Police officer uplift, England and Wales, quarterly update to 31 December 2020 Introduction C Contents This release contains information on progress towards the 1 Introduction ........................................ 2 recruitment of an additional 20,000 police officers in England and Wales by March 2023. 2 Allocations and Baseline ................... 6 Provisional headcount as at 31 Provisional uplift figure as at 31 December2020 December 2020 3 Officer uplift to 31 December 2020 . 10 4 Annex A: 2021/22 allocations ......... 15 135,248 +6,620 officers (of +20,000 by March 2023) 5 Glossary .......................................... 18 Key findings - Provisional data show that there were 135,248 officers in the 43 territorial police forces in England and Wales as at 31 December 2020. - This is an increase of 6,814 officers on the adjusted baseline of 128,434. Of these additional officers: o 6,620 had been recruited from funding for the Police Uplift programme and contribute towards the target of 20,000 by March 2023 (5% on top of baseline). Date published: 28 January 2021 o A further 194 additional officers had been recruited through other funding streams (such as 2020/21 local Revised: council tax precept). 4 February 2021 Figure 1: Officers recruited into uplift1 Frequency of release: 137,000 Quarterly +6,867 136,000 +5,857 Forthcoming releases: 135,000 +5,191 +6,295 +6,620 Home Office statistics release 134,000 +5,322 calendar 133,000 +3,621 +4,374 Home Office responsible statistician: 132,000 John Flatley 131,000 Figures in purple boxes represent uplift specific officers headcount Total Press enquiries: Headcount at the end of the month 130,000 Provisional headcount at the end of the month
[email protected] 129,000 Adjusted baseline = 128,434 020 7035 3535 128,0000 Public enquiries:
[email protected] Jul-20 Jun-20 Oct-20 Apr-20 Sep-20 Dec-20 Aug-20 Nov-20 May-20 v.uk 1.