Revista Chilena de Historia Natural ISSN: 0716-078X [email protected] Sociedad de Biología de Chile Chile

HEBEL, INGRID; GALLEGUILLOS, CAROLINA; JAÑA, RICARDO; DACASA- RÜDINGER, MARIA D.C. Early knowledge of ’s vegetation: Expanding past and current evidence Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, vol. 85, núm. 4, 2012, pp. 409-418 Sociedad de Biología de Chile Santiago, Chile

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Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 85: 409-418, 2012 © Sociedad de Biología de Chile


Early knowledge of Antarctica’s vegetation: Expanding past and current evidence Conocimiento temprano de la vegetación en Antártica: Expandiendo la evidencia pasada y presente


1Departamento Agrícola y Acuícola, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Magallanes, Casilla 113-D, Punta Arenas, Chile 2Instituto Antártico Chileno, Plaza Muñoz Gamero 1055, Punta Arenas, Chile 3Fundación Centro de Estudios del Cuaternario Antártica, Fuego y , 21 de Mayo 1690, Punta Arenas, Chile 4Forest Genetics and Forest Breeding, Wood and Forestry Competence Centre, Public Enterprise Sachsenforst, Bonnewitzer Str. 34, 01796 Pirna OT Graupa, Germany *Corresponding author: [email protected]


To commemorate one hundred years of ’s reaching the , we provide a summary of early explorations to Antarctica, in which botanists played an almost anonymous role. Based on multiple observations of vegetation they found and recorded, we review the knowledge available at the end of the nineteenth century to compare with contemporary scientifi c beliefs; connecting them with observations we have collected in fi eld-work. Using the aerial photography from the end of the 1950s of sites we visited, it is noted that opportunities are arising for the understanding of colonization phenomena in areas where ice is retreating. Accounts of research on colonization of new ice-free areas are analyzed as well as how molecular genetics attempts to deduce the early settlements. Finally, an analysis of conservation in Antarctica is provided and its outlook discussed. Key words: Amundsen, ice-free areas, , niche conservation, Sanionia uncinata.


Al conmemorar los 100 años de la llegada de Roald Amundsen al polo sur, queremos entregar un resumen de las primeras exploraciones a Antártica, en el cual participaban botánicos en forma casi anónima. Basados en las múltiples observaciones de la vegetación que ellos encontraron y registraron, se revisó el conocimiento disponible al fi nal del siglo diecinueve para compararlo con nuestra visión; relacionándolo con lo que nosotros hemos encontrado ahora en nuestros terrenos. Usando fotografía aérea de fi nales de 1950 de sitios que nosotros hemos visitado, es evidente que nuevas áreas del conocimiento se abren frente a estos fenómenos donde ha retrocedido el hielo. Se señalan las investigaciones que se han desarrollado en el análisis de la colonización de las nuevas áreas libres de hielo y cómo la genética molecular intenta descifrar su establecimiento. Finalmente, se hace un análisis de la conservación en Antártica y se discute sobre las proyecciones de ella. Palabras clave: Amundsen, áreas libres de hielo, conservación de nichos, musgo, Sanionia uncinata.

INTRODUCTION of the important scientifi c contributions took place due to a multinational agreement that Scientifi c expeditions in Antarctica: Bases of the encouraged countries to organize South Pole botanical knowledge expeditions to collect scientifi c information on this continent. At the end of the nineteenth century, collection In relation to vegetation in Antarctica, one of and classification were still the principal the fi rst observations of the explorers hunting occupations for biologists and the major seals and whales referred to a strange grass, concerns of the leaders of biological thought which later was recognized as patches of moss. were the cell theory, comparative anatomy It was not until 1820 when Edward Bransfi eld and evolution. In the period when Roald made the fi rst Antarctic exploration on land, Amundsen reached the South Pole (1911), most mainly in the maritime sector. He sailed the 410 HEBEL ET AL.

South Shetland Islands and the Strait that bears Brown wrote the report of that voyage with his name (SHOA 1989). In 1829, James Eights special emphasis on “The problems of the described the fi rst fossil and made the fi rst Antarctic Plant Life”, and “Flora of the South botanical collection (Putzke & Pereira 2001). Orkney”. In those documents, he recorded the Between 1838-1842 Sir Joseph Dalton most relevant observations for the south polar Hooker, one of the greatest British botanists fl ora and gave the botanist reason to hope for and explorer of the 19th century and founder of further results from future expeditions. One geographical , took part in an expedition of the chief interests in these collections lies, which consisted of two ships, the HMS Erebus of course, in the questions they give rise to in and HMS Terror, commanded by Captain James problems of geographical distribution and the Clark Ross. They circumnavigated Antarctica, origin of the Antarctic fl ora. reaching latitude 78º04’ S. It was the last major The total number of brought from voyage of exploration made entirely under sail. Antarctic regions until 1907 appears to be 52 Hooker made plant collections at locations such (actually more than 80), collected in different as Kerguelen, Macquaire, Falkland, Tierra expeditions such as the “Belgica” which del Fuego and other islands. The voyage was collected 27 species on the west of Graham a success for as it was the Land, the Antarctic expedition collected 23 fi rst to confi rm the existence of the southern from different parts of Louis Philippe Land, the continent and chart much of its coastline. It is Frangais 18 around the Gerlache Strait, and the interesting, according to Convey (2010), that Scotia expedition 10 species from the South the book written by Hooker, “Flora Antarctica: Orkneys. According to Cardot (1906), cited by the botany of the Antarctic voyage”, considers Brown (1907), 24 of the 52 species are endemic, mostly fl ora that could be considered today as 16 are northern and 12 southern species of part of the fl ora of the sub-Antarctic islands. wide distribution. Noticeable is that due to the After Hooker’s visit, the Antarctic Scientifi c relationship of the Antarctic moss fl ora with Expeditions were interrupted and the discovery those of South Georgia and Magallanes; Brown of new bryophyte species stopped. For this suggested a migration from Fuegian lands as reason, in 1895 it was suggested during the origin of the Antarctic fl ora. the International Geographic Congress in London that the Antarctic Continent should Moss to the limit: Discovering the survival history be explored, and recommended to the world in Antarctica scientifi c society to have more knowledge of the continent before the end of the 19th century. After the work done by the mentioned scientifi c One result of this proposal was the most expeditions, who initiated botanical knowledge extensive publications on the taxonomy of in Antarctica, they concluded that mosses are a bryophytes at that time. The first moss major component of the fl ora in ice-free coastal Antarctic collection was made by the Rumanian regions of Antarctica, especially developed Émile Racovitza, zoologists and botanists in in the and in sites of 1898 in the Gerlache Strait, on the west side the west sector of the . All of the Antarctic Peninsula, during a Belgian these species reach here the limits of their expedition which visited the South Shetland distribution; the margins indicate which is the and the west coast of Tierra de O’Higgins, limit of the adaptation to the abiotic conditions commanded by Adrien Gerlache. In his crew (temperature, precipitation, light, soil nutrition, was Roald Amundsen, as fi rst mate, without pay, etc.), but also show competition with other who learned much from his experience on this species. Perhaps at the time of the first expedition, in particular how to prevent scurvy explorers the margins were not of particular (Rubin 1996). In the same year, Racovitza made interest, but currently they represent limits the fi rst record of one of the only two fl owering of survival and colonization, where mosses native to the continent when he found are very successful in the places where they Deschampsia antarctica Desv. at 64º35’ S (Fogg used to be in Antarctica, from wetter areas and 1992). A great contribution in this period was channel banks to dry morainic detritus and the Scottish expedition commanded by William crevices of rocks, on fl at or sloped surfaces. Spiers Bruce in the “Scotia”; R.N. Rudmose This distribution and their limits can be altered ANTARCTICA’S VEGETATION: PAST AND CURRENT EVIDENCE 411 with climate change and relationships can well as in the Antarctic Peninsula. In the case be established among the historic periods of Sanionia, Bryum and Calliergon species, the of glaciations. But what is recognized as a shortness of the growing season is prolonged in distributional margin depends primarily on the part by the fact that mosses occur submerged object which is observed and this is the species in lakes, where they can remain at 4 ºC to or population in detail (Crawford 2008). assimilate instead of being out of water under This leads to question such as, why do an ice sheet. The same applies in snow valleys these plants grow in their limits, why are only when mosses can photosynthesize beneath the few species, and which are their biological snow (Frahm 2001). strategies for survival under these conditions? Sanionia forms great patches close to Mosses are currently used as model humid environments, such as the vicinity of organisms for physiological experiments to thaw channels, and according to Gimingham elucidate problems such as cold tolerance or & Smith (1971) it has great morphological hormones involved in the light signaling of the plasticity associated with extensive ecological circadian clock (Ichikawa et al. 2004), survival amplitude. This species produces pads with mechanisms and monitoring responses to 1.5-2 cm thickness; the stems adopt a turgid climate change (Ochyra et al. 2008); they have or ascending, very dense form that can be uses that are just beginning to emerge, such completely extracted. It is frequently associated as modern genetic engineering or their use in with Andreaea and Polytrichum alpinum in dry building as effective insulation. habitats, or grows alone. On the other hand, a Mosses play an important ecological role, robust form exists in which the parallel stems accumulating organic matter, colonizing ice-free have lateral arms with restricted growth and terrain and providing birds and invertebrates 3 cm or greater thickness. This form occurs with food and habitat resources. Moreover, in patches associated with Calliergon and mosses play an important role in the nutrient Brachythecium. The plants in between these balance of ecosystems, because they bring two extremes tend to occupy habitats with nutrients from the atmosphere into the intermediate water availability. However, these ecosystem and accumulate them (Frahm observations can now be oriented towards 2001). According to Lewis Smith (1990), the identifi cation of two species, as suggested some moss species are very sensitive to the by Ochyra et al. 2008 (S. uncinata and S. smallest edaphic and microclimatic differences georgica-uncinata). Moreover, according to such as water availability, expressed in the our investigation if we accept the fact that dominance of one species and the structure of they are two different species, all individuals the communities. collected in Antarctica would be in the lower In maritime Antarctica, wet habitats are range of size (Fig. 1) compared to individuals typically dominated by four carpet-forming from the Northern Hemisphere described by pleurocarpous species (Sanionia georgica- these authors. Finally, Sanionia uncinata can uncinata (Müll. Hal.) Ochyra & Hedenäs, S. uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske, Warnstrofia fontinaliopsis (Müll. Hal.) Ochyra, W. sarmentosa (Wahlenb.) Hedenäs (Ochyra et al. 2008). According to Pizarro & Sáiz (1977), Sanionia uncinata (=Drepanocladus uncinatus), Andrea gainii Cardot, Syntrichia filaris (Müll. Hal.) Zander (=Tortula excelsa Cardot), Schistidium antarctici (Cardot) Savicz & Smirnova (=Grimmia antarctici Cardot) and Polytrichastrum alpinum (Hedw.) G.L.Sm. are the most important species located in the Fildes Peninsula. Interestingly, one of the most Fig.1: Gametophyte from Tierra del Fuego, Karu- widespread moss species in Antarctica is S. kinka (K7) and from Fildes Peninsula (AC9-413). uncinata, a cosmopolitan species occurring Gametofi to de Tierra del Fuego, Karukinka (K7), y de penín- on peri-Antarctic islands and archipelagoes as sula Fildes (AC9-413). 412 HEBEL ET AL. be found in many places in the South Shetland and microclimate remain adequate. This allows Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula such as the establishment into small colonies, which the Fildes, Ardley, Potter, Byers and Barton with other species, may gradually develop a Peninsulas, Deception Island and distinctive community characteristic of the (Antarctic Treaty Secretariat 2002a, 2002b, environmental features of the habitat (Smith 2005a, 2005b, 2008 (on-line); it has also been 1972). Birds use mosses to build their nests; found outside of Antarctica in the National in periods when the ice had not melted we Park Karukinka, Tierra del Fuego, in Chilean found groups of gametophytes which had birds Patagonia (Larraín 2008). It is interesting to dropped (Fig. 2C). ask why Sanionia, a cosmopolitan species, has Few other species of Antarctic bryophytes a wide distribution in places like Antarctica produce sporophytes (Webb 1973), and the and the Northern Hemisphere. It suggests the sporophyte state of Sanionia is described as study of the different methods of colonization very rare (Lewis-Smith 1984). According to of new areas by mosses in Antarctic and Brown (1907), the most important evidence the signifi cance of the possible colonization for the possible wind transport of Fuegian from Tierra del Fuego suggested by Jules species to Antarctica is the discovery by Dr Cardot over 100 years ago. Germination and F. E. Fritschof pollen grains of Podocarpus subsequent development and survival are (gymnosperms) among the algae found in a possible by those species genetically and patch of red snow in the South Orkneys. The physiologically pre-adapted to tolerate relatively nearest land from which these pollen grains unstable conditions, severe dehydration and could have come is southern South America; abiotic stress and in particular, minimum several species of Podocarpus occur in Chile, nutrient concentrations. Thus the success in some at high altitudes, and thus are more likely this extreme environment is not given only to have their pollen carried by the wind. Based by the resistance or tolerance to the extreme on this observation, perhaps the greatest input conditions where they live, but the multiple to the gene pool of the bryophyte population dispersion methods they have in order to is derived from exotic spores, since these colonize free-ice surfaces. haploid spores are capable of generating new The dispersion and establishment from plants. This hypothesis is also in part supported local sources in Antarctica occurs mostly by many authors such as van Zanten (1978), by vegetative gametophytes; the numerous Marshall (1996) and Hebel (1999); these spores modes of vegetative reproduction include wind will probably have descended into new areas dispersion of the gametes after desiccation (Fig. perpetually over millions of years (Lewis-Smith 2A) and gametophytes washed downstream 1984). The abundance and diversity of aerial after fast snow melting (Fig. 2B) to new spores is determined by the size and strength of habitats, developing rhizoids if the edaphic the propagules, the diversity and distance to the conditions, moisture, stability of the substrate source (Marshall 1996). However, dispersion

(A) (B) (C)

Fig. 2: Different effects that allow the dispersion of mosses in Antarctica. Diferentes efectos que permiten la dispersión de los musgos en Antártica. ANTARCTICA’S VEGETATION: PAST AND CURRENT EVIDENCE 413 may also be favored by birds (Lewis Smith Scientifi c Interest (SSSI) and Antarctic Specially 1984), and more recently by man. Managed Areas (ASMA) (Walton & Dingwall One report discussed the viability of 1995). Nevertheless there is still much work to the spores under different environmental be done, such as determining if these zones of conditions and showed that many moss species special protection are representative of the gene spores are capable of remaining viable after pool for many species in Antarctica. Because many years (about 20) of desiccated storage the history of the vegetation in Antarctica with or without subsequent wet or dry freezing has been studied based mainly on palaeo Van Zanten (1978). Thus it is conceivable that ecological sources, establishing that the present the rain of spores on the Antarctic region vegetation in Antarctica has been considerably creates a bank of propagules on the soil and modified since 30 million years ago, it was over the mosses, and probably over the ice of concluded that the combination of isolation and glaciers draining into the crevices, some of climatic change has allowed the existence of which may remain viable for many years. If they endemic and non-endemic species. have the fortune to be transported to ice-free Very few endemic mosses are present niches where the temperature and humidity in Antarctica, while 50 % of the lichens are favorable, these spores may be able to are endemic. The periodic extensions and germinate. In general, due the infrequent contractions of ice coverage produce processes sexual stages of mosses in Antarctica, a of speciation and genetic differentiation strong clonality is expected, which has an between populations, such as genetic diversity extremely high importance for the conservation within populations, which make them unique. and management in Antarctica. The above According to Chown & Convey (2007), it is not arguments indicate the importance of create a known if there were refuges in the vegetation new viewpoint, to conserve the niches of the history of and thus mosses species of Antarctica as well as its biodiversity. could have an “ancient” history in the region, or if they are new colonists since the Pleistocene. New views on conservation: The discussion of Perhaps the conservation of remote populations (niche) conservation and genetic diversity in such as those from Antarctica would not benefi t Antarctica the genetic variability of the species, given that there is high gene fl ow. Less understood The environmental impact of human activities are the human effects on the genetic structure in Antarctica varies considerably according and consanguinity of moss populations when to geographic location, and in some places they make decisions for ASPA sites and non- is very important (Tin et al. 2009). Only protected communities. It is therefore relevant few of the fi rst explorers and scientists who to review the extent of anthropogenic infl uence came to Antarctica were worried about the on the development of current genetic patterns. effects of sealing and whaling in the Southern Given that the ASPA sites were created based Ocean, and had little concern about pollution only upon biodiversity and not on ecological, or conservation; international organizations geographical and topographical aspects, it is working in Antarctica have recognized these possible that non-protected areas would be problems since the middle of the last century exposed to greater pressure than the ASPA (Fogg 1992). An urgent need exists to provide sites. Thus a critical evaluation becomes a correct environmental evaluation (Dalziell necessary not only of the ASPA itself, but also 1995); the conservation efforts of the Scientifi c its effects and buffer zones for the balance of Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) have the ecosystems and the relationship among addressed the direction and development of populations of the same species that are the System of Protected Areas (Fogg 1992). protected or not protected. Their efforts resulted in the establishment It is not presently known whether the non- of a considerable number of sites, mainly endemic species have only colonized Antarctica designated to protect scientifi c activity or to through propagules dispersed by wind or provide locations with baseline data for future birds, or survived in refuges during the last use. These areas include Antarctic Specially glaciations. According to Lewis-Smith (1984), Protected Area (ASPA), Sites of Special it is unlikely that any peat-forming vegetation 414 HEBEL ET AL. survived the Pleistocene glaciations south wind, water or birds) or permanence in coastal of 60º latitude, because any organic deposit refuges such as nunataks, perhaps near would have been destroyed by the expanding volcanic zones like Deception Island, cannot yet ice caps. On the other hand, Salzmann et be determined. al. (2011) suggested that for James Ross According to the work of McDaniel & Island the presence of substantial Pliocene Shaw (2003) related to the relationship and vegetation is unlikely. If it is assumed that genetic divergence of a Trans-Antarctic moss the current vegetation distribution has been species, the niche conservatism approach present only since the Pleistocene (two million may be helpful when it is used to model years), mainly after the last glaciations 20000 the tendency of species to retain ancestral years ago as suggested by Convey (2010), ecological characteristics. According to Wiens gene fl ow during the postglacial colonization & Graham (2005), the simple test of whether apparently should be suffi cient to prevent a niches are conserved is not by itself particularly differentiation among populations of Antarctica, helpful; it is better to focus on the patterns of sub-Antarctic islands and South America. niche formation and conservation. The type To understand the evolution, origins and of niche conservatism may be important also mechanisms of dispersion, as well as the for the spread of invasive human-introduced responses to the climatic change, requires species, responses of species to global climate the analysis of the genetic structure, which change and human history. is a good tool to investigate some of these questions. The powerful molecular techniques Niche conservatism in a changing Antarctica have allowed studying the correspondence between taxonomy and climatic and tectonic Holocene records of ice fluctuations in the events, known glacial refuges, routes of Antarctic Peninsula are particularly important dispersion and colonization of habitat; they can in the light of recent warming trends that have separate different timescales and moss species resulted in glacier retreat and ice-shelf collapse based on different markers. Some efforts at several locations. Currently, the question have been made, mainly by Dale et al. (1999), of ice fl uctuations on the Holocene and more Selkirk et al. (1997, 1999), Skotnicki et al. ancient scales is not answered, and there is no (1998a, 1998b, 1999) and Bradner et al. (2000). evidence for refuges in the Peninsula region. In According to Skotnicki et al. (1999), the genetic contrast, there is biological evidence that such differentiation between nearby populations of refuges must have been present somewhere Sarconerum glaciale on Ross Island is greater (Peter Convey, pers. com. 2009). According to compared with those more distant, which Ingólfsson et al. (2003) the Antarctic Peninsula suggest long dispersion distance. In addition, transition completed broadly from glacial to the presence of somatic mutations supports interglacial conditions by about 6 ka BP. More the argument about the genetic diversity in recent records of fluctuations or pulses of populations located a few kilometers apart. glacier retreat and advance were demonstrated Nevertheless, these previous genetic studies by Hall (2008) through radiocarbon dating of in Antarctic mosses have limited value due incorporated moss that indicated the advance to a lack of variation in the markers or non- of the Collins Ice Cap on Fildes Peninsula (King specifi city of the methods used (Clarke et al. George Island) during the “Little Ice Age” 2009). It is debated whether unusually elevated defi ned in Europe, when the glacier advanced levels of genetic variability are artifacts from less than 500 m beyond its present-day margin. contamination from other species known to According available data, this was the most be naturally associated with Antarctic mosses. extensive advance since the last 3500 cal. This suggests that because of contaminants, years. Thus, the ice cap most likely was behind levels of genetic variation cannot be estimated its present position prior to ~650 cal. yr BP. accurately and reliably by non-specifi c PCR- Consequently for much of the past 3500 years based approaches (Stevens et al. 2007). moss has grown near the present ice margin in In the case of Sanionia, due to its wide Valle Norte. range of distribution in Antarctica possibilities Currently ice-free areas represent a very such as current gene flow (dispersion by low percentage of total emerged surfaces in ANTARCTICA’S VEGETATION: PAST AND CURRENT EVIDENCE 415

Antarctica; for the South Shetland Islands it has we measured the soil temperature and it was been estimated as 11 % of the surface (Serrano even higher depending on the orientation of et al. 1998). This exposed terrain is the result the slope, which with the diurnal variation in of past and recent climatic variability which light intensity during summer also infl uences modulated and constrained the viability and the growth and development through photoperiodic limits of pulsing ice masses. responses (Holdgate 1970). Moreover, higher Thus niche conservatism could be the hills in ice-free areas in Antarctica are the fi rst explanation of the distribution of the fl ora in places where snow melts. All these factors Antarctica, and supports why exotic species could explain the high presence of sporophytes become established in the region, such as of different species in those higher parts that the patterns seen for 35 species of reptiles we observed in Punta Hanna, moraines of the and amphibians in North America, in which Collins Glacier and Potter Bay. Otherwise the the significant relationship implies niche presence of moss species in the higher areas, conservatism in climatic tolerances (Wiens where there is much more wind, facilitates the & Graham 2005). On the other hand, Lewis- transport of their spores to remote areas. Smith (1984) suggested that it is very diffi cult Currently, rapid, recent, regional and to establish the whole history of the fl ora in intense climate variability affecting Antarctic the Antarctic region, because many records Peninsula provides an opportunity to are under the ice cap. Moreover, because of understand mechanisms and processes used the great erosive power of the ice fl ow this by mosses when they colonize ice-free areas. niche conservatism approach will not explain It is well documented that during the last the current distribution of the vegetation or the 60 years the Antarctic Peninsula region has presence of endemic and non-endemic species, experienced a major warming trend, based on because of the dynamic nature that this process the evidence provided by instrument records of has; especially moraines and slopes of valleys meteorological stations since 1950. Increases of provide conditions for the development of a annual mean temperature up to 0.56 ºC decade-1 fl ora, but it does not necessarily develop again were recorded at the Verdnasky/Faraday after periods of glaciations. station; they describe an upper value for the In this context, mountain topography plays general warming trend experienced in the an important role in biodiversity; the potential region (Turner et al. 2005). Long-term records floristic diversity of an ice-free area can be also show a strong rising trend in the annual predicted through the shape, geology and duration of the melting season, representing rock structure of the mountain. Surprisingly, a potential for ice and snow melt under this plant biodiversity in many high mountains is present environmental setting (Vaughan 2006). frequently much richer in alpine flora than Nevertheless, spatial complexity also has been other lower mountains (Convey 2008). Slopes, noted in the region because some stations screes and terraces and also moraines may show cooling trends, likely due to local factors look unstable but they can provide, depending and differences in the length of data records. on aspect and geological structure, varied and This suggests that there is not a sole driver for favorable habitats that are adequate for adapted glacier retreat in this region. According to Cook species. According to Crawford (2008), the et al. (2005), about 87 % of 244 marine glacier roughness of mountain also makes abundant fronts evaluated on the Antarctic Peninsula very small spaces where local environmental and associated islands have retreated in the conditions can provide temperature regimes last six decades, showing at the same time that can neutralize the effects of altitude and that a clearly marked boundary between mean latitude. advance and retreat has progressively migrated Moreover, the orientation of the mountain southward. Coincidently, based on geospatial plays a very important biogeographic role data provided by aerial photography, maps and for migration. A north-south orientation is satellite imagery, the change of glacier frontal generally considered the most favorable for position was evaluated on the northern tip of alterations in temperature and the concavity the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland provides reservoirs for soil, water and nutrients Islands (Ferrigno et al. 2006). The temporal (Crawford 2008). In cases such as moraines, analysis between 1947 and 1999 of average 416 HEBEL ET AL. coastal changes in 18 glaciers of King George of 52 years (Fig. 3). Here plant succession Island showed a strong negative trend, with an is expected to be developed first by soil increase in the amount of recession between microorganisms, lichens, mosses, etc. (Longton 1950 and 1956 and between 1975 and 1979. 1985). In this new ice-free area mosses such One example of ice retreat is the coastal as Sanionia uncinata become established change at Hannah Point, Livingston Island, on accumulations of moist soil in between South Shetland Islands, where significant lichens on moraines (Fig. 4) approximately 50 changes may be appreciated in both glacier m from the glacier. The interesting presence frontal position and ice coverage after a period of Deschampsia antartica near the glacier

Fig. 3: Coastal change at Hannah Point, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands. Signifi cant changes can be appreciated in both glacier frontal position and ice coverage after a period of 52 years: (A) vertical aerial photo- graph taken on 1 December 1956 by 26 FID survey and (B) false color composition VNIR bands of ASTER scene taken on 25 February 2008; vegetation distributed in patches over ice-free terrain being depicted as redish color areas. Coastline (white line) and coastal change (green and orange lines) are vector coverages available in ADD version 5.0. Cambio en las líneas de costa de punta Hannah, isla Livingston, islas Shetland del Sur. Se pueden apreciar cambios signifi ca- tivos tanto en la posición frontal del glaciar, como en la cobertura del hielo, en un periodo de 52 años: (A) Fotografía aérea vertical tomada en diciembre 1 de 1956 por el estudio FID y (B) Composición de falso color VNIR bandas de ASTER, imagen tomada en febrero 28 del año 2008, la vegetación se distribuye en parches sobre el terreno que se muestra de color rojizo. Las líneas de costa (líneas blancas) y el cambio de estas (líneas verdes y naranjas) son las coberturas vectoriales disponibles en la versión 5.0 de ADD.

Fig. 4: Frontal moraine of the glacier of Hannah Point. Morrena frontal del glaciar de punta Hannah. ANTARCTICA’S VEGETATION: PAST AND CURRENT EVIDENCE 417 probably shows that the reproduction of this protegida en punta Nar bski, península Barton, successful species was benefitted by the isla Rey Jorge (isla 25 de Mayo). Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. Kyiv, Ukraine 2-13 climate change, which produced conditions June, 2008. (online) URL: that allowed it to colonize without a previous documents/ATCM32/fr/ATCM32_fr002_s.pdf succession of mosses or lichens. It is given that (accessed August 23, 2011). BRADNER JR, RK SIDHU,B YEE,M SKOTNICKI, PM niche conservatism would shift the margins SELKIRK & KMH NEVALAINEN (2000) A new of species in the face of global warming. fungal species associated with the Antarctic moss Species that cannot adapt and cannot shift their Bryum argenteum. Polar Biology 23: 730-732. BROWN WSR (1907) Report on the scientifi c results of geographic ranges, due to habitat destruction the voyage of S.Y. “Scotia” during the years 1902, or geographical constraints, may be at risk of 1903 and 1904, under the leadership of William extinction. Several authors have assumed niche S. Bruce. reportonscientif03scot (accessed September 19, conservatism to evaluate the potential large- 2011). scale impact of global warming and how many CHOWN SL & P CONVEY (2007) Spatial and temporal variability across life’s hierarchies in the species respond to climate change as predicted terrestrial Antarctic. Philosophycal Transaction by niche conservatism, rather than with rapid Royal Society London B 362: 2307-2331. evolution of climatic tolerances. CLARKE L, D AYRE & S ROBINSON (2009) Genetic Structure of East Antarctic populations of the A more important statement is that no such moss Ceratodon purpureus. Antarctic Science 21: approach has yet been applied anywhere in the 51-58. 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Editorial responsibility: Marco A. Molina-Montenegro (Invited Editor) Received November 18, 2011; accepted November 27, 2012