- legal obstacles preventing women from seconds left on the clock. With their victory, tions that showcase his long career path of achieving equality in post-secondary edu- the Lady Cats secured Paxton’s fifth girls bas- achievements. cation. ketball state championship, moving them into Chief Onsgard’s lifetime career of servant Perhaps most notably, Mrs. Green was one fifth place on the all-time Florida girls basket- leadership and his many accomplishments are of several members to introduce legislation ball championship list. Their latest state cham- indicative of his unwavering commitment and prohibiting federally-funded colleges and uni- pionship marks another proud moment in the dedication to his country and community. As versities from discriminating against women sports history of Northwest Florida high school this chapter in his career comes to an end, I after the idea was born out of seven days of basketball. want to express my sincere appreciation for hearings she held on the topic in her role as Sadly, on February 23, 2014, four days after Chief Onsgard’s years of honorable and self- Chairman of the Education and Labor Sub- their extraordinary victory, the Paxton Lady less service that greatly contributed to the suc- committee on Higher Education. ‘‘If you can Cats and the entire Paxton community were cess of the United States Air National Guard’s make every young girl know that there’s no struck by tragedy when long-time Paxton As- mission. ceiling of expectations, that there is not height sistant Coach Randy Infinger passed away. For these reasons, I commend Chief Master to which that young girl cannot go, she’ll as- Throughout his dedicated 25-year career at Sergeant Richard Onsgard and wish him the pire to that,’’ Mrs. Green said in a 1978 inter- Paxton School, Mr. Infinger coached several best in all of his future endeavors. view. Ultimately, she collaborated with fellow teams and touched the hearts of countless f Representative Patsy Mink, of Hawaii, and students and teachers. His contributions to RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- Senator Birch Bayh, of Indiana, on the Northwest Florida and Paxton School were TIONS OF FORMER CONGRESS- groundbreaking Title IX of the Education truly exceptional, and his legacy will not be WOMAN EDITH GREEN TO AD- Amendments Act of 1972, which opened new forgotten. VANCING OPPORTUNITIES FOR academic and athletic opportunities for women On behalf of the United States Congress WOMEN AND MINORITIES and has had a transformative effect on future and the citizens of Northwest Florida, I would generations of girls and women across Amer- like to honor and remember Coach Randy HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY ica. Upon her retirement in December 1974, Infinger and congratulate players Katie Sebas- tian (#3), Quinn Williams (#4), Cortni McKee OF VIRGINIA former New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moy- (#5), Faith Elmore (#11), Emily Murray (#12), IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nihan remarked that ‘‘she presided over the enactment of the most important education Sidney Beck (#14), Genesis Long (#15), Thursday, July 31, 2014 legislation in the history of the Republic, and Lenora Dixon (#21), Allison Carnley (#22), Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- I hope someone would say so.’’ Mrs. Green Annie Myles (#23), Bethany Neale (#24), Cas- ognize the tremendous contributions of our returned to Oregon, where she taught college sidy Brazile (#25), and Kristen Corbett (#45); former colleague, Edith Starrett Green, who government classes and passed away in April Head Coach, Steve Williams; Assistant Coach, served in the U.S. House of Representatives 1987. Kim Corbett; Bookkeeper, Laurie Gilbert; Stat- from 1955–1974, representing Oregon’s 3rd Mr. Speaker, it has been said before and istician, Connor Williams; Principal, Beth Tuck- District. During her tenure in the House, Mrs. surely deserves repeating: The passionate er; Assistant Principal, Mitch Jackson; and Green was one of the nation’s leading advo- and persistent efforts of Congresswoman Athletic Director, Steve Williams for their ex- cates for expanding access to higher edu- Edith Green have forever transformed our traordinary victory. My wife Vicki joins me in cation for all Americans and ensuring equal modern classrooms, athletic fields, and em- offering our best wishes to Paxton School and pay and opportunities for women and minori- ployment settings for the better, and she de- its talented athletes and coaches for their con- ties. serves our sincere respect and gratitude. I ask tinued academic and athletic success, as well Among her many accomplishments, Mrs. my colleagues to join me in recognizing the as our prayers and most sincere condolences Green authored two landmark pieces of legis- tremendous record of accomplishment com- to the family of Mr. Infinger and the entire lation that continue to shape the field of post- piled by our former colleague, Edith Starrett Paxton community for their tremendous loss. secondary education, including the Higher Green, and in thanking her family for their sac- f Education Facilities Act of 1963, which author- rifice and support of her career, which con- ized the use of Federal funds to expand and tinues to help advance opportunities for so EXPORT-IMPORT BANK improve classrooms, libraries, and laboratories many others. REAUTHORIZATION on college and university campuses. She also f sponsored the Higher Education Act of 1965, SPEECH OF which for the first time authorized Federal fi- RECOGNIZING THE PAXTON LADY HON. KYRSTEN SINEMA CATS AS CLASS 1A BASKETBALL nancial assistance for undergraduate students. OF ARIZONA STATE CHAMPIONS AND HON- President Lyndon Johnson referred to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Higher Education Facilities Act as ‘‘the great- ORING THE LIFE AND DEDI- est step forward in the field since the passage CATED SERVICE OF COACH Wednesday, July 30, 2014 of the Land-Grant Act of 1862.’’ Her commit- RANDY INFINGER Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in ment and success earned Mrs. Green the support of the reauthorization of the Export- monikers ‘‘the Mother of Higher Education’ HON. JEFF MILLER Import Bank because helping Arizona busi- and ‘‘Mrs. Education.’’ OF FLORIDA nesses expand their manufacturing capacity Mrs. Green, a native of South Dakota, also IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and exporting ability creates jobs and grows was concerned with the issues of equal oppor- our economy. tunity and equal pay for women and minorities Thursday, July 31, 2014 The Export-Import Bank fills gaps in private and advanced pioneering legislation address- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise financing, stepping up where the private sector ing both issues. She was appointed to Presi- today to recognize the First Congressional can’t or won’t. dent John F. Kennedy’s Commission on the District of Florida’s Paxton School girls basket- Last year, Export-Import Bank Chairman Status of Women and chaired its Civil and Po- ball team for winning the Class 1A Basketball Fred Hochberg visited my district to help small litical Rights Committee in the early 1960s. State Championship and to honor the life of and growing businesses increase their global She was the author of the Equal Pay Act of Coach Randy Infinger. exports right from our own backyard. From 1963, which she helped push across the finish The Paxton Lady Cats ended a spectacular Fiscal Year 2007 to Fiscal Year 2014 the line eight years after first introducing it. She season with a record of 26–3 to clinch this agency supported $176 million in exports from followed that by winning support for her year’s state championship. The final game AZ–09 companies. amendments to the Vocational Rehabilitation was played against Chipley High School on One of those companies, MarTek Inc. of Act of 1965 to expand the scope of the bill to February 20, 2014, in Lakeland, Florida, with Tempe, Arizona, was reluctant to sell their include training opportunities for urban youth. the Lady Cats claiming victory with a score of semiconductor equipment to customers in

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.056 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 Asia. They were concerned that once the L.A. IPA and the Southside Coalition of Com- ‘‘no’’ on rollcall 465, ‘‘no’’ on rollcall 466, ‘‘yes’’ equipment left their building, there was no munity Health Centers, a current board mem- on rollcall 467. guarantee they would get paid. ber of the California Primary Care Association, f Because of the large price associated with and a former board member for the Commu- the equipment, their customers were unwilling nity Clinic Association of Los Angeles County HONORING NICHOLAS COCOVES to pay for the equipment in advance with the and L.A. Care Health Plan. same fears that the equipment would not ship Mr. Coan also meets regularly with govern- HON. PATRICK MURPHY or be a quality product. ment officials to speak about issues important OF FLORIDA The Export-Import Bank offered MarTek a to the EPFMC and other community health IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES solution. The bank issued an insurance policy centers. I have personally met with him many Thursday, July 31, 2014 so MarTek could make sales and have some times, and he has participated in my annual Mr. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise guarantee they would be paid. Thanks to the community health center roundtables along- today to honor Nicholas Cocoves, who has re- Export-Import Bank MarTek now exports to side other health care providers from my dis- cently achieved distinction as an Eagle Scout. companies in Asia, Europe and the Americas. trict. I can attest that he is an excellent advo- To become an Eagle Scout, one must design Another business in my district that benefits cate for the vital role that community clinics and complete a service project that will benefit from the Export-Import Bank is Ulthera, Inc. of and health centers play in our health care sys- their surrounding community. For Nicholas’s Mesa, Arizona, which manufactures medical tem. It is fitting that he received the California project, he honored American veterans by in- devices. Thanks to the Export-Import Bank Primary Care Association’s 2013 Clinical Leg- stalling a bench, flagpole, and plaque in front Ulthera was able to access additional debt fi- acy Award for his hard work in increasing of the Historic Crary House in downtown Stu- nancing at a critical point in their business. It’s awareness of the importance of these facili- art, Florida. Not only will the site serve as a now one of the fastest growing companies in ties. beautiful welcome feature for visitors, it will Arizona with sales in over 30 countries outside Mr. Speaker, as Carl Coan leaves his posi- enhance our community by serving as a con- the U.S. tion at the helm of EPFMC, I want to recog- stant symbol of reverence and gratitude for As we all know, the Export-Import Bank’s nize his long and distinguished career of pro- current charter is set to expire at the end of those who sacrificed their lives for our country. viding excellent and wide-ranging medical care The site will be dedicated to veterans who September. A lapse in authorization would to the people of Los Angeles. I ask my col- are Purple Heart recipients and revelation of threaten the competitiveness of these and leagues to join me in celebrating the fine work the site will take place on August 6, the day many other Arizona businesses. I am a co- he has done to make Los Angeles a healthier before National Purple Heart Day. Creating sponsor of legislation to extend the Export-Im- and happier place to live, and to wish him the the veterans site was also a part of Nicholas’s port Bank’s authorization and will continue to very best as he moves on to new challenges. project to make Martin County a Purple Heart work to reauthorize this important investment f county and Stuart a Purple Heart city. in American jobs. DAN BERNSTEIN I commend Nicholas for his dedication and f commitment to obtaining this prestigious rank RECOGNIZING THE CAREER OF HON. MARK TAKANO and I applaud him for his leadership and com- CARL COAN, MS, MPH munity service. OF CALIFORNIA f HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, July 31, 2014 COMMENDING PINELLAS COUNTY OF CALIFORNIA JOB CORPS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Dan Bernstein, a columnist for The Thursday, July 31, 2014 HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS Press-Enterprise in the Inland Empire who re- OF FLORIDA Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise cently retired. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to congratulate Carl Coan on the end of Dan began his career thirty-eight years ago his tenure as president and CEO of Los Ange- in 1976, and has covered business, govern- Thursday, July 31, 2014 les’ Eisner Pediatric & Family Medical Center ment, and politics for our community. His col- Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, Job Corps is (EPFMC). umn has informed, enlightened, and enter- the largest career technical training and edu- In his role as president and CEO since tained his readers for decades. cation program for low-income students ages 1990, Mr. Coan has played a major role in ex- His wife, who he calls his ‘‘unofficial editor- 16 through 24. There are five centers in Flor- panding the medical center on every front. An- in-chief,’’ pushed him to write a column in his ida—Pinellas County, Jacksonville, Miami, nual patient visits have increased from 17,000 voice, with his point of view. This established Gainesville, and Homestead. to 114,000. Annual operating revenue has a connection and a bond with his readers that In Florida, approximately 27,000 students gone from $1.7 million to $24 million. Three lasted for years, and I’m sure many in River- are trained annually. The contributions of Job capital campaigns have raised a combined side County would agree with me that his re- Corps to these young men and women, the fu- $17.8 million. The EPFMC has expanded to tirement from The Press-Enterprise creates a ture of this community, cannot be overstated. nine locations, and has been designated as a void—as his voice informatively and candidly That is the essence of this country—men Federally Qualified Health Center. Meanwhile, filled the homes of the Inland Empire. and women who did not believe there was a its number of services has ballooned to en- We will surely miss Mr. Bernstein and I con- ceiling on their capacity to achieve greatness; compass such new areas as family health, gratulate his long-standing career. men and women who reached higher, and round-the-clock hospital care, early child de- I wish him the best of luck in retirement. wanted to do better. velopment, behavioral health, speech and oc- f Students who work to graduate from Job cupational therapy, pharmacy, and case man- Corps are emulating and realizing those dis- agement. It has also come to feature such in- PERSONAL EXPLANATION tinctly American values. novative care models as centering pregnancy We have fallen on hard times—a lot of prenatal care, a foster grandparent program, HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER Americans are out of work, and people in all and an adolescent medicine clinic. OF MISSOURI walks of life are feeling the impacts of an Mr. Coan has also facilitated a partnership IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES economy still on the rebound. between the University of Southern Califor- It is men and women like the graduates of Thursday, July 31, 2014 nia’s Keck School of Medicine of USC and the Job Corps who will help bring this country California Hospital Medical Center to establish Mr. CLEAVER. Mr. Speaker, due to Presi- back to greatness and economic prosperity. and oversee the USC-Eisner Family Medicine dent Obama’s visit to my district, I regrettably We are a nation of doers, and we are at our Center at California Hospital, which serves as missed votes on July 28, 2014, July 29, 2014, best when we are creating things and ideas. the main training site for the California Hos- and July 30, 2014. Had I been present, I Hard work is a virtue that no one can take pital Medical Center’s Family Medicine Resi- would have voted ‘‘no’’ on rollcall 455, ‘‘yes’’ from anyone else. Each day, you decide what dency program. on rollcall 456, ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall 457, ‘‘no’’ on to give; you decide how hard you will work, Outside of EPFMC, Mr. Coan is a prominent rollcall 458, ‘‘no’’ on rollcall 459, ‘‘yes’’ on roll- how hard you will try. leader in the local health community. He is the call 460, ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall 461, ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall ‘‘Pull yourself up by your bootstraps’’ is a founder and past president of the Health Care 462, ‘‘no’’ on rollcall 463, ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall 464, phrase often used with respect to doing a job.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.059 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1313 It is not often so simple. To pull yourself up, REDUCING REGULATORY BURDENS ment process for individual pesticides is no you must be armed with the skills to do so; ACT OF 2013 substitute for the Clean Water Act’s focus on armed with the skills to succeed. local water quality. By coming here, to the Job Corps, each and SPEECH OF First, the FIFRA labeling process for a vast every one of those young men and women HON. TIMOTHY H. BISHOP majority of pesticides do not address off-site, chose to get those skills. That in and of itself non-target, and sub-lethal effects of pesticide OF NEW YORK is commendable—they made the choice to drift that can grow stronger over time. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work to better themselves. That choice sets Second, the EPA risk registration process Job Corps graduates apart, and they are all Wednesday, July 30, 2014 only considers the effect of the active ingredi- extraordinary. Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speaker, I ents in a pesticide, and does not consider the Today, I want to express its appreciation to rise in strong opposition to H.R. 935. synergy of multiple ingredients in a pesticide the Pinellas County Center for their out- This debate is not one about the usefulness formulation, or between multiple pesticides in standing service in improving the lives of of pesticide use in modern society—which, the environment. Yet, many of the unregu- youth. clearly, pesticides have found such a role. lated, inactive ingredients in pesticides have significant toxic effects in their own right. f Whether to control nuisance species, such as mosquitoes or aquatic invasive species, or to Third, the FIFRA re-registration process is a STATEMENT OF INTRODUCTION— assist in the production of reliable agricultural lengthy and ongoing process with outstanding CAMPUS ACCOUNTABILITY AND harvests, pesticides have proven useful in and missing health and environmental data SAFETY ACT sustaining the American livelihood. associated with pesticide reviews. As a result, At the same time, we must remember that EPA’s assessment process has been routinely HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY modern pesticides can be highly toxic chemi- criticized as failing to fully assess the short- and long-term impacts of pesticides on human OF NEW YORK cals that need to be thoroughly studied and used with great care to limit the potential im- health, particularly on children, and on the en- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pacts to human health and the environment. It vironment. Thursday, July 31, 2014 was only a few decades ago that we learned Fourth, under FIFRA, EPA does not track pesticide poisonings, including short-term and Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. the lessons of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, long-term adverse effects, as pointed out re- Mr. Speaker, it is time to further address the and the devastation to the natural environment cently by the Government Accountability Office epidemic of sexual assaults at our nation’s caused by the use of DDT. (GAO). college and university campuses. During some Yet, even today, the U.S. Geological Survey of the most formative years of their lives, stu- has consistently found the presence of pes- Finally, EPA presumes, under FIFRA, that if dents across the country should not have to ticides and pesticide residues in our nation’s a pesticide is applied according to its label, live in fear of being stalked or abused. That is lakes, rivers, and streams, including many that there will not be any unintentional pesticide why a bipartisan group have come together to serve as drinking water sources for local com- exposure to water—therefore, the risk assess- introduce the Campus Accountability and munities. Contrary to statements made on ment process does not evaluate the impact of Safety Act that will address ambiguities in the Monday, these are not simply the legacy con- terrestrial pesticides on water quality, despite law, strengthen protections and enforcement, taminants of decades-old pesticides, but also the fact that these pesticides often are de- and improve reporting by universities. modern pesticides, such as those linked to tected in waters—presumably through drift or contaminated runoff. The changes included in the recent Violence bee-colony collapse. Against Women Act reauthorization from the So, common-sense should dictate that we Mr. Speaker, proponents of H.R. 935 also Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act are approach the issue of pesticide use in or near argue that the costs of implementing the starting to go into effect but more must be our rivers, lakes, and streams with great cau- Clean Water Act permitting requirements have done. Rape is a horrific crime that exacts a tion, and with an even greater understanding been excessive. However, I have yet to see physical and psychological toll on survivors. of the cumulative and lasting impacts of pes- one documented case where a state, a mos- Women trying to get an education should not ticides on human health and water quality. quito control district, or a pesticide applicator have to worry that they might also be victim- Unfortunately, H.R. 935 would abandon any has incurred significant increased costs from ized by predators on their campuses. This caution related to pesticide use in or near our complying with the Clean Water Act for pes- new legislation establishes new campus re- nation’s waters, and allow potential polluters to ticide applications. sources such as Confidential Advisors who will return to the regulatory shadows. This administration worked hand-in-hand serve as a confidential resource and help co- Mr. Speaker, proponents of H.R. 935 argue with these groups to ensure that implementa- ordinate support services; ensures specialized that the protections of the Clean Water Act are tion of the Clean Water Act was consistent training and minimum standards for on-cam- simply duplicative of the requirements of with current practices, and was not going to pus personnel who oversee sexual assault FIFRA, and are unnecessary to protect local be costly or burdensome. If we are going to cases; creates new annual standardized, waters from pesticide contamination. have a debate on the merits of this issue, it is anonymous surveys that will be published on- These statements are simply not supported incumbent upon the proponents of H.R. 935 to line to help high school students and their par- by the facts. show proof of any perceived burden—but as ents make informed choices when comparing As many of my colleagues noted during of yet, no such proof has been provided. universities; requires a uniform process for Monday’s debate on this bill, these two stat- As noted by my colleagues on Monday, campus disciplinary proceedings; no longer al- utes, although complimentary with one an- there is no substantive reason why this legis- lows athletic departments or other subgroups other, have entirely different focuses. lation is necessary, other than to limit the to handle sexual violence complaints sepa- FIFRA is intended to address the safety and scope of Clean Water Act protections over a rately; and establishes penalties if schools do effectiveness of pesticides on a national scale, source of known pollutants that are causing not comply with the legislation. preventing unreasonable adverse effects on water quality impairment in this nation. I applaud the work of our colleagues in the human health and the environment through There is no evidence of an emergency. Senate on their comprehensive and bipartisan uniform labels indicating approved uses and There is no evidence of any significant regu- bill, and thank my colleagues, Reps. PATRICK restrictions. latory burden. And there is no evidence of any MEEHAN, TED POE, CHERI BUSTOS, GWEN However, the Clean Water Act is focused on substantial increase in compliance costs. MOORE, SUZANNE BONAMICI, SUSAN BROOKS, restoring and maintaining the integrity of the In my view, the proponents have made no RENEE ELLMERS, LYNN JENKINS, SHELLEY nation’s waters, with a primary focus on the argument why this legislation is necessary, MOORE CAPITO, KRISTI NOEM, LUCILLE ROYBAL- protection of local water quality. other than that the groups who want to restore ALLARD, TOM REED, ROBERT SCOTT, LOIS It is simply incorrect to say that applying a their regulatory anonymity have asked for it. FRANKEL, DAVID JOYCE, ANN KUSTER, and FIFRA-approved pesticide in accordance with We need to ensure that potential sources of GARY PETERS, for teaming up on this legisla- its labeling requirement is a surrogate for pro- water pollution continue to be brought out of tion. I am hopeful that the House will take up tecting local water quality. the shadows, which would be accomplished this effort in tandem with the Senate so that Similarly, contrary to statements made dur- by defeating H.R. 935. we can put a bill on the President’s desk. ing Monday’s debate, FIFRA’s risk assess- Mr Speaker, I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on H.R. 935.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.064 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 RICHARD TEGLEY The unit was expected to have a casualty rate sistance, workshops, seminars, and individual of more than 85 percent. Jungle diseases rav- consultations. HON. MARK TAKANO aged their numbers so only about 300 of the The Chamber also uses its community OF CALIFORNIA approximately 1,300 remaining Merrill’s Ma- newsletter to spread word about business as- sistance programs, and to advocate on behalf IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rauders were still fit for combat when they reached their objective. They later went on to of the businesses in the Florence-Firestone Thursday, July 31, 2014 join replacements who continued to fight in and Walnut Park Region. Florence-Firestone Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I’m deeply sad- Burma as the 475th Infantry, which became and Walnut Park are two of the local commu- dened to have learned that Richard Tegley, a part of the Mars Task Force. nities that have faced the most challenges force in our community, passed away earlier For their accomplishments in the China- during the recent recession, with unemploy- this month. Burma-India Theater of Operations, the ment rates exceeding 20 percent. The Richard lived a remarkable life—first bravely Merrill’s Marauders unit was awarded the FFWPCC has aggressively confronted these serving his country in the Air Force for 22 Presidential Unit Citation. They also have the challenges by seeking and identifying opportu- years, then on to an illustrious career as a real extremely rare distinction of every member of nities to enable the creation of new employ- estate broker in the Inland Empire, where he the unit receiving the Bronze Star Medal. ment opportunities. quickly became a leader in the community. There were also six Distinguished Service To this day, the FFWPCC serves its mem- For decades, Richard was an advocate for the Crosses, four Legions of Merit and fourty-four bers by promoting their businesses’ products people of Moreno Valley and Riverside, whom Silver Star Medals awarded. Twenty-five and services and by protecting their interests he cared so deeply for. Merrill’s Marauders have been inducted into at all levels of government. This was particu- He was a trusted friend who helped ensure the Army Ranger Hall of Fame. larly evident in the Chamber’s recent collabo- that I would be able to stand here in the The legacy of the Merrill’s Marauders con- ration with Los Angeles County Supervisors House today. I always knew that I could turn tinues to be honored today by members of the and business and property owners to beautify to him to get a perspective on the issues fac- 75th Ranger Regiment, headquartered at Fort the streetscapes in the business corridor link- ing our community, and I will miss his dedica- Benning, Georgia, who wear the Marauder ing the Florence-Firestone area to Walnut tion and passion for others. patch as their crest. Camp Frank D. Merrill, Park. The streetscape improvements have f where the mountain phase of today’s vigorous made the shopping community much more in- Army Ranger training takes place in north viting, and have helped community members IN RECOGNITION OF THE WORLD Georgia, is named in honor of the unit’s com- and visitors take pride in their walkable and WAR II MERRILL’S MARAUDERS manding general. sustainable community. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me After this streetscape project was finished HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. today in paying tribute to the Merrill’s Maraud- last year, the Chamber continued to tackle OF GEORGIA ers for their steadfast courage and commit- new challenges. It is now working on another beautification project in Walnut Park, with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment to serving our country during World War help of Los Angeles County Supervisors. The Thursday, July 31, 2014 II. The Merrill’s Marauders made significant contributions in safeguarding our liberties as Chamber has also brought new business op- Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Americans seventy years ago and we honor portunities to Walnut Park by organizing an today to pay tribute to the World War II their outstanding valor and patriotic service annual Summer Fest in the community. Last Merrill’s Marauders unit for their accomplish- that helped make America the great nation it year’s event attracted over 50,000 people, and ments in the China-Burma-India Theater of is today. this year’s attendance is expected to be even higher. Operations. The 70th anniversary of the dis- f bandment of this courageous and noble unit is Mr. Speaker, in recognition of its seventy- on August 10, 2014. CELEBRATING FLORENCE-FIRE- five years of faithful and diligent support of In 1943, almost 3,000 U.S. Army volunteers STONE/WALNUT PARK CHAMBER local businesses, I ask my colleagues to from the jungles of Panama and Trinidad, OF COMMERCE’S SEVENTY-FIFTH please join me in recognizing the Florence- Guadalcanal, New Guinea, New Georgia and ANNIVERSARY Firestone/Walnut Park Chamber of Commerce the United States, landed in Bombay, India on for making Florence-Firestone and Walnut October 31, 1943. On January 1, 1944, the HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD Park better places to work and live, and in wishing the Chamber many more years of unit was officially designated as the 5307th OF CALIFORNIA success. Composite Unit Provisional, code-named IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Galahad,’’ and later nicknamed Merrill’s Ma- f Thursday, July 31, 2014 rauders by the press after their commander, IN RECOGNITION OF THE LAKE Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise Gen. Frank D. Merrill. They were the first DALLAS HIGH SCHOOL FIGHTING today to congratulate the Florence-Firestone/ American ground troops to fight the Japanese FALCONS 50TH SEASON in Asia. Walnut Park Chamber of Commerce Merrill’s Marauders trained with Britain’s (FFWPCC) on its seventy-fifth anniversary. Major General Orde Wingate’s Chindits before Ever since its incorporation in 1939, the HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS beginning their history-making march in the Chamber has provided a forum for local mer- OF TEXAS China-Burma-India Theater, the ‘‘forgotten’’ chants, business and property owners, profes- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WWII Theater. With only what they could carry sionals, residents, lenders, and teachers to Thursday, July 31, 2014 on their backs or pack on mules, Merrill’s Ma- work together in making the Florence-Fire- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rauders walked farther, almost 1,000 miles, stone community a better place to do busi- recognize Lake Dallas High School who will than any other WWII fighting force. ness. Since 2006, the Chamber has served be celebrating their 50th football season this Trudging behind enemy lines up the foothills the Walnut Park business community as well. year. The Fighting Falcons have played 494 of the Himalayas and into the jungles of north- The Chamber was severely shaken by the games in their illustrious time with a winning ern Burma, Merrill’s Marauders succeeded in 1992 Los Angeles riots, but it was kept afloat record of 260–226–8. They have appeared in capturing the only all-weather airstrip at by Community Development Commission the playoffs 18 times throughout their vic- Myitkyina on May 17, 1944. This feat obliter- (CDC) funding secured by Yvonne Brathwaite torious history. ated Japan’s control of the sky and enabled Burke, who was then the Supervisor for Los I am proud to say that in 2002, Lake Dallas the Allies to begin flying supplies into Burma Angeles County’s Second District. This CDC introduced a new football facility in Corinth so the Ledo and Burma roads could be con- funding has continued under current Second that now holds 6,000 spectators. In 2008, nected to open up a crucial pathway into District Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas. The Lake Dallas and Sherman scored 115 points China. Although vastly outnumbered, Merrill’s Chamber has also benefited from funding in one game to tie a state record. Marauders then went on to defeat the Japa- under a partnership with the County’s First Impressively, the Fighting Falcons have also nese 18th Imperial Division in five major bat- District and its Supervisor, Gloria Molina. had notable college and NFL players. These tles and thirty minor engagements. At present, the Chamber gets funding from include Dusty Dvoracek, James Franklin, Jus- The volunteers of this short-lived mission the Community Development Block Grant pro- tin Hill, Graysen Schantz, Chase Baine, Daryl were considered ‘‘expendable’’ since a plan gram. With this funding, the Chamber supports Williams, Dontonio Jordan, and Dalyn Wil- existed to get them into, but not out of, Burma. business development through technical as- liams.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.067 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1315 On behalf of the 26th Congressional District, 21ST CENTURY ENDANGERED For these reasons, a broad coalition of inter- I offer my sincere congratulations to the Lake SPECIES TRANSPARENCY ACT est groups—including Alliance for Justice, Dallas High School Fighting Falcons on their Public Citizen, American Association for Jus- 50 years of teamwork, success and greatness. SPEECH OF tice, Sierra Club, and dozens of other environ- I wish them a bright future. HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. mental, civil rights, and civil liberties organiza- tions—oppose H.R. 4315. OF GEORGIA f I urge my colleagues to oppose this mis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES guided legislation. RECOGNIZING MILLER’S HEALTH Tuesday, July 29, 2014 f SYSTEMS 50 YEARS IN BUSINESS The House in Committee of the Whole TRIBUTE TO DETECTIVE KEVIN House on the state of the Union had under BURNHAM OF THE SPRINGFIELD consideration the bill (H.R. 4315) to amend POLICE DEPARTMENT ON HIS HON. JACKIE WALORSKI the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to require publication on the Internet of the basis for RETIREMENT OF INDIANA determinations that species are endangered species or threatened species, and for other IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. RICHARD E. NEAL purposes: OF MASSACHUSETTS Thursday, July 31, 2014 Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Chair, I op- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pose H.R. 4315, the so-called ‘‘Endangered Thursday, July 31, 2014 Mrs. WALORSKI. Mr. Speaker, today I rise Species Transparency and Reasonableness Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, on July 25, the to congratulate a local small business for 50 Act,’’ which is an overt assault on the Endan- Springfield, Massachusetts, Police Department years of great service to Hoosiers all over In- gered Species Act designed to weaken its pro- diana. Miller’s Health Systems is known said farewell to their longest serving officer tections and guarantee the likelihood of extinc- when Kevin Burnham retired after 43 years throughout the state of Indiana for providing tion for wildlife, plants, and fish. excellent services in: assisted living, rehabilita- and 2 months on the job. A highly respected The Endangered Species Act is one of the professional, a popular colleague, and a dear tion, and nursing home care. Nation’s most important environmental laws. friend to everyone on the force, Kevin relin- The business started by Wallace and Signed into law by President Richard Nixon quished his senior officer badge last week to Connie Miller in 1964 as Miller’s Merry Manor over forty years ago, the Endangered Species Ruben Boerro following a time-honored tradi- nursing home on the outskirts of Warsaw. Act continues to serves as an effective tool for tion. For the first time since July of 1971, De- After the company was taken over by their son protecting our wildlife, plants, and fish from the tective Burnham would not be patrolling the V. Richard Miller, the company has expanded brink of extinction. streets of the city he loves. to over 30 Miller’s Merry Manors and 10 sen- To ensure enforcement of the Endangered Ask anyone in the department who their fa- ior living facilities. With the multitude of facili- Species Act, Congress empowered citizens to vorite co-worker was, and the reply would like- ties Miller’s Health Systems has today, they bring enforcement actions to hold parties ac- ly be Kevin Burnham. They admired his dedi- have grown to over 3,000 employees. Their countable for violating the law or to compel cation, strength and courage. They enjoyed mission statement speaks to the importance of the government to protect endangered spe- his sense of humor and the laughter that cies. Importantly, the law does not provide for the Miller’s Health Systems employees enjoy- seemed to follow him everywhere. And his loy- rewards of damages for the citizen bringing ing the work they do and helping them grow. alty was unquestioned. At the end of the day, the suit. Rather, the Endangered Species Act The company has helped this happen by hav- Kevin looked upon the Springfield Police De- allows for courts to award reasonable attor- ing Miller’s Merry Manor 100 percent em- partment as a band of brothers and sisters. To neys’ fees to parties that substantially prevail ployee-owned. The Miller’s commitment to him, the force was a family working together on the merits. to make our city a better place to live, work service and their core principles of passion, in- Congress has long recognized the impor- tegrity, stewardship, growth, and adaptation and raise our children. tance of encouraging citizens to bring meri- From his early days as a rookie, it was obvi- have helped Miller’s Health Systems withstand torious claims under the Endangered Species ous that Kevin was born to be a cop. He had the test of time. Act that they would otherwise abandon due to the streets smarts necessary to be effective in As the Representative for the many employ- the financial costs of hiring competent coun- law enforcement, but he also had compassion. ees and facilities for Miller’s Health Systems it sel. Many other federal statutes contain similar Those two qualities were the reasons his ca- is with great honor I recognize the 50th anni- enforcement mechanisms that encourage citi- reer was so successful. Whether it was be- versary of this great business. With the leader- zens to act as a private attorney general. coming one of the first detectives to work on ship of the Miller family and the passion of The Supreme Court has likewise observed the narcotics bureau, his service in both the their employees, I have no doubt there will be in numerous contexts that if private citizens uniform division and the crime prevention bu- many more celebrations to come. On behalf of are to enforce laws against ‘‘those who violate reau, or the responsibility that came with the Indiana’s Second District, I am proud to recog- the Nation’s fundamental laws are not to pro- job of evidence officer, Kevin performed each nize the last 50 years of Miller’s Health Sys- ceed with impunity, then citizens must have task exceptionally. He was honest and trust- tems and wish them many more. the opportunity to recover what it costs them worthy, and his fellow officers knew he had to vindicate these rights in court.’’ their back. f Contrary to the stated goal of H.R. 4315 to Being a police officer always comes with ‘‘standardize the awarding of attorneys’ fees to risks. And two years ago, one of his closest PERSONAL EXPLANATION prevailing parties against the federal govern- friends, Officer Kevin Ambrose, was killed in ment,’’ this legislation is a thinly-disguised ef- the line of duty. To Kevin Burnham, it was the fort to prohibit litigation by citizens and public- lowest of low points. But with his trademark in- HON. SCOTT DesJARLAIS interest groups. tegrity and character, he led the funeral pro- By eliminating the possibility of reasonable cession for his fallen friend along with nearly OF TENNESSEE attorneys’ fees, this bill creates yet another one thousand law enforcement officials from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hurdle that will make it more difficult to find across the country. He helped turn a sad day competent legal representation to enforce into a touching tribute to a lost comrade. Thursday, July 31, 2014 complex environmental laws. That’s the kind of person he is. Reasonable attorneys’ fees are particularly Kevin and Barbara Burnham have been Mr. DESJARLAIS. Mr. Speaker, on July 30, appropriate for complex and highly specialized great friends of mine for many years. They are 2014, I was unable to cast a vote on rollcall adjudications involving environmental law. En- good people and great fun. As Kevin begins No. 468 due to a personal health matter. vironmental groups are almost uniformly non- his long overdue retirement, I want to wish Had I been present, I would have voted in profit organizations. Many file lawsuits for in- him nothing but the very best. And on behalf favor of rollcall No. 468, H. Res. 676, to pro- junctive relief to enforce laws and protect the of the United States of America, it gives me vide for the authority to initiate litigation for ac- public health. But as a result of this bill, many personal satisfaction to congratulate him on an tions by the President or other executive of these organizations will be deterred from extraordinary career serving and protecting the branch officials inconsistent with their duties bringing such actions if they cannot recover citizens of Springfield. Well done Detective under the Constitution of the United States. attorneys’ fees. Burnham.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.070 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1316 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 3230, of the arts. After almost a decade as Execu- son Plantz, Storme Rynearson, Emory PAY OUR GUARD AND RESERVE tive Director of the Greater Denton Arts Coun- Shelton, Olivia Sims, Tristin Stevens, Mark ACT cil (GDAC), Ms. Chalfant is retiring from her Thomas Walker, Shane Wright, and Rachelle distinguished service at the helm of the non- Wyatt. Choctawhatchee Senior High School’s SPEECH OF profit organization. victory at the Florida High School Athletic As- HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Margaret Chalfant’s successful leadership at sociation Cheerleading State Championship is OF MARYLAND the GDAC began in 2005; in that same year, a true testament to the commitment and dedi- she was selected to attend the Women’s cation of all the members of the squad, and it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. During is a great reflection on Fort Walton Beach and Wednesday, July 30, 2014 her GDAC tenure, she has expanded and en- the greater Northwest Florida community. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today hanced its permanent collection, upgraded On behalf of the United States Congress, in support of the Conference Report on H.R. and updated the physical facilities, and high- my wife Vicki and I congratulate the Indians 3230, the Veterans’ Access to Care through lighted the importance of the arts through edu- for their extraordinary victory and wish them Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act cation outreach to students from the elemen- all the best for their continued success. of 2014. I also want to commend Chairman tary level through college. She instituted an SANDERS, Chairman MILLER, Ranking Member After School Arts program for Denton ISD f BURR, and Ranking Member MICHAUD for their schools, hosted An Artistic Discovery—the work on crafting a bipartisan bill that not only 26th Congressional district’s annual high ON ADDRESSING THE HUMANI- provides for our veterans but addresses many school art contest, and collaborated with the TARIAN CRISIS ON OUR BORDER of the systemic problems within the Veteran University of North Texas and Texas Woman’s Health Administration. University to initiate the Getting Started with The final conference agreement provides the Arts program. Throughout her career she HON. AL GREEN over $17 billion in funding for the Department has demonstrated an unwavering commitment of Veteran Affairs. This includes $10 billion in to the arts, as well as engaging in multiple OF TEXAS funding to allow veterans who live more than civic activities to benefit the Denton commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 40 miles away from a VA facility, or who have nity and the North Texas region. waited more than 30 days for an appointment The sterling reputation of the Greater Den- Thursday, July 31, 2014 at a VA medical center, to seek care with an ton Arts Council is a reflection of the out- Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I outside provider. In addition, it provides the standing administration of Ms. Chalfant, and support Comprehensive Immigration Reform, VA with $6.5 billion in funding to address its her professional legacy will continue to benefit which would secure our borders, create a critical shortage of doctors and nurses and to the citizens of Denton for years to come. I join pathway to citizenship, and provides for elec- allow the VA to enter into 27 new medical fa- her colleagues and the community in com- tronic employment verification. I believe more cility leases. By expanding access to care, in- mending the Greater Denton Arts Council’s than ever after having seen the humanitarian creasing staffing needs, and authorizing new Executive Director, Margaret Edge Chalfant, consequences of the crisis firsthand, we must clinics, this bill is a great first step in tackling for her outstanding record and extend best act now. Having a broken system that is in many of the ongoing problems that have sur- wishes upon her retirement. It is my privilege dire need of reform only exacerbates the faced at the VA in recent years. to represent the City of Denton in the U.S. issue. The Conference Report strengthens a num- House of Representatives. However, I oppose H.R. 5230, Making sup- ber of other programs to help support our vet- f erans and their families. It expands eligibility plemental appropriations for the fiscal year and provides veterans who experienced mili- RECOGNIZING THE ending September 30, 2014, and for other pur- tary sexual trauma while on inactive duty the CHOCTAWHATCHEE CHEER- poses, and H.R. 5272, To prohibit certain ac- opportunity to seek sexual trauma counseling. LEADERS AS 1A SMALL CO-ED tions with respect to deferred action for aliens It also modifies the Post 9/11 GI Bill and al- DIVISION STATE CHAMPIONS not lawfully present in the United States, and lows veterans to receive in-state tuition rates for other purposes. These bills do not ade- at any public university, if they decide to relo- HON. JEFF MILLER quately address the problems in our immigra- cate. Finally, today’s legislation extends an im- OF FLORIDA tion system or deal with the current influx of portant program set to expire later this year to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unaccompanied minors. These bills will also end protections that have provided relief to provide housing for veterans struggling with Thursday, July 31, 2014 traumatic brain injuries. millions of people currently living in the U.S. I do, however, have reservations about a Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I am H.R. 5230 emasculates current anti-traf- provision in this bill which gives the VA Sec- proud to congratulate the First Congressional ficking law, meant to protect minors from cer- retary broad authority to fire Senior Executive District of Florida’s Choctawhatchee Senior tain countries and allow them to apply for asy- Service (SES) employees even though the VA High School Indians for winning the 1A Small lum in this country. The bill provides a fraction already has tools to remove SES employees Co-ed Division State title at the Florida High of the $3.7 billion requested by President who are rated unsatisfactory. However, I am School Athletic Association Cheerleading Obama to address the humanitarian crisis at encouraged that—unlike legislation that State Championship on January 31, 2014 for our border. The bill would likely produce simu- passed the House earlier this year—the con- the third year in a row. lated hearings with fast-track adjudication that ference agreement does provide SES employ- Located in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, mimics due process for unaccompanied mi- ees with an expedited appeals process Choctawhatchee High School boasts an ex- nors. through a Merit Systems Protection Board. ceptional cheer squad, led by coaches Shaunice Clay and Hailey Looney. During the H.R. 5272 eviscerates the vital Deferred Ac- Mr. Speaker, there is nothing more impor- tion for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, tant than providing for those who have sac- preliminaries, the squad ranked 1st out of a total of fourteen squads before claiming victory which has provided much needed relief for rificed so much for our country. I encourage millions of undocumented immigrants who ar- my colleagues to join me in support of this bill. over Harmony High School and Gulf Breeze High School. rived in this country as minors. DACA allows f I commend the following young men and the Department of Homeland Security pros- IN RECOGNITION OF MARGARET women of the squad for both challenging ecutorial discretion towards some undocu- EDGE CHALFANT themselves and inspiring their fellow students mented immigrants who immigrated to our na- and youth throughout our community: Jenna tion as children not of their own volition. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Angelos, Jean Bernier, Megan Bradley, Loren Mr. Speaker, the humanitarian crisis caused OF TEXAS Burkett, Olivia Carr, Kacey Childers, Dani by an influx of unaccompanied minors from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Connelly, Alexia Faustinella, Shayla Fish, Tif- mostly Central American countries with stag- fany Fought, Zach Given, Anna Greene, Rielly gering crime rates has tested our nation’s laws Thursday, July 31, 2014 Griggs, Holly King, Kerri Kriech, Amy and values. We are a nation of laws but we Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to LeMenager, Rachel Loughney, CJ McDonald, are also a nation of values. We must treat all recognize Margaret Edge Chalfant for a note- Emily McGaughy, Johnny Mundy, Temple individuals, especially minors, in a way that is worthy career dedicated to the advancement Nichols, Ashley Oliver, Sydney Pattison, Alli- consistent with our values.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.075 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1317 IS ANYBODY LISTENING? been looted, destroyed, occupied, converted the Rwandan genocide to see how President to mosques or shuttered. Obama and his administration will feel years HON. FRANK R. WOLF All non-Sunni Muslim groups in Mosul— from now for their failure to act. OF VIRGINIA Shabaks, Yazidis and Turkmen—have been Last year, Clinton said ‘‘If we’d gone in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES targeted by ISIS. Most have fled. sooner, I believe we could have saved at least Water and electricity have been cut off by a third of the lives that were lost . . . it had Thursday, July 31, 2014 ISIS. The water shortage in the areas sur- an enduring impact on me.’’ Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, in yesterday’s USA rounding Mosul is now a full-blown crisis. They would do well to recall the words of Today, columnist Kirsten Powers raised an im- Mosul is now governed under Sharia law. Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, who said: portant question, Congress is about to adjourn until after QUOTE: ‘‘We must take sides. Neutrality QUOTE: ‘‘Iraq’s Christians are begging the Labor Day. If the events of the last two helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence world for help. Is anybody listening?’’ UN- months are any indication, one can only imag- encourages the tormentor, never the tor- QUOTE. ine the horrors that await over the next five mented.’’ Mr. Speaker, this is the seventh consecutive weeks. Mr. Speaker, I close with the words of Ger- legislative day that I have come to House floor Absent urgent action what more will be on man Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who to ask that same question: this list? stood up to the tyranny and horror of Nazism, Is anybody listening? We cannot continue to sit back and watch and said, QUOTE: ‘‘Silence in the face of evil Less than two weeks ago, on July 19, the these atrocities unfold. is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, more com- President Obama, Secretary Kerry, Ambas- act is to act.’’ monly referred to as ISIS, ordered Christians sador Power—before you take your summer It’s time to act, while there are still people to convert to Islam, pay taxes levied upon vacations, you have a moral obligation to left to save. non-Muslims, or be killed. speak up. Listen to the words of Psalm 82:3–4: In the region around Mosul—what we know Martin Luther King said QUOTE: ‘‘In the Defend the weak and the fatherless; Uphold as Nineveh in the Bible—there is not a single end, we will remember not the words of our the cause of the poor and oppressed. Rescue Christian left. enemies, but the silence of our friends.’’ UN- the weak and the needy; Deliver them from Think about that. There is not one Christian QUOTE the hand of the wicked.’’ President Obama, in your lifetime, books will left in the ancient heart of Iraqi Christianity. A Also, in the Old Testament in Ecclesiastes be written on the end of Christianity in the 2,000-year presence wiped away before our 4:1 it says, eyes in just a matter of weeks. Middle East. ‘‘Again I looked and saw all the oppression History will acknowledge you and your ad- Yet President Obama has said nothing. that was taking place under the sun: I saw the And Secretary of State Kerry has said noth- ministration’s lack of will to do something— tears of the oppressed—and they have no ing. anything. comforter; power was on the side of their op- ISIS has driven people from their homes, You have the power and the pulpit to do pressors—and they have no comforter.’’ taken their cars as they attempted to leave something before it is too late. Mr. President, I call on you to be on the and stripped them of all their money and pos- If you continue to do nothing, your silence side of the oppressed Christians. sessions. will remain heavy on your conscious long after We have heard accounts of ISIS terrorists you leave office. f cutting the fingers of people to steal their wed- Mr. President, there are a number steps you SECURITY AND HUMANITARIAN ding rings. can take right now that would make a dif- SUPPORT FOR THE CHRISTIAN Yet President Obama has said nothing. ference—steps that don’t require new funds or COMMUNITY IN IRAQ And Secretary of State Kerry has said noth- additional congressional action: ing. ONE. You can sign the bipartisan legislation Gruesome videos produced by ISIS are ap- approved by the House and Senate to create HON. TRENT FRANKS pearing on Internet showing beheadings and a special envoy to promote religious freedom OF ARIZONA public displays of dismembered Christians. I in the Middle East that has been sitting on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES couldn’t even watch the video to the end; it your desk this week. It is just waiting for your Thursday, July 31, 2014 was that grotesque. signature. Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Mr. Speaker, last Yet President Obama has said nothing. You can name someone to fill this post who month, 55 of my colleagues and I sent a pri- And Secretary of State Kerry has said noth- can immediately deploy to the region to work ority letter to President Obama urging him to ing. with the Kurdish and Iraqi governments. The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, TWO. You can appoint someone in your ad- actively prioritize security and humanitarian Samantha Power—who made a name for her- ministration to be the lead person coordinating support for the Christian community in Iraq. self denouncing the U.S. and other govern- all of the U.S. government resources nec- We specifically warned him of the dangers ments’ failure to act in the face of genocide— essary to stop this genocide. and brutality of the terrorist group ISIS in Iraq also has been silent on these genocidal acts. THREE. You can publicly thank the Kurdish who are now rampaging across Iraq and ter- What Power famously labeled ‘‘A Problem authorities for protecting the Christians and rorizing the vulnerable Christian population. from Hell’’ is now taking place in Iraq on her other religious minorities who have fled ISIS In the letter, we specifically pointed out to watch. and found refuge in the Kurdish region; Mr. Obama that QUOTE, ‘‘Parts of Syria and Yet she says nothing in her post at the UN FOUR. You can work with trusted NGO’s— Iraq that have previously fallen under the rule in New York. like Catholic Relief, Save the Children, of ISIS have witnessed summary execution, Perhaps this lack of action should not be UNICEF and others—who are already on the beheadings and even crucifixions.’’ And that surprising given that her boss, President ground trying to help, but need U.S. assist- QUOTE, ‘‘Absent immediate action, we will Obama, has said nothing. ance and leadership to help more people. most certainly witness the annihilation of an President Obama has had multiple opportu- You can make sure they have the food, ancient faith community from the lands they’ve nities to use his ‘‘bully pulpit’’ to raise global water, housing and medical resources to help inhabited for centuries.’’ UNQUOTE attention to this genocide. the victims of this genocide; and Tragically, Mr. Speaker, President Obama— But we have heard NOT ONE WORD on FIVE: You can direct the Secretary of State who once likened ISIS to a junior varsity bas- the situation of the Christians being driven out and USAID administrator to reprogram existing ketball team—simply ignored us again, as he of Iraq. funds to provide these resources to trusted has done so many times before. And now Let me lay out what has happened in Iraq NGO’s on the ground. ISIS, this ‘‘junior varsity basketball team’’, is just in the last six weeks: Mr. President, those are five simple steps beheading their way across Iraq and has de- All of Christians in Mosul have fled to the you can do now and over the next five weeks clared that there would be QUOTE ‘‘nothing north, to Alqosh, Dohuk and other Assyrian vil- that would make a difference. for [the Christians] but the sword’’ if they do lages. All it takes is your interest and your leader- not convert.’’ Last week, ISIS torched a 1,800- In nearby Qaraqosh, 50,000 Assyrian Chris- ship. year-old church in Mosul and ruthlessly de- tian residents have fled from fighting between This April marked the 20th anniversary of stroyed the historic tomb of Jonah. Images of ISIS and Kurds. the genocide in Rwanda. ISIS beheadings, crucifixions, rapes, torture All Christian institutions in Mosul—all 45 One need only look at President Clinton’s and mass execution are all over the Internet churches monasteries and cemeteries—have continued regret for his failure to act to stop and social media. Just this morning, I met with

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.079 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 a group of NGOs based in Iraq who told me legroom, however, taxes are not optional. cies and corporate travel managers. And, to ISIS beheaded six Christians—then proceeded Therefore, consumers do not base their air highlight the strong opposition to this legis- to play soccer with their decapitated heads. travel decisions on the amount of the taxes, lation from consumers, the aviation distribu- This past Sunday, for the first time in 1,600 which are standardized. Just as with buying tion industry and corporate travel managers. gasoline, they shop for airline tickets based HR 4156 is completely unnecessary for its years, there was no Mass in Mosul. The head on the total cost including taxes. They are proposed impact. of Iraq’s largest Christian community said, entitled to know that cost at the onset. Under this bill aviation will become the ‘‘For the first time in the history of Iraq, Mosul Please stand with the traveling public in only industry in American permitted to add is now empty of Christians.’’ supporting real truth in airfares by rejecting federal excise taxes and fees at the end of the Mr. Speaker, ISIS has systematically and in- H.R. 4156. ticket buying process, just like local taxes sidiously targeted Iraq’s ancient Christians, Sincerely yours, and fees. and they are now nearly extinct. It can rightly SUSAN GRANT, HR 4156 will enshrine drip pricing into law, be called targeted religious cleansing, and it is Director of Consumer Protection. a form of deceptive and misleading pricing that has long been battled by the FTC and a crime against humanity.’’ JULY 15—CONSUMER GROUPS’ LETTER TO U.S. DOT. And yet, we hear not a word from the Presi- HOUSE MEMBERS This legislation makes understanding air- dent of the United States when a Christian DEAR MEMBERS OF THE U.S. HOUSE OF REP- fares less transparent, more confusing and genocide is taking place at this very moment. RESENTATIVES: We the undersigned consumer misleading. And we have not heard one syllable about groups have learned that highly controver- Airlines and their unions claim that this what his administration is doing or planning to sial H.R. 4156, the Transparent Airfares Act bill is necessary to ensure passengers know do to relieve or protect persecuted Christians of 2014, is on the short list in the House for ‘‘exactly how much of their ticket price is in Iraq. possible inclusion on the Suspension Cal- attributable to federal taxes and fees while So, on the floor of this house, I repeat the endar prior to the August recess. H.R. 4156 is at the same time knowing the full price of air travel before they purchase a ticket.’’ words we wrote in a letter to President Obama contentious legislation that would harm mil- lions of consumers by reversing a U.S. De- The current DOT rules allow for airlines to a month ago, QUOTE, ‘‘we urge you and your partment of Transportation (DOT) rule im- do exactly that. Specific language in the reg- administration to urgently and actively engage plemented in 2012 as a cure to misleading air- ulation codifies how that can be done. Plus, with the Iraqi central government and the line advertising. We urge you to strongly ob- airlines have many other opportunities to Kurdistan Regional Government to prioritize ject to the inclusion of H.R. 4156 on the Sus- clearly outline taxes and fees paid when pur- additional security support for these particu- pension Calendar. chasing tickets. Airlines can explain taxes larly vulnerable populations and provide emer- Consumer groups were not alerted to the and fees on ticket itineraries. Airlines can gency humanitarian assistance to those af- prospect of this legislation, nor were we pro- print taxes and fees on boarding passes along with Sudoko games and the weather. How- fected communities. Absent immediate action, vided any opportunity for input before Com- mittee markup. H.R. 4156 was rushed by ever, airlines choose not to do this. we will most certainly witness the annihilation voice vote through the House Transportation When airlines claim that they are the un- of an ancient faith community from the lands Committee on April 9, 2014 after just 9 min- justly subjected to revealing federal excise they’ve inhabited for centuries.’’ UNQUOTE utes of discussion. There were no hearings, taxes prior to purchase, they are wrong. Mr. Speaker, if President Obama continues no outreach for public opinion. This rushed Every other industry in the U.S. that is sub- to ignore this Christian Genocide in Iraq, his- process has denied other stakeholders an op- jected to federal excise taxes and federal fees tory will record that it was Barack Obama who portunity to inform Congress of their views includes those costs in the product price. idly stood around and let it happen. and the flaws in this bill. These include gasoline, liquor, beer, tires, Now, after steamrollering the bill through trucks and others. The taxes and fees that f Committee, airlines hope to rush the bill other transportation and travel entities add TRANSPARENT AIRFARES ACT OF through the House under Suspension of the to the final prices are state and local taxes 2014 Rules. But this is not the type of and fees—airlines are exempt from those unobjectionable proposal that the Suspen- taxes. sion Calendar is designed for; rather, it is The only part of this bill that would SPEECH OF harmful and controversial special-interest change what can be done under the current HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN legislation. There is not one consumer group DOT full-fare regulations is the misleading or business travel organization that supports and deceptive ability to advertise incomplete OF CALIFORNIA this legislation; most have publicly criti- low prices for which no consumer can pur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cized both the bill and the rushed process. chase air travel. Monday, July 28, 2014 This anti-consumer legislation serves no HR 4156 makes airfares more difficult to purpose, in our view, other than to mislead understand and purchase. It was passed out Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to submit consumers about the real price of airfare—to of committee and under suspension of rules the following letters into the record with regard the benefit of airlines, but at the expense of with no consumer input and no consultation to the debate on H.R. 4156. consumers. with the airline distribution network of CONSUMER FEDERATION Indeed, The New York Times Editorial travel agents and corporate travel managers OF AMERICA Board on April 22 criticized the bill in an edi- that deal with the public on a day-by-day July 18, 2014 torial saying: ‘‘This push to mislead con- basis. DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: Consumer Federa- sumers is particularly galling since recent This bill has been opposed by far more tion of America, a nonprofit association of mergers, like that of American Airlines and than a few ‘‘talking heads.’’ consumer organizations around the country US Airways, have made the industry less Almost every major newspaper has opposed that represent the interests of millions of competitive.’’ Likewise, The Washington HR 4156 in editorials or articles over the past your constituents, urges you to reject HR. Post reported on April 24: ‘‘Consumers have few months. The papers and magazines in- 4156, the Transparent Airline Act of 2014. reacted to this bill in the same way their ad- clude The New York Times, Washington This bill may be taken up on the suspension vocates have: They’re dead-set against it.’’ Post, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Time calendar, but at whatever point it is pre- We urge you to stand up against this anti- Magazine, and many others. A change.org pe- sented, we ask you to oppose it. consumer move by the airlines and to ask tition garnered more than 127,000 signatures There is nothing transparent, or pro-con- House leadership not to schedule this highly specifically opposing this bill. sumer, about this bill. It would allow air- controversial bill for the Suspension Cal- Major consumer organization, in addition lines to advertise fares that do not include endar, and instead insist on a fair oppor- to Travelers United (formerly Consumer the mandatory taxes, hiding the true cost tunity for travel industry and consumer Travel Alliance), have aligned to oppose this until consumers reach the end of the pur- groups’ input and proper deliberation. legislation. These organization include AAA, chase process. This would make the cost of Sincerely, Association for Airline Passenger Rights, airline tickets appear artificially low and AirlinePassengers.org, Association for Air- Business Travel Coalition, Consumer Federa- prevent budget-conscious consumers from line Passenger Rights, Business Travel Coali- tion of America, Consumers Union, Ed Per- determining upfront whether they can afford tion, Consumers Union, Ed Perkins, Con- kins (Consumer Advocate), FlyersRights.org, to fly and how the cost of doing so compares sumer Advocate, FlyersRights.org, National National Consumers League and U.S. PIRG. to other options, such as traveling to their Consumers League, Travelers United, U.S. This legislation undoes years of hard work destinations by train or car. PIRG. by advocates to ensure that consumers are The argument that consumers are entitled not duped when purchasing airfare. Trans- to know how much of the ticket price is TRAVELERS UNITED, INC., parency cannot be achieved through confu- comprised of taxes is totally disingenuous— Arlington, VA, July 30, 2014. sion. that breakdown does show before consumers DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: I write to outline Sincerely, complete their purchases. Unlike charges for the harm the Airfare Transparency Act (HR CHARLIE LEOCHA, things such as checked baggage and extra 4156) will cause for passengers, travel agen- Chairman.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.080 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1319 RECOGNIZING MR. FLOYD Francis, Julia Freeman, Ruben Gardner Jr., DENOUNCING USE OF CIVILIANS BENNINGHOFF’S 100TH BIRTHDAY Christopher Gibson, Cassandra Harrison, AS HUMAN SHIELDS BY HAMAS Katelin Hayes, Daniel Helms, Thalezondra AND OTHER TERRORIST ORGANI- HON. JACKIE WALORSKI Hill-Dowdy, Matthew Holmes, Brenda ZATIONS OF INDIANA Jernigan, JoseRafael Kaibigan, Angelique Le, SPEECH OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jared Lyon, Jason Mitchell, Andrew Nicolle, Thursday, July 31, 2014 Austin Odell, Jeremiah Renfro, Destiny HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE OF TEXAS Seladones, Jimmie Simmons, Alfonso Sosa, Mrs. WALORSKI. Mr. Speaker, today I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to recognize Mr. Floyd Benninghoff, who Antonio Stone, Brian Thompson, Kenny Tu, Wednesday, July 30, 2014 reached the milestone of his 100th birthday on Alphonso Williams, Erik Williams, Nicholas June 12th, 2014. Willig, Alex Wilson and Brieonna Wilson and Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Mr. Benninghoff was born in Hamlet, IN as their instructors, LCDR Eddie Thompson support of H. Con. Res. 107, a resolution ex- 1 of 9 brothers and sisters and spent most of (USN, Ret.), SCPO Ruben Gardner (USN, pressing the sense of the House of Rep- his life as a Hoosier. He is the father to Ron- Ret.), and SGTMAJ Andre Francis (USMC, resentatives in support of the State of Israel as it defends itself against rocket attacks ald Benninghoff and Lynn Kline, a grandfather Ret.). My wife Vicki joins me in wishing them launched by Hamas. to 5 grandchildren and a great grandfather to all the best for continued success. 14. During World War II he served his country These deadly rocket attacks launched from as an technician, then spent the next Gaza into Israel by Hamas against unarmed f several years as a delivery driver for the Jewel civilian populations are deserving of the con- demnation of this House and the international Tea Company before retiring from Sears. He TRIBUTE TO DR. WILLIE WILSON, is well known by his family and friends for his community. CHAIRMAN OF OMAR MEDICAL Mr. Speaker, since the most recent air- love of music and his guitar playing abilities. SUPPLY COMPANY I am honored to wish Mr. Floyd Benninghoff strikes began, hundreds of persons—Israelis a very happy 100th birthday and to recognize and Palestinians—have been killed and many his admirable life. On behalf of Indiana’s Sec- HON. DANNY K. DAVIS hundreds more injured. ond District, I am proud to recognize Mr. No sovereign nation can be expected to Benninghoff’s birthday and life and wish him OF ILLINOIS stand idly by while unprovoked acts of vio- good health and many more birthdays. lence are perpetrated against its citizens by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES terrorists or foreign entities. f Thursday, July 31, 2014 Israel has, as do all countries under the law RECOGNIZING THE OUTSTANDING of nations, the right to exist and the right to ACHIEVEMENT OF ESCAMBIA Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- self-defense. This means Israel is allowed to HIGH SCHOOL NAVY JUNIOR RE- er, on Sunday, July 27th, 2014, Dr. Willie Wil- take all necessary, appropriate, and measured SERVE OFFICERS TRAINING son celebrated the 27th anniversary of actions required to keep its people safe. CORPS Singsation, his nationally syndicated gospel Hamas should cease using their fellow citizens as human shields. television show at the Apostolic Pentecostal HON. JEFF MILLER But at the end of the day, the peace and Church of Morgan Park, where Apostle Wil- justice we all seek will come from the parties OF FLORIDA liam A. Ellis is Pastor and spiritual leader. acting in good faith to find a just and lasting IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I take this opportunity to congratulate Dr. peace that recognizes Israel’s right to exist, Thursday, July 31, 2014 Wilson, not only for the longevity of this pro- renounces violence and terrorism, and Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise duction, but also for his business success and achieves the two-state solution. Among the most important things that can today to recognize the Escambia High School for his humanitarian work with faith-based or- be done to bring peace and the two-state so- Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps ganizations. (NJROTC) for placing first in this year’s Navy lution into being and to halt the suffering is for League NJROTC drill team competition. This Dr. Willie Wilson is no ordinary man. He is the Administration to redouble its efforts to outstanding achievement is evidence of the basically a man of great religious faith. Self mediate a peaceful resolution of the conflict hard work and dedication of the Escambia educated, self made, high school dropout, and for the President Mahmoud Abbas to ex- High NJROTC program. multi millionaire business man, a great philan- ercise stronger leadership in rallying and unit- After a year of three to four hour long prac- thropist who contributes somewhere in the ing the Palestinian people under the banner of tices after school, a combined 15,000 hours of area of a million dollars annually to small peace with justice. Mr. Speaker, I condemn launching rockets community service required to satisfy churches and provides financial support to into civilian populations. In addition to death NJROTC standards, and months of local and many other charities. regional competitions, the ‘‘Gator Elite,’’ as and destruction, such attacks instill fear and they’re known, beat out more than 600 other In addition to running his businesses (Omar cause suffering to innocent men, women, and NJROTC programs to achieve the highest Medical Supply Company), he serves as children. honor and bring this prestigious recognition Chairman and Chief Fundraiser for the Chi- Finally, I offer sympathies for the loss of life back to Northwest Florida. cago Baptist Institute, a college level edu- among the Israelis and the Palestinians. In addition to the normal academic cational and training institute for clergy and lay As the great theologian St. Augustine re- minds us, ‘‘peace is the necessary condition in coursework, the members of Escambia High’s individuals who want to learn how to more ef- NJROTC program were required to comply which people can be free to work out their fectively practice Christian principles and prac- eternal destiny.’’ with rigorous procedures to maintain discipline tice in their everyday lives. through uniform inspections and strict groom- f Dr. Wilson is well known for his hobby and ing standards, while also mastering the core RECOGNIZING THE WORK OF components of drill team exercises, through passion for singing gospel music. On prac- JOHNPAUL JONES marching practice and adroit handling of rifles tically every Sunday afternoon, he, along with in showmanship fashion. The ‘‘Gator Elite’’ his gospel singing group and orchestra can be HON. DEREK KILMER achieved these tasks with the highest degree found at a small church singing gospel music, OF WASHINGTON of excellence, as evidenced by their first place after which he always leaves a sizeable dona- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES performance at the NJROTC national cham- tion for the church. pionships. Friday, August 1, 2014 A man among men, a giver from his heart, On behalf of the United States Congress, it Mr. KILMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to is my privilege to congratulate the Escambia and a leader of leaders. recognize Johnpaul Jones for his distinguished High NJROTC ‘‘Gator Elite’’—Corey Aber- I commend and congratulate Dr. Willie Wil- architecture, his commitment to honoring our crombie, Joshua Aguilar, Alexander Apin, son as he and his friends celebrate 27 years natural world and cultures, and his accom- Nigel Archer-Shee, Alexis Cannon, Michael of Singsation. plishments as a recipient of the 2013 National Cox, Faith Doby, Audrey Ferrand, Emerrald Humanities Medal.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JY8.082 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1320 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 A Bainbridge Island resident of 43 years, Natural Gas as an alternate energy source. HONORING RALPH FERTIG Johnpaul Jones has enriched our community The Elk River Public Utility District contributed and historical awareness through his holistic by providing benefits and a demonstration in- HON. LOIS CAPPS approach to space design. Locally, he has cluding test driving of their CNG vehicles. The OF CALIFORNIA earned the title of ‘‘Island Treasure’’ for his students increased their knowledge on solar IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES help in designing the Japanese American Ex- power production by visiting the Duck River Friday, August 1, 2014 clusion Memorial and the Waypoint Park on Electric Municipal Cooperative solar farm. Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to Bainbridge Island. In designing the gorilla ex- One of their most unique recycling efforts honor the memory of Ralph Fertig from Santa hibit and the elephant house at Seattle’s not only saved 22 trees but promoted literacy Barbara County, who passed away suddenly Woodland Park Zoo, Mr. Jones’ unique ap- among elementary school children. The cadets on July 18, 2014. proach pioneered a movement to design more sponsored a community wide book drive Ralph was a devoted community leader and natural habitats for zoo animals. called ‘‘Ride for Reading.’’ This is a national advocate for sustainable transportation in the Mr. Jones’ design philosophy is deeply root- effort to deliver free books to Title I schools. Santa Barbara community. He was also the ed in his Cherokee-Choctaw ancestors. The Cadet Corps delivered 1,472 books to perennial renaissance man, having graduated Johnpaul Jones’ projects have demonstrated Cowan Elementary School by bicycle. Every from Penn State in 1961 with a degree in art an ingrained respect for the natural world and elementary student received five free books. and architecture before studying painting and native landscapes and for enhancing aware- The cadets once again recycled cooking oil ceramics at Cranbrook Academy of Art, earn- ness of the indigenous people, cultures, and that was turned into biodiesel by Winchester ing a master’s in mathematics from the Uni- the communities in which they inhabit. This Utilities for city equipment. The cadets were versity of Michigan, studying photography with philosophy is apparent in his celebrated de- recognized on the field during a University of Ansel Adams, and finally earning a second sign of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Tennessee home football game and awarded master’s degree in photography from the Chi- the American Indian in Washington, DC. a $1,000 grant for their recycling efforts as cago Institute of Design in 1970. Mr. Jones has received multiple honors and part of the Good Sports Always Recycle pro- awards for his work including the American In- Ralph came to the Santa Barbara commu- gram. nity in the early 1980s to work on graphics stitute of Architects Seattle Medal, the Execu- These are just some of the projects these tive Excellence Award from the American In- and marketing for a computer communications energetic students undertook to make an im- company. It was during those early days in dian Science and Engineering Society, and pact on their community and promote environ- the Distinguished Service Award from the Uni- Santa Barbara that Ralph rediscovered his mental education this school year. It is always love of bicycling and began commuting by versity of Oregon, his alma mater. a pleasure to see our young people are Most recently, President Barack Obama bike to work every day. civically engaged. Each student’s individual It wasn’t long before Ralph became known honored Johnpaul Jones with a National Hu- drive has led them to great accomplishments. in Santa Barbara as an effective civil advocate manities Medal. The National Humanities I want to thank them for their dedication and for the bike community. In 1991, he joined a Medal, introduced in 1997, honors individuals wish them the best as they continue in their group of local cyclists to form a group eventu- and groups whose work has enhanced our na- educational pursuits. I am proud to represent ally known as the Santa Barbara Bicycle Coa- tion’s understanding of the humanities and ex- these fine young people and their friends and lition to advocate for the improvement of road panded our citizens’ involvement with history, families in the United States Congress. and trail conditions. He also began publishing literature, languages, philosophy, and other a monthly newsletter that, for the next 20 humanities subjects. Johnpaul Jones, the first f years, would be the voice of the bicycle com- architect to be honored with this award, was munity and a powerful force on behalf of pe- one of ten who received the 2013 National CONGRATULATING FOUR-TIME destrian and bicycle safety. Humanities Medal for his work in broadening STATE CHAMPIONS RILEY Ralph made it his mission to attend every our nation’s cultural understanding and aware- RAMBO AND TAYLOR LYCKMAN local transportation planning meeting to bear ness through his architecture. witness to the need for more space on the Mr. Speaker, I would like to close by again roads for bicycles, and he did this with perse- applauding Johnpaul Jones for his environ- HON. K. MICHAEL CONAWAY verance, intellectual honesty, and respect. mentally conscious and culturally reverent ar- OF TEXAS Ralph served as a member of the Santa Bar- chitecture and for his commitment to our com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bara Bicycle Coalition for more than 20 years, munity. From our nation’s capital to the beau- attending many bicycling conferences all over tiful city of Bainbridge Island, Johnpaul’s work Friday, August 1, 2014 North America. In 1998, Ralph single-handedly preserves our nation’s stories for generations Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to brought the Pro Bike/Pro Walk conference to to come. I am honored to recognize Johnpaul congratulate Riley Rambo and Taylor Santa Barbara, attracting 540 participants from Jones today in the United States Congress. Lyckman from Menard, Texas on their historic around the country. He was involved with f 1A Mixed Doubles Tennis State Champion- crafting the City of Santa Barbara’s Bicycle ship, on April 30th—a noteworthy accomplish- HONORING FRANKLIN COUNTY Master Plan, Pedestrian Master Plan, and a ment in and of itself. HIGH SCHOOL’S NATIONAL DE- regional Bikeway Signage Program. FENSE CADET CORPS While any state championship is impressive, Ralph was keenly aware of how transpor- this duo made U–I–L history by being the first tation projects impact environmental quality mixed doubles team to win the title four years and social equity. In 2010 the Coalition for HON. SCOTT DesJARLAIS running. Sustainable Transportation, or COAST, recog- OF TENNESSEE Over the course of their high school ca- nized Ralph with its biggest honor, the Barry IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reers, they have exemplified hard work, perse- Siegel Award, for his contributions to Santa Friday, August 1, 2014 verance, and tenacity; and have become Barbara County in the field of sustainable Mr. DESJARLAIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today hometown heroes because of it. They are role transportation. to commend the hard work and dedication of models inspiring the younger generations of I offer my most heartfelt condolences to students in Tennessee’s Fourth Congressional Menard. Ralph’s friends and family, and ask my col- District who participate in Franklin County Riley and Taylor are not your normal dou- leagues to join me in honoring this exemplary High School’s National Defense Cadet Corps bles team. They are not just teammates or American and Santa Barbara County resident. in Winchester. friends; they are cousins. They are family. f Once again, these students were Senior Na- They have grown up together, competed to- HONORING ROSS ERWIN HANNA tional Finalists in the 34th Annual National En- gether, and won together. I can only imagine ergy Education Development Project’s Youth the overwhelming excitement and pride their HON. JOHN GARAMENDI Awards. entire family feels from this accomplishment. I OF CALIFORNIA They were presented the award in Wash- encourage them to savor their historic feat and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ington, DC. on June 23, 2014. The cadets wish them all the best in their bright futures. were recognized for their excellence in envi- Again, I congratulate Mr. Rambo and Ms. Friday, August 1, 2014 ronmental education. This year’s projects in- Lyckman on their historic fourth Mixed Dou- Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, it brings me cluded studying the feasibility of Compressed bles Tennis State Championship title. sadness and honor to pay final tribute to Ross

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K01AU8.001 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1321 Erwin Hanna. Ross passed peacefully on When I first started my political career I was that threatens their bright futures. As the chair- Tuesday, June 10, 2014 after 91 years of life lucky enough to have spent time with George. man of the Childhood Cancer Caucus, I have well lived. He always had great stories to tell of the good personally met with dozens of children and Ross was born in San Francisco, CA, on old days. But more importantly he always their families who are desperate for treat- October 20, 1922 as the youngest of six chil- gave good advice and counsel. I will always ments. dren to Tom and Wanda Hanna. Ross grew remember how much he talked about and Since the 1980s, only one new treatment up in the Alhambra Valley with his four broth- treasured his family, especially his grandkids. has been developed for children with cancer. ers and sister. Ross spent his childhood roam- I really enjoyed our time together. Sadly, for many other rare pediatric diseases, ing the hills around his home and enjoyed Mayor Vukovich served as mayor from no Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ap- spending summers in the Sierras. Ross’s love 1979–1983 and oversaw the city during one of proved treatment exists at all. That is why I in- of the outdoors was a legacy from his grand- its darkest hours. Although Youngstown was troduced the Creating Hope Act in 2011, to father, naturalist John Muir. suffering from massive job loss due to the de- create an incentive for drug companies to de- Soon after graduating from Alhambra High cline of the steel industry, Mayor Vukovich velop new treatments for children with rare pe- School in Martinez, Pearl Harbor was bombed was able to hold the city together during one diatric diseases, such as pediatric cancers. and Ross enlisted in the California Coast of its most trying seasons. He was a proud Without any cost to the taxpayer, the Cre- Guard where he served in numerous landings veteran of the United States Army who loved ating Hope Act established a priority review in the South Pacific. WWII sent him to the Pa- his community. Mayor Vukovich was also ac- voucher (PRV) for rare pediatric diseases as cific for four years, but built friendships that tive in the Youngstown Democratic Party, a Sec. 908 of the Food and Drug Administration continued to grow for seven decades. member of the Catholic War Veterans, the Safety and Innovation Act. As an incentive for After the war, he went to Stockton, CA to at- Croation Fraternal Union (Lodge 185, Camp- developing a new rare pediatric disease treat- tend the College of the Pacific (now University bell), and St. Angela Merici Parish (Sacred ment, a company can be awarded a PRV by of the Pacific) where he graduated with a de- Heart of Jesus). He treasured spending time the FDA. The voucher entitles a company to gree in business, and was a fraternity man at with his family, as well as hosting visits from a priority six month review of another new Alpha Kappa Phi Fraternity. Music was a loved ones, especially his grandchildren who drug application that would otherwise be re- major part of Ross’s life and he led the Ross were his greatest joy. He and his wife spent viewed under the FDA’s standard ten month Hanna Orchestra during college. There Ross many winters in Florida during retirement review period. Companies can also choose to met a young Gladys Ann Stoeven who would where they enjoyed boating and long walks on sell or transfer the voucher to another drug later become his bride. Ross and Gladys mar- the beach. sponsor. ried in San Mateo, CA in June of 1948. Mayor Vukovich is survived by his beloved On Valentine’s Day this year the first rare Over the next 66 years the two of them had wife Helen; his daughters, Carol and Sonia; pediatric disease PRV was awarded to much to celebrate. A year to the day after they grandchildren, Carrie, Michael, Carly, and BioMarin for Vimizim to treat Morquio A Syn- were married, they welcomed their first son, Katie; brothers Peter and Henry, an abun- drome. There are fewer than 800 kids in the Hal. They moved to Dixon soon after his birth dance of loved ones and friends. George has United States with Morquio A Syndrome. and two years later welcomed son Michael. been preceded in death by his loving parents, Vimizim will help children living with this ter- Four years after their two boys, they wel- sisters Ann and Helen, as well as his brothers rible disease to live a longer and healthier life. comed a sweet daughter, Lynne. Ross and Jack, John, and Thomas. I am proud to honor That’s what every kid should have. Gladys enjoyed raising their children in Dixon. the life of Mayor George Vukovich. The city of And just this week, BioMarin sold its vouch- Ross imparted his love for nature to all of Youngstown is forever indebted to honorable er to Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Sanofi his children and grandchildren. Pack trips in years of his service. Youngstown is a much for $67.5 million. This will allow BioMarin to re- the mountains, fishing in streams and lakes, better place to call home because of his val- invest their new earnings in even more prod- hiking and enjoying nature are all a part of iant work. My deepest condolences go out to ucts to treat rare and ultra-rare diseases. And their memories. Ross left this life to join his his family and close friends. George will be it will allow Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and parents Tom and Wanda Hanna, brothers deeply missed but his courageous spirit will Sanofi to speed up FDA review of Alirocumab, Strent, John, Dick and Bob, his sister Jean forever live on through the hearts and lives he an experimental drug designed to lower low- and numerous family and friends who have has touched. density lipoprotein cholesterol in patients who gone before him. Ross is survived by his lov- f have previously tried other treatments. This is ing wife Gladys of 66 years; son Hal and wife a win-win for the companies, but best of all Kathleen, son Michael Muir and daughter OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL this will benefit patients. Lynne Hanna-Lincoln; grandchildren Tim DEBT Mr. Speaker, I believe this news dem- Hanna and wife Jamie, Liz Fuller and husband onstrates the value of this important program. James, Allison Theubet and husband Jerry HON. MIKE COFFMAN As Dr. Ned Braunstein, Regeneron’s Vice and Mei-Lin Hanna. Ross lived to see eight OF COLORADO President for Regulatory Affairs, said after his great-grandchildren join his family; Kilian, Ste- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES company announced that it was buying phen, Natalie, Timmy, Gabby and Kolbe Friday, August 1, 2014 BioMarin’s voucher, the ‘‘decision to acquire Theubet and Ross and Matthew Fuller. Ross and leverage the voucher is clear evidence will be missed by immeasurable friends and Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January that this program is a valuable incentive for family members, but his love and music will 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- biopharmaceutical companies.’’ play in their hearts forever. fice, the national debt was Many people deserve credit for helping to f $10,626,877,048,913.08. Today, it is $17,618,599,653,160.19. We’ve make the Creating Hope Act a reality. Con- HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE added $6,991,722,604,247.11 to our debt in 5 gressman FRED UPTON, the Chairman of the OF MAYOR GEORGE VUKOVICH years. This is over $6.9 trillion in debt our na- Energy and Commerce Committee, Congress- tion, our economy, and our children could man G.K. BUTTERFIELD, Dr. MICHAEL BURGESS, HON. TIM RYAN have avoided with a balanced budget amend- the Vice Chair of the Energy and Commerce OF OHIO ment. Subcommittee on Health, and former Con- gresswoman Sue Myrick, were all tremendous IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f champions of this law. So too were many Friday, August 1, 2014 FIRST RARE PEDIATRIC DISEASE countless advocates, but most of all Nancy Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise today PRIORITY REVIEW VOUCHER SOLD Goodman. A mother and an advocate, Nancy to remember and honor the life of former is the founder and executive director of Kids V Mayor George Vukovich of Youngstown, Ohio HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL Cancer, which is fighting to change the land- who passed away on Monday, July 28, 2014 OF TEXAS scape of pediatric research. at the tender age of 87 with his wife of 64 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES More children deserve life-saving treatments years, Helen, by his side. He was a dedicated which is why I hope to work with my col- and compassionate public servant, serving for Friday, August 1, 2014 leagues to make the rare pediatric disease over 20 years as the Seventh Ward Council- Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, across this na- Priority Review Voucher program permanent. man, Clerk of Youngstown Municipal Court, tion tens of thousands of children live with rare As a father I can think of nothing more impor- and Mayor of Youngstown. pediatric diseases, such as childhood cancers, tant than investing in our children’s futures.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01AU8.005 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 TRIBUTE TO MOTHER LOUISE 2003, served on the Board of Directors for the accumulating in people who eat those fish. JONES Kentucky Sheriffs’ Association from 2007– The commonsense permit does not affect land 2013 and was elected President of that same applications of pesticides, maintains existing HON. DANNY K. DAVIS organization in 2014. agricultural exemptions, and allows for imme- OF ILLINOIS Soon after the devastating and fatal tornado diate spraying to protect the public from vec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that touched down in Menifee County two tor-borne diseases. years ago, Sheriff Coffey invited me to see Today’s legislation would roll back the per- Friday, August 1, 2014 firsthand the relief and response efforts taking mitting rule, leaving pesticide application Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- place. At a time of turmoil and tragedy, Sheriff unmonitored and our waterways vulnerable to er, Mother Louise Jones was born in Brewster, Coffey provided a calming and helpful pres- contamination. I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote. Florida on September 24, 1931. She later ence in the community. I remember him lead- f moved to Chicago, Illinois in 1943, with her ing me into the Red Cross trailer where his Uncle John and Aunt Jessie Walker, who lived wife and family were volunteering. His selfless HONORING MR. PAT BOWLEN in the South Chicago Community. devotion to maintaining the safety of the resi- Mother Louise attended James N. Thorpe dents of Menifee County is truly heroic, and I HON. CORY GARDNER Elementary School and Bowen High School. am honored to represent him in Congress. OF COLORADO She joined the Pilgrim Baptist Church of South I commend Sheriff Rodney Coffey for his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honorable service, his leadership in the com- Chicago in 1946 and has remained active in Friday, August 1, 2014 the church affairs ever since. She served munity and his patriotic devotion to this nation. under Rev. Wainwright, she also served under I am proud to call him a friend. Mr. GARDNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to G.G. Osborne and Rev. Hilliard Hudson as his f honor Mr. Pat Bowlen. Mr. Bowlen is a natural pulpit nurse for 27 years. leader with unquestionable integrity, an incred- Mother Louise’s work and life were both im- COMMENDING THE HONORABLE ible work ethic, and a voracious appetite for mersed in the church. She held a number of DAVID R. OBEY success. As the Denver Broncos owner over governmental positions with the City of Chi- 30 years, he led the team to back-to-back cago, County of Cook, and worked at both HON. MARK POCAN Super Bowl Championships and 6 AFC Divi- Oak Forest and South Shore Hospitals where OF WISCONSIN sion Championships. she worked for 18 years until retirement in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1984, Mr. Bowlen took over as the Den- ver Broncos CEO during a time when the 2010. Friday, August 1, 2014 Mother Louise loved politics and cooking team was having financial difficulties. Since and was actively involved with both. She was Mr. POCAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to then, his distinguished leadership and stra- filled with vision, a warm spirit and hope. She congratulate the Wisconsin Institute for Public tegic vision has turned the franchise into one was a helper and a giver, always giving and Policy and Service, at the University of Wis- of the most successful teams in the NFL always helping. consin—Marathon, on the opening of their today. Mother Louise was obviously one of the newest facility named after one our state’s His outstanding business acumen is re- best social workers around, without even try- most dedicated public servants, former Con- spected by players, coaches, and the fans ing. She would sense a problem or need and gressman Dave Obey. themselves. In 2000, according to an ESPN always react to help. The David R. Obey Civic Resource Center fan poll, Mr. Bowlen was voted in as the NFL We know that when time came, the good will provide opportunities to educate and en- owner fans would most like to play for. Lord just opened up the doors of heaven and courage young people to become active par- Mr. Bowlen is also very proactive in the said, ‘‘Well done my good and faithful servant, ticipants in a healthy democratic society. Denver community. In 2007, he was inducted Louise come on in.’’ Many lessons can be learned from Dave into the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame, and in We express condolences to the family and Obey’s leadership and service in this House. 2013 received the Mizel Institute Community friends, especially our friend and her daughter While, Dave Obey remains a fierce cham- Enrichment Award, only given to those who Dr. Sharon A. Latiker and immediate family pion of progressive causes, the Obey Center have exemplary philanthropic involvement in and all of the host of loved ones that she is will embody his bipartisan approach and will their communities. leaving behind. encourage our citizens to explore the facts During his personal time, Mr. Bowlen has May her soul rest in peace. and ideas on both sides of any debate. participated in grueling fitness activities such f Dave’s impact is still felt within the Wis- as the Ironman Triathlon, which is just another consin delegation today as we continue his testament to his incredible self discipline and HONORING SHERIFF RODNEY L. tradition of working together, regardless of work ethic. COFFEY OF MENIFEE COUNTY, party, to serve the citizens of our state. Due to Mr. Bowlen’s courageous fight KENTUCKY I applaud the opening of the Obey Center— against Alzheimer’s disease, he will step down a place that will ensure future generations of this month from his position as CEO of one of HON. ANDY BARR Wisconsinites become the leaders we need. the greatest NFL franchises in history, but his OF KENTUCKY f dignified legacy will live on. Mr. Bowlen, thank IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES you for being such a positive influence and in- REDUCING REGULATORY BURDENS spiration for the city of Denver, the Colorado Friday, August 1, 2014 ACT OF 2013 community, and people all across the United Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- States. SPEECH OF ognize Sheriff Rodney L. Coffey of Menifee f County, Kentucky for his years of dedication HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN INTRODUCTION OF A RESOLUTION and service to the citizens of Frenchburg, OF MARYLAND ‘‘EXPRESSING THE SENSE THAT Menifee County, the Commonwealth of Ken- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tucky and our great nation. THE UNITED STATES POSTAL Sheriff Coffey has devoted over 20 years to Wednesday, July 30, 2014 SERVICE SHALL TAKE ALL AP- the law enforcement profession. He holds a Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in op- PROPRIATE MEASURES TO EN- Bachelor’s Degree in Police Administration, position to the so-called ‘‘Reducing Regulatory SURE THE CONTINUATION OF graduated from the Department of Criminal Burdens Act,’’ which would roll back clean DOOR DELIVERY FOR ALL’’ Justice Training Police Academy, the National water protections and allow untracked pes- FBI Academy Class 229 and served eight ticide pollution in our rivers and streams. HON. SUSAN A. DAVIS years in the Navy Reserves. More than two and a half years ago, the En- OF CALIFORNIA He served on the Morehead State University vironmental Protection Agency put in place IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Police Department for eight years prior to run- basic pesticide protections by requiring a gen- ning for Sheriff. Elected Sheriff in 1998, Coffey eral permit for the direct application of pes- Friday, August 1, 2014 served as one of the youngest sheriffs in the ticides into waterways. Nearly 2,000 water- Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise history of Kentucky. He was named Kentucky ways are already contaminated by pesticides, today to introduce a resolution of the House Sheriffs’ Association Sheriff of the Year in harming fish and amphibians and potentially ‘‘expressing the sense that the United States

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01AU8.003 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1323 Postal Service shall take all appropriate meas- anniversary of the division of Cyprus, and to Burnham would not be patrolling the streets of ures to ensure the continuation of door deliv- encourage a final settlement that makes pos- the city he loves. ery for all.’’ sible a reunited island and a shared, peaceful Ask anyone in the Department who their fa- Many do not realize that the Post Office is and prosperous future for all Cypriots. vorite co-worker was, and the reply would like- already in the process of phasing out door de- Over time, members of this House have de- ly be Kevin Burnham. They admired his dedi- livery service, the heart of its customer experi- livered, and will deliver, statements denounc- cation, strength and courage. They enjoyed ence. ing Cyprus’ status quo, while placing all re- his sense of humor and the laughter that And that if some in Congress had their way sponsibility of it with Turkey and its actions in seemed to follow him everywhere. And his loy- it would be eliminated entirely! 1974. It is scarcely noted that in 1963, as a alty was unquestioned. At the end of the day, In my home state of California, residents in result of ethnic tension, Turkish Cypriots were Kevin looked upon the Springfield Police De- newly planned communities are already wit- compelled to leave the joint institutions of the partment as a band of brothers and sisters. To nessing the end of traditional mail delivery. Republic of Cyprus. This hostile environment him, the force was a family working together Instead, residents are being forced to resort for the Turkish Cypriots continued and in to make our city a better place to live, work to so-called cluster boxes—centralized 1974, the Cypriot National Guard, supported and raise our children. curbside locations many of which are in unse- From his early days as a rookie, it was obvi- cure locations and poorly maintained. by Greece’s military junta, launched a coup to Just last month local residents from a com- secure enosis—or unification—with Greece. ous that Kevin was born to be a cop. He had munity meeting in my district adopted an offi- Following the coup, animosity towards Turkish the street smarts necessary to be effective in cial neighborhood resolution calling on Con- Cypriots increased and the Cyprus that was law enforcement, but he also had compassion. gress to address this pressing issue. once unified, became an environment where Those two qualities were the reasons his I have heard stories from dozens of my con- the Turkish Cypriots no longer felt safe nor career was so successful. Whether it was be- stituents about cluster boxes being stolen or welcome in their home country. Turkey de- coming one of the first detectives to work on damaged and having to wait months to raise fends it was within its rights to protect the pop- the Narcotics Bureau, his service in both the enough money to replace them. ulation as a guarantor power under the 1960 Uniform Division and the Crime Prevention Americans have benefited from door deliv- Treaty of Guarantee. Bureau, or the responsibility that came with ery service ever since the time of the Civil Each year, we hear from one side that a the job of Evidence Officer, Kevin performed War. final settlement can be achieved once Turkey each task exceptionally. He was honest and But now some in Congress, in a short-sight- withdraws its forces from the island. The Turk- trustworthy and his fellow officers knew he ed attempt to cut costs, are pushing through ish government has previously stated time and had their back. a radical overhaul of the Post Office without again its desire for a final settlement that pro- Being a Police Officer always comes with even considering the consequences. tects the rights and freedoms of both commu- risks. And two years ago, one of his closest Studies have shown that in today’s digital nities, and will allow Turkish troops to return friends, Officer Kevin Ambrose, was killed in age it is people with disabilities and the elderly home. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan called the line of duty. To Kevin Burnham, it was the that rely most on postal mail more, especially again this week for a political settlement lowest of low points. But with his trademark in- for prescription medicine. based on mutual consensus and the political tegrity and character, he led the funeral pro- Yes it is these very groups that would most equality of both communities. Turkish Cypriots cession for his fallen friend along with nearly be hurt by the sudden forced adoption of cen- demonstrated their desire for the reunification one thousand law enforcement officers from tralized cluster boxes. of the island through their support—a decade across the country. He helped turn a sad day And businesses all across the country, es- ago—of the Annan Plan, which contained into a touching tribute to a lost comrade. pecially startups will be forced to close up That’s the kind of person he is. shop since there will be no way to guarantee drastic compromises for both communities, yet Kevin and Barbara Burnham have been the security of their delivery. was rejected by the Greek Cypriot community. All this just for short term cost cutting— The continuing isolation of Turkish Cypriots great friends of mine for many years. They are which will do nothing to address the long term from the international community in the ten good people and great fun. As Kevin begins solvency of the Post Office. years since while Greek Cypriots, as the Re- his well-deserved retirement, I want to wish And we already know that nobody wants public of Cyprus, utilize EU membership and him nothing but the very best. And on behalf these changes. In 2013, USPS offered vol- the global flows of commerce, is an imbalance of the United States of America, it gives me untary cluster box conversions to businesses that must be redressed. personal satisfaction to congratulate him on an and only .8 percent signed up. The only solution to this imbalance, and the extraordinary career serving and protecting the What business could survive by constantly status quo in total, is a comprehensive agree- citizens of Springfield. Well done Detective looking for ways to reduce customer satisfac- ment where the rights and equality of both Burnham! tion? communities are recognized, respected, and f Or by finding ways to devalue the very serv- maintained. Both parties will have to give, if ice, door delivery, it is known for? common ground is to be secured. I call upon PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN’S But that is what the proponents of such rad- both sides to continue their efforts on this POLICIES ical postal reform efforts have in mind. front, and express my hopes that the Adminis- Furthermore, such changes will end the tration do everything within its power to sup- HON. MATT SALMON equal mail delivery system we have now for port such a process. OF ARIZONA everyone. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Forced adoption of cluster boxes and a ‘‘de- f livery tax’’, whereby only the wealthy will have TRIBUTE TO DETECTIVE KEVIN Friday, August 1, 2014 access to door delivery, will create a two- BURNHAM OF THE SPRINGFIELD Mr. SALMON. Mr. Speaker, as everyone in tiered system breaking the fundamental unity POLICE DEPARTMENT ON HIS this Chamber knows, Russia has been con- that has always been central to the Post Of- RETIREMENT ducting itself in a manner that is irresponsible fice’s mission. and demands accountability. Over the past I ask my colleagues on both sides of the HON. RICHARD E. NEAL several months we have witnessed President aisle to join me in supporting this effort to help OF MASSACHUSETTS Vladimir Putin’s ruthless actions in Crimea and preserve door delivery for all. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES now Eastern Ukraine that has prompted a se- f ries of economic sanctions that are being es- Friday, August 1, 2014 SUPPORTING THE INCREASED DIA- calated as he continues to display a doctrine LOGUE BETWEEN GREEK AND Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, on July 25th, the of muscular nationalism amid the growing con- TURKISH CYPRIOTS Springfield, Massachusetts, Police Department cerns in Europe and the U. S. said farewell to their longest serving officer This past week, the Permanent Court of Ar- when Kevin Burnham retired after 43 years bitration at the Hague announced a historic HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON and two months on the job. A highly respected ruling that the Russian Federation had violated OF TEXAS professional, a popular colleague, and a dear the Energy Charter Treaty when it expropri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES friend to everyone on the force, Kevin relin- ated the assets of the Yukos Oil Company Friday, August 1, 2014 quished his Senior Officer badge last week to after fabricating tax charges and put its found- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Ruben Borrero following a time-honored tradi- er and chairman, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, in Mr. Speaker, I rise today regarding the 40th tion. For the first time since 1971, Detective prison. Mr. Khodorkovsky’s former holding

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01AU8.008 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1324 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 company, GML, rightly brought the case to the IN RECOGNITION OF THE US IN TRIBUTE TO DEANA MARTIN Hague and received a ruling in their favor that MEDICAL SOCCER TEAM exceeded $50 billion. HON. JOE COURTNEY I have been following this case for the past OF CONNECTICUT ten years because I am personally acquainted HON. TODD C. YOUNG IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with Mr. Khodorkovsky and was greatly con- OF INDIANA cerned when the Russian government con- Friday, August 1, 2014 fiscated his company and then had him ar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, today I rested. At the time, a top aide to President would like to shine a spotlight on an American Friday, August 1, 2014 Putin, Igor Sechin, maneuvered the govern- star for vastly different reasons to which she ment takeover of Yukos and eventually cre- Mr. YOUNG of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, as co- is accustomed. Deana Martin, an accom- ated Rosneft, a company he now heads, with- chair of the Congressional Soccer Caucus, I plished singer, actor, author and performer in her own right, as well as the daughter of the out any compensation to the Yukos Oil Com- rise today to recognize the US Medical Soccer pany investors and shareholders. legendary Dean Martin, will be performing for Team. The Congressional Soccer Caucus mis- I am pleased that Mr. Khodorkovsky was the people of Enfield at the request of the eventually released from prison and that the sion is to encourage legislation, activities and Lady of Mt. Carmel Society and the local Chief Hague’s Arbitration Court, after seven years of events that promote soccer and issues affect- of Police, Mr. Carl Sferrazza. litigation, has finally brought justice to a case ing the greater soccer community, toward en- On August 2nd, Ms. Martin, as a special where one of the world’s largest countries couraging healthy and active lifestyles among guest of the community, will be visiting seniors seized the assets of its largest company, thus America’s youth. at the Enfield Senior Center to talk about her violating all the principles associated with the The US Medical Soccer Team is an organi- experiences watching and performing with her rule of law. zation comprised of practicing physicians from father. She will also stop by the Felician Sis- But as the extensive news accounts reveal, around the country who share a passion for ters, Our Lady of the Angels Convent to bring her performance to those who would not oth- it is unlikely that the Russian Federation under soccer, medical education and community the guidance of Mr. Putin will honor the court’s erwise have the opportunity to see it. service. They represent the United States in decision that awarded the GML shareholders In addition to performing her music, Ms. about half of the original $114 billion claim. the World Medical Football Championships, Martin will also be speaking on her best-sell- Undoubtedly, Russia will exhaust all means to which is an annual World Cup-style soccer ing book, ‘‘Memories Are Made Of This’’ in contest the ruling and avoid payment, but ulti- tournament comprised of similar physician which she tells her father’s story through her mately justice will prevail even if it results in teams from around the world. On July 6th, the own eyes. The book’s name is a reference to the seizure of assets outside Russia. US Medical Soccer Team will kick off their fifth her father’s work that captures the essence of Mr. Speaker, it is unfortunate that President year of participation in this tremendous event, their relationship. Vladimir Putin’s authoritarianism and national- taking place this year in Natal, Brazil. Thanks to Ms. Martin’s participation, this an- istic policies are moving our bilateral relation- The US Medical Soccer Team formed in nual tradition of a proud Connecticut town will be a unique experience filled with music and ship back to the days. The Russian 2010 by connecting physically active physi- leader has to recognize that in today’s world storytelling from a legendary American family. cians who love the game of soccer. While he has to be held accountable for actions that I thank Ms. Martin for her wonderful musical their time on the soccer field has been an in- are reprehensible, whether they are geo- work, and her service to this local community. credible experience, the growing focus of the political in attempting to impose his will on f other countries or internal when it involves the organization has been community service. As CELEBRATING JAMES BALDWIN core tenets of democracy: rule of law, a free active physicians, the US Medical Soccer press and a viable opposition. Indeed he is Team is passionate about reaching out to un- taking Russia in the wrong direction. derserved youth around the United States HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL through their outreach program ‘‘Healthy, Fit OF NEW YORK f and Smart’’. This program, focused on fitness, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION nutrition and education, is a fun and inter- Friday, August 1, 2014 active way for the team to convey the impor- FUNDING ACT OF 2014 Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, it is with great tance of an active and healthy lifestyle while admiration that today I rise to join all of the SPEECH OF educating about careers in science and people in the village of Harlem and my Con- HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN healthcare. The soccer brought the team to- gressional District to celebrate the works of gether, but the outreach has enriched their OF MARYLAND Mr. James Baldwin on his 90th birthday this lives and fostered strong connections to nu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES upcoming August 2, 2014. James Baldwin was merous community centers and organizations a legendary writer who broke new literary Thursday, July 31, 2014 around the country. ground by exploring racial and social issues in Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Speaker, I rise In the summer of 2015, the US Medical his works. in reluctant opposition to the highway bill be- Soccer Team is honored to host the World Mr. Baldwin was born to Emma Jones, a fore us today. While I strongly support infra- single mother, on August 2, 1924 in Harlem, Medical Football Championships in Long structure spending and believe we must pass New York. While he never met his biological a short-term fix to avert insolvency this sum- Beach, California. This event will bring over father, Mr. Baldwin did have a father figure mer, I am concerned that this bill will allow us 400 physicians from around the world to the growing up: Baptist Minister David Baldwin. to simply kick the can down the road one United States for a week of athletic competi- The preacher’s religious influence had a last- more time and delay a long-term solution. tion, medical education, and community out- ing impression on James and his writings. He This week, the Senate voted on a bipartisan reach. The US Medical Soccer Team is con- would go on to spend three years as a youth basis to shorten the timeline of this emergency fident this event and the organization’s ex- minister. The language of the church shaped extension, increasing pressure for a perma- panding efforts, both on and off the field, will the cadences and tones of his work, becoming nent solution this year. The House should not be a source of pride for our nation. unmistakable hallmarks of his literary style. now delay those urgent conversations into I urge all Americans to recognize the US After striking out on his own and moving next Spring. Our states and businesses have away from home, Mr. Baldwin published short Medical Soccer Team and wish them luck on repeatedly asked for a long-term highway bill stories in national periodicals under the tute- the field as they head to Brazil to compete this that provides certainty and allows them to lage of his mentor, Beauford Delaney, a re- tackle our greatest infrastructure needs. Con- summer in the Physicians’ World Cup and nowned Harlem Renaissance painter. Growing gress should pass a temporary patch to get us support them off the field in their continued disillusion with chauvinism against African- the next few months, and then immediately outreach efforts with underserved youth advo- Americans and the gay community, Baldwin begin work to fix the Trust Fund once and for cating for fitness, nutrition and education. As left our country and settled in France at the all. Our constituents expect solutions, not physically active doctors, they ‘‘walk the talk’’ age of 24. He found that the distance gave band-aids, and it is long past time for Con- and encourage other colleagues and their pa- him enough space to reflect on his experience gress to deliver. tients to do the same. as a black man in white America. Please allow

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01AU8.011 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1325 me to quote Mr. Baldwin’s later thoughts on The bill makes significant changes to 2008 National Guard troops with this change may this dramatic change in his life: ‘‘Once I found Trafficking Victims Protection Act. This change be assigned duties as deemed necessary to myself on the other side of the ocean, I saw will subject all children to the initial screening provide assistance in operations, with priority where I came from very clearly . . . I am the process that now applies only to children from given to high traffic areas experiencing the grandson of a slave, and I am writer. I must Mexico and Canada; erects a new expedited highest number of crossing by unaccompanied deal with both.’’ Through his writing, Baldwin immigration court screening for any children children. did deal with this reality. who pass the initial screening; prohibits ad- Sending armed soldiers to greet children es- In 1953, Baldwin published his first novel, a ministrative appeals from children ordered re- caping violence—Mr. Speaker what is the semi-autobiography called Go Tell It on the moved through the new expedited process; re- leadership thinking? Mountain, which explores the repression, quires detention of certain children who dem- These children need our help not frightening moral hypocrisy, religious inspiration, and onstrate a credible fear of persecution images of more adults with guns. community ties that characterize the Black throughout the pendency of their asylum pro- The bill denies safe shelter to children through its sense of Congress—the states that American experience. While he spent much of ceedings; establishes new, high burdens of the Secretary of Defense should not be al- his life abroad, Baldwin always remained a proof; and sets up a principle of ‘‘Last In, First lowed to shelter unaccompanied children or quintessentially American writer. In the early Out’’ in the adjudication process. other migrants unless certain conditions are 1960s, he returned home and became a lead- The bill prohibits the Secretaries of the Inte- ing voice and activist in the Civil Rights Move- met. rior and Agriculture from impeding, denying, or The military and the administration are well ment. The works that Baldwin published dur- restricting the activities of U.S. Customs and aware of the conditions that are acceptable for ing this tumultuous time in American history, Border Protection on Federal land located children and this Congress should provide explored the deep-rooted racial tension with within 100 Miles of the U.S./Mexico border— what is needed so that their needs can be eloquence and unparalleled honesty. His two This issue has already been addressed. Both met. collections of essays, Notes of a Native Son Interior and Agriculture have existing Memo- This bill does too little to actually help the (1955) and Nobody Knows My Name (1961), randum of Understanding (MOUs) with U.S. thousands of children who are awaiting immi- as well as two novels, Giovanni’s Room Customs and Border Protection and all these gration hearings. They are victims of human (1956) and Another Country (1962), were im- agencies, as well as the GAO, have testified trafficking, sexual violence, and witnesses to mediate bestsellers. James Baldwin created that these agreements are working and that murders as well as acts of violence against beautiful literary works with unprecedented federal land management laws and activities other children who took that dangerous trek to depth and power; his writing will remain an es- do not impair border security. the United States. sential part of the American literary canon. The bill provides too few emergency immi- We should be focused on learning what In honor of his birthday, as well as to pay gration judges—the bill only requires the De- they know and what they experienced to be tribute to Mr. Baldwin’s tireless effort to ad- partment of Justice to designate up to 40 tem- sure the guilty are found and punished. dressing our nation’s issues with race and porary immigration judges within 14 days of I offered, along with several other members spirituality, the New Heritage Theatre Group, enactment of this legislation. Then the bill per- of the House amendments in attempts to im- Columbia University School of the Arts, Na- mits hiring of retired judges or magistrate prove the bill, but all were rejected by the tional Black Theater, Street Corner Recourse judges, or the reassignment of current immi- Rules Committee, which chose to place H.R. and Harlem Renaissance High School recog- gration judges, to conduct expedited hearings 5230 before the House in the form of a closed nize August 2nd as James Baldwin Day. for unaccompanied alien children to try to rule. Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my distin- meet the new requirement that their cases be The Jackson Lee Amendment would have guished colleagues join me as we pay tribute heard within 7 days of being screened by DHS authorized designated federal agencies to re- to such a legend. I pledge to continue his fight officials. imburse State and local governments and pri- for justice for all and encourage everyone to This is a rushed process for an emergency vate nonprofit organizations for the costs in- do the same. situation involving children. They require our curred in providing psychological counseling, f best efforts to ensure their safety and housing, education, medicine and medical wellbeing not a rushed job. care, food and water, clothes, personal hy- SECURE THE SOUTHWEST BORDER giene and other indispensable consumables, ACT OF 2014 The bill undermines a long standing policy regarding asylum—H.R. 5230 Prohibits any- other human services in response to the hu- one believed to have been convicted outside manitarian crisis on the Southwest Border. SPEECH OF This Congress has had the Senate’s version the U.S. of any drug-related offense punish- of a Comprehensive Immigration reform bill for HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE able by a prison term of more than a year nearly a year, without accomplishing the task OF TEXAS from being granted asylum. of taking up the issue and passing a House IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This provision has nothing to do with unac- Thursday, July 31, 2014 version. companied children entering the United States Our nation’s immigration system is broken Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise and clearly is an immigration reform that and needs reform, but the only attempt at ad- to speak in strong opposition to H.R. 5230, a would impact several committees such as the dressing immigration into the United States is bill to make supplemental appropriations for House Committees on Judiciary and Foreign this bill that is being presented as an appro- the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014 to Affairs. priations bill. address the humanitarian crisis on our nation’s This provision is problematic because what H.R. 5230 is not an appropriations bill it is southern border. is considered unlawful in one country is a con- an immigration reform bill, which covers the ju- As a senior member of the House Com- stitutionally protected right in the United risdictions of the two committees I serve on— mittee on Homeland Security and the Ranking States. Often people are fleeing religious, eth- the House Judiciary and Homeland Security Member on the Subcommittee on Border and nic or political persecution. Committees. Neither of these committees Maritime Security, I have visited the border Persecution means that they are experi- were given the opportunity to hold hearings or and seen the children that this bill intends to encing or have experienced actions taken by make the needed changes to the bill to make help. their countries governments, which often in- sure it conforms with long standing policies re- This bill offers too little in funding to address cludes imprisonment or torture while in cus- lating to unaccompanied minor or issues re- the need that over 50 states are attempting to tody. lated to refugees. address by providing shelter and assistance to This one change would hand repressive re- The Jackson Lee amendment would have the tens of thousands of unaccompanied mi- gimes like North Korea with an easy way to helped nonprofits, local and state governments nors who are now living in our country. block the United States from helping those in all of the 50 states who are now providing Over two-thirds of the language in H.R. seeking to escape that country—charge and assistance to the tens of thousands of unac- 5230 will make significant changes in existing convict them of a felon. companied minors within the United States. law or creates new law regarding immigration A Sudanese woman was sentenced to The message has gotten to families in El policy without going through the committees of death for being a Christian—would this Con- Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. Parents jurisdiction such as the House Committees on gress bar her entry into the United States? are no longer sending their children to the Homeland Security, Judiciary, and Foreign Af- The bill makes the wrong decision on border United States once they learned of the dan- fairs. security by sending the National Guard sup- gers and the prospects for their children sur- H.R. 5230 contains too much language that port for border operations—H.R. 5230 would viving the journey without becoming victims of is legislative such as: deploy National Guard under Title 32 Status. human trafficking.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01AU8.015 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1326 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 These children have found the compassion tion is not being invaded by an army of chil- mane manner while they await their immigra- and love of thousands of Americans found in dren dispatched to do us harm. tion hearing is another challenge. the states of Texas, Alabama, Alaska, Cali- We are confronted instead with a humani- I ask that the Rules Committee approve the fornia, Illinois, North Carolina, South Dakota, tarian crisis resulting from the alarming scale Jackson Lee Amendment for inclusion in H.R. New York, Utah, Virginia and—yes even the of violence and economic desperation in three 5230. U.S. Virgin Islands. Central American countries that now lead the The nature of America is that of the Good world in murder rates: El Salvador, Honduras, f Samaritan. and Guatemala. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE JOB On July 3, 2014, I went to McAllen, Texas Politicizing the issue will not solve the prob- CORPS PROGRAM ON THEIR 50TH and observed a Customs and Border Protec- lem. Taking actions that address the root ANNIVERSARY tion (CBP) facility where unaccompanied chil- causes in the short and long term will. We dren were being processed by the Border Pa- should be taking up Immigration Reform to trol. deal with the wide range of immigration prob- HON. LAMAR SMITH As I walked through the facility, I saw fright- lems. OF TEXAS ened and needy children, some as young as The current status on the border is the num- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES five years old. ber of children coming across the border has Friday, August 1, 2014 Madam Speaker, some members of this abated. Those children remaining in detention body who have not taken the time to visit the shelters along the border number only a few Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, this year border or visit the children who are now in hundred. the Job Corps program celebrates its 50th an- their own states will stand before this body According to the United Nations Office on niversary. It does much good by helping and accuse them of being dangerous—but Drugs and Crime, these three Central Amer- young people earn a high school diploma, de- they are not. ican countries have among the highest per velop a career, and obtain a good job. They are traumatized and frightened chil- capita homicide rates in the world, with Hon- I am pleased to have had the opportunity to dren driven from their homes by violence and duras topping the list and the other two na- work with the individuals at the Gary Job inducements of these same gangs to get pay- tions in the top five. Corps Center in San Marcos, Texas. Gary Job ments from desperate parents seeking to save To address this issue of the humanitarian Corps opened its doors in 1965 and has pro- the lives of their children to bring them to the crisis, I introduced H.R. 4990, the ‘‘Justice for vided a wide range of career technical training United States. Children Now Act of 2014,’’ which authorizes opportunities to students in San Marcos ever These children had risked their lives to the immediate hiring of an additional 70 immi- since. make their way to the U.S. by riding atop gration judges in the Executive Office of Immi- Gary Job Corps has a long, distinguished freight trains through dangerous territories in gration Review. history in our community that began in a de- Mexico. One can only imagine the desperation This bill will help but it is not sufficient to ad- activated air field. The former Gary Air Field and hopelessness that would prompt a parent dress the backlogs to help advance the flow of was transformed from an to a career to send their young child on such a treach- the children’s immigration court hearings. technical training facility. and build- erous journey. The amount allowed under this bill will leave ings were converted to dormitories, class- It takes courage and desperation to escape states and aid agencies footing a significant rooms, training shops, and offices. senseless violence and I know that is what portion of the cost for assisting these helpless Today, Gary is the largest Job Corps Center Cuban Americans faced, and Christians, Jews children—when it is the role of the federal in the United States with more than 1,600 stu- and all other groups facing violence have en- government to be present and actively en- dents. Gary Job Corps has more than 20 ca- dured. gaged in leading the effort. reer technical training opportunities that range These are refugees and their status requires I support the President’s request for $3.7 from health occupations and business tech- that the United States act appropriately. billion to respond to the humanitarian crisis on nology to computer related professions. Other Some may mention that the United States the border and urge my colleagues in leader- opportunities include construction, manufac- has a quota on refugees that we can take ship to reconsider the level of funding for this turing, human services, and correctional and each year and that number has been reached. great need. security officer training. Additionally, Gary Job The program that refer to is for refugees that Congress should allocate the resources Corps offers the largest GED program in the other nations around the world are providing needed to deal with the increase in unaccom- state of Texas. Students can obtain their high shelter—but if the refugees are crossing our panied children seeking refuge in the United school diploma via the Internet and acquire an own border there is not limit. States. Some of these persons are attempting accredited Texas high school diploma. This international law that the United States to enter the country unlawfully and without jus- There is overwhelming support for the Cen- has backed for decades and pressured other tification. Our laws do not permit this and they ter among local civic and community groups. nations to enforce. If the refugees are Chris- should not be allowed entry. Teachers, mentors, friends and advisors self- tians escaping ISIS or Boko Haram or they The Administration is following immigration lessly invest themselves on a daily basis in are children escaping violent gangs in Central law as it relates to these unaccompanied mi- the futures of Gary’s students. America they are not and should not be turned nors. But it is the students themselves who make back. The Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthor- the greatest investment and they are to be Children do not leave their homes and fami- ization Act of 2008, signed by President commended for their dedication to success. lies by the tens of thousands unless fear is George W. Bush establishes the legal status The tireless efforts of the bright, young men driving them from their homes. of the children who have entered the nation and women of Gary Job Corps have enabled Upon my visit to South Texas borders, I wit- unaccompanied. them to enter a competitive marketplace nessed hundreds of children whose young That law provides persons fleeing lethal vio- equipped with the skills and education nec- faces were pressed against glass jails with lence or escape from human trafficking the op- essary to succeed; and succeed they do. tears running down their faces. We are deal- portunity to have their case heard by an immi- The motto on the entrance to Gary Job ing with helpless children who have traveled a gration judge. Corps says, ‘‘Not your last chance, your best treacherous journey, and it should be within Over the time Congress has delayed acting chance.’’ I commend Gary Job Corps for pro- our American values to care for these children and an additional 366,000 pending cases were viding these students an opportunity to dis- who fled their homes to escape violence. added to the immigration courts that must cover their learning potential and providing These children are not perpetrators or crimi- have hearings before any action can be taken. them with the ability to succeed. I also com- nals—they are in many cases victims fleeing Because this situation is untenable for ev- mend these students for recognizing that this deadly violence in Guatemala, Honduras, and eryone—law enforcement, taxpayers, and indi- ‘‘best chance’’ required hard work and dedica- El Salvador, and are seeking temporary safe viduals petitioning for relief, the first thing that tion on their part, and for rising to meet this haven in the United States, as so many peo- we can and should do to reduce the backlog challenge. ple before them have done for centuries. is provide the funding needed to appoint 70 Congratulations to Gary Job Corps and the The surge of unaccompanied children on new immigration judges, as provided under Job Corps Program on 50 years of ‘‘best our southern border does not pose a threat to legislation. chances.’’ May you continue to prepare Amer- our national security. Contrary to the shrill Ensuring that there are available sufficient ica’s young people with the skills needed to rhetoric used by some commentators, the na- facilities to house detained children in a hu- succeed in a career and in life.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:03 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A01AU8.017 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1327 CONGRESSIONAL RECOGNITION ness in 1948 after attending law school and passing comprehensive immigration reform FOR 85 YEARS OF SERVICE BY serving in the U.S. Navy during the Second which would greatly benefit our country, they THE TUCSON METRO CHAMBER World War. Under his leadership, First Amer- continue to hold our country hostage through MILITARY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE ican expanded into surrounding counties, and obstruction. Shame on them for sitting on their acquired a trust company, a home warranty hands, then blaming others for a crisis they HON. RON BARBER provider, and a real estate tax service firm into helped create. OF ARIZONA its portfolio of services. In 1964 he took the f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES company public. Eighteen years later, First American was serving every region of the H.J. RES. 76 Friday, August 1, 2014 country. Don Kennedy’s son, Parker Kennedy, Mr. BARBER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to like his father and great-grandfather before HON. RUSH HOLT recognize the Military Affairs Committee of the him, is now the company’s Chairman of the OF NEW JERSEY Tucson Metro Chamber for 85 years of out- Board, and is leading the company as it con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES standing service to the communities of South- tinues to grow. Friday, August 1, 2014 ern Arizona. No other state is as friendly to The Kennedy family has navigated uncertain the military as Arizona and the Tucson Metro times over the past century due to the rise of Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Chamber is at the forefront in support of our homeownership, technological developments strong support of H.J. Res. 76, legislation that military installations, service members, military in the field, and shifting regulation both in the would make supplemental appropriations to families and veterans. U.S. and abroad. Yet by maintaining their provide continued support to the Iron Dome With the military generating nearly two bil- commitment to the founding principles of their system currently in operation in Israel. lion dollars in economic activity in Tucson, the family business, the Kennedy family grew their As my colleagues know, the Iron Dome sys- Military Affairs Committee plays a critical role, small company in southern California into a tem, built jointly with the U.S. and Israel, has acting as a conduit for Southern Arizona busi- multinational Fortune 500 company. been used multiple times over the last several nesses to access, partner and work with Tuc- First American revolutionized the way title years, and many times in recent weeks alone, son’s strong defense industry. The Committee insurance is used across the globe as it pio- to defeat rocket attacks staged by Hamas out also engages in a number of community neered the industry in a number of countries. of Gaza. As those attacks represent the most projects, such as Toys for Tots and Operation First American was the first title insurance pro- imminent danger to Israeli population centers, Zulu, a program that raises funds in the busi- vider in Mexico, Korea, and Hong Kong, and our continued support for that system is ex- ness community to send holiday gifts to local it has the leading market share in Australia, tremely important. deployed service members. Canada, and England. The company inno- f The Military Affairs Committee has helped vated the world’s first international title insur- SENATE AMENDMENT TO H.J. RES. advocate for Davis-Monthan since 1929, when ance policy, and has worked with government 76—NATIONAL NUCLEAR SECU- it was the nation’s first municipal aviation field. officials in developing nations to create legisla- RITY ADMINISTRATION CON- Today with the MAC’s help, Tucson and its tion that protects landowner rights and se- TINUING APPROPRIATIONS RESO- surrounding military installations look to the fu- cures a stronger local economy. LUTION, 2014 ture, ready to support our men and women in Title insurance is a foundational component uniform for another 85 years, through to the of the real estate industry, and by making sure end of the 21st Century. a homebuyer gets what he bargained for, the HON. JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR. I am proud to recognize the Military Affairs First American Financial Corporation paved OF TENNESSEE Committee on the occasion of its 85th year of the way for homeowners across this nation to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community support and all that it has done for live out the American Dream. It is a company Friday, August 1, 2014 the men and women stationed in Southern Ari- that all Americans—indeed, all people—can zona, their families, and our city that we know choose to be their financial partner. Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I and love. I congratulate First American Financial Cor- voted for the supplemental appropriations bill f poration on 125 years of service, and for sup- to provide additional funding for the Iron Dome porting the homeowners and business com- for Israel. ON THE 125TH ANNIVERSARY OF munities in the U.S. and abroad. Hamas should not have been shooting rock- THE FIRST AMERICAN FINAN- f ets into Israel, and Israel certainly has a right CIAL CORPORATION to defend itself. BORDER SECURITY AND However, it is heartbreaking to me to read HON. EDWARD R. ROYCE IMMIGRATION REFORM and hear about all the little children in Gaza OF CALIFORNIA who have been killed or injured. And it is very IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ sad to see pictures and news reports of fright- ened little children laying in the hospital with Friday, August 1, 2014 OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES serious injuries. Mr. ROYCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to As I did on the floor a few days ago, I once celebrate the 125th anniversary of the First Friday, August 1, 2014 again plead with officials in Israel, Gaza, the American Financial Corporation, and to use Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of California. Mr. U.N. and the U.S. to work together to get this occasion to honor the pioneering role that Speaker, I rise today to oppose the Resolution small children away from the bombs and out First American has played in developing the to the Rule. of harm’s way. title insurance industry in the United States. Yesterday’s decision to pull the border bill Even if the fighting for some unfortunate First American was founded in my home was an embarrassment for Republican leader- reason has to continue, I hope we can at least district of Orange County, CA in 1889, not ship and they are now trying to save face by save some of the little children. long after the then-rural County was itself circumventing democracy. The use of ‘martial f founded. First American grew from a small, law’ authority was designed to stifle debate local company into an international provider of and rush legislation to keep the American peo- IN SUPPORT OF SENATE title insurance, settlement services and risk ple out of the loop. AMENDMENT TO H.J. RES. 76 solutions for real estate transactions. The Had we passed bipartisan comprehensive company now provides a job to over 11,000 immigration reform, we would not be in this HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN hardworking Americans. situation today. Thousands of children would OF NEW JERSEY Though it is a multinational corporation, First not be in limbo. Instead many of these chil- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American has never lost sight of its roots as dren would be legally reunited with their fami- a closely held family business. Founder C.E. lies—without—the need to take the dangerous Friday, August 1, 2014 Parker instilled into the company a spirit of en- journey to get to the U.S. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, be- trepreneurship and a commitment to service— My Republican colleagues like to blame the cause I stand with Israel I rise in strong sup- core values that still steer First American President for the number of children making port of this bill to provide $225 million to the today. Mr. Parker’s grandson and Chairman the perilous journey. They need to look at their State of Israel to support the Iron Dome sys- Emeritus Don Kennedy joined the family busi- own inaction from the past year. Instead of tem. These funds are in addition to what the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K01AU8.007 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 1, 2014 House has already approved in the FY 2015 Innocent Israelis and Palestinians have al- which laws they would like to enforce and Defense Appropriations Bill. ready suffered an enormous toll. Yet Hamas which they would like to ignore. My position is For the past four weeks, Israel and the remains committed to wreaking fear and clear that I believe we have a broken immigra- Israeli people have been subjected to a relent- havoc on as many civilians as possible. tion system and I support reforms that secure less attack by the terrorist organization That is why this measure is vital. Iron Dome our borders, fix our legal immigration system, Hamas. has already protected millions of Israelis who and address those here unlawfully. However, Hamas has fired thousands of rockets from must have our full backing. these reforms should be done through Con- Gaza into Israel, deliberately attempting to kill The additional $225 million will accelerate gress, not executive orders that stretch the au- as many Israelis and damage as much Israeli production of Iron Dome to counter short- thority granted by the Constitution. Addition- property as it possibly can. range rockets. ally, the President’s Executive Order attempts These indiscriminate attacks would likely I urge immediate passage. to treat a symptom, but not the root of the have killed large numbers of Israelis and de- f problem, and it has undoubtedly contributed to stroyed untold amounts of property except for the current humanitarian crisis along our one thing—the Iron Dome. THEN THEY CAME FOR ME southern border. We need to pass laws to fix The Iron Dome has proven to be a remark- our immigration system if we want to solve ably effective defensive weapon, destroying HON. ALAN S. LOWENTHAL this problem once and for all. rockets headed for targets in populated areas, OF CALIFORNIA saving lives and protecting property from f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hamas’s terror from the skies. It is crucial that the Israelis continue to be Friday, August 1, 2014 IN OPPOSITION TO H.R. 5230 AND H.R. 5272 able to employ and improve the Iron Dome to Mr. LOWENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, this is just repel these terrorist rocket attacks. my first term, but during my time here I have The funds we approve today will enable seen some truly low moments. HON. RUSH HOLT Israel to continue to defend itself and its peo- But this is the saddest day so far. OF NEW JERSEY ple from these wanton terrorist attacks. We just voted to send children back to un- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The clearest way this House can dem- speakable violence, and now we are consid- Friday, August 1, 2014 onstrate that it stands with Israel is by over- ering deporting young people brought to this whelmingly approving this bill. country through no fault of their own. Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Let’s show the people of Israel that we It reminded me of the words of Pastor Mar- strong opposition to H.R. 5230 and H.R. 5272, stand with them and let’s show Hamas, and tin Niemoller. Words that I have hanging in my sham legislation that fails to address the hu- anyone else who would threaten Israel’s right office: manitarian crisis on our country’s southern to exist, that we will not stand by and give First they came for the Socialists, and I border. their ruthless mission even the slightest possi- did not speak out— I strongly object to the language contained bility of success. Because I was not a Socialist. in H.R. 5230 that would amend the Trafficking f Then they came for the Trade Unionists, Victims Protection Re-authorization Act of 2008 (TVPRA). When Congress unanimously FY15 IRON DOME SUPPLEMENTAL and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. passed and President Bush signed the Then they came for the Jews, and I did not TVPRA, the purpose was to address the flow HON. NITA M. LOWEY speak out— of child trafficking out of Central America, a OF NEW YORK Because I was not a Jew. process which requires a more extensive re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Then they came for me—and there was no view and care for these children. I believe that Friday, August 1, 2014 one left to speak for me. changes to this law, especially those adopted Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong I ask you Mr. Speaker—who will speak for in haste, would not be in the best interests of support of this emergency supplemental fur- the unaccompanied children, for the Dream- our nation or the children who suffer from traf- thering our commitment and support to our ers, if not us? ficking. The commercial exploitation of chil- steadfast ally through critically-needed funding f dren, especially sexual abuse, is among the for the Iron Dome missile defense system. most heinous crimes known to humanity and Israel is currently embroiled in a devastating H.R. 5230 AND H.R. 5272 we should not engage in changing policy hast- war on terrorism. For weeks, Hamas, an inter- ily or without a great deal of deliberation. nationally-recognized terrorist organization, HON. PAUL RYAN I also object to H.R. 5272 which would pro- has indiscriminately fired thousands of rockets OF WISCONSIN hibit the expansion of the President’s Deferred into Israel and has built miles of tunnels to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, launch vicious land attacks. and prevent those that otherwise would be eli- Friday, August 1, 2014 Just yesterday, in a dastardly breach of the gible for deferred action. This program was humanitarian ceasefire, Hamas operatives re- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, designed to protect children who came to this portedly surfaced from a tunnel, killed two today, I voted in favor of H.R. 5230 because country as minors through no choice of their Israeli soldiers, and abducted a third, Hadar it strengthens our security on the southern own. DACA does not confer lawful immigration Goldin. I join the Administration in demanding border and relieves this humanitarian crisis. status, does not alter an individual’s existing his immediate and unconditional release. This legislation fixes the 2008 law to ensure immigration status, and does not provide a We are all heartbroken by the devastating that a speedy process returns these children path to citizenship. This legislation is unrelated loss of human life on both sides. But the fact safely and swiftly to their homes. It also pro- to the current crisis, and is nothing more than remains, Hamas is responsible for this war, vides the resources necessary for states and a handout to radical Republicans who have no cowardly booby-traps in UN-health clinics, hid- the National Guard to end the immediate prob- compassion. ing rockets in UN-run schools, instructing lems on the border. We do this country a disservice with both Gazans to ignore Israeli warnings to relocate Additionally, I voted in favor of H.R. 5272 H.R. 5230 and H.R. 5272. The time has come to protect its weapons instead, and repeatedly because the Constitution demanded it. This to pass comprehensive immigration reform violating internationally-backed ceasefires. administration cannot simply pick and choose now.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:58 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01AU8.023 E01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS Friday, August 1, 2014 Daily Digest

HIGHLIGHTS See Re´sume´ of Congressional Activity. Senate Vincent R. Sombrotto Post Office: Senate passed Chamber Action H.R. 2291, to designate the facility of the United Routine Proceedings, Page S5317–S5330 States Postal Service located at 450 Lexington Ave- Measures Introduced: Three bills and two resolu- nue in New York, New York, as the ‘‘Vincent R. tions were introduced, as follows: S. 2774–2776, and Sombrotto Post Office’’. Page S5330 S. Res. 536–537. Page S5325 Sergeant Brett E. Gornewicz Memorial Post Of- Measures Passed: fice: Senate passed H.R. 3472, to designate the facil- National Nuclear Security Administration Con- ity of the United States Postal Service located at tinuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014: Senate 13127 Broadway Street in Alden, New York, as the passed H.J. Res. 76, making an emergency supple- ‘‘Sergeant Brett E. Gornewicz Memorial Post Of- mental appropriation for the fiscal year ending Sep- fice’’. Page S5330 tember 30, 2014, to provide funding to Israel for Specialist Ryan P. Jayne Post Office Building: the Iron Dome defense system to counter short-range Senate passed H.R. 3765, to designate the facility of rocket threats, after agreeing to the following the United States Postal Service located at 198 Baker amendments proposed thereto: Pages S5318–19 Street in Corning, New York, as the ‘‘Specialist Reid Amendment No. 3780, of a perfecting na- Ryan P. Jayne Post Office Building’’. Page S5330 ture. Page S5319 National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month: Reid Amendment No. 3781, to amend the title. Senate agreed to S. Res. 536, designating September Page S5319 2014 as ‘‘National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Money Remittances Improvement Act: Com- Month’’. Page S5330 mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs was Measures Considered: discharged from further consideration of H.R. 4386, to allow the Secretary of the Treasury to rely on Election Contributions and Expenditures—Clo- State examinations for certain financial institutions, ture: Senate began consideration of the motion to and the bill was then passed. Page S5329 proceed to consideration of S.J. Res. 19, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United Emergency Afghan Allies Extension Act: Senate States relating to contributions and expenditures in- passed H.R. 5195, to provide additional visas for the tended to affect elections. Pages S5317–18, S5322–23 Afghan Special Immigrant Visa Program. Page S5329 A motion was entered to close further debate on Specialist Christopher Scott Post Office Build- the motion to proceed to consideration of the joint ing: Senate passed H.R. 606, to designate the facil- resolution, and, in accordance with the provisions of ity of the United States Postal Service located at 815 Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, and County Road 23 in Tyrone, New York, as the ‘‘Spe- pursuant to the unanimous-consent agreement of Fri- cialist Christopher Scott Post Office Building’’. day, August 1, 2014, a vote on cloture will occur Pages S5329–30 upon disposition of the nomination of Lanhee J. James ‘Jim’ Kohnen Post Office: Senate passed Chen, of California, to be a Member of the Social Se- H.R. 1671, to designate the facility of the United curity Advisory Board for a term expiring September States Postal Service located at 6937 Village Park- 30, 2018, on Monday, September 8, 2014. way in Dublin, California, as the ‘‘James ‘Jim’ Pages S5322–23 Kohnen Post Office’’. Page S5330 D901

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:13 May 15, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\RECORD14\AUG 2014\D01AU4.REC D01AU4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE D902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST August 1, 2014 Signing Authority—Agreement: A unanimous- or debate, on confirmation of the nominations in the consent agreement was reached providing that dur- order listed; that any roll call votes, following the ing the adjournment or recess of the Senate from first in the series, be ten minutes in length; that if Friday, August 1, 2014 through Monday, September any nomination is confirmed, the motion to recon- 8, 2014, the Majority Leader and Senators Rocke- sider be considered made and laid upon the table feller, Reed, Levin, Coons, and Cardin be authorized with no intervening action or debate; and that no to sign duly enrolled bills or joint resolutions. further motions be in order to the nomination. Page S5330 Page S5330 Aaron, Cohen, and Chen Nominations—Agree- Messages from the House: Page S5325 ment: A unanimous-consent-time agreement was Measures Referred: Page S5325 reached providing that notwithstanding the previous order, following the vote on confirmation of the Measures Placed on the Calendar: nomination of Jill A. Pryor, of Georgia, to be Pages S5317, S5325 United States Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit, Additional Cosponsors: Pages S5325–26 on September 8, 2014, Senate begin consideration of Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: the nominations of Henry J. Aaron, of the District Page S5326 of Columbia, to be a Member of the Social Security Advisory Board for a term expiring September 30, Additional Statements: Pages S5324–25 2014, and to be a Member of the Social Security Ad- Amendments Submitted: Pages S5327–29 visory Board for a term expiring September 30, Recess: Senate convened at 11 a.m. and recessed at 2020, Alan L. Cohen, of Virginia, to be a Member 2:39 p.m., until 11 a.m. on Tuesday, August 5, of the Social Security Advisory Board for a term ex- 2014. (For Senate’s program, see the remarks of the piring September 30, 2016, and Lanhee J. Chen, of Majority Leader in today’s Record on page S5330.) California, to be a Member of the Social Security Advisory Board for a term expiring September 30, 2018; that there be two minutes for debate equally Committee Meetings divided between the two Leaders, or their designees (Committees not listed did not meet) prior to each vote; that upon the use or yielding back of time, Senate vote, without intervening action No committee meetings were held. h House of Representatives Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule Chamber Action XIII with respect to consideration of certain res- Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 11 pub- olutions reported from the Committee on Rules, lic bills, H.R. 5390–5400; and 2 resolutions, H. and providing for consideration of motions to Res. 711–712 were introduced. Pages H7240–41 suspend the rules: The House agreed to H. Res. Additional Cosponsors: Pages H7241–42 700, to waive a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule Report Filed: A report was filed today as follows: XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolu- H. Res. 710, providing for consideration of the tions reported from the Committee on Rules, and bill (H.R. 5230) making supplemental appropria- providing for consideration of motions to suspend tions for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, the rules, by a recorded vote of 219 ayes to 190 and for other purposes; providing for consideration of noes, Roll No. 475, after the previous question was the bill (H.R. 5272) to prohibit certain actions with ordered by a yea-and-nay vote of 226 yeas to 184 respect to deferred action for aliens not lawfully nays, Roll No. 474. Pages H7191–H7204 present in the United States, and for other purposes; Recess: The House recessed at 12:03 p.m. and re- and providing for consideration of motions to sus- convened at 5:35 p.m. Page H7205 pend the rules (H. Rept. 113–571). Page H7240 Order of Business: Agreed by unanimous consent Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he that it be in order at any time to take from the appointed Representative Womack to act as Speaker Speaker’s table H. J. Res. 76, with the Senate pro tempore for today. Page H7191 amendments thereto, and to consider in the House,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:44 Aug 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D01AU4.REC D01AUPT1 jbell on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST August 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D903 without intervention of any point of order, a single a yea-and-nay vote of 226 yeas to 183 nays, Roll motion offered by the Chair of the Committee on No. 476. Pages H7206–13 Appropriations or his designee that the House con- Expressing the sense of the House of Represent- cur in the Senate amendments; the Senate amend- atives on the current situation in Iraq: The House ments be considered as read; the previous question agreed to discharge from committee and agree to H. be considered as ordered on the motion to adoption Res. 683, as amended by Representative Royce, to without intervening motion or demand for division express the sense of the House of Representatives on of the question; and the Chair may postpone the the current situation in Iraq and the urgent need to question of adoption of the motion as though under protect religious minorities from persecution from clause 8 of rule 20. Page H7205 the Sunni Islamist insurgent and terrorist group the National Nuclear Security Administration Con- Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL) as it expands tinuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014: The its control over areas in northwestern Iraq. House agreed to the Rogers (KY) motion to concur Pages H7236–37 in the Senate amendments to H. J. Res. 76, making Welcoming African leaders to the first United continuing appropriations for the National Nuclear States-Africa Leaders’ Summit and African trade Security Administration for fiscal year 2014, by a ministers to the 13th Forum of the African yea-and-nay vote of 395 yeas to 8 nays, Roll No. Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA): The 480. Pages H7205, H7236 House agreed to discharge from committee and agree The Senate amendments to H. J. Res. 76 were to H. Res. 699, as amended by Representative considered pursuant to a previous order of the Royce, to welcome African leaders to the first House. Page H7205 United States-Africa Leaders’ Summit and African Making supplemental appropriations for the fis- trade ministers to the 13th Forum of the African cal year ending September 30, 2014: The House Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). passed H.R. 5230, making supplemental appropria- Pages H7237–39 tions for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, Senate Messages: Messages received from the Senate by a yea-and-nay vote of 223 yeas to 189 nays, Roll by the Clerk and subsequently presented to the No. 478. Consideration of the measure began yester- House today and a message received from the Senate day, July 31st. Pages H7213–28 today appear on pages H7204. Pursuant to the rule, the amendments printed in Senate Referrals: S.J. Res. 36 was referred to the part A of H. Rept. 113–571 shall be considered as Committee on Foreign Affairs and S. 231 was re- adopted. Page H7213 ferred to the Committees on Oversight and Govern- H. Res. 710, the rule providing for further con- ment Reform and Natural Resources. Page H7239 sideration of the bill (H.R. 5230) and providing for Quorum Calls—Votes: Five yea-and-nay votes and consideration of the bill (H.R. 5272), was agreed to two recorded votes developed during the proceedings by a yea-and-nay vote of 218 yeas to 191 nays, Roll of today and appear on pages H7203–04, H7204, No. 477, after the previous question was ordered by H7212–13, H7213, H7228, H7235–36, H7236. a yea-and-nay vote of 226 yeas to 183 nays, Roll There were no quorum calls. No. 476. Pages H7206–13 Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- Prohibiting certain actions with respect to de- journed at 10:14 p.m. ferred action for aliens not lawfully present in the United States: The House passed H.R. 5272, to prohibit certain actions with respect to deferred Committee Meetings action for aliens not lawfully present in the United MAKING SUPPLEMENTAL States, by a recorded vote of 216 ayes to 192 noes APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR with 1 answering ‘‘present’’, Roll No. 479. ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2014, AND FOR Pages H7228–36 OTHER PURPOSES; TO PROHIBIT CERTAIN Pursuant to the rule, the amendment printed in ACTIONS WITH RESPECT TO DEFERRED part B of H. Rept. 113–571 shall be considered as ACTION FOR ALIENS NOT LAWFULLY adopted. Page H7228 PRESENT IN THE UNITED STATES, AND H. Res. 710, the rule providing for further con- FOR OTHER PURPOSES sideration of the bill (H.R. 5230) and providing for Committee on Rules: Full Committee held a hearing on consideration of the bill (H.R. 5272), was agreed to H.R. 5230, making supplemental appropriations for by a yea-and-nay vote of 218 yeas to 191 nays, Roll the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, and for No. 477, after the previous question was ordered by other purposes; and H.R. 5272, to prohibit certain

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actions with respect to deferred action for aliens not of Kentucky, Chairman Goodlatte, and Representa- lawfully present in the United States, and for other tives Lowey and Gutie´rrez. purposes. The committee granted, by record vote of 9–4, a rule that provides for further consideration for H.R. 5230 under a closed rule. The rule provides Joint Meetings one hour of additional debate equally divided and No joint committee meetings were held. controlled by the chair and ranking minority mem- f ber of the Committee on Appropriations. The rule provides that the amendments printed in Part A of COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR TUESDAY, the Rules Committee report shall be considered as AUGUST 5, 2014 adopted. The rule waives all points of order against (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule provides one motion to recommit with or without instruc- Senate tions. In section 2, the rule provides that after pas- No meetings/hearings scheduled. sage of H.R. 5230 and on the legislative day of Au- gust 1, 2014, the House shall consider H.R. 5272, House to prohibit certain actions with respect to deferred No hearings are scheduled. action for aliens not lawfully present in the United f States, and for other purposes, under a closed rule. The rule provides one hour of debate equally divided CONGRESSIONAL PROGRAM AHEAD and controlled by the chair and ranking minority Week of August 4 through August 8, 2014 member of the Committee on the Judiciary. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the Senate Chamber bill. The rule provides that the amendment printed On Tuesday, Senate will be in a period of morning in Part B of the Rules Committee report shall be business. considered as adopted and the bill, as amended, shall During the balance of the week, Senate may con- be considered as read. The rule waives all points of sider any cleared legislative and executive business. order against provisions in the bill, as amended. The rule provides one motion to recommit with or with- Senate Committees out instructions. In section 3, the rule strikes section (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) 2 of House Resolution 700 and replaces it with the No meetings/hearings scheduled. following: ‘‘Sec. 2. It shall be in order at any time on the legislative day of August 1, 2014, for the House Committees Speaker to entertain motions that the House suspend Committee on Foreign Affairs, August 7, Subcommittee the rules, as though under clause 1 of rule XV, re- on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and lating to a measure addressing missile defense of International Organizations, hearing entitled ‘‘Combating Israel.’’. Testimony was heard from Chairman Rogers the Ebola Threat’’, 2 p.m., 2172 Rayburn.

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Re´sume´ of Congressional Activity

SECOND SESSION OF THE ONE HUNDRED THIRTEENTH CONGRESS The first table gives a comprehensive re´sume´ of all legislative business transacted by the Senate and House. The second table accounts for all nominations submitted to the Senate by the President for Senate confirmation.

DATA ON LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITY DISPOSITION OF EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS January 3 through July 31, 2014 January 3 through July 31, 2014

Senate House Total Civilian nominations, totaling 560 (including 2 nominations carried Days in session ...... 106 106 . . over from the First Session), disposed of as follows: ′ ′ Time in session ...... 679 hrs., 54 555 hrs., 6 .. Confirmed ...... 303 Congressional Record: Unconfirmed ...... 251 Pages of proceedings ...... 5,285 7,190 . . Withdrawn ...... 6 Extensions of Remarks ...... 1,293 . . Public bills enacted into law ...... 20 50 70 Other Civilian nominations, totaling 2,347, disposed of as follows: Private bills enacted into law ...... Bills in conference ...... 2 2 . . Confirmed ...... 1,863 Measures passed, total ...... 283 361 644 Unconfirmed ...... 484 Senate bills ...... 46 20 . . Air Force nominations, totaling 3,303, disposed of as follows: House bills ...... 56 245 . . Senate joint resolutions ...... 5 3 . . Confirmed ...... 2,083 House joint resolutions ...... 1 2 . . Unconfirmed ...... 1,219 Senate concurrent resolutions ...... 5 3 . . Withdrawn ...... 1 House concurrent resolutions ...... 14 17 . . Simple resolutions ...... 156 71 . . Army nominations, totaling 4,748, disposed of as follows: Measures reported, total ...... 164 241 405 Confirmed ...... 2,037 Senate bills ...... 109 1 . . Unconfirmed ...... 2,711 House bills ...... 31 188 . . Senate joint resolutions ...... 2 . . . . Navy nominations, totaling 3,814, disposed of as follows: House joint resolutions ...... 1 . . Confirmed ...... 3,235 Senate concurrent resolutions ...... Unconfirmed ...... 579 House concurrent resolutions ...... 4 . . Simple resolutions ...... 22 47 . . Marine Corps nominations, totaling 875, disposed of as follows: Special reports ...... 6 6 . . Conference reports ...... 3 3 . . Confirmed ...... 874 Measures pending on calendar ...... 353 65 . . Unconfirmed ...... 1 Measures introduced, total ...... 1,111 1,901 3,012 Bills ...... 879 1,583 .. Summary Joint resolutions ...... 12 18 . . Concurrent resolutions ...... 12 39 . . Total nominations carried over from the First Session ...... 2 Simple resolutions ...... 208 261 . . Total nominations received this Session ...... 15,645 Quorum ...... 1 1 .. Total confirmed ...... 10,395 Yea-and-nay votes ...... 256 179 . . Total unconfirmed ...... 5,245 Recorded votes ...... 292 . . Total withdrawn ...... 7 Bills vetoes ...... Total returned to the White House ...... 0 Vetoes overridden ......

* These figures include all measures reported, even if there was no accom- panying report. A total of 109 writen reports have been filed in the Senate, 250 reports have been filed in the House.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 11 a.m., Tuesday, August 5 10 a.m., Monday, August 4

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Tuesday: Senate will be in a period of Program for Monday: The House will meet in pro morning business. forma session at 10 a.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Fincher, Stephen Lee, Tenn., E1301 Pocan, Mark, Wisc., E1322 Frankel, Lois, Fla., E1304 Poe, Ted, Tex., E1298, E1303 Barber, Ron, Ariz., E1327 Franks, Trent, Ariz., E1317 Rangel, Charles B., N.Y., E1324 Barr, Andy, Ky., E1322 Frelinghuysen, Rodney P., N.J., E1327 Reed, Tom, N.Y., E1306 Bilirakis, Gus M., Fla., E1312 Garamendi, John, Calif., E1320 Roybal-Allard, Lucille, Calif., E1312, E1314 Bishop, Sanford D., Jr., Ga., E1314 Gardner, Cory, Colo., E1322 Royce, Edward R., Calif., E1327 Bishop, Timothy H., N.Y., E1313 Green, Al, Tex., E1316 Ryan, Paul, Wisc., E1328 Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E1304 Green, Gene, Tex., E1302 Brownley, Julia, Calif., E1309, E1310 Holt, Rush, N.J., E1327, E1328 Ryan, Tim, Ohio, E1321 Burgess, Michael C., Tex., E1314, E1316 Hultgren, Randy, Ill., E1304 Salmon, Matt, Ariz., E1323 Camp, Dave, Mich., E1309 Jackson Lee, Sheila, Tex., E1319, E1325 Sa´ nchez, Linda T., Calif., E1327 Capps, Lois, Calif., E1320 Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Tex., E1299, E1323 Sinema, Kyrsten, Ariz., E1305, E1311 Carney, John C., Jr., Del., E1297 Johnson, Henry C. ‘‘Hank’’, Jr., Ga., E1295, E1315 Smith, Christopher H., N.J., E1298, E1300 Carter, John R., Tex., E1302 Johnson, Sam, Tex., E1301 Smith, Lamar, Tex., E1326 Cleaver, Emanuel, Mo., E1312 Kilmer, Derek, Wash., E1319 Takano, Mark, Calif., E1309, E1312, E1314 Coffman, Mike, Colo., E1321 King, Peter T., N.Y., E1298 Thompson, Bennie G., Miss., E1296, E1302, E1305, Collins, Doug, Ga., E1301 Lamborn, Doug, Colo., E1307 E1306 Conaway, K. Michael, Tex., E1320 Lipinski, Daniel, Ill., E1301 Van Hollen, Chris, Md., E1316, E1322, E1324 Connolly, Gerald E., Va., E1311 Lowenthal, Alan S., Calif., E1328 Vela, Filemon, Tex., E1306, E1310 Costa, Jim, Calif., E1295, E1299, E1303, E1306 Lowey, Nita M., N.Y., E1328 Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E1310 Courtney, Joe, Conn., E1324 McCaul, Michael T., Tex., E1321 Cuellar, Henry, Tex., E1305 Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E1313 Walorski, Jackie, Ind., E1315, E1319 Davis, Danny K., Ill., E1319, E1322 Meeks, Gregory W., N.Y., E1300, E1305 Waters, Maxine, Calif., E1307 Davis, Susan A., Calif., E1295, E1322 Miller, Jeff, Fla., E1309, E1311, E1316, E1319 Waxman, Henry A., Calif., E1318 DesJarlais, Scott, Tenn., E1315, E1320 Murphy, Patrick, Fla., E1312 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E1302 Dingell, John D., Mich., E1295 Neal, Richard E., Mass., E1315, E1323 Wolf, Frank R., Va., E1317 Duncan, John J., Tenn., E1327 Nolan, Richard M., Minn., E1300 Young, Todd C., Ind., E1324

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