
Geometry in (Very) High

Renato Feres Washington in St. Louis Department of

1/20 The RGB color

2/20 The of musical chords (Dmitry Tymoczko)

3-dimensional space of three-note chords, with major and minor triads found near the center. (An , much like a 3-dim Moebius band.) Tymoczko is composer and professor of music at Princeton University.

3/20 Primary faces

The 6 basic emotions Based on research by Paul Ekman

Other facial expressions of emotions are combinations of these 6, just as colors are combinations of R, B, G (a 6-dimensional space.)

Illustration by Scott McCloud From Making Comics by McCloud (2006)

4/20 Combinations of primary faces

5/20 Thermodynamic space

To specify the kinetic state of one mole of gas we need:

23 3 velocity components for each of 6.022 10 molecules. ×

So we need more than 18 1023 dimensions. × 6/20 in Cartesian n-dimensional space Rn

n Space R consists of all n-tuples of real : x x1,...,xn . = ( ) Distance between x x1,...,xn and y y1,...,yn : = ( ) = ( ) 2 2 d x, y » y1 x1 yn xn ( ) = ( − ) +⋯+( − ) (c. 300 BC) Descartes (17th century)

7/20 and Balls in Cartesian n-space

The n-cube C r of side 2r: of x such that r xi r. ( ) − ≤ ≤

It is also the Cartesian : Cn r r, r r, r (n .) ( ) = − × ⋯ × − [ ] [ ]

8/20 n-dimensional balls

The pythagorean in n is

2 2 x x1 xn distance from x to origin 0,..., 0 . = ¼ + ⋯ + = The n-ballS S of r is the set of x at distance r from( the) origin: ≤ Bn r x Rn x r . = ∈ ∶ ≤ ( ) { S S }

9/20 Testing our geometric intuition ...

10/20 Similar arrangement in dimension 3

11/20 What happens to the red as n goes to infinity?

Now, do the same in arbitrary dimensions:

Begin with a cube of dimension n and side length 1. n 1 Pack 2 balls inside, each of radius 4 . Add a (red) ball at the center that touches all the other balls.

Let rn be the radius of the red ball.

What happens to rn when n goes to infinity?

12/20 rn →∞

In dimension 2,

1 2 1 2 1 1 r2 2 1 . ¾ 4 4 4 4 = + − = √ − ‹  ‹  Š 

In dimension n,

1 2 1 2 1 1 rn n 1 = ¾ 4 + ⋯ + 4 − 4 = 4 − √ ‹  ‹  ‰ Ž 13/20

The fundamental is that of the cube. We define it to be

n n Vol C a 2 Vol(n-cube of side length a) a = = By filling the ball( ( with~ )) small cubes and taking a limit, n n n Vol B r Vol B 1 r . = Using multivariate ( and( )) induction( ( in)) the dimension,

n n 2 Bn π ~ 1 2πe Vol 1 n . = Γ 2 1 nπ ¾ n ⎛ ⎞ ( ( )) + ∼ √ This is very small for big n. ‰ Ž ⎝ ⎠

14/20 Example: dimension 100

Volume of cube 1 = 40 Volume of inscribed ball 2.37 10− = ×

15/20 How are volumes distributed? (1. Shells)

Fraction of volume of n-ball contained in the outer shell of thickness a: n Vol Bn r Vol Bn r a rn r a n a − n − − n− 1 1 . Vol B r = r = − − r ( ( )) ( ( )) ( ) ‹  ( ( ))

Therefore, for arbitrarily small a, as n → , ∞ Vol shell of thickness a 1. Vol Bn r → ( ) The volume inside a ball (for big( n())) is mostly near the .

16/20 How are volumes distributed? (2. Central slabs)

Consider the n-dimensional ball of fixed volume equal to 1.

It can be shown that: n radius rn ∼ ½2πe about 96% of the volume lies in the (relatively very thin) slab

n 1 1 x ∈ B rn ≤ x1 ≤ . ∶ −2 2 › ( ) This is true for the slab centered on any n 1 -dimensional subspace! − 17/20 ( ) Hyper- of slices

Associated to the n-dimensional cube of side 1, define: 1 e n 1,..., 1 , a vector of unit length; = √ Vn 1 t( hyper-area) of slice to e above t. − = ( )

Hyper-area of slice above t (big n) a




0 t -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

Theorem (CLT)

x1 ⋅⋅⋅+ xn 6 6t2 Vn 1 t Voln 1 x + t ∼ e− − = − ∶ n = ¾π

( ) Œœ W √ W ¡‘ 18/20 If we identify Probability ⇔ Volume ...

Theorem (Central Limit Theorem) − 1 1 If X1,X2,... are random numbers (uniformly distributed) on 2 , 2 ,

x   X1 + ⋯ + Xn 6 6t2 lim Prob x e− dt n n ≤ S x ¾π →∞ = − ŒW √ W ‘

600 Probability experiment:

500 Compute 5000 sample values of the random


300 then plot the distribution of values of Y (histogram) 200


0 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

19/20 Morals to draw from the story

Concepts in dimension 2, 3 often generalize to n 3; > But peculiar things can happen for big n. Insight is regained by thinking probabilistically. Probability can be “interpreted” geometrically.

Algebra, analysis, , modern physical , music, and many other subjects use geometric ideas to represent concepts that may not seem geometric at first.

This is reflected in the many flavors of modern : Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian ; ; symplectic and non-commutative geometry; information geometry, etc., etc., etc.
