S3322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE May 3, 2000 McConnell Rockefeller Stevens power from the beltway to parents and have to cover the students' transpor- Mikulski Santorum Thomas Moynihan Sarbanes Thompson teachers. tation costs. Murkowski Schumer Thurmond Well, Mr. President, I plead guilty. If all public schools within a district Murray Sessions Torricelli In fact, let us examine exactly what were identified as failing, then the dis- Nickles Shelby Voinovich Republicans want to do. trict would be directed to form a coop- Reed Smith (NH) Warner We want to reduce overhead costs to Reid Smith (OR) Wellstone erative agreement with another dis- Robb Snowe Wyden put more money into the classroom, trict to allow students to transfer. Roberts Specter make States and local districts more And, finally, students attending NOT VOTINGÐ2 accountable, and provide greater flexi- these schools who either have been a bility for teachers and parents to make victim of a violent crime on school Domenici Roth the decisions which affect their chil- grounds or whose school has been des- The amendment (No. 3110) was agreed dren. ignated unsafe may also transfer to an- to. Anyone who has itemized taxes, ap- other public school. VOTE ON AMENDMENT NO. 3111 plied for an FAH loan, been in the mili- This puts many decisions about a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tary, or just dealt with the Federal students education in the hands of question is on agreeing to amendment Government knows how stifling the pa- their parents, forces schools to be ac- No. 3111. The yeas and nays have been perwork can be. People all across this countable for their achievement, and ordered. The clerk will call the roll. country make a fine living helping peo- allows all students access to a quality The assistant legislative clerk called ple deal with Federal bureaucracy. education. the roll. So, it is easy to imagine how a school Mr. President, as I close today I want Mr. NICKLES. I announce that the district can devote half of its adminis- to ask every parent out there one ques- Senator from Delaware (Mr. ROTH) is trative staff to administer the 7 per- tion. Do you know better than a Fed- necessarily absent. cent of its budget that comes from the eral bureaucrat in Washington what is The result was announcedÐyeas 45, Federal Government. best for your child? If the answer is nays 54, as follows: Just imagine how much paperwork yes, you should support our bill. [Rollcall Vote No. 90 Leg.] you have to do to send money to the I also want to ask every school ad- YEASÐ45 Federal Government. ministrator and teacher out there one Akaka Edwards Levin Now imagine how much that would question. Do you know better than a Baucus Feingold Lieberman increase if they were giving you Bayh Feinstein Lincoln Federal bureaucrat in Washington Biden Graham Mikulski moneyÐand then imagine if you were what is best for your students? If the Bingaman Harkin Moynihan receiving millions of dollars a year. answer is yes, you should support our Boxer Hollings Murray It is easy to see how money and staff bill. Breaux Inouye Reed Bryan Johnson Reid can be siphoned off to administer Fed- After all, it is all about increased ac- Byrd Kennedy Robb eral fundsÐmoney and staff that could countability, greater local and paren- Cleland Kerrey Rockefeller go to teaching our children. tal control, and more money in the Conrad Kerry Sarbanes Our bill reduces Federal paperwork classroom. Daschle Kohl Schumer Dodd Landrieu Torricelli in order to put more money into the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Dorgan Lautenberg Wellstone classroom. ator from Alaska. Durbin Leahy Wyden Every student knows that gradesÐa f measure of your accomplishmentÐare NAYSÐ54 DAVID MAHONEY Abraham Fitzgerald McCain important. Every day parents and Allard Frist McConnell teachers hold them accountable for Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, our Ashcroft Gorton Murkowski their grades. Nation has lost one of the great and Bennett Gramm Nickles These same students may find it sur- modest men of our time, David Bond Grams Roberts Brownback Grassley Santorum prising that school districts and States Mahoney. A man who will receive post- Bunning Gregg Sessions are not held accountable for their humously one of the highest awards Burns Hagel Shelby achievements with the billions of Fed- the medical community can bestow on Campbell Hatch Smith (NH) eral tax dollars they receive. a laymanÐthe first Mary Woodard Chafee, L. Helms Smith (OR) Cochran Hutchinson Snowe Our bill says enough is enough. It is Lasker leadership in Philanthropy Collins Hutchison Specter time to hold States accountable for Award for ``visionary leadership'' from Coverdell Inhofe Stevens student achievement. the Albert and Mary Lasker Founda- Craig Jeffords Thomas Our bill offers an opportunity for 15 Crapo Kyl Thompson tion on May 9. DeWine Lott Thurmond willing States to consolidate up to 12 David, through his generosity, with Domenici Lugar Voinovich Federal grant programs and free them- both his time and his money, greatly Enzi Mack Warner selves from Federal redtape. However, expanded knowledge about the human NOT VOTINGÐ1 the States must use that flexibility to brain, neuroscience, and the connec- Roth boost student achievementÐwhich tion between body and brain which is The amendment (No. 3111) was they will be held accountable for. A helping people lead longer, healthier rejected. noble concept. lives. Mr. JEFFORDS. I move to reconsider The pillar of our public school sys- He led us through the ``Decade of the the vote. tem is to allow everyone free and open Brain'' and used his extraordinary mar- Mr. BYRD. I move to lay that motion access to a high quality education. keting and public relations skills to on the table. And, generally, it works. foster awareness in Congress and our The motion to lay on the table was Unfortunately, there are schools out people of the importance of medical re- agreed to. there that are denying our students the search and brain research in particular. Mr. CRAIG. Mr. President, I rise basic education they need. And, stu- From his humble beginnings in the today to address once again the edu- dents who can't afford private edu- Bronx, my friend served as an infantry cation of our children. This week we cation, are stuck in the schools where captain in World War II and then at- have been debating S. 2, the Edu- they live. tended the Wharton School at the Uni- cational Opportunities Act. More im- That should not be the case. Our bill versity of Pennsylvania while working portantly, we have been debating a dif- says that if a school that generally full time in the mail room of an adver- ference in philosophy between Demo- reaches disadvantaged students is des- tising agency. crats and Republicans. ignated as failing for 2 years, the dis- David's talents did not stay hidden The Democrats have stood before us trict would be required to offer any for long; by the time he was 25, he had and proclaimed that Republicans want child enrolled in the failing school the become the youngest vice president of to weaken the Federal stranglehold on option to transfer to a higher per- an advertising agency on Madison Ave- our education system. forming public school. nue. The Democrats have stood before us If a school continues to fail for an- He went on from there to form his and accused us of wanting to turn other 2 years, the district would also own agency in New York and then VerDate 27-APR-2000 03:33 May 04, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03MY6.034 pfrm09 PsN: S03PT1 May 3, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S3323 began his climb through the corporate his wit and his wisdom and his leader- David Joseph Mahoney Jr. was born in the world, first running the good Human ship, but I will continue to enjoy per- Bronx on May 17, 1923, the son of David J. Ice Cream Co., and rising to chief oper- sonal memories of our friendship and Mahoney, a construction worker, and the former Loretta Cahill. ating officer of Norton Simon's various to be grateful for his legacy of explo- After serving as an infantry captain in the corporate holdings. ration into the workings of the human Pacific during World War II, he enrolled at It was during his stewardship of Nor- brain. the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton ton Simon, Inc., that I first met David. Mr. President, the May 2, 2000, New School. He studied at night, and during the My friend Norton Simon retired as York Times contained an excellent day he worked 90 miles away in the mail president and CEO of Norton Simon, obituary of David Mahoney, and I ask room of a Manhattan advertising agency, Inc., in 1969 and selected David unanimous consent that it be printed Ruthrauff & Ryan. By the time he was 25, he Mahoney to be the new leader of his in the RECORD. had become a vice president of the agencyÐ company. There being no objection, the mate- by some accounts, the youngest vice presi- dent on Madison Avenue at the time. He chose David because ``David was rial was ordered to be printed in the Then in 1951, in a move in keeping with the inspirational, tough, visionary, and RECORD, as follows: restlessness that characterized his business dangerous.'' David expanded the com- [From the New York Times, May 2, 2000] career, he left Ruthrauff & Ryan to form his pany and helped Norton Simon build DAVID MAHONEY, A BUSINESS EXECUTIVE AND own agency.
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