S3322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2000 McConnell Rockefeller Stevens power from the beltway to parents and have to cover the students’ transpor- Mikulski Santorum Thomas Moynihan Sarbanes Thompson teachers. tation costs. Murkowski Schumer Thurmond Well, Mr. President, I plead guilty. If all public schools within a district Murray Sessions Torricelli In fact, let us examine exactly what were identified as failing, then the dis- Nickles Shelby Voinovich Republicans want to do. trict would be directed to form a coop- Reed Smith (NH) Warner We want to reduce overhead costs to Reid Smith (OR) Wellstone erative agreement with another dis- Robb Snowe Wyden put more money into the classroom, trict to allow students to transfer. Roberts Specter make States and local districts more And, finally, students attending NOT VOTING—2 accountable, and provide greater flexi- these schools who either have been a bility for teachers and parents to make victim of a violent crime on school Domenici Roth the decisions which affect their chil- grounds or whose school has been des- The amendment (No. 3110) was agreed dren. ignated unsafe may also transfer to an- to. Anyone who has itemized taxes, ap- other public school. VOTE ON AMENDMENT NO. 3111 plied for an FAH loan, been in the mili- This puts many decisions about a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tary, or just dealt with the Federal students education in the hands of question is on agreeing to amendment Government knows how stifling the pa- their parents, forces schools to be ac- No. 3111. The yeas and nays have been perwork can be. People all across this countable for their achievement, and ordered. The clerk will call the roll. country make a fine living helping peo- allows all students access to a quality The assistant legislative clerk called ple deal with Federal bureaucracy. education. the roll. So, it is easy to imagine how a school Mr. President, as I close today I want Mr. NICKLES. I announce that the district can devote half of its adminis- to ask every parent out there one ques- Senator from Delaware (Mr. ROTH) is trative staff to administer the 7 per- tion. Do you know better than a Fed- necessarily absent. cent of its budget that comes from the eral bureaucrat in Washington what is The result was announced—yeas 45, Federal Government. best for your child? If the answer is nays 54, as follows: Just imagine how much paperwork yes, you should support our bill. [Rollcall Vote No. 90 Leg.] you have to do to send money to the I also want to ask every school ad- YEAS—45 Federal Government. ministrator and teacher out there one Akaka Edwards Levin Now imagine how much that would question. Do you know better than a Baucus Feingold Lieberman increase if they were giving you Bayh Feinstein Lincoln Federal bureaucrat in Washington Biden Graham Mikulski money—and then imagine if you were what is best for your students? If the Bingaman Harkin Moynihan receiving millions of dollars a year. answer is yes, you should support our Boxer Hollings Murray It is easy to see how money and staff bill. Breaux Inouye Reed Bryan Johnson Reid can be siphoned off to administer Fed- After all, it is all about increased ac- Byrd Kennedy Robb eral funds—money and staff that could countability, greater local and paren- Cleland Kerrey Rockefeller go to teaching our children. tal control, and more money in the Conrad Kerry Sarbanes Our bill reduces Federal paperwork classroom. Daschle Kohl Schumer Dodd Landrieu Torricelli in order to put more money into the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Dorgan Lautenberg Wellstone classroom. ator from Alaska. Durbin Leahy Wyden Every student knows that grades—a f measure of your accomplishment—are NAYS—54 DAVID MAHONEY Abraham Fitzgerald McCain important. Every day parents and Allard Frist McConnell teachers hold them accountable for Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, our Ashcroft Gorton Murkowski their grades. Nation has lost one of the great and Bennett Gramm Nickles These same students may find it sur- modest men of our time, David Bond Grams Roberts Brownback Grassley Santorum prising that school districts and States Mahoney. A man who will receive post- Bunning Gregg Sessions are not held accountable for their humously one of the highest awards Burns Hagel Shelby achievements with the billions of Fed- the medical community can bestow on Campbell Hatch Smith (NH) eral tax dollars they receive. a layman—the first Mary Woodard Chafee, L. Helms Smith (OR) Cochran Hutchinson Snowe Our bill says enough is enough. It is Lasker leadership in Philanthropy Collins Hutchison Specter time to hold States accountable for Award for ‘‘visionary leadership’’ from Coverdell Inhofe Stevens student achievement. the Albert and Mary Lasker Founda- Craig Jeffords Thomas Our bill offers an opportunity for 15 Crapo Kyl Thompson tion on May 9. DeWine Lott Thurmond willing States to consolidate up to 12 David, through his generosity, with Domenici Lugar Voinovich Federal grant programs and free them- both his time and his money, greatly Enzi Mack Warner selves from Federal redtape. However, expanded knowledge about the human NOT VOTING—1 the States must use that flexibility to brain, neuroscience, and the connec- Roth boost student achievement—which tion between body and brain which is The amendment (No. 3111) was they will be held accountable for. A helping people lead longer, healthier rejected. noble concept. lives. Mr. JEFFORDS. I move to reconsider The pillar of our public school sys- He led us through the ‘‘Decade of the the vote. tem is to allow everyone free and open Brain’’ and used his extraordinary mar- Mr. BYRD. I move to lay that motion access to a high quality education. keting and public relations skills to on the table. And, generally, it works. foster awareness in Congress and our The motion to lay on the table was Unfortunately, there are schools out people of the importance of medical re- agreed to. there that are denying our students the search and brain research in particular. Mr. CRAIG. Mr. President, I rise basic education they need. And, stu- From his humble beginnings in the today to address once again the edu- dents who can’t afford private edu- Bronx, my friend served as an infantry cation of our children. This week we cation, are stuck in the schools where captain in World War II and then at- have been debating S. 2, the Edu- they live. tended the Wharton School at the Uni- cational Opportunities Act. More im- That should not be the case. Our bill versity of Pennsylvania while working portantly, we have been debating a dif- says that if a school that generally full time in the mail room of an adver- ference in philosophy between Demo- reaches disadvantaged students is des- tising agency. crats and Republicans. ignated as failing for 2 years, the dis- David’s talents did not stay hidden The Democrats have stood before us trict would be required to offer any for long; by the time he was 25, he had and proclaimed that Republicans want child enrolled in the failing school the become the youngest vice president of to weaken the Federal stranglehold on option to transfer to a higher per- an advertising agency on Madison Ave- our education system. forming public school. nue. The Democrats have stood before us If a school continues to fail for an- He went on from there to form his and accused us of wanting to turn other 2 years, the district would also own agency in New York and then

VerDate 27-APR-2000 03:33 May 04, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.034 pfrm09 PsN: S03PT1 May 3, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3323 began his climb through the corporate his wit and his wisdom and his leader- David Joseph Mahoney Jr. was born in the world, first running the good Human ship, but I will continue to enjoy per- Bronx on May 17, 1923, the son of David J. Ice Cream Co., and rising to chief oper- sonal memories of our friendship and Mahoney, a construction worker, and the former Loretta Cahill. ating officer of Norton Simon’s various to be grateful for his legacy of explo- After serving as an infantry captain in the corporate holdings. ration into the workings of the human Pacific during World War II, he enrolled at It was during his stewardship of Nor- brain. the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton ton Simon, Inc., that I first met David. Mr. President, the May 2, 2000, New School. He studied at night, and during the My friend Norton Simon retired as York Times contained an excellent day he worked 90 miles away in the mail president and CEO of Norton Simon, obituary of David Mahoney, and I ask room of a Manhattan advertising agency, Inc., in 1969 and selected David unanimous consent that it be printed Ruthrauff & Ryan. By the time he was 25, he Mahoney to be the new leader of his in the RECORD. had become a vice president of the agency— company. There being no objection, the mate- by some accounts, the youngest vice presi- dent on Madison Avenue at the time. He chose David because ‘‘David was rial was ordered to be printed in the Then in 1951, in a move in keeping with the inspirational, tough, visionary, and RECORD, as follows: restlessness that characterized his business dangerous.’’ David expanded the com- [From , May 2, 2000] career, he left Ruthrauff & Ryan to form his pany and helped Norton Simon build DAVID MAHONEY, A BUSINESS EXECUTIVE AND own agency. Four years later, when his busi- the world famous Norton Simon art NEUROSCIENCE ADVOCATE, DIES AT 76 ness was worth $2 million, he moved on collection, the greatest personal art (By Eric Nagourney) again, selling it to run Good Humor, the ice- cream company that his small agency had collection west of the Mississippi. David Mahoney, a business leader who left David wrote a book about his own managed to snare as a client. behind the world of Good Humor, Canada Five years later, when Good Humor was life in business called Confessions of a Dry and Avis and threw himself behind a de- sold, Mr. Mahoney became executive vice Street Smart Manager. David was a cidedly less conventional marketing cam- president of Colgate-Palmolive, then presi- wonderful combination of street smarts paign, promoting research into the brain, dent of Canada Dry, and then, in 1969, presi- garnered from growing up in the Bronx, died yesterday at his home in Palm Beach, dent and chief operating officer of Norton an education from the Wharton School, Fla. He was 76. Simon, formed from Canada Dry, Hunt Food The cause was heart disease, friends said. and the Irish charm that could con- and McCall’s. Under Mr. Mahoney, Norton Mr. Mahoney, who believed that the study Simon grew into a $3 billion conglomerate vince people to share a dream and work of the brain and its diseases had been short- to realize its value. that included Avis Rent A Car, , Max changed for far too long, was sometimes de- Factor and the United Can Company. Just 2 years ago David authored an- scribed as the foremost lay advocate of neu- Despite his charm, associates said, he had other book, along with Dr. Richard roscience. As chief executive of the Charles a short temper and an impatient manner Restak, ‘‘The Longevity Strategy— A. Dana Foundation, a medical philanthropic that often sent subordinates packing. ‘‘I How To Live To 100 Using the Brain- organization based in Manhattan, he prodded burn people out,’’ he once said in an inter- Body Connection.’’ brain researchers to join forces, shed their view, ‘‘I’m intense, and I think that inten- traditional caution and reclusivity and en- sity is sometimes taken for anger.’’ David once said that ‘‘God gave you gage the public imagination. intelligence so you could build your in- The public knew him as one of the first To achieve his goals, he brought to bear chief executives to go in front of the camera tuition about what lies ahead.’’ the power of philanthropy, personal persua- to promote his product, in this case, in the David Mahoney’s second career and sion and the connections he had made at the early 1980’s for Avis rental cars, which Nor- perhaps most lasting legacy was with top of the corporate world. ton Simon had acquired under his tenure. the Charles A. Dana Foundation where Using his skills as a marketing executive, By all accounts, including his own, Mr. he served as its chairman since 1977. he worked closely with some of the world’s Mahoney was living on top of the world. He After leaving Norton Simon, he fo- top neuroscientists to teach them how to sell was one of the nation’s top paid executives, cused the attention of the Dana Foun- government officials holding the purse receiving $1.85 million in compensation in strings, as well as the average voter, on the 1982—a fact that did not always endear him dation on neuroscience research and value of their research. He pressed them to helped the world’s top neuroscientists to some Norton Simon shareholders, who make specific public commitments to find filed lawsuits charging excessive compensa- and researchers explain the importance treatments for diseases like Alzheimer’s, tion, given that his company’s performance of their research to the general public Parkinson’s and depression, rather than con- did not always keep pace with his raises. and to funding agencies in the execu- duct just ‘‘pure’’ research. Tall and trim, he moved among society’s tive branch and the Congress. ‘‘People don’t buy science solely,’’ Mr. elite and was friends with Henry A. Kis- In 1992, he and Nobel Laureate Dr. Mahoney said this year. ‘‘They buy the re- singer, Vernon E. Jordon, Jr. and Barbara James Watson launched the ‘‘Decade of sults of, and the hope of, science.’’ Walters. He was reported to have advised In 1992, aided by Dr. James D. Watson, who Presidents Richard M. Nixon, Jimmy Carter the Brain’’ with 10 specific objectives won the Nobel Prize as a co-discoverer of the they believed might be achievable by and , and to have met with structure of DNA, Mr. Mahoney founded the Mr. Carter at Camp David. the end of the decade. That effort fo- Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, a foun- But his fortunes changed late in 1983. True cused attention better than ever before dation organization of about 190 to form, the restless Mr. Mahoney was seek- on understanding the basis for diseases neuroscientists, including Dr. Watson and ing change, putting into motion a plan to of the brain like Parkinson’s and Alz- six other Nobel laureates, that works to edu- take Norton Simon private. But this time, heimer’s and generated an unprece- cate the public about their field. he stumbled; a rival suitor, the Esmark Cor- dented level of support for neuro- The same year, after taking over the 50- poration, bettered his offer and walked away year-old Dana Foundation as chief executive, science research. with his company. Mr. Mahoney began shifting it away from its Mr. Mahoney was left a lot richer—as David has become widely and justifi- traditional mission of supporting broader much as $40 million or so, by some ac- ably credited as our foremost lay advo- health and educational programs, and fo- counts—but, for the first time in his life, he cate for neuroscience. While David had cused its grants almost exclusively on neuro- was out of a job and at loose ends. He de- recently expressed some frustration to science. Since then, the foundation has given scribed the period as a low point. me that those 10 ambitious goals had some $34 million to scientists working on ‘‘You stop being on the ‘A’ list,’’ he said not yet been fully achieved, through brain research at more than 45 institutions. some years later, ‘‘Your calls don’t get re- his efforts remarkable progress has Mr. Mahoney also dipped into his own for- turned. It’s not just less fawning; people tune, giving millions of dollars to endow pro- could care less about you in some cases. The been made in understanding the human grams in neuroscience at Harvard and the king is dead. Long live the king.’’ brain and the diseases that afflict it. I University of Pennsylvania. Later this It look some years for Mr. Mahoney to re- know those goals will ultimately be month, the Albert and Mary Lassker Foun- gain his focus. Gradually, he turned his at- met, and David Mahoney will be for- dation, which traditionally honors the most tention to public health, in which he had al- ever remembered as the driving force accomplished researchers, was to give him a ready shown some interest. In the 1970’s, he behind this effort. newly created award for philanthropy. had been chairman of the board of Phoenix My friend David Mahoney and his ‘‘He put his money where his mouth was,’’ House, the residential drug-treatment pro- wife Hillie have been close friends of said Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, a professor of gram. By 1977, while still at Norton, he be- psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University. came chairman of the Dana Foundation, a ours for many years. David and I cele- Mr. Mahoney’s journey from businessman largely advisory position. brated our 75th birthdays, which fell in to devotee of one of the most esoteric fields Mr. Mahoney increasingly devoted his time the same year, and shared many memo- of health was as unusual as it was unex- to the foundation. In 1982, he also because its rable times. Catherine and I will miss pected. chief executive, and soon began shifting the

VerDate 27-APR-2000 03:33 May 04, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.038 pfrm09 PsN: S03PT1 S3324 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2000 organization’s focus to the brain. In part, the great love of this country and history— being pushed into higher tax brackets reason came from his own experience. In an David Mahoney was all of those. each year. acceptance speech that he has prepared for Suffice it to say, I want to be associ- Even for most low- and middle-in- the Lasker Award, he wrote of having seen ated with the comments of the distin- come families, federal payroll taxes first-hand the effects of stress and the men- take a huge bite of their income, and it tal health needs of people in the business guished Senator from Alaska on his world. comments about David Mahoney. keeps growing. For example, in 1965, a But associates recalled, and Mr. Mahoney f family earning wages of $10,000 paid seemed to say as much in his speech, that he $348 in payroll taxes. Today, that fam- appeared to have arrived at the brain much MARKING THE ARRIVAL OF TAX ily would pay $1,530 in payroll taxes— the way a marketing executive would think FREEDOM DAY an increase of 340 percent. up a new product. ‘‘Some of the great minds Mr. GRAMS. Mr. President, today is According to the Tax Foundation, a in the world told me that this generation’s Tax Freedom Day, the day on which nonpartisan group that tracks the gov- greater action would be in brain science—if working Americans stop working just ernment tax bite at all levels, the total only the public would invest the needed re- tax burden has grown significantly sources,’’ he wrote. to pay their State, Federal, and local In 1992, Mr. Mahoney and Dr. Watson gath- taxes and actually begin keeping their since 1992. While State and local taxes ered a group of neuroscientsts at the Cold earnings for themselves. have grown somewhat, Federal taxes Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island. This is an important day for Amer- account for the largest share of the in- There, encouraged by Mr. Mahoney, the sci- ican taxpayers, but it is certainly not a crease. entists agreed on 10 research objectives that happy occasion because every year— Federal, State and local taxes claim might be reached by the end of the decade, since 1913—Tax Freedom Day has ar- 39.0 percent of a median two-income among them finding the genetic basis for rived later and later. This means that family’s total income and 37.6 percent manic-depression and identifying chemicals Americans are working more hours and for a median one-income family, ac- that can block the action of cocaine and cording to a Tax Foundation study. other addictive substances. more days every year just to pay their ‘‘We’ve gotten somewhere on about four of tax bill. This year, Americans had to During the Clinton administration, them—but what’s life,’’ Dr. Watson said re- work 124 days for their local, State and Tax Freedom Day has leap frogged al- cently. Federal governments before they could most 2 weeks from April 20 in 1992 to In recent years, Mr. Mahoney became con- finally start working for themselves May 3 this year. The Clinton Presi- vinced that a true understanding of the and their families on May 3. dency means working Americans have brain-body connection might also lead to to spend an extra 13 days working for cures for diseases in other parts of the body, What is even more troubling is that in 13 States—including my home State Government. Not since the era of the like cancer and heart disease. Vietnam War and President Johnson’s He believed that it would soon be common- of Minnesota—Tax Freedom Day will place for people to live to 100. For the qual- arrive 2 or more days later than the ‘‘Great Society’’ programs has Tax ity of life to be high at that age, he believed, rest of the Nation. That means Min- Freedom Day been pushed back so far people would have to learn to take better nesota taxpayers have to wait longer in such a short period of time—and this care of their brains. before they can start working for is from an administration that claims In 1998, along with Dr. Richard Restak, a themselves, not for the Government. it has put an end to ‘‘big government.’’ neuropsychiatrist, Mr. Mahoney wrote ‘‘The The Government is getting bigger, Despite the fact that Americans Longevity Strategy: How to Live to 100: not smaller. Some people claim that work so long for the Government, we Using the Brain-Body Connection’’ (John big Government is over because Gov- have recently heard a lot of talk on the Wiley & Sons). ernment spending as a percentage of Mr. Mahoney’s first wife, Barbara Ann Senate floor and in the media that the GDP is shrinking. The real question is Moore, died in 1975. He is survived by his Federal tax bite is the smallest in 40 how do we measure the size of the Gov- wife, the former Hildegarde Merrill, with years and that the era of big govern- ernment? Is it the number of employ- whom he also had a home in Lausanne, Swit- ment and high taxes is over. If that is zerland; a son, David, of Royal Palm Beach, ees, the number of dollars spent, the Fla.; two stepsons, Arthur Merrill of true, why hasn’t Tax Freedom Day ar- tax burden, the hidden costs of regula- Muttontown, N.Y., and Robert Merrill of Lo- rived earlier than last year? tions, or all of the above? I believe it cust Valley, N.Y., and a brother, Robert, of The stark truth is that the Federal should be all of the above. The growth Bridgehampton, N.Y. Government’s tax collecting—and of the economy does not have to be Associates said Mr. Mahoney’s tempera- spending—are still too high. linked to the growth of Government. In ment in his second career was not all that The facts speak for themselves. Al- different from what it had been in his first. fact, I have always said that we can though the total Federal tax burden is streamline the Government and still It was not uncommon, said Edward Rover, slightly lower thanks to our tax-relief vice chairman of the Dana Foundation’s provide all the Government services we board of trustees, for his phone to ring late initiatives, particularly the bill I au- need. at night, and for Mr. Mahoney to sail into a thored to provide a $500 per-child tax A more meaningful way to measure pointed critique of their latest endeavors. credit, the combined burden of Federal Government spending is to look at the One researcher spoke of his ‘‘kind of personal income and payroll taxes is number of dollars spent. Since Presi- charge-up-San-Juan-Hill style.’’ Dr. well above the figures of both World dent Clinton took office in 1993, Gov- Jamison, of Johns Hopkins, called him ‘‘im- War II and 1980 prior to the Reagan tax ernment spending has increased from patient in the best possible sense of the cut. Federal taxes consume 20.4 percent word.’’ $1.40 trillion to $1.83 trillion in 2000, a As in his first career, Mr. Mahoney never of GDP, compared to 17.5 percent of 30-percent rise. During the same pe- lost the good salesman’s unwavering belief in GDP when President Clinton took of- riod, Government revenue increased this product, ‘‘If you can’t sell the brain,’’ he fice. Since 1993, federal taxes have in- from $1.15 trillion to $2.08 trillion, a 75- told friends, ‘‘then you’ve got a real creased by 54%, which for the average percent increase. problem.’’ taxpayer translates into a $2,000 tax The growth for domestic nondefense Mr. DODD. If my colleague will yield, hike. spending was 6.3 percent between 1990 I thank our colleague from Alaska for The combined personal income and and 1995. In the last 2 years alone, non- his comments about David Mahoney. I payroll tax soared to 16.3% of GDP in defense spending grew by 5.3 and 6.8 didn’t know him as well as my good 1999, up from 14.2% in 1992. Measured as percent. President Clinton has pro- friend from Alaska but had the oppor- a share of GDP, the personal income posed a 14-percent increase in his last tunity to be with him on numerous oc- tax rose from 8% in 1981 to 9.6% in 1999. budget. If this is not big Government, casions. All the things the Senator The payroll tax now takes 6.8% of GDP, what is? from Alaska said about David Mahoney up from 4.5% in 1970. If President Clinton’s spending frenzy are true, and even more so. It is a great On average, each American is paying continues, it will wipe out the entire loss to the country. $10,298 this year in Federal, State, and $1.9 trillion non-Social Security sur- In fact, I point out our good friend local taxes. A typical family now pays plus in less than 3 years, leaving none from Alaska has lost a couple of good more of its income in total taxes than of these tax overpayments to return to friends in the last few months. it spends on food, clothing, transpor- taxpayers in the form of debt reduc- A man of significant contributions, a tation, and housing combined. More tion, tax relief and Social Security re- man who appreciated the arts, had a and more middle-income families are form. But our colleagues on the other

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