Forum Program 13TH Awid International Forum
13TH AWID INTERNATIONAL FORUM Feminist Futures: Building Collective Power for Rights and Justice FORUM PROGRAM Costa do Sauípe, Bahia - Brazil • 8-11 September 2016 Betty Barkha Alice Odingo AWID Board of FRIDA The Young Feminist Fund, Fiji Soroptimist International / University of Nairobi, Kenya Directors Charlotte Bunch Center for Women’s Global Leadership, Ruth Ojiambo Ochieng Myrna Cunningham Kain (President) USA African Feminist Forum, Uganda International Forum of Indigenous Ireen Dubel valentina pellizzer Women, Nicaragua Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), One World Platform, Bosnia and Lydia Alpízar Durán (Executive Director) The Netherlands Herzegovina AWID, Costa Rica / Mexico Erika Guevara Rosas Shirley Pryce Zeina Zaatari (Secretary) Amnesty International, Mexico Jamaica Household Workers’ Union, Independent, Lebanon / USA Jamaica Meerim Ilyas Jaime L. Chase (Legal Counsel) Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Kaythi Win Cooley LLP, USA Rights, Kyrgyzstan / USA Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW), Myanmar (Burma) Cledeneuza Maria Bizerra Oliveira Brazil, Mozn Hassan Egypt, Nazra for Feminist 2016 Forum MIQCB (Movimento Interestadual das Studies Quebradeiras do Coco Babaçu) International Myrna Cunningham Kain Nicaragua, Dina Dublon USA, Independent International Forum of Indigenous Planning Committee Women Farida Shaheed Pakistan, Shirkat Gah Nica Dumlao Philippines, Philippine Every AWID Forum planning involves Felogene Amuno Kenya, AWID team Internet Freedom Alliance an extensive engagement by an Virginia Vargas Peru, Centro de la Mujer Nicky McIntyre Scotland, Mama Cash International Planning Committee Peruana Flora Tristán Nidhi Goyal India, Disability and Gender (IPC). This time, the 2016 Forum Hakima Abbas pan-Africanist, AWID team Rights Activist and Writer IPC is even more diverse and Ignacio Saiz Spain, Center for Economic Nilcea Freire Brazil, Independent representative of the movements and Social Rights AWID aspires to convene.
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