Stakeholders 5 STAKEHOLDERS 33 Table of Contents
sustainability report 2019 5. stakeholders 5 STAKEHOLDERS 33 table of contents GENDER The stakeholders of Magyar Telekom Group include all those Telekom from where its sustainability activities and approach EQUALITY groups, which have an influence on, or hold an interest in the imp- are accessible, topics evaluated by the stakeholder groups and their importance lementation of the objectives of the Company. The Company ear- which global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) should Future Supplier/ Regulator NGO Employee Media Customer Investor Local Average lier identified its stakeholders through review of its management Magyar Telekom consider as priorities, based on its activities. generation partner community systems and benchmark studies, and maintains continuous con- Climate protection and energy efficiency 3,60 3,48 3,56 3,20 3,05 2,82 2,95 2,80 2,44 3,10 CLEAN WATER tact with them to ensure that their interests are taken into consi- The latest survey, conducted in December 2019, shows that most Wastes 3,60 3,48 3,38 3,20 2,85 2,82 2,98 2,65 2,38 3,04 AND SANITATION deration in the course of its operations. Their opinion and critical of our stakeholders consider climate protection and energy effi- comments are important for us in respect of our sustainability ac- ciency, waste management and informing our customers. In the Informing of customers 3,20 3,48 3,35 3,20 2,71 2,74 3,00 2,45 2,36 2,94 tivities. We had the opportunity to meet with our stakeholders on areas of ICT-relevant scientific achievements, they underlined the Emissions 3,60 3,38 3,22 2,87 2,81 2,70 2,95 2,60 2,29 2,94 several occasions at forums and surveys as well as in person whe- importance of climate protection and innovation, which we add- Protection of minors in Digital Age 3,60 3,30 3,64 2,53 2,82 2,88 2,88 2,40 2,29 2,93 DECENT WORK AND re we could discuss our sustainability activities and challenges.
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