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Communication Model Fact Sheet CMST &230_Unit01_Reading_Communication Model Fact Sheet Communication Model Fact Sheet What is the purpose of a visual model? Visual models are a long-standing component of the communication discipline and offer a way to “see” what is happening when we communicate. We all communicate everyday of our lives, but can we truly identify the elements or forces at play when communication is occurring? A visual model of communication provides a picture of what happens when people are communicating, and they also give insight into the various influences on communication exchanges. The most well-known model of communication is referred to as the Transactional Model of Communication. This model highlights what happens when two people are communicating. This visual framework contains five influential elements, including: the people communicating, the messages being sent, the channel of communication, noise, and fields of experience. A Transaction Model of Communication Noise Noise Noise Noise Person Person Channel B A Channel Message Elements of the Model Defined Person A This is one of the people involved in the communication transaction and is indicated by the circle on the left hand side of the diagram Person B This is the second person involved in the communication transaction and is indicated by the circle on the right hand side of the diagram. Message The message is at the heart of the communication exchange, and is indicated by the rectangle in the center of the model. The message is the content and the ideas we are exchanging. For example, when telling your co-worker how to process a claim, the steps you describe are the message. This is referred to as a “content” message. It is important to note that we also send messages regarding how we feel about the other person, the relationship, or the situation. These are known as relational messages, and are more often than not, are communicated nonverbally. Returning to the example above, if you describe the steps in processing a claim in a sarcastic voice, while rolling your eyes, you are sending a relational message of annoyance, irritation, etc. The same content message could also be delivered in supportive tone of voice and body language that conveys a sense of respect. Finally, notice that the message is represented by a two-way arrow. This illustrates that the people involved are constantly sending and receiving messages, giving feedback both verbally and nonverbally, and adjusting to each other accordingly. Channel In communication, the channel can be defined as the pathway or the medium through which a message is exchanged. Therefore, the channel is represented by the diamond shape between the message and the communicators. Some examples of communication channels include: face-to-face, phone calls, text messages, emails, and social networks. In the modern technological age, it becomes even more important to consider which messages are appropriate for which channel. Noise In communication, noise is defined as anything that inhibits the flow of communication or distracts the people involved. Because noise is a disruption, it is represented in the model by arrows that flow from top to bottom, breaking up the movement of the message to the communicator at several points in the model. Noise is more than just loud sounds. In fact, there are three categories of noise: Physical Noise – This is the first type that comes to mind. For example, loud music in another room or students talking at the next table would qualify as physical noise. Physiological Noise – Distractions the come from within a person’s physiology or body. Being hungry, tired, or having a headache are all examples of physiological noise. Psychological Noise – Mental chatter that becomes a distraction; worrying about a test you have later in the day. For example, thinking about an argument that you had with a co-worker is psychological noise. Fields of Experience The last elements of the model are represented by the large oval shapes encircling each person. This is sometimes referred to as a communicator’s environment; however, this label is insufficient in some ways. It often leads people to think about the physical location only, when there is much more involved. In everyday language, fields of experience can be explained as “where you are coming from” or “everything that makes you who you are.” A person’s environment, or field of experience, includes aspects such as: upbringing, work experience, education, religion, culture, past experiences in groups, and more. Summary Models of communication provide a visual representation of what happens when people are communicating. The most well-known model is the Transactional Model of Communication. Although this model most closely illustrates interpersonal communication, it provides a starting point for considering what elements should be included in order to represent communication in other contexts. COMM215_Unit01_Reading_Introduction Part 2 Introduction to Group and Team Communication Excerpt from.... Hahn, Laura K., Lance Lippert, and Scott T. Paynton. "Survey of Communication Study - Chapter 1 Foundations: Defining Communication and Communication Study." 2009. Web. 7 Feb. 2013. < ations:_Defining_Communication_and_Communication_Study>. Introduction Have you ever had this happen to you in a college class? At the beginning of the semester your professor hands out the syllabus and explains that a group project is part of the course requirements. You, and others in the class, groan at the idea of this project because you have experienced the difficulties and frustrations of working in a group, especially when your grade depends on the work of others. Does this sound familiar? Why do you think so many students react negatively to these types of assignments? The reality is that group work can be fraught with complications. But, the reality is, many companies are promoting groups as the model working environment. Case In Point Don’t think knowing how to participate in groups or teams really matters outside of college? Think again. The Atlanta Business Chronicle reports that many companies are using group incentives and team-based pay to “reinforce and reward individuals who contribute to the success of the group as a whole.” This kind of pay structure is meant to reward group outcome, not individual performance in a group. Next time you don’t want to work in a group, remember you are practicing skills that may help you earn more money. Chances are that a class assignment is not your first and only experience with groups. We are quite certain that you have already spent, and will continue to spend, a great deal of your time working in groups. You may be involved with school athletics in which you are part of a specialized group called a team. You may be part of a work or professional group. Many of you participate in social, religious, and/or political groups. The family in which you were raised, regardless of the configuration, is also a group. No matter what the specific focus—sports, profession, politics, or family—all groups share some common features. 1 While group communication is growing in popularity and emphasis, both at the academic and corporate levels, it is not a new area of study. The emergence of group communication study came about in the mid 1950s, following World War II and has been a focus of study ever since. Group communication is often closely aligned with interpersonal communication and organizational communication which is why we have placed it as a chapter in between these two areas of specialization. In your personal, civic, professional lives, you will engage in group communication. Let’s take a look at what constitutes a group or team. Group Communication Then The first study that was published on group communication in the New School era of communication study was credited to Edwin Black in 1955. He studied the breakdowns in group interactions by looking at communication sequences in groups. However, it wasn’t until the 1960s and 70s that a large number of studies in group communication began to appear. Between 1970 and 1978 114 articles were published on group communication and 89 more were published by 1990 (Salwen & Stacks, 1996, p. 360). Study in group communication is still important over a decade later as more and more organizations focus on group work for achieving their goals. Defining Groups and Teams To understand group and team communication, we must first understand the definition of a group. Many people think that a group is simply a collection of people, but that is only part of it. If you walk out your front door and pull together the first ten people you see, do you have a group? No! According to Wood (2003) a group must have, “three or more people who interact over time, depend on each other, and follow shared rules of conduct to reach a common goal” (p. 274). Gerald Wilson defines a group as, “a collection of three or more individuals who interact about some common problem or interdependent goal and can exert mutual influence over one another” (2002, p. 14). He goes on to say that the three key components of a group are, “size, goal orientation, and mutual influence” (p. 14). Interpersonal communication is often thought about in terms of dyads. That is, we often communicate interpersonally in pairs. Organizational communication might be thought of as a group that is larger than 12 people. While there are exceptions, for the most part, group size is often thought of in terms of 3-12 people. So, if the ten people you gathered outside of your front door were all neighbors working together as part of “neighborhood watch” to create safety in the community, then you would indeed have a group.
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