KANELA d.o.o Kneginje Ljubice 4 SPECIFICATION SHEET FTSC02A Version of the: Požega SERBIA BROWN CANE ROW MUSCOVADO 17/4/2020 Page: 1/5


RAW MATERIAL : Sugar cane vegetable origin (, Indian Ocean)

Origin of the raw material / PROVENANCE: Mauritius, Indian Ocean

IMPORTER/MARKETER FOR SERBIA: Ducla trading d.o.o. 11 080 Zemun, Serbia


Botany: Common name: sugar cane Latin name: Saccharum officinarum Family : Poacées (graminées) Other names: sugar mascobado, gur, , chancaca, , piloncillo, rapadura…

History of the plant :

Sugar cane is a grass mainly grown in tropical and subtropical regions. Since prehistoric times, sugar cane and have long been the only sources of sugar for mankind. Sugar cane contains up to 16% in its stalks, of which up to 96% can be extracted in an industrial process. Clues that can be traced back to the botanical origin of New Guinea's "Saccharum robustum" date back more than 12,000 years. Indeed, the indigenous peoples of this region consumed the sweet juice contained in the stems of the sweet reed. Sugar cane cultivation is widespread in regions on both sides of the Equator, between latitudes 35° North and 30° South (tropical and subtropical regions). In the period before the harvest, the plant gradually produces its sugar (sucrose). in the leaves thanks to the combined action of the sun, water and air (photosynthesis). Sucrose is stored in the stem and it is important to know that in a single stem there is 10 to 15% fibrous matter and 12 to 18% sugar, in the form of sucrose and a little . One cane stalk gives up to 20 litres of juice from which about 2kg of sugar is extracted. Sugar cane is harvested after eleven to eighteen months of cultivation, before flowering.

Manufacturing process:

Muscovado sugar is a whole, unrefined cane sugar from Mauritius (Indian Ocean) while in the Philippines it is called "mascobado" (also called Barbados sugar). In South Asia, there is a very similar sugar called gur or jaggery. In Mexico, it is called chancaca, panela or piloncillo, and of course, better known, in Brazil it is called Rapadura. It is dark brown in colour with a high content (molasses is a mixture resulting from the refining of sugar extracted from sugar cane) which gives it a pronounced taste. To make it, first of all, the sugar cane is pressed to obtain its juice. This is then heated and stirred manually until it is completely dry, to obtain a powder that remains slightly moist. This delicate heating will preserve the nutrients of the cane.

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This residue is dried, and when it is completely dry, it is crushed. The product thus obtained is called "Muscovado sugar". It is this ancestral method that gives so much heat to this sugar which has an aromatic intensity and a liquorice taste. Its colour varies from pale brown to dark brown. Thanks to this manufacturing process, this sugar is made of sucrose and molasses. It is said to be "complete", unlike refined sugar () which is separated from molasses.

Description / Tips for use:

Having kept its molasses, the muscovado sugar with its dark brown crystals reveals spicy and roasted notes, aromas of liquorice, , , old rum, sometimes a hint of smoke. Being unrefined, it is rich in minerals and trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, sulphur, vitamin B3 PP, vitamin B7. It contains 200 times more vitamins and minerals than refined white sugar and, for the same weight, contains fewer calories. Its nutritional richness is an advantage, as it allows the body to be "satiated" and thus to ask less for sweetened food afterwards. Because it tastes fuller, you will need less sugar because it is more effective. Small doses are more than enough. Muscovado is used as an ingredient in food and , and as a sweetener in hot drinks, often used to sweeten coffee. Pastry chefs use it to add new flavours to their recipes.

AVERAGE NUTRITIONAL VALUES (per 100g) calorific value 1675 kJ / 394 kcal Carbohydrates 98 g - of which 95 g Fats and fats 0 g - of which saturated fatty acids 0 g Dietary Fibre 0 g Protein 0,5 g Salt 0,07 g Vitamin B5 1 mg (17% des NVR*) Iron (Fe) 2,3 mg (16% des NVR*) Phosphorus (P) 3,9 mg max. Calcium (Ca) 85 mg max. Magnesium (Mg) 23 mg max. Potassium (K) 100 mg max. * NRV: Nutritional Reference Values

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PHYSICO-CHEMICAL Specifications mean value method analysis polarization > 98 % 99,31 % icumsa gs2/1/3/9-1 humidity < 0,06 % 0,01 % icumsa gs2/1/3/9-15 reducing sugars < 0,04 % < 0,005 % 3(29/83) conductive ash < 0,25 % 0,025 % icumsa gs1/3/4/7/8-13 staining in icumsa solution 1900 à 2400 2320 icumsa gs1/3-7 Sulphites (sulphur dioxide, SO2) ppm < 10 mg/kg < 1,8 mg/kg icumsa gs2/1/7-33 CONTAMINANTS aflatoxins b1 (ppb) < 2 < 0.1 en 14123 aflatoxins b1 -b2 - g1 - g2 (ppb) < 4 < 0.5 en 14123 organochlorine pesticides (ppb) < 10 < limite de détection asu 100.000-34 organophosphate pesticides (ppb) < 5 < limite de détection asu 100.000-34 HEAVY METALS (ppm) arsenic < 1 < 0,001 icp en 15763 lead < 0,5 < 0,001 icp en 15763 mercury < 0,05 < 0,005 icp en 15763 cadmium < 0.02 < 0,100 icp en 15763 copper cadmium < 1 < 0,01 icp en 15763 BACTERIOLOGY / MICROBIOLOGY

Mesophilic germs < 200 ufc/1g 12 nf en iso 4833 Yeast Aerobics < 10 ufc/1g < 1 /1g nf v 08-059 Mould < 10 ufc/1g < 1 /1g nf v 08-059 escherichia coli(mmp/g) absence / 10g absence / 10g nf v 08-053 total and fecal coliforms absence / 10g absence / 10g nf v 08-060 salmonella on 25g absence absence rapid test oxoid Indicative GRANULOMETRY average opening < 1.5 mm 0.3 à 1,2 mm icusma gs2/9-37 variation ratio < 40 % 38% icusma gs2/9-37

Regulations/Quality guarantees : GMOs /Ionization/Additives/Dyes/Dyes/Allergens: Absence

SUGAR complies with the European regulations on human food, including Directive 2000/13/EC, and complies in particular with the following updated texts:

Regulations 178/2002/EC and 852/2004/EC relating to food hygiene Directive 2001/111/EC relating to certain sugars intended for human consumption Regulation 1935/2004/EC on materials intended to come into contact with food Regulation 1881/2006 on maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs

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Regulation 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on foodstuffs Law 2012-1442 of 24/12/2012 aiming at suspending the manufacture, import, export and marketing of any food packaging containing bisphenol A.

This product is a conventional product,not derived from GMOs according to the regulations 1829/2003 and 1830/2003 for the labelling of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). This product is free of any ingredients in the form of manufactured nanomaterials. This product has not undergone irradiation / ionization treatment according to Directives 1999/2/EC and 1999/3/EC. This product does not contain any of the allergenic products listed in the EU INCO Regulation N°1169/2011 and Directive 2000/13/EC.


STORAGE AND DLUO (best before date) :

Dry crystallized sugars are not subject to dluo (directive ce 2000/13 - art 9, INCO EU Regulation N°1169/2011). Storage should be carried out at a moderate ambient temperature (18 to 30°C), and at a relative humidity below 65%, avoiding thermal shock, contact with damp surfaces and the proximity of strongly smelling products.

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The packaging used is approved for food contact. Packaging : 25 kg multi-ply paper bag / pallet 40 bags - 1000 kg polyethylene bag 5 kg / pallet 120 bags - 600 kg polyethylene bag 1 kg x 12 / pallet 85 bundles - 1020 kg

Remarks - All packaging materials used for sugars are materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs and comply with the various legislation in force (European Regulations (EU) No 1935/2004, (EU) No 2023/2006 and if applicable (EU) No 10/2011, concerning plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs).

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