DOSSIER PRENSA INTERNACIONAL Nº 15 Del 17 al 30 de junio de 2011

• “The deceit of ageing Arab regimes won't stop al-Jazeera”. Wadah Khanfar. The Guardian, 16/06/2011

• “Legalizing the Libya mission”. Editorial.Los Angeles Times, 16/06/2011

• “Silence on Syria”. By Editorial. The Washington Post. 16/06/2011

• “Losing the War of Words on Libya”. By Lynda Calvert. The Times. 26/06/2011

• “Turkey shows the way to Syria”. Editorial. Daily Telegraph. 15/06/2011

• “Defence policy: Learning from Libya”. Editorial. The Guardian, 15/06/2011

• “Uganda could be close to an African Spring”. Editorial. The Washington Post. 15/06/2011

• “In Libya, a minefield of NATO miscues and tribal politics”. By David Ignatius. The Washington Post. 15/06/2011

• “I saw these brave doctors trying to save lives – these charges are a pack of lies”. Robert Fisk. The Independent. 15/06/2011

• “Turkish Lessons for the Arab Spring”. By Soner Cagaptay. The Wall Street Journal. 14/06/2011

• “From a Saudi prince, tough talk on America’s favoritism toward ”. By Richard Cohen, The Washington Post. 14/06/2011

• “Syria: Butchery, while the world watches”. Editorial. The Guardian, 13/06/2011

• “Syrian infighting suggests Assad's grip on power is slipping”. Simon Tisdall. The Guardian, 13/06/2011

• “Swat the flies and tell the truth – live on al-Jazeera”. Robert Fisk. The Independent. 13/06/2011

• “Egypt's Backward Turn”. Editorial. The Wall Street Journal. 13/06/2011

• “Talking Truth to NATO”. Editorial. . 11/06/2011

• “A morning-after tonic for the Middle East”. By Martin Indyk. Financial Times. 10/06/2011

• “Egypt's Backward Turn”. Editorial. The Wall Street Journal. 10/06/2011

• “A Post-American Day Dawns in the Mideast”. By Ray Takeyh. The New York Times, 10/06/2011

• How Tyrants Endure. By Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith. The New York Times, 10/06/2011


Prensa árabe

• "U.S. Readies More Sanctions Against Syria and Looks to Turkey for Direct Influence", Joyce Karam. Dar al Hayat English, 16 junio 2011.

• "Reset Turkey/EU Relations", Javier Solana. Al Jazeera English, 15 junio 2011.

• "That noise is of the Arab order breaking", Rami G. Khouri. The Daily Star Lebanon, 15 junio 2011.

• "Ankara on the eve of critical decisions on Syria, Israel", Serkan Demirtas. Hürriyet English, 15 junio 2011.

• "Learning to trust our neighbors",Leon Wieseltier. , 15 junio 2011.

• "The deposed or former president?", Ali Ibrahim. As Sharq al Awsat English, 15 junio 2011,

• "Los cambios en el "escenario islámico", Jalil al Anani, de Egipto". Dar al Hayat (árabe), 15 junio 2011.

• "El Ejército y la Revolución", Ma'moun Fandi. As Sharq al Awsat (árabe), 15 junio 2011.

• "Egypt and the American Archetype", Abdullah Iskandar. Dar al Hayat English, 15 junio 2011.

• "Gadafi y Asad desafían al mundo tras el velo", Judair Bukailp. Al Quds al Arabi (árabe) 14 junio 2011.

• "Obama's missed opportunity", Michael Hudson. Al Jazeera English, 14 junio 2011.

• "The ICC must better explain its actions", The Daily Star Lebanon, 14 junio 2011.

• "Temporada de juicios en Túnez", Mohamed Krishan. Al Quds al Arabi (árabe), 14 junio 2011.

• "Moroccans society begins strong dialogue", Bilal Hassen. As Sharq al Awsat English, 14 junio 2011.

• "Egypt: the Cake of the Revolution. and the Loaf of Bread", Mohammad Salah. Dar al Hayat English, 13 junio 2011.

• "PM poses as a Mideastern rather than a European leader", Barçin Yinanç. Hürriyet English, 13 junio 2011.



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