Nr. 13/2013 HERMENEIA Journal of Hermeneutics, Art Theory and Criticism Topic: Critical Discourse in Philosophy and Art Editura Fundaţiei Academice AXIS IAŞI, 2013 Advisory board Ştefan AFLOROAEI, Prof. Dr., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Sorin ALEXANDRESCU, Prof. Dr., University of Bucarest, Romania Aurel CODOBAN, Prof. Dr., Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Denis CUNNINGHAM, Secretary General, Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes (FIPLV) Ioanna KUÇURADI, Prof. Dr., Maltepe University, Turkey Roger POUIVET, Prof. Dr., Nancy 2 University, France Constantin SĂLĂVĂSTRU, Prof. Dr., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Jean-Jacques WUNENBURGER , Prof. Dr., Jean Moulin University, Lyon, France Editor Petru BEJAN, Prof. Dr., Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Editorial board Cristian CIOCAN, Postdoctoral Researcher, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Antonela CORBAN, Postdoctoral Researcher, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Florin CRISMAREANU, Postdoctoral Researcher, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Ciprian JELER, Postdoctoral Researcher, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Horia-Vincenţiu PATRASCU, Postdoctoral Researcher, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Dana ŢABREA, Postdoctoral Researcher, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Address Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania The Department of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences Hermeneia 11, Carol I, Blvd., 700506, Iasi, Romania email:
[email protected] Edited by Axis Academic Foundation Tel./fax: 0232/201653 email:
[email protected] ISSN: 1453-9047 TOPIC: CRITICAL DISCOURSE IN PHILOSOPHY AND ART Summary I. ARTISTICAL INTERPRETATION Petru BEJAN What is art criticism (any longer)? .......................................................................................... 7 Rolland QUILLIOT L’ambiguïté de l’échec artistique: réflexions sur Le chef d’œuvre inconnu de Balzac .....