WOMEN’S CYCLES (MOTORCYCLES, THAT IS) | TACKLING WIFE ABUSE IN AFGHANISTAN | SUMMER READING GUIDE & MORE! WOMEN’S NEWS & FEMINIST VIEWS Summer 2008 Vol. 22 No. 1 Made in Canada JANE RULES THE BELOVED AUTHOR SHARES HER THOUGHTS ON LIVING, LOVING AND WRITING SIZING UP FASHION JANE RULE 1931–2007 ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SIZE ZERO $6.95 Canada/US Publications TOSHI Mail Agreement No. 40008866; PAP Registration No. 07944 Return Undeliverable Addresses to: REAGON PO Box 128, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2G1 Canada FINDING THE GOOD Display until September 15, 2008 WhyIJoinedtheCAW AA Young Young Worker's Worker's Story Story Iusedto ButonceI think my got injured... job was the greatest... Nobody was Things changed when there I joined the CAW... to help... Nowthere'salwayssomeoneinmycorner. Wanna join? Visit: www.caw.ca or call 1-877-495-6551 Email:
[email protected] SUMMER 2008 / VOLUME 22 NO. 1 news DOMESTIC ASSAULT IN AFGHANISTAN 6 by Lauryn Oates 8 CAMPAIGN UPDATES MY HEART BELONGS IN THE CAPE 12 by Anat Cohen ITALIAN WOMEN MOBILIZE 13 by Meagan Williams 6: Addressing Domestic Assault in Afghanistan WHAT IF EQUALITY RULED? 14 by Shari Graydon features HOW THE MEDIA KEEPS US HUNG UP 16 ON BODY IMAGE By Shari Graydon JANE RULES 20 It has been said that every child on Galiano learned to swim in Jane Rule and Helen Sonthoff ’s swimming pool. The couple bought their house on Galiano Island as a weekend getaway in the 1970s, fell in love with it and never left. Rule’s legacy is explored in this intimate interview completed in the year before her passing.