is a leading manufacturer of yachts in Europe


Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund YACHTS Table of 1. Poland 1.3 Promotion of Polish Contents economy – a plan of action 1.1 General information In order to provide the necessary support for areas 1. Poland Location: Central Europe of Polish economy with highest export potential, 1.1 Poland Population: 38,5 million the Ministry of Economy has implemented a plan – general information to support the international promotion of 15 key Area: 322 575 km2 1.2 Poland economy areas, within OPIE 6.5.1 - 6.5.2 co-fi- – economic information Coastline (the ): 843 km nanced by the European Union funds. The 3-year- long plan is the largest so far international activ- 1.3 Promotion of Polish GDP increase in 2010 and 2011 ,8% ity aiming at the promotion of Polish economy economy abroad. – a plan of action 1.2 Economic information 1.4 Yachts as products for Poland belongs to those European countries export – commercial data which develop at the fastest pace. Even the 2. Yachting industry present global crisis has not impeded the devel- opment and its dynamics. 2.1 History of the yachting industry 2.2 Present situation 2.3 Influence on the economy 3. Poland as a country of water tourism 3.1 General data 3.2 Regions most significant for water tourism 4. Successes in sports


1 YACHTS 1.4 Yachts as products Graph 1: Polish boats and yachts - export value 2. Yachting industry 1935 - Poland enters IYRU and is accepted, with for export between 2006 and 2011 (in EUR million) letters PZ serving as Poland’s international iden- Source: Data of Polish Central Statistical Office tification mark placed on the sails. The yachting sector accounts for 0.15% of the 2.1 History of the yachting 1948 - A sailing and yachting training centre is total value of exports of Poland. Export consti- industry opened in Jastarnia. The members of PZŻ (Polish tutes 90% of the production of the yachting sec- „Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse.” Yachting Association) have 86 ballasted yachts tor itself. Due to a very significant role in the even Pompeius uttered these words when although regional development of Poland, as well as to and 200 centreboard yachts at their disposal, there was a storm raging at sea, the Roman tri- rebuilt from ruins. In Poznań, the first post-war the number of created jobs and the huge export umvir had to set his sails immediately. Only much potential, yachting industry has become one of Polish Sailing Championship is organised. later did these words become a proverb, and are Polish Export Specialties. 1951 - PYA and other yachting and sailing clubs are now used constantly when one wants to under- closed by the government, which perceives the line the pleasures of sailing for pleasure - as life lifestyle of the members as bourgeois and con- without sailing is less happy and not necessary. trary to country’s official ideology.T he sailors end The Polish yachting industry may boast of hun- up in National Defense League. Gross Domestic Product, according to the World Bank dreds of years of tradition. Poland’s fight for the 1953 - First Polish Maritime Sailing Champion- Updated on 05 June 2012 coastline was the driving force for Poles numer- ships take place in Gdańska Bay - maritime yachts ous times throughout our country’s history. Both were not allowed outside the Bay at that time. political and engineering activities were thus pow- ered; among others, the Augustowski Channel in 1954 - First Warsaw- regatta had the 19th century and the construction of Gdynia 6 stages; 81 yachts participated. Harbour in 1930s - which both still fill Polish hearts 1956-58 - The regatta is extended to the route with pride. Warszawa - Gdańsk. Boatbuilding has for ages been a natural part of December 1956 - Polish Yachting Association is re- life for inhabitants of small remote towns sur- activated. 1957 - Zygfryd Perlicki and his crew on rounded by lakes, rivers and forests. With time, Korsarz yacht win the international Baltic Cup. It is it became a thriving industry, as new challenges the first post-war victory of a Polish yacht. arose together with the indus- trial development. The most important are as follows: August 8, 1932 - Władysław GDP increase rate, according to the World Bank Wagner sets sail from Gdynia Updated on 05 June 2012 Harbour on his Zjawa yacht; af- ter several changes of the yacht but retaining its name, he fin- ishes as the first Pole a voyage around the world in 1939. June 5, 1933 - Andrzej Bo- homolec, Jan Witkowski and Jerzy Świechowski sail on Dal yacht (8.5 m in length) to Chi- cago, for the World Exhibi- tion. Their yacht is currently in Gdańsk’s Maritime Museum.

  Yachting industry

2 YACHTS 1958 - Poland establishes the contact with IYRU which point he purchased it. He sailed without the 2.2 Present situation Polish yachting industry was consolidating between again; its delegate is Wł. Głowacki. auxiliary motor, as he simply lacked one. 1990-2012, as regards technology, designs, produc- After 1989, Polish yachting industry underwent tion methods and flagship products such as: 1966 - Błażej Wyszkowski and Wojtek Nowicki be- The real ‘boom’ started, however, after 1990. State very fast and dynamic development. Poland be-  luxurious vessels produced on ship owners’ come world champions in Cadet sailing. The cruise enterprises were bankrupting; their employers came one of the world leaders in production of orders, finished in accordance with detailed of Śmiały yacht with Captain Bolesław Kowalski started to set up their own companies. With the boats and yachts. In the record-breaking 2008, agreements. Luxurious catamarans, both sail ends. The yacht circumnavigated South America, knowledge and experience, they quickly learned over 22 000 vessels left Polish yacht dockyards. and power, which may compete with the big- crossing Strait of Magellan. Ludomir Mączka and their ropes in the new reality. gest vessels of this class produced globally. Krzysztof Baranowski belonged to the crew. 1967 - 1969 - The first solitary cruise of a Pole around the world. Leonid Teliga achieves his goal on the same yacht (Opty). 1967 - Swarożyc yacht, with Captain Wacław Lisk- iewicz, after sailing for 4905 NM, for the first time in history gets at a distance of 720 NM to the North Pole. 1972-73 - Krzysztof Baranowski’s cruise around the world on Polonez yacht. 1976 - 1978 - Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz on Mazurek yacht circumnavigated the globe as the first woman in the world, sailing for2 8696 NM. 1977 - Andrzej Urbańczyk on Nord III yacht, for the first time in Polish sailing history, crosses North Pacific in a solitary cruise along the routeS an Fran- cisco - Hawaii - Yokohama, in 76 days. 1979 - In June, Captain Henryk Jaskuła sets sail on Dar Przemyśla from Gdynia Harbour, on a cruise around the world without calling at any ports. No help, either from the land or from the sea, may be accepted during such a cruise. So far, only three sailors in the world have completed such a cruise. He comes back in May 1980 after 344 days and having sailed for 32000 NM. He circumnavigates three capes in this Gdynia-Gdynia cruise, which was exceptional due to the fact that until then, no one during a solitary cruise and without any contact with the land circumnavigated the globe via the Baltic Sea, Danish straits, the North Sea and the English Channel. 1980 - Kuba Jaworski is the first in the monohull class in OSTAR regatta, with Spaniel II yacht. Af- ter four years of solitary voyage around the globe, Zbigniew Puchalski comes back on Miranda. Pucha- lski went on this extraordinary cruise on a yacht built in 1935 and destined for scrapping in 1969 - at

  Yachting industry

2 YACHTS Large monohull power yacht are produced that centuries-old boating knowledge, wooden yachts combine designs of perfect nautical parameters are often produced, yet yachts are also made from with very modern interior design. aluminium, steel and carbon fibres, as well as  middle-sized and small yachts of vessel opera- from the most popular material, polyester resin tors: These yachts are destined for inshore sail- with glass fibres. Even this most classic technol- ing, on channels, rivers and lakes. As regards ogy undergoes changes, improvements and mod- their comfort and equipment, they may com- ernisation. pete with much bigger units. The range of products of Polish yacht construc-  sailing boats from 5 to 10 m long, which com- tors is very wide - several dozens of models, of bine simplicity of operation with very good be- length varying from 3 to over 30 m. Sailing boats haviour on water. include centreboard yachts, ballasted yachts and  motor boats from 4 to 8 m long for weekend centreboard-ballasted yachts, as well as modern trips and angling, with numerous very innova- solutions, such as hydraulically-powered dagger- tive technical solutions. boards. They are designed for inshore and inland  in the recent years, also the very dynamically sailing. Certain wonderful constructions allow developing sector of housing boats that reach sailors to go on ocean voyages on boats shorter the length of several metres. than 8 m, or on voyage around the world on boats A true and interesting side note: the Polish yacht- not longer than 9 m. Bigger construction allow for ation and good performance results are the main The boats produced are renowned in the industry ing industry is ready now to build almost any very comfortable and safe sailing any time and characteristics of these yachts. for their high quality and perfect workmanship yacht imagined by the owner, regardless of the anywhere, in any conditions and at any latitude. and finish.A ttention to detail and constant intro- materials, size and technology. In accordance with Perfect behaviour on the water, simplicity of oper- Motor boats, with over 300 different models in duction of new patterns are definitely the key to the range, include: success.  Luxurious monohulls and catamarans which The recent years in the development of the yacht- may successfully compete with world-leading ing industry are particularly interesting, as new producers. technologies of communication and materials  Average-sized vessels that allow for sailing blend with each other. The offered construction with family and friends, with excellent and may thus function flawlessly with the full applica- comfortable equipment on one hand and eve- tion of the most modern solutions for motor, nav- rything needed for angling or water sports on igation systems and electronic systems for yacht the other. control - including wireless technologies, automa- tion and remote control. Materials technologies  Very distinct fishing boats for all possible ba- introduced in the recent years improve endurance sins and types of fishing. and technical parameters - as carbon fibres and Transport and working boats constitute a sepa- new lamination techniques are implemented. rate category, including among others small ships These innovations permit constantly to improve for tourist transport and working boats for har- performance, as well as functional and aesthetic bours and marinas. parameters of new boat and yacht models. On the other hand, precise machining and handmade de- Vessels produced in Poland are successfully com- tails assure the buyer of high quality of the final petitive, in many segments of the market; both product. cost-effective boats priced at few thousand EUR All the above mentioned elements are definitely and very luxurious yachts the value of which contributors to the success of Polish products in reaches 10 million EUR. Undoubtedly, the most the international yachting market. Polish yachts significant part of the production is boats priced were often awarded during international fairs, for between 20 to 150 thousand EUR. The average innovativeness and construction. They were often value of a yacht produced in Poland nowadays nominated to be the best yacht, sailboat or motor amounts to 50-60 thousand EUR and grows sys- boat of the year. Polish dockyards are also appre- tematically every year. ciated in the international market, as proven by

  Yachting industry


numerous prestigious awards at national and in- northern and north-western part of the country, ternational exhibitions: ‘The Brand of the Future’, 80% of production plants are concentrated. Some the ‘European Company of 2003’ prize, the ‘MPS’ towns may boast of 20% share of the yachting competition, the ‘European Medal’ and many oth- industry in the job market. The regional concen- ers. The globally-available monthly magazine ‘In- tration of the industry allows for a transformation ternational Boat Industry’ published a report and of the boating traditions into a modern branch of nominated Polish yachts to the title of the ‘Yacht industry. There is no doubt that such local spe- of Europe’, in recognition of the quality of Polish cialisation is yet another influence on the high yachts. The results of the tests which Polish boats and yachts undergo are published in all the most quality of the product. The experience of various important industry magazines in Europe. companies is combined with the knowledge and Another confirmation of the high quality of the work of Polish boat builders is the fact that huge production bases of renowned Danish, French, American and Italian producers are located in Po- land. 2.3 Influence on the economy Polish boating industry consists of several hun- dreds of companies which specialise in yacht, motorboat or sailboat production. It is a very im- portant branch of economy, particularly important for traditionally less industrialised regions. Polish shipbuilding industry naturally concentrates in areas of the strongest boating traditions. In the

10 11 Yachting industry

2 YACHTS experience of highly-qualified specialists.A nother 3. Poland as a country The most significant inland marinas: advantage is the cooperation between producers,  Giżycko established in order to improve the quality of their of water tourism  Mikołajki good and increase production efficiency.  Pisz 3.1 General data  At the national level, the sector creates thousands Ruciane- workplaces, attracts highly-qualified personnel Poland has a number of basins which are ideal for  Ryn to smaller towns and plays a significant role in water tourism:  Sztynort the policies aiming at even development of the  including 770 km of the coast line of the Baltic  Tczew country. Undoubtedly, towns such as Augustów, Sea  Węgorzewo Giżycko, Ostróda or are the centres of  and well-developed network of rivers and chan-  Wrocław Polish boating industry. Big yachts are produced nels. Polish water routes: mostly at the sea coast, close to Gdańsk and Szc- The longest rivers in poland are:  - Elbe - Danube channel, with passenger route planned zecin.  - 1047 km in length  Wielkopolska loop, part 1 - Lower Route, Such a concentration of the industry allows for the  Oder - 854 km in length (742 in Poland) 68.2 km, a kayaking route acquisition of knowledge and experience by Polish  Warta - 808 km in length  Wielkopolska loop, part 1 - Lower Warta Route, designers. Many of them are well-known in inter-  - 772 km in length (587 in Poland) 68.2 km, a yachting route national markets as they design models sold in 1% of Poland’s area is covered by almost 10000  Water route E-70 (1) Lower Warta Route, 68.2 numerous places around the world and produced lakes. The biggest lakes in Poland are: km, a passenger route by not only Polish dockyards.  Śniardwy, 11487.5 ha  Wielkopolska loop, part 2 - Notec Route, 185.7 The present infrastructure, as well as experience  2. Mamry complex, 9851 ha km, a kayaking route  and capabilities of Polish yacht dockyards allow 3. Łebsko, 7020 ha  Wielkopolska loop, part 2 - Notec Route, 185.7 for w very fast development of new products and  4. Dąbie, 5408 ha km, a yachting route  even higher compatibility in the international 5. Miedwie, 491 ha  Water route E-70 (2) Notec Route, 185.7 km, markets.  6. Jeziorak, 152.5 ha a passenger route  7. Niegocin, 595 ha  Wielkopolska loop, part 3 - Bydgoski Channel -  8. Gardno, 7.5 ha Warta Route, 146.6 km, a kayaking route  9. Jamno, 1.5 ha  Wielkopolska loop, part 3 - Bydgoski Channel -  10. Wigry, 115 ha Warta Route, 146.6 km, a kayaking route  Bachotek Lake - Brodnica, Brodnickie Lake Dis- 3.2 Regions most significant trict Route, 51.9 km, a kayaking route for water tourism The intensive development of water is concentrated at the coast and selected inland waters of particular touristic importance. The necessary infrastructure has been prepared for the sake of it. The most important marinas at the seaside are:  Sopot marina  Dziwnów harbour  Gdańsk harbour  Gdynia harbour  Kołobrzeg harbour  Łeba harbour  Puck harbour  harbour  Trzebież harbour

12 13 Poland as a country of water tourism 3 YACHTS

 Toruń loop, part 1 (northern west), 208 km,  Upper Bug Route, 223 km, a passenger route  Elbląski Channel from Druzno Lake to Jeziorak a kayaking route Inland water routes in Poland and Szeląg Wielki Lakes, including those lakes  Toruń loop, part 2 (southern west), 279 km,  from the mouth of Augustowski Chan- and lakes on the route of the channel, and a side a kayaking route nel to Biebrza’s outlet to ; route towards Zalewo, from Jeziorak Lake up to  ‘The Blue ’, part 1, Mountain San, 89 km,  from the connection with Bydgoski Chan- and including Ewingi Lake; a kayaking route nel to Brda’s outlet to Vistula;  Gliwicki Channel and Kędzierzyński Channel;  ‘The Blue San’, part 2, Artificial lakes, 28.6 km,  Bug from the mouth of Muchawiec River to  Jagiellonian Channel from the connection with a kayaking route Bug’s outlet to Narew; Elbląg river to river;  ‘The Blue San’, part 3, From Zwierzyń to  Dąbie Lake up to the border off to sea territorial  Łączański Channel;  Narew River from the mouth of Biebrza Riv- Przemyśl, 158 km, a kayaking route waters;  Ślesiński Channel including the lakes on the er to Narew’s outlet to Vistula, including  ‘The Blue San’, part 4, San on Lowlands, 173.3  Augustowski Channel from the connection with route of the channel and Gopło Lake; Zegrzyńskie Lake; km, a kayaking route Biebrza River to the Polish border, including  Nogat from Vistula to Nogat’s outlet to the  Żerański Channel;  Żuławy loop, 403 km, a kayaking route lakes on the route of the channel; ;  Oder between the steps of Rędzin and Brzeg  Dead Vistula from Vistula in the town of  Bartnicki Channel from Ruda Woda lake up to  (Upper) Noteć from Gopło Lake to the connec- Przegalina up to the border of sea territorial Dolny, 20.9 km, a kayaking route and including Bartężek Lake; tion with Górnonotecki Channel and the Chan-  waters; Upper Bug Route, 223 km, a kayaking route  Bydgoski Channel; nel, and (Lower) Noteć from the connection  Upper Bug Route, 223 km, a yachting route

14 15 Poland as a country of water tourism 3 YACHTS  Western Oder from the village of Widuchowa 4. Successes and the weir there (at 704.1 km of Oder), to the border with sea territorial waters, plus side in sport branches and Klucz-Ustowo cutting which con- Yachts of Poland it is not only nects Western and Eastern Oders; its construction, sales and ex-  Parnica and Parnicki cutting from Western Oder port, it is also the passion. Tak- up to the border of sea territorial waters; ing part in sport competitions  Pisa from Ros Lake to Pisa’s outlet to Narew; is one of the manifestations of  from Vistula to Szkarpawa’s outlet this passion. Polish contest- to the Vistula Lagoon; ants compete, and achieve  Warta from Ślesiński Channel to Warta’s outlet success, in boats produced in to Oder; Poland. We are fully convinced  the system of Great Mazury Lakes - lakes con- that this is possible due to the nected with channels and creating a route from combination of quality and (and including) Roś Lake in the town of Pisz up modernity of the equipment, to and including Węgorapy River in the town of contestants’ skills, and good Węgorzewo, including the following lakes: Sek- conditions for training. Mateusz Kusznierewicz with Dominik Życki, sty, Śniardwy, Mikołajskie, Tałty, Tałtowisko, Moreover, a large amount of World Cup 2008. Photo: FRIED ELLIOTT / Kotek Wielki, Szymon, Szymoneckie, Jagodne, lakes create favorable condi- Boczne, Niegocin, Tałty, Kisajno, Dargin, Łabap, tions for tourism thanks to the natural and scenic in the Finn class at the Atlanta of Kirsajty, Mamry and Święcajty. The route in- features, which are both exceptional and unique. 1996. corporates also Giżycki, Niegociński and Piękna Here are some examples of the sporting successes Other awards: Góra Channels, as well as Ryńskie Lake and of Polish contestants and Polish sporting equip- the route from that lake in the town of Ryn to Finn Class ment in selected sports: Nidzkie Lake (to its 3rd km, the border with the  1st place - European Junior Championships Nidzkie Lake reserve), and the following lakes: 1996 Bełdany, Guzianka Mała and Guzianka Wielka; Water Ski Jumping  1st place - Olympic Games, Atlanta 1996  3rd place - Olympic Games, 2004  Vistula from the mouth of River to 2011 The Czech Republic, European Cup – Grand  1st place International Championship of Aus- the connection with Łączański Channel, and Prix of the Cable 2011: tralia 1998 from this channel’s outlet in the town of Skawi- Open men’s category:  2nd place European Championships 1996, 1999, na to Vistula’s outlet in Gdańsk Bay.  1st place: Krzysztof Biernatowicz (Ski-Line Szc- 2003 zecin) The Great Mazury Lake system is undoubtedly the  1st place European Championships 2000, 2004  2nd place: Jakub Rutkowski (AKS Sparta Au- most popular and known system of Polish inland  2nd place World Cup 1999, 2001, 2002 gustów) waters. The charm and significance of other areas  1st place World Cup 1998, 2000  3rd place: Mateusz Krzywiński (AKS Sparta Au- and systems must not be forgotten, however: gustów) Star Class  Augustowski Channel System - the greatest  with Bydgoski Channel to Noteć’s outlet to 3rd place Bacardi Cup 2007 (with Dominik achievement of 19th century water engineering Women’s jumps: 1st place: Joanna Wąż (Sparta Życki) Warta River; Augustów) is currently becoming the main water tourist  2nd place Open Championship Rio de Janeiro  Nysa Łużycka from the village of Gubin to Ny- sa’s outlet to Oder; route connecting Poland, Belarus and Lithua- 2007 (with Dominik Życki) nia YACHT SAILING  4th place Bacardi Cup 2008 (with Dominik  Oder Water Route from the town of Racibórz to the connection with Eastern Oder, which from  Żuławy Water System – the transfrontier con- Polish yachtsmen have achieved great success. Życki) Klucz-Ustowo cutting turns into Regalica River, nection in upper reaches of Oder, connecting Mateusz Kusznierewicz won numerous medals and  1st place World Cup 2008 (with Dominik Życki) including Regalica and its side branches up to German and Polish inland water systems with reached the podium in many prestigious events. His  4th place Olympic Games in Beijing 2008 (with Dąbie Lake. Sider route of ODer from Opatowice the Baltic Sea greatest success came in the form of a gold medal Dominik Życki) lock to City lock in Wrocław;

16 17 Éxitos deportivos

4 YACHTS  2nd place Europe Championship Open 2011 (with  2003 Match racing European championship; Ivan Klementjevs (C1 - 1994) Wold Championships: Dominik Życki) Team Jablonski – 1st place Beata Sokołowska – Polish canoeist who, togeth- Gold: K-2 500 m (Milan 1999)  4th place European regattas centenary Star  2002 Match racing world championship; Team er with Aneta Pastuszka, won the Olympic bronze K-4 1000 m (Sevilla 2002) Class – ‘Centennial Celebration Europe’ 2011 Jablonski – 1st place medal on two occasions in doubles at 500m (Syd- Silver: K-2 200 m (Milan 1999, Poznań 2001, (with Dominik Życki)  2001 Maxi Yachts Rolex Cup; Team Y3K – 2nd ney 2000 and Athens 2004). In her collection she Sevilla 2002)  4th place World Cup 2011 (with Dominik Życki) place has several medals from World Championships K-2 500 m (Poznań 2001) Karol Jabłoński is a Polish yachtsman, skipper,  2001 IMS 600 European championship; Team and European Championships. She has been the K-4 500 m (Zagrzeb 2005) and ice sailor. He is one of the most versatile sail- Extasy – 2nd place European and World Champion several times. Bronze: K-4 500 m (Milan 1999, Duisburg 2007, ors, achieving success in ocean ​​sailing, iceboat-  1999 Sydney’40 world championship; Team Achievements in the international arena: Poznań 2010) ing, and match racing, as well as being a multiple Thomas I Punkt – 2nd place World Cup: K-4 200 m (Milan 1999, Poznań 2001) World and European champion.  1999 Mumm 36 world championship; Team Tho- Gold: K2 500 m (1999) K-1 500 m (Gainesville 2003) Successes of Karol Jabłoński: mas I Punkt – 1st place K-2 200 m (Gainesville 2003) Silver: K4 200 m (2003, 2005)  1999 Match racing European championship; K-4 200 m (Gainesville 2003)  2010 Louis Vuitton Trophy – La Maddalena; K2 200 m (1999, 2001) Team MK Cafe – 2nd place K-2 500 m (Szeged 2011) Team Synergy – 2nd place K2 500 m (2001)  2009 Louis Vuitton Trophy – Nice; Team Syn-  1997 ILC’40 world championship; Team Pinta K-1 4x200 m relay (Szeged 2011) Bronze: K2 200 m (2003) ergy – 3rd place – 2nd place European Championship: K2 500 m (2003)  1994 Mumm 36 – Commodores Cup; Team Tho-  2009 RC 44 overall match racing; Team Organ- K4 200 m (1999) Gold: K-2 200 m (Zagreb 1999, Poznań 2000) mas I Point – 1st place ika – 3rd place K4 500 m (1999) K-2 500 m (Zagreb 1999, Poznań 2000,  2009 RC 44 Portoroz Cup match racing; Team  1993 50 Admiral’s Cup; Team Container – 2nd Szeged 2002) European Championship: Organika – 2nd place place K-2 1000 m (Zagreb 1999) Gold: K2 200 m (1999, 2000)  2009 RC 44 Austria Cup match racing; Team Or-  1992 One ton class world championship; Team Silver: K-1 200 m (Szeged 2002, Poznań 2004) K2 500 m (1999, 2000) ganika – 2nd place Thomas I Point – 2nd place K-2 200 m (Szeged 2002) K2 1000 m (1999)  2008 Swan 45 Int. Italian Champioship; Team  Between 2002 and 2004 she held the first place Bronze: K-2 1000 m (Poznań 2000) Silver: K2 1000 m (2001) Early Bird – 3rd place for 18 months in the the International Sailing K-2 200 m (Milan 2001) Federation (ISAF) ranking of match helmsmen.  2007 LOUIS VUITTON CUP; Desafio Espanol Bronze: K2 1000 m (2000) K-4 200 m (Milan 2001) – 3rd place His Greatest Achievements: K2 200 m (2001) K-4 500 m (Szeged 2002, Poznań 2005,  2005 Maxi Yachts Rolex Cup; Team Y3K – 1st  Iceboats –DN class / ICE Sailing – DN class: Olympic Games: Pontevedra 2007) place  7-time World Champion / world championships  2004: Olympic Games – Athens, bronze, K2 Krzysztof Kołomański, Michał Staniszewski (C2  2004 Match racing world championship; Team – 7 x 1st place 500 m – 2000). They also won several Polish Champion- Jablonski – 2nd place  2-time European Champion / European cham-  2000:Olympic Games – Sydney, bronze, K2 ships, three ME medals, as well as a gold medal  2003 Match racing world championship; Team pionships – 2 x 1st place 500 m (1995) and a silver medal (1999) in the World Cup. Jablonski – 3rd place  2-time Champion of North America / North Aneta Pastuszka – a four-time Olympian (Atlanta Piotr Markiewicz (K1 – 1995) In 1995 he became American championships – 2 x 1st place 1996, Sydney 2000, Athens 2004, Beijing 2008). the World Champion in singles at two distances  4-time Vice World Champion / world champion- Silver medalist at the Olympic Games in Beijing – 200 and 500m -- and won the third place (500 ships – 4 x 2nd place (2008) paired with Beata Mikołajczyk. Paired with m) at IO 96 the following year. He won many med-  2-time Vice European Champion / European Beata Sokołowska- Kulesza she is also twice Ol- als at various World Cups and European Champi- championships – 2 x 2nd place ympic bronze medalist in doubles at 500m in the onships. Since 1993 he has been the Polish Cham- Sydney Olympics (2000) and Athens (2004). CANOEING pion several times. An over-30-time medalist at the World and the Marek Twardowski (K1 – 2006 i 2011). In 1999, European Championship. The Polish have won several world champion- together with , he won the World ships in canoeing: Olypmic Games: Championships in K-2 500 m. He was a Polish rep- Stefan Kapłaniak (K1 at 500 m, 1958)  Sydney 2000 – bronze , K-2 500 m resentative at the Athens Olympics in 2004 (as Grzegorz Sledziewski (K1 at 1000 m 1971, 1975)  Sydney 2000 – 4th place, K-4 500 m a Sparta Augustów contestanst). In August 2006 Maria Ćwiertniewicz (slalom - 1977)  Athens 2004 – bronze , K-2 500 m he won The World Championship in K-2 500 m in  Pekin 2008 – silver, K-2 500 m Segedyn and five years later, again in Segedyn.  Pekin 2008 – 4tf place, K-4 500 m 18 19 Éxitos deportivos

4 YACHTS World Championship awards: Łukasz Pawłowski, Bartłomiej Pawełczak, Gold: K1 500 m (Segedyn, Hungary 2011, 2006) Miłosz Bernatajtys, Paweł Rańda – won silver K2 500 m (Milan, Italy 1999) medals at the Beiiging Olympics in 2008 (four Silver: K4 1000 m (Duisburg, Germany 2007; without coxswain, lightweight). Segedyn, Hungary 2006) K2 200 m (Segedyn, Hungary 2006; WINDSURFING Gainesville, USA 2003; Sevilla, Spain In 2010, 23 Polish contestants won 31 medals at 2002) the World and European Championships in vari- K2 500 m (Zagreb, Croatia 2005; Se- ous windsurfing classes and age groups. villa, Spain 2002) In 2012 Zosia Klepacka was the world vice-cham- K2 1000 m (Milan, Italy 1999) pion and Hania Zembrzuska was the fastest wom- K4 200 m (Milan, Italy 1999) an in the world during the World Championship in Bronze: K1 500 m (Duisburg, Germany 2007), K4 Cadiz (Spain). She achieved a speed of 25.92 knots 1000 m (Zagreb, Croatia 2005) in the Speed contest. On 28 April Maja Dziarnows- K2 200 m (Zagreb, Croatia 2005; Milan, ka and Przemek Miarczyński finished second place Italy 1999) in Hyere (France). ROWING The World Championship in ice windsurfing, which was held In Finland between 25.02 – 06.03.2011, Polish rowers are equally award-winning sports- turned out to be very fruitful for the Polish. Our men. young juniors competed against the best contest- Foto: Izabela Litwin Kajetan Broniewski – a bronze medalist in the sin- ants from several countries around the world. They gles category at the Barcelona Olympics of 1992. frequently showed who was the best on the ice. began in 2008 at the second PKRA World Cup com- ing. He is one the most award-winning powerboat petition in Tarifa, where she was awarded ‘Rookie racers in the world. During his sporting career he Robert Sycz – a bronze medalist in the Nations In the end, windsurfers from the Sailing Center in of the event’ after finishing fourth overall. has been seriously injured in accidents and even Cup (1994), gold medalist at the World Champi- Szczecin brought home as many as six medals. experienced a clinical death after an accident dur- onship (1997, 1998), gold medalist at the Olympic At present she holds the title of European Cham- Hanna Zembrzuska 2 medals: gold medal in sail ing the competitions on the lake of Gatow near Games (2000 Sydney, 2004 Athens), silver me- pion. She also won the last PKRA World Cup in New slalom, silver medal in course race for women. Berlin in 1982. dalist at the World Championship (2001, 2002, Caledonia and won the fourth place in the overall Natalia Kacprzyk 2 medals: silver medal in sail 2003), and bronze medalist at the World Cham- PKRA World Cup ranking in 2011. World Championship won by slalom, bronze in course race for women. Waldemar Marszałek: pionship (2005). Other award winning sportsmen worth mention-  Poznań 1979 O-250 Błażej Błażowski 2 medals: bronze medal in sail ing are Ania Grzelińska, Maciek Kozerski, Łukasz Tomasz Kucharski – a gold medalist at the World  Karlskrona 1980 O-250 slalom – juniors, bronze in course race - seniors. Ceranie and Jan Korycki. Championship (1997,1998), gold medalist at the  Lauffen 1981 O-250 Olympic Games (2000 Sydney, 2004 Athens), sil- KITESURFING Motorboats racers  Boretto 1983 O-350 ver medalist at the World Championship (2001,  Auronzo 1989 O-250 Poles have achieved big successes In kitesurfing, 2002, 2003). Undoubtedly, Waldemar Marszałek is the most  Chodzież 1993 O-350 which is becoming a more and more popular sport. Adam Korol, Marek Kolbowicz – both won bronze important and prolific sportsman in this field. European Championship: 17-year-old Asia Litwin is one of the most award- medals at the World Championship in 1998 (two He has been a motorboat racer in the Polonia  Linz 1981 O-350 winning kitesurfers. She competes with seniors doubles). Warszawa club, where he has been chairman  Stewarby 1990 O-250 and can boast of being the World Vice-Champion in since 2005. He is a six-time World champion, and  Mediolan 1993 O-250 Konrad Wasielewski, Marek Kolbowicz, Michał 2009 and the European Champion in 2011. Jeliński and Adam Korol – won silver medals at four-time European champion in powerboat rac-  Baia 1996 O-350 the World Championship in 2002 (four doubles), At present she holds 1st place in the IKA (Interna- gold at the World Championship in 2005, 2006, tional Kiteboarding Association) 2012 rankings. Af- 2007, 2009, and gold at the Beiiging Olympics in ter only three years of training she won the 2009 2008 (four doubles). World Cup competition of PKRA (Professional Kite- board Riders Association) in Germany. This made her the World Vice-Champion in 2009. Her career

Foto: Arek Rejs 20 21