THE OMAHA DAILY DEE; SUNDAY, MAT 22, 1904. 21 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE E0R SALE-R- EAL ESTATE FOR SALE-R- EAL ESTATE SOUTH OMAHA REAL ESTATE SOUTH OMAHA REAL ESTATE T PETERS. F. 3. ENGLISH Sl CO. FITZGERALD. M. D. CAMERON.' LOOKING, LOOK AT WHILE YOU'RE Paxton Rlrvrk MORE MONE Owners leaving town, must be sold at once, cortage, large nne lot., eai"y THESE . -- 12 R. C. PETERS & CO., walking dlstanc W.5UO. RE M W. Q. PHRIVKR, Can be made within the next few years in GROUND FLOOR, BEE BUILDING. 10C3 New York Life Hid. Co. Two new room cottsges, city water, 40- - Payne Investment iwh ioi, nn ana npencer, . suburban in Corner lot, two cottages, 27th near Leaven- acreage property than any other 170 1 Saratoga new cottage; near good school and church; very neat worth, $l,etip. Large. t st, Ityi. Jist of . Vacant Property containing little place. cottnge near 9th and Hickory. of very choice $1,000 ioo St., cottage, city water; cellar: coal house; cottage Dth st., s. of Hickory, species investments. Remember we are Arbor in rood repair; gee $t ocauons lor r yard fenced; reduced from $1J0 to $ l.ono for quick salp. Easy terms it. Corner, cottage. lot, atn residence business property. W.600 IS20 N. Hh St., house, with city water: sewer; gas In every room; near Flondo. $1,200. cellnr; brick walks: eaet front: good barn; rose bushes, eto. A good bargain. fine residence lot, paved st., S8th ave and always to the front for this class of invest- t $1,100 Half an acre of ground and house at $4St Curtis ave.: 46 bearing fruit Dodge, $1,400. lAOOO. -- ROOM HOUSE, trees; house In good repair; built for a homo and cost This place Is 0x57 feet, corner, paved St., Parker and u, cltr water and sewer, good cellar, Kh and Rees; 1975. high and sightly and fine location; a snap for some one. 2th st., $;oo. ments. $1,90011 N. 22d St., new all modern cottnge; Just being flnUhed; east front! Three lots In Dundee, comer, $350, fRu1 bfkEf E10." 'U"V water, gaa, full Used front walking distance; this is swell little place, strictly Kiisy terms. Corner lot In Lowe's add.. $350. Z'Scar Una, bF' school; tidGO. A BARGAIN. $4,200 1 N. 42d St., all modern house; good repair; east front; good location Two lots, corner, modern house. We wish to call your especial attention to very cheap. fU" and ivountie fi.n). ''hJe1; R2W.8E' CH' Wat'r' lot' barn cUt. th and California, I car $J,2BO22U Larlmore ave., brand new house; all modern, but furnace; large, cottage, lot. North Omaha, light rooms; elegant bath' nice reception hall and stairway; front and back $350. RE M 428 22 ADDITION porch: good location. Bee It. our NEW "RWM .IDJ:?:LHiU.8E- - repapered and painted throughout; cistern, $2,$00 $128 Marey St., house, alt modern, but furnace; In good repair; large . tr?'."'.f.u" lot, nice lawn, 4244 Burdette. Owner would rooms; high ceilings; porcelain bath; open plumbing. It Is a good bargain. ""a oi in ma soumweat part of the city aa part payment. See It. $2,50018 Locust St., strictly all modern house, good as new and in nice looa-tlo- n. K B- - 2 ULM ?" "th Completed April l.a Party has Compare this house to other $2,500 houses you have seen. It will con- .bu"'"J"" nd will sacrifice thin choice home property. floor you. Tes, I secondlocJ'2fleor In First vince It a fact that our Bemis Park lots CHILD'S ADDITION. oak. hard pln reception hall, parlor, second parlor, $3,000 3S1S Myrtle are., brand new all modern house; Just being finished, and Is being any Si.I!S...0,m, kUchen on. first floor: 4 sleeping rooms on second floor, besides bath one are sold cheaper than other - of the best bargains In Reml s Park. See it. haylnjr porcelain tub, bent modern plumbing- throughout: closet cemented $3,250 34th and Hawthorne eve., verv swell new all modern house; elertrlo lots in that locality and cheaper than any basement, first class furnace, barn, east front lot, paved street, permanent walk. If and gas lights: fine furnace; front rooms finished In oak and elegant oak stair- lota In Omaha, improvements w my other when "ui uui.uuii i Dargain ae us about this property. way. The location is fine and you are sure to like It. are Into account. Lots This trac of land consists of 200 acres, $3,500 SfilO Lafayette ave., furnace; bath; and cold and location taken 1 HALTC all modern house; hot r" JFOR This fine home, located at the southeast water; cemented cellar; first-cla- ss through and a bargain. twice the distance out are selling at r v- - all 10-ac- re 0JX"lf ?nd od". surrounded by good properties. The house has $3,500714 N. 19th, a modern house; east front on the Boulevard; walking dis- higher price subdivided into 5 and tracts. It iui mwurn inrougnoui; good barn. Property will be divided. Price of tance from business center. If you are looking fof desirable property at house and west 41 feet, $,0in; east tt feet. I4,aV Owner leaving city and has very rensonable price this will be a good opporunlty for a charming home. pn in oraer 10 effect an Immediate sale. Do not delay or allow thla to pass without Investigation. A. P. TUKEY & SON, on the Gilmore Road, three-fourt- hs of S.K'i3AJARTMEirr. BUILDINQ at the northeast corner of Mth and Harney, Board of Trade Bld ?"r" ' building cost to build In excess of 350.(100; at yACANT LOTS. ,E $71 22 of non ""d " WO per month, can be purchased thla oomlng week for a mile from the city limits South Omaha. T a i i.cBiiueiii ior someone. In West Pamam on 33d, 100 feet east fron t for $3,800. Ask about this. ACRES IN BENSON $000 gets beautiful lot In Avondale Park, t he prettiest building sight In walking dis- It is level, of List your property with us for quick sale. We have tance of the city. Street is parks d, which Insures no paving or special taxes; Desirable Tract for Country Home. beautifully situated, and the best the overlooks the Boulevard. Ask abou t these lots; they are bargains. Ten acres with bearing fruit, all nioely buyers. We have bargains In lots In any part of t he city. Tell us where you want to buy. seeaea to alfalfa, l,6uU.0U. soill For FIRST-CLAS- S MORTGAGES FOR SALE. Five acres, some irult, three blocks )ra a home or an investment, there is car. Il.2uu.00. pavement, fin Two acres on a garden $ 10-ac- re PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. tract, iiMO.oo. nothing better anywhere than a or Benson & Carmichael, ON EASY TERMS First Floor N. Y. Life. Tel. 1781. Ml Paxtoa Block. tract in this addition. 22H N. Sth St., 4 rooms. $750. RE W S.M.SADLER 2ul7 Martha, house, full lot, 2660. 8721 Ohio, I rooms, 1600. TWO brand new cottages, modem except 2424 Burdette, 6 rooms, $925. lurnaoe; one $l,liUO and the other 2911 B. 17th. 7 rooms, full lot, $1,200. TWO HOUSES FOR SALE HH1MKR at CHASE. Very 9X1 Builders of Muderu Houses. Terms Reasonable. 8 N. 26th. rooms. $1,600. RE-7- 1221 Parkwlld ave., 7 rooms. $2,800. EASY WALKING DISTANCE WE OFFER 31 $3,000.00 The Following Choice Properties: Illua your property. Baker Srox. Eng. Co. "Abstracts Handsome house, large, well-Ugnt- GARVIN BROS., 2701 Dodge St., modern house, newly rooms, large closets, fine east front lot, open pmmDing, nrst-ciaa-a con- We have many other choice acreage tracts Coro'l Bank Bldg., 1404 Farnam papered, in beautiful lawn and shade tree, perma- TOU want a real real estate snap gee Nat 8t dition, on asphalt paved street all taxes nent stone walks4n yard and street, house IF RE paid in v umery, imi uougias troom n). full. In first-cla- ss condition Inside and outside, M 431 22X 12.150.00. only RE around South Omaha, some of them REAL BARGAIN IN LOTS. 1111 five minutes' walk from postomc. of IS No. N. 18th st., house, all mod $4,500. lots near Central ; $40 each ss for THE HOSEDUD RESERVATION Is open ern excent rurnace, In nrst-cla- condi- One of the prettiest building sites, 42 feet If taken altogether. tion, rent $22.60 per month. Good Invest- to settlement nena nrty cents to nam BARGAINS. Bern Is, Paxton Block. ment. frontage on i3d street, clone to Fnrnam man & Keller, BonesteeL 8. D., for In RE-&- M a and elegant homes of J. H. Evana, Charles formation and large map Showing topog- & Turner, F. W. Nash, R. C. Howe and raphy of country. RE ilS GEORGE COMPANY others; no finer location for a home In all CHEAP HOME FOR SALE 1001 Farnam. Omaha; can offer this week for only title RE-4-66 23 $2,250. It will pay you to call and see us ONE HALE BLOCK FROM about this. Harrison & Morton. CITY PROPERTY, LINE Also offer the elegant corner lot, 47x155 feet, REAL ESTATE, 912-91-3 N. T. Life. Tel. 314. HARNEY CAR southeast corner Dodge and SMh avenue, RE-M- 327 162) FARNAM ST- - OMAHA. INVESTMENT Ine asphalt paved street, trees, etc., $2, 5 00.00 splendid neighborhood; nothing finer in of 62? N. (2d St., house, modern except West Farnam district, for $3,250. ENGLISH & CO., We have a very attractive list improved furnace, newly papered, owner leaving A Block of Four Houses HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., PAXTON BLOCK. olty, nays submit oitier mis ween. 43$ Board Trade Bldg. One of the finest modern residences If PE-4-- 52x in West Farnaiu district tAJO. and unimproved city property. you are GEORGE & COMPANY Pressed Brick RE 671 LANDS CHEAP. 1301 Farnam. Hardwood finish, 4 fine or RE 467 23 mantels in each Large bodies of land and ranches; timber looking for a home an investment in city nouse. wxrner lot, w reet iront by 140 - . HOMESTEADS. feet, both streets paved. lands, fruit and truck farms in Kansas, AT THIS. Permanent Oklahoma, Texas, Old Mexico, Louisiana, In Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota. IWK walks, .nJ all paid for. One of the best July 1. 1904. t neat cottages renting for 31 per month. locations 'In the city, monthly rental Aikansas, southern Missouri, Colorado, Oben for settlement about property, advise with us before you buy. We wx IMS, $150.00. New Mexico and Calliornlu. Tell me Send $1.00 for official map and book of lot near unioago ureal western Owner will sell for J14.500.00. , I ...... 4 . V. - - 4, Terminal, Lot alone should sell for $4,Wi0 Instructions HOW TO GET A CLAIM. In near future. Owner says, "sell for 15 Cent. and how much money you will Invest if FRANKLIN PUB. CO.. Omaha. can save you money. Per 1 you . .1 M833 $l,80i)." We will loan (1.300 at I per cent Two houses of $ room each, on corner, suited, and will send list of bar- RE property. gains of the kind you want In that lo on this Dom streets pavea. tteni 67.uu per montn. r.ave CAN TOUR FARM. ROOM 7, PATTERSON BLOCK Berais, Paxton Block. Owner will sell for $4,700.00, making a 16 cality, i also email larms ana WE SELL RE 618 22 per ranches In all parts of said states. I am WRITE for details of our special plan. cent investment. working above mentioned territory thor- Fletcher Real Estate Co.. 901 N. T. Ufa We write insurance. oughly. Write me and see how well and Bldg., Omaha, Immigration agents "Bur- Real Estate Agency, to 1 M7i3 O'Neil's SMALL house, close the South Omaha We make loans. how promptly I will serve you. have lington Route." RE Mi 'PHONE 1326. oar line, on Boulevard Ave., city water, we land at Sue to $35 per acre. annual rental $96. Price, $860. make abstraots. GEORGE W. MORRIS, LYNDON. Kan. Blx-roo- Wa rent and manage houses. BE m house on Id and Francis streets, RE 596 23 MUST SOLD. else of lot luxfiO, annual rental $72. Price, THE BYRON REED COMPANY Party leaving for California says get me SOUTH OMAHA. RE $760. IRRIGATED LANDS on Union Pacific In any fair offer for my all modern D--4 Two lots In Dundee, just outside of city m South 14th Street. and Wyoming, $1$. Uinta Irri- house, not far from Mr. Korty'g residence. GARDEN, FRUIT AND POULTRY ACRE- limits, on northwest corner 46th and Cali- RE gation Co., Omaha, Neb. RE M633J& Price asked, $3,750. AGE. fornia. Piiee. $1,060. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS We have g large Aumber of garden, fruit Lot 17, Clark Place; full lot, fronts Han-sco- m & and poultry acres In outskirts of Omaha, Park on the south; owner will sell Harrison Morton Florence, Benson and Dundee, in 1 to I cheap on monthly payments.- Wants an REAL ESTATE, (13-9- N. T. Life. Tel. Ill 10 and 10 acre tracts ; all prices and terms. offer. H RE 415 R.E.WILCOX Semis, Paxton Block. WALTER BREBN, Room 41, Kerbs ch H NEW ADDITION MONEY. RB--QJ , Block. . 60S-- 22 ' . RE CHAS.Uilltorncr.r. lft Floor In about a week wa will nlnns on sale. II lota in Bluff View addition, that is just jjj 11 iiuuiiijvii fnvxv.f u, B. Die bldg If you are aunoyed by numerous small bill being platted. It la part of the old Exposition grounds, known as the Bluff Tract, Real Estate. that have accumulated during tl winter east of Sherman ave., cornering on Kountxe These are located on the it might be an advantage lo'you to seccie r Place. lots money highest ground overlooking the bluffs, lakes and river. Lota will be put on sale at ROSEBUD RESERVATION MAP. Ko. D. from us and pay them, and then, $600, $550, $600 and $060, moat of them being (0x134 feet,; easy terms. W. Forbes, Boneateel. S. D. RE M238 2415 N pay us, in weekly or monthly payment St until you get out of debt We loan on THOMAS BRENNAN ' furniture, pianos, live stock and other NEW HOUSES : oUattels and we make loans to salaried A snap, a full lot on 2Uh St., on grade. re- - ROOM 1, N. Y. LIFE BLDG. you REED HOTEL. people upon their own ugreement to If haven't' seen throush our new houses that have lust been com Die ted on N. Very desirable, tl.2ftt.00. t4th st, between Locust and Blnney its., opposite Kountse Place, it will pay you to We can offer for a short time the Reed Our rates are as low as any and a great A good house and lot at 1811 Decatur street, only ...... $ 760 see them before you buy; one and one all modern, clectrlo light, fur-- Hotel, South Omaha, 65 rooms, weM al lower than some. Our servlue is A desirable cottage of $ rooms on the north side, price only ... 1,000 naoe, gas, not ana com water connections throughout, we wui mane me price equipped with steam heat, electrlo lights, Quick and Ulthout publicity. If you have Oa easy terms; $ih cash, balance monthly, and terms right Have other locations if these don't suit, from $2,250 to $3,500. baths, etc.; building alone cost about oralt with us t.nd are pleased, tell ethers. frame cottage and lot 100x120; high and sightly, only two blocks from . 15,000. Price $9,000. We are sole agents modern residence, well located. Mid if you are displeased, tell us, car line: price 1.100 or this property. Omaha Mortgsgo Ixian Co.,' ot in neighborhood In city, 33.T00. Three house and lot on North 20th street, rented for $27.00 per month; HOMES best HI Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. prloe only 1100 W. FARNAM SMITH & Soil S. $2d St., fine large bouse, large lot. fine shade, I blocks south of CO. (rtaolished 18U.) u South l8tu St ' and car line barn, cement walks. Price , $3,(00 13S0 Farnam street. O KOUNTZE PLAGE 1772 California St., line house, 4 rooms on first floor, 3 on second, has fur- - RE M280 ! dwelling on 23d, between I and F, An elegant south front horn, t rooms, all modern: everything you want in a Bace, gas, not ana coia water connections, cement ceuar, large snaae trees on noma, i nis is me pest bargain left in Ko untie Place; price . $,500 car line. Price '. 1.303 MISSOURI LANDS. W. J. Clemens & Co., 11,760. MONEY! MONEYI 2433 Menderson, fine large all modern home, fine shade, 100x128 ft. lot. Clinton, .Henry to. write us your wants. HANSCOM PLACE pavea street, cement waiK, targe Darn, oia appie trees, cnoice location, cries, RE M361 Jel8x Will LoAiS u.WlfiY TO a.x with one lot .: . 5.200 residing in me city ti.d homing a perma- ot - A fine business block paying; 10 per cent Modern cottage, lot on asphalt paved street, all special paid in Same, with both lots 8,000 A MAP OF ROSEBUD reservation for the nent posiUon wiiu a responsible uru. full: piica, oa terms, only 2.000 1028 N. 83d St., Bemls park. 8 rooms, has city water, sewer, gas, porcelain bath, asking, write or can tor one today. Gas gross, it will pay you to Investigate, ON PlAlN NOTE, NO UiMJOttbRS. Two frame houses and corner lot; room for two more cottages on lot; a snap at.. $.000 targe cincKen nouse, trees, reaucea to .uv Belt Land Co., 214 First Nat. bank bldg., and at the lowest rates on long time, easy Omaha, Neb. RE M756 payment plan. We also loan INVESTMENTS ON FURNITURE, WlTrtOUT REMOVAL, 25th OMAHA AT REASONABLE PRICES Pianos, same low rates ana Three frame house on avenue, between Harney and St. Mary's ave., close' ACRES CLOSE TO on 24th etc., at the n and splendid rental property; price 8,000 DO YOUWANT TO A fine residence St., well located. easy terms. It not conveulent for j(OU to 10 acres, one park, fine $1,050 ' less than mile from Ruser's view . Modern throughout, (7,000. call at our office, ON SOUTH I6TH ST. 6 acres, one mile from the Hock yards, southwest of Hanscom park, fine and SELL A FARM? WRITE OK 'PHONE U8 AND AGENT level, oniy v you want to sell farm or will call on you to explain our system brick stores and 41 rooms above, splendid good tenants; S OA If a ranch tell Three repair and a sores just south of Ruser's park, In Bon field addition the termors and stock raisers about it. The and arrange loan at your residence. All treat big bargain for somebody. 10 acres 2 miles south of the packing houses, only $00 best way to reach them is through business confidential. IV acres, mnea irom omana postomce, west wi Vacant lota In every part of city at TUK J. A. HUTTON CO., SUITE 614, ' $ acres, about 1 mile from end of Ames avenue car &60 THE bargain. PAXTON BLOCK, TELEPHONE lt7. 6 acres, lVi miles north of Krug's park, beautiful view 750 X HTM . ACRES S acres, 1 mile from Benson. Must be sold this week, price cut to 7U0 TWENTIETH CENTURY 6, 10 or 15 acres, 1 mile west of Dundee. Tour choice at the very low price per CASH acre, of .... 150 Tou can establish a CREDIT with an old VACANT LOTS 8 aorea north of orphanage in Benson, mostly in fruit 1.250 FARMER R. E. WILCOX, RELIABLE tlrm and secure money Tt)l agricultural weakly goes to 50.000 whenever you need 1 youitenough money -. homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If 3416 N We will advance to HOMES AND- SOUTH OMAHA STOCKMEN you good piece of land to sell a St. pay ort all your debts, so that you will have a at R-E- you we sale, along reasonable price you will find a buyer owe it all in one place, where get Should look over the beautiful laying ground are offering for the among them. The cost of an advertisement courteous treatment. new boulevard, between iianscom park ana Mtn ana Vinton, tne nnest view in per wuru type or Our easy payment plan has astonished CHOICE RENTAL PROPERTIES 3 lots la small i tents in small CASH-BALA- Omaha. A number of stockmen have already bought from to I each and $2.52 per Inch If sat In large type. PART people who had previously borrowed o( expect to begin building immediately. Call up any time by 'phone and we will SIX ROOMS MONTHLY. other loan companies, oa aocount of our In all part or the city on sal at sacrifice prices to close out the holdings of eastern how vnu the exact locations. Prices of lots ranae from $300 to $400 Just over the Ine between South liberal rules. investors who have acquired these properties through foreclosure of mortgagee. They are bound to be worth double In a short time. Other lots a little farther MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE Omaha and Omaha. City water, cistern We make loans on SALARIES. FURNI- Come in and let us show you what we have for sale. We know we can suit you. away from the Boulevard, easy terms, $22$ to $275 gas, shade, mrunnery, gooa repair, nest TURE, PIANOS, LIVE BTOCK, eta, Open Monday evenings from to 10. residence portion of South Omaha. Half RELIABLE CREDIT CO. FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. block from city park. cause 107-- 1 Paxton Block. X-M-823 Tuoiuas, First Nat l Bank Bldg. TeUjeU. for selling. Inquire 1620 North Twenty- - If you are FINANCIALLY Thomas Brennan SffiSU I LOOK AT IT Eld BAR RASH KD, come and have Hastings & Heyden, PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. T. Life. Omahr RE 123432X a CONFID ENTIAL talk with us. Room J, New Tort Life building. W. H.Crary, manager department W oia STAR LOAN CO., Hi PAXTON BLK. ' Real Estate X-M- fiil S10-J1-1 N..Y. Life Bldg. Phone 1606. 4 TO 6 P. C money. Bemis, Paston block w-- .aj MONEY PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, U3 Douglas Miss H. Lovely BRICK BLOCK FOR INVEST- W a TO INVESTORS FARMERS BECOMING Exclusive designs In fine millinery, at MENT $400 WANTED, city loans and warranta W. LOAN FOR BALE. LOWEST prices. Call and see our stock phoenix Credit Lots 12x112. on South ltth street ear line, WEALTHY GROWING AND Farnam Smith & Co., WO Farnam st. you will buy. Co., sewer, water and gas, near (0x137 feet, large brick, three stores, W-9- 33 and WJ l axlou j'Jk. Boulevard. flats, two ouiiainga, cost- X-- 4U RENT $210 PER Also fine lots, $0x130, near Country club, on three small FEEDING 34th Boutm car line. ing twice the amount asked to build, ALFALFA. HONEY TO LOAN, Payne Investment Co. ill N. Bt, Omaha. rental Inoome, $1,200 per year; plenty We have two choice farms In the best al- w- -a RB MONEY TO LOAN ON MONTH The Paxton of room to build three or four more falfa district of the fertile Ptatte valley. FURNITURE, PIANOB, LIVE STOCK. Real Estate Co. building ; ure income for ten years' 160 acre of choice alfalfa land In the Platte WANTED, real eatata loans and warranta. IHAMONLS. HALARIES. ETC. $20,000.00 K WARS BLOCK. $11,000 valley within ( miles of Lexington, Neb.; R. C. Peters ft Co., Be bldg. W-- ta We charge nothing for making papers. RE 691 A 100x150, with Ave houses, ail In land can all be cultivated; $U per acre Lowest rates and easy terms: I W. Cor. 16th and Chicago sta., lot etxlSl fine repair, bringing an inoome 01 If sold onoe. per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. ALL BUblNEHH 13 PRIVATE. Tel. B24U. 11 year: 1.000 at I L. C. REAL Sfeet, I modern houses, two stories 080 ner aood location, crloe. 180 acres well Improved alfalfa land In W-- 8A GIBSON OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK. ana basement. ARE YOU (0x133, with four fiats and cot-- , Platte valley, 7 miles from Lexington, 1404 Farnam bt, upstairs. 'Phone A2113. tags in rear, always, ciose in, Neb., house, barn for 20 horses MONET to loan. Kenny Real Estate and x um GEORGE & COMPANY all in good repair, rental Income $it4 and 20 cows, hog house, chicken house, Investment Co., r. Ho0 Bee bldg. W 938 ESTATE, FIRE not rarnam. INSURED? or vaar. Dries (.000 cave, windmill and tank a If sold now. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE RB-46- $U house and lot near high school, $1,600. CITY loans. L. D. Holmas, 713 N. T. Life. ar.d others will) security; easy payments The fact that you have never rental ZS4 per year I.yxj R. C. PETERS t CO.. largest business in 41 principal oilies. had a fire m house, (1st and Mason, rental Tolnidn, room 440, Chamber of Commerce proves nothing. f.QOA Oround Floor liee Bldg. INSURANCE AND you 1 ner vear 34 bldg. X-- slJ The fact that are very careful does 22d Poppleton RUM600 not prove any more. Other people may house, and ave OSTEOPATHY BEMIS PARK not be so careful. nue, near new imini otiiui i.iuv SUBURBAN SITES. Double frame house between 9th and $1,360 fWtk RENTAL ACENCY. east lota, HxSO, $466; easy A fire that starts next door may do you $300 For foot rentage on Boulevard, 616 N. Y. bldg. 1664 Beautiful front as much ons 10th, on Hickory, rental per year 1000 by $00 deep. Johnson Institute, Life T. 3 terms. harm as that originated In cottage on 23d St., close feet -- 31 P. C. YEAR your own premises. Large $1,000$ acres on 16th, South, short distance 1887. Nobody to 0117 water ana ESTABLISHED IN FROM (100 to to.OOu loaned on your peronal THE PAXTON ESTATE CO. ever EXPECTS a fire. lavenwonn, beyond end of pavement. DR. DEEOAN, (33 3 REAL U WntU reasonable. 1 150 GRACE N. T. Lit. Tel note at PER CENT PER YEAR. All " " t0 U1 " Mrr 13x140, For oorner a ore. Hyde Park. M. 32 3403 Street, Phone 3440, good wantsd. Call or get tot WARD BLOCK. NOW Large house, lot east $ 176 acre Brighton. Office N loans write and 'also Iront, Olty waier in yru, uu nn 01 , For la my system, w. u, tutsiman Co., lum RE tt We write Life and Accident Insur- 1,000 Fayette Cola, osteopath. 603 block, X-- au ance Surety Bonds. only 1 block north of Cuming St.... F. D. WEAD Paxton Rasidence 114 N. 23d Street, Phone 1440. Farnam, Omaha. and Beautiful acreage lots well located, within -4- 133 COTTAGE FOR SALE ON EASY a short aiautnce 01 nrug ezuu.uu RE 640 23 pay SALARY and collateral loons. Tempi. ton. ., w you buy the right place and the - X-4- PHILIP POTTER COMPANY, . r .. . u iMTtnm MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, Osteopathic Phy. If 212 Bue Uldg. Tel. ftui- U7 well located lote not over one block 340 ACRES of good land, well Im- slclan; office, Douglas block. Tel. tta. right price to own your own homa is TERMS 'Phone 470. 4J0 Also farm N. T. from street car line in aibo proved, near Winnipeg, Canada, valued at 934 ever so nice. MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, eto., 11,100.00 re! acre and acre tracts at very low prices. $6,000. Will consider exchange for good at half usual rates. 1'r. Prlbbenow, room C. Dr. Farwell, specialty nervous diseases. A04 information and prop- 216 at 2vt U. 16lh Tel. X 314 LSI! N. S4th st, I rooms, has city water, etc.. MONDAY property in Omaha. R Peters A Co., I have valuable st tine trees, near good OPEN EVENING. J. A. LOVGREN ground floor Bee Bldg. RE W 21 Pen nn 767 galore. I'll quote you a few prices, shade car line and CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON CO. erties MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- school, only $JuO down, balance same aa come in and get more: RE 634 tt 1M-- T Paxton Block. FOR INVESTMKNT-I-o- ok at houses on elry, horses, cows, eto. C. F. Rted. 313 tt. rent. RB-4-60 23 13th. X-- Dli California St., 4th and 6th. east of 23d St. I When You Write N. Cor. 22nd and & price, ti.Ort, owner wants to modern homa E. GEORGE COMPANY SACRIFICE SALE. but sell. (2.6U0.00. end Jewelry 100 miles n. w. to I sta. CHATTEL, salary loans. Foley 1401 rarnam. FOR SALE acres nine of F. D. WEAD Advertisers Loan Co., 1604 Farnam st. X IK RE 498 U Parsons, Kan. uooa tana ana nose 10 remember it only takes an extra stroke ar Two modern dwellings on 23d st.,' mo oil fields. Address Box 801. Falls City, 1534 Douglas St. $4x1 $4. sewer, two of tne pen to mention the fact yos W. side between 1 and J, ll.7UO.00 each Lot with wster and street Neb. RE-c-l4 22x RE 841 23 that year 1 saw the ad in The Bee. paved last with asphalt, blook from 3tlth st., E. side STENOGRAPHERS MISSOURI LAND test car line In city. Coat owner $M.W, modern dwelling en and worth between I and J sts., H.360.00. J'he most desirable, and oheapeet farm, it F. J. SUTCLIKFE, Rtli N. T. L. HeposU timber and gracing lands. a W. TRUMBULL dwelling on 36th st, E. side between tlona, conventions. Tel. 3671. M 3W 1010 I'juo.OO. ANCHOR LAND COMPANY, WEBSTER 8T. I and J ill., FACSIMILE letters. Boyleg College. N. T. RB 4M 21 ISN'T IT A GOOD THING TO INVEST Life Bldg. 1011 N. T. Ufa Bldg IN dwelling. 31st aud T sta (full lot) ttf MJ4 RD-64- $ tl HERB TOU ARE. (nsw bouse), 11,000.00. house near 27tb and Mason " OOOD, sta, When as is a classes Residence I modem, bouse. , south front, full lot; five Urge Jlnlthrd fact all of Property is renting dwelling, T. St., between 38th and SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS rooms on flint floor; three large, paitly XKih I&0.00. Nice ( room cottage, MO N. 8d; barn finished rooms upstairs. Owner wishes sis., high 717 II, $u. to leave town and will make big sacrifice. at a 'fgure ? Two full lot In Albright, lajO.00. A. C. VAN SANT S school, N. Y. Lira MILLER MALONB. Price only $1.U. houam and HI J04 Omaha Natl Bank blug. Tel. lgo. IJauua, Paxton Block. Read "The Stories of Business Siuxxsn" on page 4, Met ivl lull lu Albright, SIMM. RE-- HI $a Neb. Bua (V Shorthand Cot, Uoyd lbea.ter. t