Ll.Tgislatibt Qtountil. Ditions and Prospects of the Agricultural Industry and the Subject of Rural Credit Ttuesday, 21 November, 1922

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Ll.Tgislatibt Qtountil. Ditions and Prospects of the Agricultural Industry and the Subject of Rural Credit Ttuesday, 21 November, 1922 Suspension ofStanding Orders. (21 Nov., 1!.!22.] Community Settlements. 3857 .- Question-That the bill be now read a COMMUNITY SETTLEMENTS AND third time--put. The House divided: RURAL CREDIT BILL. The Hon. Sir JOSEPH CARRUTHERS Ayes, 25; no€€, 11; majority, 14. moved: . AYES. That·leave be given to bring in a bill to make Braddon, Sir Henry O'Conor, B. B. provision for community settlements and rural Brook!\, \V. Onslow, Colonel credit; to authorise the establishment of rura.l Oarruthers,SirJoseph Peden, J. B. Cox, Sir Owen Sinclair, A. co·operati ve associations ; and for purposes con· Dick, W. T. Storey, D. nected therewith. Dodd, J. M. Taylor, Sir Allen He said: I intend to take the course of . Farrar, E. H. Travers. J. Horne, H. E. Varley, G. H. G. speaking on this motion in order to Hughes, Sir Thomas Waddell, T. explain the provisions of the bill which Hunt, A. E. \Vise, J. H. will not be gone on with during this Hurley, W. F. Tellers, session of Parliament. The measure will Innes-Noad, S. R. Earp, G. F. be printed and cit·culated, public discus­ Lane-Mullins, J. Robson, \V. E. V. sion will be invited on its provisions, and NoEs. in the recess all parties interested will be Cruickshank, R. W. Mahony. R. invited to confer with Ministers in order Estell, J. Storey, T. Grayndler, E. SuttDr, J. Bligh that the terms of the bill may be more Hepher, J. Tellers, fully considered, amendments suggested, Hordern, P. G. Bryant, F. H. and propaganda work undertaken, so Kavanagh, E. J. Coates, ,J·. F. that people will understand what the Question so resolved in the affirmative. legislation aims at, and the way the pur­ Bill read a third time. poses of the legislation are to be achieved. House adjourned at 6.32 p.m. Thereby a considerable amount of good will be done. The Select Committee on Agriculture of this Chamber reported at considerable length on this aspect of rural life, especially in regard to the con­ ll.tgislatibt Qtountil. ditions and prospects of the agricultural industry and the subject of rural credit TtUesday, 21 November, 1922. and finance, and strongly recommends that the basis of rural finance, which Suspem;;ion of Standing Orders-Community Settlemrnts holds good in the younger countries of and Rural Credit Bill-Friendly Societies (Amen_d· the world, in Canada and the United ment) Biii-Undercliffe to Forest Hill Tramway States, which has been tried for years B'iii-Liquor (Amendment) Bill-Empire Migration­ under the system in France, in Germany, Birds and Animals Protection (Amendment) Bill (No. 2)-Botany·road Trust Constitution Biii-Do.vid and in other countries of Europe and Morris Revesting Bill-Sydney Corporation (Fish largely applied to Ireland and England, Markets) Bill-Business of the Session-Voluntary should be adopted here. That basis lies Workers (Soldiers' Holdings) Amendment Bill­ Special Adjournment-Adjournment (Close of the in the establishment of local credit asso­ Session)-Sydney Water Supply. ciations. That is the best basis possible. In this country on account of the class of settlement we have, the lands The PRESIDENT took the chair. being held by the Crown in the first instance and then gradually alienated SUSPENSION OF STANDING ORDERS. with only a sparse population, it stand10 Motion (by the Ron. Sir JOSEPH to reason that what is known as CARRUTHERS) agreed to : community life in its best sense is not known here. After a long space of years That so much of the standing orders be sus· .pended as would preclude the passing of the and waiting the settlers go out, take up undermentioned bills through all their stages Crown lands, and do the pioneering work. during one sitting of the Council, namely :­ They face all the hardships of that, and Friendly Societies (Amendment) Bill, Birds and then comes a time when, having .cleared Animals Protection (Amendment) Bill (No.2), Botany Road Trust Constitution Bill, Liquor their land and started to produce crops, (Amendment) Bill, Undercliffe to Forest Hill they have their difficulties of marketing. Tramway Bill. David Morris Revesting Bill. They also have their difficulties of modern 8858 Community Settlements {COUNCIL.] and Rural Credit Bill. methods which must be adopted, and which because those countries have been estab­ require modern plants Hot merely for pro­ lished for hundreds of years. It is the· ·ducing t.lw crop but also for its marketing. .system which has b~en also applied to 'That means money. Unfortunately the countries wr..>Jse eircu•mstances are very majority of settlers are struggling men similar to our own, the British colonies without too much means. They have a and dominions in Canada and the United hatd enough job in the first place to clear States. But lately we have had an ad­ their lands, and they generally get the vance on this system in India, which des­ wherewithal to live upon by taking a job pite the fact that it has not got respon· ·with someone else. Unless in a new sible government and representative insti­ country some system can be devised, tutions as we have has, thank God, been especially with regard to agriculturists, governed by fine British statesmen and to help a lame dog over a stile, there is fine British public officers. They have many a lame dog that will never get·over .the power to pass their acts of legislation the stile. dealing with internal problems such as One way of getting over it is by this, and probably the finest of all the the system of State aid. No worse sys­ acts dealing with rural finance is that tem could be a:lopted than unregulated now in operation in the Presidency of .State aid, or even regulatAd State aid, Madras. From the up-to-date legislation whi::h means too frequently that men are in the Presidency of Madras many of the induced to look for the aid as a sort of provisions of this bill have been drawn. political favour for which they give some­ ~l'here is one feature of the bill itself thing in return-peJ·haps it is support to which will b~·found perhaps not to have a Government or a vote for a member. its replica or model in any other country Associated with the primary need of of the world -it is a feature to which the settler, the wherewithal, you have I will ·refer later 011-anrl that is com­ introduced a system which approaches munity settlement association. In the very close to corruption. :More frequently report of the agricultural committee, it resolves itself into a system of parts of which I will refer to, is shown -coddling. Because the State is finding the what has been done in some phases in money it is regarded as a good milch other places. In Canada, the Canadian -cow, and the individ.ual does not recog­ co-operative laws in their preamble recite nise his responsibility as a member of the that they have been passed "as a means community, first of all to himself, then of improving rural life conditions, and of to his neighbour, and to the State. overcoming the economic difficulties con­ It is no use to gird at and attack the nected w-ith large farms and a scattered :system of helping these men through population." That could very well be .the State, and s:~.y it is mollycoddling, adopted bere as a fine preamble if we were and must end. I admit it ought to end, a.ccustomed· to have a preamble in our and I have never been in favour of it. bills. These 11re .the kinds of rural credit It is no use simply to gird at that system or co-operative assooiations which have and then to stop silent and do nothing come into existenee under those laws in to he~p out the natural process which Cann,da-farmers' in~titutes, co-operative should be adopted. That natural process elevator companies, agricultural co-overa­ is to devise some way whereby the poor tive association~, grain-growers' associa­ individual credit of one man, the farmer, tions, fruit-growers' associations, cool may be created into something that is storage and forwarding associations, fer­ :strong; as a credit by association with tiliser associations, egg and poultry associa­ his fellows. That is to say, you must take tions, -and similar societies designed for .a number of units to mult~ly their credi-t, simplifying their formation, for systema­ .and by acting the brother, one to the tising their work, and for efficient and -other, help to carry each otheT's burdens, economical operations Qn a truly co­ :and so enable the. burden of each one to. be opera.tive basis, with limited liability. m.ore easily carried, That is the under­ The first society fo.rmed under this law lying basis of .the system of rural iinance .was esta•blished in lfanitoba in .Tune. in the old countries. of the world. iLt 1917. By June, 1919-, the number of ~pplies to them with less·force tha.n torrs, rural credit. societies in 1lbnitoba had [The H on. Sir Joseph Carruthers. Community Settlen~ents [21 NDv., 1!122.] and Rural Credit Bill. 3859 increased to forty-four. I tried to get in. order to sell in a high market. He the figures up to date, but found that must pay cash in order to buy cheap. If he wishes to keep his children ·on the farm, our library has nqt had a single book sup­ he must make his home attractive.
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