European Forum for Urban Security Police-population relations: challenges, local practices and recommendations Good relations between citizens and their police are a decisive factor in the population's feeling of security; they are also key in enabling the police to work efficiently and with serenity. Because cities play a central role in local life, they can contribute to bridging the gap between them by acting as intermediaries. This publication presents an overview of the major challenges linked to this subject, as well as a series of good practices and recommendations. Police-population relations: challenges, local practices and recommendations >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This publication was published by the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) and is an outcome of the project Improving Police-Population Un- derstanding for Local Security (IMPPULSE), which was carried out in 2014-2015. It was produced by Carla Napolano, Véronique Ketelaer and Mark Burton-Page, Programme Managers, under the direction of Eliza- beth Johnston, Executive Director, and with the contribution of the project experts, Yves Van de Vloet and Caroline De Man, as well as the project partners. The use and reproduction are royalty free if for non-commercial ends and on condition that the source be specified. Editing: Nathalie Bourgeois & Aled Bryon Translation: John Tyler Tuttle & Nathalie Elson Layout: Michel & Michel – Printing: Cloîtres Imprimerie, Saint-Thonan - France ISBN: 2-913181-47-3 EAN: 9782913181472 Legal deposit: March 2016 European Forum for Urban Security 10, rue des Montiboeufs 75020 Paris - France Tel: + 33 (0)1 40 64 49 00
[email protected] - This project is co-funded by the European Commission, Directorate General for Home Affairs - ISEC 2012 This publication only reflects the views of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.