10 Learning Areas for SDG Communications Discussion Note for the OECD DevCom Peer Learning Hub Presented at Global Festival for Ideas on Sustainable Development Bonn, 1-3 March 2017 Introduction The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) change the game for communicators in development institutions. They provide communicators with a formal mandate and specific targets to raise awareness, build knowledge and inspire people for sustainable development. They transform the development story that communicators need to tell about how development happens, and about what their organisations are doing to help. They oblige communicators to understand and engage with new audiences, and to collaborate with new partners in order to reach those audiences. This Note explores the implications of the SDGs for development communicators. It then proposes a framework of ten “learning areas” for development institutions to bear in mind when developing their SDG communications strategies and campaigns. It highlights early examples of public engagement on the SDGs and identifies resources that can help communications teams get started Help bring the DevCom Peer Learning Hub to and become more strategic about their SDG work. life: tell us how you are mobilising citizens for the SDGs! Prepared by the OECD Development Contact:
[email protected] Communication Network (DevCom), this Note Visit: www.oecd.org/dev/devcom represents a first step towards a new DevCom Join: www.facebook.com/oecd.devcom Peer Learning Hub for SDG Communicators. The aim is to help communicators adapt to the “SDG era” by: 1. Providing them with a framework and principles to help approach the SDGs and decide on strategic priorities for public engagement.