Chagdud Gonpa Thondup Ling Will Offer Teachings and Empowerment for Red The Feminine Principle of Wisdom

With Tsering Everest, Tues – Wed, Sep 3rd & 4th

Lama Tsering will return to Los Angeles for a short visit to bestow the Red Tara empowerment as promised during her trip here in February. We are fortunate that her schedule permits an additional evening teaching on the Concise Red Tara practice as well the night before the empowerment.

Tues, 7 to 9 PM – Concise Red Tara Practice Teaching Suggested Donation $15

The feminine wisdom principle in , termed , embodies the enlightened activity of our Buddha nature. The Red Tara deity is a pure wisdom embodiment of this principle, and is the central focus of the weekly practice done at Thondup Ling.

Wed, 7 to 9 PM – Red Tara Empowerment Suggested Donation $20

There are many manifestations of the enlightened aspect of Tara, but the Red Tara empowerment is said to be the doorway for the swift accomplishment of enlightenment and protection from obstacles. The Red Tara empowerment comes from a short lineage filled with blessings and is rarely bestowed.

Above events will be held at the CGF Thondup Ling LA Practice Group location, 3596 Tacoma Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90065. There is additional parking on Tacoma; take a right turn just uphill from location and the additional parking is on the right.

For more info contact Don at [email protected] or 323/877-9577

Lama Tsering Everest spent her childhood in Helena, Montana, a place that resembles Tibet in it scenery and its attitude. She first became interested in Buddhism after hearing a series of lectures by Sogyal in early 1980. She received her refuge vows from Dudjom Rinpoche and met her root teacher, Chagdud Rinpoche. A year later, she became Rinpoche’s translator. Her warm and humorous style reflected Rinpoche’s own humor and empathy. Under Chagdud Rinpoche’s supervision, Lama Tsering completed a three year retreat in 1995 and was ordained as a lama in the same year. In her ordination, Rinpoche recognized her as an emanation of Tara and a realization holder of the Red Tara lineage. Immediately afterwards, she was requested to teach in , and some months later became the resident lama of the dynamic Chagdud Gonpa center in São Paulo. Since that time, she has given empowerments and teachings, and conducted retreats in the Americas and .

Sponsored by Chagdud Gonpa Thondup Ling Los Angeles Practice Group May all beings benefit!