LIFESTYLE COMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 2021 Meeting called to order at 10:00am via virtual conferencing Members Present: Connie King, Pam Castro-Lee, Emilie Jester, Lee Powell, Patti Petersen, Jerry Irwin, Salvie McFarlane, Ellen Owens, Pat Cochran, Vanessa Ayon • A moment of silence was held in recognition of Dennis Gilmore and Rich Smetana. • Connie introduced Vanessa Ayon to the group. She is our new Assistant General Manager. OLD BUSINESS Staying Connected - Connie reported on resident participation on the virtual activities and programs. Many participants have reported they would like this program to continue because they do not participate in many of the scheduled activities being introverts or physically unable. Consensus - The Committee agreed to continue on with virtual programs. The Cooking Class had the highest attendance. Connie is planning in March a Rock & Roll Bingo night for $5.00 buy-in. The committee suggested doing again – which was hugely popular. NEW BUSINESS Informed Consent Agreement – Connie reported that Lifestyle is trying to consolidate all Club Waivers into a single system, with a universal waiver. Information and waivers have been sent to Club Presidents asking them to send to their members for signature. In order to stream line, the process, Lifestyle is looking into a “DocuSign” that would be on-line. Meanwhile the present waiver is under review for some changes to it. Lifestyle 2021 Event Calendar – Music To My Ears can be done virtual until we can gather outdoors, and a virtual one is being planned. Some of the virtual events are offering dinner special from Shadows, helping to draw business to them. Concerts indoors for 2022 are being discussed where there would be two shows to allow more space between the attendees. It was suggested that maybe shows could be recorded live and offered at another price – which might be considered. SUGGESTIONS Committee suggested we look into a Drive in Concert to present to the Board when the state opens up such activities. Marketing Ideas – Discussion on using Monday’s E-blast as an excellent tool to get the word out on top of information in the VIEW. Vaccines – The Committee confirmed, even with vaccines available, that we await direction from the state and county health departments with acceptance by the SCSH HOA before we can move forward with LifeStyle activities that involve “gatherings”. Committee meetings are always the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10:00am. Pam is going to try ad do a recurring calendar on Zoom. Meeting Adjourned 11:00pm NEXT MEETING TUESDAY MARCH 16TH 3/8/21