Bible: Revelation Syllabus

Introductory Remarks

1. God gives prophecy not to ______idle ______but to teach practical


2. Futurist approach

3. Theme: God’s ______through ______

a. His name appears in the ______and ______verses

b. He ______the content of the book

c. His coming will set in motion the ______of the book

d. The Book should ______us to worship Him as the saints in Heaven do

e. ______to displease Him, ______to make salvation sure,

evangelize the lost

4. Puts life into ______, it teaches about ______, ______and the

depraved nature of man

Outline: I. Ch. 1-3 Description of Christ and His comments about the 7 churches in Asia Minor II. Ch. 4-5 Vision of Heaven and Lamb’s decision to bring judgement upon the world III. Ch. 6 The Seal judgements IV. Ch. 8-9, 11:15-19, 15 The trumpet judgements V. Ch. 16 The Vial judgements VI. Ch. 19 Christ’s victory at Armageddon VII. Ch. 20 The Millennium VIII. Ch. 21-22 The New Heaven and New Earth *the intervening chapters deal with the tribulation in both Heaven and on earth


 Christ in the Revelation: o Doctrines: . Bibliology: Inspiration (revelation through men and angels) . Christology: Christ’s names and titles . Christ’s deity (claimed by Christ) . Christ’s work (sustain, redeem, judge) . Soteriology: Atonement (the work of the Lamb) . Ecclesiology: Head of the church (Christ’s rule over the seven churches)

Key verse: Revelation 1:8 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”


Near the end of the Revelation an angelic messenger told John the main point of prophecy--to give information about the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Rev. 19:10) The book of Revelation presents the majesty of our Lord and Savior. No other book in the Bible presents such a remarkable array of descriptions and titles of Christ. He is the central person of all the ages, both now and for eternity.

Background: Revelation 1:1-20 is introductory in four ways:

1. Introduces prophecy in ______.

2. It introduces the main ______of this prophetic work--Christ.

3. Organizational overview of the entire book (Rev 1:19)

4. Lays the ground work for the next section on the 7 churches of Asia Minor.

Facts: Revelation

-was written by ______the apostle (John the elder) on the Isle of ______

-written about ______to ______A.D.

-Revelation means “Apocalypse: the unveiling or unfolding”

-Revelation has over 400 allusions to the Old Testament, and not one direct quote

-every passage of the coming of Christ sees Him in the clouds v. 7.

-chapters 1-3: historical, chapters 4-22: post-rapture of the church.


I. Christ, the Giver of the Revelation

A. God’s Part (v. 1)

1. The book is the Revelation of ______

a. About Christ?

b. By Christ?

c. Both are appropriate: a disclosure given by Christ.

2. The Father gave the information to the ______

3. The ______gave the information to an ______being.

4. The ______being gave the information to John

5. God wanted to give to his servants “things which must shortly come to pass.” (v. 1)

B. John’s Part (v. 2)

1. John viewed all that he received as the ______(v. 2)

a. Included the direct words

b. Included that which he saw.

2. John was chosen

C. Man’s blessing (v. 3) *note to practical piety: devotion and urgency to live like and for Christ.

1. Rev 1:3 is the first of ______blessings found in the book. (14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7; 22:14)

2. Blessing to the ______, ______, and ______.

3. Obedience is ______because “the time is at hand” (the end is near).

II. Christ, the Focus of the Future

A. The Sustainer: (v. 4): eternality of Christ

B. The Redeemer: (v.5): Three truths about Christ’s redemptive work

1. Christ is a ______4

2. Christ was ______begotten of the dead (first of a kind)-His resurrection is first because of what it accomplished.

3. He is ______of ______and ______of ______. He is absolute ______over all other ______.

4. His motive: ______

5. His means: ______

6. The results: ______

7. His redemption transformed us from ______to ______(v. 6)

**Note: 27 times the book of Revelation calls Christ the Lamb. No other title is used more frequently than this one word which emphasizes His redemptive work for mankind. Christ was first called the Lamb by John the Baptist who said A Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world@ (John 1:29). The teaching of Christ as the Lamb of God finds its completion in the book of Revelation.

Revelation gives several descriptions of the Lamb:

1. Rev. 5:6 -the ______of someone ______

2. Rev. 5: 9-10 -worthy of ______

3. Rev. 7:14 -saved in the tribulation; will wash their______

4. Rev. 12:11 -saints over come the Devil by the ______of the Lamb

5. Rev. 13:8 -slain from the ______of the ______

In Heaven:

6. Rev. 15:2,3 -song of the Lamb

7. Rev. 19:7 -Lamb’s wedding

8. Rev. 21:27 -Lamb’s book of Life resided.

C. The Coming Judge (v. 7) the redeemer of the righteous is the judge of the ungodly

1. v. 7 foreshadows the judgements in the rest of the book.

2. Christ is presented throughout the book as a judge. (6:1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12)

D. The Eternal God: (v. 8) Christ declares His own deity

III. Christ, the Exalted Lord of His People

A. John’s Condition 5






B. Christ’s Commandment

1. Voice of ______

2. Voice of ______

*note: all churches were with in 125 miles of each other

C. Christ’s Appearance:











11 6

D. Christ’s Comfort (v. 17-20)

1. John fell at Christ’s feet.

2. The Lord touched him.

3. John was as one dead.

4. Christ introduced a chronological outline of the revelation

5. Seven stars (angels), seven lampstands (churches themselves)

**Notes: Symbolism and the Interpretation of Revelation

-written words are to be taken literally

-no double meanings

-to interpret literally does not rule out the probability of figurative intent.

-John was forced to describe unfamiliar things in everyday language.

-some things John described literal (i.e. Angels or the New Jerusalem) some were symbolic (i.e. Scarlet with seven heads and ten horns)

-Three rules regarding the use of symbols:

1. Look for a ______passage that explains the image as a symbol.

2. Knowledge of history and the culture of the first century helps in discovering symbols.

3. Pay careful attention to what precedes and follows a passage.

Identity of the Seven Spirits (1:4)

-facts suggest however that they are literal angels

1. Plural form of the word spirt.

2. Location of the spirits “before the throne”

3. Sending of the spirits to all the earth:

4. Scripture teach that it is the duty of angels to minister to the church at large (Heb 1:14) some see this as reference to the Holy Spirit



Seven Churches (Rev. 2-3)

Promise/ for Reward Overcomers




Description Description Jesus of Lord) (The

Recipient of of Recipient Letter Destination

Sardis Church Smyrna Ephesus Thyatira Laodicea Pergamum Philadelphia 8

Revelation 4: God is Just: he rewards the doer of good and punishes the evildoer!

• What attributes of God insure that His judgements are just?

• And ______

• What if God did not punish the iniquity?

• He would be .

The record of His coming wrath in the Revelation is record of His .

God is Fair: He is always equitable in His dealings with man.

At times His justice may mean:

• ______for the believer and

• ______for the unbeliever


• One of the primary arguments for a pretribulation rapture of the church is the of the Book of Revelation:

• Christ sends ______to the church (ch. 2-3)

• John is called “up” into Heaven (ch.4)

• God’s ______is poured out on unbelievers while the saints stand before God’s throne during the tribulation period

• Rev. 4 begins the 3rd section of the book (see Rev. 1:19) “…things which were, things which are, and the things to come…”

• The rest of the book is divided into 3 ______l sections:

*Ch. 4-5 Prologue (scene in Heaven)

1. Ch. 6-19 ______period

2. Ch. 20:1-5 ______

3. Ch. 21-22 The ______State

Chapters 4-5 -5et the ______for the rest of the book!

OVERVIEW: The Scene in Heaven:

• God’s wrath is not ______or ______

• Jesus had lovingly gone to earth to die for sinners 9

• Now His Father hands Him a scroll, it is time to judge the world that had rejected His ______

• The prospect of a just judgement causes the saints to fall down before God to ______and ______Him

They understand that God is a righteous worthy judge of mankind




• 3:8 DOOR OF O______

• 3:20 DOOR OF S______

• 3:20 DOOR OF F______









• L______

• T______

• V______


• SEE (Read) 8:5; 11:19; 16:18


C. The Throne’s V______(v. 5) 10

• Two distinct features in the vicinity of God’s throne:

• 7 b______: 7 spirits of God, or angels that God later sent out into

the earth (5:6)

• S______: (v. 6; 15:2): saints that had overcome the

beast were standing on the sea

• Sea was like c______: translucent or perhaps


• What does this description of beauty suggest about what God desires

in places of worship

II. The Worshipers

A. The 24 Elders:

1. Their description:

. Believers will be allowed to s______in God’s presence when they

enter Heaven.

. Identity of the 24 elders cannot be determined.

. Best explanation: they r______all saints of the old and new


. They were seated (same word as t______)

. Clothed in w______raiment

 Robes were washed white in the blood of the Lamb (7:14)

. Wearing c______

 Victor’s crowns:

o I______crown (I Cor. 9:25)

o R______crown (I Thess. 2:19) 11

o R______crown (II Tim. 4:8)

o Crown of l______(James 1:12

o G______crown (I Pet. 5:4)

2. Their Worship: Three-fold: 4:10-12

• fell d______

• Cast their c______

• Offered v______praise

• Vs 12: focus is on R______of the C______God!

• Honor: His p______

• Glory : His r______

• Power: His a______


B. The Four Beasts 1. Their Description (4;6) “beasts” = ______ones” i. Eyes before and behind: ability to ______and maintain information ii. Their appearance: 1. Lion: greatest of the wild animals ______2. Calf: greatest of the domesticated animals (burden bearer) ______3. Man: greatest and most intelligent of all living creatures ______4. Eagle: greatest flying animal (bird) ______2. Their worship: (4:8) praised God day and night for His ______, ______, and eternality. III. The Book (the scroll) Chapter 5 a. The Search: God made a request which none could oblige! i. It’s cause: (5:1) the “______” of God for rebellious mankind. His instructions about how His world possessions were to be dispensed. 1. Right hand: ______2. Writing on both sides: ______3. 7 seals: sections could be opened one at a time (Roman law required that a “will” be sealed 7 x) ii. It’s extensiveness (5:2) a “______” angel asks continually who could open the book? (no one was found to have the right to open it 5:3) iii. It’s immediate results: the search ______(5:4) John weeps!


b. B. The Arrival of Christ i. 1. Christ's Regal A______(5:5) ii. 2. Christ’s C______Victory (5:5) iii. 3. Christ’s G______Character (5:6) iv. 4. Christ’s Rightful C______(5:7) c. C. The Worship of Christ

1. The Worshippers (5:8, 11, 13, 14)

2. The Actions of Worship (5:8, 14)

a. They ______

b. They played ______

c. They prayed (vials full of “odours” or prayers of ______.

d. They ______(5:9-10)

e. They spoke in ______(5:11-12) “seven-fold

acclamation to the Lord

3. The 2 Reasons for Worship:

a The widespread benefit of Christ’s ______work (v. 9)

b. Christ’s ______to exalt his people (v. 10)

4. The message of worship (2 doxologies) “glorious words”

a. By living creatures, the elders, and myriads of angels (7-fold)

1. ______: authority to rule

2. ______: wealth of the world 14

3. ______: devotion from all the intelligence and skill of created beings in the universe

4. strength: ability to control all physical______

5. honor: ______

6. glory: high ______

7. blessing: ______praise b. By the entire universe of created beings (5:13) (4-fold)

1. power

2. blessing

3. honor

4. glory


Chapter 6: Christ’s Justice: The Seal Judgements

 As the seal ______begin Christ’s mercy…..to Christ’s wrath  What happens when Christ’s love is overemphasized over His holiness? Christ hates sin and His ______is ______!  Chapters 6-16 (3 series of 7 judgements) o Presented ______in Revelation o They probably ______(one continuing as another begins) o The seal judgments (introduces) the trumpet judgements (introduces) the vial or bowl judgments o Note: chapter 7 is a parenthesis! Like a telephone conversation o

Seals 4 Horses Notes:

Seal #1

Seal #2


Seal #3

Seal #4

Seal #5

Seal #6


Characteristics of the Tribulation days

1. They are ______events

2. Non-______: all—righteous, remnant, sinners, all social classes

3. Men will not only ______the end is near---they will ______like it.

• They will not be concerned with ______mundane things, like

hoarding or planning for the future

• They will seek to dig caves, seek death, not want to ______

• There have been many predictions of the end of the world, but few ever believed it!


The redeemed of the Tribulation Chapter 7:1-17

• There is an interruption in the narrative sequence:

• Chapter 6 closes with description of the 6th seal and the 7th seal is not until chapter 8

• Chapter 7 is a parenthesis!

• “for the great day of wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?”

• The scene of judgment is interrupted by a scene of mercy!


Chapter 7:1-8-Sealing of 144,000 Jews

• Suspension of Judgment: (7:1-3)

• Instruments of suspension (v. 1-2): 5 ANGELS (used by God to execute judgment [8:2], and staying judgment [7:1-3)) 67 references to angels in Revelation!

• 4 angels: apparently control the ______(see 14:18-angel of fire; 16:5-angel of the waters)

• Their mission was to ______an outbreak of fury of the elements

• 5th angel comes from the ______

• His mission in ______to the 144,000

• Instructions concerning suspension (v. 2-3)

• Appears to be ______or out ranks the other 4

• Orders the 4 to “suspend judgement “ ”

• “till we have sealed” (v. 3b)

• Intent of the suspension: (v. 3) “the servants of God”

• 144,000 Jews are “sealed” (from each of the 12 tribes)

• They perform some ______service for God

• Sealed:? (the text does not indicate) could be visible (see Ez 9:4). A SEAL DOES NOT HAVE TO BE VISIBLE TO BE REAL (see Eph. 4:30)

• It is known they are owned by God (redeemed)

• ______by God (physical safety on earth while they are accomplishing their service for the Lord)


3 Problems with the tribes listed in Rev. 7

1. Inclusion of the tribe of Levi?

2. Inclusion of Joseph rather than Ephraim?

3. Omission of Dan? (Lev. 24:11; Judges 18:1-2; 30-31; I Kings 12:28)

Is this permanent? No! See Ez. 48:1, 32

Saving of many Gentiles (7:9-17)

• Vs. 9 Persons Saved

• Their number: “a ______crowd” (innumerable)

• Their ______: all nations (may include redeemed Jews)

• Their ______: wearing white robes and carrying palms

(redeemed and rejoicing) see Jn. 12:13 and Neh. 8:17

• Vs. 10-12 P______for Salvation (see Luke 15:8-10)

• Vs. 13-14 P______of Salvation (those who came out of the


• Vs. 15-17 P______of Salvation

• S______(v. 15)

• S______(v. 15-16)

• S______(v. 17)


Revelation 8:1-13 The First Four Trumpets

Opening of the 7th Seal

• S______in Heaven: half an hour

• The Trumpet Judgements follow the s______judgments

• E______Angels: 8:2-6

• The P______Angels v. 2,6

• Their r______(7 angels, last mention of the these 7 spirits)

• Their r______: sounding of trumpets (something of

outstanding i______is about to happen)

• The P______Angel v. 3-5

• Prayers are h______, angels are being

i______, on the basis of the

m______of the Saviour


• FIRST TRUMPET, V. 7 ______

• H______AND F______MINGLED WITH


• 1/3 PART OF THE EARTH B______











• John does not say what the instrument of judgment will be but he

clearly reveals the effect of the judgment

• 1/3 part of sea will become blood

• Death to 1/3 of sea life

• Shipping 1/3 destroyed

• THIRD TRUMPET (V. 10-11)






Chapter 9 the FIRST WOE!




LOCUSTS SENT: the agent who discharged them:

• A ______* has fallen** from Heaven:

• *star (sometimes a ______, 8:12; or sometimes an intelligent

______, 1:20, Job 38:7)

• **Greek indicative tense (present past perfect) John ______see it

fall he sees that it already fell [Isa. 14:12-14; Luke 10:18]

• Who is this? {see verse 11} probably Satan-key to the bottomless pit

(______over those there) literally the shaft of the abyss [the abode

of the demons (see Luke 8:31)The smoke is so thick that the sun is darkened

• His power is ______(1:18; 20:3) by God

Note in this chapter “like” and “as” occur more often than any other chapter in the Bible!

Why? -John has a difficulty ______what he ______


• LOCUSTS ______: vs. 3-6

• Could not harm ______(like normal locusts)

• Could not harm the ______144,000

• Torment the ungodly for ______months

• Men will wish for ______(suicide) but it will not be ______

• Whether symbolic (helicopters, etc.) or demons taking the form of locusts they are

able to inflict unbearable ______.

• LOCUSTS ______: vs. 7-10

• John uses ______terms to describe these unusual creations.

• He pictures the grotesque features in ______and similes.

• The name of the one who controls these demonic creations is (Hebrew) Abaddon,

(Greek) Apollyon – both names mean ______(one who is

able to destroy ______and ______).

8 parts

1. ______Horses prepared for battle

2. Heads were ______it were crowns

3. Faces ______it were faces of men

4. Hair ______the hair of women

5. Teeth ______those of lions

6. Breastplates ______it were of iron

7. Sound of wings ______sound of chariots of horses

8. Scorpion-______tails 24

Chapter 9:12-21 “the SECOND WOE!”


• A voice from an angel (see 8:3) *the priest Angel

Demonic ______(9:13-15)

• Release 4 angels that are ______(and continue to be

bound—i.e. “perfect tense”) in the River Euphrates

• They were held for this specific time and ______

• Remember the 4th seal: ¼ of population was slain (6:4)----Now 1/3

• In these two judgements alone ______of the world’s population is gone

• Do the math--(1/4 + 1/3 = 4/12 + 3/12 = 7/12 or 58%

Human ______(9:16-19)

• The demons help to amass a huge army of ______men

and demons!

• Use the weapons of ______(fire, smoke, brimstone)

Unrepentant ______: (9:20-21)

• They do not see God’s ______in the disasters, they miss the point

• Their lives are characterized by: ______, demon and idol

______, sorceries (pharmicio: drug use), fornication, ______

vice reigns in the place of ______


-Parenthetic visions: Chapter 10-11:13 The Angel and the Little Opened Book

• 3rd Woe and 7th Trumpet begins at 11:14!

• What happens during this interlude:

• The ______of the 144,000

• Salvation of a great ______

• A number of ______: by a special ANGEL

I. The C______of The Angel (Revelation 10:1-2)

1. His origin was ______(v. 1)

2. He was glorious in ______(v. 1)

• Clothed with a ______(someone from Heaven; c.f. Dan 7:13; I Thess. 4:17)

• ______on this head (as a crown)

• Face as the ______in its brilliance

• Feet as ______in their stance

3. The Angel held a little book ______in his hand (v. 2)

4. The Angel took a ______with one foot on the sea and the other on land (an image of conquest)

5. Who is this angel? Christ? Michael (one who is like God)?

II. ______of the Angel (Rev. 10:3-4)

• Character: like the roaring of a lion (emphasis of ______)

• Consequences: (2 things followed)

• Seven ______uttered their voices

• John was ______from revealing what the thunders said (thunder is usually the harbingers of coming storms (see 8:5) 26

IV. ______by the Angel (Rev. 10:5-7)

 Position of ______taking (v. 5)

 God is described as the ______One (v. 6)

 There should be “time” no longer

o No longer a ______

 The mystery of God will be ______with the seventh angel sounding

o The mystery of God taking the kingdom of God will now be ______.

V. ______Concerning the Angel (Rev. 10:8-10)  Source (v. 8) voice ______to John  Substance (v. 8) take the opened book  Obedience (v. 9-10) eat the book, ______to stomach but ______to taste  Object: What is the point? o The prophet of God must let the Word of God ______Him before he ministers it to others! o Understanding the truth of judgement would bring ______of heart to the child of God (i.e. the believer would not have to partake of the judgement (sweet) others will be subject to the severity (bitter). There would be a rejoicing of God’s ______(sweet) there should be distress over the judgements (bitter) VI. ______of the Angel (Rev. 10:11)  John is commissioned to prophecy ______ John is commissioned to prophecy before ______


The Temple, the two witnesses and the trumpet (Rev. 11:1-19)

• The Temple: (11:1-2)

• Two Witnesses (11:3-14)

• Time (v. 3)

• Traits (v. 4-6)

• Their character (v. 4)

• Their conduct (v. 5-6)

• Termination (v. 7-10)

• Time (v. 7)

• Means (v. 7)

• Display (v. 8-9)

• Effect (v. 10)

• Translation (vs. 11-14)

• Trumpet (vs. 15-19)

• Announcement (v. 15)

• Adoration (vs. 16-17)

• Anger (v. 18)

• Ark (v. 19)


The Righteous in the Tribulation

Even while the Lord is ______out His wrath, he will ______

thousands of people from their sins. Many sinners, rather than hardening their hearts against

God during this time of judgement, will ______their plight and

______to the Lord. The ministry of the 144,000

______evangelists will help to make this possible. God’s choosing these

evangelists and the salvation of multitudes remind us that in ______He still

remembers ______-.

• God is ______in His dealings with people

• God never becomes ______cruel to people.

• He keeps trying to reach people even though they do not ______help.

• Believers should have a similar attitude toward those who have ______

against God for years; they still deserve the concern and ______of Christians

Who Can Be Saved After the Rapture?

II Thess. 2:1-12

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 29

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

• Some say that unbelievers will be doomed to hell if having rejected the gospel they miss the


• Their basis: (probably a valid assumption) Holy Spirit is ______

from the world (II Thess. 2:7)

• However, the verse (in context) should be understood that “the ______

(universal body of believers), in whom the Spirit ______, will be

raptured before the Antichrist ______.

• Without the “salt” of the church in the world, ______will run rampant.

• God will send a ______upon those who

“received not” (v. 10) or “believed not” (v. 12) the gospel before the rapture

• These unbelievers will swallow the ______of the Antichrist

• Who will ______the “strong delusion?”

• Verb tense indicates a ______decision to reject

the gospel.

• *therefore….those who had not made a ______

decision about Christ before the rapture ______

have an opportunity to do so after the rapture!

• The fact that ______will be saved during the tribulation

______that some who heard the gospel

______the rapture will ______it afterwards. 30

Rev. 12: Christ’s Archenemies (Evil Personalities of the Tribulation)  Satan has always ______God and His Work o He inspired Herod’s attempt to kill Christ as a ______. o He has stirred up nations ______the church. o He also tries to ______believers in their walk with God . Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Satan’s attacks are more ______, but no less ______, than the attacks he will make against the ______during the tribulation.  Peer ______and steady ______from the media are two of the greatest devices.  Temptations are not ______; they are well-planned diabolical events designed to bring about your ______.  Chapters 12 and 13 form a parenthesis in the narrative, focusing on the ______personalities at work during the tribulation.  They have been called the unholy ______: Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet.  This section does ______move the reader ______in the chronology of the book or the tribulation.  It summarizes the activities of the evil ______in the last 3 ½ years of the tribulation. I. Dragon: Satan (12:1-16) a. Satan’s Attempt to Kill Christ (vs. 1-6) i. John saw a great ______(wonder) in heaven: a pregnant woman who represents ______Gen. 37:9-10 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. 10 And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? a. The ______stands for Jacob b. The ______stands for Rachel c. The twelve ______are the 12 tribes (sons of Jacob) (v. 1) d. The woman’s travail speaks of her ______(v 2) i. *Israel has experienced a long history of trouble, both before the birth of Christ and ever since. ii. John saw a second sign in heaven: a great red ______which is Satan himself. 1. Satan’s ______heads and ______horns speak of his control over the empire of the Antichrist. 31

2. John saw the dragon sweep a third of the ______of heaven to the earth with his ______(v. 4) *1/3 of the angels in Heaven fell with Satan when he rebelled against God. 3. Suddenly the dragon stood before the ______, waiting to devour her ______(v. 4) * a reference to Herod’s attempt to murder the Christ child. 4. Satan was ______in his plot (v. 5) *Satan lost his dream of universal supremacy forever when Christ was raised from the dead and ascended to heaven. Christ’s resurrection and ascension assured His future reign during the Millennium and eternity b. Satan’s battle with Michael (v. 7-12) i. John witnessed a great ______in heaven between the angels lead by Michael and the Satan’s angels. ii. Satan and his forces were ______and cast out of heaven (v. 8-9) iii. V. 13 indicates that this event occurred just ______the great tribulation (the last 3 ½ years of the tribulation period). iv. NOTE: no record that Satan had been ______from the presence of God until after this defeat (v. 10) v. The overthrow of Satan meant a great ______(“salvation”) for believers, encouragement (“strength”) for their souls, and ______of the millennial and eternal reign of the Lord (12:10) vi. Many have already overcome the Devil by relying on Christ’s redeeming ______and by professing their faith in the face of death (v. 11) vii. Satan’s overthrow brought ______in heaven but ______to the earth (v. 12) *since Satan realized his end was at hand, he ______his efforts as never before. c. Satan’s persecution of Israel (v. 13-16) i. During the first half of the tribulation, Israel had relative ______because the nation had made a covenant with Antichrist. Immediately after Satan was cast out of heaven, however, he intensified his effort to destroy Israel (v. 13) ii. The Lord gave the nation ______help (v. 14) “two wings of a great eagle” iii. John saw the nation flee to the Lord in the wilderness (v. 6) *exact location cannot be identified, but there the Lord provided Israel with ______as He had provided manna during the wilderness wanderings. iv. John saw Satan’s mouth send a ______to destroy Israel (v. 15) v. God delivered the nation by opening up the earth to ______the flood (v. 16) 32

II. The First Beast: The Antichrist (Ch. 13) A. The ______• The revived Roman Empire (17:9; 18) ______was the only city in the first century known by all to sit on 7 ______• The seven heads of the beast are ______phases of ______, according to Rev. 17:9-12 • The ten ______with ______should be understood as ten kings who rule simultaneously and receive their ______from Antichrist (see Dan 7:24 and Rev. 17:12) • The kingdom stood in blasphemous ______to God • The beast was like a ______, with ______feet and a lion’s ______(13:2) [see Dan. 7:4-6] • The kingdom of the Antichrist had ______in common with all these empires. Yet Antichrist’s ______and the ______of His kingdom were directly attributable to Satan B. The Unholy World ______• The Antichrist will be the last ______of the revived Roman Empire (v. 3) • Apparently he rose to power because of a ______resurrection. • Virtually the whole world ______this miracle-worker as a result • They asked “who is able to make war with him?” v. 4 • That ______would be answered at Christ’s Second Advent • For 3 ½ the Antichrist ______God (v. 5-6) and ______saints (v. 7) • Only those whose names were written in the ______refused to worship him (v. 7-8) • The Book of Life is a record al all the ______(3:5; 17:8; 20:12; 15; 21:27; 22:19) • John beckoned his readers to pay close ______to an important message: divine ______is certain (v. 9-10) • Those imprison or kill the saints will be imprisoned and killed. The saint of God should therefore ______and ______God


Summary: the Anti-Christ:

• Appearance: like a leopard, bear, and lion (compare Dan. 7 : lion, bear, leopard): Babylonian empire, Medo-Persian Empire, and Grecian empires [strength, brutality and swiftness of all three are represented in this confederation of nations—revived Roman Empire

• As great as this empire and man will be he is actually only an agent or tool of Satan, who gives power (he is sold out to the power and corruption of Satan

• One of the heads of the beast is “wounded unto death”, dies, and rises again:

• Notice the resemblance to Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection (11:7)

• The world will worship the Beast

• “all” in verse 3 is qualified by verse 8

• Worship means acknowledgement of worth (worth of the Beast is two-fold:

• His uniqueness: Who is like unto the beast?

• His might: Who is able to make war with him?

• His activity involves both religion and politics: blasphemy and war

• He is still under the control of God: “it was given” v. 7; limited to 42 months, v. 5

• V. 10 is a call of encouragement: the principle of retribution! When God is through with him, he is gone!

The Second Beast: The False Prophet

A. Relationship to ______(13:11) • Similar to the ______beast (less pretentious!) • Comes out of the ______(possibly Palestine) • His conduct: • Appeared as a ______and spoke as a dragon (a messianic figure who serves the Devil • Rev. 19:20-he is described as a False Prophet, a ______of the first beast. • The Antichrist authorized the False Prophet to start a ______whereby the world would worship the Antichrist (13:12) B. Miraculous Power: • Could call down fire from heaven and perform other ______(13:13-14) • He caused the ______to come to life (v. 15) • Man began to worship the beast, and those who refused were ______. HE DOES NOT PROMOTE HIMSELF (V. 12) C. Authority over men 34

• He had authority to ______anyone who was not loyal to the beast, the image was a means of discovering rebels • Control of commerce: everyone in the world had to receive a ______(either the mark of the beast, his name or his number) in his right hand or forehead. • The number was ______• The name was not revealed to John

The Identity of the Antichrist: The antichrist will experience an apparent “resurrection” according to Revelation 13:3. This fact and the fact that he will head a revived Roman empire have caused considerable conjecture about his identity. Is he perhaps Nero or some other monstrous emperor from the past? It is impossible and idle to attempt an identification of the Antichrist. His identity will not be know until “that man of sin be revealed” during the tribulation (II Thess. 2:3).

How do the following essential elements help in overcoming Satan’s attack on the believer?

 The blood of the Lamb?

 The word of testimony?

 Willingness to die for the faith?

Read the following passages and develop a fuller view of the Antichrist: jot down details: Ez. 28:1-10

Daniel 7:7-8, 20-26


Daniel 8: 23-25

Daniel 9: 26-27

Danial 11: 36-45

II Thess. 2:3-10

Rev. 17: 8-14


Revelation 14:1-5 Various Announcements 1. Situation: v. 1 John sees… • He sees ______Lamb • Zion is the ______Jerusalem • 144,000 are ______the Lamb (7:1-3 they were on the earth) Their witnessing work on earth must now be ______2. Song: vs. 2-3 John hears… • a (voices and music) ______• Singing and playing at a high ______: “many waters…sound of thunder” 3. Separation: v. 4 -2 things are said about their separation unto God: • They are ______: (2 interpretations) 1. They never ______2. They were completely ______unto the God they served (see 2 Cor. 11:2 and Matt. 25:1) *this is one of the places that the Catholic Church uses to promote celibacy of priests and nuns, etc. • They followed Christ “whitersoever he goeth” including obedience unto ______4. Salvation (v. 4c) • First fruits: ______offerings to God, a greater harvest will follow • The first ______of a country are called firstfruits of a larger number to be won (Rom 16:5; 1 Cor. 16:15) • Christ is the first fruits of the ______harvest (1 Cor. 15:20, 23) • What group are these 144,000 the first fruits? 1. The harvest of many ______Israelites (remember they are Jews not Gentiles) who will ______to the Lord at the end of the ______and during the millennium (Isa. 2:3; Zech. 8:22) 5. Sanctification (v. 5) *in some texts the word “lie” replaces the word “guile” and in certain texts the last phrase “before the throne of God” is omitted, nevertheless the verse describes the ultimate ______of these people.


Revelation 14:6-7 Everlasting Gospel 1. Announcement: vs. 6 • An ______appears with the announcement (literally “an”) everlasting gospel (see Gal. 1:8 -God does not use angels today to proclaim the gospel, who does he use? US!) 2. Inclusiveness: v. 6 God’s ______call to all the world 3. Message: v. 7 3 fold message • ______• ______• ______God reveals Himself as the ______! If man heeds this message, he will clearly have to ______the mark of the beast, which will show as clearly as possible a ______change. (*In those days people will not risk their lives at the hands of the beast for a mere outward profession of salvation.)


Revelation 14: Doom of Babylon (v. 8)

• Certainty:

• Repetition of the ______“is fallen”

• Babylon’s fall is connected to ______of the 7th vial (16:19)

• Cause:

• Because of her own ______

• Because of her ______other nations

Revelation 14: Doom of the Beast Worshippers (vs. 9-13)

• People: v. 9

• Third angel pronounced ______on all who had received the

mark of the beast

• Punishment: vs. 10-11

• “he shall drink of the of the wine of the anger of God mixed undiluted in the cup of his


• Agents: ______, ______and Sulphur

• It will be a spectacle before the holy angels and the Lamb whom they


• Its extent: ______v. 11

• Its character: ______v. 11 “continuous day and night”

• Patience vs. 12-13

• A word of ______

• They are called ______

• Their works in ______for the truth follow with them into

heaven 39

Harvest of the Earth (14:14-20)

• 2 Reapers (vs. 14-18)

• The ______:

• crown (stephanos-a ______’ crown not

diadem an inherited crown) indicating His coming as ______.

• Sharp Sickle: ______

• Angels: 2 appear to announce and help with the harvest

• Reason (vs. 15, 18)

• ______

• ______

• Ripe: the apostate religions of the world are withered and ready to be judged, the

harvest represent the people of the earth, the vine is the opposite of Christ, the true

vine, therefore represents religion.

• Result (vs. 19-20): see Matt. 13:36: in the harvest there are believers and

______, however the harvest of the

grapes is ______judgement of false religion. “trodden

without the city”-reference to a judgement on the

______, probably Armageddon (see 19:17-19)


Revelation 15: Prelude to the Last Judgments (the beginning of the end) • Plagues: v. 1

• Persons: vs. 2-4

• Identity: v. 2

• Activity: vs 3-4

1. He is ______

2. He is ______and ______

3. He is King of ______

4. He is ______

5. He will be ______by the nations

• Preparation: vs. 5-8 (a new vision opens)

• The judgements of God are not ______-- but indicative: explain?

• Where there’s smoke there’s fire!


REVELATION 16: seven bowl judgements: First Bowl:

Second Bowl:

Third Bowl:

Fourth Bowl:

Fifth Bowl:

Sixth Bowl:

Seventh Bowl:


Chapter 17: Religious Babylon

• Babylon is both a ______and a ______.

1. Description of Babylon

A. ______v. 1

B. Details vs. 1-6

1) ______vs. 1-2

2) ______v. 3

3) ______v. 4

4) ______v. 5a

5) Federation v. 5b

6) ______v. 6

2. 2. Matters which concern Babylon 8-15

A. ______v. 8

B. Heads v. 9-11

C. Horns vs 12-14

D. ______v. 15

3. Destruction of ______: 16-18


Chapter 18: Commercial Babylon

1. A______of the judgment (18:1-3)

• Babylon is demonic (v. 2)

2. A______in View of the Judgment (18:4-8)

A. Statement (v. 4):

B. Substantiation (vs. 5-8)

1) R______(v. 5)

2) R______(v. 6)

3) R______(v. 7-8)

3. A______Because of the Judgment (18:9-19)

1. ______K______(vs. 9-10):

2. ______M______(vs. 11d-17a):

3. ______Sea M______(vs. 17b-



4. ______over the judgment (18:20-24)

Chapter 19: The Second Coming of Christ

I. Joy in Heaven: 19:1-10

1. ______Songs of the Saints (1-6)

1. Time Sequence: “after these things” (18:20-call to rejoice—here is the answer)

2. Group involved: “people” literally crowd (see 7:9-12) not the 24 elders or the 4

living ones (see vs. 4)

3. Content: “alleluia” only occurs in this chapter in the Bible (Praise ye the Lord)

the content of their praise is a song to the Lord.

1. They praise His judgments (particularly illustrated in the judgment of

the harlot Babylon (v. 2) the judgments are forever (v. 3)

2. They praise the Lord for the fact that He reigns (v. 4 the 24 elders and

4 living ones join in) and a voice from Heaven is called for additional

praise (probably the voice of the strong angel)

2. ______Marriage of the Lamb (7-10)

1. Announcement of the marriage (v. 7) in the name of the groom

2. Array of the bride (v. 7b-8) “hath made herself ready” and “to her was


1. Fine linen: “righteousness of the saints”

2. The bride’s righteousness is that of Christ.

3. Accompaniment of the marriage (v. 9) 45

5. Awe of John (v. 10)

1. ______Judgment of Earth (vs. 11-21)

1. Advent of Christ

a. His aim v. 11

b. His appearance v. 12-13

c. His army v. 14

d. His authority v. 15-16

2. ______Armageddon Conflict vs. 17-21

a. Carnage v. 17-18

b. Conflict v. 19

c. Captives v. 20

d. Conquest v. 21


Revelation 20: The Millennium and the Great White Throne

The calm after the storm!

• The Millennium: 1-10

• Satan: vs 1-3

• Bound

• (for a 1000 years), and out of sight until the end

• Purpose: to deceive the nations no more

• Loosed for a little time (season)

• Angel (authority: has key) binds him (see Jude 6; 2 Peter2:4)

• Saints: vs. 4-6 (3 groups)

• Vs. 4 sat on the thrones and shared in judgment: (I Cor. 6:2; 2 Tim. 2:12)

• Group of martyrs (who apparently were beheaded) “killed with an ax”

• Those who had refused to worship the beast and receive his mark. *this group

will be raised at Christ’s second advent.

The rest of the unsaved dead are not raised at this time (v. 5) *they will be raised after the

1000 year reign (see John 5:29)

• Sinners: vs. 7-10

• Satan is loosed

• He finds multitudes that will follow him 47

• They will attack the camp of God in Jerusalem

• They will be put to death quickly by an act of God sending fire down out of

heaven to devour them

• Then the Devil will be cast into the Lake of fire where the beast and the false

prophet have already been for 1000 years. 48

• 49

Revelation 20: The Millennium and the Great White Throne

• Great White Throne Judgment: vs. 11-15

• The SCENE vs. 11 (Matt. 24:35; I Jn 2:15, Ex. 24: 17; II Chron. 7:2; Matt. 17:6)

• “heaven and earth fled away”: *holiness of God!

• Time: at the close of the Millennium

• Judge: John 5:22

• The SUBJECTS: the dead small and great (v. 12) (Rom. 1:20; 2:1; 3:19)

• The Books: Dan. 7:10 (Bible [Rom. 2:2; Jn. 12:48; Jn 3:18], Book of

remembrance/sins [Ps. 69:28;, Luke 12:2-3]; Book of Life [Dan. 12:1; Malachi

3:16; Matt. 7:21-23, Luke 10:20; Phil. 4:3; Rev.3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12, 15)

• The Basis: 12-13 works of these people (rejection of the Savior has

placed these people in this position, “names are not written in the Lamb’s

book of life”)

• Result: Death and Hell are cast into the Lake of Fire (place created for

Satan and his angels, THIS IS THE SECOND DEATH: eternal separation from God

• Death: claims the body

• Hell: claims the soul


Chapter 21: The Eternal State

• Intro: the new Jerusalem is the abode of the redeemed of all ages during the millennium and


I. Descent of the city (1-8)

• “new” heaven and “new” earth

• Old had passed away

• No more sea—complete change of climate conditions

• The first characteristic of the new condition is God with men (v. 3)

• Old experiences will be excluded (vs. 4-5)

• New things will be experienced (vs 6-7)

1. Complete satisfaction

2. Full inheritance

3. Full fellowship

• Certain people are excluded (v. 8)


II. Description of the City (9-27)

• Glory (v. 11)

• Construction (v. 12-14)

• Measurements (v. 15-17)

• Materials (v. 18-21)

• Relation to God (v. 22-23)

• Relation to Nations (v. 24-27)

III. Delights of the City (22: 1-5)

• Fullness of Life and Blessing (v. 1-2)

• Fullness of Paradise (v. 3-5)


Chapter 22: 6-21: Epilogue

 Words of Comfort (v. 6-17)

o I “come quickly” (v. 7)

o God is worthy of worship (v. 8-9)

o The book is not sealed (v. 10-11)

o Rewards will be given (v. 12-13)

o Blessed are the redeemed (v. 14-15)

o Gracious is our Lord (v. 16-17)

 Words of warning (v. 18-19)

o Adding to the book (v. 18)

o Subtracting from the book (v. 19)

o Closing Benediction (v. 20-21)