Margaret Peterson Haddix | 336 pages | 06 Oct 2010 | Scholastic US | 9780545060509 | English | New York, United States Into the Gauntlet by | Scholastic

Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The explosive finale to the 1 bestselling series! Fourteen-year-old Amy Cahill and her younger brother, Dan, have had enough. Not only do they have to find first, they're expected to reunite their backstabbing family - the same people who killed their parents. But Amy and Dan haven't survived explosions and assassination attempts for nothing. They have a plan The explosive finale to the 1 bestselling series! They have a plan to finish the Clue hutn on their own terms. Too bad there's a final, fatal secret the Madrigals haven't told them. A secret that could cost Amy and Dan - and the world - everything. Get A Copy. Hardcover , pages. Published August 31st by Scholastic Inc. More Details The 39 Clues Warwickshire, England. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Into the Gauntlet , please sign up. Sadie maybe because it was such a important book! Debby Deshazer There is another book series called 'Vespers versus Cahills' That will answer your question. See all 6 questions about Into the Gauntlet…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Into the Gauntlet The 39 Clues, Feb 08, Kristine Lopez rated it it was amazing. I finished it after 5 hours! I won't sleep because I want every bit of the story to stay inside my head up until I finish this review. Into the Gauntlet. The final installment of the hunt of the 39 Clues. BUT the series is not yet over. We'll be discussing that after I've read the 11th book which will be released this year. For now, let's talk about the tenth. BUT if you'd make me choose. I'd have to say, it's the part when everybody, almost everybody, started to doubt. I, myself, loved the part when the author kept on changing the different point of views from an agent to another. And fun : SOOO. I've let you in on some parts of the story. You want more??? Good thing that the end ended up with her View all 8 comments. Apr 30, Zenki the Hermit rated it it was ok Shelves: children-s-books , This book has so many cliches. I think it's the most poorly written out of all the books in this series. It's a pity since it's supposed to be the ending for the search of the 39 clues. I can't even remember how often reading it frustrated me. There's one last book, and I still plan to read it. I just hope I don't regret it. May 19, Colin rated it it was amazing Shelves: clues. I must read this book! View all 5 comments. Apr 20, Mike rated it liked it Shelves: completed-series , challenge-a-a Mar 25, Mugdha Keskar added it. A secret The explosive finale to the 1 bestselling series! Feb 05, Nhu rated it it was amazing Shelves: borrow , audiobook. This is a great ending. I don't know if I will continue with the other series but it doesn't matter because this series is amazing, fun, and short. Sep 05, Keri rated it it was amazing. Ah the 39 clues is such a fast pace, thrilling, mysterious, alliances and betrayal, exciting twists and turn series. I really like all of the books. They were all easy, and fun to read. But I just finished the 9th book yesterday and me and my sister heard the last Book came out a few days ago. So we looked at the library, 18 holds on the book. It was great! A wonderful wrap on the race for the clues, a wrap on the story and the series. I really loved all the mystery, suspense adventure. I just kept flipping thr pages, waiting to see wht would happen next! It was great - alliances, betrayals, unity an workin together, everyone finally being a family, the madrigals, defeating Isabel, the trust and faith in each other. It was a great book an I really enjoyed it! In October! Next month! I'm really excited For it ; :D But they are for now. About halfway through the book, the suspense really begins and continues full speed ahead. Haddix makes use of short chapters and cliffhanger endings to keep the reader turning the pages. This was the longest of the books at over pages. I look forward to the continuation. In addition, this book offers an interactive experience for kids. They can collect the cards that come with each books, play the games online and win prizes. View 2 comments. Feb 22, Lisa Brown rated it really liked it Shelves: audio-book , chapter-book , children-s-books , books-for-big-girls , adventure , books-for-big-boys. The final of the original 39 Clues series, and in my opinion, the best book of them all. Amy and Dan have not only discovered that they truly are from the Madrigal branch of the family, but that they must try and reunite the other branches in order to truly win and find the final of the 39 clues. As they search in London for the final clue, the younger generation of each of the other branches begin to mistrust their parents. One by one, they begin to decide that they need to join forces, however The final of the original 39 Clues series, and in my opinion, the best book of them all. One by one, they begin to decide that they need to join forces, however, there are those that will do anything to stop them - even murder. Probably the most exciting and engaging of all the books. I loved how it brought in all the characters, and how they have transformed over the course of the series. Very fun, and leaves you with resolution, but excited for the next series. Aug 28, Jonah added it Shelves: favorites , clues. OK, this book is one of the books that made me cry. It's not great. Not good. Not awesome. The only word to desribe it is this: Epic. Margaret Peterson Haddix did an amazing job with this book. In the beginning, we are informed how much the Clue Hunt has tired two till-recently-ordinary kids and how much they think that the ambitions of the Madrigals seem unlikely to happen to the kids' eyes, with the best possible way. He OK, this book is one of the books that made me cry. He thinks of what his less-than-nice-mother has asked him to do: to assasinate the Cahill siblings, something that frightens him. Then, they start to fight, as usual, for a piece of paper with orders for the next steps of the Clue Hunt. Dispatched from the UK in 3 business days When will my order arrive? . . . . . Sue Linda Park. Margaret Peterson Haddix. David Pittu. Mrs . We use cookies to improve this site Cookies are used to provide, analyse and improve our services; provide chat tools; and show you relevant content on advertising. Accept all Manage Cookies. Cookie Preferences We use cookies and similar tools, including those used by approved third parties collectively, "cookies" for the purposes described below. We use cookies to provide our services , for example, to keep track of items stored in your shopping basket, prevent fraudulent activity, improve the security of our services, keep track of your specific preferences e. Performance and Analytics. ON OFF. We use cookies to serve you certain types of ads , including ads relevant to your interests on Book Depository and to work with approved third parties in the process of delivering ad content, including ads relevant to your interests, to measure the effectiveness of their ads, and to perform services on behalf of Book Depository. Cancel Save settings. Home Contact us Help Free delivery worldwide. Free delivery worldwide. Bestselling Series. Harry Potter. Popular Features. Home Learning. The Vespers are coming. Into the Gauntlet begins as Amy and Dan Cahill enter a London hotel tired and with no lead whatsoever. They receive another lead, but this is stolen by Isabel Kabra via a pet monkey, who leaves them a coin with a fancy script K on it. However, Dan, who has already memorized it, rewrites it. Amy looks all over the Internet to find out what it means, and she is about to shout out when Nellie realizes that the Kabra coin is a bug. She destroys it, along with three other bugs from each of the other three branches. Once there, they confront the Starlings, who are back in the clue hunt after being sent to the hospital in an explosion back in , and steal their lead, but they are trapped by Jonah Wizard, who was forced back into the clue hunt by Cora Wizard, the Holts, Alistair Oh, and the Kabras. Hamilton Holt steals the piece of paper with the lead, but Dan rips off the top and bottom, and he and Amy run away while everyone else is fighting over the rest of the lead. Their section of the lead says: "For this great man we sing was b here". The rest of the word that goes with the letter "b" was torn off, so they assume that it was supposed to be "born". At Shakespeare's birthplace, Amy and Dan realize that the word was supposed to be "buried" and are the last to arrive at Shakespeare's grave site besides Isabel Kabra, Eisenhower Holt, and Cora Wizard. However, they are surprised to find that no one is fighting with each other and are instead making unsuccessful exchanges of clues and information. The teams eventually leave the Cahills in the grave site with video cameras, but they are aware of this and communicate by writing on a sheet of paper while pretending to draw a picture of Shakespeare. They then go outside to Shakespeare's grave, and Dan does a rubbing of it. However, just as Dan finds a secret line that does not show on the tombstone, the other teams arrive. Dan pretends to mess up and tears the paper apart, careful to rub just the first four lines when someone from each team asks for a rubbing. Once everyone leaves, he makes a rubbing for them but includes the last four lines, in which Shakespeare asks them to dig up his grave. They also find a ribbon with seemingly random letters on it but are forced to unravel it as the other teams appear and chase them. Meanwhile, Sinead Starling steals a digitized version of the ribbon from the grave's guardian while everyone else plants a homing device on Amy and Dan, who have recreated the ribbon out of the bottom of Nellie's's old t-shirt and wrapped it around the metal pole to find the coordinates to the house of the original Cahills- a house on an island off the coast of Ireland. Into the Gauntlet: 10 : Margaret Peterson Haddix :

One by one, they begin to decide that they need to join forces, however The final of the original 39 Clues series, and in my opinion, the best book of them all. One by one, they begin to decide that they need to join forces, however, there are those that will do anything to stop them - even murder. Probably the most exciting and engaging of all the books. I loved how it brought in all the characters, and how they have transformed over the course of the series. Very fun, and leaves you with resolution, but excited for the next series. Aug 28, Jonah added it Shelves: favorites , clues. OK, this book is one of the books that made me cry. It's not great. Not good. Not awesome. The only word to desribe it is this: Epic. Margaret Peterson Haddix did an amazing job with this book. In the beginning, we are informed how much the Clue Hunt has tired two till-recently-ordinary kids and how much they think that the ambitions of the Madrigals seem unlikely to happen to the kids' eyes, with the best possible way. He OK, this book is one of the books that made me cry. He thinks of what his less-than-nice-mother has asked him to do: to assasinate the Cahill siblings, something that frightens him. Then, they start to fight, as usual, for a piece of paper with orders for the next steps of the Clue Hunt. When they fight ends, Jonah starts singing a song about the Cahill family's hatred and about dreams of reunion, something that A. No one except the Madrigals and few other branches' Cahills have ever thoight of. Something that kept Jonah's mother Cora from getting her son out of jail for damaging the Globe Theatre. The final part is the best. The characters are in the Cahill Island, trapped in a tunnel called the Gaunlet, in their way to find the last Clue and the Master Serum. They work together, something unexpectable, carrying Jonah who's bones have been broken by constant slidings. They even save each other from a hole that was created by an explosion. Then, as they unlock a door, they see the remains of other tries to reunite the Cahill family and know that this is it: here's the Clue, the Serum. And they start running. What does he do? Everyone would've expected him to quit. But, no. He still wants to please his mother, a mother who believes that Jonah has so many fans, being a superstar, that he needs no mother. We learn their emotional status in an amazingly realistic way. And then the unthinkable happens. Isabel is already holding the vial containing the Serum, having the characters's that are in the Gaublet relatives tied to graves with dybamite, blackmailing to kill them if the Cluehunters inside the Gaunlet don't tell their Clues to her, because well, the vial has no Serum, but And then, we're told about what the characters feel like when they tell their Clues to Isabel, watching in a screen. And Sinead's brother comes into the scene to save everyone, who has an illness, that causes his head to hurt extemely bad. And that happens right that moment: his head begans to hurt. But then, Isabel who was holding the vial with the actual Serum,falls on the floor and anyway the vial slips away and Ian just tries to prevent them from taking it only because he thinks no one should have it. And then, Amy thinks that they have no chance to save themselves, until she thinks "No, I shouldn't think in that way. We're Amy and Dan versus Isabel. Two versus one. And I don't care if I die. And everyone's is saved! Then, Dan is thinking that with his photographic memory he remembers the recipe for the Serum and that if the others tell him their Clues, they could use the Serum to cure Sinead's brothers. And everyone tells him their Clues, he writes them, gives them to Sinead, but she says that she doesn't need it, she has another plan to cure them. And they're right. Afterwards, they decide to trun back to their old ife, but not for long : there's a new threat. Edit: So, in a few words, I liked the suspense, how the character's personalities changed throughout theHunt, the emotional status of the characters, the fact that the younger Cahill generation gave p hated, violence and hostility and chose friendship for a better future of the world and of course the new threat in the end of the book. I know that my review is not as good as it shiuld be for such an epic book, but the book is just so EPIC. Oct 27, TerryC rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Loved this book series, my favorite part probably being where all the branches of one large treasure-hunting family comes together to defeat the main bad guy. Overall, I definitely would recommend it because of how amazingly the book pieces together. Although you have to read the first book to understand the next, nonetheless, it was still an amazing book. View 1 comment. Nov 08, Addy S. This book was really good! No inappropriate language: I was sad that it's the last book in the series, but the ending was good. A considerable amount of violence, to caution you. Can't wait to start on the Cahills VS. May 21, Reviews May Vary rated it really liked it Shelves: audio-books , roctbf This is the last book in a series, I think. The 10th. So, obviously, a lot has happened. But I really enjoyed this conclusion and the level of "reminders" about previous happenings. Feb 08, Ocean Weeks rated it it was amazing Shelves: middlegrade. Aug 31, Kate Jackson rated it really liked it. This has been my personal favourite of all the books. Everything that you can expect from a final book , sappy , emotional , ofcourse in the classic 39 clues style - loads of near death experiences. Dan and Amy have been ordered to reunite the family after finding the 39th clue. The Madrigals?! I listened to the book okay? I'm a huge fan of emotional sappy scenes in books. Especially with a book series with 9 books and 6 This has been my personal favourite of all the books. Especially with a book series with 9 books and 6 kids I've come to love. Mar 27, Melissa Snyder rated it it was amazing. This is a great youth series with lots of nerdy history tidbits thrown into a worldwide hunt for clues. Feb 07, Joyce Chan rated it it was amazing. Prompt: My own prompt: What technique does the author use to make this book more compelling? Focus on one technique and find examples to prove why you think that example was funny. The technique the author to make this book more compelling is using humor. There are quite many examples of this technique in this book and all the others in this series although every book is written by a different author. His mother could smile brightly Prompt: My own prompt: What technique does the author use to make this book more compelling? His mother could smile brightly at another woman and say so charmingly, "Oh, that dress is just perfect for you. Wherever did you get it? Not only that, the adjectives "hideous, shapeless and repulsive"are whimsical words to describe clothes. I also like the phrase "shapeless old hag", the image in my mind when I picture this is amusing. The dude really knew how to insult people. The fact that the insults were written in old times illustrates an even more interesting twist to his insults. To me, Shakespeare is like a really old man but now I know he writes insults, he seems more real to me. Some of the words that he used are still common nowadays, increasing the hilarious aspect of this passage. By the way, I am not sure what 'outvenoms' is "Begone! Let us finish our play, meet our intended fates This passage was funny because the actor was just in the middle of talking about fate but then his fate changed. View all 16 comments. Dec 26, Heidi Olivia rated it liked it Shelves: read. It's 39 clues but only 10 books - I kinda expected 39 books. This final book takes them to London, the Globe Theatre, Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, culminating in this uncharted isle off the Irish coasts - the ultra-secret Cahill home isle It's 39 clues but only 10 books - I kinda expected 39 books. This final book takes them to London, the Globe Theatre, Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon, culminating in this uncharted isle off the Irish coasts - the ultra-secret Cahill home isle. Overall, the series make pretty good reading for children of 11 -1 4 years of age. Especially this one that attempts to inculcate a love or at least an interest in Shakespeare with Dan looking up the many different ways Shakespeare invented insults: "You idiot," Amy muttered. I liked this little dialog between Jonah and Miss Pluderbottom, Iowa school teacher who has "been teaching Shakespeare to high school students in Cedar Grove, Iowa, for the past forty-nine years. It made her look even scarier. Is that correct? Apr 15, Lady Flo rated it it was amazing. One word is enough to describe. However, I am gonna say some more. Till previous book, each book was equal to one clue. From previous one, first, branches began to share clues among themselves, now whole family shared their clues. Actually, all clue hunting was for to reunite five branches as accomplished in this book. Scenes of family unison with young generation, except Uncle Alistair who was older all of others, was so touching because they understood their parents faults and could One word is enough to describe. Scenes of family unison with young generation, except Uncle Alistair who was older all of others, was so touching because they understood their parents faults and could see or find the truth. This book is supposed to be the last one of the 39 Clues series. Actually it was, with a great ending. Yet, it was also a beginning to the new and dangerous adventure which requires a united family. View all 4 comments. Jun 06, Tarissa rated it it was amazing. Love this middle grade series. On the whole, the series introduces kids to history and important people. Although it might warp the true facts a bit, I don't mind for the sake of adventure and intrigue. Book 10 is positively epic. I can't imagine what even takes place in the final book of the first 39 Clues series. Guess I'm about to find out though! After reading this one it really got me to thinking. The 39 Clues would make for an awesome movie or TV series. Now wouldn't it? Dec 09, Jerry rated it really liked it. A Quickie Review A bit longer and more "epic" than the previous volumes in this series, this installment dishes up the usual thrills. Fans who have read The 39 Clues up to this point should definitely keep reading. Oct 04, Tori "Carina" rated it it was amazing. Excellent plot, not the least bit boring! May 28, En-Jia added it. I think that Isabel Kabra is evil, because she would kill everyone in the clue hunt and even maybe some innocent people before she gives up. Feb 02, Suzan rated it really liked it. I love the principle characters of this series and I love that though it is a childrens series it's an intelligent childrens series that doesn't assume kids to be ignorant as it includes a lot of educational facts as well, with this book focusing on Shakespeare as a Cahill ancestor and the key to the final clue in the clue hunt. I loved the Kabra kids finally took a good look at their mother and decided to break away and not allow themselves to become like her. A lot of Amy and Dan's relatives t I love the principle characters of this series and I love that though it is a childrens series it's an intelligent childrens series that doesn't assume kids to be ignorant as it includes a lot of educational facts as well, with this book focusing on Shakespeare as a Cahill ancestor and the key to the final clue in the clue hunt. A lot of Amy and Dan's relatives took a good look at themselves in this book and decided they didn't like what they seen and while they aren't suddenly a happy family as that would be unrealistic, they do seem to have reconciled some of their family, the main rivals on the hunt have become allies and could become friends in the future, Amy and Dan have succeeded in their mission and it looks like they're finally going to get justice for their parents deaths as Alistair is going to redeem himself by finally coming forward about the events of the night their parents were killed and testify against Isabelle Kabra. It's also revealed that this is not the end of the series as I thought it would be which I'm glad to hear as they've resolved some of the problems within their family and now will face a threat from a rival family. I'm looking forward to the series continuing! Really a 3. Wrapping up a 10 book mystery is quite a task. Doing so when you aren't the author of the first 9 books was probably harder. Overall Haddix did an OK job. I didn't feel like the kids' voices range particularly true, especially the supporting characters. And having to wrap things up caused a lot of points to feel overly simplified, minus some of the depth and emotion I'd come to hope for in this series, if not expect wit Really a 3. And having to wrap things up caused a lot of points to feel overly simplified, minus some of the depth and emotion I'd come to hope for in this series, if not expect with the revolving door of authors. And a few points were just too unbelievable, like a flat-screen TV and all of the accompanying electronics and wiring showing up at a crucial point where it just couldn't have happened; it was an easy answer that felt disrespectful to the kids and adults reading the book. Nevertheless, the author did generally capture the tone and wording of the series, brought in and resolved a lot of the previous plot points, and started another mystery as a bonus. And who'll win prizes from this contest? We'll see! Jun 01, Dione Basseri rated it it was amazing Shelves: reviewed , type-prose , genre-mystery , genre-ya. So, it was pretty obvious where this was going several books ago, but it was still pretty satisfying to get to the end! After several books looking at the four original Cahill branches, we finally learn about a Madrigal: Shakespeare! Dan, Amy, and Nellie jaunt about London, gathering the final clues, while the other teams simply follow them. But alliances are shifting and people are beginning to realize whom their family members really are. This leads to a final few chapters worthy of a National So, it was pretty obvious where this was going several books ago, but it was still pretty satisfying to get to the end! This leads to a final few chapters worthy of a National Treasure movie! But I'm just Because there's one more book in the main series, and apparently we're not done with things. There's new things. Rick Riordan. Gordon Korman. Peter Lerangis. Jude Watson. Patrick Carman. Sue Linda Park. Margaret Peterson Haddix. David Pittu. Mrs Linda Sue Park. We use cookies to improve this site Cookies are used to provide, analyse and improve our services; provide chat tools; and show you relevant content on advertising. Accept all Manage Cookies. Cookie Preferences We use cookies and similar tools, including those used by approved third parties collectively, "cookies" for the purposes described below. We use cookies to provide our services , for example, to keep track of items stored in your shopping basket, prevent fraudulent activity, improve the security of our services, keep track of your specific preferences e. Performance and Analytics. ON OFF. We use cookies to serve you certain types of ads , including ads relevant to your interests on Book Depository and to work with approved third parties in the process of delivering ad content, including ads relevant to your interests, to measure the effectiveness of their ads, and to perform services on behalf of Book Depository. Cancel Save settings. Home Contact us Help Free delivery worldwide. Free delivery worldwide. Bestselling Series. Harry Potter. Popular Features. Home Learning. Into the Gauntlet: Description The hunt continues in this New York Times" best-selling series. Other books in this series. The Maze of Bones Rick Riordan. Add to basket. One False Note Gordon Korman. Peter Lerangis. Jude Watson. The viper's nest Peter Lerangis. Patrick Carman. The Emperor's Code Gordon Korman. Storm Warning Sue Linda Park. Into the Gauntlet: 10 Margaret Peterson Haddix. Into The Gauntlet (39 Clues, book 10) by Margaret Peterson Haddix

The journey through the rift becomes even rockier as the survivors are forced to take The journey through the rift becomes even rockier as the survivors are forced to take to the water, crossing a vast deepwater basin on improvised boats. To make it, Molly and the others must work together, but a rift of a View Product. Beyond the Grave The 39 Clues Series 4. Bestselling author Jude Watson takes Amy and Dan on a thrill- packed ride for the 4th Bestselling author Jude Watson takes Amy and Dan on a thrill-packed ride for the 4th installment of The 39 Clues series. Betrayed by their cousins, abandoned by their uncle, and with only the slimmest hint to guide them, fourteen-year old Amy Come November. This refreshingly original, contemporary YA debut centers on Rooney, a teen girl struggling to hold This refreshingly original, contemporary YA debut centers on Rooney, a teen girl struggling to hold her family together in the face of her mother's delusions. Tensions run high in the explosive 8th book of 39 Clues, the 1 New York Tensions run high in the explosive 8th book of 39 Clues, the 1 New York Times bestselling series. One belief has sustained fourteen-year-old Amy Cahill and her younger brother, Dan, on their hunt for the 39 Clues: They are the good Fly High, Fly Guy! Fly Guy Series 5. The fifth book in an award-winning, easy-to-read series about a boy and his pet fly, The fifth book in an award- winning, easy-to-read series about a boy and his pet fly, each book in the series has a fun foil cover! Mom and Dad won't let Fly Guy go along on the family road trip. They're afraid Gregor and the Marks of Secret Underland Chronicles. In Book 4 of the bestselling Underland Chronicles, Gregor is drawn ever deeper into a brewing The first book in the 1 bestselling phenomenon sends readers around the world on the The first book in the 1 bestselling phenomenon sends readers around the world on the hunt for the 39 Clues! Minutes before she died Grace Cahill changed her will, leaving her decendants an impossible decision: You have a choice - one Are you ready to save the world? The bestselling series returns with an adventure spanning The bestselling series returns with an adventure spanning 6 explosive books, 2 secret-filled card packs, and a website that places readers right in the action. Show less Show more Advertising ON OFF We use cookies to serve you certain types of ads , including ads relevant to your interests on Book Depository and to work with approved third parties in the process of delivering ad content, including ads relevant to your interests, to measure the effectiveness of their ads, and to perform services on behalf of Book Depository. Dispatched from the UK in 3 business days When will my order arrive? Rick Riordan. Gordon Korman. Peter Lerangis. Jude Watson. Patrick Carman. Sue Linda Park. Margaret Peterson Haddix. David Pittu. Mrs Linda Sue Park. We use cookies to improve this site Cookies are used to provide, analyse and improve our services; provide chat tools; and show you relevant content on advertising. Accept all Manage Cookies. Cookie Preferences We use cookies and similar tools, including those used by approved third parties collectively, "cookies" for the purposes described below. We use cookies to provide our services , for example, to keep track of items stored in your shopping basket, prevent fraudulent activity, improve the security of our services, keep track of your specific preferences e. Performance and Analytics. ON OFF. We use cookies to serve you certain types of ads , including ads relevant to your interests on Book Depository and to work with approved third parties in the process of delivering ad content, including ads relevant to your interests, to measure the effectiveness of their ads, and to perform services on behalf of Book Depository. Cancel Save settings. Home Contact us Help Free delivery worldwide. Free delivery worldwide. Bestselling Series. Harry Potter. Popular Features. Home Learning. Into the Gauntlet: Description The hunt continues in this New York Times" best-selling series. Other books in this series. The Maze of Bones Rick Riordan. Add to basket. One False Note Gordon Korman. The Sword Thief Peter Lerangis. Beyond the Grave Jude Watson. The viper's nest Peter Lerangis. The Black Circle Patrick Carman. The Emperor's Code Gordon Korman.

Into the Gauntlet (The 39 Clues, #10) by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Home Contact us Help Free delivery worldwide. Free delivery worldwide. Bestselling Series. Harry Potter. Popular Features. Home Learning. Into the Gauntlet: Description The hunt continues in this New York Times" best-selling series. Other books in this series. The Maze of Bones Rick Riordan. Add to basket. One False Note Gordon Korman. The Sword Thief Peter Lerangis. Beyond the Grave Jude Watson. The viper's nest Peter Lerangis. The Black Circle Patrick Carman. The Emperor's Code Gordon Korman. Storm Warning Sue Linda Park. Into the Gauntlet: 10 Margaret Peterson Haddix. : Vol. En La Profundidad Jude Watson. About Margaret Peterson Haddix Margaret Peterson Haddix worked as a newspaper copy editor, a newspaper reporter, a community college instructor and a freelance writer. Haddix lives in Columbus, Ohio. Rating details. It was great - alliances, betrayals, unity an workin together, everyone finally being a family, the madrigals, defeating Isabel, the trust and faith in each other. It was a great book an I really enjoyed it! In October! Next month! I'm really excited For it ; :D But they are for now. About halfway through the book, the suspense really begins and continues full speed ahead. Haddix makes use of short chapters and cliffhanger endings to keep the reader turning the pages. This was the longest of the books at over pages. I look forward to the continuation. In addition, this book offers an interactive experience for kids. They can collect the cards that come with each books, play the games online and win prizes. View 2 comments. Feb 22, Lisa Brown rated it really liked it Shelves: audio-book , chapter-book , children-s-books , books-for-big-girls , adventure , books-for-big-boys. The final of the original 39 Clues series, and in my opinion, the best book of them all. Amy and Dan have not only discovered that they truly are from the Madrigal branch of the family, but that they must try and reunite the other branches in order to truly win and find the final of the 39 clues. As they search in London for the final clue, the younger generation of each of the other branches begin to mistrust their parents. One by one, they begin to decide that they need to join forces, however The final of the original 39 Clues series, and in my opinion, the best book of them all. One by one, they begin to decide that they need to join forces, however, there are those that will do anything to stop them - even murder. Probably the most exciting and engaging of all the books. I loved how it brought in all the characters, and how they have transformed over the course of the series. Very fun, and leaves you with resolution, but excited for the next series. Aug 28, Jonah added it Shelves: favorites , clues. OK, this book is one of the books that made me cry. It's not great. Not good. Not awesome. The only word to desribe it is this: Epic. Margaret Peterson Haddix did an amazing job with this book. In the beginning, we are informed how much the Clue Hunt has tired two till-recently-ordinary kids and how much they think that the ambitions of the Madrigals seem unlikely to happen to the kids' eyes, with the best possible way. He OK, this book is one of the books that made me cry. He thinks of what his less-than-nice-mother has asked him to do: to assasinate the Cahill siblings, something that frightens him. Then, they start to fight, as usual, for a piece of paper with orders for the next steps of the Clue Hunt. When they fight ends, Jonah starts singing a song about the Cahill family's hatred and about dreams of reunion, something that A. No one except the Madrigals and few other branches' Cahills have ever thoight of. Something that kept Jonah's mother Cora from getting her son out of jail for damaging the Globe Theatre. The final part is the best. The characters are in the Cahill Island, trapped in a tunnel called the Gaunlet, in their way to find the last Clue and the Master Serum. They work together, something unexpectable, carrying Jonah who's bones have been broken by constant slidings. They even save each other from a hole that was created by an explosion. Then, as they unlock a door, they see the remains of other tries to reunite the Cahill family and know that this is it: here's the Clue, the Serum. And they start running. What does he do? Everyone would've expected him to quit. But, no. He still wants to please his mother, a mother who believes that Jonah has so many fans, being a superstar, that he needs no mother. We learn their emotional status in an amazingly realistic way. And then the unthinkable happens. Isabel is already holding the vial containing the Serum, having the characters's that are in the Gaublet relatives tied to graves with dybamite, blackmailing to kill them if the Cluehunters inside the Gaunlet don't tell their Clues to her, because well, the vial has no Serum, but And then, we're told about what the characters feel like when they tell their Clues to Isabel, watching in a screen. And Sinead's brother comes into the scene to save everyone, who has an illness, that causes his head to hurt extemely bad. And that happens right that moment: his head begans to hurt. But then, Isabel who was holding the vial with the actual Serum,falls on the floor and anyway the vial slips away and Ian just tries to prevent them from taking it only because he thinks no one should have it. And then, Amy thinks that they have no chance to save themselves, until she thinks "No, I shouldn't think in that way. We're Amy and Dan versus Isabel. Two versus one. And I don't care if I die. And everyone's is saved! Then, Dan is thinking that with his photographic memory he remembers the recipe for the Serum and that if the others tell him their Clues, they could use the Serum to cure Sinead's brothers. And everyone tells him their Clues, he writes them, gives them to Sinead, but she says that she doesn't need it, she has another plan to cure them. And they're right. Afterwards, they decide to trun back to their old ife, but not for long : there's a new threat. Edit: So, in a few words, I liked the suspense, how the character's personalities changed throughout theHunt, the emotional status of the characters, the fact that the younger Cahill generation gave p hated, violence and hostility and chose friendship for a better future of the world and of course the new threat in the end of the book. I know that my review is not as good as it shiuld be for such an epic book, but the book is just so EPIC. Oct 27, TerryC rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Loved this book series, my favorite part probably being where all the branches of one large treasure-hunting family comes together to defeat the main bad guy. Overall, I definitely would recommend it because of how amazingly the book pieces together. Although you have to read the first book to understand the next, nonetheless, it was still an amazing book. View 1 comment. Nov 08, Addy S. This book was really good! No inappropriate language: I was sad that it's the last book in the series, but the ending was good. A considerable amount of violence, to caution you. Can't wait to start on the Cahills VS. May 21, Reviews May Vary rated it really liked it Shelves: audio-books , roctbf This is the last book in a series, I think. The 10th. So, obviously, a lot has happened. But I really enjoyed this conclusion and the level of "reminders" about previous happenings. Feb 08, Ocean Weeks rated it it was amazing Shelves: middlegrade. Aug 31, Kate Jackson rated it really liked it. This has been my personal favourite of all the books. Everything that you can expect from a final book , sappy , emotional , ofcourse in the classic 39 clues style - loads of near death experiences. Dan and Amy have been ordered to reunite the family after finding the 39th clue. The Madrigals?! I listened to the book okay? I'm a huge fan of emotional sappy scenes in books. Especially with a book series with 9 books and 6 This has been my personal favourite of all the books. Especially with a book series with 9 books and 6 kids I've come to love. Mar 27, Melissa Snyder rated it it was amazing. This is a great youth series with lots of nerdy history tidbits thrown into a worldwide hunt for clues. Feb 07, Joyce Chan rated it it was amazing. Prompt: My own prompt: What technique does the author use to make this book more compelling? Focus on one technique and find examples to prove why you think that example was funny. The technique the author to make this book more compelling is using humor. There are quite many examples of this technique in this book and all the others in this series although every book is written by a different author. His mother could smile brightly Prompt: My own prompt: What technique does the author use to make this book more compelling? His mother could smile brightly at another woman and say so charmingly, "Oh, that dress is just perfect for you. Wherever did you get it? Not only that, the adjectives "hideous, shapeless and repulsive"are whimsical words to describe clothes. I also like the phrase "shapeless old hag", the image in my mind when I picture this is amusing. The dude really knew how to insult people. The fact that the insults were written in old times illustrates an even more interesting twist to his insults. To me, Shakespeare is like a really old man but now I know he writes insults, he seems more real to me. Too bad there's a final, fatal secret the Madrigals haven't told them. A secret that could cost Amy and Dan - and the world - everything. Product Details About the Author. Age Range: 9 - 12 Years. About the Author. Margaret Peterson Haddix worked as a newspaper copy editor, a newspaper reporter, a community college instructor and a freelance writer. Haddix lives in Columbus, Ohio. Related Searches. Apex Predator Horizon Series 4. The journey through the rift becomes even rockier as the survivors are forced to take The journey through the rift becomes even rockier as the survivors are forced to take to the water, crossing a vast deepwater basin on improvised boats. To make it, Molly and the others must work together, but a rift of a View Product. Beyond the Grave The 39 Clues Series 4. 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