August 27, 1892, Vol. 55, No. 1418
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. : . , . 1 AND m; xmtk HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, RaPRBSENTINQ THS INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES. Bnten<d aooordliiK to Aot of Codctm". In tbe year 1892, hy Wh. B. Damx A Oo., In the offloe of the Librarian of OonKress, Waahln^ton, D. (X ' VOL. 55. SATURDAY. AUGUST 27, 1892. NO. 1,418. cent, and the cities most promineat in contributing to it are %\xt d^ltraxticXe. Seattle with a gain of 63-7 per cent; Port Worth, 51'8; Waco, 51-6 ; Omaha, 50'3 ; Hartford, 895, and New Haren, Terms of Subscription—Pajable in Adrance: 38 '3 per cent. For One Year $10 00 For Six Monthe 6 00 Wi€k VInMnt August to. Wuk Knd'o Aug. Vft jiaropean Subscription (inclnrtlni? postage) 12 00 Eurojioan Suliscrlption Six Months (including postage). 7 00 1891. P. Omf 1892. P.Otnt, Annual Subscription in Loudon (including postage) £2 10s. Six Mob. do. do. do. £1 lOs. Tork 601,885,028 Is New 601,588,158 -67 616,079,300 +8T Ihe IsvESTORS' 8DPPLEMENT Of 160 pages Issued every other Sdlaol— on the last Saturdays of Jan., March, May, July, Sept. aonth, and (SUxkt tlMra. (l,088,19fl) (1.517.856) (-28-3 (991.880) Not., and furnished without extra charge to all subscribers of the (Cotton tiolu.. (587.100) (374.100) (+58-91 (678.700) !-fS8-8) (.Qrain Inulult.) Chronicle. (21,191,820) (73.141,175) (-71-0) (20,688,850) (-S9-1I (Petroleum bblt.) (810,000; The State and Citt Sitpplement of 184 pages Is also given to every (464,000) (+81-0) (868,000) \-«ariS yearly sabscriber of the Chronicle. Boston 83,711,408 81,317,877 +30 88,838,483 BnbBcriptlous will be continued until definitely ordered stopped. The ProTldence.... 5,030,100 4,788,500 +6-5 4,868,800 yabllsbers cannot be responsible for remittances unless made by drafts Hartford 1,"80,«01 1,276,725 +38-5 1,818,178 1,658,205 •r Post Office money orders. New Haven... 1,196,067 4-38 -S 1,268,248 File covers are sold at 50 cents each, and to new subscribers for a Sprinafleld... 1,232,870 1,097,855 +12-3 1,129,167 +VSrx WorceBter.... 1.161,815 1,103.336 +5-3 1,1.52,588 Tear one file cover Is supplied without charge ; postage on the same la Portland 1,272,371 1,143.967 -11-8 1,179.324 +3-1 IB cents. Lowell 650,780 627.016 +3-8 681,793 —»•« New Bedford,. 181.885 136,369 Terms of AdTertlsing—(Per Inch space). +101 375,526 -10^ Total New England. 87.011,627 93,269,120 Onetime $3 50 I Three Mouths (13 times). .$25 00 +4-0 99,216,105 +UT One Month (4 times).. 11 00 Six Months (26 " ).. 43 00 Philadelphia.. 63,129,136 69,919,218 +5-1 67.711.375 TwoHontha (8 " ). 18 00 I Twelve Months (52 " ).. +11T 58 00 Pittsburg 14,025,688 12,237,128 +11-8 13,563,191 Iiondon Asents Baltimore 11,193,56^ 15,8')4,885 —1(1-2 11.387.711 BulTalo 7,172.120 Messrs. Edwards ik Smitd, 1 Drapers' Gardens, E. will 7,476,613 —01 7,795,888 C, take sub- Wastaington. 1,747,732 torlptlons and advertisements, and supply single copies of the at 1,294,163 +35-0 1,831.117 paper Kochester l,208,9j3 l.t5;,189 1,237,523 la. each. 822,046 til--} Syracuse 802,039 +1-2 8I)9«83 +6-6 CWIIiliIAItl B. DANA Co.. Pnbllabera, WilmiUKton... 805,090 879,481 wiTii.u n niHi & ' +2-9 796,707 +16-7 WUllam Street, Bingham ton.. 224,6u0 188,200 +18-3 231,100 lOHiiinSr^vl^^^rro. FLOTD. \ 10* NKtV YORK. 4-1611 I p^gj Office Box 958. Total Middle.. 103,729,207 88,769,657 +4-0 98,338.178 +1*0 Chicago 88,166,351 88,161,880 +10-1 91,327,881 +18-S GLEARINa HOUSE RETURNS. ClnolDnati 11,971,500 10,861,050 +10-2 12,970,750 Milwaukee 6.296,668 6,062,689 +Vft +3-8 6,112,303 +ll-« The following table, made up by telegraph, etc., indicates Detroit 7,447,033 6.753,908 +10-3 8,79J,538 6,785,143 •+*! Cleveland 5,128,758 +12-1 5,570,219 +12^ that the total bank clearings of all the clearing bouses of the Culumbus 8,185,01X) 2,464,200 +288 2,806.000 ludiauapolia... 1,280,078 1.814,238 —28-1 States for 730,003 It! United the week ending to-day, August 27, have Peoria 1,678,600 1.578,9(i0 +61 1,698.300 Grand Rapida.. 936,280 1,123,850 -18-7 914,180 been $993,054,366, against 11,013,559,633 last week and 149,010 Jjerington 332,378 +351 168,971 4-lK 1041,360,353 the corresponding week last year. Total Middle Western. 187.173,171 125,570.001 +9-6 135,110,176 +W6 San Francisco... 18,199,968 17,441,647 11,654.887 Wuik Ending Au^at 27. +*: OLKAsraos Portland 2,301,877 1,780,584 2.101,392 Salt Lake City.. 1,772,888 1.390,238 1,531,650 1,105,113 1883. 1891. PtrOent. Seattle 676,260 1,210,152 Tacoma 880,707 1.032,601 -11-7 805,128 Hew York {162,232,383 $115,821,193 +3-7 Los Angeles 631,801 627.800 +1-1 688,180 Great Falls 262,175 330.000 —23-6 150,000 Beaton 62,261,626 62,191,050 . -0-4 835,588 Helena' 1,015,160 FUladelphla. S6,993,831 17,482,310 +17-1 Total Paolflo. 25,U7,606 23.278.130 Baltimore 10,950,000 11,130,091 -1-6 +*0 21,153,210 —1&15 OiLloago 10.031,137 76,616,000 67.685,000 +181 Kansas City. 7.873.251 --27-1 10,603,155 Minneapolis.. 7,671.0!t4 8V Lonls _ 18,177,816 17,919,380 +1-3 6,857.726 - -11-9 6.959,728 4-91-6 St. Paul. 6.064,268 4,152,678 --21-8 1,527,753 Hew Orleana 1,851,888 1,009,963 +21-0 Omaha 6.087,336 +7-8 3,39-2.817 --50-3 5,180,072 -Wl-7 Denver 6,100,000 3.835,939 --30-8 1,392,863 Seven cities, S days $890,«8e,B16 1.40O,0U0 4-21-0 t656,17a,017 +5-2 Duluth 1.8U8,487 —30-0 1,350,000 -»7-9 St. Joseph..., 1,823,248 Other olUes, B days 130,869.317 119,788,11(3 +9-3 1.627.102 +6-3 1,830,321 +a-o SloniCltT.... 776,078 881,915 +12-3 783,603 Des Moines... 781,403 Total aU cities, 6 days.. t£'.il,S9&,9e3 $776,240,610 +8-8 706,910 -|-10;5 803,687 4-17-9 Wichita 508,7oO 171,003 613.217 AU omea, 1 day 171,198,273 485.888 -l-8-r 168,119,842 +3-9 Lincoln 404,610 633.304 +19-8 Topeka 103,100 370.468 +8-8 Total 362,275 4-16-S aU cities for week... »993,051,266 e911,3GU,S62 +8.8 Total Other Waatem.. 38,916,202 32.313.236 +20-1 38.721.982 "+27^ _ The full details of clearings for the week covered by the St. 22.208.107 LOQl 23.963.100 -7-3 21.383.663 5-8 above statement will New Orleana 6,572,011 be given next Saturday. We cannot, of 1.888,560 4-31-1 e.ioa.i.'ii Louisville a,6U2,-258 5,158,160 4-22-6 6.813,911 eaurse, furnish them to-day, 1,313,068 +i«-5 bank clearings being made up by Memphla , 1,161,700 +16-7 1,778,517 +41-0 2,311,162 Richmond , the various clearing 2,330,577 2,101,222 +7-6 houses at noon on Saturday, and hence In Oalveston 1,437,1U 1.740.321 -t?;i^ 1,581,072 +!•* the above the last twenty-four hours of the Houston 1,523,871 1.6»5.7« —7-1 1,601382 +!•» week have to be Nashville 1,306,151 1,469,811 -7-1 all cases 1,610.000 -1-0 in estimated, as we go to press Friday night. Below Nortolk 828.718 818,318 -8-8 816,198 -8-« Dallas 698.116 616,681 +27-7 762.660 are our usual detailed figures for the previous week, that is +»9T Fort Worth 711,722 169,635 -f61-« 733,772 +81-9 covering the returns for the period ending with Saturday Birmingham 438,2lU 187.112 -100 128,886 Waco 308.081 +61-6 noon August 30, with the comparative 267,015 10i),79J totals in 1891. Chattanooga 111.500 388,000 +6-8 138,200 The week's aggregate records an increase over that for Savannah* 1,000.936 •11,703 Atlanta 967.60- 063,239 August 13 of twenty-four and a-half million dollars, of which all but six and a-half millions is at New York. There has Total Southern... 16,966,191 15,721.771 -)-8-7 '~t9,720,8»l +*8 been a little more activity the oa Stock Exchange, but the ToUlall 1,013,558,633 1,0181.633.676 —1-1 968,978,905 +»-» total dealings are much less than for the corresponding week Outside New York.