September - October 2007 VOL. 84, #5 Three members of Ft. Hawkins Camp presented the Bennington Flag during the Annual Scottish Rite Flag Program. 2 THE SOJOURNER SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2007 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF NATIONAL LINE OFFICERS NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE NATIONAL SOJOURNERS, JUNE 2007-JUNE 2008 INCORPORATED PRESIDENT THE SOJOURNER (USPS 500-620) is CAPT James E. Vann published bi-monthly for $3.00 per year by 3742 Reston Court National Sojourners, Inc., a non-profit or- Wilmington, NC 28403-6177 ganization, 8301 East Boulevard Drive, Al- 910-350-0666 exandria, VA 22308-1399-26. Periodicals Email:
[email protected] Postage Paid at Alexandria, VA and at ad- ditional mailing offices. Date of Mailings: PRESIDENT-ELECT I invite you to take a trip with me….. August, October, December, February, April LTC Joseph H. Baker, Jr. And, oh, the places you’ll go! and June. 238 Fendler Parkway Several years ago, at the St. Louis Na- POSTMASTER: Send address changes Pineville, LA 71360-4728 tional Convention, I had the opportunity to to THE SOJOURNER, 8301 East Boulevard 318-448-0501 travel to the magnificent arch, the Gateway Drive, Alexandria, VA 22308-1399-26. FAX: 318-433-7056 to the West. It is truly an inspiring, archi- PUBLISHER: National Sojourners, Incor- Email:
[email protected] tectural feat, in its beauty and majesty. porated. Under the arch and underground is an EDITOR: NELSON O. NEWCOMBE, Na- FIRST VICE PRESIDENT equally magnificent museum, depicting the tional Secretary, 703-765-5000. 1LT Frederick B. Vihovde inspiring history of the westward movement Names and addresses included in this 2162 Water Lilly Lane of our great nation.