Radiographic features of cysts Cyst and benign tumors of the jaws A Cyst is a benign pathologic cavity filled with fluid, lined by epithelium, and surrounded by a connective tissue wall Steven R. Singer, DDS A = connective tissue wall
[email protected] 212.305.5674 B = epithelium Effects on adjacent structures Types ! Odontogenic ! Non-Odontogenic ! Pseudocysts Adapted from: White and Pharoah: Oral Radiology-principles and interpretation, page 380 Odontogenic Cysts Non-Odontogenic cysts ! Radicular cyst ! Nasopalatine cyst ! Residual cyst ! Nasolabial cyst ! Dentigerous cyst ! Dermoid cyst ! Paradental cysts (Buccal bifurcation cysts) ! Cysts formerly known as ! Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC) “developmental cysts” ! Basal cell nevus-bifid rib-OKC syndrome ! Lateral periodontal cyst ! Calcifying odontogenic cyst 1 Pseudocysts Odontogenic Cysts ! Simple bone cyst (Traumatic bone cyst) ! Radicular cyst ! Aneurysmal Bone Cyst ! Residual cyst ! Dentigerous cyst ! Mucous Retention Cyst ! Paradental cysts (Buccal bifurcation cysts) ! Stafne Bone Cyst (aka Stafne Bone ! Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) Defect) ! Basal cell nevus-bifid rib-OKC syndrome ! Lateral periodontal cyst ! Calcifying odontogenic cyst Radicular cyts Radicular cyts ! Results from the stimulation of the epithelial cell rests in the PDL by the inflammatory products from the non-vital tooth ! Most common type of cysts in the jaws Radicular cyts Odontogenic Cysts ! Radicular cyst ! Residual cyst ! Dentigerous cyst ! Paradental cysts (Buccal bifurcation cysts) ! Odontogenic Keratocyst