June 21, 1788 Becomes a State

New Hampshire is a state filled with beauty. Tourists love the mountains, lakes, and beaches. In the fall, the beauty of the bright leaves in all shades of red, orange, and yellow attract many visitors. And in the winter, the mountains attract skiers from many areas. In addition, visitors find a wealth of history in the state. In St. John’s Episcopal Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, you will find the Brattle organ. It is claimed that this organ is the oldest pipe organ in the . It was built in England and sent to the colonies in 1708 or earlier. It is still in good condition, and you can hear it played on special occasions. Did you know that artificial rain was first used to fight a forest fire near Concord in 1947? Many famous people are from New Hampshire, including Franklin Pierce, Daniel Webster, Alan B. Shepard, Jr., Christa McAuliffe, Salmon P. Chase, William Pitt Fessenden, Sarah Josepha Hale, and Eleanor Porter.

Look at the map of New Hampshire below. Label the capital of New Hampshire. Locate the cities of Manchester, Nashua, Dover, Rochester, Keene, Portsmouth, Laconia, Claremont, Lebanon, Somersworth, Berlin, and Franklin, and label them on the map. Now label the White Mountains, , , , Mount Adams, Mount Jefferson, , Mount Monroe, , Profile Mountain, Cannon Mountain, , , , Mount Kearsarge, and Sunapee Mountain Also, locate the Connecticut River, Pemigewasset River, Merrimack River, Winnipesaukee River, Androscoggin River, , , Salmon Falls River, Lake Winnipesaukee, First Connecticut Lake, Second Lake, Squam Lake, Newfound Lake, and Winnisquam Lake, and label them. Lastly, label the states or bodies of water that border New Hampshire. When you have finished, move on to the timeline of New Hampshire history on the next page and the research prompts that follow.

©2017 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com Timeline of New Hampshire History





















©2017 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com 1. Publication of New Hampshire’s first newspaper begins

2. The first railroad in New Hampshire begins operations

3. New Hampshire comes under the control of the Colony

4. The first shipbuilding yard of the United States Navy opens at Portsmouth

5. New Hampshire native Alan B. Shephard, Jr., becomes the first American astronaut in space

6. Captain John Smith lands on the Isles of Shoals

7. New Hampshire becomes the 9th state in the Union

8. The first female governor in New Hampshire is elected

9. A small group of patriots removes the ammunition from Fort William and Mary

10. New Hampshire native Christa McAuliffe dies in the space shuttle Challenger disaster

11. Trader Martin Pring explores the mouth of the Piscataqua River

12. New Hampshire native Franklin Pierce becomes the 14th president of the United States

13. Benning Wentworth becomes governor of New Hampshire

14. The Old Man in the Mountain, a symbol of New Hampshire, is lost

15. Settlers are sent to establish a fishing colony in present-day New Hampshire

16. New Hampshire is the first of the original thirteen colonies to adopt its own constitution

17. The International Monetary Conference is held at Bretton Woods

18. New Hampshire becomes a royal province

19. One of the first public libraries supported by taxes is established at Peterborough

20. Dartmouth College is chartered

©2017 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com Research Prompt #1 New Hampshire native Daniel Webster gained fame as a supporter of a strong national government. However, when he started his career, he was a champion of states rights. What is the difference between the two ways of thinking? Which one do you think is the best? Why?


©2017 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com Research Prompt #2 The signing of the treaty that ended the Russo-Japanese War was in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, due to the efforts of President Theodore Roosevelt. President Roosevelt won the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end this war. Research the Russo-Japanese War. Why was it fought? What were the general terms of its settlement?


©2017 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com Research Prompt #3 Project Cirrus was the name of the program in which artificial rain was first used to fight a forest fire on October 29, 1947, in New Hampshire. How was artificial rain created? Is artificial rain something that is still created today? If so, how is it used? If not, why is it no longer used?


©2017 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com Timeline of New Hampshire History Answer Key

Trader Martin Pring explores the mouth of the Piscataqua River 1603

1614 Captain John Smith lands on the Isles of Shoals Settlers are sent to establish a fishing colony in present-day New Hampshire 1623 New Hampshire comes under the 1641 control of the Massachusetts Colony

New Hampshire becomes a royal province 1679 Benning Wentworth becomes 1741 governor of New Hampshire Publication of New Hampshire’s first newspaper begins 1756

1769 Dartmouth College is chartered A small group of patriots removes the ammunition from Fort William and Mary 1774 New Hampshire is the first of the original 1776 thirteen colonies to adopt its own constitution New Hampshire becomes the 9th state in the Union 1788 The first shipbuilding yard of the 1800 United States Navy opens at Portsmouth One of the first public libraries supported by taxes is established at Peterborough 1833 The first railroad in New 1838 Hampshire begins operations New Hampshire native Franklin Pierce becomes the 14th president of the United States 1853 The International Monetary 1944 Conference is held at Bretton Woods New Hampshire native Alan B. Shephard, Jr., becomes the first American astronaut in space 1961 New Hampshire native Christa McAuliffe 1986 dies in the space shuttle Challenger disaster The first female governor in New Hampshire is elected 1996

The Old Man in the Mountain, a 2003 symbol of New Hampshire, is lost

©2017 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com