From RANCA to ANCA: Thirty Years of Camaraderie and Service
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From RANCA to ANCA Thirty Years of Camaraderie and Service The History of the Army Nurse Corps Association: Bringing Army Nurses Together to Preserve the Past, Focus on the Present, and Build the Future From RANCA to ANCA Thirty Years of Camaraderie and Service The History of the Army Nurse Corps Association: Bringing Army Nurses Together to Preserve the Past, Focus on the Present, and Build the Future By Mary T. Sarnecky, DNSc, RN, FNP Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired) Table of Contents Foreword. ..i Genesis. .1 Early.Days. .1 The.Army.Nurse.Corps.Foundation. .3 The.Founding.of.RANCA . .6 The.First.Biennial.Conventions. .7 Initial.Organizational.Activities . 11 . ......Community.Hospital. 13 The Colonel Florence A. Blanchfield Army More.Progress. 14 Social.Endeavors. 17 The.Biennial.Conventions.Continue. 18 Supporting.Collegiate.Education,.Research,.. ......and.Scholarship . 23 . 29 More.Biennial.Conventions . 30 Ways.and.Means. 35 Activism.and.Vitality. 38 Finale . 42 Foreword Association. (ANCA). as. written. by. Colonel. (Ret .). Mary. Sarnecky,. DNSc,.RN,.FNP Army.Nurse.Corps’ graph, of.the.major.trends.and.processes.of.the.organization documents.the.33-year.story.of.this.organization.from.its.inception. to. current. times .. The. lessons. of. Army. Nurse. Corps. Association’s.’ .. practical.information.and.inspiration It is my hope that those who read this account will find both- ..I.hope.this.absorbing.history.will.enhance. yourtory .toappreciation reflect on the.of. thededication,.Army.Nurse focus,.Corps and. Associationfun of the collective . ex Jeri.Graham,.Colonel,.U .S ..Army.(Retired) President,.Army.Nurse.Corps.Association i The.year.was.1976 ..The.bicentennial.United.States.was.commemorating. its. 200th. birthday .. At. the. same. time,. the. country. was. lingering. in. the. doldrums. of. the. Cold. War .. The. Army. was. undergoing. a. renaissance. in. peredthe wake of.atmosphere the recent Vietnam.of.spirited Conflict..camaraderie, The daily.patriotic existence.duty, of. tabilityand professional.of.military fulfillment..separation On.or balance,.retirement life ...wasBut good..often .Nonetheless,after.unwelcome that . endings.come.fresh.and.amazing.beginnings . Genesis The.year.was.1976 ...At.that.time,.a.small.enclave.of.retired.Army.Nurse. Corps officers resurrected a previously discussed idea—the creation of a- tiveformal.partnership--the alliance of retired.Retired colleagues..Army.Nurse And .inCorps the final.Association analysis,.(RANCA) what began . as a Manysimple,.years informal.before aspiration.RANCA’s.actual grew .withfounding, time .however,into a powerful.another and.attempt effec . to.shape.a.similar.coalition.proved.largely.unsuccessful ...And.several.years. after.that, posed.forming.a.military.nurse.association.that.would.embrace.retired. ...Planners.decided. thatnurses.such all three.would military.have.the branches— becomeArmy, Navy,.too.large, and Air.unwieldy Force.. and less sociable; could require costly paid staff; and might needlessly efforts.form.a .ofunion other.of .alreadyretired .Armyexisting,.nurses more.took generic.root .andmilitary.ultimately retiree. blossomedorganizations . such as The Retired Officers Association. In 1976, a third Early Days - as,. in. the. autumn. of. 1976 .. General. Madelyn. N .. Parks,. then. chief. ofing. theheld. Army at .theNurse Windcrest. Corps, . Methodistarranged. theChurch. small in. gatheringSan Antonio,. with .Texthe. assistance. of. General. Lillian. Dunlap,. a. retired. Corps. chief .. Attend- ees. included. retired. Colonels. Jeanne. Treacy. and. Doris. M .. Cobb,. and. 1 about. 46. other. retired. Army. nurses. living. in. the. local. area .. The. primary. item. on. General. Parks’. agenda. was. the. disposition. of. a. number.of.valuable.artifacts,.memorabilia,.and.important.corps.chiefs’.for-,.the.home.of.the.Wal- ter.Reed.Army.Institute.of.Nursing.(WRAIN).at.Walter.Reed.Army.Medical. the.imminent.institutional.closure.of.WRAIN.these.valuable.elements.of. theCenter.Army in. NurseWashington,.Corps.heritage DC. General.might renderedthat with . ...She.suggested.that.the.Army. Medical.Department.(AMEDD) for.their.permanent.display’ in.a.dark,,.building.2264,.on.,. the.Army.Nurse.Corps.historical.memorabilia,.it.would.require.additional. squareTexas. .Forfootage the .AMEDDand.need to be.accessible an adequate, . appealing location for After.some.discussion.of.these.and.other.topics,.the.small.but.deter- - ...In.the. mined ad hoc group finally decided to form two related but distinct orga itsbeginning,.members they ...Its envisioned.primary.purpose the first .alliance, RANCA,.to.facilitate as a permanent.communication social.,.a.quarterly.newsletter,. and.a.biennial.convention ...Other.original.organizational.objectives.were. to.facilitate.dissemination.of.information.from.the.chief.of.the.Army.Nurse. ...Since. one.that.deliberately.steered.clear.of.dealing.with.issues.and.causes,.they. envisionedthe founders.the intended.sole.intent RANCA.of.the to. secondbe first. provisionaland foremost.federation, a social entity.the.Army and . Nurse.Corps.Foundation,.as.spearheading.and.supporting.the.creation.of. newa new,.purpose-built more powerful.building at Fort Sam.on-post Houston,.at.Fort Texas..Sam . TheseHous- ton ..This.then.was.the.genesis.of.the.contemporary.AMEDD.Museum,.a.,. - tive.Army.nurses .. influence, and diligence of a legion of determined retired, former, and ac 2 The Army Nurse Corps Foundation - tion. in. September. 1977 .. The. group’s. original. board. of. directors. The state of Texas chartered the Army Nurse Corps Founda . collect. memorabilia. and. to. seek. and. amass. funds. for. the. construc- first met in December 1977. Its organizational objectives were to. objects. that. showcased. the. AMEDD. tradition .. The. Army. Nurse. Corps. tion of an enhanced AMEDD Museum to safeguard and exhibit . period,. only. ten. years .. Nonetheless,. those. few. years. were. highly. productiveFoundation’s .. existence as a tax-exempt organization spanned a short - selves. to. achieving. the. group’s. objectives .. Colonel. Rita. Cleveland. A number of retired Army Nurse Corps officers committed them serving. as. vice-president. and. Colonel. Marian. Kennedy. acting. as. led the foundation as its first president with Colonel Edith Whitelaw . representative.of.the.National.Bank.of.Fort.Sam.Houston,.twenty.Army. the first treasurer. Other foundation board members included a - ingNurse.masked Corps.a. cheerfulofficers,.personality two civilian.and advisory.a.delightful members,.sense.of and.humor, the. recalledformer. chiefs of the Army Nurse Corps. Colonel Cleveland, whose dignified bear She.later.discovered.that,.in.her.absence, presidentthat she was ...In not.that present.capacity, at the.she foundation’s.organized.a first.large meeting..Nurse . and.prepared.thousands.of.solicitations.for.donations.that.were.mailed.,.other.military.members,.and. interested.civilian.benefactors ..,.hard-working.volunteers ... Lieutenant Colonel Margaret Canfield’s active participation typified fund-raising.correspondence, asShe.recording served on.donations the foundation’s.and.registering executive.supporters, board, addressed.deposited .fundsand . bank,’s.,.and.other.artifacts gift shop—a small retail boutique that featured military medical books, As.scores.of.Army.nurse.retirees.carried.out.various.similar.and.other.