2910 . . [POST OFFICE Nasb Miss, 33 Devonshire place Pakley Williarn, Milbury lawn,Milbury Pavy Miss,47Ventnorvi1Ias,Ciiftonville. Nash Thomas, 2 road, Paxton Williarn, 31 Nash Thomas John, 1 Montreal road O'Brien Rev. James, D.D. [incumbent Payne Rev. Randolph, B.A. [curate.ot Nasb William, 36 Buckingham road of SS. Patrick & James, Hove], 16 ~t. Paul's], 7 Norfolk terrace Nash William, 10 Russell square Brunswick place, Hove Payne Edward Hussey, 1 Franklin road Nasb William Henry, Shakespeare Ockenden Arthur John, 3A, York place Payne John, 62 Shaftesbury road hollSe, Chatham place Ockenden .Mrs.167 Eastern road Payne Mrs. 31 Naylor Henry, 11 Upper Rock gardens O'Connell Mrs. 11 Montpelier villas Payne Mra. I Norfolk road Neale Jonathan Corbett, 41 Devonshire O'Connor Daniel, 19 Richmond place Payne Mrs. 7 Norfolk terrace place 0' Flaharty Mrs.6Clevedon pl. Eastern rd Pay ne Samuel, 37 Rose Hill terrace Neale Misses, 16 Powis road Ogilvie Miss, 22 Hova villas, Cliftonville Payne Wm. Lambert, 29 1\Iontpelier st Neale Robert, Ditchling rise Ogilvie Mrs. 7 . Peace William, 3 Sillwood road Neale William, 37 London road O'Grady Mrs. 4-t Hova viis. Cliftonville Peake Hugh Budgen, 39 Cambridge rd, Neate Miss, 2 Clifton hill Okell Miss, 18 Sillwood place Pearn Jo!!epb, 14 Shaftesbury road Neate Miss, 21 Prestonville terrace Oldham Chas. Jas. 1 Brunswick pl.Hove PearlSall William, 28 Egremont place Neave Miss, 12 Albert road Oldham James, 53 Norfolk place Pearse Edward, 72 Marine parade Neebe Rev. Frederick, 10 Clifton road Olding William, 4 Brunswick road Pearson James, 2 ~eafield, Cliftonville Needham Francis,Pelham ho.Pelham sq Oliphnnt Mrs. 62 Brunswick pl. Hove Peart Henry Bruce, 4 St. Catberine's. Neerns Timothy, 36 Norfolk road Oliver 8. L.R.C.P. EDIN. 47 terrace, Cliftonville Neild Mrs. 3 College road Olliver Miss, 87 1\lontpelier road Peasewood Mrs. 29 Richmond place Nell William, 13 Clifton terrace . Onslow Constantine Phipps, 6 Abbey rd Peuy Mrs.l6 Prestonville road Nellen Rev. Fredk.4 Belmont,Dykerd Oran Charles, 9 Powis square Pedlar Mrs. 30 Brunswick square Neve Ede-ar, 36 I:Iamilton road O'Rielly Miles George, 6 Denmark ter Peel Lawrence, 32 Sussex square NevillThomas, 56 Brunswick souare Orme Mrs.13 Old Steine Peele Misses, 2 St. Aubyn's, Cliftomill• Neville Mrs. 43Dyke road • ~-- Ormerod Mrs. 14 Old Steine Peerless David John, 32 Duke street Neville Mrs. 43 Norfolk square Orton Rev. William Howarth, 14 Col- Pegler l\1rs. 24 Richmond place Neville Mrs. 79 Park road west lege road Penfold Henry, 7 Brunswick pi. Hove Newhald Mi:,s, 1 New England -villas Osten Mrs. 9 London road PenfoldJohn Croucher, 20 Middlest Newbery Major Thos. 35 .Brunswick sq Oswald Mrs. 4 Sudeley terrace Penfold William, 13 College street N ewbery George Fredk. 34 Hamilton rd Otway Arthur J ohn,25Palmeira sq.Hove Penfold William, 5 St. Mary's place Newby Mrs. 7 Denmark terrace Oughton Rev.Samuel, 1 Prestomille ter Penleaze Col. Henry, 88 Montpelierr.d Newcombe Mrs. 5 Atlingworth street Over George, 14 Marlborough place PenleyMrs.C.36Ventnor vils.Cliftonville N ewington Freeman, 6 l'restonville rd Overbury Henj.Fox,16First avenue, Hove Penney Robt.Horne,Highcroft,Dykertl Newington Mis~, 15 Richmond place Owen Mrs. 6 Hova terrace, Cliftonville Pennington Miss, 2 Waterloo street N ewington l\1 rs. 23 Marine square Owen Mrs. 26 Palmeira square Penny Miss, 30 Clifton road Newman :hbenezer, 10 ~baftesbury road Oxley Richard, 47 Buckingham road Penny Miss, l9 O~borne •ils.Cliftonville Newman James, 80 London road Pace Richard Verrall, 5 York place Pennyfather Mrs. 9 & 10 Portland place Newman James, Round Hill house, Packham Edwin, lOO Bucking.ham road Penrose Thos. Hitchiugs, 1 Park C'rescnt Ditchling road Padwick Henry, 118 Marine parade Pentecost Mrs. 16 Marlborough place NewmanWm. Halladay,l Ditchling rise Padwick .Miss, 21 Stanford road Penton Col. Henry, D.L., J.P. 31 Ade .. Newnham John Muzzell, 10 York place Page-Fryer Mrs. 39 Sussex square !aide crescent Newton Rev.Joseph,M . .A.15 Chesham pl Paine Cornelius, 9 Lewes crescent Peppercorne Capt. William Frederick• Nihbs Richard Henry, 7 Buckingham pl Paine Miss, 15 St. George's terrace, St. 10 Albany villas, Clifton ville Nicholls Mrs. 57 Brunswick place, Hove George's road Percival Miss, 20 Russell square Nicholls Wm. Howard, 13 Waterloo pl Painter James, 1 Howard place Perkins Miss, 2 Bloomsbury place Nichols Mrs. 4 New England villas Pallant George, 17 Clifton street PerkinsMiss,51 Preston road N ichols Mrs. West End villa, Goldstone Palm er. M iss,20 Os borne viis. Cliftonville Perry Miss, 17 Cheshaan. road villas, Cliftonville Palmer M is:~, 22 Seafield, Cliftonville Perry Mrs. 77 Preston road Nirhols Rirhard Peter, 23 St. Aubyn's, Palmer Mrs. 5 Eastern terrace Pestere Thom!IB Arthur,37 St. .A.ubyn's)r Cliftonville Palmer Mrs. Nelson, 11 Montpelier ter Cliftonville Nicbol::-ou Aithur, 45 Norfolk square Pannell Mrs. 28Bloomsbury place Peters Chas. Henry, 16 York rd. Hove Nicholson Mrz,~. 21 Great College street Pannell William, 47 Upper Lewes road Peters Henry, 1 Osborne st. Cliftonvill~~< Nichol~on Mrs. 11 Montreal road Pardoe William, 8 First avenue, Hove Peters John, 46 London road Nicholson Samuel, 14 Hanover crescent Parish Mrs. 5 St. George's place Peters Mrs. 71 London road Nicol Geo.G.7Chichester ter. Park Mrs. 28 Clifron road Peters Richard, 3 York grove .Nicolls Rev. William, 3 Prince's ter- Parker Rev. Martin, 45 London road Philbrick Thomas,8St. John's ter.Hoveo race, Kemp town Parker James, 20 Montreal road Phillips Mrs. 121 Lansdowne pl. Bove- Nicols Mrs. :1 Marlhorough place Parker Mrs. 8 Bath street PhillipsBarclay, 75 Lansdowne pl.Hov6 Noakes 1\'Jrz~. 20 Powis road Parker Mrs. 10-l Upper North street Phillips Charles, 15 Rose Hill terrace Noble Mrs. 34 p,,rk. crescent Parker Samuel, The Lawn, Dyke road Phillips John William, 21 Powis square Nockolos Mh-.s,37 Ho-va viis. Cliftonville Parker Wm. Henry. 18 Buckingham st Phillips Miss, 9 & 10 Wykeham terrace­ Nooth Mrs. 43 Hova villas, Cliftonville Parkhurst Wm. 17 New England road Phillips 1\lrs. 8 f!lifton terrace N orcott M i~s, 45 Russell square Parkin son Fn.lk .70Hova vils.Cliftouville Phillips Moses, 4 Gloucester place Norman Cha~. Thus. 6 Buckingham st Parkin son Mrs. 25 Adelaide crescent Phillips N a than, 7 Waterloo place Norman Henry, 21 Guildford road Parks-Smith Rev. William George,M •.A.. PbillipsThomas, 47 Round Hill crescent Norman )Jhs, 35 Albany vils.Cliftonville 34 St. Michael'il place Philp Henry, 87 Uitchling rise Norman Miss,3 Hurling-ton street Parnell Henry, 86 Marine parade Pllilpott Henry Gray, 97 We~tern roali NorrisWm.Ne"h•~tou,70Buckinghllll.rd Parr Mrs. 8 Alhert road Pickernell Miss, 10 Alexandra villas North Geo. \\uktfield vil. Wak.td:kld rd Parratt Mrs.10 York vi!las Pi~gott Miss, 5 Park Crescent terrace- North John, 17 Sudeley street Parry Harry Arthur, 4 Bath street Pike John Charles, 37 Victoria street North 1\'lrz,~. 24 Albany villas, Cliftomille ParryRobert Henry, 39 Regency square Pillefant Mrs. 25 Grand parade N ort h\)JOuk Dowagtr Lady, 16 Pal- Parsons John, 5 Great College :>treet Pilliner Mrs. 22 Dorset gardens meira s4uare Parsons Latter, 2 l\"orton road, Hove Pincott Henry, 6 York grove Northern ,1 braham, 22 Montpelier road Parsons Miss, 31 Buckingham road Pink Edward, 2 Vine place. Nott Jo~t-pll Uliver,49Buckiugham road Parsons Mrs. Fern cottage, Goldstone Pink Miss, 13 Medina viHas, Cliftonville Nourse \\m. En" d.Chas.11Marlboro' pl villas, CJiftonville Pinson Edward, 21 Ditchling rise Nunn Btnj. Hitchcock,27 Chatham pl Parsons William,jun. 38 Clyde road Piper Mrs~ 11 Hanover crescent N unn J ohu, 79 Hnse Hill terrace Partington Mi&es, 5t Mentpelier road Piper Mrs. 14 .M.ediua villas,Cliftonvil!~ Norm J ost-ph, 12 Pdham square- Pascal! Thomas, 42 Preston road P1rie Mrs. 12 London road Nurenhurg Hev. l\lichael 8imon, 15 & Passmore Frederick Geo. I Clarence sq Pitcher Miss, 30 Hampton place 16 lJeviJn•laiJe place Patd1in Benjami11, 1 Vine place Pitcher Miss, 47 Park crescent Nye Clulrle:-, JUn. Ash Lea, Goldstone Patching Mrto. 149 Lewes road Pitt Mrs. 5 Sill wood road ,-illal', CJitwuville Patehing .M.rs. 24 Queen's road Pittar .Misses, 2 Round Hill crescent Nye Heury, 1::! J r.mklin road PatchiiJg H•chard, 19 Buckingham road Plaister Charles, 63 Lansdowne pl. Ho~·B Nye John Kt-nt, Sr. George'8 house, St. Patman John, 4 Perciva1 terrace Planner Miss, 20 Cliftcn hill Geor~t-'s !Jhtt•e Patmore Mr11. 106 Jtlarine parade PJatt Miss, lt.i Goldsmid road Nye .Mrs. 2~ Uifton street Patten Alfrtd Fowler, 43 London road Playfair Mrs. I Uussdl crescent Nye 1 hon·u~, ~~ Grar•d parade Patton Mrs. 110 Upper North street Plimpron Mrs. 4 Gladstone terrace N ye W 1lliu m, 4i St. Georp:e's road Paul Mrs. 6 Medina terrace, Cliftonville Plowright J am~s, 3ll ~llaftesbury road Oakes Jolw ltub~t, 6 Franklin road Pauli Emilius_, 1;:3 Belgrave place Pocklington Col. Hy. 11 Cambridge rd •