
Celebrate the Corridor! …….Dartmouth Street Square 2010: 20th Anniversary of the Southwest Corridor State Park 1. Harcourt/Canton CG Ħ South End Sunday, Sept 12th, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm 2. Follen CG Ħ 3. Braddock Park CG …….WestĦ Newton Street • Open Garden Day X TITUS SPARROW Visit a dozen Community Ħ Gardens on the Corridor 4. Greenwich Park CG PARK Ħ (including the BNAN SW 5. Blackwood/ MAIN STAGE Corridor Community Claremont CG 11:00-2:00 Farm),10:00 am-12:30 pm. …….Mass Ave. Receive a FREE Passport MASS AVE STATION then collect stickers and raffle 6. Saranac/Newcastle CG Ħ tickets along the way. • Enjoy A Bike Ride Jeffrey Ferris will lead a bike MISSION HILL …….Ruggles St. tour with stops to discuss the PLAYGROUND X history of the Southwest 10:00-12:30 Corridor. Riders leave Titus ……. Sparrow Park at 11:30 am and return by 1:00 pm. • Or A Free Ride on the T A limited number of FREE Roxbury passes will be available at each of the playgrounds! Come early …….Centre Street if you want to ride the Orange Line free from Back Bay to JP. Southwest Corridor Ħ • Playground Fun Community Farm (BNAN) Park Rangers will host activities STONY BROOK STATION at Mission Hill and Stony Brook ……. 10:00 am-12:30 pm. X 7. Lamartine/Hubbard CG Ħ • The Main Stage: 11-2 STONY BROOK PLAYGROUND Titus Sparrow Park 8. Lawndale Terrace CG Ħ 10:00-12:30 Live Music, Raffle Prizes, Display Tables, Volunteer …….Green Street Awards, Photo Contest, and the new Healthy Heart Trail!

KEY: CG = Community Garden = Ħ Playground Activities = X 9. McBride/Boynton CG Ħ 10. Hall/Boynton CG Ħ 11. Anson/Spaulding CG Ħ Sponsors include: Dept. of Conservation & ……. Recreation, City of , and MBTA. FOREST HILLS STATION For more information: visit www.SWCPC.org Arnold Arboretum and www.mass.gov/DCR