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11-7-1918 The aB tes Student - volume 46 number 22 - November 7, 1918 Bates College

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Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 46 number 22 - November 7, 1918" (1918). The Bates Student. 83. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/83

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TS * •>S,-'• / mt fkte teknt vol.. xi.vi. \( LEWISTON. MAINE, THURSDAY. NOVEMBEB 7. 1911 l'HICI-: TEN (T.NT8 S4 ARMY MAN ADDRESSES PORTLAND NAVAL LIBERTY THEATER HALLOWE'EN PARTY AT RAND ORGANIZED SINGING STUDENTS RESERVES 13, BATES D AGAIN CROWDED DRAMA, FORTUNES. STUNTS AND PROGRESSING HERE CIDER CHEERED QUARANTINE MIXED AUDIENCE ATTEND LIEUTENANT-COLONEL CUM ROUGH GAME ON GARCELON FIELD VICTIMS PROFESSOR ROBINSON PICTURES MINGS SPEAKS IN HATHORN The Portland Naval Reserves beal the DIRECTING WORK Hairs s. .\. T. C. team last Saturday in Again the Bates Theatrical Corpora- The social season at Hates has The members of the local 8. A. T, C. a so-called football same by the score tion has come to the front and again opened. The liisi social function In tl"' making of the great National were fortunate in having t!•• - privilege "'' 18-0. Previous i nlng to Lewis the public has responded. Saturday, .which included both sexes, in fact, Army, many novel "has have been in- troduced Which would have -hoiked of listening to Lieut-Colonel Cummings "'" """ ' " had already defea November 26th, like its predecessor, the first important one of any kind , , „ , tin' Bowdoin 8. A. r. c. eleven and marks another Innovation. Stimulated took pla-e last Priday night, when the the old style army officials and would <>l the L08d I . 8. rnfantry In Hathorn ...... , . , ., . had tied with tin* l niverstty ol Maine. by success and desiring the benefits ol Y. W. *'. A. entertained its friends at have outraged all military custom. Of Hall, last Monday afternoon. T som 8ure o{ U,.,„IV thev „,.,,. „„., by ., „.,„„ large scale production, a new plan was the annual Hallowe'en party. Consid- these innovations, none is more widely manding officer gave a sufflcionl intro ,,„.;,. ,operiol, iri football bul their in- followed. Men Were invited to attend; ering the number of students in col- introduced, more widely appreciated, duction when he said thai the speaker ,-,.,;„,. hl „(|l,ai,i,liii,. .„„| iM ,|„. violation women were Invited to attend; and lege this year, the crowd in attend nor more widely successful than tho came from the Second Maine Regiment. of ,, ,tablished football rules. The judging I'I appearances townspeople ance was a r rd one, and record element of soll^ in the life Of the soldier. In beginning his talk Col. Cummingi 11Bvy ropporteni wer nstantly on the were nol refused admittance. Tl om breaking g I time was enjoyed. stated thai "he was glad to be switched Bold and when thev remained on the side manding officer deceived a great hand A* usual, the party took the form Starting out with the firm belief that. tip here and would endeavor to tell some- lines they kepi coaching their men tolwhen he announced at taps Saturday of a masquerade, altho many attended the psychology of the soldiers waa thing of the various stages through which their hearts content with all tin' vehcm thai Kami Hail would bo considered unmasked and in ordinary attire. A worth cultivating no less than his 1 u young soldier passes. ' He paid s rn I which their tar lungs were <":i|> on tin' campus tor thai night only. large number of the young ladies were physical requisites, the high arm/ nfii- tribute right here to the 8. A. T. C. able. The result of it all was a furiously Tin- inn liate resilt of our superior's in costume, looking exceedingly charm eials appointed the socnllcd Commit- movement saying that "we were going played gan nstnntly marred by squab c tession was tin- evacuation of tho ing or grotesque, as their role might tee on Training Camp Activities. This at it righ! here." bling between the members of the two women's dormitories in couples we require. By half after seven Piske committee has and exercises vastly The speaker told of life In the can ,,..,,„.. , .]U„ ,,v lhl. ..,,,„„!, „,„„••• m know of only one couple preferring Room was nearly full of these gay and greater powers than its mere naiuo ' Il'1"-- "" wa" :l '"'" birtn ''"' which the sailors « xperts. W I Band Hall) fantastic COStUmCS, w lieu the liovs &I indicate. many of our young men. It was a ,|l|lv M(IW1. „.,..,., of ,,,,, Port|and At 7.15 (prompt Professor Robinson rived, in a body, and it might be re- The thought uppermost in the minds tremendous change in their lives. I" ,,.., I an old official of intercollegiate led the audience in several songs. marked, mi time for once in their of the men composing the board was '"" '"' "" tav« '"' ~"ls hi" """'""" games, was on the field i m as sh These selections have been gathered to lives. I'ew of them Wer.- cost limed, to put something into the American (loud laughter) and then he begins to M Rn} p,ayer ,.,,, ,„.,..„,„. ,,,- ,,„. ,„ gether and printed for the benefit of but the Uniforms if khaki, blue, ol soldier that would give him almost take on the l ing of a soldier." efficiency of tl facials the sailors were the soldiers in the various cantonments white, mingling with the civilian at unbreakable morale. The channel se- Prom the cantoi nts tho speaker took no) |„.,l.,]i/,„| ,-,„. the offonee. In play- ami posts tlni t the country. Mr. 'tire of their less fortunate fellows, lected primarily was thin sung. It us to the point of embarcation and told ing ,]i(. brand of lootbM „Meb the Wade of the freshman class waa forced Bounded the note of the new regime in Boon became evident that the nation- al army of sm-h gigantic proportions of incidents on the voyage over. Colonel ,.,..,.,.VI> aisplayed on Gareelon field they into service by our over-worked leadei Boeiety, Cummings paid a greal tribute to the |m,r.„|v |iv|lil u|i ,o ,1>t.ir. reputation i" Bing the vents of "The Qreat Bed After a short inarch, the company would demand a huge aggregation to was asked to he seated upon the pil promulgate this work alone. navj when he said, "You have got to vv||i,.h thpy ..H| ,.s,.lMis|l(,| a-niiist Bow- Dawn". Tho audience joined in the tol iv youi hats r navy. They Auiu .M|i| \|.liln. ,, ig doubtftl] whetherIchorus of what is bound to be oi ' Iowa heaped upon the floor, to witness Thus came into being tie- Raymond K. Posdick Commission. Tins commit are tl"' boys who suffer the real hard ,),,.,,. haj ,.,,,, |„,,.M „ „ ,|„, |t.lt,.s our most popular camp songs. tin- tragedy of Macbeth, presented by - 1 an all star cast. This drama which, t lirects singing in all its phases ships. Theirs is the record losing bul _a.i.■;,..,, B rougher game and it is more 'I' "'" Mr, Bows sprung the surprise as the curtain announced "was writ in the army camps. \ .rnon Stiles di- 800 men to submarines out of two million thM| doubtrui whethera lik nbination of the evening when he introduced Sun taken across." He told of tl"' foai on ui|| (.vc.r p]ay (il| <;.,,,.,.,,.„ goM , derlof (1022). This young man known in perfect rhyme," was a scream from rected the work at Camp Devens, Ayer, beginning to end. Shakespeare may MaSS., lor a time. Men of his abili- the boats, and of tl"' lights being pul Nci |oyei ,,, (,|,..lM [00tball would care to to men in J, It. II. as "Hercules" to have risen in his grave, hut Monie cer- ty were sole, ted t tlier camps unlit out each night at 5 P. M. Then (ol see a similar exhibition, men in Parker i- "Ludendorf" and tainly seemed to appreciate it. Not the task of supplying song directors lowed a trip through the danger sons Just as at Maine the Bates team tost to the young women as "Handsome (inly were the actors people, lint the became a well organized effort to ami a tale of abandoned ship drills four mi bad fumbles. After tl"' Bailors had Harry" lived up to his reputation. He curtain and the various articles of turn over the siiieer- of the country or five times a day. He spoke of the scored their first touchdown in the sec- recite.1 two very appropriate selections. stau'e setting came to life and spoke to tin- army camps in so far as was , ,i;,;, ui y at on w> boat destroyers ond period, made possible by a long "The - ; • Gale" and "The tie- proper rhymes at intervals. The practicable. ••When they see a submarine they gen forward pass, tin1 Bates eleven took the Smack in School" were well rendered .play opened with a witch scene in with the beginning of the college orally get it" he exclaimed. ' The sub ball up from their own forty yard line ami merited the applause received. which Marion Lewis, Cecelia Christen Brines that gel back from their third ,(i ,|i(, ,,.„ a lini,_ -.,.,;,, s.iiliirs Succeeding the only vaudeville act year, however, tin' Commission found sen, ami [Catherine Jones took part. or fourth trip out is very unusual ac did not seem to I He to stop the "as the feature, pictur ■ tl vening. Itself t'ace to face with tin- problem Macbeth, in the person of Mary Louise of enlarging their already great bur- cording to French public opinion." soldiers and a touchdown seemed eer- The ,ri:lls »nd tribulations of a i ■ \,w, culler entered and received his den when the S. A. T. i'., became a part "Arriving in England we were taken tain when Feeney fumbled the hall on a I farm hoy trying at the t in" warning. In the next seem- King Dun- of the four or live- hundred of American to a rest camp | no one knows why it is line play. The ball was recovered by to satisfy his love and his desire for can (Marion Lewis) arrived in great College-. Mr. Archer of Harvard wan so-called)" The S ml Maine re- the navy team ami the semi' against an education wore fully depicted. "The -tate. ami w.i- noi-t reali-tioslly mur- appointed the director of Binging fur mained lore for a tiim- and then moved them prevented. Ill the third period Continued on Page Three) dered with a potato niaslur by Lady the men in the units of tin- S. A. T. C. to another rest camp in Prai "Our Hales attempted a punt, but Adam fum- Macbeth (Dorothy Haskell). Then In accordance- with the plans laid time there was short. We gOl there at bled the pigskin, and Conroy, the cpiar PHILHARMONIC CLUB ENTER followed other salient points of the o:,t. each soldier must spend at least noon and many of us moved out at 12.30 ,,.,. p.,,.,. n|. ,,,,. jaiion, picked j, up Bnd ...... ,.. •. i.i i , TAINS AT "Y" HUT plot, such as stacbeth and the Ghost, half hour a week in learning -amp that night." A troop train would have raced foi the s ml touchdown. Several the sleepwalking scene, ami a grand snugs, in Binging war-time melodies, been a luxury on the journey which fol- times during the game the Bates team Sunday Meeting in Charge of finale in which Lady Macbeth killed and unconsciously absorbing some of lowed. We travelled in freight can on marched up the field with irresistible Local Women .everyone present and Hurnnni Wood that vim and pep into his own men- rough wooden benches without heat, force only to losi- the ball al the crucial marched serenely over the corpses. tality. light, or kicking; (the boys have for moment through bad fumbles. The Philharmonic t'lub delightfully Between the acts of the play, singing Professor Bobinson will direct tho got to kick in Prance) Coffee flavored For the Hates team Charley Southey entertained at the V. M. C. A. Hut, of popular songs under the leadership work here at Bates, ami it is confi- with a dash of rum helped to lighten the played a whale of a game at left Sunday afternoon. A varied program of Sergeant Tracy whiled away the dently expected that the course will journey. tackle. Ti ifter time he swept the made the u II i ion one of the pleas time. he a plea-ure to the soldiers in tho Colonel Cummings spoke of 'he British navy men aside, broke through the line anti-st that has been enjoyed since the At the close cf the drama, the "Id unit. The commanding officer ha- also bayonet training as "truly wonderful and nailed the man carrying tin' ball installation of these Sunday gatherings. witch, Shishgangagoulglish, who was at allowed tl" men an opportunity to (no one knows bayonet .liill until he has foi B ,(i>„ A, ■ >..:i1l played like a veteran Tic afternoon's program was pre- the party last year appeared and an sing just In-fore retreat. The -mall met a British sergeant-major). Nor can in )hi, ,,.„.k(i(,|,| ,.,. hmkl, np S,,V,,I..|I faced by a fev. remarks by tin- Rev. nounced that she would tell the for- collection of wind Instruments may an) '"II '»'• taal a British Sammy is d passes | his tackling le- forwBr Ceo. I-'. Finnic of the United Baptist tunes Of sen"- of those present. 'Pile soon give place to a hand to had tho not bright, for he can appreciate a ,-,.,,__.. WM |„„|, s„„, .„„, ,,.„.,, w|lM(. „„ Church he read a selection from a book lii-st victim was Soldier Adam, who re- men in their BOngS, It is certain that joke." ll Hence I"' carried the ball through in his possession relating to the life ceived a rebuke for the hard hearted no Btone will lav unturned to give tllO The speaker recounted the suffering the navy line for many substantial gains. and spirit "f the army, lie urged the way he used the co-eda last Ivy Day. Hal. - unit the support in singing that of the FT h 'le and told of their .,-,„, ,,..,„, wM, „„ ,„ N,,w | |.im|,s|,j,,. men to be cheerful, and nut to lei con The old witch made some do stunts, it desii-i -. wonderful spirit and stamina. "They next Saturday ami if the Hates players ditions destroy their personality. Al- and presented appropriate gifts to The solids are divided in'" groups. never had any idea of giving i" t" ll"' can hang onto the hall their chances of so he called upon all men to be merci- others: handkerchiefs t" those who Tin re an- SOII^S I'm- inarching as well llun he said. winning seem excellent. The line up: ful. Mercy goes hand in hand with Weep at the movies; powder to a shy as different melodies for other purposes. Several trophies wen- then exhibited BATES NAVAL BB8BBVE bravery; all great men have been mer- , and blushing young: pencils to the Tin- intention is t" have the men be- to the men. fl helmet, shell proof until ,;„llti| p. re, I.liudholin ciful. Prayer was then offered by the Simpkins Sisters, the letter it is struck; a French gas mask, a British aouthey, p come thoroughly piainted with tho rt. Burke same gentleman. writers of Hates: a soldier boy to a BOngt so that with other soldiers ill gas mask. OHO of the fill is French ObJ]^ ]g i^. Graham The first item on the program was lonesome young lady; a cup of salt different localities there shall be one 75's, and a one pound shell comprised |_u,.,, ,, c, Caiaes n piano solo by -Miss Terry I.ove which water to a verdant freshman. Another bond of understanding and of fellow- the novelties explained. The speaker Fabbri, rg lg. Breen was well received by the audience. freshman and his sophomore colleague ship the siilios they sing. also spent quite a little time in telling of Adam, rt It. (iadbois Next followed a well-rendered vocal >■> had to do penai by walking around the preparations for an attack ami the Aiala, re le. Crowley hi by Miss Hazel Woodbiiry, and then the witch's caldron and Heck Gregory methods of digging in after a successful Tall.ot. i|b qb, Conroy an exceptionally presented reading by gave an exhibition of swimming. raid. By the time that the stunts were over 1-Vonoy. Mill rhl), MeNair Miss Morgan who was compelled to Mr. Howe next 'announced that while The "Colonel" Imled by telling mil the actors had answered the mess VanVloten, rhb Ihb, Hcnnigar respond to two encores. Miss Alice half of the guests went downstairs for what we have been doing over hoic. Ih- •all, the thill end of the evening was Deane, fl> fb, Kennedy Hartlett then entertained with a |>leas refreshments, the other half would be tohl of a navy increased from 70,000 to irriving. Lieut. Quptill came nobly to Substitutes: For Portland, Daley for ing vocal solo. A chorus of fourteen divided into groups according to the 500,01"! •• making the submarine menace the rescue, telepluuicd tO Comma ml:i "t I.iimlhobii, Creamer for Breen, Bird for of the members, ,'ind a solo by Mrs. cards which they held, to take part in amount to almost nothing." He spoke Black, an thai room should I"- a sign to vacate. t,» staqd ih. bard nip i<> the African Jungles, present". Mow he says, "I have a lol and by Jack London for a six months' trip ASSOCIATE BDITOI Do not wait for itiin to ask you to to do and there is no time present. .-ii"' -»i r i -1 I'lipe lli,ra nail given perfect satisfac- Harver it. Goddard, '20 tion st he a pivity good little machine. leave, for. he would probably never I llah. Mali, i Thai's the recuril „f the Corona l-'oldlne; Type- AT.i MM BDI roi writer. Marios C. Dunnela, '10 ask. Think always of the rules in KYui'iu says he'd rather hoe s ron With Traveling Case $50 LOCAL DEPABTMENT force and observe them. of corn than do a squads right any C. O. BARROWS CO., Portland, Maine, LOCAL BDITOI day, gol durned it' he hadn't. Distributors Clarence Walton, '20 Tiiis article is written for the special AaaociATE EDiToaa benefit of a few. For the st par) Ton knoi'k outs count for a touch Local and College Representative Dorothy Haakell, '10 Gladys Logan, tho regulations are faithfully observed. down. HARRY W. ROWE Barnard Gould, '20 Arthur V. Loess, 350 College Street, Lewiston, Maine Yon c Iin-t. in the last analysis, must After Sun.lay's hike, We arc DOH Telephone 1007-M MAGAZINE DEPARTMENT be determined by the actions of the CORONA i.M11;Ai;\ BDITOI better able to understand the meaning Marlon Lewla, '10 majority. The majority lias decided of contour lines on Prof. TIIIIIIH ' maps. for "lair play". It is up to us all to UAOAZINI EDITOI* Don't you wish the K. 0. had let Haul Hilli-liins. '10 Kilwill Aihuns, cover off our file leaders and give satis- Scientific Optical Work Uarjorle Thomaa, '20 you take that nice heavy reefer on the Cillisses I'lopeily Killed h.V U.-llist.-reil faction to all concerned. ll|ilouielrlsl. Wi- are luirnufiicturcrs BC8INE88 MANAGEMENT Cross country march he so kindly ar- or lenses anil can duplicate any broken \l IH ION ranged for us.' lens. We keep in .loch Optical In- Banford l- Bwaaey, 'in struments, Opera ami Pleld Classes. Another issue of the Student goes to AaaisTAiti UANAOIBI D. S. Thompson Optical Company w. ill y A. Bmall, '20 E, Clifford, press without any new- of those long 127 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Me. deferred uniforms. MARLEY 2^ IN. DEVON !Vt IN. BobserlptlAns, J2.00 per year In advance Anyway we'll appreciate them more Six Chairs—No Long Waits fclaslr copies. Tea Cents wl they do arrive. AT Oh, for ye g le layes Enter.ii as second class matter at the Those sailor men ol ours certainly GEORGE R. HALL'S post otTU-e at Lewlaton, Main.'. paddlinge squade. ARROW Were in their element when the com Hair Dressing Parlors Monie Well, what about Tin All business communications should be inainler led the way across the swamp. ( COLLARS 41 Lisbon Street addressed iu Ha- Business Manager, n < i I nattircd M en ''.' I i.| you catch their shouts of gleef ClUETT, PE»BOOY & CO.. INC. M»sr = - Parker Hall. All contributed articles or Satisfaction Guaranteed in all kinds of any sort should !»■ addressed lo the Editor, Miss W. I didn't think it was pos- Now we know that all really and Hair Dressing 4 Roger - Hall. The columns "I the "STUDENT" uiv at all limes open i" alumni. si'dc truly soldiers should salute except DUTCH II.MIi CI'TS A SI'Ki'IALTY undergraduates and others for the discus- sion of matters or Interest to Hates. Monie What do you say, Mr.Adaml "'"'" " is ""' neeessary, and under THE RIME OF OUR PERSONNEL The EdItor-ln-Chlef Is always responsible ertain conditions, ote. Why Shouldn't We ? for the editorial coin and the general Ad. I don 'I B\ ell see the joke. ADJUTANT We Ho Not rinlm to he the Sollcy of the paper, and the News Editor Is it too much to hope for leave by (INI.Y Ilarber Shop or the matter which appears In the news Uorang, describe "eyes-right." columns. The llusliuss uiiiniiger has com- ('hrist mas.' i As appreciated by his brother officers) We Give the Best Service plete charge of the finances ol the paper. Turn the face to an angle of 15 and —That's All Hikes an- marvellous cures for some 1 march forward. We Are MASTER li.MUtRRS i-uiMiai nv types ol' vaccinations. Ves—they took me in the Army, Convince yourself Maaau.L & WIBBES Co . Arm BN, ME. No Nn you started off on the It's no use! These Germans are (lave me si s and uniform; EENATJD & IIOIDI-: u rong foot. bound to lay down their arms before Made a dummy soldier of me, Manufacturer's Bank Bldg. Buff If I wen- learning a squad the hordes of the Hates -. A. T. O. are Far from where the battles storm, You are going to have your chance. loosed upon them. I ain't gol no gun or bay'net, BATES COLLEGE BOOK Never seen a cannon yet— Did you ever notice bow Prof. Hob. It is small COmforl to tell a man Why, they won't let me go inarclim ' STORE ropes those freshmen in to lead the that he is being a good soldier when Ho you w ler that I fret .' singing, he is standing at attention up to In- 161 Wood Street UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN anities in mud, anil in leaky shoes at Student Supplies, Felt Goods, Fowler talking to a lieutenant Say- Hut I write, write, write, November 11-18 will mark the work- that. Fountain Pens Bates Jewelry, etc do you want me to go on that hike tier the beggars keep me workin1 half ing of a campaign for 1170,500,000. BBBTBa I-'. I'll.KS, Manager this morning. The quizzes on the I. n. it. reveal ex- the night; After careful investigation, the Presi- cellent originality on the part of some And there ain't no blood and thunder dent has suggested the scheme of tins I'll say that water boy looked pretty The New embryo generals. 'Ceptin' When you make a blunder; United War Work Campaign. Seven good last Saturday. UNIVERSAL LAUNDRY due of Die --oiibs" iu the sec I Lord—I wisht I had a gun no's I could agencies have I n recognized as hav- (Ih. yes, it looked like a free for Maine's Biggest — Best Laundry platoon desires to inform the K. 11, fight. ing the right to appeal to the public all at linns. R. D. LIBBY. Proprietor for funds. Heretofore s tremendous that his feelings won't be hurt if they 2 Camouflage did not work last Sun- amount of effort and a large overhead raise the line; in the cool hours of the All the blessed liviu' daytime, day A- M. Portland, ... Me. expense has resulted from separate cam- early morning without him. On a bard and narrow seat, paigns. Now the seven agencies in The rumors that the uniforms have How we do envy the sergeants their We Just sit and write BO'jers POCKET KNIVES, RAZORS voiced, the V. M. C. A., the Y. w. C. come an- inii.h like the Kaiser'- abdl warm comfortable cotton uniforms when And it 's awful in the heat. S( issoiis AM) 8HEAH8 A., The National Catholic War Council cation. There is nothing in it. reveille blows. While the sun beats down like fury, PAINTS AM) OILS anil nil iK. of c. . -1.-wish Welfare Board, War While the dust is everywhere, articles usually kept in a Hani- line of the Sergeants ill .1. H. informed We wonder if it would be Impossible ware Stun-. Camp Community Service, American Li- We just sit and write up rookies, Private X that ■ of the officers in for licjht fingered gentlemen from the brary Association and the Salvation 1'rayin ' for a breath of air. GEO. A. WHITNEY & CO. the Orderly room wanted to apeak with Street lo gain entrance to our barracks. Army are to join hands in a united 235 Main Street, Lewi.ton. Maine him on the telephone. Private -V Tl ommanding offleer made a hit effort. stalled, then turned about and said se- We just write, write, write, A drive will probably be made on with most of the men when lie banded Gee the beggars keep us workin' half BABCOCK'S riously: -'Sir, am 1 BUpposed to sa TIIK the campus. At any rate one will lie out K. p. for camouflage on double is lute.'" the night; made down-town. A year ago Hates time around the track. And I bey laugh at us and jeer us REXALL STORE students responded again and again to It Germany has not yel beard of the For no enemy ain 't near us; DP appeals. The Y. at. C. A. Campaign Bates unit, evidently her allies have. Not ice Lord— 1 wish! I had a gun so's I could Lewiston was especially successful. This year flght. Till: Hit; DP TOD ATIi DRUG 1100SB ■'.lust take that and lei it sink in.'' (10 THERE FOR GOOD SERV1CB con,lit ions are different, more favor- The sergeants are making great progress it would be considered a great fa - "i :; able if anything. in imitating their superiors. if the volatile fingered gentleman who Today th.-ie are three distinct classes Wi' just sit and ask \-III questions: THE NEW ENGLAND --Mow do they stand at the beginning stole the waste basket from L'll Roger of -.indents. Each .lass has special rea Where Ihej live and what's their agel TEACHERS' AGENCY of the second inniug,,< piped up one ol Williams would return for the waste Was they ever in the Service 1 sous for generosity. l\artfi'st Kast of Hoston Students in the sen Ice of the Gov- the Sergeants in Barracks B at last Bat. paper that belongs therein. Why the answers (ill n i>;ig<'. G. W. Craigie, Manager football game. Work for the Sanitary If they croak, where should wo send Km ma l*\ Iligginn. Asat. Manager ernment, for the most part are in a hid yon notice tin- mysterious woman Train, there I 'II aaj. '«in .' Y. M. C. A. Building much better position to contribute than I .'i in the dark hat at thi- Hallowe'en Where's their birthplace, who they PORTLAND, MAINE before this new ruling. The posses Lay Mm on the grass! and we bad to Party. keepl sion of a uniform should not mean the stand at attention. evading of the privilege of giving The following notice recently ap- Am! some's so bloomin' Ign'nuit Not many men lip their hats to a STEAM GLOBE LAUNDRY toward thi- good work. These agen- Tliut their dumbness makes you weep. lady and then look into space (there peared on the door of I'l Roger Wil cies provide eomfi.it for members of is a reason . lianis. QUALITY QUALITY the S. A. T. C. as well as the I Bui we write, write, nrite, Gee tin- U'ggar.s keep us workin' half iii the oamps. tine of our officers is authority for Wait- ,\ Leader WORK SERVICE the statement that you do not have to tin- night; Again there are probably more wo- • ' Advice In the Lovelorn Salute in a wagon if both hands are OC Ycj. we 're in i he Personnel, men iu college than ever before, Their No Fee 11' you ask un' why, its hell; PORTLAND, ME. efforts have always been an inspiration ellpied. The members of the above men Lmtl, I wisht I hat) a ^ini MI'S I could and they- will welcome an opportunity A prisoner does not salute an officer tinned linn are no doubt well ipiali to aid this fund. The third ell -Oh I Boy. fight. lied by experience, and deserve the 4 compose.I of civilians, men either no- Prof. Grose "Forbes, correct this or pi'ev onto.I from >ei\ in;.' thru sentence, 'Milton was thrice married iu patronage Of those Who are desirous ill l-'or we'll stay here till it's over Mohican Co. being physically disqualified. They his life, tin- latter par) of which was oui.lance as regards affairs of the And the boys come man-bin' back, will consider it a privilege to support Tcllin' bow they licked the Germans, Spent in blindness' ". heart. 217-223 Main St. this war work and can lie depended HOW tlirv ;-ili- Willielln the saek. on to give to the point of hardship. Forbes, '22 ■■ The latter part of Mil I'll! even then they'll keep us, LEWISTON, ME. An effort v* ill I..- made for this g 1 ton's life was made unhappy by the Eleventh Hour Repentance l.ettiu ' out what we let ill, three marriages and blindness.'1 cause, Think it over, students, and Then they'll send us back to home folks. THE HOME OF PURE POODS AND when the time eolues lie prepared to Special from Roger Williams Hall, Hue swallow does not make a sum Who will greet OS with a grin. follow up the good work of last year Freshn have dlseovared to their met- and the fael that the Huns with For we wrote, wrote, wrote, OP BKST QUALITY AT MONET drew from l.ille without giving the oitj No—wi- didn't cross no ocean in a aid the Fourth Liberty Loan. dismay, that although the Army has SAVING PRICES weeded out the Sophomore division, to the thiines does not make the Hun boat ; TAIR-PLAY there are still a few irate Seniors to a e I llllli. There are other DM And we didn't see no flghtin', wield the paddle. ries, those of Canibrai, Lens, St. Qlicn- We was too damn busy writin'; To the regrel of many, the command- tin and the scores of l-'rench cities and Ho you wonder that 1 think I am the LIBRARY HOURS Rinls of a feather, the X. W. table ing officer was forced to remind us of towns, yes and hamlets and even iso- (loat .' of the Crow's Nest in Caruei;ie. flic proper use of the "Y" hut equip lated farms, to be evoked anil those Taken from '' Personnel " 9.00 to 12.00 A.M. liient. Enjoying the benefits for the The f'hem. Warfare liept. (Bntes) memories will remain while France ex- Published By The 1.15 to 5.30 P.M. first time, it would seem almost cer- present the new Dynamiejlit Bakine; ists. Committee on Classification tain that the opperelassmen would ex- Powder. —Bnngor Commercial of Personnel in The Army 7.00 to 9.00 P.M. ?7 THE BATES STUDENT, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1918 PAGE THBEB

BATES S. A. T. C. TAKES ITS Try one of our JORDAN SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZES LIBERTY THEATER FOR THE YEAR SECOND HIKE AGAIN CROWDED CHOCOLATE MILK SHAKES Advance Thru Swamp Main Feature Work To Continue As Usual Lnued front ; THEY 'RE. GREAT As a s| iul inducement tn those sol ilieis who had previously made some Hired Man" vorj realistic to 11 In"- I ii learned with satisfaction plans for their liisi furlough last week brought to close a very successful pro- thai the Jordan Scientific Socicti is to end in postpone their preparationi gram. continue its wort this year. Thi, society wait patiently for anothei week, the Mi. Ifowe am II,d that lal THE QUALITY SHOP is the oldest ul' the strictly men', clubs, commanding officers made arrangements expects to in- aide in secure films from for a short hike on Sunday morning. the activities bureau of the V. M. C. A. and was Founded In 1910. At thai time 143 COLLEGE STREET Ii was the second cross countrv tour At present he secures hi- I II «II- felt, nn.l ii is Mill the policy, Telephone 1817-W which the 8, A. T. C. unit has made, but through a clearing house In Portland. io have one strong society for the differ it differed materially from the fn-t one, If success crowns our secretarii ent science departments rather than a both in the day ami the •/■ul. Whether foil- amusement free of charge "ill lie number of smaller and weaker clubs there was any connection between the furnished. Vaudeville, officially cen- BATES COLLEGE representing each department. This so two we iln not know, l>ut certain ii is sored, will also l,e a part "I future cietj is named in honoi of Dr. Jordan. that this particular hike will probably programs. LEWISTON, MA INK 111 Recommendations are made each yeai "i ( the 111:111y incidents of our mill by the Heads of the Departments of tary life that will be related to out chil LOCAL MAN LEAVES FOR Biology, Cl latry, i logy, Mail lal ilien and grandchildren when thej come WEST POINT in us I'm some personal information of FACULTY OF INSTRUCTION AND GOVERNMENT ice, and Physics; i those r mmen- datiom seven senior and five junioi mem the Great War which they know only Henry .1. Woodbury, of the cl second hand, By sevoral of the young OF.IROE C. CHASE, A.M., D.D., L.L.D.. *ROTCI l>. Pi IUNTIIN, A.B.. bers are elected by the members. 1921, oldstyle, left the barracks Batur DtNCtor of Physical Training and In soldiers it has Keen advanced as a ease day nigh) III attend the West Point I'RK.SIDENT slriictor In Physiology At the n tings original papers are tn substantiate General Sherman's sim Military Academy. Tin- appointment ProfoBBor of Psychology and Ix>glc JOHN M. CARBOM.. A.M.. presented dealing with some phase of pie definition of war, MMAN G. JORDAN, A.M.. Pn. D., Professor of Economics scientific activity. Undoubtablj this came rather to the surprise of himself Stanley Prufcunor of Chcml.try BAUDHi K. HARMS. A.M.. year sj lal attention will be paid to .lust why there are swamps, like a D I ami to others, inasmuch as he look the Assl. Professor of German WM. H. HARTSHORN, A.M.. I.ITT.D.. such problems as the oar of toxic gases many other natural ineonv etiie - such examinations over two years aero ami Professor of English Literature HUBERT A. K. MCDONALD, A.M., PH.D., a> mosquitoes and Germans, all of which had assumed that an appointment for Professor of Education in warfare, the role of vaccines in dis- HKRBEBT R. PURINTON, A.M., D.D.. the world would be ideal without, him would nut I,.- forthcoming. $e\ I'ullonton Professor of Blbllttl Literature SIDNEY 11. BROWN, A.R.. A.M., ease prevention, coal tar derivatives, the and ItellKloQ Instructor ID French use of higher mathematics in plotting i on* pat. But ii seems that there theless, a short lime ago he received OBOSVENOR M. HOBINHON, A.M.. Ul ■! NCI B, QBOSIj A.M., M.F., trajectories, etc, is III ver in the Pole Hill vieinily ami a w ire i ii,m i 'ongressman White askl Instructor In Forestry Professor of Oratory While only eighteen men may have that Lieutenant Black run across it with him if he would accept an appointment ARTHUR N LEONARD, A.M., PH.D., CHARLES II. IIlOOiNS, I'S. the unit in his endeavor to find a as alternate. Woodbury answered in Professor of (Jerinnn Instructor In Chemistry the honor of being members of this so BEATBICI <;. Hi UK, A.B. ciety, ii lias been the custom, ami ii will plaee mine aqueous than Garcelon field. the affirmative ami dismissed thi it- hn A. KNAI-I', A.M., Instructor In Biology ier from hi- mind. Saturday, however, Professor of Latin continue so, that the meetings will be in' course the boys did not stop I'm it. KARL S. \V K. B S. but went thru ii with the Bame spirit Ii.. got word thai In- had been appointed FRKI> B. POMEROV, A.M.. Inslructor fn Mathematics ami Physlci open in the men of the college. Professor of Biology that they would go aftei the Kaiser, i ie of il peningi at the school it- IlMdtv WII.I.SUN Itmvi:, All., Lail yeai was one ol the best years They liked it! This incident of the self. His fellow students, while they HALBERT II. BRITAN, A.M.. PH.D.. Secretary Y. M. C. A. in the history of this organization. The Cobb Professor of Philosophy KITH HAMMOND, B.S., hike was naturally the most important will miss his g Inatured smile, con- Instructor n Bousobold Bconom] papers presented showed a great deal of GKORGH M. CHASE, A.M., for the moment anyone mentions the gratulate him upon hi- o I fortune Belcher Professor of (ireek Lnti If, NILKS, A.B., research, the Society visited several of Director of Physical Training for the hike last Sunday it readily suggests a and feel sure thai he will maintain the WILLIAM It. WHITEHORNK, A.M.. PH.D., the local industries of scientific interest, Women and instructor In Physiology soft, spongy marsh and a | uliar sink standard of his Alma Mater. Professor of Physics I BLANCHE" W."ROBERT8.*'A.B.. thru the generosity of I»r. Jordan of the GEOQOE E. KAMSDELL, A.M., Librarian Depart nl of Chemistry a trip was iIIu sensation. Professor of Mathematics MABEL E. MJBR, A.B., Hul there were othei Incidents of the Assistant Llhiarlt n taken to Portland and vicinity, and also DEBATING COUNCIL HOLDS FIRST FRANK D. TIBBS, A.M., 8.T.D., Fi.iZAnrTii B I'HJSE, A.B., an exhibition was held at which s of hike which di' el si.m isideration, MEETING Professor of Geology rtnd Astronomy Secretary to the President In the first plaee the unit was some the wort done in the Departments of R R. N. GOULD, A.M. NOIii HOUDLETTB, A.II., linle lime getting stalled. The climate Ifoowllon Professor of History md Registrar Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, ami Plans For Year Discussed G overt monl M B8THBB Ih shown, H is hoped thai the season was somewhat more advanced than ALTIIIR F. HKRTELL, A.M.. F.STLLLK B. KlMBALL, exhibition may be repeated this year. The first meeting of the Debating Professor of French Matron ami also thai trips may lie taken to n week ago, Lieutenant Black found a Council was held Thursday al I o'clock CLARA L. BUSWELL, A.B., DBLBBBT ANOREWS. A.B.. deficiency in sweaters and outside ap- in Hathorn Hall for the purpose of Dean for the Women of the College Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings some of the large industrial plains near- by. parel, lie sent the men back to their deciding the attitude of the members ILBIBT ClAIQ BAIHD. A.M., B.D., * i >n I.eiivr of Absence. Professor of English and Argumentation Members of the Jordan Scientific So- quarters to warm up and finish dressing. towards continuing debating and for This only shows how much care the the adoption of some policy for the ciety are making name.- for themselves year. The ent husiasln for holding in after leaving college. government gives to the general health of its soldiers. tercollegiate debates this year was as Thorough courses (largely elective) leading to the degrees of A.B. and B.S. Careful Warren Watson, the lii-i president of When the men had assembled again strong as ever. It was voted to confer (raining In English Composition. Oratory and Debate. Thorough courses In Engineering this society is now doing research wort ml In subjects leading to these. Elective courses In Mathematics extending through the the lull call was road, which revealed a with the New England colleges, especial- en gases, and gas defense. Originally ■lit three years. Excellent laboratory and library facilities. Up-to-date methods In teach- number of unreported eases of small pox ly M. A. i'. with whom we have a con- ing Greek. Latin, French, German. Spanish. History. Economics. Sociology and Philosophy. he was drafted, but upon reaching Dcrt and cold feet. They wen- at liisi alarm- tract, and learn their attitude towards First-class Athletic field. New outdoor running track. Literary societies. Moral and ens. he was transfored iii Philadelphia, Christian Influences a primary aim. Active Christian Associations. A graduate V. M ing, Imt at length, after a little investi holding a duel debate. If a satisfactory At present he divides his time between C. A. secretary. gation ami tin- camouflage removed, reply was received from any of the Washington and Philadelphia, lie- lias Necessary annual expenses for tuition, rooms, board, and all other College charges from wen- reduced to a mini m. Then the colleges, the council would make the earned his nmission of Lieutenant. two hundred and twenty-live to two hundred and fifty dollars a year. Steam heat and little army of Hates undergraduates necessary arrangements. Electric lights In the dormitories. One hundred ami eleven scholarships, one hundred mid Albert Buek, another member of this swung cheerfully down by Hathorn Although we have losl a few var- six of these paying fifty dollars a year, the other five paying more. society iliil advanced work at Tech and Hall onto Central Avenue. They t'ul sity debaters, yet there an- several For special proficiency In any department, a Btudent may receive an honorary appoint- is now better known for the Sanitary ing nt in thut work. Snob appointments for the present year are as follows: lowed Central Avenue oul when- they aide orators left; Bcilj. B. Mayo. '20, Wink which he • Ii.I in the war between ::]"*;>". C. Karl Packard. '!!»; C'lu-nii.stry, Kdwln \V. Adam.s '10, Aubrey K. SnOWO, rested before going over the hill, and Clarence E, Walton, '20, and Charles Turkey and Bulgaria. He is now at lit. g&nford i,. Swaaey, '19, William J. Connor, '2(\, Clarence K. Walton. '20; Onr- down into the bog which destiny had I'. Mayoh, '19, being the only varsity ush, Dorothy C. HaskHI, '19, Marion 1<\ Lewis, "19, Lillian C. Woodbury. '19, Salonika. prepared for them. They returned men back. There are however several Harjorie B. Thomas, '20; Geology. Blanche M. Smith, "19, Vida K. Stevens. '19; Amiiliei e\ n iber, Louis Jordan, has Latin, Cecellla Chrlstenaen, '10; Mathematical Mary H. Hodgdon, '19, Gladys W. back down Russell Street and Central members of the Sopl one team who made ■■ name for himself becauso of his Bkelton, 19, Tadashl Fujlmoto, '19. Sara W. Reed, "20, Clarence K. Walton, '20; Avenue t0 the mess hall at the C une returned and together with the research wort on Rare Earths at the Oratory. Mary L. Newcomer, '19, Helen C. Tracy, 19. tuiins after about two hours absence. rumor that 1922 has a ng its stock University of Illinois, In spite ul' the fact that for the time a few reputed Orators, there should lie These are llir [ the leeenl graduates being there are eertaiu 11iaagrecable as- in difficulty in el -in;; a trio in repre- who have done exceptional work. On sociations with a long hike ever rough sent our Institution. Registered Druggist the Honor Hulls of onr country will be country roads and fields, yet, after all We must, however, lay aside any Pure Drugs and Medicines found many more names of members R. W. CLARK there are mine m less pleasant rocollec plans for intercollegiate debating this ul' the Jordan Scientific Societj who arc PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY linns which it leaves and the general year, as ii was learnt that the military lining their Lit in the Medical. Engii Also, CHOCOLATES opinion of everybody is: "I wouldn't men would In- unable in participate in ing, Sanitary, and Gas Defense Wort. have missed ii I'm* the worldl" any forensic contesl or secure a fur 258 Main Street, Cor. Bates, LEWISTON, MAINE still others an- making possible the RED CROSS RALLY HELD IN RAND lough in ease the team had to travel to carrying on of the war by their work some other College to del,ale. on aei-ouut as analytical chemists in such coi ns Monday evening, directly alter din of the heavy program tiny are earry- as the Hit 1'iints. inr, tin- girls HI' the college gathered ing, HARRY L. PLUMMER The first meeting of the Jordan Scion BOWDOIN MEDICAL SCHOOL in I'iske room In hear about the plans To discontinue debating of an.\ kind tiflc Society was held Wednesdav, Octo I'm- lied Truss work during this college iliis year would In- t<» slacken the col ADDISON S. THAYEB, Dean ber 30th, at Hedge Laboratory, New year. Marion Dunnels, president of the lege interest in iln- current problems Photo members were elected, also a chairman and 10 Deerlng St., PORTLAND. MAINE association, made a brief apepal i" the and in deprive those Interested in and memliei nf the Executive Committee. girls in which sin- Btated that it was public Bpeaking, and argumentation. Art Studio A committee consisting of Packard their glory to spend themselves in the When we consider Hie fact that there J. H. STETSON CO., Inc. (chairman), Snon and Walton was ap sen ii f Bed Cross. She Introduced me only slight possibilities of conduct- Baseball, Football, Tennis, pointed to draw up resolutions on the Ai Paris who told of the need for ing the Politics ''lulls this year, then 134 ' Lisbon Street Skates, Snowshoes, Flash- deaths of two of our former members, knitters to turn their talents to the we realize that something most he LEWI8TON. MAIME light Supplies Wendal Harmon, who died in the service making of sweaters and socks. Vers substituted or instituted to keep the of his country, and W, I'. ('. Smith, who 65 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Me. Milliken appealed to those girls win, interest in politics and debating alive. Telephone 119 spent several years in research wort in liiol their delight in sewing, she told Ii is rumored that if plans for Inter- Iceland. Plans were discussed for the of the urgent need for garments for collegiate debating must he shelved, year's wort. Belgian babies. Anne Mae Chappell then a new organization in the form of GOOGIN FUEL CO. FOGG'S LEATHER STORE Officers for llie year are: a Senate will he formed. This organ- COAL and WOOD reminded the girls that old kid gloves, Headquarters for Baggage President. Edwin W, Adams fruit st s, ami I in foil help to win ization will open it- membership to all 138 Bates St. 57 Whipple St. Secretary, Philip Talbot the war. c-irrie Place gave interesting civilian students ami to all 6. A. 'I'. C. Repairing of All Kind, Promptly Done Oilice, 1800, 1801-R Yard, 1801-W Executive Committee, Sanford Swasej information ooueerning Home Bervice men that eau find lime lo attend the LEWISTON, MAINE 123 MAIN" ST., LEWISTON, ME. i chairman >. C. EaiI Packard. duties. Thaw are performed at the meetings upon entering lie Senate, a Other members of the Jordan Scientific Lewiston Ited Cross headquarters. There new member will In- required to name FOR GOOD CLOTHES AND Society are: from 1919, Tadash Fuji- is a great demand for nirls who can which state lu- will represent. If he FURNISHINGS miiin. Aubrey Snow, William Connors, do office Work or who are willing to Chooses Texas, he will lie known and The Best Values WHEELER CLOTHING CO. Stephen Gould, Newton Larkum, Charles do errands, attend tel, -phone, answer referred to in all debates ami dii Cor. MAIN and MIDDLE STS., Southey, George Lawsonj from 1920, questions and do Slug. sioni a- the "Gentleman from Texas". Special discount Given to Clarence Walton, Lawrei Philbrook, After these short appeals had I n The purpose of this society will not For $5.00 College Students Oscar Voigtlander, Albion Bice, and made, slips of paper were passed only in- debating but for the Study of Harvey iloddard. There are two vaean around, Baefa girl signed for the num- War Aims, so Unit those civilians who aPr. Phono 10.-.7-W Bobber Heels a Specially eies in in- filled from the class of 1919. ber of hours n week she could give for arc not taking the course under 1'rof. PEOPLE'S The Jordan Scientific Society appreci- this Important service, and for the Gould, may have the opportunity to SHOE REPAIRING SHOP ates Lieut, Black's Interest and r igni- particular branch of work in which she study them just the same. The above OLD SHOES MADE LIKE NEW tion of its work by allowing the society was most interested. Plans for the is merely a rough idea of what the or- Athletic Shoea and Rubber* for Sale to moot twice a month, anil excusing the next meeting were discussed, it finally ganisation would lie. Those interested IUNN & SWEET SHOE STORE Cor. College Street, 66 Sabattns Street 8. A. T. C. members from supervised being decided to make convalescent in the verbal sport arc anticipating the next move of the Debating Council. 87 LISBON ST.. LEWISTON. MB. LEWISTON, MAINE studv. scrap books for wounded soldiers. 1«



1 LOCALS BATES BOYS £5. GOOD CLOTHES rpHE Newest HtylM wrt slwsyi to bt found at tin* Llvs 81 1 l»■ • not rail to look at our complete showinn <>r New spring Qoodl which will he sliuwn here indue si-.i-mi. in 1'KK I'KNT OM nisim NT TO sn DBMTV. L GRANT &, CO. HASKELL & HOPKINS, The Live Store, 27 Lisbon St. Missc* (ilnilys Uoariug, 1922, and Ed 54 LISBON STREET DA BugheSj L921j spent the week-end at their home In South Portland.

Misses Basel Lucet Uargarel Wyman. LETTERS FROM BOYS Florence Peraald, Helen Bichardson, IN THE SERVICE [Catherine Banscom, Prances Crish, and ROSS'S ICE CREAM Rosalia Knight have returned to col- A letter from Paul II. Kcniiisun, '19, lege after having spent the period of written to President chase will be read quarantine at their homes. with interest by his many friends on the Miss Vivian Wills, L92B, was at hor 1878 in. Prank II. Bartlett of Bon- and other delicacies cain|MIS. " Ken " has been "over there" home in Auburn over Sunday. kers, v v., and New Sink city died on for some time now. Hi.- address is: Miss Alice Parsons spent the week- September i:ith. lie was a man HI' Ambulance Company, No. BM Sani- end at her borne in Hallowell* great kindliness, unselfishness, and may be termed the "educated" kind tary Train, A. E. !•'. Blisses Doris Longlev And Olice Stone beautiful spirit. He had been a prac- because the flavor is tastefully brot My dear President Chase: were .-it their home in Norway for the tising physician in New fork for many This letter will not lie as interesting out when you partake of them. week-end. years. He leaves a wife and one son, as my last one. for the noveltv of being Misses Mildred Wyman and Bleanor Kenneth, who is in the United state, over here has worn off, and besidefli very Bradford arc on the campus for tin- Army. first time. little has happened which would consti- YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED ALWAYS tute news. I «as very glad to read the L888 The resignation of Principal Miss Marion Drew, who lias been ill Charles I.. Wallace of the High School at Band Hall, was able to return to Bates news in your letter; in fact, I doubt it' you ever wrote a leter thai was at Plymouth, N. 11., la the cause of her studies last w eek. deep regret not only to thosi leotl ; more appreciated than that ■. I once Miss Esther Pearson spent the week- with the BCl I hul te the whole town. noticed an advertisement by the Bast GEO. A. ROSS, Class 1904 end at Winthrop, ruder Mr. Wallace'- admin ist rat ion the Misses Bleanor Hayes and Freda man Kodak Co., in which was the state 66 ELM STREET, LEWISTON. MAINE men! ! "The hoys over there live on scl I has been mad e of the strong- Pish, 1919, wer< week end guests :it est high schools in the stale. Mr. Wal- Telephone 68O letters" and after being here three the home «»f Miss Hayes in Walnut lace has accepted the pi in, ipalship of weeks without mail, I agree with it. Hill. the Dover High School, which has at 1 think you will be interested to hear Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Moulton, former I enrollment of :;."itl pupils and a faculty about an old French chateau which mj Bates students, were guests of Mrs. of Hi teachers. Previous to his eleven chum and I visited four weeks ago yes- Moulton's sister, Miss l>"ti^ Hooper years of leaching in Plymouth, Mr. terday. I cannot mention the name lull last week. Mr. and Mrs. Moulton are Wallace was superintendent ami prin- mi their way to a mission lirlil ill In- ii is live miles away, so we walked out cipal of the High School at Lisbon, in early in the morning, and it surely was dia. 1898 he was president of tin- st.r worth the walk to see it. Miss Gladys Bkelton spent the week* Teachers' Association and ha- been • Entering through the massive iron end in Port laml. member of the Education Council since Merrill C& Webber Co. Miss Helen Crawford is spending a -ates, we pi led along a winding .1- organization. few days at her home in Lancaster) driveway lined with great spreading trees 1911 Helen II. Sail-, formerly 01 X. II. and narrow strips of well kept lawn. Hates, 'II, is enrolled in the I', s. PRINTERS and Dean Buswell was at her homo in until, crossing the moat, the imperial student Nurse Reserve. Boston, Saturday and Sunday. lines of the great castle si I before us. BOOKBINDERS Miss Ruth Cummings spent the week- majestically silhouetted against the sky. RAND HALL QUARANTINE LIFTED end at her home in Belgrade. We were awed bv its immensity and Miss Mary Hodgdon visited her homo antiquity, for it seemed like a dream in Co-eds Reunited At Last iii New Gloucester, recently. which we were living five hundred years With the lilting of the quarantine for Misses Sara Reed, Gladys Skelton, ago. the girls of the college, more normal con- Blank Loose and Leonora Hodgdon furnished the At tl ntran f one of the towers. ditions of lite were resinned. No longer entertainment al a supper in Walnut an elderly man met us and showed IIS Books, Leaf must all walks he taken on or near Hie Hill cm Tuesday night. The trip was the more Interesting mem- of the castle. « • « • campus; the whole town was free to Ruled Work made In Miss Niles' ear. those Who wished it. No longer was the Miss Grace Gould is able to be out I could go on at length, but if might to order hook store the only place to procure edi- Blanks after her recent serious Illness. become tiresome to you. and besides I can but half express what I want to. bles; the Quality shop and George Rosi Y. W. C. A. HOLDS MEETING All kinds of BOOK and JOB PRINTING executed These scenes have to be seen to be ap had a sudden hoom ill trade. The few in a neat, prompt and tasty manner Thr weekly meeting of the IT. W< predated anyway. dormitory girls who had bad to do C. A. was held in Flake Boom on Thins- We have made a g I deal of progress double duty in class room, welcomed day evening. The meeting was led by in Iii -I aid work since I last wrote. vociferously Hie return of their town 95 TO 99 MAIN STREET, AUBURN, MAINE Miss Gladys Logan and Miss Mary Splints, bandages, anatomy, and moth colleagues, and prepared to take a much- Louise Newcomer and Miss Annlbelj oils of getting to the wounded have I n needed rest. tin Wednesday night, Hand Hall was Paris were speakers. The silver Bay dealt with at some length, while al the eonferei wa« the anhjecl and the joy same time our physical self has not 1 i . T. S. And the Major tells the Captain , nothing short of miraculous how- the Camp Zachary Taylor, And gets him on the run. thing is done. We have the host white Kentucky bread Hoc. sugar, butter, beef, and Louis Preedman has received a letter The Cap'n thinks il over, everything else which goes (or g I body- from Kilicrn, '20, who has been with loist r. s. Engineers in Pranco for over Ami in be sore an' suit, building. Passes the buck an' baggage With the Allies pushing on as they a year. TII s e sham taii Second "Lieut." have done, we are hoping thai it will V. M. C. A. not be lone; now before we may see.-at Sunshine Hut The said Lieutenant ponders, least, the beginning of the end. But Prance And strokes his downy jaw, those hopes Mow lest upon the eaptllle Hello Pi linaii ! IMPROVE YOUR PENMANSHIP Then culls his trusty Sergeant, of the two most recent objectives, which Have 1 u going to write to you for And to him lays down the law. I am sure you know. sonic lime hut Louis you know wdiat us And now I must stop for fear I have American lads have Keen doing. Not Buy a good fountain pen of Thr Sergeant calls ■ Corporal, already bored you. letter writing but what I know will a size and pen point to fit your bring me back to room with you. .Toe at To sec what lie can see, \ eiy rest tfully yours, hand. A good fountain pen So the Corporal gets a Private, school.' Hove thought of you many I'AI'I, II. KKNN1SON. makes writing easy — makes And the i r damn Private's me. times Louis and if I ever get hack, I'll writing a pleasure. Second Lieutenant Clinton A. Drury, he down Belfast or wherever you are. So yon see 1 run the business '19 writes in a letter to the "V" Some different from old 21 J. B. II. ami Better buy a Moore because a MOORE won't leak and Of this here regiment, secretary. "Am feeling line and work- the dear old school days. I work, "n' sweat, 'n' strain until ing hard. Tell the fellows in the S. A. • * » » is always ready to write without shaking or coaxing. \i v blooming' back is bent. T. C. that they have no idea of ronl Am writing on land which has been soldiering until they gel tWO inspections German territory for the last four years. For sale at all college bookstore: and elrug. jewelry and stationery store: i Mui I don't erne, it's all a scheme every day and demerits (or every button 11 is good to drive them back and take To fool old Kaiser Bill, not buttoned at inspect! r any other them prisoners. They wont fight like THE MOORE PEN COMPANY So I'll gladly bust this back o' mine. time, for every spec of dust on shoes or men. The Kaiser will learn some of 168 Devonshire Street Boston, Mass. And work "n ' sweat until— any part of clothintl,ll,r every shadow of t hose days. a beard, and for every failure to salute Must close, Louie, Gee but I'd like to We're in Berlin, mid the war It won. an offiecr within seeing distance, Platts- be going down to the Empire or some And we're 'ct our belly's fill. burg was a happy holiday compared with such place and into the Spa or best of DAY Of meat, 'n ' butter, 'n' lollypops, life here. And yet we are all glad we all the Commons. TAXI and BAGGAGE TRANSFER "ICHT And the treat'11 be on Bill. are in the hie; game and hope to do our Regards to the boys. bit as long as the war lasts. Your old room-mate, T. &. T. Taxi Service Then I'll cniiic home, an' sec my gal. My regards to all Hates friends. I RIB An' inelilie she won't care. should lie pleased to hear from all of 101st II. S. Engineers i 8825 or 8813 Tel. HOTEL ATWOOD If I was a first-clns private— them. Letters are great tonic to encour Co. C. ' 2I04M Carage Away off over there. age everyone in the service. P. T. E. F. .