Smm Principia Alumni Kecor \19 14M] ;* 1

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Smm Principia Alumni Kecor \19 14M] ;* 1 ;Principia ^lumni f^ecord THE PRINCIPIA ALUMNI ASSOClAliui 13201 CLAYTON ROAD SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI 63131 BEING A YEAR BOOK Published in the Interest of The Principia by the Principia Aliimni Association M MAY 1914 ST. LOUIS, MO. X-. THE NE"W DORMITORY ^^^^^m,,^,mvm»mmi, ,^^^.,,.^r^ ;,^,,,-.,,,,,,,,,,.^^^,.,,, Co C})e principia THE EXPONENT OF TRUE EDU­ CATION, THIS BOOK IS RESPECT­ FULLY DEDICATED. ^- FOREWORD. In sending out the Principia Alumni Record, the Principia Alumni Association feels that it is but carrying out one of the chief aims of the associa­ tion, namely, "To establish the proper relations between Principia and the world at large." These pages contain a partial record of the devel­ opment of Principia during the past year in the line of Light, in the manifestation of true education. They are issued in a spirit of gratitude for good already accomplished, and in the hope of broadening our scope of mutual helpfulness. "For we must share, if we would keep That blessing from above." • •tiiiiiiiiKiiiiniiiiiriiiiiHiii .;a£g£^iSi££iiHiii^iiKMiiiitttfiii lmi9 14M\l^MBPrincipia Alumni Ke c o r d^mMllMl 9 1 4m /•y*'HE Principia Alumni Association was formed ord stands as a second milestone in the established \J on May 25, 1906, following the graduation printed history of the Association. of the first class. As the Association at that time was very small no necessity was felt for any means /• v^'HE close of the eighth year of the Principia I of communication between members other than \J Alumni Association, I9I4, marks great personal letters. 'With the graduation of subse­ growth within its ranks. Having weathered a few I quent classes came the demand for a broader, more storms of personal opinion and the argument of comprehensive means of communication regarding lack, always coming out with a brighter, better the affairs of the Association. The members at this sense of things, the Alumni Association finds itself time were living at great distances from St. Louis, on a firmer basis of unity, and ready for a larger the permanent headquarters of the association. scope of activity. Accordingly the Principia Alumnus was launched The past year has demanded a great deal of in May, 1909. The Association planned to issue this patient detail work in order to be thoroughly pre­ publication in pamphlet form every two months. It pared for forward steps of the coming year. The appeared until May, 1910, when it was discontinued time is upon us when we, as Alumni, can no longer because of untoward circumstances, chief of which fail to perceive the necessity for a definite personal was lack of sufficient financial support. From May, realization of our responsibilities in shaping the 1910, until May, 1913, the Alumni Association was future of Principia. without a publication of its own for official com­ The Alumni and the student body, together with munication or for unofficial general news concern­ the Faculty, constitute Principia; our growth ing its members. means Principia's gro-wth, if we are realizing the In May, 1913, the Principia Alumni Record was great debt we all owe to her. For many years a issued by the Principia Alumni Association to stand loyal few, and foremost among them the beloved as an official year book of the Principia. It is is­ founder of Principia, have borne the burden atten­ sued by all the classes that have come out of Prin­ dant upon the upbuilding of such an institution. cipia, joined into a whole, that an adequate idea of It is for the younger generation to carefully water the activities of the several alumni may be spread and thoroughly tend the seeds which have been so about. unselfishly planted. Other duties call our older This present edition of the Principia Alumni Rec­ helpers as time goes on, and the actual policy of Pa. F i [mi 9 1 4^ \ I^S^ Principia J1 I u m n i K^ecor d EJMJ] \M1 9 1 4M the carrying on of Principia will devolve upon her To the Christian Scientist, these mental proc­ sons and daughters. Let us awake that we may esses are daily occurrences, and he begins to find each actively fit ourselves for this solemn duty and his harvest manifested, in proportion to his realiza­ glorious privilege. tion of the one Mind and its operation. He learns Principia is no longer a small institution. Her to seek God—the Kingdom of Heaven—and "all growth must be seen in a broad light. The Execu­ these things are added unto him." As every good tive Board of the Alumni Association feels that thought is put into practice it is manifested to his the coming year there should be inaugurated a consciousness, and he finds his harvest, or his sup­ nation-wide campaign to put Principia where she ply, complete. He has received what promotes his really belongs, namely: in the front ranks of the spiritual welfare, and has grown in grace. exponents of true education. To accomplish this we As he turns away from the evidence of the lying must broaden our individual outlook upon the sub­ senses—senses which speak of lack, fear, loss of ject of education in general and upon the education opportunity, past personal experiences, inability and which Principia offers in particular. Having un­ other beliefs—^he finds peace and comfort in the failingly received Principia's best, let us give back realization that all true being is in God, and that good measure, pressed down and running over. man, being God's child, has all he needs. His human needs are being met, he is in his right place, and /»j^ ' HE Principia Alumni Record wishes to add the Truth is becoming dearer and clearer to him. V-^ a word of greeting to the Se"nior Class, ex­ Mrs. Eddy says in this same article, on page 11, pressive of its pleasure in receiving them into the "Neither red tape nor indignity hindered the divine Alumni Association. process." What a comfort it is to know that noth­ Your reputation as workers has already been ing can hinder the unfolding of God's plan for His established by the accomplishments of your school children. What a beautiful and gracious plan it is; years. Your ability to work together augurs well and man has his place, his work, and his reward in for a sense of unity which you will bring to the this plan. It is only when human will is thrust in Association. Your love for Principia and your that the divine will seems afar off. originality and resourcefulness in working for her In Science and Health, page 13, Mrs. Eddy says, will be of great benefit to us. "If our petitions are sincere, we labor for what we Principia is rapidly forging ahead, and you are ask, and our Father, who seeth in secret, will reward the fruits of her latest work. We expect great things us openly." from you. Nineteen Fourteen, and we bid you a hearty welcome. "•—TAS there ever been a time in your life when J ^ there crept into your thought the suggestion N page 12, of Unity of Good, Mrs. Eddy, in of discouragement—"the devil's worst tool"—and O "Seed Time and Harvest," says: "... and you seemed to be a failure? Were you mesmerized gather the harvest by mental, not material proc­ with this belief or did you look deep down into your esses." heart to see why you had allowed this uninvited Page s — .,.•.-, u.,.=~:ca»=^°^^=8«ir^:r«kk,da<a^w,,.a.k..^ [mi 9 1 4W\ [{mm^Principia Alumni "Ke c o r d^^\\mi 9 1 4M] guest to enter your consciousness—your mental the co-operation of the Record and The Principian home? Did you then endeavor to be very thankful will greatly further the aims of Principia. and to gaze up into the light like Daniel of old when the lions were about him? Have you ever NE so often hears the remark by people who asked yourself how you could fail when you "live, O have a serious purpose in life, "I haven't move and have your being in God"? time," or "I should love to do that if I had the There is no recipe for discouragement like grate­ time." fulness, seeing all the good about you and rejoicing. A sense of limitation right there arises as a As soon as you forget yourself you will cease to be barrier, and the thing to be attained becomes a little discouraged. Lend your efforts towards doing for more distant. those around you and you will not have time to be What is it that keeps man from having time to sorry for yourself. As Mr. Barrie has said, "Those fulfill the demands that living on this plane of who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot thought involves? Goethe has said, "One has keep it from themselves." always time enough if one will apply it." Can we not find our answer there? Success lies certainly in NE of this year's innovations of great value the application of our time and not in the time itself. O is The Principian published by the Press Club. The first issue appeared in November, 1913, Hurry is perhaps the worst cheat of all, for hurry and was a very commendable effort. As The Prin­ is fear, and when fear gets in there it likely to be cipian is a school paper it contains only news of much wrong thinking and as a result, confusion.
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