,March 25, 1981 Page 7 B ra I y remembered through contest the winning entries will be honored with a wearing tee shirts. and a lot of them spent received letters from well-known authors formal transcript, a notation in the offIcial weekends lying around the lowe; yard ,uch as Norman Mailer, John Cheever, commencement program when the student catching a suntan. and for a few months. William Burroughs, and Kurt Vonnegut, graduates, and publication of the work in they looked as if they'd been hanging out at who highly praised Braly's writing ability. Bartleby which is the student literary the beach. But Red knew the tans wouldfade In the spring semester of 1979, Braly magazine. in the fall. without ever having been began teaching two creative writing courses Summission must be given to the English admired. and winter would find the same at U MBC. He also helped with the department secretary before April 1. Each white-faced cons huddled under the rain publication of Bartleby. the English Council submission should have a cover sheet with shed. telling each other the same lies. " of Major's literary magazine. The artist was the author's name in it only. The secretary in his third semester of teaching at UMBC will then assign each entry a number, and the (An excerpt from On the Yard. by Malcolm when he died. cover will be flied to preserve the writer's C. Braly.)- anonymity. Submissions should be typed on On this book's cover, is an artist's standard typing paper, and double-spaced. sketch of four men with their dark glowering The entries will be judged by an ad hoc eyes staring hoplessly · at an unidentifIable committee consisting of four faculty fixed point with their raised wrinkled fIsts members of the English Department and a and narrow pointing fIngers painting a student members representing Bartleby. distinct shadow hovering over the cell wall in Depending on the committee's judgement of the background. On the back, it simply notes the quality of the submissions, either one that "Mr. Braly'S research for this novel was prize, both prizes, or neither in any given done the hard way. year will be awarded. "The hard way" seems fItting in describing "Malcolm C. Braly was a natural-born Malcolm Braly's life. This was a man whose teacher," said Dr. Patricia Meszaros, Acting parents deserted him when he was only 14. Associate Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Branded as a ward of the courts and living "So, we think it is very appropriate to have a with few necessities, he began to steal and prize for students named after him." had to spend nearly a year in reform school "Malcolm was probably one of the fInest because of it. A few short years later, he was writers who has ever graced this campus," sentenced to prison for the armed robbery said Mr. David Beaudouin, a UMBC charge. English instructor. "It is appropriate that Braly was released from prison in 1965 this particular prize, which is long overdue, and he secured a job writing screen plays for Malcolm C. Braly: writer and teacher. should be named after him." Warner Brothers and Paramount Pictures. How do the students and peers who knew h Instructor. "The prize is named in Malcolm Braly's He appeared on The Tonight Show with the artist feel about him? forgotten. The English Department is honors out of respect to his memory as a Johnny Carson in 1968. Braly was also an "He was always up front. There was instituting an annual award, known as the person, and because of the fact that he associate editor of a New York -book nothing pretentious about him," said Malcolm C. Braly Writing Prize. All represented artistic achievement in the face publishing fIrm. He continued writing Harold Quinn, a UMBC English graduate. officially registered UMBC students are of adversity," said Dr. Ken Baldwin,another novels. "And with the force he had, Braly was kind eligible to compete for two-fIfty-dollar cash English instructor. In the summer of 1978, Dr. Ken Baldwin, of a hero, you know? He was kept down so prizes: one for excellence in creative writing an English instructor who was then the long and still made it." "Society Red walked the big yard alone. head of the Personnel Committee in the "When he passed on suddenly and I took lie and the other for excellence in· critical or With summer coming on. the cons were English Department, received a phone call over his class, I sensed a feeling of regard, ot scholary writing. In addition to the money, from a man who he labels as •• ... having a very ::ommitment and affinity from the odd-sounding voice." The man on the other students", said Mr. David Beaudouin.. end of the line identifIed himself as Malcolm "When his funeral was held, half of the Braly. Baldwin said Braly expressed an Writing and Fiction class attended. It is interest in teaching a few writing courses at ;tranle. Wherever Malcolm went he UMBC. Baldwin told the author to write his ~enerated a sort of awe that engaged credentials in a letter of application to the - respect." English Department. "The main thing he did for me ws to get me Baldwin said that three months later he Interested in college," said senior Bryan found a letter in his mailbox from Braly Denson. "Malcolm turned me on to school. I which read: "Dear Professor Baldwin, I was so excited to talk to him and write. He never fInished high school and my was sort of my guru. elementary school grades would not stretch "When Malcolm was buried, I was driving for a C- average." However, Baldwin added to the cemetary in Gary Leventhal's big that the author wrote he would send a couple Buick. A friend of Malcolm's from the of letters of recommendation to the Catskills, where Malcolm wrote False Chairman of the English Department. Shortly after that, Dr. Patricia Meszaros CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 over full ·control and took away a lot of things Crack the Sky had, and put it in things they shouldn't have .... triple stacked ife than getti ng loose" the vocals so you couldn't even understand the words." I remark in agreement that if you read the words to "Nuclear Apathy"-"When they bo doesn't just rock n' roll spit, do you wash their floors/ And pray that they don't spit no morel Or, rise up children, life goes on and on/ Wise up children, life clouds started forming. Some towns (like leave it, because it's not going to work-I we goes on and on," you might think it was an Baltimore) had been real hot for the bands's know that. There's no way I'm going to early Clash song, but on the record it-just est fInish a record that I have no belief in. And ;hy progressive flavored rock, but the general slips by. reaction had been frustratingly lukewarm. my statement to them was, if you want me to "That's the only regret I have, that I didn't 1 I "The next thing I knew we were in go home and write songs and record this get to record "Nuclear Apathy" because ble Woodstock and we had to have a record, album, I'll do that but I won't go back on the that's one of the favorite things I've done .. J Ind and I hadn't written anything.... that was the road for a while." think it's an important statement. It got to last thing on my mind. I just wanted to get Well, you can imagine that the rest of the stacked and drifted away ... they got carried ent home and forget about it for a while, and .,group was so thrill~d about that they could away with the whole big production end of \Dd have just done the fandango all over John's it ... stacking vocals and acoustic guitars am head .. And there were other people with a until there were no holes or spaces." !O's God forbid if the thing .ested interest in having CTS continue. There was also the curious way the "Now there were people behind the whole original members of the band didn't put the the that . goes in the time situation... everyone looking out for their new singer or keyboard player's picture on the own ass ... what they did was talk to the band the cover with them. ich capsule is Ted Nugent ... and psyche them up into thinking, 'Yeah let's "That was all a suppressed ego thing. See· om there was no time for that. So I wrote some carry on, because I don't want to lose this when I was with the band their egos really Photo by Wong ed. job, and he's [Palumbo] always stifled us John Palumbo Crack the Sky ace stuff real quick, like 3 or 4 days before we took a lashing because people were picking 0' went in and started doing demos. I wanted it anyway so we'l do it ourselves." me out. And that hurts anybody, it would I was hurriedly scribbling. I began to won~er . "So the end result was ... 2 and 1/2 years in ted to be something special, to go farther than have hurt me ... especially if you're not if my hand had gone out and learnt Egyptlan Animal Notes. the studio, spending an enormouse amount prepared for it, and we weren't.
Charlie Parr Louisiana Red Crack the Sky Butch Thompson & Pat
the highly successful Aqualung album better. Parr’s “tours” consist of sleeping The 19 tracks range from Blind Blake’s with the progressive rock classic, Thick in highway rest stops, cooking meals on “Poker Woman” to James P. Johnson’s As A Brick. It was written as a spoof his mini-van’s exhaust manifold, and “You Can’t Lose A Broken Heart,” sev- in response to the critical reception playing his music each night with serious eral Carr classics, and a variety of tunes of Aqualung, which was proclaimed passion. Talk about commitment. by Thompson’s mentor, Little Brother a concept album (it was not), and a He employs a wood-bodied National Crack the Sky Montgomery. parody of prog rock bands like Yes and resonator, a Fraulini 12-string guitar Ostrich Donohue plays like he has Southern Genesis. And Thick As A Brick remains made by Todd Cambio, and a Kevin Aluminum Cat Recordings soil under his fingernails, despite the fact the only album in history to reach #1 Enoch fretless banjo. The album was Crack the Sky never gives up. Their that he hails from St. Paul, Minnesota. on the Billboard charts containing only cut live to tape with no tracking, Parr music is by turns funky, industrial, His fingerpicking interweaves with the one song. playing in a trio with Mikkel Beckmen crunchy, and occasionally just weird. And piano lines, offering counterpoint and At 43 minutes, the album centers on washboard and Dave Hundreiser on their lyrics are cynical, biting, goofy, and syncopation. He plays a masterful slide, on a poem by a fictional eight-year- harmonica.
October 12, 2009 WWW.UNEWS.COM Vol. 77, Issue 8 St. Nick spotted near campus Continuing campus crime posses threat Tyler Allen Assistant News Editor Crime is a looming problem on campus. Last year alone, there were 142 crimes reported at UMKC. “Even though UMKC is sur- rounded by some bad streets I always felt safe here,” student Kelsey Gos- sen said, “but now that I’m hearing about everything going on, I worry and I try to watch my back.” Other students are not too wor- ried. “I’m not concerned about crime on campus, quite simply because I know exactly how to avoid it,” stu- dent Rachael Herndon said. Unfortunately, not everyone on campus can avoid crime. In the past month, there have been two burglaries at 4747 Troost Ave., the building that houses the In- Blistery, cold weather blew into Kansas City stitute for Entrepreneurship and In- novation. The first incident occurred on Saturday morning and along with it around noon on Sept. 21 when a victim’s money was stolen out of his came a jolly Christmas spirit. desk. painted interior and exterior walls, laid The second incident occurred on Alexia Stout-Lang News Editor carpet, pulled weeds and even moved Sept. 25 and involved Cary Clark, some furniture. Sam Walton Fellow and director of pproximately 20 stu- “This is just such a blessing,” Freddie Students in Free Enterprise. dents, staff and faculty from UMKC bundled up Slaughter, one of the homeowners, said and faced the chill to par- as tears ran down her cheeks. “I just don’t “It’s just sort of random ticipate in the second an- know how to thank you all.” crime.
{Qudta 16 `Jamboree' Tees 11 RUSH There's No Business Like
48 bienE Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 3/19/78 15 Hours Of Rock Sounds Delight Massive Audience Bands To Play Top Boxoffice LOS ANGELES -A wide variety pend On- and, as the encore, "Evil Benefit Show of rock sounds constituted the musi- Ways." PHILADELPHIA -Woody Her- ,Copyright 1978, Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this pubi cation may be reproduced cal fare at Cal Jam II held in nearby man, Thad Jones & Mel Lewis stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted, in any form or by any means. electronic. mechanical The group performed only six are photocopying. recording, Ontario, Calif., March 18. or otherwise, without the prior written pe-mission of the publisher songs, spotlighting its instrumental- contributiing their services for a big Bob Welch's early morning set in- ists on colorful jams on most of the band bash Wednesday (29) at a ben- -efit for the family of tenor saxo- Total Ticket cluded both of his big Capitol hits, numbers. ARTIST- Promoter, Facility, Dates phonist Gregory Herbert, who was Á Ticket Price Gross the mellow, serene "Sentimental Heart offered ''DENOTES SELLOUT PERFORMANCE Sales Scale Receipts one of the most found dead under clouded circum- Lady" and the catchy, uptempo thoroughly diversified perform- stances in Amsterdam, Holland, on Stadiums "Ebony Eyes." Welch was backed ances, mixing soft ballads like & Festivals (More Than 20,000) by a five -man band in addition to Jan. 31. "Dreamboat Annie" and "Love 1 CALIFORNIA JAM II -Sandy Feldmen & Lenny Stevie Nicks on tambourine A localite, he had been touring 290,000 $12.50- $17.00 $2,500,000* and Alive" with energetic rockers like Stogell /Wolf & Rissmiller Concerts, Motor Mick Fleetwood with Blood, Sweat & Tears.
iJURgEaKSHH . ... .. Weeks Weeks Weeks On On On 10/23 10/23 Chart 10/23 Chart 101 A NIGHT AT THE OPERA 6.98 A LITTLE BIT MORE 6.98 167 GOIN’ UP IN SMOKE 6.98 (Capitol ST 143 8 QUEEN (Elektra 7E-1053) 85 45 DR. HOOK 11522) EDDIE KENDRICKS (Tamla/Motown T6-346-S11) 170 102 ROYAL SCAM 6.98 GET CLOSER 6.98 168 ROCKET COTTAGE 6.98 STEELY DAN (ABC ABCD 931) 98 25 SEALS & CROFTS (Warner Bros. BS 2907) 110 27 STEELEYESPAN (Chrysalis CHR 1123) 177 103 LIVE BULLET 6.98 ARE YOU READY FOR THE 6.98 169 VICKI SUE ROBINSON 6.98 BOB SEGER (Capitol SKBB 11523) 103 27 COUNTRY (RCA APL 1-1829) 182 (RCA 1-1816) 133 16 104 SKY HIGH 6.98 WAYLON JENNINGS APL 170 ANIMAL NOTES 6.98 TAVARES (Capitol ST 11533) 92 21 CRACK (Lifesong DARK SIDE OF THE MOON 6.98 THE SKY LS 6005) 178 PINK FLOYD (Capitol 11163) 137 3 105 HISTORY — AMERICA’S 6.98 SMAS 171 BRAND X 6.98 (Passport/ABC PPSD 98019) GREATEST HITS AMIGO 6.98 179 GUTHRIE (Reprise/WB 2239) 125 6 AMERICA (Warner Bros. BS 2894) 104 50 ARLO MS 172 LOVE AND TOUCH 6.98 TYRONE DAVIS (Columbia PC 106 ROCK ’N’ ROLL MUSIC 10.98 TAKIN’ IT TO THE STREETS 6.98 34268) 174 (Capitol (Warner Bros. BS 135 80 THE BEATLES SKBO 11537) 93 19 DOOBIE BROTHERS 2899) 173 FUNKY KINGS 6.98 (Arista AL 107 HARVEST FOR THE WORLD 6.98 TOYS IN THE ATTIC 6.98 4078) 181 AEROSMITH (Columbia PC 33479) 140 80 ISLEY BROTHERS (T-Neck/Epic PZ 33809) 99 23 174 DONNY& MARIE 6.98 DONNY & MARIE OSMOND (Poiydor PD 6068) 108 I’M NEARLY FAMOUS 6.98 THIS IS NIECY 6.98 173 DENISE WILLIAMS (Columbia PC 34242) 148 5 CLIFF RICHARD (Rocket/MCA PIG 2210) 105 11 175 BURTON CUMMINGS 6.98 (Portrait/CBS PR 34261) 109 I HOPE WE GET TO LOVE IN 6.98 FEELING GOOD 6.98 WALTER JACKSON (CH LA 656G) 153 5 TIME 176 GOOD SINGIN’ GOOD 6.98 MARILYN McCOO & BILLY DAVIS.
February 20,1984 Page 5 Lonnie Listen Smith jams at UMBC by Dean Dalfonzo everything, so whatever they needed, I would and he gave it a classy touch. learn the instrument just to get into the band." Lonnie himself played modestly with his band, This Friday at 8:00 n.m., Jazz pianist Lonnie He then went on to graduate from Morgan State but on occasion, he did jump up to the higher Liston Smith will be appearing in the Grand University with a Bachelor of Science degree in scales, cutting through the Latin background. "I Ballroom in the University Center. Music Education. can really hear the high notes, and although some After a creative hiatus to "take a break, and After he played professionally with Balti- pianists don't like to play that high, it comes very find a balance between the music and the busi- more's Royal Theatre House Band, who backed natural to me." ness," Smith will begin touring with his first stop up name bands like the Supremes, Smith eventu- If Smith lives up to the spirit of his Live album, at UMBC. He will later be performing at Blues ally joined Miles Davis. his coming performance should be very enter- Alley in Baltimore City before continuing on his "When I got with Miles, I saw a whole new taining. His band will include his brother, on tour of the East Coast. world and gained more confidence in myself," he flute and vocals; Pre Meik, on saxophone; Abe While his present album Dreams of Tomor- explained .
Lawrence Threatens to Res I G N Over Dorsey's Hand.Ling of Charges
• Lawrence threatens to res I g n over Dorsey's hand.ling of charges by Ronald Hube '" Reginald Lawrence, Director of o HR, and by doing so himself, whenever something doesn't go my La wrence explai ned that said, 'I read your recommenda Human Relations, said early this Dorsey has raised suspicions of way." complaints brought to the tions but 1 disagree with them week that he may resign his trying to cover up the charges. Lawrence said that such a threat attention of the OHR are hecause of this, this, and this,' position at UMBC due to what he WMAR-TV2 reported last week would put the chancellor in an investigated by the office to the situations would be handled in feels is improper handling by that Lawrence would resign if his impossible situation. "Any determine their validity. Meetings a professional manner," Lawrence Chancellor John Dorsey of recommendations to dim iss decision he would make would be are also held between the said. "I would respect that." Lawrence's recommendations for athletic trainer Cindy Stout and to viewed as being made under . complainants and the persons Lawrence claims. however, that action against two athletic reprimand athletic Director pressure," Lawrence said. "He charged in the complaints, after Dorsey has implied that he will not department employees charged Richard Watts were not approved should be free to make his own which recommendations are made approve the OHR recommenda with using racial slurs. by Dorsey. Lawrence made the decisions. " by the office concerning any action tions and has not based his Lawrence at the same time recommendations early last week Lawrence said, however, that considered necessary.