Salafi Jihadists Deny Involvement in Sinai Kidnapping, Military Operation
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AILY EWS WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2013 N D ISSUE NO. 2197 NEWSTAND PRICE LE 4.00 EGYPT Egypt’s Only Daily Independent Newspaper In English A MORE AFRICAN EGYPT TAKING EGYPT’s religious ARTISTIC WORKS of ‘intimACY’ TEMPERATURE Foreign Minister Mohamed Dr Saria Sidky’s ‘Intimacy’ exhibit Kamel Amr says Egypt has always US State Department publishes offering an emotional and personal supported ‘freedom fighters’ in its annual report on religious look into a number of uniquely Africa 2 freedom in the world 3 painted characters 8 Morsi meets Salafi jihadists deny involvement in Sinai Brahimi ahead of Friends of kidnapping, military operation looms Syria meeting By Ahmed Aboul Enein chairperson,” the upper house’s ma- By Joel Gulhane jority leader Essam El-Erian said. Salafi jihadist groups denied any El-Erian, also the deputy leader of President Mohamed Morsi met with responsibility for the kidnapping of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political United Nations and Arab League Spe- the seven soldiers being held hos- wing, the Freedom and Justice Party, cial Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi tage in Sinai. added that there is no disagreement at the presidential palace on Monday. Often blamed by the media for between the Brotherhood and the According to his spokesperson, Bra- being responsible for the kidnap- military or between Morsi and the himi is pleased that Egypt is restarting ping, the Salafist Jihadism movement military who he said “was one with its quartet initiative. in Sinai released a statement denying the military and Supreme Command- Brahimi and Morsi discussed the responsibility and instead blamed the er of the Armed Forces”. “latest developments in the efforts government and military for allowing National Security Committee undertaken to resolve the Syrian Sinai to reach the state it is in. Chairman Reda Fahmy blamed the crisis”, said a statement published “We have repeatedly stated that media on its handling of the crisis by the presidency on Monday eve- our goals in Sinai are to fight the and particularly its airing of the video ning. Minister of Foreign Affairs Mo- Zionist enemy and that we do not of the kidnapped soldiers on Sunday, hamed Kamel Amr also attended target Egyptian soldiers,” the state- which depicts them blindfolded and the meeting. ment said, adding that the entire kid- bound despite the military calling on The trio discussed preparations for napping might be staged in order to all television channels and newspa- the upcoming Friends of Syria meet- provide pretext for an attack on Sinai pers to not air it. He added that “all ing, scheduled to be held in Amman and the “slaughtering of its people” national forces” must be united in the on Wednesday. Amr is expected to by the military. face of this situation. attend along with his counterparts Intensive efforts are being made Presidential advisor Ayman Ali said from Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qa- to free the kidnapped soldiers and that the operation to retrieve the sol- tar, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, return them unharmed, Prime Min- diers “had started since Saturday” and the United States, Britain, France, ister Hesham Qandil said on Tues- that President Morsi was in direct con- Germany and Italy. day, adding that everyone should / Stringer AFP Photo trol of both the political and military During the meeting Morsi and back the country’s leadership and Egyptian soldiers are deployed in the area of the Rafah Border Crossing between Egypt and Gaza on Tuesday aspects of the operation. Brahimi also discussed ways to co- remain calm. He added that there is full coop- ordinate between Brahimi’s efforts “We should realise that we are The Shura Council Committee on describes a national security coun- national security committees in both eration between all state institu- and Morsi’s quartet initiative, which facing a very dangerous situation and National Security, Arab, and Foreign cil entrusted with handling crises houses of parliament. tions and that the presidency was aims to include Egypt, Turkey, Iran stand behind the leadership and stop Affairs meanwhile called on Presi- affecting national security and is “The National Security Council is not after a “media show” otherwise and Saudi Arabia to find a solution with the strikes and sit-ins and start dent Mohamed Morsi in its Tuesday composed of the president, prime important so that the president could it would had achieved that a while to the crisis. Morsi proposed the working and producing because play- session to form the Nation Security minister, speakers of both houses of meet all the relevant officials at once ago, but rather the priority was to initiative at an Organisation of the ing politics right now stalls the path of Council described in the constitu- parliament, ministers of defence, in- instead of separately. The elected Shu- free the soldiers and make sure they Islamic Cooperation meeting in development,” Qandil said at a meet- tion to deal with the Sinai kidnapped terior, justice, finance, foreign affairs, ra Council would be represented in are unharmed. Mecca last August. ing of the Supreme Advisory Council soldiers incident. health, general intelligence chief, and the decision-making process through for Workplace Safety and Health. Article 193 of the constitution the chairpersons of the defence and its speaker and defence committee Continued on page 2 Continued on page 2 NSF addresses Sinai crisis Food insecurity on the rise By Rana Muhammad Taha Egypt representative and coun- The National Salvation Front calls on authorities to exercise more transparency when dealing with the situation in Sinai try director, stated that such an The percentage of food insecurity increase in poverty rates did not The National Salvation Front (NSF) increased in Egypt by three per happen “overnight”. stated on Tuesday that its main con- cent from 2009 to 2011, says a re- “People’s inability to have ad- cern is the preservation of Egypt’s cent international study. equate and nutritious food is largely national security and sovereignty A joint report released on Tues- attributed to rising poverty rates in Sinai. day by the World Food Programme and a succession of crises,” Bordi- The military has been on high alert (WFP), the International Food Policy gnon said. since the kidnap of seven soldiers in Research Institute (IFPRI) and the The report also revealed that the Sinai on Thursday. The kidnapped sol- Central Agency for Public Mobilisa- rate of poverty in urban areas is ris- diers appeared in a video on Sunday, tion and Statistics (CAPMAS) stated ing faster than rural areas. Greater blindfolded, calling upon President that 13.7 million Egyptians suffered Cairo, for instance, has a larger num- Mohamed Morsi to release political from food insecurity in 2011. ber of poor and food-insecure peo- detainees from Sinai. According to the report, 15.2% ple than rural Upper Egypt, although In a press statement released of the population moved to pov- the latter has the highest poverty on Tuesday, the NSF stated that it’s erty between 2009 and 2011, while rate nationwide. the people’s right to be transpar- only 7.7% moved out of poverty. ently informed with the situation in GianPietro Bordignon, WFP Continued on page 3 Sinai, specifically in regards to the Al-MalkyAhmed presence of terrorist and criminal The National Salvation Front holds an emergency meeting on Monday to discuss the latest events in Egypt including cells and their connections beyond the judiciary and the situation of the kidnapped soldiers in Sinai Egypt’s borders. The struggle: Egyptians The front also called for the an- Established in late April, Tamarod is the judiciary bill proposed by the comes to legislating,” the statement read. nouncement of the results of investi- collecting signatures to withdraw Al-Wasat Party, which aims to lower The Judges’ Club boycotted the obtaining foreign visas gations into the death of 16 security confidence from President Mohamed the retirement age of judges from 70 “Justice Conference”, which was personnel during a terrorist attack on Morsi, calling for early presidential to 60 in an effort to eliminate what called for by President Mohamed a checkpoint in August 2012. elections. The front announced its full the party said was corruption in the Morsi to solve the crisis, after the “We wish the soldiers are success- support of the campaign, making its judiciary. The bill has created a crisis council insisted on discussing the fully freed and the terrorists who kid- entire headquarters available for the between the judicial, executive and amendments. napped them are brought to justice,” use of campaign members to collect legislative branches of government. The front released its statement the statement read. signatures. “All laws related to justice cannot following a meeting between opposi- The NSF also addressed in its state- The front also announced its sup- be discussed by the Shura Council for tion leaders at the headquarters of ment the petition campaign Tamarod. port of the judges’ stance towards the council’s lack of jurisdiction when it the Al-Wafd Party on Tuesday. Egyptian Stock Exchange Commentary 7.0877 7.6241 Closing Daily Change Farid Zahran writes: EGX 30 5,407.25 -0.46% The group promises to restore the 6.9819 7.012 advantages of the nationalistic state, but will get rid of its flaws. The most It is summer time in Egypt, a sea- Union, the United Kingdom and the EGX 70 448.37 0.01% 8.9193 9.5459 prominent figures of this group son when may Egyptians prepare to United States. Daily News Egypt ex- joined the Mou’tamar Party led by travel abroad for a myriad of reasons, plores the stories of some Egyptians 10.5589 11.3007 EGX 100 755.74 -0.19% Amr Moussa, and the Egyptian Patri- whether for tourism, business or and the problems they faced when otic Movement led by Ahmed Shafiq studying.