1. Really, the primary question is simple: what in Carreyrou's book angered you most?

2. The second question, of course, is … how did get away with its scam for as long as it did? CEO even had a visit from the vice president of the , who, along with others, was completely taken in. Such icons of wisdom and gravitas, such as Henry Kissenger and George Schultz, sat on the board of directors. What took so long for anyone to catch on?

3. How would you describe Elizabeth Holmes—what drove her? And what enabled her to pull the wool over the eyes of so many, even including some of her own employees? What kind of personality, or personality disorder, does she exhibit?

4. Consider ' actions: the company was warned by a consultant not to go ahead with in store clinics. Why did it refuse to listen to the advice?

5. How does David Boies, the well-known (some might say infamous) lawyer come across in this telling?

6. Does anyone in Bad Blood (other than the author) emerge as a hero of sorts? What about Rupert Murdock? Does it take someone with his wealth and power to stand up to a person like Holmes? He was a stockholder, after all.

7. Talk about the author's dogged approach to uncovering this story.

8. Ultimately, does Bad Blood encompass a broader issue than the story of a single company gone bad?

(Questions by LitLovers.)

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