SYNAXIS the Symposium Journal
SYNAXIS the symposium journal n. a periodical gathering published by eighth day institute Theophany 2019 Vol. 6, No. 1 U.S. $15 EROS AND THE MYSTERY OF GOD On the Body, Sex & Asceticism EROS & THE MYSTERY OF GOD ON THE BODY, SEX & ASCETICISM EDITED BY Erin Doom EIGHTH DAY INSTITUTE WICHITA, KS 2019 SENIOR EDITOR & DESIGNER Erin Doom BOOK REVIEW EDITORS The Eighth Day Books Crew SYNAXIS is published to promote the renewal of culture through faith and learning. Published by Eighth Day Institute, 2836 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS, 67214, Synaxis is a tri-annual publication, published in conjunction with the annual Eighth Day Symposium in January, the annual Florovsky Week in July, and the annual Eighth Day Books Anniversary celebration at the Inklings Oktoberfest in October. Subscriptions are automatically included with all levels above the “Donor” level of Eighth Day Memberships (see inside back cover for details). Theophany 2019, Volume 6, Number 1. Copyright © 2019 by Eighth Day Institute, a nonprofit corporation. All contributions above the cost of subscription are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. To subscribe, send check or money order to: Eighth Day Institute, 2836 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS, 67214. For credit card subscriptions, visit us online at or call 316-573-8413. Financial contributions, back issue orders, letters to the editor, manuscript submissions, and inquiries should be directed to our editorial office at Eighth Day Institute, 2836 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS, 67214, or by email to Although Eighth Day Institute and Eighth Day Books have no formal affiliation or financial relationship, our support for each other is mutual and enthusiastic.
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